# Nitro Docker installation Nitro docker is a quick-to-setup docker environment for the [nitro client](https://github.com/billsonnn/nitro-react) with [Arcturus Community Emulator](https://git.krews.org/morningstar/Arcturus-Community). It can be run on Windows, Linux or OSX just with a few commands. It is inspired by [Holo5/nitro-docker](https://github.com/Holo5/nitro-docker). The default configuration can run on localhost. **This Repository uses `ms4/dev` branch!** **This Repository uses a [forked version](https://github.com/Gurkengewuerz/nitro) of Nitro with bug-fixes and more features!** ## Requirements - Install docker desktop (and for windows, enable WSL support) [from here](https://www.docker.com/get-started/). - Node.js LTS or higher (For the habbo-downloader) - Clone this repository ## Notes This setup installs a complete local setup. Connecting externally requires editing the configurations. Serach for the following ports and edit them. Down below is a recommended domain setup when using reverse proxies like traefik. | Server | Local Setup | Recommended Domain Setup | |-----------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------| | MorningStar WebSocket | ws:// | game.example.com | | Assets Server | | assets.example.com | | CMS | | example.com | | Nitro Client | | game.example.com | ```sql UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='*.example.com' WHERE `key`='websockets.whitelist'; ``` ## Build 0. copy necessary files to work locally The following command searches for all files starting with `example-`, copies the file and remove the `example-` prefix. If you don't have access to the find command, you can do it manually. ```bash find . -type f -name 'example-*' -exec sh -c 'cp -rf "$0" "${0/example-/}"' {} \; ``` 1. Download the default assets > The `&& \` is used to combine multiple commands into a single line in a Unix-like command shell. By using && \, the two commands are executed sequentially and only if the first command succeeds. If the first command fails, the second command will not be executed, saving you from potential errors. ```bash git clone https://github.com/Gurkengewuerz/nitro-docker.git && \ cd nitro-docker/ && \ git clone https://git.krews.org/morningstar/arcturus-morningstar-default-swf-pack.git assets/swf/ && \ git clone https://github.com/krewsarchive/default-assets.git assets/assets/ && \ wget https://github.com/billsonnn/nitro-react/files/10334858/room.nitro.zip && \ unzip -o room.nitro.zip -d assets/assets/bundled/generic && \ docker compose up db -d ``` ⚠ **The database port is exposed to `3010` by default** ⚠ 2. Configure the `.env` to your needs 3. Download SQL updates: https://git.krews.org/morningstar/Arcturus-Community/-/archive/ms4/dev/Arcturus-Community-ms4-dev.zip?path=sqlupdates 4. Manually initialize database with HeidiSQL. - Download `HeidiSQL` from: https://www.heidisql.com/download.php - Open `HeidiSQL.exe` and connect to the nitro-docker-db container ```text # **Default login credentials using HeidySQL:** # Network type: MariaDB or MySQL (TCP/IP) # Library: libmysql.dll # Hostname /IP: YOURSERVERIPHERE!! # User: arcturus_user # Password: arcturus_pw # Port: 3310 # Databases: Separated by semicolon ``` - Select **arcturus** - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **arcturus_3.0.0-stable_base_database--compact.sql** Located at: nitro-docker/arcturus/arcturus_3.0.0-stable_base_database--compact.sql - For the popup: Really auto-detect file encoding? click on **Yes** - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **3_0_0 to 3_5_0.sql** Located at: \Arcturus-Community-ms4-dev-sqlupdates\sqlupdates - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **3_5_0 to 4_0_0.sql** - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **4_0_0_pets_EN.sql** - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **4_0_0_permissions.sql** If you set-up a clean database you also wan't to create new permission groups. This is the new permission structure by Arcturus. - Go to **File** --> **Run SQL file...** and open **perms_groups.sql** Located at: ./arcturus 5. Update emulator settings with HeidiSQL - Select `Query` then copy paste the follwing queries: ```sql -- requirements for the camera mod UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='' WHERE `key`='camera.url'; UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='/app/assets/usercontent/camera/' WHERE `key`='imager.location.output.camera'; UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='/app/assets/usercontent/camera/thumbnail/' WHERE `key`='imager.location.output.thumbnail'; -- because we have no image.php proxy which is set by default to proxy youtube images we do a microservice aproach by proxy data through a go service UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='' WHERE `key`='imager.url.youtube'; -- This will Disable console mode for Arcturus because we are using docker. UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='0' WHERE `key`='console.mode'; -- badges are dynamically generated by Nitro. This setting is only useful if a) you have group_badge.nitro and swf/c_images/Badgeparts/ in sync b) you wan't to hide the the error message UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='/app/assets/usercontent/badgeparts/generated/' WHERE `key`='imager.location.output.badges'; UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value`='/app/assets/swf/c_images/Badgeparts' WHERE `key`='imager.location.badgeparts'; ``` - Press `F9` on your keyboard to run the queries 6. Start Asset Server, Build assets locally, Arcturus Community Emulator and Nitro ```bash docker compose up assets -d && \ docker compose up assets-build --build && \ docker compose up imgproxy --build -d && \ docker compose up arcturus --build -d ``` 7. Update the: `nitro/renderer-config.json` and `nitro/ui-config.json` values to your setup. If the deployment is buggy or throws any errors check the json files for updates. then Build and Start Nitro ```bash docker compose up nitro --build -d ``` > habbo-downloader requires **Node.js 15.0** or higher you can install the newest version with the following command: ```bash curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash && \ nvm install node ``` > Next setup reverse proxies for your nginx or traefik server. You should disable proxy side caching. ## Update to latest production 8. Update a few assets since we want the most up to date assets as possible. You can remove habbo-downloader lines if needed or you can just download everything. ```text # Replace `--domain de with` your own country code # For example if you want Dutch then do `--domain nl` # **Here is a list of supported country codes:** # Portugese `--domain com.br` # Turkish `--domain com.tr` # English `--domain com` # German `--domain de` # Spanish `--domain es` # Finnish `--domain fi` # French `--domain fr` # Italian `--domain it` # Dutch `--domain nl` ``` ```bash apt install npm -y && \ npm i -g habbo-downloader && \ rm -rf assets/swf/gordon/PRODUCTION && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command badgeparts && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command badges && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command clothes && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command effects && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command furnitures && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command gamedata && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command gordon && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command hotelview && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command icons && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command mp3 && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command pets && \ habbo-downloader --output ./assets/swf --domain com --command promo && \ cp -n assets/swf/dcr/hof_furni/icons/* assets/swf/dcr/hof_furni && \ mv assets/swf/gordon/PRODUCTION* assets/swf/gordon/PRODUCTION && \ docker compose up assets-build --build ``` ## Update Languages ```bash habbo-downloader --output ./assets/translation --domain com --command gamedata && \ cd ./assets/translation && \ cp -rf gamedata/external*.txt ../swf/gamedata/ && \ cd ../.. && \ docker compose up assets-build --build && \ cd ./assets/translation && \ python FurnitureDataTranslator.py && \ python SQLGenerator.py && \ python external_text.py --domain com ``` * run SQL file * maybe run other `./assets/translation/*.sql` files which are fixes for Arcturus catalog like to display Song names/preview, fixing crackables or known wrong item bases. ```bash docker compose restart arcturus ``` ## AtomCMS 1. change [`.cms.env`](/.cms.env) to your needs 2. Check your permissions table. Use [**perms_groups.sql**](/arcturus/perms_groups.sql) if unclear. AtomCMS is not using the new permission layout so we are legacy supporting it by "copy" the most important values. 4. Start the CMS ```bash docker compose up cms --build -d ``` 5. Generate a new secret APP_KEY ```bash docker compose exec cms php artisan key:generate ``` 6. Open the CMS in the browser by default [``]( and do the basic setup. 7. Update automcms settings with HeidiSQL ```sql UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '' WHERE `key` = 'avatar_imager'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '' WHERE `key` = 'badges_path'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '' WHERE `key` = 'group_badge_path'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '' WHERE `key` = 'furniture_icons_path'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = 'arcturus' WHERE `key` = 'rcon_ip'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '3001' WHERE `key` = 'rcon_port'; -- check values - these values are for the perms_groups.sql UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '11' WHERE `key` = 'min_staff_rank'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '12' WHERE `key` = 'min_maintenance_login_rank'; UPDATE website_settings SET `value` = '13' WHERE `key` = 'min_housekeeping_rank'; ``` **ℹ Notice**: badgeparts generator must be set up in arcturus and all files must be synced with the badge_parts.nitro ## Create an archive/backup ### Export running containers ```bash bash ./export_containers.sh ``` ### Create manual database backup ```bash docker compose exec backup backup-now ``` ### Save all data ```bash 7z a -mx=9 nitro-$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d_%H%M").7z ./ '-x!db/data' '-x!.git/' '-x!logs/' '-x!cache/' ```