import { E as l, S as G, B as A, w as m, D as S, b as Te, g as j, G as Ae, c as Be, d as U, f as p, h as K, i as g, j as Ne, k as Ie, u as De, l as ye, R as L, m as B, n as Ce, o as Ge, p as O, q as $, s as z, t as N, M as Y, v as q, x as Ue, y as Oe, z as Z, A as J, F as Pe, H as Fe, e as T, I as Me, J as Le, K as He, L as we } from "./index-6BV7F4R3.js"; class Q { constructor() { this._didUpload = !1, this._tempState = G.for2d(); } init(e) { e.renderer.runners.contextChange.add(this); } contextChange() { this._didUpload = !1; } start(e, r, s) { const n = e.renderer; n.shader.bind(s, this._didUpload), n.shader.updateUniformGroup(n.globalUniforms.uniformGroup), n.geometry.bind(r, s.glProgram); } execute(e, r) { const s = e.renderer; this._didUpload = !0, this._tempState.blendMode = r.blendMode, s.state.set(this._tempState); const n = r.textures.textures; for (let i = 0; i < r.textures.count; i++) s.texture.bind(n[i], i); s.geometry.draw("triangle-list", r.size, r.start); } } Q.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "batch" }; var x = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 34963] = "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER", t[t.ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962] = "ARRAY_BUFFER", t[t.UNIFORM_BUFFER = 35345] = "UNIFORM_BUFFER", t))(x || {}); class Ve { constructor(e, r) { this.buffer = e || null, this.updateID = -1, this.byteLength = -1, this.type = r; } } class ee { /** * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(e) { this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundBufferBases = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBuffers"); } /** * @ignore */ destroy() { this._renderer = null, this._gl = null, this._gpuBuffers = null, this._boundBufferBases = null; } /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */ contextChange() { this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._gl =; } getGlBuffer(e) { return this._gpuBuffers[e.uid] || this.createGLBuffer(e); } /** * This binds specified buffer. On first run, it will create the webGL buffers for the context too * @param buffer - the buffer to bind to the renderer */ bind(e) { const { _gl: r } = this, s = this.getGlBuffer(e); r.bindBuffer(s.type, s.buffer); } /** * Binds an uniform buffer to at the given index. * * A cache is used so a buffer will not be bound again if already bound. * @param buffer - the buffer to bind * @param index - the base index to bind it to. */ bindBufferBase(e, r) { const { _gl: s } = this; if (this._boundBufferBases[r] !== e) { const n = this.getGlBuffer(e); this._boundBufferBases[r] = e, s.bindBufferBase(s.UNIFORM_BUFFER, r, n.buffer); } } /** * Binds a buffer whilst also binding its range. * This will make the buffer start from the offset supplied rather than 0 when it is read. * @param buffer - the buffer to bind * @param index - the base index to bind at, defaults to 0 * @param offset - the offset to bind at (this is blocks of 256). 0 = 0, 1 = 256, 2 = 512 etc */ bindBufferRange(e, r, s) { const { _gl: n } = this; s = s || 0; const i = this.getGlBuffer(e); n.bindBufferRange(n.UNIFORM_BUFFER, r || 0, i.buffer, s * 256, 256); } /** * Will ensure the data in the buffer is uploaded to the GPU. * @param {Buffer} buffer - the buffer to update */ updateBuffer(e) { const { _gl: r } = this, s = this.getGlBuffer(e); if (e._updateID === s.updateID) return s; s.updateID = e._updateID, r.bindBuffer(s.type, s.buffer); const n =; if (s.byteLength >= r.bufferSubData(s.type, 0, n, 0, e._updateSize / n.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); else { const i = e.descriptor.usage & A.STATIC ? r.STATIC_DRAW : r.DYNAMIC_DRAW; s.byteLength = n.byteLength, r.bufferData(s.type, n, i); } return s; } /** dispose all WebGL resources of all managed buffers */ destroyAll() { const e = this._gl; for (const r in this._gpuBuffers) e.deleteBuffer(this._gpuBuffers[r].buffer); this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } /** * Disposes buffer * @param {Buffer} buffer - buffer with data * @param {boolean} [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress deleteVertexArray */ onBufferDestroy(e, r) { const s = this._gpuBuffers[e.uid], n = this._gl; r || n.deleteBuffer(s.buffer), this._gpuBuffers[e.uid] = null; } /** * creates and attaches a GLBuffer object tied to the current context. * @param buffer * @protected */ createGLBuffer(e) { const { _gl: r } = this; let s = x.ARRAY_BUFFER; e.descriptor.usage & A.INDEX ? s = x.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : e.descriptor.usage & A.UNIFORM && (s = x.UNIFORM_BUFFER); const n = new Ve(r.createBuffer(), s); return this._gpuBuffers[e.uid] = n, e.on("destroy", this.onBufferDestroy, this), n; } } ee.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "buffer" }; const P = class te { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(e) { this.supports = { /** Support for 32-bit indices buffer. */ uint32Indices: !0, /** Support for UniformBufferObjects */ uniformBufferObject: !0, /** Support for VertexArrayObjects */ vertexArrayObject: !0, /** Support for SRGB texture format */ srgbTextures: !0, /** Support for wrapping modes if a texture is non-power of two */ nonPowOf2wrapping: !0, /** Support for MSAA (antialiasing of dynamic textures) */ msaa: !0, /** Support for mipmaps if a texture is non-power of two */ nonPowOf2mipmaps: !0 }, this._renderer = e, this.extensions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.handleContextLost = this.handleContextLost.bind(this), this.handleContextRestored = this.handleContextRestored.bind(this); } /** * `true` if the context is lost * @readonly */ get isLost() { return ! ||; } /** * Handles the context change event. * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - New WebGL context. */ contextChange(e) { = e, = e; } init(e) { e = { ...te.defaultOptions, ...e }; let r = this.multiView = e.multiView; if (e.context && r && (m("Renderer created with both a context and multiview enabled. Disabling multiView as both cannot work together."), r = !1), r ? this.canvas = S.get().createCanvas(this._renderer.canvas.width, this._renderer.canvas.height) : this.canvas = this._renderer.view.canvas, e.context) this.initFromContext(e.context); else { const s = this._renderer.background.alpha < 1, n = e.premultipliedAlpha ?? !0, i = e.antialias && !this._renderer.backBuffer.useBackBuffer; this.createContext(e.preferWebGLVersion, { alpha: s, premultipliedAlpha: n, antialias: i, stencil: !0, preserveDrawingBuffer: e.preserveDrawingBuffer, powerPreference: e.powerPreference ?? "default" }); } } ensureCanvasSize(e) { if (!this.multiView) { e !== this.canvas && m("multiView is disabled, but targetCanvas is not the main canvas"); return; } const { canvas: r } = this; (r.width < e.width || r.height < e.height) && (r.width = Math.max(e.width, e.width), r.height = Math.max(e.height, e.height)); } /** * Initializes the context. * @protected * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - WebGL context */ initFromContext(e) { = e, this.webGLVersion = e instanceof S.get().getWebGLRenderingContext() ? 1 : 2, this.getExtensions(), this.validateContext(e), this._renderer.runners.contextChange.emit(e); const r = this._renderer.view.canvas; r.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost, !1), r.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored, !1); } /** * Initialize from context options * @protected * @see * @param preferWebGLVersion * @param {object} options - context attributes */ createContext(e, r) { let s; const n = this.canvas; if (e === 2 && (s = n.getContext("webgl2", r)), !s && (s = n.getContext("webgl", r), !s)) throw new Error("This browser does not support WebGL. Try using the canvas renderer"); = s, this.initFromContext(; } /** Auto-populate the {@link GlContextSystem.extensions extensions}. */ getExtensions() { const { gl: e } = this, r = { anisotropicFiltering: e.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"), floatTextureLinear: e.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"), s3tc: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"), s3tc_sRGB: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"), // eslint-disable-line camelcase etc: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"), etc1: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"), pvrtc: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc") || e.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"), atc: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc"), astc: e.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"), bptc: e.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_bptc"), rgtc: e.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_rgtc"), loseContext: e.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context") }; if (this.webGLVersion === 1) this.extensions = { ...r, drawBuffers: e.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers"), depthTexture: e.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture"), vertexArrayObject: e.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object") || e.getExtension("MOZ_OES_vertex_array_object") || e.getExtension("WEBKIT_OES_vertex_array_object"), uint32ElementIndex: e.getExtension("OES_element_index_uint"), // Floats and half-floats floatTexture: e.getExtension("OES_texture_float"), floatTextureLinear: e.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"), textureHalfFloat: e.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float"), textureHalfFloatLinear: e.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float_linear"), vertexAttribDivisorANGLE: e.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"), srgb: e.getExtension("EXT_sRGB") }; else { this.extensions = { ...r, colorBufferFloat: e.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float") }; const s = e.getExtension("WEBGL_provoking_vertex"); s && s.provokingVertexWEBGL(s.FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL); } } /** * Handles a lost webgl context * @param {WebGLContextEvent} event - The context lost event. */ handleContextLost(e) { e.preventDefault(), this._contextLossForced && (this._contextLossForced = !1, setTimeout(() => { var r; && ((r = this.extensions.loseContext) == null || r.restoreContext()); }, 0)); } /** Handles a restored webgl context. */ handleContextRestored() { this._renderer.runners.contextChange.emit(; } destroy() { var r; const e = this._renderer.view.canvas; this._renderer = null, e.removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost), e.removeEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored),, (r = this.extensions.loseContext) == null || r.loseContext(); } /** * this function can be called to force a webGL context loss * this will release all resources on the GPU. * Useful if you need to put Pixi to sleep, and save some GPU memory * * As soon as render is called - all resources will be created again. */ forceContextLoss() { var e; (e = this.extensions.loseContext) == null || e.loseContext(), this._contextLossForced = !0; } /** * Validate context. * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - Render context. */ validateContext(e) { const r = e.getContextAttributes(); r && !r.stencil && m("Provided WebGL context does not have a stencil buffer, masks may not render correctly"); const s = this.supports, n = this.webGLVersion === 2, i = this.extensions; s.uint32Indices = n || !!i.uint32ElementIndex, s.uniformBufferObject = n, s.vertexArrayObject = n || !!i.vertexArrayObject, s.srgbTextures = n || !!i.srgb, s.nonPowOf2wrapping = n, s.nonPowOf2mipmaps = n, s.msaa = n, s.uint32Indices || m("Provided WebGL context does not support 32 index buffer, large scenes may not render correctly"); } }; P.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "context" }; P.defaultOptions = { /** * {@link WebGLOptions.context} * @default null */ context: null, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.premultipliedAlpha} * @default true */ premultipliedAlpha: !0, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.preserveDrawingBuffer} * @default false */ preserveDrawingBuffer: !1, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.powerPreference} * @default default */ powerPreference: void 0, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.webGLVersion} * @default 2 */ preferWebGLVersion: 2, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.multiView} * @default false */ multiView: !1 }; let ke = P; var y = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.RGBA = 6408] = "RGBA", t[t.RGB = 6407] = "RGB", t[t.RG = 33319] = "RG", t[t.RED = 6403] = "RED", t[t.RGBA_INTEGER = 36249] = "RGBA_INTEGER", t[t.RGB_INTEGER = 36248] = "RGB_INTEGER", t[t.RG_INTEGER = 33320] = "RG_INTEGER", t[t.RED_INTEGER = 36244] = "RED_INTEGER", t[t.ALPHA = 6406] = "ALPHA", t[t.LUMINANCE = 6409] = "LUMINANCE", t[t.LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 6410] = "LUMINANCE_ALPHA", t[t.DEPTH_COMPONENT = 6402] = "DEPTH_COMPONENT", t[t.DEPTH_STENCIL = 34041] = "DEPTH_STENCIL", t))(y || {}), re = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.TEXTURE_2D = 3553] = "TEXTURE_2D", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP = 34067] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP", t[t.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY = 35866] = "TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X = 34069] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X = 34070] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y = 34071] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y = 34072] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z = 34073] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z", t[t.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z = 34074] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z", t))(re || {}), f = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121] = "UNSIGNED_BYTE", t[t.UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT", t[t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 33635] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5", t[t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 32819] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4", t[t.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 32820] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1", t[t.UNSIGNED_INT = 5125] = "UNSIGNED_INT", t[t.UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV = 35899] = "UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV", t[t.UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV = 33640] = "UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV", t[t.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 = 34042] = "UNSIGNED_INT_24_8", t[t.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV = 35902] = "UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV", t[t.BYTE = 5120] = "BYTE", t[t.SHORT = 5122] = "SHORT", t[t.INT = 5124] = "INT", t[t.FLOAT = 5126] = "FLOAT", t[t.FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV = 36269] = "FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV", t[t.HALF_FLOAT = 36193] = "HALF_FLOAT", t))(f || {}); const H = { uint8x2: f.UNSIGNED_BYTE, uint8x4: f.UNSIGNED_BYTE, sint8x2: f.BYTE, sint8x4: f.BYTE, unorm8x2: f.UNSIGNED_BYTE, unorm8x4: f.UNSIGNED_BYTE, snorm8x2: f.BYTE, snorm8x4: f.BYTE, uint16x2: f.UNSIGNED_SHORT, uint16x4: f.UNSIGNED_SHORT, sint16x2: f.SHORT, sint16x4: f.SHORT, unorm16x2: f.UNSIGNED_SHORT, unorm16x4: f.UNSIGNED_SHORT, snorm16x2: f.SHORT, snorm16x4: f.SHORT, float16x2: f.HALF_FLOAT, float16x4: f.HALF_FLOAT, float32: f.FLOAT, float32x2: f.FLOAT, float32x3: f.FLOAT, float32x4: f.FLOAT, uint32: f.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x2: f.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x3: f.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x4: f.UNSIGNED_INT, sint32: f.INT, sint32x2: f.INT, sint32x3: f.INT, sint32x4: f.INT }; function Xe(t) { return H[t] ?? H.float32; } const We = { "point-list": 0, "line-list": 1, "line-strip": 3, "triangle-list": 4, "triangle-strip": 5 }; class se { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(e) { this._geometryVaoHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._renderer = e, this._activeGeometry = null, this._activeVao = null, this.hasVao = !0, this.hasInstance = !0, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_geometryVaoHash"); } /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */ contextChange() { const e = =; if (!this._renderer.context.supports.vertexArrayObject) throw new Error("[PixiJS] Vertex Array Objects are not supported on this device"); const r = this._renderer.context.extensions.vertexArrayObject; r && (e.createVertexArray = () => r.createVertexArrayOES(), e.bindVertexArray = (n) => r.bindVertexArrayOES(n), e.deleteVertexArray = (n) => r.deleteVertexArrayOES(n)); const s = this._renderer.context.extensions.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE; s && (e.drawArraysInstanced = (n, i, a, o) => { s.drawArraysInstancedANGLE(n, i, a, o); }, e.drawElementsInstanced = (n, i, a, o, c) => { s.drawElementsInstancedANGLE(n, i, a, o, c); }, e.vertexAttribDivisor = (n, i) => s.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(n, i)), this._activeGeometry = null, this._activeVao = null, this._geometryVaoHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } /** * Binds geometry so that is can be drawn. Creating a Vao if required * @param geometry - Instance of geometry to bind. * @param program - Instance of program to use vao for. */ bind(e, r) { const s =; this._activeGeometry = e; const n = this.getVao(e, r); this._activeVao !== n && (this._activeVao = n, s.bindVertexArray(n)), this.updateBuffers(); } /** Reset and unbind any active VAO and geometry. */ reset() { this.unbind(); } /** Update buffers of the currently bound geometry. */ updateBuffers() { const e = this._activeGeometry, r = this._renderer.buffer; for (let s = 0; s < e.buffers.length; s++) { const n = e.buffers[s]; r.updateBuffer(n); } } /** * Check compatibility between a geometry and a program * @param geometry - Geometry instance. * @param program - Program instance. */ checkCompatibility(e, r) { const s = e.attributes, n = r._attributeData; for (const i in n) if (!s[i]) throw new Error(`shader and geometry incompatible, geometry missing the "${i}" attribute`); } /** * Takes a geometry and program and generates a unique signature for them. * @param geometry - To get signature from. * @param program - To test geometry against. * @returns - Unique signature of the geometry and program */ getSignature(e, r) { const s = e.attributes, n = r._attributeData, i = ["g", e.uid]; for (const a in s) n[a] && i.push(a, n[a].location); return i.join("-"); } getVao(e, r) { var s; return ((s = this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid]) == null ? void 0 : s[r._key]) || this.initGeometryVao(e, r); } /** * Creates or gets Vao with the same structure as the geometry and stores it on the geometry. * If vao is created, it is bound automatically. We use a shader to infer what and how to set up the * attribute locations. * @param geometry - Instance of geometry to to generate Vao for. * @param program * @param _incRefCount - Increment refCount of all geometry buffers. */ initGeometryVao(e, r, s = !0) { const n =, i = this._renderer.buffer; this._renderer.shader._getProgramData(r), this.checkCompatibility(e, r); const a = this.getSignature(e, r); this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid] || (this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e.on("destroy", this.onGeometryDestroy, this)); const o = this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid]; let c = o[a]; if (c) return o[r._key] = c, c; Te(e, r._attributeData); const u = e.buffers; c = n.createVertexArray(), n.bindVertexArray(c); for (let _ = 0; _ < u.length; _++) { const h = u[_]; i.bind(h); } return this.activateVao(e, r), o[r._key] = c, o[a] = c, n.bindVertexArray(null), c; } /** * Disposes geometry. * @param geometry - Geometry with buffers. Only VAO will be disposed * @param [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress deleteVertexArray */ onGeometryDestroy(e, r) { const s = this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid], n =; if (s) { if (r) for (const i in s) this._activeVao !== s[i] && this.unbind(), n.deleteVertexArray(s[i]); this._geometryVaoHash[e.uid] = null; } } /** * Dispose all WebGL resources of all managed geometries. * @param [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress `gl.delete` calls */ destroyAll(e = !1) { const r =; for (const s in this._geometryVaoHash) { if (e) for (const n in this._geometryVaoHash[s]) { const i = this._geometryVaoHash[s]; this._activeVao !== i && this.unbind(), r.deleteVertexArray(i[n]); } this._geometryVaoHash[s] = null; } } /** * Activate vertex array object. * @param geometry - Geometry instance. * @param program - Shader program instance. */ activateVao(e, r) { var o; const s =, n = this._renderer.buffer, i = e.attributes; e.indexBuffer && n.bind(e.indexBuffer); let a = null; for (const c in i) { const u = i[c], _ = u.buffer, h = n.getGlBuffer(_), d = r._attributeData[c]; if (d) { a !== h && (n.bind(_), a = h); const E = d.location; s.enableVertexAttribArray(E); const b = j(u.format), M = Xe(u.format); if (((o = d.format) == null ? void 0 : o.substring(1, 4)) === "int" ? s.vertexAttribIPointer( E, b.size, M, u.stride, u.offset ) : s.vertexAttribPointer( E, b.size, M, b.normalised, u.stride, u.offset ), u.instance) if (this.hasInstance) { const xe = u.divisor ?? 1; s.vertexAttribDivisor(E, xe); } else throw new Error("geometry error, GPU Instancing is not supported on this device"); } } } /** * Draws the currently bound geometry. * @param topology - The type primitive to render. * @param size - The number of elements to be rendered. If not specified, all vertices after the * starting vertex will be drawn. * @param start - The starting vertex in the geometry to start drawing from. If not specified, * drawing will start from the first vertex. * @param instanceCount - The number of instances of the set of elements to execute. If not specified, * all instances will be drawn. */ draw(e, r, s, n) { const { gl: i } = this._renderer, a = this._activeGeometry, o = We[a.topology || e]; if (n || (n = a.instanceCount), a.indexBuffer) { const c =, u = c === 2 ? i.UNSIGNED_SHORT : i.UNSIGNED_INT; n > 1 ? i.drawElementsInstanced(o, r ||, u, (s || 0) * c, n) : i.drawElements(o, r ||, u, (s || 0) * c); } else n > 1 ? i.drawArraysInstanced(o, s || 0, r || a.getSize(), n) : i.drawArrays(o, s || 0, r || a.getSize()); return this; } /** Unbind/reset everything. */ unbind() {, this._activeVao = null, this._activeGeometry = null; } destroy() { this._renderer = null, = null, this._activeVao = null, this._activeGeometry = null; } } se.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "geometry" }; const je = new Ae({ attributes: { aPosition: [ -1, -1, // Bottom left corner 3, -1, // Bottom right corner, extending beyond right edge -1, 3 // Top left corner, extending beyond top edge ] } }), F = class ne { constructor(e) { this.useBackBuffer = !1, this._useBackBufferThisRender = !1, this._renderer = e; } init(e = {}) { const { useBackBuffer: r, antialias: s } = {, ...e }; this.useBackBuffer = r, this._antialias = s, this._renderer.context.supports.msaa || (m("antialiasing, is not supported on when using the back buffer"), this._antialias = !1), this._state = G.for2d(); const n = new Be({ vertex: ` attribute vec2 aPosition; out vec2 vUv; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 1.0); vUv = (aPosition + 1.0) / 2.0; // flip dem UVs vUv.y = 1.0 - vUv.y; }`, fragment: ` in vec2 vUv; out vec4 finalColor; uniform sampler2D uTexture; void main() { finalColor = texture(uTexture, vUv); }`, name: "big-triangle" }); this._bigTriangleShader = new U({ glProgram: n, resources: { uTexture: p.WHITE.source } }); } /** * This is called before the RenderTargetSystem is started. This is where * we replace the target with the back buffer if required. * @param options - The options for this render. */ renderStart(e) { const r = this._renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(; if (this._useBackBufferThisRender = this.useBackBuffer && !!r.isRoot, this._useBackBufferThisRender) { const s = this._renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(; this._targetTexture = s.colorTexture, = this._getBackBufferTexture(s.colorTexture); } } renderEnd() { this._presentBackBuffer(); } _presentBackBuffer() { const e = this._renderer; e.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(), this._useBackBufferThisRender && (e.renderTarget.bind(this._targetTexture, !1), this._bigTriangleShader.resources.uTexture = this._backBufferTexture.source, e.encoder.draw({ geometry: je, shader: this._bigTriangleShader, state: this._state })); } _getBackBufferTexture(e) { return this._backBufferTexture = this._backBufferTexture || new p({ source: new K({ width: e.width, height: e.height, resolution: e._resolution, antialias: this._antialias }) }), this._backBufferTexture.source.resize( e.width, e.height, e._resolution ), this._backBufferTexture; } /** destroys the back buffer */ destroy() { this._backBufferTexture && (this._backBufferTexture.destroy(), this._backBufferTexture = null); } }; F.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "backBuffer", priority: 1 }; F.defaultOptions = { /** if true will use the back buffer where required */ useBackBuffer: !1 }; let Ke = F; class ie { constructor(e) { this._colorMaskCache = 15, this._renderer = e; } setMask(e) { this._colorMaskCache !== e && (this._colorMaskCache = e, !!(e & 8), !!(e & 4), !!(e & 2), !!(e & 1) )); } } ie.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "colorMask" }; class ae { constructor(e) { this.commandFinished = Promise.resolve(), this._renderer = e; } setGeometry(e, r) { this._renderer.geometry.bind(e, r.glProgram); } finishRenderPass() { } draw(e) { const r = this._renderer, { geometry: s, shader: n, state: i, skipSync: a, topology: o, size: c, start: u, instanceCount: _ } = e; r.shader.bind(n, a), r.geometry.bind(s, r.shader._activeProgram), i && r.state.set(i), r.geometry.draw(o, c, u, _ ?? s.instanceCount); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } } ae.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "encoder" }; class $e { constructor() { this.width = -1, this.height = -1, this.msaa = !1, this.msaaRenderBuffer = []; } } class oe { constructor(e) { this._stencilCache = { enabled: !1, stencilReference: 0, stencilMode: g.NONE }, this._renderTargetStencilState = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e.renderTarget.onRenderTargetChange.add(this); } contextChange(e) { this._gl = e, this._comparisonFuncMapping = { always: e.ALWAYS, never: e.NEVER, equal: e.EQUAL, "not-equal": e.NOTEQUAL, less: e.LESS, "less-equal": e.LEQUAL, greater: e.GREATER, "greater-equal": e.GEQUAL }, this._stencilOpsMapping = { keep: e.KEEP, zero: e.ZERO, replace: e.REPLACE, invert: e.INVERT, "increment-clamp": e.INCR, "decrement-clamp": e.DECR, "increment-wrap": e.INCR_WRAP, "decrement-wrap": e.DECR_WRAP }, this._stencilCache.enabled = !1, this._stencilCache.stencilMode = g.NONE, this._stencilCache.stencilReference = 0; } onRenderTargetChange(e) { if (this._activeRenderTarget === e) return; this._activeRenderTarget = e; let r = this._renderTargetStencilState[e.uid]; r || (r = this._renderTargetStencilState[e.uid] = { stencilMode: g.DISABLED, stencilReference: 0 }), this.setStencilMode(r.stencilMode, r.stencilReference); } setStencilMode(e, r) { const s = this._renderTargetStencilState[this._activeRenderTarget.uid], n = this._gl, i = Ne[e], a = this._stencilCache; if (s.stencilMode = e, s.stencilReference = r, e === g.DISABLED) { this._stencilCache.enabled && (this._stencilCache.enabled = !1, n.disable(n.STENCIL_TEST)); return; } this._stencilCache.enabled || (this._stencilCache.enabled = !0, n.enable(n.STENCIL_TEST)), (e !== a.stencilMode || a.stencilReference !== r) && (a.stencilMode = e, a.stencilReference = r, n.stencilFunc(this._comparisonFuncMapping[], r, 255), n.stencilOp(n.KEEP, n.KEEP, this._stencilOpsMapping[i.stencilBack.passOp])); } } oe.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "stencil" }; const ce = { f32: 4, "vec2": 8, "vec3": 12, "vec4": 16, "mat2x2": 16 * 2, "mat3x3": 16 * 3, "mat4x4": 16 * 4 // TODO - not essential for now but support these in the future // int: 4, // ivec2: 8, // ivec3: 12, // ivec4: 16, // uint: 4, // uvec2: 8, // uvec3: 12, // uvec4: 16, // bool: 4, // bvec2: 8, // bvec3: 12, // bvec4: 16, // mat2: 16 * 2, // mat3: 16 * 3, // mat4: 16 * 4, }; function ze(t) { const e = => ({ data: i, offset: 0, size: 0 })); let r = 0, s = 0, n = 0; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { const a = e[i]; if (r = ce[], !r) throw new Error(`Unknown type ${}`); if ( > 1 && (r = Math.max(r, 16) *, a.size = r, s % r !== 0 && s < 16) { const o = s % r % 16; s += o, n += o; } s + r > 16 ? (n = Math.ceil(n / 16) * 16, a.offset = n, n += r, s = r) : (a.offset = n, s += r, n += r); } return n = Math.ceil(n / 16) * 16, { uboElements: e, size: n }; } function Ye(t, e) { const r = Math.max(ce[] / 16, 1), s = /, n = (4 - s % 4) % 4; return ` v = uv.${}; offset += ${e}; arrayOffset = offset; t = 0; for(var i=0; i < ${ * r}; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < ${s}; j++) { data[arrayOffset++] = v[t++]; } ${n !== 0 ? `arrayOffset += ${n};` : ""} } `; } function qe(t) { return Ie( t, "uboStd40", Ye, De ); } class ue extends ye { constructor() { super({ createUboElements: ze, generateUboSync: qe }); } } ue.extension = { type: [l.WebGLSystem], name: "ubo" }; class Ze { constructor() { this._clearColorCache = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._viewPortCache = new L(); } init(e, r) { this._renderer = e, this._renderTargetSystem = r, e.runners.contextChange.add(this); } contextChange() { this._clearColorCache = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._viewPortCache = new L(); } copyToTexture(e, r, s, n, i) { const a = this._renderTargetSystem, o = this._renderer, c = a.getGpuRenderTarget(e), u =; return this.finishRenderPass(e), u.bindFramebuffer(u.FRAMEBUFFER, c.resolveTargetFramebuffer), o.texture.bind(r, 0), u.copyTexSubImage2D( u.TEXTURE_2D, 0, i.x, i.y, s.x, s.y, n.width, n.height ), r; } startRenderPass(e, r = !0, s, n) { const i = this._renderTargetSystem, a = e.colorTexture, o = i.getGpuRenderTarget(e); let c = n.y; e.isRoot && (c = a.pixelHeight - n.height), e.colorTextures.forEach((h) => { this._renderer.texture.unbind(h); }); const u =; u.bindFramebuffer(u.FRAMEBUFFER, o.framebuffer); const _ = this._viewPortCache; (_.x !== n.x || _.y !== c || _.width !== n.width || _.height !== n.height) && (_.x = n.x, _.y = c, _.width = n.width, _.height = n.height, u.viewport( n.x, c, n.width, n.height )), !o.depthStencilRenderBuffer && (e.stencil || e.depth) && this._initStencil(o), this.clear(e, r, s); } finishRenderPass(e) { const s = this._renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(e); if (!s.msaa) return; const n =; n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, s.resolveTargetFramebuffer), n.bindFramebuffer(n.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, s.framebuffer), n.blitFramebuffer( 0, 0, s.width, s.height, 0, 0, s.width, s.height, n.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, n.NEAREST ), n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, s.framebuffer); } initGpuRenderTarget(e) { const r = this._renderer, s =, n = new $e(); return e.colorTexture.resource === r.canvas ? (this._renderer.context.ensureCanvasSize(e.colorTexture.resource), n.framebuffer = null, n) : (this._initColor(e, n), s.bindFramebuffer(s.FRAMEBUFFER, null), n); } destroyGpuRenderTarget(e) { const r =; e.framebuffer && (r.deleteFramebuffer(e.framebuffer), e.framebuffer = null), e.resolveTargetFramebuffer && (r.deleteFramebuffer(e.resolveTargetFramebuffer), e.resolveTargetFramebuffer = null), e.depthStencilRenderBuffer && (r.deleteRenderbuffer(e.depthStencilRenderBuffer), e.depthStencilRenderBuffer = null), e.msaaRenderBuffer.forEach((s) => { r.deleteRenderbuffer(s); }), e.msaaRenderBuffer = null; } clear(e, r, s) { if (!r) return; const n = this._renderTargetSystem; typeof r == "boolean" && (r = r ? B.ALL : B.NONE); const i =; if (r & B.COLOR) { s ?? (s = n.defaultClearColor); const a = this._clearColorCache, o = s; (a[0] !== o[0] || a[1] !== o[1] || a[2] !== o[2] || a[3] !== o[3]) && (a[0] = o[0], a[1] = o[1], a[2] = o[2], a[3] = o[3], i.clearColor(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3])); } i.clear(r); } resizeGpuRenderTarget(e) { if (e.isRoot) return; const s = this._renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(e); this._resizeColor(e, s), (e.stencil || e.depth) && this._resizeStencil(s); } _initColor(e, r) { const s = this._renderer, n =, i = n.createFramebuffer(); if (r.resolveTargetFramebuffer = i, n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, i), r.width = e.colorTexture.source.pixelWidth, r.height = e.colorTexture.source.pixelHeight, e.colorTextures.forEach((a, o) => { const c = a.source; c.antialias && (s.context.supports.msaa ? r.msaa = !0 : m("[RenderTexture] Antialiasing on textures is not supported in WebGL1")), s.texture.bindSource(c, 0); const _ = s.texture.getGlSource(c).texture; n.framebufferTexture2D( n.FRAMEBUFFER, n.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + o, 3553, //, _, 0 ); }), r.msaa) { const a = n.createFramebuffer(); r.framebuffer = a, n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, a), e.colorTextures.forEach((o, c) => { const u = n.createRenderbuffer(); r.msaaRenderBuffer[c] = u; }); } else r.framebuffer = i; this._resizeColor(e, r); } _resizeColor(e, r) { const s = e.colorTexture.source; if (r.width = s.pixelWidth, r.height = s.pixelHeight, e.colorTextures.forEach((n, i) => { i !== 0 && n.source.resize(s.width, s.height, s._resolution); }), r.msaa) { const n = this._renderer, i =, a = r.framebuffer; i.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER, a), e.colorTextures.forEach((o, c) => { const u = o.source; n.texture.bindSource(u, 0); const h = n.texture.getGlSource(u).internalFormat, d = r.msaaRenderBuffer[c]; i.bindRenderbuffer( i.RENDERBUFFER, d ), i.renderbufferStorageMultisample( i.RENDERBUFFER, 4, h, u.pixelWidth, u.pixelHeight ), i.framebufferRenderbuffer( i.FRAMEBUFFER, i.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + c, i.RENDERBUFFER, d ); }); } } _initStencil(e) { if (e.framebuffer === null) return; const r =, s = r.createRenderbuffer(); e.depthStencilRenderBuffer = s, r.bindRenderbuffer( r.RENDERBUFFER, s ), r.framebufferRenderbuffer( r.FRAMEBUFFER, r.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, r.RENDERBUFFER, s ), this._resizeStencil(e); } _resizeStencil(e) { const r =; r.bindRenderbuffer( r.RENDERBUFFER, e.depthStencilRenderBuffer ), e.msaa ? r.renderbufferStorageMultisample( r.RENDERBUFFER, 4, r.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, e.width, e.height ) : r.renderbufferStorage( r.RENDERBUFFER, this._renderer.context.webGLVersion === 2 ? r.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : r.DEPTH_STENCIL, e.width, e.height ); } postrender(e) { if (this._renderer.context.multiView && Ce.test(e.colorTexture.resource)) { const r = this._renderer.context.canvas, s = e.colorTexture; s.context2D.drawImage( r, 0, s.pixelHeight - r.height ); } } } class _e extends Ge { constructor(e) { super(e), this.adaptor = new Ze(), this.adaptor.init(e, this); } } _e.extension = { type: [l.WebGLSystem], name: "renderTarget" }; function Je(t, e) { const r = [], s = [` var g = s.groups; var sS = r.shader; var p = s.glProgram; var ugS = r.uniformGroup; var resources; `]; let n = !1, i = 0, a = 0; const o = e._getProgramData(t.glProgram); for (const u in t.groups) { const _ = t.groups[u]; r.push(` resources = g[${u}].resources; `); for (const h in _.resources) { const d = _.resources[h]; if (d instanceof O) d.ubo ? r.push(` sS.bindUniformBlock( resources[${h}], sS._uniformBindMap[${u}[${h}], ${i++} ); `) : r.push(` ugS.updateUniformGroup(resources[${h}], p, sD); `); else if (d instanceof $) r.push(` sS.bindUniformBlock( resources[${h}], sS._uniformBindMap[${u}[${h}], ${i++} ); `); else if (d instanceof K) { const E = t._uniformBindMap[u][h], b = o.uniformData[E]; b && (n || (n = !0, s.push(` var tS = r.texture; `)), e._gl.uniform1i(b.location, a), r.push(` tS.bind(resources[${h}], ${a}); `), a++); } } } const c = [...s, ...r].join(` `); return new Function("r", "s", "sD", c); } class Qe { /** * Makes a new Pixi program. * @param program - webgl program * @param uniformData - uniforms */ constructor(e, r) { this.program = e, this.uniformData = r, this.uniformGroups = {}, this.uniformDirtyGroups = {}, this.uniformBlockBindings = {}; } /** Destroys this program. */ destroy() { this.uniformData = null, this.uniformGroups = null, this.uniformDirtyGroups = null, this.uniformBlockBindings = null, this.program = null; } } function w(t, e, r) { const s = t.createShader(e); return t.shaderSource(s, r), t.compileShader(s), s; } function I(t) { const e = new Array(t); for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r] = !1; return e; } function fe(t, e) { switch (t) { case "float": return 0; case "vec2": return new Float32Array(2 * e); case "vec3": return new Float32Array(3 * e); case "vec4": return new Float32Array(4 * e); case "int": case "uint": case "sampler2D": case "sampler2DArray": return 0; case "ivec2": return new Int32Array(2 * e); case "ivec3": return new Int32Array(3 * e); case "ivec4": return new Int32Array(4 * e); case "uvec2": return new Uint32Array(2 * e); case "uvec3": return new Uint32Array(3 * e); case "uvec4": return new Uint32Array(4 * e); case "bool": return !1; case "bvec2": return I(2 * e); case "bvec3": return I(3 * e); case "bvec4": return I(4 * e); case "mat2": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat3": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat4": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); } return null; } let R = null; const V = { FLOAT: "float", FLOAT_VEC2: "vec2", FLOAT_VEC3: "vec3", FLOAT_VEC4: "vec4", INT: "int", INT_VEC2: "ivec2", INT_VEC3: "ivec3", INT_VEC4: "ivec4", UNSIGNED_INT: "uint", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: "uvec2", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: "uvec3", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: "uvec4", BOOL: "bool", BOOL_VEC2: "bvec2", BOOL_VEC3: "bvec3", BOOL_VEC4: "bvec4", FLOAT_MAT2: "mat2", FLOAT_MAT3: "mat3", FLOAT_MAT4: "mat4", SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", INT_SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray", INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray" }, et = { float: "float32", vec2: "float32x2", vec3: "float32x3", vec4: "float32x4", int: "sint32", ivec2: "sint32x2", ivec3: "sint32x3", ivec4: "sint32x4", uint: "uint32", uvec2: "uint32x2", uvec3: "uint32x3", uvec4: "uint32x4", bool: "uint32", bvec2: "uint32x2", bvec3: "uint32x3", bvec4: "uint32x4" }; function he(t, e) { if (!R) { const r = Object.keys(V); R = {}; for (let s = 0; s < r.length; ++s) { const n = r[s]; R[t[n]] = V[n]; } } return R[e]; } function tt(t, e) { const r = he(t, e); return et[r] || "float32"; } function rt(t, e, r = !1) { const s = {}, n = e.getProgramParameter(t, e.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES); for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) { const o = e.getActiveAttrib(t, a); if ("gl_")) continue; const c = tt(e, o.type); s[] = { location: 0, // set further down.. format: c, stride: j(c).stride, offset: 0, instance: !1, start: 0 }; } const i = Object.keys(s); if (r) { i.sort((a, o) => a > o ? 1 : -1); for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) s[i[a]].location = a, e.bindAttribLocation(t, a, i[a]); e.linkProgram(t); } else for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) s[i[a]].location = e.getAttribLocation(t, i[a]); return s; } function st(t, e) { if (!e.ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS) return {}; const r = {}, s = e.getProgramParameter(t, e.ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS); for (let n = 0; n < s; n++) { const i = e.getActiveUniformBlockName(t, n), a = e.getUniformBlockIndex(t, i), o = e.getActiveUniformBlockParameter(t, n, e.UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE); r[i] = { name: i, index: a, size: o }; } return r; } function nt(t, e) { const r = {}, s = e.getProgramParameter(t, e.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS); for (let n = 0; n < s; n++) { const i = e.getActiveUniform(t, n), a =\[.*?\]$/, ""), o = !!\[.*?\]$/), c = he(e, i.type); r[a] = { name: a, index: n, type: c, size: i.size, isArray: o, value: fe(c, i.size) }; } return r; } function k(t, e) { const r = t.getShaderSource(e).split(` `).map((u, _) => `${_}: ${u}`), s = t.getShaderInfoLog(e), n = s.split(` `), i = {}, a = => parseFloat(u.replace(/^ERROR\: 0\:([\d]+)\:.*$/, "$1"))).filter((u) => u && !i[u] ? (i[u] = !0, !0) : !1), o = [""]; a.forEach((u) => { r[u - 1] = `%c${r[u - 1]}%c`, o.push("background: #FF0000; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 10px", "font-size: 10px"); }); const c = r.join(` `); o[0] = c, console.error(s), console.groupCollapsed("click to view full shader code"), console.warn(...o), console.groupEnd(); } function it(t, e, r, s) { t.getProgramParameter(e, t.LINK_STATUS) || (t.getShaderParameter(r, t.COMPILE_STATUS) || k(t, r), t.getShaderParameter(s, t.COMPILE_STATUS) || k(t, s), console.error("PixiJS Error: Could not initialize shader."), t.getProgramInfoLog(e) !== "" && console.warn("PixiJS Warning: gl.getProgramInfoLog()", t.getProgramInfoLog(e))); } function at(t, e) { const r = w(t, t.VERTEX_SHADER, e.vertex), s = w(t, t.FRAGMENT_SHADER, e.fragment), n = t.createProgram(); t.attachShader(n, r), t.attachShader(n, s); const i = e.transformFeedbackVaryings; i && (typeof t.transformFeedbackVaryings != "function" ? m("TransformFeedback is not supported but TransformFeedbackVaryings are given.") : t.transformFeedbackVaryings( n, i.names, i.bufferMode === "separate" ? t.SEPARATE_ATTRIBS : t.INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS )), t.linkProgram(n), t.getProgramParameter(n, t.LINK_STATUS) || it(t, n, r, s), e._attributeData = rt( n, t, !/^[ \t]*#[ \t]*version[ \t]+300[ \t]+es[ \t]*$/m.test(e.vertex) ), e._uniformData = nt(n, t), e._uniformBlockData = st(n, t), t.deleteShader(r), t.deleteShader(s); const a = {}; for (const c in e._uniformData) { const u = e._uniformData[c]; a[c] = { location: t.getUniformLocation(n, c), value: fe(u.type, u.size) }; } return new Qe(n, a); } const v = { textureCount: 0, blockIndex: 0 }; class le { constructor(e) { this._activeProgram = null, this._programDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._nextIndex = 0, this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundIndexToUniformsHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._shaderSyncFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_programDataHash"); } contextChange(e) { this._gl = e, this._maxBindings = e.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS ? e.getParameter(e.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS) : 0, this._programDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundIndexToUniformsHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._shaderSyncFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._activeProgram = null, this.maxTextures = z(); } /** * Changes the current shader to the one given in parameter. * @param shader - the new shader * @param skipSync - false if the shader should automatically sync its uniforms. * @returns the glProgram that belongs to the shader. */ bind(e, r) { if (this._setProgram(e.glProgram), r) return; v.textureCount = 0, v.blockIndex = 0; let s = this._shaderSyncFunctions[e.glProgram._key]; s || (s = this._shaderSyncFunctions[e.glProgram._key] = this._generateShaderSync(e, this)), s(this._renderer, e, v); } /** * Updates the uniform group. * @param uniformGroup - the uniform group to update */ updateUniformGroup(e) { this._renderer.uniformGroup.updateUniformGroup(e, this._activeProgram, v); } /** * Binds a uniform block to the shader. * @param uniformGroup - the uniform group to bind * @param name - the name of the uniform block * @param index - the index of the uniform block */ bindUniformBlock(e, r, s = 0) { const n = this._renderer.buffer, i = this._getProgramData(this._activeProgram), a = e._bufferResource; a && this._renderer.ubo.updateUniformGroup(e), n.updateBuffer(e.buffer); let o = this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[e.uid]; if (o === void 0) { const _ = this._nextIndex++ % this._maxBindings, h = this._boundIndexToUniformsHash[_]; h && (this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[h.uid] = void 0), o = this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[e.uid] = _, this._boundIndexToUniformsHash[_] = e, a ? n.bindBufferRange(e.buffer, _, e.offset) : n.bindBufferBase(e.buffer, _); } const c = this._gl, u = this._activeProgram._uniformBlockData[r].index; i.uniformBlockBindings[s] !== o && (i.uniformBlockBindings[s] = o, c.uniformBlockBinding(i.program, u, o)); } _setProgram(e) { if (this._activeProgram === e) return; this._activeProgram = e; const r = this._getProgramData(e); this._gl.useProgram(r.program); } /** * @param program - the program to get the data for * @internal * @private */ _getProgramData(e) { return this._programDataHash[e._key] || this._createProgramData(e); } _createProgramData(e) { const r = e._key; return this._programDataHash[r] = at(this._gl, e), this._programDataHash[r]; } destroy() { for (const e of Object.keys(this._programDataHash)) this._programDataHash[e].destroy(), this._programDataHash[e] = null; this._programDataHash = null, this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = null; } /** * Creates a function that can be executed that will sync the shader as efficiently as possible. * Overridden by the unsafe eval package if you don't want eval used in your project. * @param shader - the shader to generate the sync function for * @param shaderSystem - the shader system to use * @returns - the generated sync function * @ignore */ _generateShaderSync(e, r) { return Je(e, r); } } le.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "shader" }; const ot = { f32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1f(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2f(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3f(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4f(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, i32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1i(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2i(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, u32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1ui(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2ui(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3ui(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4ui(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, bool: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1i(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2i(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, "mat2x2": "gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, v);", "mat3x3": "gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, v);", "mat4x4": "gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, v);" }, ct = { f32: "gl.uniform1fv(location, v);", "vec2": "gl.uniform2fv(location, v);", "vec3": "gl.uniform3fv(location, v);", "vec4": "gl.uniform4fv(location, v);", "mat2x2": "gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, v);", "mat3x3": "gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, v);", "mat4x4": "gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, v);", i32: "gl.uniform1iv(location, v);", "vec2": "gl.uniform2iv(location, v);", "vec3": "gl.uniform3iv(location, v);", "vec4": "gl.uniform4iv(location, v);", u32: "gl.uniform1iv(location, v);", "vec2": "gl.uniform2iv(location, v);", "vec3": "gl.uniform3iv(location, v);", "vec4": "gl.uniform4iv(location, v);", bool: "gl.uniform1iv(location, v);", "vec2": "gl.uniform2iv(location, v);", "vec3": "gl.uniform3iv(location, v);", "vec4": "gl.uniform4iv(location, v);" }; function ut(t, e) { const r = [` var v = null; var cv = null; var cu = null; var t = 0; var gl =; var name = null; `]; for (const s in t.uniforms) { if (!e[s]) { t.uniforms[s] instanceof O ? t.uniforms[s].ubo ? r.push(` renderer.shader.bindUniformBlock(uv.${s}, "${s}"); `) : r.push(` renderer.shader.updateUniformGroup(uv.${s}); `) : t.uniforms[s] instanceof $ && r.push(` renderer.shader.bindBufferResource(uv.${s}, "${s}"); `); continue; } const n = t.uniformStructures[s]; let i = !1; for (let a = 0; a < N.length; a++) { const o = N[a]; if (n.type === o.type && o.test(n)) { r.push(`name = "${s}";`, N[a].uniform), i = !0; break; } } if (!i) { const o = (n.size === 1 ? ot : ct)[n.type].replace("location", `ud["${s}"].location`); r.push(` cu = ud["${s}"]; cv = cu.value; v = uv["${s}"]; ${o};`); } } return new Function("ud", "uv", "renderer", "syncData", r.join(` `)); } class de { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(e) { this._cache = {}, this._uniformGroupSyncHash = {}, this._renderer = e, = null, this._cache = {}; } contextChange(e) { = e; } /** * Uploads the uniforms values to the currently bound shader. * @param group - the uniforms values that be applied to the current shader * @param program * @param syncData * @param syncData.textureCount */ updateUniformGroup(e, r, s) { const n = this._renderer.shader._getProgramData(r); (!e.isStatic || e._dirtyId !== n.uniformDirtyGroups[e.uid]) && (n.uniformDirtyGroups[e.uid] = e._dirtyId, this._getUniformSyncFunction(e, r)(n.uniformData, e.uniforms, this._renderer, s)); } /** * Overridable by the pixi.js/unsafe-eval package to use static syncUniforms instead. * @param group * @param program */ _getUniformSyncFunction(e, r) { var s; return ((s = this._uniformGroupSyncHash[e._signature]) == null ? void 0 : s[r._key]) || this._createUniformSyncFunction(e, r); } _createUniformSyncFunction(e, r) { const s = this._uniformGroupSyncHash[e._signature] || (this._uniformGroupSyncHash[e._signature] = {}), n = this._getSignature(e, r._uniformData, "u"); return this._cache[n] || (this._cache[n] = this._generateUniformsSync(e, r._uniformData)), s[r._key] = this._cache[n], s[r._key]; } _generateUniformsSync(e, r) { return ut(e, r); } /** * Takes a uniform group and data and generates a unique signature for them. * @param group - The uniform group to get signature of * @param group.uniforms * @param uniformData - Uniform information generated by the shader * @param preFix * @returns Unique signature of the uniform group */ _getSignature(e, r, s) { const n = e.uniforms, i = [`${s}-`]; for (const a in n) i.push(a), r[a] && i.push(r[a].type); return i.join("-"); } /** Destroys this System and removes all its textures. */ destroy() { this._renderer = null, this._cache = null; } } de.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "uniformGroup" }; function _t(t) { const e = {}; if (e.normal = [t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], e.add = [t.ONE, t.ONE], e.multiply = [t.DST_COLOR, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], e.screen = [t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], e.none = [0, 0], e["normal-npm"] = [t.SRC_ALPHA, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], e["add-npm"] = [t.SRC_ALPHA, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE], e["screen-npm"] = [t.SRC_ALPHA, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, t.ONE, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], e.erase = [t.ZERO, t.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA], !(t instanceof S.get().getWebGLRenderingContext())) e.min = [t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.MIN, t.MIN], e.max = [t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.MAX, t.MAX]; else { const s = t.getExtension("EXT_blend_minmax"); s && (e.min = [t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, s.MIN_EXT, s.MIN_EXT], e.max = [t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, t.ONE, s.MAX_EXT, s.MAX_EXT]); } return e; } const ft = 0, ht = 1, lt = 2, dt = 3, mt = 4, Et = 5, me = class C { constructor() { = null, this.stateId = 0, this.polygonOffset = 0, this.blendMode = "none", this._blendEq = !1, = [],[ft] = this.setBlend,[ht] = this.setOffset,[lt] = this.setCullFace,[dt] = this.setDepthTest,[mt] = this.setFrontFace,[Et] = this.setDepthMask, this.checks = [], this.defaultState = G.for2d(); } contextChange(e) { = e, this.blendModesMap = _t(e), this.reset(); } /** * Sets the current state * @param {*} state - The state to set. */ set(e) { if (e = e || this.defaultState, this.stateId !== { let r = this.stateId ^, s = 0; for (; r; ) r & 1 &&[s].call(this, !!( & 1 << s)), r = r >> 1, s++; this.stateId =; } for (let r = 0; r < this.checks.length; r++) this.checks[r](this, e); } /** * Sets the state, when previous state is unknown. * @param {*} state - The state to set */ forceState(e) { e = e || this.defaultState; for (let r = 0; r <; r++)[r].call(this, !!( & 1 << r)); for (let r = 0; r < this.checks.length; r++) this.checks[r](this, e); this.stateId =; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable blending. * @param value - Turn on or off WebGl blending. */ setBlend(e) { this._updateCheck(C._checkBlendMode, e),[e ? "enable" : "disable"](; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable polygon offset fill. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl polygon offset testing. */ setOffset(e) { this._updateCheck(C._checkPolygonOffset, e),[e ? "enable" : "disable"](; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable depth test. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl depth testing. */ setDepthTest(e) {[e ? "enable" : "disable"](; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable depth mask. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl depth mask. */ setDepthMask(e) {; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable cull face. * @param {boolean} value - Turn on or off webgl cull face. */ setCullFace(e) {[e ? "enable" : "disable"](; } /** * Sets the gl front face. * @param {boolean} value - true is clockwise and false is counter-clockwise */ setFrontFace(e) {[e ? "CW" : "CCW"]); } /** * Sets the blend mode. * @param {number} value - The blend mode to set to. */ setBlendMode(e) { if (this.blendModesMap[e] || (e = "normal"), e === this.blendMode) return; this.blendMode = e; const r = this.blendModesMap[e], s =; r.length === 2 ? s.blendFunc(r[0], r[1]) : s.blendFuncSeparate(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]), r.length === 6 ? (this._blendEq = !0, s.blendEquationSeparate(r[4], r[5])) : this._blendEq && (this._blendEq = !1, s.blendEquationSeparate(s.FUNC_ADD, s.FUNC_ADD)); } /** * Sets the polygon offset. * @param {number} value - the polygon offset * @param {number} scale - the polygon offset scale */ setPolygonOffset(e, r) {, r); } // used /** Resets all the logic and disables the VAOs. */ reset() {, !1), this.forceState(this.defaultState), this._blendEq = !0, this.blendMode = "", this.setBlendMode("normal"); } /** * Checks to see which updates should be checked based on which settings have been activated. * * For example, if blend is enabled then we should check the blend modes each time the state is changed * or if polygon fill is activated then we need to check if the polygon offset changes. * The idea is that we only check what we have too. * @param func - the checking function to add or remove * @param value - should the check function be added or removed. */ _updateCheck(e, r) { const s = this.checks.indexOf(e); r && s === -1 ? this.checks.push(e) : !r && s !== -1 && this.checks.splice(s, 1); } /** * A private little wrapper function that we call to check the blend mode. * @param system - the System to perform the state check on * @param state - the state that the blendMode will pulled from */ static _checkBlendMode(e, r) { e.setBlendMode(r.blendMode); } /** * A private little wrapper function that we call to check the polygon offset. * @param system - the System to perform the state check on * @param state - the state that the blendMode will pulled from */ static _checkPolygonOffset(e, r) { e.setPolygonOffset(1, r.polygonOffset); } /** * @ignore */ destroy() { = null, this.checks.length = 0; } }; me.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "state" }; let bt = me; class St { constructor(e) { = re.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture = e, this.width = -1, this.height = -1, this.type = f.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.internalFormat = y.RGBA, this.format = y.RGBA, this.samplerType = 0; } } const pt = { id: "buffer", upload(t, e, r) { e.width === t.width || e.height === t.height ? r.texSubImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, t.width, t.height, e.format, e.type, t.resource ) : r.texImage2D(, 0, e.internalFormat, t.width, t.height, 0, e.format, e.type, t.resource ), e.width = t.width, e.height = t.height; } }, gt = { "bc1-rgba-unorm": !0, "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": !0, "bc2-rgba-unorm": !0, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": !0, "bc3-rgba-unorm": !0, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": !0, "bc4-r-unorm": !0, "bc4-r-snorm": !0, "bc5-rg-unorm": !0, "bc5-rg-snorm": !0, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": !0, "bc6h-rgb-float": !0, "bc7-rgba-unorm": !0, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": !0, // ETC2 compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-etc2" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "etc2-rgb8unorm": !0, "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": !0, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": !0, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": !0, "etc2-rgba8unorm": !0, "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": !0, "eac-r11unorm": !0, "eac-r11snorm": !0, "eac-rg11unorm": !0, "eac-rg11snorm": !0, // ASTC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-astc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "astc-4x4-unorm": !0, "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-5x4-unorm": !0, "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-5x5-unorm": !0, "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-6x5-unorm": !0, "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-6x6-unorm": !0, "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-8x5-unorm": !0, "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-8x6-unorm": !0, "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-8x8-unorm": !0, "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-10x5-unorm": !0, "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-10x6-unorm": !0, "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-10x8-unorm": !0, "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-10x10-unorm": !0, "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-12x10-unorm": !0, "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": !0, "astc-12x12-unorm": !0, "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": !0 }, Rt = { id: "compressed", upload(t, e, r) { r.pixelStorei(r.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); let s = t.pixelWidth, n = t.pixelHeight; const i = !!gt[t.format]; for (let a = 0; a < t.resource.length; a++) { const o = t.resource[a]; i ? r.compressedTexImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, a, e.internalFormat, s, n, 0, o ) : r.texImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, a, e.internalFormat, s, n, 0, e.format, e.type, o ), s = Math.max(s >> 1, 1), n = Math.max(n >> 1, 1); } } }, Ee = { id: "image", upload(t, e, r, s) { const n = t.alphaMode === "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; r.pixelStorei(r.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, n); const i = e.width, a = e.height, o = t.pixelWidth, c = t.pixelHeight, u = t.resourceWidth, _ = t.resourceHeight; u < o || _ < c ? ((i !== o || a !== c) && r.texImage2D(, 0, e.internalFormat, o, c, 0, e.format, e.type, null ), s === 2 ? r.texSubImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, u, _, e.format, e.type, t.resource ) : r.texSubImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, e.format, e.type, t.resource )) : i === o || a === c ? r.texSubImage2D( r.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, e.format, e.type, t.resource ) : s === 2 ? r.texImage2D(, 0, e.internalFormat, o, c, 0, e.format, e.type, t.resource ) : r.texImage2D(, 0, e.internalFormat, e.format, e.type, t.resource ), e.width = o, e.height = c; } }, vt = { id: "video", upload(t, e, r, s) { if (!t.isValid) { r.texImage2D(, 0, e.internalFormat, 1, 1, 0, e.format, e.type, null ); return; } Ee.upload(t, e, r, s); } }, X = { linear: 9729, nearest: 9728 }, xt = { linear: { linear: 9987, nearest: 9985 }, nearest: { linear: 9986, nearest: 9984 } }, D = { "clamp-to-edge": 33071, repeat: 10497, "mirror-repeat": 33648 }, Tt = { never: 512, less: 513, equal: 514, "less-equal": 515, greater: 516, "not-equal": 517, "greater-equal": 518, always: 519 }; function W(t, e, r, s, n, i, a, o) { const c = i; if (!o || t.addressModeU !== "repeat" || t.addressModeV !== "repeat" || t.addressModeW !== "repeat") { const u = D[a ? "clamp-to-edge" : t.addressModeU], _ = D[a ? "clamp-to-edge" : t.addressModeV], h = D[a ? "clamp-to-edge" : t.addressModeW]; e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, u), e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, _), e.TEXTURE_WRAP_R && e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_R, h); } if ((!o || t.magFilter !== "linear") && e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, X[t.magFilter]), r) { if (!o || t.mipmapFilter !== "linear") { const u = xt[t.minFilter][t.mipmapFilter]; e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, u); } } else e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, X[t.minFilter]); if (s && t.maxAnisotropy > 1) { const u = Math.min(t.maxAnisotropy, e.getParameter(s.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT)); e[n](c, s.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, u); } && e[n](c, e.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, Tt[]); } function At(t) { return { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: t.RED, r8snorm: t.RED, r8uint: t.RED, r8sint: t.RED, // 16-bit formats r16uint: t.RED, r16sint: t.RED, r16float: t.RED, rg8unorm: t.RG, rg8snorm: t.RG, rg8uint: t.RG, rg8sint: t.RG, // 32-bit formats r32uint: t.RED, r32sint: t.RED, r32float: t.RED, rg16uint: t.RG, rg16sint: t.RG, rg16float: t.RG, rgba8unorm: t.RGBA, "rgba8unorm-srgb": t.RGBA, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: t.RGBA, rgba8uint: t.RGBA, rgba8sint: t.RGBA, bgra8unorm: t.RGBA, "bgra8unorm-srgb": t.RGBA, rgb9e5ufloat: t.RGB, rgb10a2unorm: t.RGBA, rg11b10ufloat: t.RGB, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: t.RG, rg32sint: t.RG, rg32float: t.RG, rgba16uint: t.RGBA, rgba16sint: t.RGBA, rgba16float: t.RGBA, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: t.RGBA, rgba32sint: t.RGBA, rgba32float: t.RGBA, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: t.STENCIL_INDEX8, depth16unorm: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT, depth24plus: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT, "depth24plus-stencil8": t.DEPTH_STENCIL, depth32float: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT, "depth32float-stencil8": t.DEPTH_STENCIL }; } function Bt(t, e) { let r = {}, s = t.RGBA; return t instanceof S.get().getWebGLRenderingContext() ? e.srgb && (r = { "rgba8unorm-srgb": e.srgb.SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT, "bgra8unorm-srgb": e.srgb.SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT }) : (r = { "rgba8unorm-srgb": t.SRGB8_ALPHA8, "bgra8unorm-srgb": t.SRGB8_ALPHA8 }, s = t.RGBA8), { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: t.R8, r8snorm: t.R8_SNORM, r8uint: t.R8UI, r8sint: t.R8I, // 16-bit formats r16uint: t.R16UI, r16sint: t.R16I, r16float: t.R16F, rg8unorm: t.RG8, rg8snorm: t.RG8_SNORM, rg8uint: t.RG8UI, rg8sint: t.RG8I, // 32-bit formats r32uint: t.R32UI, r32sint: t.R32I, r32float: t.R32F, rg16uint: t.RG16UI, rg16sint: t.RG16I, rg16float: t.RG16F, rgba8unorm: t.RGBA, ...r, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: t.RGBA8_SNORM, rgba8uint: t.RGBA8UI, rgba8sint: t.RGBA8I, bgra8unorm: s, rgb9e5ufloat: t.RGB9_E5, rgb10a2unorm: t.RGB10_A2, rg11b10ufloat: t.R11F_G11F_B10F, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: t.RG32UI, rg32sint: t.RG32I, rg32float: t.RG32F, rgba16uint: t.RGBA16UI, rgba16sint: t.RGBA16I, rgba16float: t.RGBA16F, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: t.RGBA32UI, rgba32sint: t.RGBA32I, rgba32float: t.RGBA32F, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: t.STENCIL_INDEX8, depth16unorm: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, depth24plus: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, "depth24plus-stencil8": t.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, depth32float: t.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, "depth32float-stencil8": t.DEPTH32F_STENCIL8, // Compressed formats ...e.s3tc ? { "bc1-rgba-unorm": e.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, "bc2-rgba-unorm": e.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, "bc3-rgba-unorm": e.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT } : {}, ...e.s3tc_sRGB ? { "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": e.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": e.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": e.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT } : {}, ...e.rgtc ? { "bc4-r-unorm": e.rgtc.COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT, "bc4-r-snorm": e.rgtc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT, "bc5-rg-unorm": e.rgtc.COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT, "bc5-rg-snorm": e.rgtc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT } : {}, ...e.bptc ? { "bc6h-rgb-float": e.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": e.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT, "bc7-rgba-unorm": e.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": e.bptc.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT } : {}, ...e.etc ? { "etc2-rgb8unorm": e.etc.COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": e.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": e.etc.COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": e.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, "etc2-rgba8unorm": e.etc.COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC, "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": e.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC, "eac-r11unorm": e.etc.COMPRESSED_R11_EAC, // 'eac-r11snorm' "eac-rg11unorm": e.etc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC // 'eac-rg11snorm' } : {}, ...e.astc ? { "astc-4x4-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR, "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR, "astc-5x4-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR, "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR, "astc-5x5-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR, "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR, "astc-6x5-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR, "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR, "astc-6x6-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR, "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR, "astc-8x5-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR, "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR, "astc-8x6-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR, "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR, "astc-8x8-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR, "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR, "astc-10x5-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR, "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR, "astc-10x6-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR, "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR, "astc-10x8-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR, "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR, "astc-10x10-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR, "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR, "astc-12x10-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR, "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR, "astc-12x12-unorm": e.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR, "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": e.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR } : {} }; } function Nt(t) { return { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r8snorm: t.BYTE, r8uint: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r8sint: t.BYTE, // 16-bit formats r16uint: t.UNSIGNED_SHORT, r16sint: t.SHORT, r16float: t.HALF_FLOAT, rg8unorm: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rg8snorm: t.BYTE, rg8uint: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rg8sint: t.BYTE, // 32-bit formats r32uint: t.UNSIGNED_INT, r32sint: t.INT, r32float: t.FLOAT, rg16uint: t.UNSIGNED_SHORT, rg16sint: t.SHORT, rg16float: t.HALF_FLOAT, rgba8unorm: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, "rgba8unorm-srgb": t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: t.BYTE, rgba8uint: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgba8sint: t.BYTE, bgra8unorm: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, "bgra8unorm-srgb": t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgb9e5ufloat: t.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV, rgb10a2unorm: t.UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, rg11b10ufloat: t.UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: t.UNSIGNED_INT, rg32sint: t.INT, rg32float: t.FLOAT, rgba16uint: t.UNSIGNED_SHORT, rgba16sint: t.SHORT, rgba16float: t.HALF_FLOAT, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: t.UNSIGNED_INT, rgba32sint: t.INT, rgba32float: t.FLOAT, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, depth16unorm: t.UNSIGNED_SHORT, depth24plus: t.UNSIGNED_INT, "depth24plus-stencil8": t.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, depth32float: t.FLOAT, "depth32float-stencil8": t.FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV }; } const It = 4; class be { constructor(e) { this.managedTextures = [], this._glTextures = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._glSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundTextures = [], this._activeTextureLocation = -1, this._boundSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._uploads = { image: Ee, buffer: pt, video: vt, compressed: Rt }, this._useSeparateSamplers = !1, this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_glTextures"), this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_glSamplers"); } contextChange(e) { this._gl = e, this._mapFormatToInternalFormat || (this._mapFormatToInternalFormat = Bt(e, this._renderer.context.extensions), this._mapFormatToType = Nt(e), this._mapFormatToFormat = At(e)), this._glTextures = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._glSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._boundSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (let r = 0; r < 16; r++) this.bind(p.EMPTY, r); } initSource(e) { this.bind(e); } bind(e, r = 0) { const s = e.source; e ? (this.bindSource(s, r), this._useSeparateSamplers && this._bindSampler(, r)) : (this.bindSource(null, r), this._useSeparateSamplers && this._bindSampler(null, r)); } bindSource(e, r = 0) { const s = this._gl; if (e._touched = this._renderer.textureGC.count, this._boundTextures[r] !== e) { this._boundTextures[r] = e, this._activateLocation(r), e = e || p.EMPTY.source; const n = this.getGlSource(e); s.bindTexture(, n.texture); } } _bindSampler(e, r = 0) { const s = this._gl; if (!e) { this._boundSamplers[r] = null, s.bindSampler(r, null); return; } const n = this._getGlSampler(e); this._boundSamplers[r] !== n && (this._boundSamplers[r] = n, s.bindSampler(r, n)); } unbind(e) { const r = e.source, s = this._boundTextures, n = this._gl; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (s[i] === r) { this._activateLocation(i); const a = this.getGlSource(r); n.bindTexture(, null), s[i] = null; } } _activateLocation(e) { this._activeTextureLocation !== e && (this._activeTextureLocation = e, this._gl.activeTexture(this._gl.TEXTURE0 + e)); } _initSource(e) { const r = this._gl, s = new St(r.createTexture()); if (s.type = this._mapFormatToType[e.format], s.internalFormat = this._mapFormatToInternalFormat[e.format], s.format = this._mapFormatToFormat[e.format], e.autoGenerateMipmaps && (this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2mipmaps || e.isPowerOfTwo)) { const n = Math.max(e.width, e.height); e.mipLevelCount = Math.floor(Math.log2(n)) + 1; } return this._glTextures[e.uid] = s, this.managedTextures.includes(e) || (e.on("update", this.onSourceUpdate, this), e.on("resize", this.onSourceUpdate, this), e.on("styleChange", this.onStyleChange, this), e.on("destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this), e.on("unload", this.onSourceUnload, this), e.on("updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this), this.managedTextures.push(e)), this.onSourceUpdate(e), this.updateStyle(e, !1), s; } onStyleChange(e) { this.updateStyle(e, !1); } updateStyle(e, r) { const s = this._gl, n = this.getGlSource(e); s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, n.texture), this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation] = e, W(, s, e.mipLevelCount > 1, this._renderer.context.extensions.anisotropicFiltering, "texParameteri", s.TEXTURE_2D, // will force a clamp to edge if the texture is not a power of two !this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2wrapping && !e.isPowerOfTwo, r ); } onSourceUnload(e) { const r = this._glTextures[e.uid]; r && (this.unbind(e), this._glTextures[e.uid] = null, this._gl.deleteTexture(r.texture)); } onSourceUpdate(e) { const r = this._gl, s = this.getGlSource(e); r.bindTexture(r.TEXTURE_2D, s.texture), this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation] = e, this._uploads[e.uploadMethodId] ? this._uploads[e.uploadMethodId].upload(e, s, r, this._renderer.context.webGLVersion) : r.texImage2D(r.TEXTURE_2D, 0, r.RGBA, e.pixelWidth, e.pixelHeight, 0, r.RGBA, r.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null), e.autoGenerateMipmaps && e.mipLevelCount > 1 && this.onUpdateMipmaps(e, !1); } onUpdateMipmaps(e, r = !0) { r && this.bindSource(e, 0); const s = this.getGlSource(e); this._gl.generateMipmap(; } onSourceDestroy(e) {"destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this),"update", this.onSourceUpdate, this),"resize", this.onSourceUpdate, this),"unload", this.onSourceUnload, this),"styleChange", this.onStyleChange, this),"updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this), this.managedTextures.splice(this.managedTextures.indexOf(e), 1), this.onSourceUnload(e); } _initSampler(e) { const r = this._gl, s = this._gl.createSampler(); return this._glSamplers[e._resourceId] = s, W( e, r, this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation].mipLevelCount > 1, this._renderer.context.extensions.anisotropicFiltering, "samplerParameteri", s, !1, !0 ), this._glSamplers[e._resourceId]; } _getGlSampler(e) { return this._glSamplers[e._resourceId] || this._initSampler(e); } getGlSource(e) { return this._glTextures[e.uid] || this._initSource(e); } generateCanvas(e) { const { pixels: r, width: s, height: n } = this.getPixels(e), i = S.get().createCanvas(); i.width = s, i.height = n; const a = i.getContext("2d"); if (a) { const o = a.createImageData(s, n);, a.putImageData(o, 0, 0); } return i; } getPixels(e) { const r = e.source.resolution, s = e.frame, n = Math.max(Math.round(s.width * r), 1), i = Math.max(Math.round(s.height * r), 1), a = new Uint8Array(It * n * i), o = this._renderer, c = o.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(e), u = o.renderTarget.getGpuRenderTarget(c), _ =; return _.bindFramebuffer(_.FRAMEBUFFER, u.resolveTargetFramebuffer), _.readPixels( Math.round(s.x * r), Math.round(s.y * r), n, i, _.RGBA, _.UNSIGNED_BYTE, a ), { pixels: new Uint8ClampedArray(a.buffer), width: n, height: i }; } destroy() { this.managedTextures.slice().forEach((e) => this.onSourceDestroy(e)), this.managedTextures = null, this._renderer = null; } } be.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLSystem ], name: "texture" }; class Se { init() { const e = new O({ uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uTransformMatrix: { value: new Y(), type: "mat3x3" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }), r = z(), s = q({ name: "graphics", bits: [ Ue, Oe(r), Z, J ] }); this.shader = new U({ glProgram: s, resources: { localUniforms: e, batchSamplers: Pe(r) } }); } execute(e, r) { const s = r.context, n = s.customShader || this.shader, i = e.renderer, a = i.graphicsContext, { batcher: o, instructions: c } = a.getContextRenderData(s); n.groups[0] = i.globalUniforms.bindGroup, i.state.set(e.state), i.shader.bind(n), i.geometry.bind(o.geometry, n.glProgram); const u = c.instructions; for (let _ = 0; _ < c.instructionSize; _++) { const h = u[_]; if (h.size) { for (let d = 0; d < h.textures.count; d++) i.texture.bind(h.textures.textures[d], d); i.geometry.draw("triangle-list", h.size, h.start); } } } destroy() { this.shader.destroy(!0), this.shader = null; } } Se.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "graphics" }; class pe { init() { const e = q({ name: "mesh", bits: [ Z, Fe, J ] }); this._shader = new U({ glProgram: e, resources: { uTexture: p.EMPTY.source, textureUniforms: { uTextureMatrix: { type: "mat3x3", value: new Y() } } } }); } execute(e, r) { const s = e.renderer; let n = r._shader; if (n) { if (!n.glProgram) { m("Mesh shader has no glProgram", r.shader); return; } } else { n = this._shader; const i = r.texture, a = i.source; n.resources.uTexture = a, n.resources.uSampler =, n.resources.textureUniforms.uniforms.uTextureMatrix = i.textureMatrix.mapCoord; } n.groups[100] = s.globalUniforms.bindGroup, n.groups[101] = e.localUniformsBindGroup, s.encoder.draw({ geometry: r._geometry, shader: n, state: r.state }); } destroy() { this._shader.destroy(!0), this._shader = null; } } pe.extension = { type: [ l.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "mesh" }; const Dt = [ ...He, ue, Ke, ke, ee, be, _e, se, de, le, ae, bt, oe, ie ], yt = [...we], Ct = [Q, pe, Se], ge = [], Re = [], ve = []; T.handleByNamedList(l.WebGLSystem, ge); T.handleByNamedList(l.WebGLPipes, Re); T.handleByNamedList(l.WebGLPipesAdaptor, ve); T.add(...Dt,, ...Ct); class Ut extends Me { constructor() { const e = { name: "webgl", type: Le.WEBGL, systems: ge, renderPipes: Re, renderPipeAdaptors: ve }; super(e); } } export { Ut as WebGLRenderer };