2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
CREATE TABLE ` users_subscriptions ` (
` user_id ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` subscription_type ` varchar ( 255 ) NULL ,
` timestamp_start ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` duration ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` active ` tinyint ( 1 ) NULL DEFAULT 1 ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` ) ,
INDEX ` user_id ` ( ` user_id ` ) ,
INDEX ` subscription_type ` ( ` subscription_type ` ) ,
INDEX ` timestamp_start ` ( ` timestamp_start ` ) ,
INDEX ` active ` ( ` active ` )
) ;
CREATE TABLE ` logs_shop_purchases ` (
` timestamp ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` user_id ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` catalog_item_id ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` item_ids ` text DEFAULT NULL ,
` catalog_name ` varchar ( 255 ) NULL ,
` cost_credits ` int ( 10 ) NULL ,
` cost_points ` int ( 10 ) NULL ,
` points_type ` int ( 10 ) NULL ,
` amount ` int ( 10 ) NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` ) ,
INDEX ` timestamp ` ( ` timestamp ` ) ,
INDEX ` user_id ` ( ` user_id ` )
) ;
CREATE TABLE ` logs_hc_payday ` (
` timestamp ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` user_id ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` hc_streak ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` total_coins_spent ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` reward_coins_spent ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` reward_streak ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` total_payout ` int ( 10 ) UNSIGNED NULL ,
` currency ` varchar ( 255 ) NULL ,
` claimed ` tinyint ( 1 ) DEFAULT 0 NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` ) ,
INDEX ` timestamp ` ( ` timestamp ` ) ,
INDEX ` user_id ` ( ` user_id ` )
) ;
ALTER TABLE ` emulator_settings ` MODIFY COLUMN ` value ` varchar ( 512 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL AFTER ` key ` ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.enabled ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.next_date ' , ' 2020-10-15 00:00:00 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.interval ' , ' 1 month ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.query ' , ' SELECT SUM(cost_credits) AS `amount_spent` FROM `logs_shop_purchases` WHERE `user_id` = @user_id AND `timestamp` > @timestamp_start AND `timestamp` <= @timestamp_end AND `catalog_name` NOT LIKE \ ' CF_ % \ ' AND `catalog_name` NOT LIKE \ ' CFC_ % \ ' ; ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.streak ' , ' 7=5;30=10;60=15;90=20;180=25;365=30 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.currency ' , ' credits ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.percentage ' , ' 10 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.creditsspent_reset_on_expire ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.achievement ' , ' VipHC ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.discount.enabled ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.discount.days_before_end ' , ' 7 ' ) ;
2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.scheduler.enabled ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.scheduler.interval ' , ' 10 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onhcexpired ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onlogin ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onchangelooks ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onmimic ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onmannequin ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.clothingvalidation.onfballgate ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' gamedata.figuredata.url ' , ' https://habbo.com/gamedata/figuredata/0 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.max.friends ' , ' 300 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.max.friends.hc ' , ' 1100 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.max.rooms ' , ' 50 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.users.max.rooms.hc ' , ' 75 ' ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.auto.pixels.hc_modifier ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.auto.points.hc_modifier ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.auto.credits.hc_modifier ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.auto.gotwpoints.hc_modifier ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
2020-10-16 03:22:12 -04:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' room.chat.mutearea.allow_whisper ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
DELETE FROM ` emulator_settings ` WHERE ` key ` IN ( ' hotel.max.rooms.per.user ' , ' hotel.max.rooms.user ' , ' hotel.max.rooms.vip ' , ' max.friends ' , ' hotel.max.friends ' , ' max.friends.hc ' , ' hotel.max.friends.hc ' ) ;
2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
ALTER TABLE ` users_settings ` ADD COLUMN ` max_friends ` int ( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT 300 AFTER ` has_gotten_default_saved_searches ` ;
ALTER TABLE ` users_settings ` ADD COLUMN ` max_rooms ` int ( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT 50 AFTER ` has_gotten_default_saved_searches ` ;
ALTER TABLE ` users_settings ` ADD COLUMN ` last_hc_payday ` int ( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER ` has_gotten_default_saved_searches ` ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
ALTER TABLE ` users_settings ` ADD COLUMN ` hc_gifts_claimed ` int ( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER ` has_gotten_default_saved_searches ` ;
2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
ALTER TABLE ` permissions ` ADD COLUMN ` cmd_subscription ` enum ( ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' ) NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' AFTER ` cmd_credits ` ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.keys.cmd_subscription ' , ' subscription;sub ' ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.invalid_action ' , ' Invalid action specified. Must be add, +, remove or - ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.type_not_found ' , ' %subscription% is not a valid subscription type ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.invalid_params_time ' , ' Invalid time span, try: x minutes/days/weeks/months ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.success_add_time ' , ' Successfully added %time% seconds to %subscription% on %user% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.user_not_have ' , ' %user% does not have the %subscription% subscription ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.success_remove_time ' , ' Successfully removed %time% seconds from %subscription% on %user% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.success_remove_sub ' , ' Successfully removed %subscription% sub from %user% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.user_not_found ' , ' %user% was not found ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.error.cmd_subscription.invalid_params ' , ' Invalid command format ' ) ;
2020-10-04 00:25:55 +02:00
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' subscriptions.hc.payday.message ' , ' Woohoo HC Payday has arrived! You have received %amount% credits to your purse. Enjoy! ' ) ;
2021-01-10 02:49:15 +00:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.roomuser.idle.not_dancing.ignore.wired_idle ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
2020-10-05 03:13:09 +02:00
-- INSERT INTO users_subscriptions SELECT NULL, user_id, 'HABBO_CLUB' as `subscription_type`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AS `timestamp_start`, (club_expire_timestamp - UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS `duration`, 1 AS `active` FROM users_settings WHERE club_expire_timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
2020-10-14 23:29:57 +02:00
2020-12-27 13:13:26 -05:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.rooms.deco_hosting ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2020-12-20 14:07:31 +00:00
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' easter_eggs.enabled ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2020-10-14 23:29:57 +02:00
ALTER TABLE ` bots `
ADD COLUMN ` bubble_id ` int ( 3 ) NULL DEFAULT 31 AFTER ` effect ` ;
2020-11-29 15:46:14 -05:00
-- Permissions to see tent chat
ALTER TABLE ` permissions ` ADD ` acc_see_tentchat ` ENUM ( ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' AFTER ` acc_see_whispers ` ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.room.tent.prefix ' , ' Tent ' ) ;