import { IRoomCameraWidgetEffect, IRoomCameraWidgetManager, IRoomCameraWidgetSelectedEffect } from '@nitrots/api'; import { GetConfiguration } from '@nitrots/configuration'; import { GetEventDispatcher, RoomCameraWidgetManagerEvent } from '@nitrots/events'; import { TextureUtils } from '@nitrots/utils'; import { BLEND_MODES, ColorMatrix, ColorMatrixFilter, Container, Sprite, Texture } from 'pixi.js'; import { RoomCameraWidgetEffect } from './RoomCameraWidgetEffect'; export class RoomCameraWidgetManager implements IRoomCameraWidgetManager { private _effects: Map; private _isLoaded: boolean; constructor() { this._effects = new Map(); this._isLoaded = false; } public init(): void { if(this._isLoaded) return; this._isLoaded = true; const imagesUrl = GetConfiguration().getValue('image.library.url') + 'Habbo-Stories/'; const effects = GetConfiguration().getValue<{ name: string, colorMatrix?: ColorMatrix, minLevel: number, blendMode?: BLEND_MODES, enabled: boolean }[]>('camera.available.effects'); for(const effect of effects) { if(!effect.enabled) continue; const cameraEffect = new RoomCameraWidgetEffect(, effect.minLevel); if(effect.colorMatrix.length) { cameraEffect.colorMatrix = effect.colorMatrix; } else { cameraEffect.texture = Texture.from(imagesUrl + + '.png'); cameraEffect.blendMode = effect.blendMode; } this._effects.set(, cameraEffect); } GetEventDispatcher().dispatchEvent(new RoomCameraWidgetManagerEvent(RoomCameraWidgetManagerEvent.INITIALIZED)); } public async applyEffects(texture: Texture, selectedEffects: IRoomCameraWidgetSelectedEffect[], isZoomed: boolean): Promise { const container = new Container(); const sprite = new Sprite(texture); container.addChild(sprite); if(isZoomed) sprite.scale.set(2); for(const selectedEffect of selectedEffects) { const effect = selectedEffect.effect; if(!effect) continue; if(effect.colorMatrix) { const filter = new ColorMatrixFilter(); filter.matrix = effect.colorMatrix; filter.alpha = selectedEffect.alpha; if(!Array.isArray(sprite.filters)) sprite.filters = []; sprite.filters.push(filter); } else { const effectSprite = new Sprite(effect.texture); effectSprite.alpha = selectedEffect.alpha; effectSprite.blendMode = effect.blendMode; container.addChild(effectSprite); } } return await TextureUtils.generateImage(container); } public get effects(): Map { return this._effects; } public get isLoaded(): boolean { return this._isLoaded; } }