Vip buy updates

This commit is contained in:
Bill 2021-07-25 04:44:56 -04:00
parent d13c819be7
commit de4e767ce5
2 changed files with 26 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
.vip-buy-grid {
.grid-item-container {
height: 70px !important;
max-height: 70px !important;
height: 80px !important;
max-height: 80px !important;

View File

@ -99,27 +99,44 @@ export const CatalogLayoutVipBuyView: FC<CatalogLayoutVipBuyViewProps> = props =
return (
<NitroCardGridItemView key={ index } className="justify-content-between p-1">
{ (pendingOffer === offer) &&
<div className="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center w-100">
<div className="text-black text-small">{ getPurchaseHeader() }</div>
<div className="text-black text-small">{ getPurchaseValidUntil() }</div>
<div className="d-flex flex-column text-black text-small m-1">
<div className="d-flex align-items-center">
<i className="icon icon-catalogue-hc_small me-1"></i>
{ getPurchaseHeader() }
<div className="text-black text-small">{ getPurchaseValidUntil() }</div>
<div className="d-flex">
{ (offer.priceCredits > 0) &&
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end">
<span className="text-black">{ offer.priceCredits }</span>
<CurrencyIcon type={ -1 } />
</div> }
{ (offer.priceActivityPoints > 0) &&
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end">
<span className="text-black">{ offer.priceActivityPoints }</span>
<CurrencyIcon type={ offer.priceActivityPointsType } />
</div> }
<Button variant="primary" size="sm" onClick={ purchaseSubscription }>{ LocalizeText('buy') }</Button>
</div> }
</> }
{ (pendingOffer !== offer) &&
<div className="d-flex flex-column text-black text-small m-1">
<div className="d-flex align-items-center">
<i className="icon icon-catalogue-hc_small me-1"></i>
{ getOfferText(offer) }
<div className="d-flex">
{ (offer.priceCredits > 0) &&
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end">
<span className="text-black ms-1">{ offer.priceCredits }</span>
<span className="text-black">{ offer.priceCredits }</span>
<CurrencyIcon type={ -1 } />
</div> }
{ (offer.priceActivityPoints > 0) &&
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end">
<span className="text-black ms-1">{ offer.priceActivityPoints }</span>
<span className="text-black">{ offer.priceActivityPoints }</span>
<CurrencyIcon type={ offer.priceActivityPointsType } />
</div> }