mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 22:32:35 +01:00
2711 lines
92 KiB
2711 lines
92 KiB
import { E as p, U as pt, T as pe, N as K, M as P, G as se, p as D, O as Ue, w as $, Q as B, f as A, P as gt, J as ie, V as Ge, W as xt, X as W, Y as w, Z as C, _ as O, B as M, $ as H, a0 as Z, a1 as mt, a2 as k, S as Y, a3 as j, a4 as b, a5 as _t, a6 as ne, g as ee, a7 as E, d as ae, c as bt, a8 as yt, a9 as Tt, aa as Fe, v as ke, ab as vt, ac as Ae, z as St, A as He, s as wt, ad as Ct, ae as Bt, x as Mt, y as Pt, F as Rt, af as Ut, ag as Gt, ah as te, ai as re, aj as De, D as ze, ak as V, R as ge, al as Ft, am as xe, an as me, e as y, ao as kt } from "./index-6BV7F4R3.js";
class We {
* Initialize the plugin with scope of application instance
* @static
* @private
* @param {object} [options] - See application options
static init(e) {
* The HTML element or window to automatically resize the
* renderer's view element to match width and height.
* @member {Window|HTMLElement}
* @name resizeTo
* @memberof app.Application#
set(t) {
globalThis.removeEventListener("resize", this.queueResize), this._resizeTo = t, t && (globalThis.addEventListener("resize", this.queueResize), this.resize());
get() {
return this._resizeTo;
), this.queueResize = () => {
this._resizeTo && (this._cancelResize(), this._resizeId = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.resize()));
}, this._cancelResize = () => {
this._resizeId && (cancelAnimationFrame(this._resizeId), this._resizeId = null);
}, this.resize = () => {
if (!this._resizeTo)
let t, r;
if (this._resizeTo === globalThis.window)
t = globalThis.innerWidth, r = globalThis.innerHeight;
else {
const { clientWidth: s, clientHeight: n } = this._resizeTo;
t = s, r = n;
this.renderer.resize(t, r), this.render();
}, this._resizeId = null, this._resizeTo = null, this.resizeTo = e.resizeTo || null;
* Clean up the ticker, scoped to application
* @static
* @private
static destroy() {
globalThis.removeEventListener("resize", this.queueResize), this._cancelResize(), this._cancelResize = null, this.queueResize = null, this.resizeTo = null, this.resize = null;
We.extension = p.Application;
class Oe {
* Initialize the plugin with scope of application instance
* @static
* @private
* @param {object} [options] - See application options
static init(e) {
e = Object.assign({
autoStart: !0,
sharedTicker: !1
}, e), Object.defineProperty(
set(t) {
this._ticker && this._ticker.remove(this.render, this), this._ticker = t, t && t.add(this.render, this, pt.LOW);
get() {
return this._ticker;
), this.stop = () => {
}, this.start = () => {
}, this._ticker = null, this.ticker = e.sharedTicker ? pe.shared : new pe(), e.autoStart && this.start();
* Clean up the ticker, scoped to application.
* @static
* @private
static destroy() {
if (this._ticker) {
const e = this._ticker;
this.ticker = null, e.destroy();
Oe.extension = p.Application;
class Ve {
constructor(e) {
this._renderer = e;
push(e, t, r) {
this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(r), r.add({
renderPipeId: "filter",
canBundle: !1,
action: "pushFilter",
container: t,
filterEffect: e
pop(e, t, r) {
this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(r), r.add({
renderPipeId: "filter",
action: "popFilter",
canBundle: !1
execute(e) {
e.action === "pushFilter" ? this._renderer.filter.push(e) : e.action === "popFilter" && this._renderer.filter.pop();
destroy() {
this._renderer = null;
Ve.extension = {
type: [
name: "filter"
const At = new P();
function Ht(i, e) {
return e.clear(), Ee(i, e), e.isValid || e.set(0, 0, 0, 0), i.renderGroup ? e.applyMatrix(i.renderGroup.localTransform) : e.applyMatrix(i.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform), e;
function Ee(i, e) {
if (i.localDisplayStatus !== 7 || !i.measurable)
const t = !!i.effects.length;
let r = e;
if ((i.renderGroup || t) && (r = K.get().clear()), i.boundsArea)
e.addRect(i.boundsArea, i.worldTransform);
else {
if (i.renderPipeId) {
const n = i.bounds;
const s = i.children;
for (let n = 0; n < s.length; n++)
Ee(s[n], r);
if (t) {
let s = !1;
for (let n = 0; n < i.effects.length; n++)
i.effects[n].addBounds && (s || (s = !0, r.applyMatrix(i.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform)), i.effects[n].addBounds(r, !0));
s && (r.applyMatrix(i.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform.copyTo(At).invert()), e.addBounds(r, i.relativeGroupTransform)), e.addBounds(r), K.return(r);
} else i.renderGroup && (e.addBounds(r, i.relativeGroupTransform), K.return(r));
function Dt(i, e) {
const t = e.matrix;
for (let r = 0; r < i.length; r++) {
const s = i[r];
s.globalDisplayStatus < 7 || (e.matrix = s.worldTransform, s.addBounds(e));
return e.matrix = t, e;
const zt = new se({
attributes: {
aPosition: {
buffer: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]),
format: "float32x2",
stride: 2 * 4,
offset: 0
indexBuffer: new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])
class Ie {
constructor(e) {
this._filterStackIndex = 0, this._filterStack = [], this._filterGlobalUniforms = new D({
uInputSize: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uInputPixel: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uInputClamp: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uOutputFrame: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uGlobalFrame: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uOutputTexture: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" }
}), this._globalFilterBindGroup = new Ue({}), this.renderer = e;
* The back texture of the currently active filter. Requires the filter to have `blendRequired` set to true.
* @readonly
get activeBackTexture() {
var e;
return (e = this._activeFilterData) == null ? void 0 : e.backTexture;
push(e) {
var g;
const t = this.renderer, r = e.filterEffect.filters;
this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex] || (this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex] = this._getFilterData());
const s = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex];
if (this._filterStackIndex++, r.length === 0) {
s.skip = !0;
const n = s.bounds;
e.renderables ? Dt(e.renderables, n) : e.filterEffect.filterArea ? (n.clear(), n.addRect(e.filterEffect.filterArea), n.applyMatrix(e.container.worldTransform)) : Ht(e.container, n);
const a = t.renderTarget.renderTarget.colorTexture.source;
let o = 1 / 0, l = 0, u = !0, c = !1, d = !1, h = !0;
for (let x = 0; x < r.length; x++) {
const f = r[x];
if (o = Math.min(o, f.resolution === "inherit" ? a._resolution : f.resolution), l += f.padding, f.antialias === "off" ? u = !1 : f.antialias === "inherit" && u && (u = a.antialias), f.clipToViewport || (h = !1), !!!(f.compatibleRenderers & t.type)) {
d = !1;
if (f.blendRequired && !(((g = t.backBuffer) == null ? void 0 : g.useBackBuffer) ?? !0)) {
$("Blend filter requires backBuffer on WebGL renderer to be enabled. Set `useBackBuffer: true` in the renderer options."), d = !1;
d = f.enabled || d, c = c || f.blendRequired;
if (!d) {
s.skip = !0;
if (n.scale(o), h) {
const x = t.renderTarget.rootViewPort;
n.fitBounds(0, x.width, 0, x.height);
if (n.ceil().scale(1 / o).pad(l | 0), !n.isPositive) {
s.skip = !0;
s.skip = !1, s.bounds = n, s.blendRequired = c, s.container = e.container, s.filterEffect = e.filterEffect, s.previousRenderSurface = t.renderTarget.renderSurface, s.inputTexture = B.getOptimalTexture(
), t.renderTarget.bind(s.inputTexture, !0), t.globalUniforms.push({
offset: n
pop() {
const e = this.renderer;
const t = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex];
if (t.skip)
this._activeFilterData = t;
const r = t.inputTexture, s = t.bounds;
let n = A.EMPTY;
if (e.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(), t.blendRequired) {
const o = this._filterStackIndex > 0 ? this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex - 1].bounds : null, l = e.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(t.previousRenderSurface);
n = this.getBackTexture(l, s, o);
t.backTexture = n;
const a = t.filterEffect.filters;
if (this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(r.source.style, 2), this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(n.source, 3), e.globalUniforms.pop(), a.length === 1)
a[0].apply(this, r, t.previousRenderSurface, !1), B.returnTexture(r);
else {
let o = t.inputTexture, l = B.getOptimalTexture(
), u = 0;
for (u = 0; u < a.length - 1; ++u) {
a[u].apply(this, o, l, !0);
const d = o;
o = l, l = d;
a[u].apply(this, o, t.previousRenderSurface, !1), B.returnTexture(o), B.returnTexture(l);
t.blendRequired && B.returnTexture(n);
getBackTexture(e, t, r) {
const s = e.colorTexture.source._resolution, n = B.getOptimalTexture(
let a = t.minX, o = t.minY;
r && (a -= r.minX, o -= r.minY), a = Math.floor(a * s), o = Math.floor(o * s);
const l = Math.ceil(t.width * s), u = Math.ceil(t.height * s);
return this.renderer.renderTarget.copyToTexture(
{ x: a, y: o },
{ width: l, height: u },
{ x: 0, y: 0 }
), n;
applyFilter(e, t, r, s) {
const n = this.renderer, a = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex], o = a.bounds, l = gt.shared, c = a.previousRenderSurface === r;
let d = this.renderer.renderTarget.rootRenderTarget.colorTexture.source._resolution, h = this._filterStackIndex - 1;
for (; h > 0 && this._filterStack[h].skip; )
h > 0 && (d = this._filterStack[h].inputTexture.source._resolution);
const g = this._filterGlobalUniforms, x = g.uniforms, f = x.uOutputFrame, m = x.uInputSize, _ = x.uInputPixel, R = x.uInputClamp, T = x.uGlobalFrame, U = x.uOutputTexture;
if (c) {
let G = this._filterStackIndex;
for (; G > 0; ) {
const F = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex - 1];
if (!F.skip) {
l.x = F.bounds.minX, l.y = F.bounds.minY;
f[0] = o.minX - l.x, f[1] = o.minY - l.y;
} else
f[0] = 0, f[1] = 0;
f[2] = t.frame.width, f[3] = t.frame.height, m[0] = t.source.width, m[1] = t.source.height, m[2] = 1 / m[0], m[3] = 1 / m[1], _[0] = t.source.pixelWidth, _[1] = t.source.pixelHeight, _[2] = 1 / _[0], _[3] = 1 / _[1], R[0] = 0.5 * _[2], R[1] = 0.5 * _[3], R[2] = t.frame.width * m[2] - 0.5 * _[2], R[3] = t.frame.height * m[3] - 0.5 * _[3];
const z = this.renderer.renderTarget.rootRenderTarget.colorTexture;
T[0] = l.x * d, T[1] = l.y * d, T[2] = z.source.width * d, T[3] = z.source.height * d;
const S = this.renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(r);
if (n.renderTarget.bind(r, !!s), r instanceof A ? (U[0] = r.frame.width, U[1] = r.frame.height) : (U[0] = S.width, U[1] = S.height), U[2] = S.isRoot ? -1 : 1, g.update(), n.renderPipes.uniformBatch) {
const G = n.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUboResource(g);
this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(G, 0);
} else
this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(g, 0);
this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(t.source, 1), this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(t.source.style, 2), e.groups[0] = this._globalFilterBindGroup, n.encoder.draw({
geometry: zt,
shader: e,
state: e._state,
topology: "triangle-list"
}), n.type === ie.WEBGL && n.renderTarget.finishRenderPass();
_getFilterData() {
return {
skip: !1,
inputTexture: null,
bounds: new Ge(),
container: null,
filterEffect: null,
blendRequired: !1,
previousRenderSurface: null
* Multiply _input normalized coordinates_ to this matrix to get _sprite texture normalized coordinates_.
* Use `outputMatrix * vTextureCoord` in the shader.
* @param outputMatrix - The matrix to output to.
* @param {Sprite} sprite - The sprite to map to.
* @returns The mapped matrix.
calculateSpriteMatrix(e, t) {
const r = this._activeFilterData, s = e.set(
), n = t.worldTransform.copyTo(P.shared);
return n.invert(), s.prepend(n), s.scale(
1 / t.texture.frame.width,
1 / t.texture.frame.height
), s.translate(t.anchor.x, t.anchor.y), s;
Ie.extension = {
type: [
name: "filter"
class X extends xt {
* @param options - Options for the Graphics.
constructor(e) {
e instanceof W && (e = { context: e });
const { context: t, roundPixels: r, ...s } = e || {};
label: "Graphics",
}), this.renderPipeId = "graphics", t ? this._context = t : this._context = this._ownedContext = new W(), this._context.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this), this.allowChildren = !1, this.roundPixels = r ?? !1;
set context(e) {
e !== this._context && (this._context.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this), this._context = e, this._context.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this), this.onViewUpdate());
get context() {
return this._context;
* The local bounds of the graphic.
* @type {rendering.Bounds}
get bounds() {
return this._context.bounds;
* Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object.
* @param bounds - The output bounds object.
addBounds(e) {
* Checks if the object contains the given point.
* @param point - The point to check
containsPoint(e) {
return this._context.containsPoint(e);
* Destroys this graphics renderable and optionally its context.
* @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options
* If the context was created by this graphics and `destroy(false)` or `destroy()` is called
* then the context will still be destroyed.
* If you want to explicitly not destroy this context that this graphics created,
* then you should pass destroy({ context: false })
* If the context was passed in as an argument to the constructor then it will not be destroyed
* @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should destroy the texture of the graphics context
* @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should destroy the texture source of the graphics context
* @param {boolean} [options.context=false] - Should destroy the context
destroy(e) {
this._ownedContext && !e ? this._ownedContext.destroy(e) : (e === !0 || (e == null ? void 0 : e.context) === !0) && this._context.destroy(e), this._ownedContext = null, this._context = null, super.destroy(e);
_callContextMethod(e, t) {
return this.context[e](...t), this;
// --------------------------------------- GraphicsContext methods ---------------------------------------
* Sets the current fill style of the graphics context. The fill style can be a color, gradient,
* pattern, or a more complex style defined by a FillStyle object.
* @param {FillInput} args - The fill style to apply. This can be a simple color, a gradient or
* pattern object, or a FillStyle or ConvertedFillStyle object.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
setFillStyle(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("setFillStyle", e);
* Sets the current stroke style of the graphics context. Similar to fill styles, stroke styles can
* encompass colors, gradients, patterns, or more detailed configurations via a StrokeStyle object.
* @param {StrokeInput} args - The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a color, a gradient or pattern,
* or a StrokeStyle or ConvertedStrokeStyle object.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
setStrokeStyle(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("setStrokeStyle", e);
fill(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("fill", e);
* Strokes the current path with the current stroke style. This method can take an optional
* FillStyle parameter to define the stroke's appearance, including its color, width, and other properties.
* @param {FillStyle} args - (Optional) The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a simple color or a more
* complex style object. If omitted, uses the current stroke style.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
stroke(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("stroke", e);
texture(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("texture", e);
* Resets the current path. Any previous path and its commands are discarded and a new path is
* started. This is typically called before beginning a new shape or series of drawing commands.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
beginPath() {
return this._callContextMethod("beginPath", []);
* Applies a cutout to the last drawn shape. This is used to create holes or complex shapes by
* subtracting a path from the previously drawn path. If a hole is not completely in a shape, it will
* fail to cut correctly!
cut() {
return this._callContextMethod("cut", []);
arc(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("arc", e);
arcTo(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("arcTo", e);
arcToSvg(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("arcToSvg", e);
bezierCurveTo(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("bezierCurveTo", e);
* Closes the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start.
* If the shape is already closed or there are no points in the path, this method does nothing.
* @returns The instance of the current object for chaining.
closePath() {
return this._callContextMethod("closePath", []);
ellipse(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("ellipse", e);
circle(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("circle", e);
path(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("path", e);
lineTo(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("lineTo", e);
moveTo(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("moveTo", e);
quadraticCurveTo(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("quadraticCurveTo", e);
rect(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("rect", e);
roundRect(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("roundRect", e);
poly(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("poly", e);
regularPoly(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("regularPoly", e);
roundPoly(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("roundPoly", e);
roundShape(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("roundShape", e);
filletRect(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("filletRect", e);
chamferRect(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("chamferRect", e);
star(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("star", e);
svg(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("svg", e);
restore(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("restore", e);
/** Saves the current graphics state, including transformations, fill styles, and stroke styles, onto a stack. */
save() {
return this._callContextMethod("save", []);
* Returns the current transformation matrix of the graphics context.
* @returns The current transformation matrix.
getTransform() {
return this.context.getTransform();
* Resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix, effectively removing
* any transformations (rotation, scaling, translation) previously applied.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
resetTransform() {
return this._callContextMethod("resetTransform", []);
rotateTransform(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("rotate", e);
scaleTransform(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("scale", e);
setTransform(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("setTransform", e);
transform(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("transform", e);
translateTransform(...e) {
return this._callContextMethod("translate", e);
* Clears all drawing commands from the graphics context, effectively resetting it. This includes clearing the path,
* and optionally resetting transformations to the identity matrix.
* @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining.
clear() {
return this._callContextMethod("clear", []);
* The fill style to use.
* @type {ConvertedFillStyle}
get fillStyle() {
return this._context.fillStyle;
set fillStyle(e) {
this._context.fillStyle = e;
* The stroke style to use.
* @type {ConvertedStrokeStyle}
get strokeStyle() {
return this._context.strokeStyle;
set strokeStyle(e) {
this._context.strokeStyle = e;
* Creates a new Graphics object.
* Note that only the context of the object is cloned, not its transform (position,scale,etc)
* @param deep - Whether to create a deep clone of the graphics object. If false, the context
* will be shared between the two objects (default false). If true, the context will be
* cloned (recommended if you need to modify the context in any way).
* @returns - A clone of the graphics object
clone(e = !1) {
return e ? new X(this._context.clone()) : (this._ownedContext = null, new X(this._context));
// -------- v7 deprecations ---------
* @param width
* @param color
* @param alpha
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#setStrokeStyle} instead
lineStyle(e, t, r) {
w(C, "Graphics#lineStyle is no longer needed. Use Graphics#setStrokeStyle to set the stroke style.");
const s = {};
return e && (s.width = e), t && (s.color = t), r && (s.alpha = r), this.context.strokeStyle = s, this;
* @param color
* @param alpha
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#fill} instead
beginFill(e, t) {
w(C, "Graphics#beginFill is no longer needed. Use Graphics#fill to fill the shape with the desired style.");
const r = {};
return e && (r.color = e), t && (r.alpha = t), this.context.fillStyle = r, this;
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#fill} instead
endFill() {
w(C, "Graphics#endFill is no longer needed. Use Graphics#fill to fill the shape with the desired style."), this.context.fill();
const e = this.context.strokeStyle;
return (e.width !== W.defaultStrokeStyle.width || e.color !== W.defaultStrokeStyle.color || e.alpha !== W.defaultStrokeStyle.alpha) && this.context.stroke(), this;
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#circle} instead
drawCircle(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawCircle has been renamed to Graphics#circle"), this._callContextMethod("circle", e);
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#ellipse} instead
drawEllipse(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawEllipse has been renamed to Graphics#ellipse"), this._callContextMethod("ellipse", e);
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#poly} instead
drawPolygon(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawPolygon has been renamed to Graphics#poly"), this._callContextMethod("poly", e);
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#rect} instead
drawRect(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawRect has been renamed to Graphics#rect"), this._callContextMethod("rect", e);
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#roundRect} instead
drawRoundedRect(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawRoundedRect has been renamed to Graphics#roundRect"), this._callContextMethod("roundRect", e);
* @param {...any} args
* @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#star} instead
drawStar(...e) {
return w(C, "Graphics#drawStar has been renamed to Graphics#star"), this._callContextMethod("star", e);
const Le = class $e extends se {
constructor(...e) {
let t = e[0] ?? {};
t instanceof Float32Array && (w(C, "use new MeshGeometry({ positions, uvs, indices }) instead"), t = {
positions: t,
uvs: e[1],
indices: e[2]
}), t = { ...$e.defaultOptions, ...t };
const r = t.positions || new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), s = t.uvs || new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), n = t.indices || new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]), a = t.shrinkBuffersToFit, o = new O({
data: r,
label: "attribute-mesh-positions",
shrinkToFit: a,
}), l = new O({
data: s,
label: "attribute-mesh-uvs",
shrinkToFit: a,
}), u = new O({
data: n,
label: "index-mesh-buffer",
shrinkToFit: a,
attributes: {
aPosition: {
buffer: o,
format: "float32x2",
stride: 2 * 4,
offset: 0
aUV: {
buffer: l,
format: "float32x2",
stride: 2 * 4,
offset: 0
indexBuffer: u,
topology: t.topology
}), this.batchMode = "auto";
/** The positions of the mesh. */
get positions() {
return this.attributes.aPosition.buffer.data;
set positions(e) {
this.attributes.aPosition.buffer.data = e;
/** The UVs of the mesh. */
get uvs() {
return this.attributes.aUV.buffer.data;
set uvs(e) {
this.attributes.aUV.buffer.data = e;
/** The indices of the mesh. */
get indices() {
return this.indexBuffer.data;
set indices(e) {
this.indexBuffer.data = e;
Le.defaultOptions = {
topology: "triangle-list",
shrinkBuffersToFit: !1
let oe = Le;
function Wt(i) {
const e = i._stroke, t = i._fill, s = [`div { ${[
`color: ${H.shared.setValue(t.color).toHex()}`,
`font-size: ${i.fontSize}px`,
`font-family: ${i.fontFamily}`,
`font-weight: ${i.fontWeight}`,
`font-style: ${i.fontStyle}`,
`font-variant: ${i.fontVariant}`,
`letter-spacing: ${i.letterSpacing}px`,
`text-align: ${i.align}`,
`padding: ${i.padding}px`,
`white-space: ${i.whiteSpace === "pre" && i.wordWrap ? "pre-wrap" : i.whiteSpace}`,
...i.lineHeight ? [`line-height: ${i.lineHeight}px`] : [],
...i.wordWrap ? [
`word-wrap: ${i.breakWords ? "break-all" : "break-word"}`,
`max-width: ${i.wordWrapWidth}px`
] : [],
...e ? [Xe(e)] : [],
...i.dropShadow ? [Ye(i.dropShadow)] : [],
].join(";")} }`];
return Ot(i.tagStyles, s), s.join(" ");
function Ye(i) {
const e = H.shared.setValue(i.color).setAlpha(i.alpha).toHexa(), t = Math.round(Math.cos(i.angle) * i.distance), r = Math.round(Math.sin(i.angle) * i.distance), s = `${t}px ${r}px`;
return i.blur > 0 ? `text-shadow: ${s} ${i.blur}px ${e}` : `text-shadow: ${s} ${e}`;
function Xe(i) {
return [
`-webkit-text-stroke-width: ${i.width}px`,
`-webkit-text-stroke-color: ${H.shared.setValue(i.color).toHex()}`,
`text-stroke-width: ${i.width}px`,
`text-stroke-color: ${H.shared.setValue(i.color).toHex()}`,
"paint-order: stroke"
const _e = {
fontSize: "font-size: {{VALUE}}px",
fontFamily: "font-family: {{VALUE}}",
fontWeight: "font-weight: {{VALUE}}",
fontStyle: "font-style: {{VALUE}}",
fontVariant: "font-variant: {{VALUE}}",
letterSpacing: "letter-spacing: {{VALUE}}px",
align: "text-align: {{VALUE}}",
padding: "padding: {{VALUE}}px",
whiteSpace: "white-space: {{VALUE}}",
lineHeight: "line-height: {{VALUE}}px",
wordWrapWidth: "max-width: {{VALUE}}px"
}, be = {
fill: (i) => `color: ${H.shared.setValue(i).toHex()}`,
breakWords: (i) => `word-wrap: ${i ? "break-all" : "break-word"}`,
stroke: Xe,
dropShadow: Ye
function Ot(i, e) {
for (const t in i) {
const r = i[t], s = [];
for (const n in r)
be[n] ? s.push(be[n](r[n])) : _e[n] && s.push(_e[n].replace("{{VALUE}}", r[n]));
e.push(`${t} { ${s.join(";")} }`);
class le extends Z {
constructor(e = {}) {
super(e), this._cssOverrides = [], this.cssOverrides ?? (this.cssOverrides = e.cssOverrides), this.tagStyles = e.tagStyles ?? {};
/** List of style overrides that will be applied to the HTML text. */
set cssOverrides(e) {
this._cssOverrides = e instanceof Array ? e : [e], this.update();
get cssOverrides() {
return this._cssOverrides;
_generateKey() {
return this._styleKey = mt(this) + this._cssOverrides.join("-"), this._styleKey;
update() {
this._cssStyle = null, super.update();
* Creates a new HTMLTextStyle object with the same values as this one.
* @returns New cloned HTMLTextStyle object
clone() {
return new le({
align: this.align,
breakWords: this.breakWords,
dropShadow: this.dropShadow ? { ...this.dropShadow } : null,
fill: this._fill,
fontFamily: this.fontFamily,
fontSize: this.fontSize,
fontStyle: this.fontStyle,
fontVariant: this.fontVariant,
fontWeight: this.fontWeight,
letterSpacing: this.letterSpacing,
lineHeight: this.lineHeight,
padding: this.padding,
stroke: this._stroke,
whiteSpace: this.whiteSpace,
wordWrap: this.wordWrap,
wordWrapWidth: this.wordWrapWidth,
cssOverrides: this.cssOverrides
get cssStyle() {
return this._cssStyle || (this._cssStyle = Wt(this)), this._cssStyle;
* Add a style override, this can be any CSS property
* it will override any built-in style. This is the
* property and the value as a string (e.g., `color: red`).
* This will override any other internal style.
* @param {string} value - CSS style(s) to add.
* @example
* style.addOverride('background-color: red');
addOverride(...e) {
const t = e.filter((r) => !this.cssOverrides.includes(r));
t.length > 0 && (this.cssOverrides.push(...t), this.update());
* Remove any overrides that match the value.
* @param {string} value - CSS style to remove.
* @example
* style.removeOverride('background-color: red');
removeOverride(...e) {
const t = e.filter((r) => this.cssOverrides.includes(r));
t.length > 0 && (this.cssOverrides = this.cssOverrides.filter((r) => !t.includes(r)), this.update());
set fill(e) {
typeof e != "string" && typeof e != "number" && $("[HTMLTextStyle] only color fill is not supported by HTMLText"), super.fill = e;
set stroke(e) {
e && typeof e != "string" && typeof e != "number" && $("[HTMLTextStyle] only color stroke is not supported by HTMLText"), super.stroke = e;
const ye = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Te = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
class je {
constructor() {
this.svgRoot = document.createElementNS(ye, "svg"), this.foreignObject = document.createElementNS(ye, "foreignObject"), this.domElement = document.createElementNS(Te, "div"), this.styleElement = document.createElementNS(Te, "style"), this.image = new Image();
const { foreignObject: e, svgRoot: t, styleElement: r, domElement: s } = this;
e.setAttribute("width", "10000"), e.setAttribute("height", "10000"), e.style.overflow = "hidden", t.appendChild(e), e.appendChild(r), e.appendChild(s);
let ve;
function Vt(i, e, t, r) {
r = r || ve || (ve = new je());
const { domElement: s, styleElement: n, svgRoot: a } = r;
s.innerHTML = `<style>${e.cssStyle};</style><div style='padding:0'>${i}</div>`, s.setAttribute("style", "transform-origin: top left; display: inline-block"), t && (n.textContent = t), document.body.appendChild(a);
const o = s.getBoundingClientRect();
const l = k.measureFont(e.fontStyle).descent, u = e.padding * 2;
return {
width: o.width - u,
height: o.height + l - u
class Ke {
constructor(e, t) {
this.state = Y.for2d(), this._graphicsBatchesHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this.renderer = e, this._adaptor = t, this._adaptor.init(), this.renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_graphicsBatchesHash");
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = e.context, r = !!this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid], s = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(t);
return !!(s.isBatchable || r !== s.isBatchable);
addRenderable(e, t) {
const r = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(e.context);
e.didViewUpdate && this._rebuild(e), r.isBatchable ? this._addToBatcher(e, t) : (this.renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(t), t.add(e));
updateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid];
if (t)
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
const s = t[r];
destroyRenderable(e) {
this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid] && this._removeBatchForRenderable(e.uid), e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound);
execute(e) {
if (!e.isRenderable)
const t = this.renderer, r = e.context;
if (!t.graphicsContext.getGpuContext(r).batches.length)
const n = r.customShader || this._adaptor.shader;
this.state.blendMode = e.groupBlendMode;
const a = n.resources.localUniforms.uniforms;
a.uTransformMatrix = e.groupTransform, a.uRound = t._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, j(
), this._adaptor.execute(this, e);
_rebuild(e) {
const t = !!this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid], r = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(e.context);
t && this._removeBatchForRenderable(e.uid), r.isBatchable && this._initBatchesForRenderable(e), e.batched = r.isBatchable;
_addToBatcher(e, t) {
const r = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch, s = this._getBatchesForRenderable(e);
for (let n = 0; n < s.length; n++) {
const a = s[n];
r.addToBatch(a, t);
_getBatchesForRenderable(e) {
return this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid] || this._initBatchesForRenderable(e);
_initBatchesForRenderable(e) {
const t = e.context, r = this.renderer.graphicsContext.getGpuContext(t), s = this.renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, n = r.batches.map((a) => {
const o = b.get(_t);
return a.copyTo(o), o.renderable = e, o.roundPixels = s, o;
return this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid] === void 0 && e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._graphicsBatchesHash[e.uid] = n, n;
_removeBatchForRenderable(e) {
this._graphicsBatchesHash[e].forEach((t) => {
}), this._graphicsBatchesHash[e] = null;
destroy() {
this.renderer = null, this._adaptor.destroy(), this._adaptor = null, this.state = null;
for (const e in this._graphicsBatchesHash)
this._graphicsBatchesHash = null;
Ke.extension = {
type: [
name: "graphics"
const Ne = class qe extends oe {
constructor(...e) {
let t = e[0] ?? {};
typeof t == "number" && (w(C, "PlaneGeometry constructor changed please use { width, height, verticesX, verticesY } instead"), t = {
width: t,
height: e[1],
verticesX: e[2],
verticesY: e[3]
}), this.build(t);
* Refreshes plane coordinates
* @param options - Options to be applied to plane geometry
build(e) {
e = { ...qe.defaultOptions, ...e }, this.verticesX = this.verticesX ?? e.verticesX, this.verticesY = this.verticesY ?? e.verticesY, this.width = this.width ?? e.width, this.height = this.height ?? e.height;
const t = this.verticesX * this.verticesY, r = [], s = [], n = [], a = this.verticesX - 1, o = this.verticesY - 1, l = this.width / a, u = this.height / o;
for (let d = 0; d < t; d++) {
const h = d % this.verticesX, g = d / this.verticesX | 0;
r.push(h * l, g * u), s.push(h / a, g / o);
const c = a * o;
for (let d = 0; d < c; d++) {
const h = d % a, g = d / a | 0, x = g * this.verticesX + h, f = g * this.verticesX + h + 1, m = (g + 1) * this.verticesX + h, _ = (g + 1) * this.verticesX + h + 1;
this.buffers[0].data = new Float32Array(r), this.buffers[1].data = new Float32Array(s), this.indexBuffer.data = new Uint32Array(n), this.buffers[0].update(), this.buffers[1].update(), this.indexBuffer.update();
Ne.defaultOptions = {
width: 100,
height: 100,
verticesX: 10,
verticesY: 10
let Et = Ne;
class de {
constructor() {
this.batcherName = "default", this.packAsQuad = !1, this.indexOffset = 0, this.attributeOffset = 0, this.roundPixels = 0, this._batcher = null, this._batch = null, this._uvUpdateId = -1, this._textureMatrixUpdateId = -1;
get blendMode() {
return this.renderable.groupBlendMode;
reset() {
this.renderable = null, this.texture = null, this._batcher = null, this._batch = null, this.geometry = null, this._uvUpdateId = -1, this._textureMatrixUpdateId = -1;
get uvs() {
const t = this.geometry.getBuffer("aUV"), r = t.data;
let s = r;
const n = this.texture.textureMatrix;
return n.isSimple || (s = this._transformedUvs, (this._textureMatrixUpdateId !== n._updateID || this._uvUpdateId !== t._updateID) && ((!s || s.length < r.length) && (s = this._transformedUvs = new Float32Array(r.length)), this._textureMatrixUpdateId = n._updateID, this._uvUpdateId = t._updateID, n.multiplyUvs(r, s))), s;
get positions() {
return this.geometry.positions;
get indices() {
return this.geometry.indices;
get color() {
return this.renderable.groupColorAlpha;
get groupTransform() {
return this.renderable.groupTransform;
get attributeSize() {
return this.geometry.positions.length / 2;
get indexSize() {
return this.geometry.indices.length;
class Qe {
constructor(e, t) {
this.localUniforms = new D({
uTransformMatrix: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" }
}), this.localUniformsBindGroup = new Ue({
0: this.localUniforms
}), this._meshDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._gpuBatchableMeshHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this.renderer = e, this._adaptor = t, this._adaptor.init(), e.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBatchableMeshHash"), e.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_meshDataHash");
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getMeshData(e), r = t.batched, s = e.batched;
if (t.batched = s, r !== s)
return !0;
if (s) {
const n = e._geometry;
if (n.indices.length !== t.indexSize || n.positions.length !== t.vertexSize)
return t.indexSize = n.indices.length, t.vertexSize = n.positions.length, !0;
const a = this._getBatchableMesh(e), o = e.texture;
if (a.texture._source !== o._source && a.texture._source !== o._source)
return !a._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(a, o);
return !1;
addRenderable(e, t) {
const r = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch, { batched: s } = this._getMeshData(e);
if (s) {
const n = this._getBatchableMesh(e);
n.texture = e._texture, n.geometry = e._geometry, r.addToBatch(n, t);
} else
r.break(t), t.add(e);
updateRenderable(e) {
if (e.batched) {
const t = this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e.uid];
t.texture = e._texture, t.geometry = e._geometry, t._batcher.updateElement(t);
destroyRenderable(e) {
this._meshDataHash[e.uid] = null;
const t = this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e.uid];
t && (b.return(t), this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e.uid] = null), e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound);
execute(e) {
if (!e.isRenderable)
e.state.blendMode = ne(e.groupBlendMode, e.texture._source);
const t = this.localUniforms;
t.uniforms.uTransformMatrix = e.groupTransform, t.uniforms.uRound = this.renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, t.update(), j(
), this._adaptor.execute(this, e);
_getMeshData(e) {
return this._meshDataHash[e.uid] || this._initMeshData(e);
_initMeshData(e) {
var t, r;
return this._meshDataHash[e.uid] = {
batched: e.batched,
indexSize: (t = e._geometry.indices) == null ? void 0 : t.length,
vertexSize: (r = e._geometry.positions) == null ? void 0 : r.length
}, e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._meshDataHash[e.uid];
_getBatchableMesh(e) {
return this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e.uid] || this._initBatchableMesh(e);
_initBatchableMesh(e) {
const t = b.get(de);
return t.renderable = e, t.texture = e._texture, t.transform = e.groupTransform, t.roundPixels = this.renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e.uid] = t, t;
destroy() {
for (const e in this._gpuBatchableMeshHash)
this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e] && b.return(this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[e]);
this._gpuBatchableMeshHash = null, this._meshDataHash = null, this.localUniforms = null, this.localUniformsBindGroup = null, this._adaptor.destroy(), this._adaptor = null, this.renderer = null;
Qe.extension = {
type: [
name: "mesh"
class It {
execute(e, t) {
const r = e.state, s = e.renderer, n = t.shader || e.defaultShader;
n.resources.uTexture = t.texture._source, n.resources.uniforms = e.localUniforms;
const a = s.gl, o = e.getBuffers(t);
s.shader.bind(n), s.state.set(r), s.geometry.bind(o.geometry, n.glProgram);
const u = o.geometry.indexBuffer.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 2 ? a.UNSIGNED_SHORT : a.UNSIGNED_INT;
a.drawElements(a.TRIANGLES, t.particleChildren.length * 6, u, 0);
class Lt {
execute(e, t) {
const r = e.renderer, s = t.shader || e.defaultShader;
s.groups[0] = r.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUniformBindGroup(e.localUniforms, !0), s.groups[1] = r.texture.getTextureBindGroup(t.texture);
const n = e.state, a = e.getBuffers(t);
geometry: a.geometry,
shader: t.shader || e.defaultShader,
state: n,
size: t.particleChildren.length * 6
function Se(i, e = null) {
const t = i * 6;
if (t > 65535 ? e = e || new Uint32Array(t) : e = e || new Uint16Array(t), e.length !== t)
throw new Error(`Out buffer length is incorrect, got ${e.length} and expected ${t}`);
for (let r = 0, s = 0; r < t; r += 6, s += 4)
e[r + 0] = s + 0, e[r + 1] = s + 1, e[r + 2] = s + 2, e[r + 3] = s + 0, e[r + 4] = s + 2, e[r + 5] = s + 3;
return e;
function $t(i) {
return {
dynamicUpdate: we(i, !0),
staticUpdate: we(i, !1)
function we(i, e) {
const t = [];
var index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < ps.length; ++i)
const p = ps[i];
let r = 0;
for (const n in i) {
const a = i[n];
if (e !== a.dynamic)
t.push(`offset = index + ${r}`), t.push(a.code);
const o = ee(a.format);
r += o.stride / 4;
index += stride * 4;
`), t.unshift(`
var stride = ${r};
const s = t.join(`
return new Function("ps", "f32v", "u32v", s);
class Yt {
constructor(e) {
this._size = 0, this._generateParticleUpdateCache = {};
const t = this._size = e.size ?? 1e3, r = e.properties;
let s = 0, n = 0;
for (const c in r) {
const d = r[c], h = ee(d.format);
d.dynamic ? n += h.stride : s += h.stride;
this._dynamicStride = n / 4, this._staticStride = s / 4, this.staticAttributeBuffer = new E(t * 4 * s), this.dynamicAttributeBuffer = new E(t * 4 * n), this.indexBuffer = Se(t);
const a = new se();
let o = 0, l = 0;
this._staticBuffer = new O({
data: new Float32Array(1),
label: "static-particle-buffer",
shrinkToFit: !1,
}), this._dynamicBuffer = new O({
data: new Float32Array(1),
label: "dynamic-particle-buffer",
shrinkToFit: !1,
for (const c in r) {
const d = r[c], h = ee(d.format);
d.dynamic ? (a.addAttribute(d.attributeName, {
buffer: this._dynamicBuffer,
stride: this._dynamicStride * 4,
offset: o * 4,
format: d.format
}), o += h.size) : (a.addAttribute(d.attributeName, {
buffer: this._staticBuffer,
stride: this._staticStride * 4,
offset: l * 4,
format: d.format
}), l += h.size);
const u = this.getParticleUpdate(r);
this._dynamicUpload = u.dynamicUpdate, this._staticUpload = u.staticUpdate, this.geometry = a;
getParticleUpdate(e) {
const t = Xt(e);
return this._generateParticleUpdateCache[t] ? this._generateParticleUpdateCache[t] : (this._generateParticleUpdateCache[t] = this.generateParticleUpdate(e), this._generateParticleUpdateCache[t]);
generateParticleUpdate(e) {
return $t(e);
update(e, t) {
e.length > this._size && (t = !0, this._size = Math.max(e.length, this._size * 1.5 | 0), this.staticAttributeBuffer = new E(this._size * this._staticStride * 4 * 4), this.dynamicAttributeBuffer = new E(this._size * this._dynamicStride * 4 * 4), this.indexBuffer = Se(this._size), this.geometry.indexBuffer.setDataWithSize(
const r = this.dynamicAttributeBuffer;
if (this._dynamicUpload(e, r.float32View, r.uint32View), this._dynamicBuffer.setDataWithSize(
e.length * this._dynamicStride * 4,
), t) {
const s = this.staticAttributeBuffer;
this._staticUpload(e, s.float32View, s.uint32View), this._staticBuffer.setDataWithSize(
e.length * this._staticStride * 4,
destroy() {
this._staticBuffer.destroy(), this._dynamicBuffer.destroy(), this.geometry.destroy();
function Xt(i) {
const e = [];
for (const t in i) {
const r = i[t];
e.push(t, r.code, r.dynamic ? "d" : "s");
return e.join("_");
var jt = `varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
void main(void){
vec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vUV) * vColor;
gl_FragColor = color;
}`, Kt = `attribute vec2 aVertex;
attribute vec2 aUV;
attribute vec4 aColor;
attribute vec2 aPosition;
attribute float aRotation;
uniform mat3 uTranslationMatrix;
uniform float uRound;
uniform vec2 uResolution;
uniform vec4 uColor;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
vec2 roundPixels(vec2 position, vec2 targetSize)
return (floor(((position * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetSize) + 0.5) / targetSize) * 2.0 - 1.0;
void main(void){
float cosRotation = cos(aRotation);
float sinRotation = sin(aRotation);
float x = aVertex.x * cosRotation - aVertex.y * sinRotation;
float y = aVertex.x * sinRotation + aVertex.y * cosRotation;
vec2 v = vec2(x, y);
v = v + aPosition;
gl_Position = vec4((uTranslationMatrix * vec3(v, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
if(uRound == 1.0)
gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution);
vUV = aUV;
vColor = aColor * uColor;
`, Ce = `
struct ParticleUniforms {
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms: ParticleUniforms;
@group(1) @binding(0) var uTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var uSampler : sampler;
struct VSOutput {
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
@location(0) uv : vec2<f32>,
@location(1) color : vec4<f32>,
fn mainVertex(
@location(0) aVertex: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) aPosition: vec2<f32>,
@location(2) aUV: vec2<f32>,
@location(3) aColor: vec4<f32>,
@location(4) aRotation: f32,
) -> VSOutput {
let v = vec2(
aVertex.x * cos(aRotation) - aVertex.y * sin(aRotation),
aVertex.x * sin(aRotation) + aVertex.y * cos(aRotation)
) + aPosition;
let position = vec4((uniforms.uProjectionMatrix * vec3(v, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
return VSOutput(
fn mainFragment(
@location(0) uv: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) color: vec4<f32>,
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
var sample = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv) * color;
return sample;
class Nt extends ae {
constructor() {
const e = bt.from({
vertex: Kt,
fragment: jt
}), t = yt.from({
fragment: {
source: Ce,
entryPoint: "mainFragment"
vertex: {
source: Ce,
entryPoint: "mainVertex"
glProgram: e,
gpuProgram: t,
resources: {
// this will be replaced with the texture from the particle container
uTexture: A.WHITE.source,
// this will be replaced with the texture style from the particle container
uSampler: new Tt({}),
// this will be replaced with the local uniforms from the particle container
uniforms: {
uTranslationMatrix: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uColor: { value: new H(16777215), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uRound: { value: 1, type: "f32" },
uResolution: { value: [0, 0], type: "vec2<f32>" }
class Je {
* @param renderer - The renderer this sprite batch works for.
* @param adaptor
constructor(e, t) {
this.state = Y.for2d(), this._gpuBufferHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this.localUniforms = new D({
uTranslationMatrix: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uColor: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uRound: { value: 1, type: "f32" },
uResolution: { value: [0, 0], type: "vec2<f32>" }
}), this.renderer = e, this.adaptor = t, this.defaultShader = new Nt(), this.state = Y.for2d();
validateRenderable(e) {
return !1;
addRenderable(e, t) {
this.renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(t), t.add(e);
getBuffers(e) {
return this._gpuBufferHash[e.uid] || this._initBuffer(e);
_initBuffer(e) {
return this._gpuBufferHash[e.uid] = new Yt({
size: e.particleChildren.length,
properties: e._properties
}), e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._gpuBufferHash[e.uid];
updateRenderable(e) {
destroyRenderable(e) {
this._gpuBufferHash[e.uid].destroy(), this._gpuBufferHash[e.uid] = null, e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound);
execute(e) {
const t = e.particleChildren;
if (t.length === 0)
const r = this.renderer, s = this.getBuffers(e);
e.texture || (e.texture = t[0].texture);
const n = this.state;
s.update(t, e._childrenDirty), e._childrenDirty = !1, n.blendMode = ne(e.blendMode, e.texture._source);
const a = this.localUniforms.uniforms, o = a.uTranslationMatrix;
e.worldTransform.copyTo(o), o.prepend(r.globalUniforms.globalUniformData.projectionMatrix), a.uResolution = r.globalUniforms.globalUniformData.resolution, a.uRound = r._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, j(
), this.adaptor.execute(this, e);
/** Destroys the ParticleRenderer. */
destroy() {
this.defaultShader && (this.defaultShader.destroy(), this.defaultShader = null);
class Ze extends Je {
constructor(e) {
super(e, new It());
Ze.extension = {
type: [
name: "particle"
class et extends Je {
constructor(e) {
super(e, new Lt());
et.extension = {
type: [
name: "particle"
const tt = class rt extends Et {
constructor(e = {}) {
e = { ...rt.defaultOptions, ...e }, super({
width: e.width,
height: e.height,
verticesX: 4,
verticesY: 4
}), this.update(e);
* Updates the NineSliceGeometry with the options.
* @param options - The options of the NineSliceGeometry.
update(e) {
this.width = e.width ?? this.width, this.height = e.height ?? this.height, this._originalWidth = e.originalWidth ?? this._originalWidth, this._originalHeight = e.originalHeight ?? this._originalHeight, this._leftWidth = e.leftWidth ?? this._leftWidth, this._rightWidth = e.rightWidth ?? this._rightWidth, this._topHeight = e.topHeight ?? this._topHeight, this._bottomHeight = e.bottomHeight ?? this._bottomHeight, this.updateUvs(), this.updatePositions();
/** Updates the positions of the vertices. */
updatePositions() {
const e = this.positions, t = this._leftWidth + this._rightWidth, r = this.width > t ? 1 : this.width / t, s = this._topHeight + this._bottomHeight, n = this.height > s ? 1 : this.height / s, a = Math.min(r, n);
e[9] = e[11] = e[13] = e[15] = this._topHeight * a, e[17] = e[19] = e[21] = e[23] = this.height - this._bottomHeight * a, e[25] = e[27] = e[29] = e[31] = this.height, e[2] = e[10] = e[18] = e[26] = this._leftWidth * a, e[4] = e[12] = e[20] = e[28] = this.width - this._rightWidth * a, e[6] = e[14] = e[22] = e[30] = this.width, this.getBuffer("aPosition").update();
/** Updates the UVs of the vertices. */
updateUvs() {
const e = this.uvs;
e[0] = e[8] = e[16] = e[24] = 0, e[1] = e[3] = e[5] = e[7] = 0, e[6] = e[14] = e[22] = e[30] = 1, e[25] = e[27] = e[29] = e[31] = 1;
const t = 1 / this._originalWidth, r = 1 / this._originalHeight;
e[2] = e[10] = e[18] = e[26] = t * this._leftWidth, e[9] = e[11] = e[13] = e[15] = r * this._topHeight, e[4] = e[12] = e[20] = e[28] = 1 - t * this._rightWidth, e[17] = e[19] = e[21] = e[23] = 1 - r * this._bottomHeight, this.getBuffer("aUV").update();
tt.defaultOptions = {
/** The width of the NineSlicePlane, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */
width: 100,
/** The height of the NineSlicePlane, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */
height: 100,
/** The width of the left column. */
leftWidth: 10,
/** The height of the top row. */
topHeight: 10,
/** The width of the right column. */
rightWidth: 10,
/** The height of the bottom row. */
bottomHeight: 10,
/** The original width of the texture */
originalWidth: 100,
/** The original height of the texture */
originalHeight: 100
let qt = tt;
class st {
constructor(e) {
this._gpuSpriteHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuSpriteHash");
addRenderable(e, t) {
const r = this._getGpuSprite(e);
e.didViewUpdate && this._updateBatchableSprite(e, r), this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(r, t);
updateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._gpuSpriteHash[e.uid];
e.didViewUpdate && this._updateBatchableSprite(e, t), t._batcher.updateElement(t);
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = e._texture, r = this._getGpuSprite(e);
return r.texture._source !== t._source ? !r._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(r, t) : !1;
destroyRenderable(e) {
const t = this._gpuSpriteHash[e.uid];
b.return(t.geometry), b.return(t), this._gpuSpriteHash[e.uid] = null, e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound);
_updateBatchableSprite(e, t) {
t.geometry.update(e), t.texture = e._texture;
_getGpuSprite(e) {
return this._gpuSpriteHash[e.uid] || this._initGPUSprite(e);
_initGPUSprite(e) {
const t = b.get(de);
return t.geometry = b.get(qt), t.renderable = e, t.transform = e.groupTransform, t.texture = e._texture, t.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, this._gpuSpriteHash[e.uid] = t, e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), t;
destroy() {
for (const e in this._gpuSpriteHash)
this._gpuSpriteHash = null, this._renderer = null;
st.extension = {
type: [
name: "nineSliceSprite"
const Qt = {
name: "tiling-bit",
vertex: {
header: (
/* wgsl */
struct TilingUniforms {
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> tilingUniforms: TilingUniforms;
@group(2) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(2) @binding(2) var uSampler: sampler;
main: (
/* wgsl */
uv = (tilingUniforms.uTextureTransform * vec3(uv, 1.0)).xy;
position = (position - tilingUniforms.uSizeAnchor.zw) * tilingUniforms.uSizeAnchor.xy;
fragment: {
header: (
/* wgsl */
struct TilingUniforms {
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> tilingUniforms: TilingUniforms;
@group(2) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(2) @binding(2) var uSampler: sampler;
main: (
/* wgsl */
var coord = vUV + ceil(tilingUniforms.uClampOffset - vUV);
coord = (tilingUniforms.uMapCoord * vec3(coord, 1.0)).xy;
var unclamped = coord;
coord = clamp(coord, tilingUniforms.uClampFrame.xy, tilingUniforms.uClampFrame.zw);
var bias = 0.;
if(unclamped.x == coord.x && unclamped.y == coord.y)
bias = -32.;
outColor = textureSampleBias(uTexture, uSampler, coord, bias);
}, Jt = {
name: "tiling-bit",
vertex: {
header: (
/* glsl */
uniform mat3 uTextureTransform;
uniform vec4 uSizeAnchor;
main: (
/* glsl */
uv = (uTextureTransform * vec3(aUV, 1.0)).xy;
position = (position - uSizeAnchor.zw) * uSizeAnchor.xy;
fragment: {
header: (
/* glsl */
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
uniform mat3 uMapCoord;
uniform vec4 uClampFrame;
uniform vec2 uClampOffset;
main: (
/* glsl */
vec2 coord = vUV + ceil(uClampOffset - vUV);
coord = (uMapCoord * vec3(coord, 1.0)).xy;
vec2 unclamped = coord;
coord = clamp(coord, uClampFrame.xy, uClampFrame.zw);
outColor = texture(uTexture, coord, unclamped == coord ? 0.0 : -32.0);// lod-bias very negative to force lod 0
let N, q;
class Zt extends ae {
constructor() {
N ?? (N = Fe({
name: "tiling-sprite-shader",
bits: [
})), q ?? (q = ke({
name: "tiling-sprite-shader",
bits: [
const e = new D({
uMapCoord: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uClampFrame: { value: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 1]), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uClampOffset: { value: new Float32Array([0, 0]), type: "vec2<f32>" },
uTextureTransform: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uSizeAnchor: { value: new Float32Array([100, 100, 0.5, 0.5]), type: "vec4<f32>" }
glProgram: q,
gpuProgram: N,
resources: {
localUniforms: new D({
uTransformMatrix: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" }
tilingUniforms: e,
uTexture: A.EMPTY.source,
uSampler: A.EMPTY.source.style
updateUniforms(e, t, r, s, n, a) {
const o = this.resources.tilingUniforms, l = a.width, u = a.height, c = a.textureMatrix, d = o.uniforms.uTextureTransform;
r.a * l / e,
r.b * l / t,
r.c * u / e,
r.d * u / t,
r.tx / e,
r.ty / t
), d.invert(), o.uniforms.uMapCoord = c.mapCoord, o.uniforms.uClampFrame = c.uClampFrame, o.uniforms.uClampOffset = c.uClampOffset, o.uniforms.uTextureTransform = d, o.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[0] = e, o.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[1] = t, o.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[2] = s, o.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[3] = n, a && (this.resources.uTexture = a.source, this.resources.uSampler = a.source.style);
class er extends oe {
constructor() {
positions: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]),
uvs: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]),
indices: new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])
function tr(i, e) {
const t = i.anchor.x, r = i.anchor.y;
e[0] = -t * i.width, e[1] = -r * i.height, e[2] = (1 - t) * i.width, e[3] = -r * i.height, e[4] = (1 - t) * i.width, e[5] = (1 - r) * i.height, e[6] = -t * i.width, e[7] = (1 - r) * i.height;
function rr(i, e, t, r) {
let s = 0;
const n = i.length / e, a = r.a, o = r.b, l = r.c, u = r.d, c = r.tx, d = r.ty;
for (t *= e; s < n; ) {
const h = i[t], g = i[t + 1];
i[t] = a * h + l * g + c, i[t + 1] = o * h + u * g + d, t += e, s++;
function sr(i, e) {
const t = i.texture, r = t.frame.width, s = t.frame.height;
let n = 0, a = 0;
i._applyAnchorToTexture && (n = i.anchor.x, a = i.anchor.y), e[0] = e[6] = -n, e[2] = e[4] = 1 - n, e[1] = e[3] = -a, e[5] = e[7] = 1 - a;
const o = P.shared;
o.copyFrom(i._tileTransform.matrix), o.tx /= i.width, o.ty /= i.height, o.invert(), o.scale(i.width / r, i.height / s), rr(e, 2, 0, o);
const I = new er();
class it {
constructor(e) {
this._state = Y.default2d, this._tilingSpriteDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_tilingSpriteDataHash");
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getTilingSpriteData(e), r = t.canBatch;
const s = t.canBatch;
if (s && s === r) {
const { batchableMesh: n } = t;
if (n && n.texture._source !== e.texture._source)
return !n._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(n, e.texture);
return r !== s;
addRenderable(e, t) {
const r = this._renderer.renderPipes.batch;
const s = this._getTilingSpriteData(e), { geometry: n, canBatch: a } = s;
if (a) {
s.batchableMesh || (s.batchableMesh = new de());
const o = s.batchableMesh;
e.didViewUpdate && (this._updateBatchableMesh(e), o.geometry = n, o.renderable = e, o.transform = e.groupTransform, o.texture = e._texture), o.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, r.addToBatch(o, t);
} else
r.break(t), s.shader || (s.shader = new Zt()), this.updateRenderable(e), t.add(e);
execute(e) {
const { shader: t } = this._tilingSpriteDataHash[e.uid];
t.groups[0] = this._renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup;
const r = t.resources.localUniforms.uniforms;
r.uTransformMatrix = e.groupTransform, r.uRound = this._renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, j(
), this._state.blendMode = ne(e.groupBlendMode, e.texture._source), this._renderer.encoder.draw({
geometry: I,
shader: t,
state: this._state
updateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getTilingSpriteData(e), { canBatch: r } = t;
if (r) {
const { batchableMesh: s } = t;
e.didViewUpdate && this._updateBatchableMesh(e), s._batcher.updateElement(s);
} else if (e.didViewUpdate) {
const { shader: s } = t;
destroyRenderable(e) {
var r;
const t = this._getTilingSpriteData(e);
t.batchableMesh = null, (r = t.shader) == null || r.destroy(), this._tilingSpriteDataHash[e.uid] = null, e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound);
_getTilingSpriteData(e) {
return this._tilingSpriteDataHash[e.uid] || this._initTilingSpriteData(e);
_initTilingSpriteData(e) {
const t = new oe({
indices: I.indices,
positions: I.positions.slice(),
uvs: I.uvs.slice()
return this._tilingSpriteDataHash[e.uid] = {
canBatch: !0,
renderable: e,
geometry: t
}, e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._tilingSpriteDataHash[e.uid];
_updateBatchableMesh(e) {
const t = this._getTilingSpriteData(e), { geometry: r } = t, s = e.texture.source.style;
s.addressMode !== "repeat" && (s.addressMode = "repeat", s.update()), sr(e, r.uvs), tr(e, r.positions);
destroy() {
for (const e in this._tilingSpriteDataHash)
this._tilingSpriteDataHash = null, this._renderer = null;
_updateCanBatch(e) {
const t = this._getTilingSpriteData(e), r = e.texture;
let s = !0;
return this._renderer.type === ie.WEBGL && (s = this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2wrapping), t.canBatch = r.textureMatrix.isSimple && (s || r.source.isPowerOfTwo), t.canBatch;
it.extension = {
type: [
name: "tilingSprite"
const ir = {
name: "local-uniform-msdf-bit",
vertex: {
header: (
/* wgsl */
struct LocalUniforms {
uDistance: f32,
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> localUniforms : LocalUniforms;
main: (
/* wgsl */
vColor *= localUniforms.uColor;
modelMatrix *= localUniforms.uTransformMatrix;
end: (
/* wgsl */
if(localUniforms.uRound == 1)
vPosition = vec4(roundPixels(vPosition.xy, globalUniforms.uResolution), vPosition.zw);
fragment: {
header: (
/* wgsl */
struct LocalUniforms {
uDistance: f32
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> localUniforms : LocalUniforms;
main: (
/* wgsl */
outColor = vec4<f32>(calculateMSDFAlpha(outColor, localUniforms.uColor, localUniforms.uDistance));
}, nr = {
name: "local-uniform-msdf-bit",
vertex: {
header: (
/* glsl */
uniform mat3 uTransformMatrix;
uniform vec4 uColor;
uniform float uRound;
main: (
/* glsl */
vColor *= uColor;
modelMatrix *= uTransformMatrix;
end: (
/* glsl */
if(uRound == 1.)
gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution);
fragment: {
header: (
/* glsl */
uniform float uDistance;
main: (
/* glsl */
outColor = vec4(calculateMSDFAlpha(outColor, vColor, uDistance));
}, ar = {
name: "msdf-bit",
fragment: {
header: (
/* wgsl */
fn calculateMSDFAlpha(msdfColor:vec4<f32>, shapeColor:vec4<f32>, distance:f32) -> f32 {
var median = msdfColor.r + msdfColor.g + msdfColor.b -
min(msdfColor.r, min(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)) -
max(msdfColor.r, max(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b));
// SDF
median = min(median, msdfColor.a);
var screenPxDistance = distance * (median - 0.5);
var alpha = clamp(screenPxDistance + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
if (median < 0.01) {
alpha = 0.0;
} else if (median > 0.99) {
alpha = 1.0;
// Gamma correction for coverage-like alpha
var luma: f32 = dot(shapeColor.rgb, vec3<f32>(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
var gamma: f32 = mix(1.0, 1.0 / 2.2, luma);
var coverage: f32 = pow(shapeColor.a * alpha, gamma);
return coverage;
}, or = {
name: "msdf-bit",
fragment: {
header: (
/* glsl */
float calculateMSDFAlpha(vec4 msdfColor, vec4 shapeColor, float distance) {
float median = msdfColor.r + msdfColor.g + msdfColor.b -
min(msdfColor.r, min(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)) -
max(msdfColor.r, max(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b));
// SDF
median = min(median, msdfColor.a);
float screenPxDistance = distance * (median - 0.5);
float alpha = clamp(screenPxDistance + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
if (median < 0.01) {
alpha = 0.0;
} else if (median > 0.99) {
alpha = 1.0;
// Gamma correction for coverage-like alpha
float luma = dot(shapeColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
float gamma = mix(1.0, 1.0 / 2.2, luma);
float coverage = pow(shapeColor.a * alpha, gamma);
return coverage;
let Q, J;
class lr extends ae {
constructor() {
const e = new D({
uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4<f32>" },
uTransformMatrix: { value: new P(), type: "mat3x3<f32>" },
uDistance: { value: 4, type: "f32" },
uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" }
}), t = wt();
Q ?? (Q = Fe({
name: "sdf-shader",
bits: [
})), J ?? (J = ke({
name: "sdf-shader",
bits: [
})), super({
glProgram: J,
gpuProgram: Q,
resources: {
localUniforms: e,
batchSamplers: Rt(t)
class nt {
constructor(e) {
this._gpuBitmapText = {}, this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBitmapText");
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getGpuBitmapText(e);
return e._didTextUpdate && (e._didTextUpdate = !1, this._updateContext(e, t)), this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.validateRenderable(t);
addRenderable(e, t) {
const r = this._getGpuBitmapText(e);
Be(e, r), e._didTextUpdate && (e._didTextUpdate = !1, this._updateContext(e, r)), this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.addRenderable(r, t), r.context.customShader && this._updateDistanceField(e);
destroyRenderable(e) {
e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._destroyRenderableByUid(e.uid);
_destroyRenderableByUid(e) {
const t = this._gpuBitmapText[e].context;
t.customShader && (b.return(t.customShader), t.customShader = null), b.return(this._gpuBitmapText[e]), this._gpuBitmapText[e] = null;
updateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getGpuBitmapText(e);
Be(e, t), this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.updateRenderable(t), t.context.customShader && this._updateDistanceField(e);
_updateContext(e, t) {
const { context: r } = t, s = Ut.getFont(e.text, e._style);
r.clear(), s.distanceField.type !== "none" && (r.customShader || (r.customShader = b.get(lr)));
const n = Array.from(e.text), a = e._style;
let o = s.baseLineOffset;
const l = Gt(n, a, s, !0);
let u = 0;
const c = a.padding, d = l.scale;
let h = l.width, g = l.height + l.offsetY;
a._stroke && (h += a._stroke.width / d, g += a._stroke.width / d), r.translate(-e._anchor._x * h - c, -e._anchor._y * g - c).scale(d, d);
const x = s.applyFillAsTint ? a._fill.color : 16777215;
for (let f = 0; f < l.lines.length; f++) {
const m = l.lines[f];
for (let _ = 0; _ < m.charPositions.length; _++) {
const R = n[u++], T = s.chars[R];
T != null && T.texture && r.texture(
x || "black",
Math.round(m.charPositions[_] + T.xOffset),
Math.round(o + T.yOffset)
o += s.lineHeight;
_getGpuBitmapText(e) {
return this._gpuBitmapText[e.uid] || this.initGpuText(e);
initGpuText(e) {
const t = b.get(X);
return this._gpuBitmapText[e.uid] = t, this._updateContext(e, t), e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._gpuBitmapText[e.uid];
_updateDistanceField(e) {
const t = this._getGpuBitmapText(e).context, r = e._style.fontFamily, s = te.get(`${r}-bitmap`), { a: n, b: a, c: o, d: l } = e.groupTransform, u = Math.sqrt(n * n + a * a), c = Math.sqrt(o * o + l * l), d = (Math.abs(u) + Math.abs(c)) / 2, h = s.baseRenderedFontSize / e._style.fontSize, g = d * s.distanceField.range * (1 / h);
t.customShader.resources.localUniforms.uniforms.uDistance = g;
destroy() {
for (const e in this._gpuBitmapText)
this._gpuBitmapText = null, this._renderer = null;
nt.extension = {
type: [
name: "bitmapText"
function Be(i, e) {
e.groupTransform = i.groupTransform, e.groupColorAlpha = i.groupColorAlpha, e.groupColor = i.groupColor, e.groupBlendMode = i.groupBlendMode, e.globalDisplayStatus = i.globalDisplayStatus, e.groupTransform = i.groupTransform, e.localDisplayStatus = i.localDisplayStatus, e.groupAlpha = i.groupAlpha, e._roundPixels = i._roundPixels;
class at {
constructor(e) {
this._gpuText = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.runners.resolutionChange.add(this), this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuText");
resolutionChange() {
for (const e in this._gpuText) {
const t = this._gpuText[e];
if (!t)
const r = t.batchableSprite.renderable;
r._autoResolution && (r._resolution = this._renderer.resolution, r.onViewUpdate());
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getGpuText(e), r = e._getKey();
return t.textureNeedsUploading ? (t.textureNeedsUploading = !1, !0) : t.currentKey !== r;
addRenderable(e, t) {
const s = this._getGpuText(e).batchableSprite;
e._didTextUpdate && this._updateText(e), this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(s, t);
updateRenderable(e) {
const r = this._getGpuText(e).batchableSprite;
e._didTextUpdate && this._updateText(e), r._batcher.updateElement(r);
destroyRenderable(e) {
e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._destroyRenderableById(e.uid);
_destroyRenderableById(e) {
const t = this._gpuText[e];
this._renderer.htmlText.decreaseReferenceCount(t.currentKey), b.return(t.batchableSprite), this._gpuText[e] = null;
_updateText(e) {
const t = e._getKey(), r = this._getGpuText(e), s = r.batchableSprite;
r.currentKey !== t && this._updateGpuText(e).catch((a) => {
}), e._didTextUpdate = !1;
const n = e._style.padding;
re(s.bounds, e._anchor, s.texture, n);
async _updateGpuText(e) {
e._didTextUpdate = !1;
const t = this._getGpuText(e);
if (t.generatingTexture)
const r = e._getKey();
this._renderer.htmlText.decreaseReferenceCount(t.currentKey), t.generatingTexture = !0, t.currentKey = r;
const s = e.resolution ?? this._renderer.resolution, n = await this._renderer.htmlText.getManagedTexture(
), a = t.batchableSprite;
a.texture = t.texture = n, t.generatingTexture = !1, t.textureNeedsUploading = !0, e.onViewUpdate();
const o = e._style.padding;
re(a.bounds, e._anchor, a.texture, o);
_getGpuText(e) {
return this._gpuText[e.uid] || this.initGpuText(e);
initGpuText(e) {
const t = {
texture: A.EMPTY,
currentKey: "--",
batchableSprite: b.get(De),
textureNeedsUploading: !1,
generatingTexture: !1
}, r = t.batchableSprite;
return r.renderable = e, r.transform = e.groupTransform, r.texture = A.EMPTY, r.bounds = { minX: 0, maxX: 1, minY: 0, maxY: 0 }, r.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, e._resolution = e._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : e.resolution, this._gpuText[e.uid] = t, e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), t;
destroy() {
for (const e in this._gpuText)
this._gpuText = null, this._renderer = null;
at.extension = {
type: [
name: "htmlText"
function dr() {
const { userAgent: i } = ze.get().getNavigator();
return /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(i);
const ur = new Ge();
function ot(i, e, t, r) {
const s = ur;
s.minX = 0, s.minY = 0, s.maxX = i.width / r | 0, s.maxY = i.height / r | 0;
const n = B.getOptimalTexture(
return n.source.uploadMethodId = "image", n.source.resource = i, n.source.alphaMode = "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", n.frame.width = e / r, n.frame.height = t / r, n.source.emit("update", n.source), n.updateUvs(), n;
function cr(i, e) {
const t = e.fontFamily, r = [], s = {}, n = /font-family:([^;"\s]+)/g, a = i.match(n);
function o(l) {
s[l] || (r.push(l), s[l] = !0);
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)
a && a.forEach((l) => {
const u = l.split(":")[1].trim();
for (const l in e.tagStyles) {
const u = e.tagStyles[l].fontFamily;
return r;
async function hr(i) {
const t = await (await ze.get().fetch(i)).blob(), r = new FileReader();
return await new Promise((n, a) => {
r.onloadend = () => n(r.result), r.onerror = a, r.readAsDataURL(t);
async function Me(i, e) {
const t = await hr(e);
return `@font-face {
font-family: "${i.fontFamily}";
src: url('${t}');
font-weight: ${i.fontWeight};
font-style: ${i.fontStyle};
const L = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
async function fr(i, e, t) {
const r = i.filter((s) => te.has(`${s}-and-url`)).map((s, n) => {
if (!L.has(s)) {
const { url: a } = te.get(`${s}-and-url`);
n === 0 ? L.set(s, Me({
fontWeight: e.fontWeight,
fontStyle: e.fontStyle,
fontFamily: s
}, a)) : L.set(s, Me({
fontWeight: t.fontWeight,
fontStyle: t.fontStyle,
fontFamily: s
}, a));
return L.get(s);
return (await Promise.all(r)).join(`
function pr(i, e, t, r, s) {
const { domElement: n, styleElement: a, svgRoot: o } = s;
n.innerHTML = `<style>${e.cssStyle}</style><div style='padding:0;'>${i}</div>`, n.setAttribute("style", `transform: scale(${t});transform-origin: top left; display: inline-block`), a.textContent = r;
const { width: l, height: u } = s.image;
return o.setAttribute("width", l.toString()), o.setAttribute("height", u.toString()), new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(o);
function gr(i, e) {
const t = V.getOptimalCanvasAndContext(
), { context: r } = t;
return r.clearRect(0, 0, i.width, i.height), r.drawImage(i, 0, 0), t;
function xr(i, e, t) {
return new Promise(async (r) => {
t && await new Promise((s) => setTimeout(s, 100)), i.onload = () => {
}, i.src = `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,${encodeURIComponent(e)}`, i.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
class ue {
constructor(e) {
this._activeTextures = {}, this._renderer = e, this._createCanvas = e.type === ie.WEBGPU;
getTexture(e) {
return this._buildTexturePromise(
getManagedTexture(e, t, r, s) {
if (this._activeTextures[s])
return this._increaseReferenceCount(s), this._activeTextures[s].promise;
const n = this._buildTexturePromise(e, t, r).then((a) => (this._activeTextures[s].texture = a, a));
return this._activeTextures[s] = {
texture: null,
promise: n,
usageCount: 1
}, n;
async _buildTexturePromise(e, t, r) {
const s = b.get(je), n = cr(e, r), a = await fr(
), o = Vt(e, r, a, s), l = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, o.width) + r.padding * 2) * t), u = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, o.height) + r.padding * 2) * t), c = s.image, d = 2;
c.width = (l | 0) + d, c.height = (u | 0) + d;
const h = pr(e, r, t, a, s);
await xr(c, h, dr() && n.length > 0);
const g = c;
let x;
this._createCanvas && (x = gr(c, t));
const f = ot(
x ? x.canvas : g,
c.width - d,
c.height - d,
return this._createCanvas && (this._renderer.texture.initSource(f.source), V.returnCanvasAndContext(x)), b.return(s), f;
_increaseReferenceCount(e) {
decreaseReferenceCount(e) {
const t = this._activeTextures[e];
t && (t.usageCount--, t.usageCount === 0 && (t.texture ? this._cleanUp(t) : t.promise.then((r) => {
t.texture = r, this._cleanUp(t);
}).catch(() => {
$("HTMLTextSystem: Failed to clean texture");
}), this._activeTextures[e] = null));
_cleanUp(e) {
B.returnTexture(e.texture), e.texture.source.resource = null, e.texture.source.uploadMethodId = "unknown";
getReferenceCount(e) {
return this._activeTextures[e].usageCount;
destroy() {
this._activeTextures = null;
ue.extension = {
type: [
name: "htmlText"
ue.defaultFontOptions = {
fontFamily: "Arial",
fontStyle: "normal",
fontWeight: "normal"
class lt {
constructor(e) {
this._gpuText = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this), this._renderer = e, this._renderer.runners.resolutionChange.add(this), this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuText");
resolutionChange() {
for (const e in this._gpuText) {
const t = this._gpuText[e];
if (!t)
const r = t.batchableSprite.renderable;
r._autoResolution && (r._resolution = this._renderer.resolution, r.onViewUpdate());
validateRenderable(e) {
const t = this._getGpuText(e), r = e._getKey();
return t.currentKey !== r;
addRenderable(e, t) {
const s = this._getGpuText(e).batchableSprite;
e._didTextUpdate && this._updateText(e), this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(s, t);
updateRenderable(e) {
const r = this._getGpuText(e).batchableSprite;
e._didTextUpdate && this._updateText(e), r._batcher.updateElement(r);
destroyRenderable(e) {
e.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), this._destroyRenderableById(e.uid);
_destroyRenderableById(e) {
const t = this._gpuText[e];
this._renderer.canvasText.decreaseReferenceCount(t.currentKey), b.return(t.batchableSprite), this._gpuText[e] = null;
_updateText(e) {
const t = e._getKey(), r = this._getGpuText(e), s = r.batchableSprite;
r.currentKey !== t && this._updateGpuText(e), e._didTextUpdate = !1;
const n = e._style.padding;
re(s.bounds, e._anchor, s.texture, n);
_updateGpuText(e) {
const t = this._getGpuText(e), r = t.batchableSprite;
t.texture && this._renderer.canvasText.decreaseReferenceCount(t.currentKey), t.texture = r.texture = this._renderer.canvasText.getManagedTexture(e), t.currentKey = e._getKey(), r.texture = t.texture;
_getGpuText(e) {
return this._gpuText[e.uid] || this.initGpuText(e);
initGpuText(e) {
const t = {
texture: null,
currentKey: "--",
batchableSprite: b.get(De)
return t.batchableSprite.renderable = e, t.batchableSprite.transform = e.groupTransform, t.batchableSprite.bounds = { minX: 0, maxX: 1, minY: 0, maxY: 0 }, t.batchableSprite.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | e._roundPixels, this._gpuText[e.uid] = t, e._resolution = e._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : e.resolution, this._updateText(e), e.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound), t;
destroy() {
for (const e in this._gpuText)
this._gpuText = null, this._renderer = null;
lt.extension = {
type: [
name: "text"
function Pe(i, e, t) {
for (let r = 0, s = 4 * t * e; r < e; ++r, s += 4)
if (i[s + 3] !== 0)
return !1;
return !0;
function Re(i, e, t, r, s) {
const n = 4 * e;
for (let a = r, o = r * n + 4 * t; a <= s; ++a, o += n)
if (i[o + 3] !== 0)
return !1;
return !0;
function mr(i, e = 1) {
const { width: t, height: r } = i, s = i.getContext("2d", {
willReadFrequently: !0
if (s === null)
throw new TypeError("Failed to get canvas 2D context");
const a = s.getImageData(0, 0, t, r).data;
let o = 0, l = 0, u = t - 1, c = r - 1;
for (; l < r && Pe(a, t, l); )
if (l === r)
return ge.EMPTY;
for (; Pe(a, t, c); )
for (; Re(a, t, o, l, c); )
for (; Re(a, t, u, l, c); )
return ++u, ++c, new ge(o / e, l / e, (u - o) / e, (c - l) / e);
class dt {
constructor(e) {
this._activeTextures = {}, this._renderer = e;
getTextureSize(e, t, r) {
const s = k.measureText(e || " ", r);
let n = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, s.width) + r.padding * 2) * t), a = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, s.height) + r.padding * 2) * t);
return n = Math.ceil(n - 1e-6), a = Math.ceil(a - 1e-6), n = me(n), a = me(a), { width: n, height: a };
getTexture(e, t, r, s) {
typeof e == "string" && (w("8.0.0", "CanvasTextSystem.getTexture: Use object TextOptions instead of separate arguments"), e = {
text: e,
style: r,
resolution: t
}), e.style instanceof Z || (e.style = new Z(e.style));
const { texture: n, canvasAndContext: a } = this.createTextureAndCanvas(
return this._renderer.texture.initSource(n._source), V.returnCanvasAndContext(a), n;
createTextureAndCanvas(e) {
const { text: t, style: r } = e, s = e.resolution ?? this._renderer.resolution, n = k.measureText(t || " ", r), a = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, n.width) + r.padding * 2) * s), o = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, n.height) + r.padding * 2) * s), l = V.getOptimalCanvasAndContext(a, o), { canvas: u } = l;
this.renderTextToCanvas(t, r, s, l);
const c = ot(u, a, o, s);
if (r.trim) {
const d = mr(u, s);
c.frame.copyFrom(d), c.updateUvs();
return { texture: c, canvasAndContext: l };
getManagedTexture(e) {
e._resolution = e._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : e.resolution;
const t = e._getKey();
if (this._activeTextures[t])
return this._increaseReferenceCount(t), this._activeTextures[t].texture;
const { texture: r, canvasAndContext: s } = this.createTextureAndCanvas(e);
return this._activeTextures[t] = {
canvasAndContext: s,
texture: r,
usageCount: 1
}, r;
_increaseReferenceCount(e) {
decreaseReferenceCount(e) {
const t = this._activeTextures[e];
if (t.usageCount--, t.usageCount === 0) {
V.returnCanvasAndContext(t.canvasAndContext), B.returnTexture(t.texture);
const r = t.texture.source;
r.resource = null, r.uploadMethodId = "unknown", r.alphaMode = "no-premultiply-alpha", this._activeTextures[e] = null;
getReferenceCount(e) {
return this._activeTextures[e].usageCount;
* Renders text to its canvas, and updates its texture.
* By default this is used internally to ensure the texture is correct before rendering,
* but it can be used called externally, for example from this class to 'pre-generate' the texture from a piece of text,
* and then shared across multiple Sprites.
* @param text
* @param style
* @param resolution
* @param canvasAndContext
renderTextToCanvas(e, t, r, s) {
var R, T, U, z;
const { canvas: n, context: a } = s, o = Ft(t), l = k.measureText(e || " ", t), u = l.lines, c = l.lineHeight, d = l.lineWidths, h = l.maxLineWidth, g = l.fontProperties, x = n.height;
if (a.resetTransform(), a.scale(r, r), a.textBaseline = t.textBaseline, (R = t._stroke) != null && R.width) {
const S = t._stroke;
a.lineWidth = S.width, a.miterLimit = S.miterLimit, a.lineJoin = S.join, a.lineCap = S.cap;
a.font = o;
let f, m;
const _ = t.dropShadow ? 2 : 1;
for (let S = 0; S < _; ++S) {
const G = t.dropShadow && S === 0, F = G ? Math.ceil(Math.max(1, x) + t.padding * 2) : 0, ut = F * r;
if (G) {
a.fillStyle = "black", a.strokeStyle = "black";
const v = t.dropShadow, ct = v.color, ht = v.alpha;
a.shadowColor = H.shared.setValue(ct).setAlpha(ht).toRgbaString();
const ft = v.blur * r, fe = v.distance * r;
a.shadowBlur = ft, a.shadowOffsetX = Math.cos(v.angle) * fe, a.shadowOffsetY = Math.sin(v.angle) * fe + ut;
} else
a.fillStyle = t._fill ? xe(t._fill, a) : null, (T = t._stroke) != null && T.width && (a.strokeStyle = xe(t._stroke, a)), a.shadowColor = "black";
let ce = (c - g.fontSize) / 2;
c - g.fontSize < 0 && (ce = 0);
const he = ((U = t._stroke) == null ? void 0 : U.width) ?? 0;
for (let v = 0; v < u.length; v++)
f = he / 2, m = he / 2 + v * c + g.ascent + ce, t.align === "right" ? f += h - d[v] : t.align === "center" && (f += (h - d[v]) / 2), (z = t._stroke) != null && z.width && this._drawLetterSpacing(
f + t.padding,
m + t.padding - F,
), t._fill !== void 0 && this._drawLetterSpacing(
f + t.padding,
m + t.padding - F
* Render the text with letter-spacing.
* @param text - The text to draw
* @param style
* @param canvasAndContext
* @param x - Horizontal position to draw the text
* @param y - Vertical position to draw the text
* @param isStroke - Is this drawing for the outside stroke of the
* text? If not, it's for the inside fill
_drawLetterSpacing(e, t, r, s, n, a = !1) {
const { context: o } = r, l = t.letterSpacing;
let u = !1;
if (k.experimentalLetterSpacingSupported && (k.experimentalLetterSpacing ? (o.letterSpacing = `${l}px`, o.textLetterSpacing = `${l}px`, u = !0) : (o.letterSpacing = "0px", o.textLetterSpacing = "0px")), l === 0 || u) {
a ? o.strokeText(e, s, n) : o.fillText(e, s, n);
let c = s;
const d = k.graphemeSegmenter(e);
let h = o.measureText(e).width, g = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < d.length; ++x) {
const f = d[x];
a ? o.strokeText(f, c, n) : o.fillText(f, c, n);
let m = "";
for (let _ = x + 1; _ < d.length; ++_)
m += d[_];
g = o.measureText(m).width, c += h - g + l, h = g;
destroy() {
this._activeTextures = null;
dt.extension = {
type: [
name: "canvasText"