import { P as m, r as J, E as w, T as L, U as Q, a as ee, w as y, e as z, C as Z } from "./index-6BV7F4R3.js"; import "./webworkerAll-DDfEw7Nf.js"; class M { /** * @param manager - The event boundary which manages this event. Propagation can only occur * within the boundary's jurisdiction. */ constructor(e) { this.bubbles = !0, this.cancelBubble = !0, this.cancelable = !1, this.composed = !1, this.defaultPrevented = !1, this.eventPhase = M.prototype.NONE, this.propagationStopped = !1, this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = !1, this.layer = new m(), = new m(), this.NONE = 0, this.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1, this.AT_TARGET = 2, this.BUBBLING_PHASE = 3, this.manager = e; } /** @readonly */ get layerX() { return this.layer.x; } /** @readonly */ get layerY() { return this.layer.y; } /** @readonly */ get pageX() { return; } /** @readonly */ get pageY() { return; } /** * Fallback for the deprecated @code{}. * @deprecated since 7.0.0 */ get data() { return this; } /** The propagation path for this event. Alias for {@link EventBoundary.propagationPath}. */ composedPath() { return this.manager && (!this.path || this.path[this.path.length - 1] !== && (this.path = ? this.manager.propagationPath( : []), this.path; } /** * Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface {@code Event}. It will throw an {@code Error}. * @deprecated * @param _type * @param _bubbles * @param _cancelable */ initEvent(e, t, i) { throw new Error("initEvent() is a legacy DOM API. It is not implemented in the Federated Events API."); } /** * Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface {@code UIEvent}. It will throw an {@code Error}. * @deprecated * @param _typeArg * @param _bubblesArg * @param _cancelableArg * @param _viewArg * @param _detailArg */ initUIEvent(e, t, i, n, s) { throw new Error("initUIEvent() is a legacy DOM API. It is not implemented in the Federated Events API."); } /** Prevent default behavior of PixiJS and the user agent. */ preventDefault() { this.nativeEvent instanceof Event && this.nativeEvent.cancelable && this.nativeEvent.preventDefault(), this.defaultPrevented = !0; } /** * Stop this event from propagating to any addition listeners, including on the * {@link FederatedEventTarget.currentTarget currentTarget} and also the following * event targets on the propagation path. */ stopImmediatePropagation() { this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = !0; } /** * Stop this event from propagating to the next {@link FederatedEventTarget}. The rest of the listeners * on the {@link FederatedEventTarget.currentTarget currentTarget} will still be notified. */ stopPropagation() { this.propagationStopped = !0; } } var O = /iPhone/i, C = /iPod/i, S = /iPad/i, U = /\biOS-universal(?:.+)Mac\b/i, k = /\bAndroid(?:.+)Mobile\b/i, H = /Android/i, b = /(?:SD4930UR|\bSilk(?:.+)Mobile\b)/i, A = /Silk/i, g = /Windows Phone/i, X = /\bWindows(?:.+)ARM\b/i, R = /BlackBerry/i, F = /BB10/i, Y = /Opera Mini/i, K = /\b(CriOS|Chrome)(?:.+)Mobile/i, $ = /Mobile(?:.+)Firefox\b/i, G = function(r) { return typeof r < "u" && r.platform === "MacIntel" && typeof r.maxTouchPoints == "number" && r.maxTouchPoints > 1 && typeof MSStream > "u"; }; function te(r) { return function(e) { return e.test(r); }; } function W(r) { var e = { userAgent: "", platform: "", maxTouchPoints: 0 }; !r && typeof navigator < "u" ? e = { userAgent: navigator.userAgent, platform: navigator.platform, maxTouchPoints: navigator.maxTouchPoints || 0 } : typeof r == "string" ? e.userAgent = r : r && r.userAgent && (e = { userAgent: r.userAgent, platform: r.platform, maxTouchPoints: r.maxTouchPoints || 0 }); var t = e.userAgent, i = t.split("[FBAN"); typeof i[1] < "u" && (t = i[0]), i = t.split("Twitter"), typeof i[1] < "u" && (t = i[0]); var n = te(t), s = { apple: { phone: n(O) && !n(g), ipod: n(C), tablet: !n(O) && (n(S) || G(e)) && !n(g), universal: n(U), device: (n(O) || n(C) || n(S) || n(U) || G(e)) && !n(g) }, amazon: { phone: n(b), tablet: !n(b) && n(A), device: n(b) || n(A) }, android: { phone: !n(g) && n(b) || !n(g) && n(k), tablet: !n(g) && !n(b) && !n(k) && (n(A) || n(H)), device: !n(g) && (n(b) || n(A) || n(k) || n(H)) || n(/\bokhttp\b/i) }, windows: { phone: n(g), tablet: n(X), device: n(g) || n(X) }, other: { blackberry: n(R), blackberry10: n(F), opera: n(Y), firefox: n($), chrome: n(K), device: n(R) || n(F) || n(Y) || n($) || n(K) }, any: !1, phone: !1, tablet: !1 }; return s.any = || || || s.other.device, = || ||, s.tablet = || ||, s; } const ie = W.default ?? W, ne = ie(globalThis.navigator), se = 9, I = 100, oe = 0, re = 0, j = 2, N = 1, ae = -1e3, he = -1e3, le = 2; class V { // 2fps // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-param /** * @param {WebGLRenderer|WebGPURenderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer */ constructor(e, t = ne) { this._mobileInfo = t, this.debug = !1, this._isActive = !1, this._isMobileAccessibility = !1, this._pool = [], this._renderId = 0, this._children = [], this._androidUpdateCount = 0, this._androidUpdateFrequency = 500, this._hookDiv = null, (t.tablet || && this._createTouchHook(); const i = document.createElement("div"); = `${I}px`, = `${I}px`, = "absolute", = `${oe}px`, = `${re}px`, = j.toString(), this._div = i, this._renderer = e, this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this), this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this), globalThis.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1); } /** * Value of `true` if accessibility is currently active and accessibility layers are showing. * @member {boolean} * @readonly */ get isActive() { return this._isActive; } /** * Value of `true` if accessibility is enabled for touch devices. * @member {boolean} * @readonly */ get isMobileAccessibility() { return this._isMobileAccessibility; } get hookDiv() { return this._hookDiv; } /** * Creates the touch hooks. * @private */ _createTouchHook() { const e = document.createElement("button"); = `${N}px`, = `${N}px`, = "absolute", = `${ae}px`, = `${he}px`, = le.toString(), = "#FF0000", e.title = "select to enable accessibility for this content", e.addEventListener("focus", () => { this._isMobileAccessibility = !0, this._activate(), this._destroyTouchHook(); }), document.body.appendChild(e), this._hookDiv = e; } /** * Destroys the touch hooks. * @private */ _destroyTouchHook() { this._hookDiv && (document.body.removeChild(this._hookDiv), this._hookDiv = null); } /** * Activating will cause the Accessibility layer to be shown. * This is called when a user presses the tab key. * @private */ _activate() { var e; this._isActive || (this._isActive = !0, globalThis.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, !0), globalThis.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1), this._renderer.runners.postrender.add(this), (e = this._renderer.view.canvas.parentNode) == null || e.appendChild(this._div)); } /** * Deactivating will cause the Accessibility layer to be hidden. * This is called when a user moves the mouse. * @private */ _deactivate() { var e; !this._isActive || this._isMobileAccessibility || (this._isActive = !1, globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, !0), globalThis.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1), this._renderer.runners.postrender.remove(this), (e = this._div.parentNode) == null || e.removeChild(this._div)); } /** * This recursive function will run through the scene graph and add any new accessible objects to the DOM layer. * @private * @param {Container} container - The Container to check. */ _updateAccessibleObjects(e) { if (!e.visible || !e.accessibleChildren) return; e.accessible && e.isInteractive() && (e._accessibleActive || this._addChild(e), e._renderId = this._renderId); const t = e.children; if (t) for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) this._updateAccessibleObjects(t[i]); } /** * Runner init called, view is available at this point. * @ignore */ init(e) { this.debug = (e == null ? void 0 : e.debug) ?? this.debug, this._renderer.runners.postrender.remove(this); } /** * Runner postrender was called, ensure that all divs are mapped correctly to their Containers. * Only fires while active. * @ignore */ postrender() { const e =; if ( && e < this._androidUpdateCount || (this._androidUpdateCount = e + this._androidUpdateFrequency, !this._renderer.renderingToScreen || !this._renderer.view.canvas)) return; this._renderer.lastObjectRendered && this._updateAccessibleObjects(this._renderer.lastObjectRendered); const { x: t, y: i, width: n, height: s } = this._renderer.view.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(), { width: o, height: a, resolution: c } = this._renderer, p = n / o * c, v = s / a * c; let h = this._div; = `${t}px`, = `${i}px`, = `${o}px`, = `${a}px`; for (let l = 0; l < this._children.length; l++) { const u = this._children[l]; if (u._renderId !== this._renderId) u._accessibleActive = !1, J(this._children, l, 1), this._div.removeChild(u._accessibleDiv), this._pool.push(u._accessibleDiv), u._accessibleDiv = null, l--; else { h = u._accessibleDiv; let d = u.hitArea; const _ = u.worldTransform; u.hitArea ? ( = `${(_.tx + d.x * _.a) * p}px`, = `${(_.ty + d.y * _.d) * v}px`, = `${d.width * _.a * p}px`, = `${d.height * _.d * v}px`) : (d = u.getBounds().rectangle, this._capHitArea(d), = `${d.x * p}px`, = `${d.y * v}px`, = `${d.width * p}px`, = `${d.height * v}px`, h.title !== u.accessibleTitle && u.accessibleTitle !== null && (h.title = u.accessibleTitle || ""), h.getAttribute("aria-label") !== u.accessibleHint && u.accessibleHint !== null && h.setAttribute("aria-label", u.accessibleHint || "")), (u.accessibleTitle !== h.title || u.tabIndex !== h.tabIndex) && (h.title = u.accessibleTitle || "", h.tabIndex = u.tabIndex, this.debug && this._updateDebugHTML(h)); } } this._renderId++; } /** * private function that will visually add the information to the * accessibility div * @param {HTMLElement} div - */ _updateDebugHTML(e) { e.innerHTML = `type: ${e.type}
title : ${e.title}
tabIndex: ${e.tabIndex}`; } /** * Adjust the hit area based on the bounds of a display object * @param {Rectangle} hitArea - Bounds of the child */ _capHitArea(e) { e.x < 0 && (e.width += e.x, e.x = 0), e.y < 0 && (e.height += e.y, e.y = 0); const { width: t, height: i } = this._renderer; e.x + e.width > t && (e.width = t - e.x), e.y + e.height > i && (e.height = i - e.y); } /** * Adds a Container to the accessibility manager * @private * @param {Container} container - The child to make accessible. */ _addChild(e) { let t = this._pool.pop(); t || (t = document.createElement("button"), = `${I}px`, = `${I}px`, = this.debug ? "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" : "transparent", = "absolute", = j.toString(), = "none", navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("chrome") ? t.setAttribute("aria-live", "off") : t.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), navigator.userAgent.match(/rv:.*Gecko\//) ? t.setAttribute("aria-relevant", "additions") : t.setAttribute("aria-relevant", "text"), t.addEventListener("click", this._onClick.bind(this)), t.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus.bind(this)), t.addEventListener("focusout", this._onFocusOut.bind(this))), = e.accessiblePointerEvents, t.type = e.accessibleType, e.accessibleTitle && e.accessibleTitle !== null ? t.title = e.accessibleTitle : (!e.accessibleHint || e.accessibleHint === null) && (t.title = `container ${e.tabIndex}`), e.accessibleHint && e.accessibleHint !== null && t.setAttribute("aria-label", e.accessibleHint), this.debug && this._updateDebugHTML(t), e._accessibleActive = !0, e._accessibleDiv = t, t.container = e, this._children.push(e), this._div.appendChild(e._accessibleDiv), e._accessibleDiv.tabIndex = e.tabIndex; } /** * Dispatch events with the EventSystem. * @param e * @param type * @private */ _dispatchEvent(e, t) { const { container: i } =, n =, s = Object.assign(new M(n), { target: i }); n.rootTarget = this._renderer.lastObjectRendered, t.forEach((o) => n.dispatchEvent(s, o)); } /** * Maps the div button press to pixi's EventSystem (click) * @private * @param {MouseEvent} e - The click event. */ _onClick(e) { this._dispatchEvent(e, ["click", "pointertap", "tap"]); } /** * Maps the div focus events to pixi's EventSystem (mouseover) * @private * @param {FocusEvent} e - The focus event. */ _onFocus(e) {"aria-live") ||"aria-live", "assertive"), this._dispatchEvent(e, ["mouseover"]); } /** * Maps the div focus events to pixi's EventSystem (mouseout) * @private * @param {FocusEvent} e - The focusout event. */ _onFocusOut(e) {"aria-live") ||"aria-live", "polite"), this._dispatchEvent(e, ["mouseout"]); } /** * Is called when a key is pressed * @private * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - The keydown event. */ _onKeyDown(e) { e.keyCode === se && this._activate(); } /** * Is called when the mouse moves across the renderer element * @private * @param {MouseEvent} e - The mouse event. */ _onMouseMove(e) { e.movementX === 0 && e.movementY === 0 || this._deactivate(); } /** Destroys the accessibility manager */ destroy() { this._destroyTouchHook(), this._div = null, globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, !0), globalThis.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), this._pool = null, this._children = null, this._renderer = null; } } V.extension = { type: [ w.WebGLSystem, w.WebGPUSystem ], name: "accessibility" }; const ue = { /** * Flag for if the object is accessible. If true AccessibilityManager will overlay a * shadow div with attributes set * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessible: !1, /** * Sets the title attribute of the shadow div * If accessibleTitle AND accessibleHint has not been this will default to 'container [tabIndex]' * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessibleTitle: null, /** * Sets the aria-label attribute of the shadow div * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessibleHint: null, /** * @member {number} * @memberof scene.Container# * @todo Needs docs. */ tabIndex: 0, /** * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _accessibleActive: !1, /** * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _accessibleDiv: null, /** * Specify the type of div the accessible layer is. Screen readers treat the element differently * depending on this type. Defaults to button. * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default 'button' */ accessibleType: "button", /** * Specify the pointer-events the accessible div will use * Defaults to auto. * @type {PointerEvents} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default 'auto' */ accessiblePointerEvents: "auto", /** * Setting to false will prevent any children inside this container to * be accessible. Defaults to true. * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default true */ accessibleChildren: !0, /** * @member {number} * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _renderId: -1 }; class de { constructor() { this.interactionFrequency = 10, this._deltaTime = 0, this._didMove = !1, this._tickerAdded = !1, this._pauseUpdate = !0; } /** * Initializes the event ticker. * @param events - The event system. */ init(e) { this.removeTickerListener(), = e, this.interactionFrequency = 10, this._deltaTime = 0, this._didMove = !1, this._tickerAdded = !1, this._pauseUpdate = !0; } /** Whether to pause the update checks or not. */ get pauseUpdate() { return this._pauseUpdate; } set pauseUpdate(e) { this._pauseUpdate = e; } /** Adds the ticker listener. */ addTickerListener() { this._tickerAdded || !this.domElement || (L.system.add(this._tickerUpdate, this, Q.INTERACTION), this._tickerAdded = !0); } /** Removes the ticker listener. */ removeTickerListener() { this._tickerAdded && (L.system.remove(this._tickerUpdate, this), this._tickerAdded = !1); } /** Sets flag to not fire extra events when the user has already moved there mouse */ pointerMoved() { this._didMove = !0; } /** Updates the state of interactive objects. */ _update() { if (!this.domElement || this._pauseUpdate) return; if (this._didMove) { this._didMove = !1; return; } const e =; && e.pointerType === "touch" || globalThis.document.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent("pointermove", { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, pointerType: e.pointerType, pointerId: e.pointerId })); } /** * Updates the state of interactive objects if at least {@link interactionFrequency} * milliseconds have passed since the last invocation. * * Invoked by a throttled ticker update from {@link Ticker.system}. * @param ticker - The throttled ticker. */ _tickerUpdate(e) { this._deltaTime += e.deltaTime, !(this._deltaTime < this.interactionFrequency) && (this._deltaTime = 0, this._update()); } } const E = new de(); class D extends M { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.client = new m(), this.movement = new m(), this.offset = new m(), = new m(), this.screen = new m(); } /** @readonly */ get clientX() { return this.client.x; } /** @readonly */ get clientY() { return this.client.y; } /** * Alias for {@link FederatedMouseEvent.clientX this.clientX}. * @readonly */ get x() { return this.clientX; } /** * Alias for {@link FederatedMouseEvent.clientY this.clientY}. * @readonly */ get y() { return this.clientY; } /** @readonly */ get movementX() { return this.movement.x; } /** @readonly */ get movementY() { return this.movement.y; } /** @readonly */ get offsetX() { return this.offset.x; } /** @readonly */ get offsetY() { return this.offset.y; } /** @readonly */ get globalX() { return; } /** @readonly */ get globalY() { return; } /** * The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.x}. * @readonly */ get screenX() { return this.screen.x; } /** * The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.y}. * @readonly */ get screenY() { return this.screen.y; } /** * This will return the local coordinates of the specified container for this InteractionData * @param {Container} container - The Container that you would like the local * coords off * @param {PointData} point - A Point object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise * will create a new point) * @param {PointData} globalPos - A Point object containing your custom global coords, optional * (otherwise will use the current global coords) * @returns - A point containing the coordinates of the InteractionData position relative * to the Container */ getLocalPosition(e, t, i) { return e.worldTransform.applyInverse(i ||, t); } /** * Whether the modifier key was pressed when this event natively occurred. * @param key - The modifier key. */ getModifierState(e) { return "getModifierState" in this.nativeEvent && this.nativeEvent.getModifierState(e); } /** * Not supported. * @param _typeArg * @param _canBubbleArg * @param _cancelableArg * @param _viewArg * @param _detailArg * @param _screenXArg * @param _screenYArg * @param _clientXArg * @param _clientYArg * @param _ctrlKeyArg * @param _altKeyArg * @param _shiftKeyArg * @param _metaKeyArg * @param _buttonArg * @param _relatedTargetArg * @deprecated since 7.0.0 */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params initMouseEvent(e, t, i, n, s, o, a, c, p, v, h, l, u, d, _) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } } class f extends D { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.isPrimary = !1; } // Only included for completeness for now getCoalescedEvents() { return this.type === "pointermove" || this.type === "mousemove" || this.type === "touchmove" ? [this] : []; } // Only included for completeness for now getPredictedEvents() { throw new Error("getPredictedEvents is not supported!"); } } class T extends D { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0, this.DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1, this.DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2; } } T.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0; T.DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1; T.DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2; const ce = 2048, pe = new m(), P = new m(); class ve { /** * @param rootTarget - The holder of the event boundary. */ constructor(e) { this.dispatch = new ee(), this.moveOnAll = !1, this.enableGlobalMoveEvents = !0, this.mappingState = { trackingData: {} }, this.eventPool = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._allInteractiveElements = [], this._hitElements = [], this._isPointerMoveEvent = !1, this.rootTarget = e, this.hitPruneFn = this.hitPruneFn.bind(this), this.hitTestFn = this.hitTestFn.bind(this), this.mapPointerDown = this.mapPointerDown.bind(this), this.mapPointerMove = this.mapPointerMove.bind(this), this.mapPointerOut = this.mapPointerOut.bind(this), this.mapPointerOver = this.mapPointerOver.bind(this), this.mapPointerUp = this.mapPointerUp.bind(this), this.mapPointerUpOutside = this.mapPointerUpOutside.bind(this), this.mapWheel = this.mapWheel.bind(this), this.mappingTable = {}, this.addEventMapping("pointerdown", this.mapPointerDown), this.addEventMapping("pointermove", this.mapPointerMove), this.addEventMapping("pointerout", this.mapPointerOut), this.addEventMapping("pointerleave", this.mapPointerOut), this.addEventMapping("pointerover", this.mapPointerOver), this.addEventMapping("pointerup", this.mapPointerUp), this.addEventMapping("pointerupoutside", this.mapPointerUpOutside), this.addEventMapping("wheel", this.mapWheel); } /** * Adds an event mapping for the event `type` handled by `fn`. * * Event mappings can be used to implement additional or custom events. They take an event * coming from the upstream scene (or directly from the {@link EventSystem}) and dispatch new downstream events * generally trickling down and bubbling up to {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget}. * * To modify the semantics of existing events, the built-in mapping methods of EventBoundary should be overridden * instead. * @param type - The type of upstream event to map. * @param fn - The mapping method. The context of this function must be bound manually, if desired. */ addEventMapping(e, t) { this.mappingTable[e] || (this.mappingTable[e] = []), this.mappingTable[e].push({ fn: t, priority: 0 }), this.mappingTable[e].sort((i, n) => i.priority - n.priority); } /** * Dispatches the given event * @param e - The event to dispatch. * @param type - The type of event to dispatch. Defaults to `e.type`. */ dispatchEvent(e, t) { e.propagationStopped = !1, e.propagationImmediatelyStopped = !1, this.propagate(e, t), this.dispatch.emit(t || e.type, e); } /** * Maps the given upstream event through the event boundary and propagates it downstream. * @param e - The event to map. */ mapEvent(e) { if (!this.rootTarget) return; const t = this.mappingTable[e.type]; if (t) for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) t[i].fn(e); else y(`[EventBoundary]: Event mapping not defined for ${e.type}`); } /** * Finds the Container that is the target of a event at the given coordinates. * * The passed (x,y) coordinates are in the world space above this event boundary. * @param x - The x coordinate of the event. * @param y - The y coordinate of the event. */ hitTest(e, t) { E.pauseUpdate = !0; const n = this._isPointerMoveEvent && this.enableGlobalMoveEvents ? "hitTestMoveRecursive" : "hitTestRecursive", s = this[n]( this.rootTarget, this.rootTarget.eventMode, pe.set(e, t), this.hitTestFn, this.hitPruneFn ); return s && s[0]; } /** * Propagate the passed event from from {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget} to its * target {@code}. * @param e - The event to propagate. * @param type - The type of event to propagate. Defaults to `e.type`. */ propagate(e, t) { if (! return; const i = e.composedPath(); e.eventPhase = e.CAPTURING_PHASE; for (let n = 0, s = i.length - 1; n < s; n++) if (e.currentTarget = i[n], this.notifyTarget(e, t), e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return; if (e.eventPhase = e.AT_TARGET, e.currentTarget =, this.notifyTarget(e, t), !(e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped)) { e.eventPhase = e.BUBBLING_PHASE; for (let n = i.length - 2; n >= 0; n--) if (e.currentTarget = i[n], this.notifyTarget(e, t), e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return; } } /** * Emits the event {@code e} to all interactive containers. The event is propagated in the bubbling phase always. * * This is used in the `globalpointermove` event. * @param e - The emitted event. * @param type - The listeners to notify. * @param targets - The targets to notify. */ all(e, t, i = this._allInteractiveElements) { if (i.length === 0) return; e.eventPhase = e.BUBBLING_PHASE; const n = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]; for (let s = i.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) n.forEach((o) => { e.currentTarget = i[s], this.notifyTarget(e, o); }); } /** * Finds the propagation path from {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget} to the passed * {@code target}. The last element in the path is {@code target}. * @param target - The target to find the propagation path to. */ propagationPath(e) { const t = [e]; for (let i = 0; i < ce && e !== this.rootTarget && e.parent; i++) { if (!e.parent) throw new Error("Cannot find propagation path to disconnected target"); t.push(e.parent), e = e.parent; } return t.reverse(), t; } hitTestMoveRecursive(e, t, i, n, s, o = !1) { let a = !1; if (this._interactivePrune(e)) return null; if ((e.eventMode === "dynamic" || t === "dynamic") && (E.pauseUpdate = !1), e.interactiveChildren && e.children) { const v = e.children; for (let h = v.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) { const l = v[h], u = this.hitTestMoveRecursive( l, this._isInteractive(t) ? t : l.eventMode, i, n, s, o || s(e, i) ); if (u) { if (u.length > 0 && !u[u.length - 1].parent) continue; const d = e.isInteractive(); (u.length > 0 || d) && (d && this._allInteractiveElements.push(e), u.push(e)), this._hitElements.length === 0 && (this._hitElements = u), a = !0; } } } const c = this._isInteractive(t), p = e.isInteractive(); return p && p && this._allInteractiveElements.push(e), o || this._hitElements.length > 0 ? null : a ? this._hitElements : c && !s(e, i) && n(e, i) ? p ? [e] : [] : null; } /** * Recursive implementation for {@link EventBoundary.hitTest hitTest}. * @param currentTarget - The Container that is to be hit tested. * @param eventMode - The event mode for the `currentTarget` or one of its parents. * @param location - The location that is being tested for overlap. * @param testFn - Callback that determines whether the target passes hit testing. This callback * can assume that `pruneFn` failed to prune the container. * @param pruneFn - Callback that determiness whether the target and all of its children * cannot pass the hit test. It is used as a preliminary optimization to prune entire subtrees * of the scene graph. * @returns An array holding the hit testing target and all its ancestors in order. The first element * is the target itself and the last is {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget}. This is the opposite * order w.r.t. the propagation path. If no hit testing target is found, null is returned. */ hitTestRecursive(e, t, i, n, s) { if (this._interactivePrune(e) || s(e, i)) return null; if ((e.eventMode === "dynamic" || t === "dynamic") && (E.pauseUpdate = !1), e.interactiveChildren && e.children) { const c = e.children, p = i; for (let v = c.length - 1; v >= 0; v--) { const h = c[v], l = this.hitTestRecursive( h, this._isInteractive(t) ? t : h.eventMode, p, n, s ); if (l) { if (l.length > 0 && !l[l.length - 1].parent) continue; const u = e.isInteractive(); return (l.length > 0 || u) && l.push(e), l; } } } const o = this._isInteractive(t), a = e.isInteractive(); return o && n(e, i) ? a ? [e] : [] : null; } _isInteractive(e) { return e === "static" || e === "dynamic"; } _interactivePrune(e) { return !e || !e.visible || !e.renderable || !e.includeInBuild || !e.measurable || e.eventMode === "none" || e.eventMode === "passive" && !e.interactiveChildren; } /** * Checks whether the container or any of its children cannot pass the hit test at all. * * {@link EventBoundary}'s implementation uses the {@link Container.hitArea hitArea} * and {@link Container._maskEffect} for pruning. * @param container - The container to prune. * @param location - The location to test for overlap. */ hitPruneFn(e, t) { if (e.hitArea && (e.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, P), !e.hitArea.contains(P.x, P.y))) return !0; if (e.effects && e.effects.length) for (let i = 0; i < e.effects.length; i++) { const n = e.effects[i]; if (n.containsPoint && !n.containsPoint(t, this.hitTestFn)) return !0; } return !1; } /** * Checks whether the container passes hit testing for the given location. * @param container - The container to test. * @param location - The location to test for overlap. * @returns - Whether `container` passes hit testing for `location`. */ hitTestFn(e, t) { return e.hitArea ? !0 : e != null && e.containsPoint ? (e.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, P), e.containsPoint(P)) : !1; } /** * Notify all the listeners to the event's `currentTarget`. * * If the `currentTarget` contains the property `on`, then it is called here, * simulating the behavior from version 6.x and prior. * @param e - The event passed to the target. * @param type - The type of event to notify. Defaults to `e.type`. */ notifyTarget(e, t) { var s, o; if (!e.currentTarget.isInteractive()) return; t = t ?? e.type; const i = `on${t}`; (o = (s = e.currentTarget)[i]) == null ||, e); const n = e.eventPhase === e.CAPTURING_PHASE || e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET ? `${t}capture` : t; this._notifyListeners(e, n), e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET && this._notifyListeners(e, t); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerdown` events to a downstream `pointerdown` event. * * `touchstart`, `rightdown`, `mousedown` events are also dispatched for specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointerdown` event. */ mapPointerDown(e) { if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const t = this.createPointerEvent(e); if (this.dispatchEvent(t, "pointerdown"), t.pointerType === "touch") this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchstart"); else if (t.pointerType === "mouse" || t.pointerType === "pen") { const n = t.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(t, n ? "rightdown" : "mousedown"); } const i = this.trackingData(e.pointerId); i.pressTargetsByButton[e.button] = t.composedPath(), this.freeEvent(t); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointermove` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerover`, and `pointermove` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer has an updated `overTarget`. `mouseout`, `mouseover`, * `mousemove`, and `touchmove` events are fired as well for specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointermove` event. */ mapPointerMove(e) { var c, p; if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } this._allInteractiveElements.length = 0, this._hitElements.length = 0, this._isPointerMoveEvent = !0; const t = this.createPointerEvent(e); this._isPointerMoveEvent = !1; const i = t.pointerType === "mouse" || t.pointerType === "pen", n = this.trackingData(e.pointerId), s = this.findMountedTarget(n.overTargets); if (((c = n.overTargets) == null ? void 0 : c.length) > 0 && s !== { const v = e.type === "mousemove" ? "mouseout" : "pointerout", h = this.createPointerEvent(e, v, s); if (this.dispatchEvent(h, "pointerout"), i && this.dispatchEvent(h, "mouseout"), !t.composedPath().includes(s)) { const l = this.createPointerEvent(e, "pointerleave", s); for (l.eventPhase = l.AT_TARGET; && !t.composedPath().includes(; ) l.currentTarget =, this.notifyTarget(l), i && this.notifyTarget(l, "mouseleave"), =; this.freeEvent(l); } this.freeEvent(h); } if (s !== { const v = e.type === "mousemove" ? "mouseover" : "pointerover", h = this.clonePointerEvent(t, v); this.dispatchEvent(h, "pointerover"), i && this.dispatchEvent(h, "mouseover"); let l = s == null ? void 0 : s.parent; for (; l && l !== this.rootTarget.parent && l !==; ) l = l.parent; if (!l || l === this.rootTarget.parent) { const d = this.clonePointerEvent(t, "pointerenter"); for (d.eventPhase = d.AT_TARGET; && !== s && !== this.rootTarget.parent; ) d.currentTarget =, this.notifyTarget(d), i && this.notifyTarget(d, "mouseenter"), =; this.freeEvent(d); } this.freeEvent(h); } const o = [], a = this.enableGlobalMoveEvents ?? !0; this.moveOnAll ? o.push("pointermove") : this.dispatchEvent(t, "pointermove"), a && o.push("globalpointermove"), t.pointerType === "touch" && (this.moveOnAll ? o.splice(1, 0, "touchmove") : this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchmove"), a && o.push("globaltouchmove")), i && (this.moveOnAll ? o.splice(1, 0, "mousemove") : this.dispatchEvent(t, "mousemove"), a && o.push("globalmousemove"), this.cursor = (p = == null ? void 0 : p.cursor), o.length > 0 && this.all(t, o), this._allInteractiveElements.length = 0, this._hitElements.length = 0, n.overTargets = t.composedPath(), this.freeEvent(t); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerover` to downstream `pointerover` and `pointerenter` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer gets a new `overTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerover` event. */ mapPointerOver(e) { var o; if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const t = this.trackingData(e.pointerId), i = this.createPointerEvent(e), n = i.pointerType === "mouse" || i.pointerType === "pen"; this.dispatchEvent(i, "pointerover"), n && this.dispatchEvent(i, "mouseover"), i.pointerType === "mouse" && (this.cursor = (o = == null ? void 0 : o.cursor); const s = this.clonePointerEvent(i, "pointerenter"); for (s.eventPhase = s.AT_TARGET; && !== this.rootTarget.parent; ) s.currentTarget =, this.notifyTarget(s), n && this.notifyTarget(s, "mouseenter"), =; t.overTargets = i.composedPath(), this.freeEvent(i), this.freeEvent(s); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerout` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerleave` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `overTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerout` event. */ mapPointerOut(e) { if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const t = this.trackingData(e.pointerId); if (t.overTargets) { const i = e.pointerType === "mouse" || e.pointerType === "pen", n = this.findMountedTarget(t.overTargets), s = this.createPointerEvent(e, "pointerout", n); this.dispatchEvent(s), i && this.dispatchEvent(s, "mouseout"); const o = this.createPointerEvent(e, "pointerleave", n); for (o.eventPhase = o.AT_TARGET; && !== this.rootTarget.parent; ) o.currentTarget =, this.notifyTarget(o), i && this.notifyTarget(o, "mouseleave"), =; t.overTargets = null, this.freeEvent(s), this.freeEvent(o); } this.cursor = null; } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerup` event to downstream `pointerup`, `pointerupoutside`, * and `click`/`rightclick`/`pointertap` events, in that order. * * The `pointerupoutside` event bubbles from the original `pointerdown` target to the most specific * ancestor of the `pointerdown` and `pointerup` targets, which is also the `click` event's target. `touchend`, * `rightup`, `mouseup`, `touchendoutside`, `rightupoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `tap` are fired as well for * specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointerup` event. */ mapPointerUp(e) { if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const t =, i = this.createPointerEvent(e); if (this.dispatchEvent(i, "pointerup"), i.pointerType === "touch") this.dispatchEvent(i, "touchend"); else if (i.pointerType === "mouse" || i.pointerType === "pen") { const a = i.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(i, a ? "rightup" : "mouseup"); } const n = this.trackingData(e.pointerId), s = this.findMountedTarget(n.pressTargetsByButton[e.button]); let o = s; if (s && !i.composedPath().includes(s)) { let a = s; for (; a && !i.composedPath().includes(a); ) { if (i.currentTarget = a, this.notifyTarget(i, "pointerupoutside"), i.pointerType === "touch") this.notifyTarget(i, "touchendoutside"); else if (i.pointerType === "mouse" || i.pointerType === "pen") { const c = i.button === 2; this.notifyTarget(i, c ? "rightupoutside" : "mouseupoutside"); } a = a.parent; } delete n.pressTargetsByButton[e.button], o = a; } if (o) { const a = this.clonePointerEvent(i, "click"); = o, a.path = null, n.clicksByButton[e.button] || (n.clicksByButton[e.button] = { clickCount: 0, target:, timeStamp: t }); const c = n.clicksByButton[e.button]; if ( === && t - c.timeStamp < 200 ? ++c.clickCount : c.clickCount = 1, =, c.timeStamp = t, a.detail = c.clickCount, a.pointerType === "mouse") { const p = a.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(a, p ? "rightclick" : "click"); } else a.pointerType === "touch" && this.dispatchEvent(a, "tap"); this.dispatchEvent(a, "pointertap"), this.freeEvent(a); } this.freeEvent(i); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerupoutside` event to a downstream `pointerupoutside` event, bubbling from the original * `pointerdown` target to `rootTarget`. * * (The most specific ancestor of the `pointerdown` event and the `pointerup` event must the * `{@link EventBoundary}'s root because the `pointerup` event occurred outside of the boundary.) * * `touchendoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `rightupoutside` events are fired as well for specific pointer * types. The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `pressTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerupoutside` event. */ mapPointerUpOutside(e) { if (!(e instanceof f)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const t = this.trackingData(e.pointerId), i = this.findMountedTarget(t.pressTargetsByButton[e.button]), n = this.createPointerEvent(e); if (i) { let s = i; for (; s; ) n.currentTarget = s, this.notifyTarget(n, "pointerupoutside"), n.pointerType === "touch" ? this.notifyTarget(n, "touchendoutside") : (n.pointerType === "mouse" || n.pointerType === "pen") && this.notifyTarget(n, n.button === 2 ? "rightupoutside" : "mouseupoutside"), s = s.parent; delete t.pressTargetsByButton[e.button]; } this.freeEvent(n); } /** * Maps the upstream `wheel` event to a downstream `wheel` event. * @param from - The upstream `wheel` event. */ mapWheel(e) { if (!(e instanceof T)) { y("EventBoundary cannot map a non-wheel event as a wheel event"); return; } const t = this.createWheelEvent(e); this.dispatchEvent(t), this.freeEvent(t); } /** * Finds the most specific event-target in the given propagation path that is still mounted in the scene graph. * * This is used to find the correct `pointerup` and `pointerout` target in the case that the original `pointerdown` * or `pointerover` target was unmounted from the scene graph. * @param propagationPath - The propagation path was valid in the past. * @returns - The most specific event-target still mounted at the same location in the scene graph. */ findMountedTarget(e) { if (!e) return null; let t = e[0]; for (let i = 1; i < e.length && e[i].parent === t; i++) t = e[i]; return t; } /** * Creates an event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}, with an optional `type` and `target` override. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The {@code originalEvent} for the returned event. * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event. * @param target - The target of the returned event. */ createPointerEvent(e, t, i) { const n = this.allocateEvent(f); return this.copyPointerData(e, n), this.copyMouseData(e, n), this.copyData(e, n), n.nativeEvent = e.nativeEvent, n.originalEvent = e, = i ?? this.hitTest(, ?? this._hitElements[0], typeof t == "string" && (n.type = t), n; } /** * Creates a wheel event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The upstream wheel event. */ createWheelEvent(e) { const t = this.allocateEvent(T); return this.copyWheelData(e, t), this.copyMouseData(e, t), this.copyData(e, t), t.nativeEvent = e.nativeEvent, t.originalEvent = e, = this.hitTest(,, t; } /** * Clones the event {@code from}, with an optional {@code type} override. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The event to clone. * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event. */ clonePointerEvent(e, t) { const i = this.allocateEvent(f); return i.nativeEvent = e.nativeEvent, i.originalEvent = e.originalEvent, this.copyPointerData(e, i), this.copyMouseData(e, i), this.copyData(e, i), =, i.path = e.composedPath().slice(), i.type = t ?? i.type, i; } /** * Copies wheel {@link FederatedWheelEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + deltaMode * + deltaX * + deltaY * + deltaZ * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyWheelData(e, t) { t.deltaMode = e.deltaMode, t.deltaX = e.deltaX, t.deltaY = e.deltaY, t.deltaZ = e.deltaZ; } /** * Copies pointer {@link FederatedPointerEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + pointerId * + width * + height * + isPrimary * + pointerType * + pressure * + tangentialPressure * + tiltX * + tiltY * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyPointerData(e, t) { e instanceof f && t instanceof f && (t.pointerId = e.pointerId, t.width = e.width, t.height = e.height, t.isPrimary = e.isPrimary, t.pointerType = e.pointerType, t.pressure = e.pressure, t.tangentialPressure = e.tangentialPressure, t.tiltX = e.tiltX, t.tiltY = e.tiltY, t.twist = e.twist); } /** * Copies mouse {@link FederatedMouseEvent} data from {@code from} to {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + altKey * + button * + buttons * + clientX * + clientY * + metaKey * + movementX * + movementY * + pageX * + pageY * + x * + y * + screen * + shiftKey * + global * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyMouseData(e, t) { e instanceof D && t instanceof D && (t.altKey = e.altKey, t.button = e.button, t.buttons = e.buttons, t.client.copyFrom(e.client), t.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey, t.metaKey = e.metaKey, t.movement.copyFrom(e.movement), t.screen.copyFrom(e.screen), t.shiftKey = e.shiftKey,; } /** * Copies base {@link FederatedEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + isTrusted * + srcElement * + timeStamp * + type * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyData(e, t) { t.isTrusted = e.isTrusted, t.srcElement = e.srcElement, t.timeStamp =, t.type = e.type, t.detail = e.detail, t.view = e.view, t.which = e.which, t.layer.copyFrom(e.layer),; } /** * @param id - The pointer ID. * @returns The tracking data stored for the given pointer. If no data exists, a blank * state will be created. */ trackingData(e) { return this.mappingState.trackingData[e] || (this.mappingState.trackingData[e] = { pressTargetsByButton: {}, clicksByButton: {}, overTarget: null }), this.mappingState.trackingData[e]; } /** * Allocate a specific type of event from {@link EventBoundary#eventPool this.eventPool}. * * This allocation is constructor-agnostic, as long as it only takes one argument - this event * boundary. * @param constructor - The event's constructor. */ allocateEvent(e) { this.eventPool.has(e) || this.eventPool.set(e, []); const t = this.eventPool.get(e).pop() || new e(this); return t.eventPhase = t.NONE, t.currentTarget = null, t.defaultPrevented = !1, t.path = null, = null, t; } /** * Frees the event and puts it back into the event pool. * * It is illegal to reuse the event until it is allocated again, using `this.allocateEvent`. * * It is also advised that events not allocated from {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent} * not be freed. This is because of the possibility that the same event is freed twice, which can cause * it to be allocated twice & result in overwriting. * @param event - The event to be freed. * @throws Error if the event is managed by another event boundary. */ freeEvent(e) { if (e.manager !== this) throw new Error("It is illegal to free an event not managed by this EventBoundary!"); const t = e.constructor; this.eventPool.has(t) || this.eventPool.set(t, []), this.eventPool.get(t).push(e); } /** * Similar to {@link EventEmitter.emit}, except it stops if the `propagationImmediatelyStopped` flag * is set on the event. * @param e - The event to call each listener with. * @param type - The event key. */ _notifyListeners(e, t) { const i = e.currentTarget._events[t]; if (i) if ("fn" in i) i.once && e.currentTarget.removeListener(t, i.fn, void 0, !0),, e); else for (let n = 0, s = i.length; n < s && !e.propagationImmediatelyStopped; n++) i[n].once && e.currentTarget.removeListener(t, i[n].fn, void 0, !0), i[n][n].context, e); } } const fe = 1, ge = { touchstart: "pointerdown", touchend: "pointerup", touchendoutside: "pointerupoutside", touchmove: "pointermove", touchcancel: "pointercancel" }, B = class x { /** * @param {Renderer} renderer */ constructor(e) { this.supportsTouchEvents = "ontouchstart" in globalThis, this.supportsPointerEvents = !!globalThis.PointerEvent, this.domElement = null, this.resolution = 1, this.renderer = e, this.rootBoundary = new ve(null), E.init(this), this.autoPreventDefault = !0, this._eventsAdded = !1, this._rootPointerEvent = new f(null), this._rootWheelEvent = new T(null), this.cursorStyles = { default: "inherit", pointer: "pointer" }, this.features = new Proxy({ ...x.defaultEventFeatures }, { set: (t, i, n) => (i === "globalMove" && (this.rootBoundary.enableGlobalMoveEvents = n), t[i] = n, !0) }), this._onPointerDown = this._onPointerDown.bind(this), this._onPointerMove = this._onPointerMove.bind(this), this._onPointerUp = this._onPointerUp.bind(this), this._onPointerOverOut = this._onPointerOverOut.bind(this), this.onWheel = this.onWheel.bind(this); } /** * The default interaction mode for all display objects. * @see Container.eventMode * @type {EventMode} * @readonly * @since 7.2.0 */ static get defaultEventMode() { return this._defaultEventMode; } /** * Runner init called, view is available at this point. * @ignore */ init(e) { const { canvas: t, resolution: i } = this.renderer; this.setTargetElement(t), this.resolution = i, x._defaultEventMode = e.eventMode ?? "passive", Object.assign(this.features, e.eventFeatures ?? {}), this.rootBoundary.enableGlobalMoveEvents = this.features.globalMove; } /** * Handle changing resolution. * @ignore */ resolutionChange(e) { this.resolution = e; } /** Destroys all event listeners and detaches the renderer. */ destroy() { this.setTargetElement(null), this.renderer = null, this._currentCursor = null; } /** * Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes. * @param mode - cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary */ setCursor(e) { e = e || "default"; let t = !0; if (globalThis.OffscreenCanvas && this.domElement instanceof OffscreenCanvas && (t = !1), this._currentCursor === e) return; this._currentCursor = e; const i = this.cursorStyles[e]; if (i) switch (typeof i) { case "string": t && ( = i); break; case "function": i(e); break; case "object": t && Object.assign(, i); break; } else t && typeof e == "string" && !, e) && ( = e); } /** * The global pointer event. * Useful for getting the pointer position without listening to events. * @since 7.2.0 */ get pointer() { return this._rootPointerEvent; } /** * Event handler for pointer down events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerDown(e) { if (! return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; const t = this._normalizeToPointerData(e); this.autoPreventDefault && t[0].isNormalized && (e.cancelable || !("cancelable" in e)) && e.preventDefault(); for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { const s = t[i], o = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, s); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(o); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer move events on on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch events. */ _onPointerMove(e) { if (!this.features.move) return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered, E.pointerMoved(); const t = this._normalizeToPointerData(e); for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { const s = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, t[i]); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(s); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer up events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerUp(e) { if (! return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; let t =; e.composedPath && e.composedPath().length > 0 && (t = e.composedPath()[0]); const i = t !== this.domElement ? "outside" : "", n = this._normalizeToPointerData(e); for (let s = 0, o = n.length; s < o; s++) { const a = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, n[s]); a.type += i, this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(a); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer over & out events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerOverOut(e) { if (! return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; const t = this._normalizeToPointerData(e); for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { const s = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, t[i]); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(s); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Passive handler for `wheel` events on {@link EventSystem.domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event. */ onWheel(e) { if (!this.features.wheel) return; const t = this.normalizeWheelEvent(e); this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered, this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(t); } /** * Sets the {@link EventSystem#domElement domElement} and binds event listeners. * * To deregister the current DOM element without setting a new one, pass {@code null}. * @param element - The new DOM element. */ setTargetElement(e) { this._removeEvents(), this.domElement = e, E.domElement = e, this._addEvents(); } /** Register event listeners on {@link Renderer#domElement this.domElement}. */ _addEvents() { if (this._eventsAdded || !this.domElement) return; E.addTickerListener(); const e =; e && (globalThis.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? (e.msContentZooming = "none", e.msTouchAction = "none") : this.supportsPointerEvents && (e.touchAction = "none")), this.supportsPointerEvents ? (globalThis.document.addEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMove, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerleave", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerover", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), globalThis.addEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUp, !0)) : (globalThis.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onPointerMove, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("mouseover", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), globalThis.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onPointerUp, !0), this.supportsTouchEvents && (this.domElement.addEventListener("touchstart", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("touchend", this._onPointerUp, !0), this.domElement.addEventListener("touchmove", this._onPointerMove, !0))), this.domElement.addEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, { passive: !0, capture: !0 }), this._eventsAdded = !0; } /** Unregister event listeners on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. */ _removeEvents() { if (!this._eventsAdded || !this.domElement) return; E.removeTickerListener(); const e =; e && (globalThis.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? (e.msContentZooming = "", e.msTouchAction = "") : this.supportsPointerEvents && (e.touchAction = "")), this.supportsPointerEvents ? (globalThis.document.removeEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMove, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerleave", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerover", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), globalThis.removeEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUp, !0)) : (globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onPointerMove, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._onPointerOverOut, !0), globalThis.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onPointerUp, !0), this.supportsTouchEvents && (this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._onPointerDown, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchend", this._onPointerUp, !0), this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._onPointerMove, !0))), this.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, !0), this.domElement = null, this._eventsAdded = !1; } /** * Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the PixiJS view. The * resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM * element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen. * @param {PointData} point - the point that the result will be stored in * @param {number} x - the x coord of the position to map * @param {number} y - the y coord of the position to map */ mapPositionToPoint(e, t, i) { const n = this.domElement.isConnected ? this.domElement.getBoundingClientRect() : { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.domElement.width, height: this.domElement.height, left: 0, top: 0 }, s = 1 / this.resolution; e.x = (t - n.left) * (this.domElement.width / n.width) * s, e.y = (i - * (this.domElement.height / n.height) * s; } /** * Ensures that the original event object contains all data that a regular pointer event would have * @param event - The original event data from a touch or mouse event * @returns An array containing a single normalized pointer event, in the case of a pointer * or mouse event, or a multiple normalized pointer events if there are multiple changed touches */ _normalizeToPointerData(e) { const t = []; if (this.supportsTouchEvents && e instanceof TouchEvent) for (let i = 0, n = e.changedTouches.length; i < n; i++) { const s = e.changedTouches[i]; typeof s.button > "u" && (s.button = 0), typeof s.buttons > "u" && (s.buttons = 1), typeof s.isPrimary > "u" && (s.isPrimary = e.touches.length === 1 && e.type === "touchstart"), typeof s.width > "u" && (s.width = s.radiusX || 1), typeof s.height > "u" && (s.height = s.radiusY || 1), typeof s.tiltX > "u" && (s.tiltX = 0), typeof s.tiltY > "u" && (s.tiltY = 0), typeof s.pointerType > "u" && (s.pointerType = "touch"), typeof s.pointerId > "u" && (s.pointerId = s.identifier || 0), typeof s.pressure > "u" && (s.pressure = s.force || 0.5), typeof s.twist > "u" && (s.twist = 0), typeof s.tangentialPressure > "u" && (s.tangentialPressure = 0), typeof s.layerX > "u" && (s.layerX = s.offsetX = s.clientX), typeof s.layerY > "u" && (s.layerY = s.offsetY = s.clientY), s.isNormalized = !0, s.type = e.type, t.push(s); } else if (!globalThis.MouseEvent || e instanceof MouseEvent && (!this.supportsPointerEvents || !(e instanceof globalThis.PointerEvent))) { const i = e; typeof i.isPrimary > "u" && (i.isPrimary = !0), typeof i.width > "u" && (i.width = 1), typeof i.height > "u" && (i.height = 1), typeof i.tiltX > "u" && (i.tiltX = 0), typeof i.tiltY > "u" && (i.tiltY = 0), typeof i.pointerType > "u" && (i.pointerType = "mouse"), typeof i.pointerId > "u" && (i.pointerId = fe), typeof i.pressure > "u" && (i.pressure = 0.5), typeof i.twist > "u" && (i.twist = 0), typeof i.tangentialPressure > "u" && (i.tangentialPressure = 0), i.isNormalized = !0, t.push(i); } else t.push(e); return t; } /** * Normalizes the native {@link WheelEvent}. * * The returned {@link FederatedWheelEvent} is a shared instance. It will not persist across * multiple native wheel events. * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event that occurred on the canvas. * @returns A federated wheel event. */ normalizeWheelEvent(e) { const t = this._rootWheelEvent; return this._transferMouseData(t, e), t.deltaX = e.deltaX, t.deltaY = e.deltaY, t.deltaZ = e.deltaZ, t.deltaMode = e.deltaMode, this.mapPositionToPoint(t.screen, e.clientX, e.clientY),, t.offset.copyFrom(t.screen), t.nativeEvent = e, t.type = e.type, t; } /** * Normalizes the `nativeEvent` into a federateed {@link FederatedPointerEvent}. * @param event * @param nativeEvent */ _bootstrapEvent(e, t) { return e.originalEvent = null, e.nativeEvent = t, e.pointerId = t.pointerId, e.width = t.width, e.height = t.height, e.isPrimary = t.isPrimary, e.pointerType = t.pointerType, e.pressure = t.pressure, e.tangentialPressure = t.tangentialPressure, e.tiltX = t.tiltX, e.tiltY = t.tiltY, e.twist = t.twist, this._transferMouseData(e, t), this.mapPositionToPoint(e.screen, t.clientX, t.clientY),, e.offset.copyFrom(e.screen), e.isTrusted = t.isTrusted, e.type === "pointerleave" && (e.type = "pointerout"), e.type.startsWith("mouse") && (e.type = e.type.replace("mouse", "pointer")), e.type.startsWith("touch") && (e.type = ge[e.type] || e.type), e; } /** * Transfers base & mouse event data from the {@code nativeEvent} to the federated event. * @param event * @param nativeEvent */ _transferMouseData(e, t) { e.isTrusted = t.isTrusted, e.srcElement = t.srcElement, e.timeStamp =, e.type = t.type, e.altKey = t.altKey, e.button = t.button, e.buttons = t.buttons, e.client.x = t.clientX, e.client.y = t.clientY, e.ctrlKey = t.ctrlKey, e.metaKey = t.metaKey, e.movement.x = t.movementX, e.movement.y = t.movementY, = t.pageX, = t.pageY, e.relatedTarget = null, e.shiftKey = t.shiftKey; } }; B.extension = { name: "events", type: [ w.WebGLSystem, w.CanvasSystem, w.WebGPUSystem ], priority: -1 }; B.defaultEventFeatures = { /** Enables pointer events associated with pointer movement. */ move: !0, /** Enables global pointer move events. */ globalMove: !0, /** Enables pointer events associated with clicking. */ click: !0, /** Enables wheel events. */ wheel: !0 }; let q = B; const me = { /** * Property-based event handler for the `click` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onclick = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on click * } */ onclick: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mousedown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmousedown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mousedown * } */ onmousedown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseenter` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseenter = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseenter * } */ onmouseenter: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseleave` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseleave = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseleave * } */ onmouseleave: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mousemove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmousemove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mousemove * } */ onmousemove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globalmousemove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobalmousemove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globalmousemove * } */ onglobalmousemove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseout` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseout = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseout * } */ onmouseout: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseover` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseover = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseover * } */ onmouseover: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseup * } */ onmouseup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseupoutside * } */ onmouseupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointercancel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointercancel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointercancel * } */ onpointercancel: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerdown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerdown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerdown * } */ onpointerdown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerenter` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerenter = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerenter * } */ onpointerenter: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerleave` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerleave = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerleave * } */ onpointerleave: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointermove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointermove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointermove * } */ onpointermove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globalpointermove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobalpointermove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globalpointermove * } */ onglobalpointermove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerout` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerout = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerout * } */ onpointerout: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerover` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerover = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerover * } */ onpointerover: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointertap` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointertap = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointertap * } */ onpointertap: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerup * } */ onpointerup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerupoutside * } */ onpointerupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightclick` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightclick = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightclick * } */ onrightclick: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightdown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightdown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightdown * } */ onrightdown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightup * } */ onrightup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightupoutside * } */ onrightupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `tap` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontap = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on tap * } */ ontap: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchcancel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchcancel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchcancel * } */ ontouchcancel: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchend` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchend = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchend * } */ ontouchend: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchendoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchendoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchendoutside * } */ ontouchendoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchmove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchmove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchmove * } */ ontouchmove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globaltouchmove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobaltouchmove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globaltouchmove * } */ onglobaltouchmove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchstart` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchstart = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchstart * } */ ontouchstart: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `wheel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onwheel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on wheel * } */ onwheel: null, /** * Enable interaction events for the Container. Touch, pointer and mouse * @memberof scene.Container# */ get interactive() { return this.eventMode === "dynamic" || this.eventMode === "static"; }, set interactive(r) { this.eventMode = r ? "static" : "passive"; }, /** * @ignore */ _internalEventMode: void 0, /** * Enable interaction events for the Container. Touch, pointer and mouse. * There are 5 types of interaction settings: * - `'none'`: Ignores all interaction events, even on its children. * - `'passive'`: **(default)** Does not emit events and ignores all hit testing on itself and non-interactive children. * Interactive children will still emit events. * - `'auto'`: Does not emit events but is hit tested if parent is interactive. Same as `interactive = false` in v7 * - `'static'`: Emit events and is hit tested. Same as `interaction = true` in v7 * - `'dynamic'`: Emits events and is hit tested but will also receive mock interaction events fired from a ticker to * allow for interaction when the mouse isn't moving * @example * import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.eventMode = 'static'; * sprite.on('tap', (event) => { * // Handle event * }); * @memberof scene.Container# * @since 7.2.0 */ get eventMode() { return this._internalEventMode ?? q.defaultEventMode; }, set eventMode(r) { this._internalEventMode = r; }, /** * Determines if the container is interactive or not * @returns {boolean} Whether the container is interactive or not * @memberof scene.Container# * @since 7.2.0 * @example * import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.eventMode = 'static'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // true * * sprite.eventMode = 'dynamic'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // true * * sprite.eventMode = 'none'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false * * sprite.eventMode = 'passive'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false * * sprite.eventMode = 'auto'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false */ isInteractive() { return this.eventMode === "static" || this.eventMode === "dynamic"; }, /** * Determines if the children to the container can be clicked/touched * Setting this to false allows PixiJS to bypass a recursive `hitTest` function * @memberof scene.Container# */ interactiveChildren: !0, /** * Interaction shape. Children will be hit first, then this shape will be checked. * Setting this will cause this shape to be checked in hit tests rather than the container's bounds. * @example * import { Rectangle, Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.interactive = true; * sprite.hitArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); * @member {IHitArea} * @memberof scene.Container# */ hitArea: null, /** * Unlike `on` or `addListener` which are methods from EventEmitter, `addEventListener` * seeks to be compatible with the DOM's `addEventListener` with support for options. * @memberof scene.Container * @param type - The type of event to listen to. * @param listener - The listener callback or object. * @param options - Listener options, used for capture phase. * @example * // Tell the user whether they did a single, double, triple, or nth click. * button.addEventListener('click', { * handleEvent(e): { * let prefix; * * switch (e.detail) { * case 1: prefix = 'single'; break; * case 2: prefix = 'double'; break; * case 3: prefix = 'triple'; break; * default: prefix = e.detail + 'th'; break; * } * * console.log('That was a ' + prefix + 'click'); * } * }); * * // But skip the first click! * button.parent.addEventListener('click', function blockClickOnce(e) { * e.stopImmediatePropagation(); * button.parent.removeEventListener('click', blockClickOnce, true); * }, { * capture: true, * }); */ addEventListener(r, e, t) { const i = typeof t == "boolean" && t || typeof t == "object" && t.capture, n = typeof t == "object" ? t.signal : void 0, s = typeof t == "object" ? t.once === !0 : !1, o = typeof e == "function" ? void 0 : e; r = i ? `${r}capture` : r; const a = typeof e == "function" ? e : e.handleEvent, c = this; n && n.addEventListener("abort", () => {, a, o); }), s ? c.once(r, a, o) : c.on(r, a, o); }, /** * Unlike `off` or `removeListener` which are methods from EventEmitter, `removeEventListener` * seeks to be compatible with the DOM's `removeEventListener` with support for options. * @memberof scene.Container * @param type - The type of event the listener is bound to. * @param listener - The listener callback or object. * @param options - The original listener options. This is required to deregister a capture phase listener. */ removeEventListener(r, e, t) { const i = typeof t == "boolean" && t || typeof t == "object" && t.capture, n = typeof e == "function" ? void 0 : e; r = i ? `${r}capture` : r, e = typeof e == "function" ? e : e.handleEvent,, e, n); }, /** * Dispatch the event on this {@link Container} using the event's {@link EventBoundary}. * * The target of the event is set to `this` and the `defaultPrevented` flag is cleared before dispatch. * @memberof scene.Container * @param e - The event to dispatch. * @returns Whether the {@link FederatedEvent.preventDefault preventDefault}() method was not invoked. * @example * // Reuse a click event! * button.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); */ dispatchEvent(r) { if (!(r instanceof M)) throw new Error("Container cannot propagate events outside of the Federated Events API"); return r.defaultPrevented = !1, r.path = null, = this, r.manager.dispatchEvent(r), !r.defaultPrevented; } }; z.add(V); Z.mixin(ue); z.add(q); Z.mixin(me);