import { Resource, Texture } from '@pixi/core'; import { Loader, LoaderResource } from '@pixi/loaders'; import { Spritesheet } from '@pixi/spritesheet'; import { IGraphicAsset } from '../../room'; import { GraphicAssetCollection } from '../../room/object/visualization/utils/GraphicAssetCollection'; import { IGraphicAssetCollection } from '../../room/object/visualization/utils/IGraphicAssetCollection'; import { Disposable } from '../common/disposable/Disposable'; import { INitroLogger } from '../common/logger/INitroLogger'; import { NitroLogger } from '../common/logger/NitroLogger'; import { IAssetManager } from './IAssetManager'; import { IAssetData } from './interfaces'; import { NitroBundle } from './NitroBundle'; export class AssetManager extends Disposable implements IAssetManager { private _logger: INitroLogger; private _textures: Map>; private _collections: Map; constructor() { super(); this._logger = new NitroLogger(; this._textures = new Map(); this._collections = new Map(); } public static removeFileExtension(name: string): string { return (name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')) || name); } public getTexture(name: string): Texture { if(!name) return null; const existing = this._textures.get(name); if(!existing) return null; return existing; } public setTexture(name: string, texture: Texture): void { if(!name || !texture) return; this._textures.set(name, texture); } public getAsset(name: string): IGraphicAsset { if(!name) return null; for(const collection of this._collections.values()) { if(!collection) continue; const existing = collection.getAsset(name); if(!existing) continue; return existing; } return null; } public getCollection(name: string): IGraphicAssetCollection { if(!name) return null; const existing = this._collections.get(name); if(!existing) return null; return existing; } public createCollection(data: IAssetData, spritesheet: Spritesheet): IGraphicAssetCollection { if(!data) return null; const collection = new GraphicAssetCollection(data, spritesheet); if(collection) { for(const [ name, texture ] of collection.textures.entries()) this.setTexture(name, texture); this._collections.set(, collection); } return collection; } public downloadAsset(assetUrl: string, cb: Function): boolean { return this.downloadAssets([ assetUrl ], cb); } public downloadAssets(assetUrls: string[], cb: Function): boolean { if(!assetUrls || !assetUrls.length) { cb(true); return true; } const totalToDownload = assetUrls.length; let totalDownloaded = 0; const onDownloaded = (loader: Loader, resource: LoaderResource, flag: boolean) => { if(loader) loader.destroy(); if(!flag) { this._logger.error('Failed to download asset: ' + resource.url); cb(false); return; } totalDownloaded++; if(totalDownloaded === totalToDownload) cb(true); }; for(const url of assetUrls) { if(!url) continue; const loader = new Loader(); loader .add({ url, crossOrigin: 'anonymous', xhrType: url.endsWith('.nitro') ? LoaderResource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER : LoaderResource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.JSON }) .use((resource: LoaderResource, next: Function) => { this.assetLoader(loader, resource, onDownloaded); next(); }) .load(); } return true; } private assetLoader(loader: Loader, resource: LoaderResource, onDownloaded: Function): void { if(!resource || resource.error) { if(resource && resource.texture) resource.texture.destroy(true); onDownloaded(loader, resource, false); return; } if(resource.extension === 'nitro') { const nitroBundle = new NitroBundle(; const assetData = (nitroBundle.jsonFile as IAssetData); if(!assetData) { onDownloaded(loader, resource, false); return; } if(assetData.spritesheet && Object.keys(assetData.spritesheet).length) { const baseTexture = nitroBundle.baseTexture; if(!baseTexture) { onDownloaded(loader, resource, false); return; } if(baseTexture.valid) { const spritesheet = new Spritesheet(baseTexture, assetData.spritesheet); spritesheet.parse(() => { this.createCollection(assetData, spritesheet); onDownloaded(loader, resource, true); }); } else { baseTexture.once('loaded', () => { baseTexture.removeAllListeners(); const spritesheet = new Spritesheet(baseTexture, assetData.spritesheet); spritesheet.parse(() => { this.createCollection(assetData, spritesheet); onDownloaded(loader, resource, true); }); }); baseTexture.once('error', () => { baseTexture.removeAllListeners(); onDownloaded(loader, resource, false); }); } return; } this.createCollection(assetData, null); onDownloaded(loader, resource, true); } else if(resource.type === LoaderResource.TYPE.IMAGE) { if(resource.texture.valid) { this.setTexture(, resource.texture); onDownloaded(loader, resource, true); } else { onDownloaded(loader, resource, false); } return; } } public get collections(): Map { return this._collections; } }