Significantly changed and improved visualizations
Note: All code in is temporary and used for experimenting with different visualizations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ import config
import microphone
import dsp
import led
import melbank
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
def rainbow(length, speed=1.0 / 5.0):
@ -58,9 +61,9 @@ def rainbow_gen(length, speed=1./5., center=0.5, width=0.5, f=[1, 1, 1]):
dt = 2.0 * np.pi / length
t = time.time() * speed
phi = 2.0 / 3.0 * np.pi
def r(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[0] * t + 0. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
def g(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[1] * t + 1. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
def b(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[2] * t + 2. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
def r(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[0] * t + 1. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
def g(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[1] * t + 2. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
def b(t): return np.clip(np.sin(f[2] * t + 3. * phi) * width + center, 0., 1.)
x = np.tile(0.0, (length, 3))
for i in range(length):
x[i][0] = r(i * dt + t)
@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ def rainbow_gen(length, speed=1./5., center=0.5, width=0.5, f=[1, 1, 1]):
_time_prev = time.time() * 1000.0
"""The previous time that the frames_per_second() function was called"""
_fps = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=config.FPS, alpha_decay=0.05, alpha_rise=0.05)
_fps = dsp.ExpFilter(val=config.FPS, alpha_decay=0.05, alpha_rise=0.05)
"""The low-pass filter used to estimate frames-per-second"""
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ def update_plot_1(x, y):
global curves, p1
colors = rainbow(config.N_CURVES) * 255.0
for i in range(config.N_CURVES):
curves[i].setPen((colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]))
#curves[i].setPen((colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]))
curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y[i])
p1.setRange(yRange=(0.0, 2.0))
@ -170,14 +173,14 @@ def leak_saturated_pixels(pixels):
return pixels
_EA_norm = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1e-4, config.N_PIXELS), 0.01, 0.25)
_EA_norm = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(1e-4, config.N_PIXELS), 0.01, 0.85)
"""Onset energy per-bin normalization constants
This filter is responsible for individually normalizing the onset bin energies.
This is used to obtain per-bin automatic gain control.
_EA_smooth = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.25, 0.80)
_EA_smooth = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.25, 0.80)
"""Asymmetric exponential low-pass filtered onset energies
This filter is responsible for smoothing the displayed onset energies.
@ -216,8 +219,8 @@ def update_leds_6(y):
return pixels
_EF_norm = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.05, 0.9)
_EF_smooth = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.08, 0.9)
_EF_norm = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.05, 0.9)
_EF_smooth = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.08, 0.9)
_prev_energy = 0.0
@ -236,8 +239,25 @@ def update_leds_5(y):
return pixels
_energy_norm = dsp.ExponentialFilter(10.0, alpha_decay=.15, alpha_rise=.9)
_energy_smooth = dsp.ExponentialFilter(10.0, alpha_decay=0.1, alpha_rise=0.8)
_prev_E = np.tile(.1, config.N_PIXELS)
_EF_N = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(.1, config.N_PIXELS), 0.01, 0.9)
def update_leds_5(y):
global _prev_E
y = np.copy(y)
current_E = y**2.0
EF = current_E - _prev_E
_prev_E = np.copy(current_E)
EF[EF < 0.0] = 0.0
EF /= _EF_N.value
EF[current_E < 0.02] = 0.0
return EF
_energy_norm = dsp.ExpFilter(10.0, alpha_decay=.15, alpha_rise=.9)
_energy_smooth = dsp.ExpFilter(10.0, alpha_decay=0.1, alpha_rise=0.8)
# Modulate brightness by relative average rectified onset flux
@ -284,9 +304,11 @@ def update_leds_2(y):
def update_leds_1(y):
"""Display the raw onset spectrum on the LED strip"""
return np.copy(y)**0.5
return np.copy(y)**0.75
YS_peak = dsp.ExpFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.005, alpha_rise=0.95)
def microphone_update(stream):
global y_roll
# Retrieve new audio samples and construct the rolling window
@ -295,39 +317,52 @@ def microphone_update(stream):
y_roll = np.roll(y_roll, -1, axis=0)
y_roll[-1, :] = np.copy(y)
y_data = np.concatenate(y_roll, axis=0)
# Calculate onset detection functions
SF, NWPD, RCD = dsp.onset(y_data)
# Apply Gaussian blur to improve agreement between onset functions
SF = gaussian_filter1d(SF, 1.0)
NWPD = gaussian_filter1d(NWPD, 1.0)
RCD = gaussian_filter1d(RCD, 1.0)
# Update and normalize peak followers
SF /= SF_peak.value
NWPD /= NWPD_peak.value
RCD /= RCD_peak.value
# Normalize and update onset spectrum
# onset = np.sqrt(SF**2.0 + NWPD**2.0 + RCD**2.0)
# onset = SF * NWPD * RCD
onset = SF + NWPD + RCD
# onset = SF + RCD
onset /= onset_peak.value
# Map the onset values to LED strip pixels
if len(onsets.value) != config.N_PIXELS:
onset_values = interpolate(onsets.value, config.N_PIXELS)
onset_values = np.copy(onsets.value)
brightness = led_visualization(onset_values)
# # Calculate onset detection functions
# SF, NWPD, RCD = dsp.onset(y_data)
# # Apply Gaussian blur to improve agreement between onset functions
# SF = gaussian_filter1d(SF, 1.0)
# NWPD = gaussian_filter1d(NWPD, 1.0)
# RCD = gaussian_filter1d(RCD, 1.0)
# # Update and normalize peak followers
# SF_peak.update(np.max(SF))
# NWPD_peak.update(np.max(NWPD))
# RCD_peak.update(np.max(RCD))
# SF /= SF_peak.value
# NWPD /= NWPD_peak.value
# RCD /= RCD_peak.value
# # Normalize and update onset spectrum
# onset = SF + NWPD + RCD
# onset_peak.update(np.max(onset))
# onset /= onset_peak.value
# onsets.update(onset)
# # Map the onset values to LED strip pixels
# if len(onsets.value) != config.N_PIXELS:
# onset_values = interpolate(onsets.value, config.N_PIXELS)
# else:
# onset_values = np.copy(onsets.value)
# brightness = led_visualization(onset_values)
XS, YS = dsp.fft(y_data, window=np.hamming)
YS = YS[XS >= 0.0]
XS = XS[XS >= 0.0]
YS = np.atleast_2d(np.abs(YS)).T * dsp.mel_y.T
YS = np.sum(YS, axis=0)**2.0
#YS = gaussian_filter1d(YS, 2.0)
YS = np.diff(YS, n=0)
YS /= YS_peak.value
if len(YS) != config.N_PIXELS:
YS = interpolate(YS, config.N_PIXELS)
#YS = led_visualization(YS)
YS = led_vis3(YS)
# Plot the onsets
plot_x = np.array(range(1, len(onsets.value) + 1))
plot_y = [0*onsets.value**i for i in np.linspace(2.0, 0.25, config.N_CURVES)]
if brightness is not None:
plot_y = np.array([brightness, onsets.value])
#plot_y = brightness
#plot_x = np.array(range(1, len(onsets.value) + 1))
plot_x = np.array(range(1, len(YS) + 1))
#plot_y = [onsets.value**i for i in np.linspace(2.0, 0.25, config.N_CURVES)]
plot_y = [YS]
update_plot_1(plot_x, plot_y)
print('FPS {:.0f} / {:.0f}'.format(frames_per_second(), config.FPS))
@ -336,7 +371,7 @@ def microphone_update(stream):
# Create plot and window
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
win = pg.GraphicsWindow('Audio Visualization')
win.resize(800, 600)
win.resize(300, 200)
win.setWindowTitle('Audio Visualization')
# Create plot 1 containing config.N_CURVES
p1 = win.addPlot(title='Onset Detection Function')
@ -354,20 +389,19 @@ pixels = np.tile(0.0, config.N_PIXELS)
color = rainbow(config.N_PIXELS) * 255.0
# Tracks average onset spectral energy
onset_energy = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.65)
onset_energy = dsp.ExpFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.65)
# Tracks the location of the spectral median
median = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=config.N_SUBBANDS / 2.0,
median = dsp.ExpFilter(val=config.N_SUBBANDS / 2.0,
alpha_decay=0.1, alpha_rise=0.1)
# Smooths the decay of the onset detection function
onsets = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=np.tile(0.0, (config.N_SUBBANDS)),
onsets = dsp.ExpFilter(val=np.tile(0.0, (config.N_SUBBANDS)),
alpha_decay=0.15, alpha_rise=0.75)
# Peak followers used for normalization
SF_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
NWPD_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
RCD_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
onset_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(0.1, alpha_decay=0.002, alpha_rise=0.5)
SF_peak = dsp.ExpFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
NWPD_peak = dsp.ExpFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
RCD_peak = dsp.ExpFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99)
onset_peak = dsp.ExpFilter(0.1, alpha_decay=0.002, alpha_rise=0.5)
# Number of audio samples to read every time frame
samples_per_frame = int(config.MIC_RATE / config.FPS)
@ -382,30 +416,47 @@ y_roll = np.random.rand(config.N_ROLLING_HISTORY, samples_per_frame) / 100.0
# update_leds_5 = energy flux normalized per-bin spectrum (GAMMA = True)
# update_leds_6 = energy average normalized per-bin spectrum (GAMMA = True)
# Low pass filter for the LEDs being output to the strip
pixels_filt = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(0., (config.N_PIXELS, 3)), .2, .8)
pixels_filt = dsp.ExpFilter(np.tile(0., (config.N_PIXELS, 3)), .14, .9)
def hyperbolic_tan(x):
return 1.0 - 2.0 / (np.exp(2.0 * x) + 1.0)
def bloom_peaks(x, width=3, blur_factor=1.0):
peaks = argrelextrema(x, np.greater)[0]
y = x * 0.0
if len(peaks) == 0:
return y
for peak in peaks:
min_idx = max(peak - width, 0)
max_idx = min(peak + width, len(x) - 1)
for i in range(min_idx, max_idx):
y[i] = x[i]
y = gaussian_filter1d(y, blur_factor)
return y
# This is the function responsible for updating LED values
# Edit this function to change the visualization
def led_visualization(onset_values):
# Visualizations that we want to use (normalized to ~[0, 1])
pixels_A = update_leds_6(onset_values)
pixels_B = update_leds_4(onset_values)
#pixels_A = update_leds_6(onset_values)
#pixels_B = update_leds_4(onset_values)
# Combine the effects by taking the product
brightness = pixels_A * pixels_B
brightness = gaussian_filter1d(brightness, 1.0)**1.5
brightness = hyperbolic_tan(brightness)
#brightness = pixels_A #* pixels_B
brightness = update_leds_6(onset_values**2.0)
brightness = gaussian_filter1d(brightness, 4.0)
#brightness = hyperbolic_tan(brightness)
brightness = bloom_peaks(brightness)**2.
# Combine pixels with color map
color = rainbow_gen(onset_values.shape[0],
f=[1.0, 1.0, 1.]) * 255.0
f=[1.1, .5, .2]) * 255.0
color = np.tile(255.0, (config.N_PIXELS, 3))
# color = rainbow(onset_values.shape[0]) * 255.0
pixels = (brightness * color.T).T
pixels = leak_saturated_pixels(pixels)
@ -418,6 +469,58 @@ def led_visualization(onset_values):
return brightness
mean_energy = dsp.ExpFilter(0.1, alpha_decay=0.05, alpha_rise=0.05)
def led_vis2(x):
energy = np.mean(x**.5)
energy = energy / mean_energy.value - 1.0
edge = np.exp(-10 * np.linspace(0, 1, len(x)))
edge = edge + edge[::-1]
edge *= max(energy, 0)
edge /= 2.0
x = gaussian_filter1d(x, 3.0)
x = update_leds_6(x)
red = bloom_peaks(x**1.0, width=1, blur_factor=1.5)
green = bloom_peaks(x**1.0, width=2, blur_factor=0.5)
blue = bloom_peaks(x**1.0, width=1, blur_factor=0.5)
# Set LEDs
color = np.tile(0.0, (3, config.N_PIXELS))
color[0, :] = 1.0*edge + red*1.0
color[1, :] = 1.2*edge + green*1.0
color[2, :] = 1.5*edge + blue*1.0
color = color.T * 255.0
led.pixels = np.round(pixels_filt.value).astype(int)
return (color[:, 0] + color[:, 1] + color[:, 2]) / (3. * 255.0)
N = 60
E = []
for i in range(0, N):
alpha_decay = 0.01 * (float(i + 1) / (N + 1.0))**2.0
alpha_rise = alpha_decay
E.append(dsp.ExpFilter(.1, alpha_decay, alpha_rise))
def led_vis3(x):
energy = np.mean(x**.5)
pixels = np.tile(0.0, config.N_PIXELS)
for i in range(N):
pixels[i] = hyperbolic_tan(max(energy / E[i].value - 1.0, 0))
color = np.tile(0.0, (3, config.N_PIXELS))
color[0, :] = pixels
color[1, :] = pixels
color[2, :] = pixels
color = color.T * 255.0
led.pixels = np.round(pixels_filt.value).astype(int)
return (color[:, 0] + color[:, 1] + color[:, 2]) / (3. * 255.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user