group.create.confirm.viprequired=HC membership required
group.create.nextstep=Next Step >>
group.create.previousstep=<< Back
group.create.stepcaption.1=Group Identity
group.create.stepcaption.2=Create Your Group's Badge
group.create.stepcaption.3=Select Group Colors
group.create.stepcaption.4=Ready to Go!
group.create.stepdesc.1=Describe Your Group Here
group.create.stepdesc.2=Wear it with pride :)
group.create.stepdesc.3=These colors can be used to customize your Group furniture
group.create.stepdesc.4=Purchase your Group
group.create.steplabel.1=Step 1
group.create.steplabel.2=Step 2
group.create.steplabel.3=Step 3
group.create.steplabel.4=Buy Group
group.create.title=Create Your Group have now successfully created your Group and can now start inviting people to join your group and decorate your Homeroom with your friends.
You'll find your group info by clicking your Group's badge in your profile info. From there you can access managing your Group's members, giving admin rights and changing various settings.
group.created.title=Welcome to your Group's Homeroom!
group.created=Created %date% by %owner%
group.createroom=No suitable room found? Click here to create a new one!
group.delete=Delete Group
group.deletebase.body=This room is a Group homeroom and cannot be deleted.
group.deletebase.title=Cannot delete group homeroom
group.deleteconfirm.desc=Deleting this group will return all furniture (including yours) to the owner's inventory, existing members will be kicked, and if this group has a forum it will be deleted.
group.deleteconfirm.title=Are you sure?
group.edit.badge.badge=Group Badge
group.edit.badge.pick.symbol=Pick a symbol
group.edit.badge.symbol=Symbol Group homeroom
group.edit.base.warning=Choose your Groups homeroom carefully- the homeroom cannot be later changed.
group.edit.base=Choose a homeroom for Your Group
group.edit.color.guild.color=Group Color
group.edit.color.primary.color=Primary Color
group.edit.color.secondary.color=Secondary Color
group.edit.desc=Give Your Group a Description
group.edit.error.controllers=The room you selected as your Group homeroom has users with room rights. Group rights will override the current rights settings and this can't be reversed.Are you sure you wish to continue? have to select a primary and secondary color for your Group. can't leave the Group name or homeroom empty!
group.edit.error.title=Error editing Group
group.edit.error.warning=Warning is already a homeroom. Please select another room. Group name can only be a member of 100 groups total. failed of Your Group:
group.edit.reset.color=Reset Group Admins can decorate.
group.edit.settings.decoration.caption=Room Decoration can decorate.
group.edit.settings.decoration.members.label=Members Group owner can decorate.
group.edit.settings.rights.caption=Group rights Group members can decorate. If unchecked only Admins and room owner can decorate.
group.edit.settings.type.caption=Group Type Admins can approve membership requests.
group.edit.settings.type.exclusive.label=Exclusive members accepted at the moment.
group.edit.settings.type.private.label=Private can join. 5000 member limit.
group.edit.settings.web.caption=Group Pages in Web Group pages in a new browser window.
group.edit.tabcaption.1=Group Identity
group.edit.tabcaption.2=Group Badge
group.edit.tabcaption.3=Group Colors
group.edit.tabcaption.5=Group Settings
group.edit.tabcaption.6=Group Members
group.edit.tabdesc.1=Modify your Group identity
group.edit.tabdesc.2=Redesign your Group Badge
group.edit.tabdesc.3=Select new Group colors
group.edit.tabdesc.5=Modify your Group 's type and web forum settings
group.edit.tabdesc.6=Manage your Group 's members and give admin rights
group.edit.title=Modify Your Group need to be a HC member to join more than 50 Groups. need to be a HC member to manage a Group. need to be a HC member to join more than one group.
group.hcrequired.moreinfo=More info about HC>
group.hcrequired.title=HC required
group.homepage=Group homepage >>
group.homeroominfo.title=Group homeroom
group.inconstruction.desc=The Group info window is being improved upon. The new Group info window will be available soon!
group.inconstruction.title=Under Construction group size reached. Groups cannot have more than 50,000 members. Group limit reached. Groups cannot have more than 50,000 members. is closed many pending requests failed
group.join=Join Group
group.joinfail.0=This Group is full
group.joinfail.1=You can only be a member of 100 Groups total.
group.joinfail.2=This Group is closed
group.joinfail.3=This Group cannot accept membership requests at the moment.
group.joinfail.5=Habbo cannot join any more groups because he/ she is not a HC member. Without a HC subscription, Habbos can only join 50 groups.
group.joinfail.6=Habbo cannot join any more groups. He/she has reached the maximum memberships limit, which is 100.
group.joinfail.title=Joining Failed
group.kickconfirm.desc=%user% has %amount% Furnis in the Group homeroom. Are you sure you want to remove this Habbo from the Group?
group.kickconfirm.title=Confirm removal from Group
group.kickconfirm_nofurni.desc=Are you sure you want to kick %user% from this Group?
group.leave=Leave Group
group.leaveconfirm.desc=Are you sure you want to leave the Group?
group.leaveconfirm.title=Confirm leaving
group.leaveconfirm_nofurni.desc=Are you sure you want to leave the Group?
group.linktobase=Go to Group homeroom
group.linktoforum=View forum
group.list.groupcount=%count% Groups. Groups %span%.
group.makefavourite=Make it a Favorite
group.membercount=Members: %totalMembers% user is no longer member of the group. user has already been rejected by one of the other admins user has already been accepted by one of the other admins failed
group.members.accept=Accept membership
group.members.acceptall=Accept all
group.members.filter=Search members:
group.members.giverights=Give Admin Rights
group.members.kick=Remove from Group.
group.members.members=Members (%count%)
group.members.owner=Group Owner
group.members.pageinfo=%amount% matching users. Page %page% / %totalPages%
group.members.pendingmembers=Pending Members (%count%)
group.members.reject=Reject membership
group.members.removerights=Remove rights only admins all members non-admin members membership requests
group.members.searchinfo=Search for user...
group.members.showinfo=Show extended profile
group.members.since=Joined %date%
group.members.title=%groupName% Members
group.memberscandecorate=Group members can decorate the homeroom of this Group
group.membershippending=Membership requested
group.owngroups.title=Your Habbo Groups
group.pendingmembercount=Pending: %amount%
group.privileges=Privileges: %privileges%
group.requestmembership=Request membership's room: %room_name% >>>
group.showforum=View group forum
group.showgroups=View Most Popular Groups
group.showmygroups=Show my Groups
group.title=Habbo Group
group.window.title=Habbo Groups
group.youareadmin=You are an administrator of this Group
group.youaremember=You are a member of this Group
group.youareowner=You are the owner of this Group
groupforum.compose.formatting_help=Formatting help
groupforum.compose.message_too_short=Message should be at least 10 characters long!
groupforum.compose.post_cooldown=You can post next message in %time_remaining%...
groupforum.compose.reply_hint=Hint: you can reply to multiple messages at once!
groupforum.compose.reply_template=%CREATION_TIME% %AUTHOR_NAME% wrote:
groupforum.compose.skipped_quote=[quote skipped]
groupforum.compose.subject=Thread subject
groupforum.compose.subject_replying_to=Replying to
groupforum.compose.subject_too_short=Subject should be at least 10 characters long!
groupforum.compose.window_title=Composing Group Forum Message
groupforum.permissions.moderate_label=Who can moderate:
groupforum.permissions.option_group_admins=Only group administrators
groupforum.permissions.option_group_members=Only group members
groupforum.permissions.option_owner=Only me
groupforum.permissions.post_message_label=Who can post messages:
groupforum.permissions.post_thread_label=Who can start new threads:
groupforum.permissions.read_label=Who can read the forum:
groupforum.settings.window_title=Group Forum Settings
groupforum.view.all_threads=All threads
groupforum.view.error.forum_disabled=This forum is suspended by Hotel staff.
groupforum.view.error.forums_disabled=Group forums are disabled!
groupforum.view.error.muted=You cannot %operation% because you are muted.
groupforum.view.error.not_admin=Only group administrators can %OPERATION%.
groupforum.view.error.not_citizen=You have to be Habbo Citizen to be able to %operation%.
groupforum.view.error.not_member=Only group members can %operation%.
groupforum.view.error.not_owner=Only group owner can %operation%.
groupforum.view.error.operation_post_in_locked=post in locked thread
groupforum.view.error.operation_post_message=post new messages
groupforum.view.error.operation_post_thread=start new threads
groupforum.view.error.operation_read=read this forum
groupforum.view.forum_details=Score %RATING%, last message by %LAST_AUTHOR_NAME% %UPDATE_TIME%
groupforum.view.forums_description.0=Public forums arranged by number of posts in last 7 days
groupforum.view.forums_description.1=Public forums arranged by number of unique readers in last 7 days
groupforum.view.forums_description.2=Forums of the groups you are a member of
groupforum.view.forums_header.0=Most Active Forums
groupforum.view.forums_header.1=Most Viewed Forums
groupforum.view.forums_header.2=My Forums
groupforum.view.forums_list.0=Most Active Forums
groupforum.view.forums_list.1=Most Viewed Forums
groupforum.view.forums_list.2=My Forums
groupforum.view.forums_list.status=Did you know? You can get your own group forum here.
groupforum.view.mark_read=Mark As Read
groupforum.view.message_hidden_by_admin=Message hidden by %ADMIN_NAME%
groupforum.view.message_hidden_by_staff=Message hidden by Hotel staff
groupforum.view.settings.header=Settings Active Forums
groupforum.view.shortcuts.header=Quick Links: Forums (%UNREAD_COUNT%) Forums
groupforum.view.shortcuts.popular=Most Viewed Forums
groupforum.view.start_thread=New Thread
groupforum.view.thread_details1=%TOTAL_MESSAGES% messages
groupforum.view.thread_details2=%NEW_MESSAGES% unread
groupforum.view.thread_details=By %THREAD_AUTHOR_NAME% %CREATION_TIME%, last message by %LAST_AUTHOR_NAME% %UPDATE_TIME%
groupforum.view.thread_hidden_by_admin=Thread hidden by %ADMIN_NAME%
groupforum.view.thread_hidden_by_staff=Thread hidden by Hotel staff
groupforum.view.window_title=Group Forum
guide.bully.request.error.not_enough_guardians.heading=Not enough Guardians
guide.bully.request.error.not_enough_guardians.message=Your report couldn't be checked because there weren't enough Guardians available. The report was forwarded to us.
guide.bully.request.error.not_enough_guardians.title=Inconclusive voting request user has reported a case of bullying. Take a look at the anonymous chat log and vote with other fellow Guardians about the case. request case can't help with this request help requests final verdict FINAL VOTES: suspect behaved badly! case has been forwarded to us. suspect behaved acceptably. Guardian did not vote. for Guardian... suspect behaved awfully! for vote... for your vote! for votes VOTES SO FAR: for your vote! You can close this window if you don't want to wait for the final result. verdict will be shown here once enough votes are in. for the votes to roll in... VOTE %ID% mean and nasty - that's uncalled for! can't decide based on this chat log just a little rude or foul-mouthed do you think the suspect behaved? INCIDENT bully case than bullying - let us know right away! for other Guardians to join the case...
guide.bully.request.reporter.alreadyreported.body=Someone has already reported the Habbo, and the Guardians are reviewing the case.
guide.bully.request.reporter.alreadyreported.note=If this is an emergency, and you feel threatened by the Habbo you can still send a moderation help request.
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.body=Your reports have been deemed as invalid continuously by the guardians, you are unable to send bully reports for a short time.
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.caption=You are no longer able to send in new reports.
guide.bully.request.reporter.blocked.note=You can still ignore a bullying user by highlighting them and clicking Moderate -> Ignore, and send moderation help requests in emergency cases.
guide.bully.request.reporter.invalid.body=Misusing the bully reporting system is punishable, and will result in you temporarily losing the ability to report new cases.
Please check the Habbo Way if you need to freshen up on what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior on Habbo.
guide.bully.request.reporter.invalid.caption=Please don't misuse the bully report system.
guide.bully.request.reporter.nochat.body=The Guardians can't vote on your case, because the user you reported has not spoken.
guide.bully.request.reporter.nochat.note=If this is an emergency, and you feel threatened by the user, you can still send a moderation help request.
guide.bully.request.reporter.note=Did you know, that you can also ignore a user by highlighting them and clicking Moderate -> Ignore?.
guide.bully.request.reporter.sent.body=The Guardians have received your report, and it now being reviewed.
You will receive a separate confirmation when an appropriate action has been taken..
guide.bully.request.reporter.sent.caption=Your report has been sent.
guide.bully.request.reporter.title=Your bully report
guide.bully.request.reporter.tooquick.body=You submitted a report recently, so you have to wait a bit until you can make a new request.
guide.bully.request.reporter.tooquick.note=If this is an emergency, and you feel threatened by the user, you can still send a moderation help request.
guide.bully.request.reporter.valid.body=Your report has been reviewed, and an appropriate action has been taken.
Thanks for helping keep Habbo safe and fun for everyone!
guide.bully.request.reporter.valid.caption=Thank you!
guide.bully.request.usermissing=Remember to pick a user to be reported, please. to view group profile to view profile abusive Habbo to moderators other Habbo is typing... to your reporting history, it is not possible for you to perform Guarding duties at this time.
If you are uncertain of appropriate / inappropriate behaviour in Habbo, please refer to the Habbo Way. duty right now duty right now helper forums Helper group helpers Guardians on duty right now Guides on duty right now Helpers on duty right now go on duty cannot go on duty if you're not willing to handle any kind of tickets. ticket queue selected my skill status to view your progress reports want to handle: requests & tour requests requests Helper Tools status: help request can't leave the description empty. tell us what happened. The more detailed report we get, the faster we can help you. us what happened is an urgent issue? emergency help request is meant only for urgent issues. here to write your request help request Help Request window, something went wrong odd happened with your help request. Sorry. request request can't help with this request help requests for a Hotel Tour this window closed! closed the case. closed the case. %name% job well done! :) you this case invite failed. You have to be in a room for invite to work. have invited %name% to the room where you currently are. here to chat with %name% Habbo to your room out %name% help requester isn't in a room so you can't visit him. the Habbos' room you like to join to %name%'s room? accepted Helpers're sorry, but your tour request was cancelled, as no Helpers are available at the moment. You can try again later in the help center. Helpers available window rejected help request has been rejected by the Helpers. Please provide a good description for your help request so that the Helpers can help you. rejected, show me the Hotel. have asked a tour guide to show you around the Hotel and explain what you can do in Habbo Hotel! Habbo help request Helpers are here for you! Just type below a brief description of what you need help with, and we're on the case! :) help request must provide a help request description! here to write your request help request help case is now closed. If you feel like you still need help, you can create a new help request again. help case is now closed. Helper you recommend your Helper to other Habbos? feedback help case was unexpectedly closed. This may be due to an error in your Helper's connection to Habbo, or just solar winds. If you still need help, please submit your request again.! Something went wrong. Helper my request again help request don't need any more help Helper here to chat with %name% helped by: %name% has invited you to room %roomname%. Click here to visit them. my request in there - we've alerted a Helper, who should already be on the way to help you out. Helper is on the way! waiting time: approx. %waitingtime% help request this window input will be used to make the Habbo Helper system better. We really appreciate it. :) you for your feedback! you are not staff members. Remember, you should never share your personal information or login details with anyone!
guide.pending.bully.description=Our Guardians are still reviewing your previous bullying report. Please wait for them to finish. CURRENTLY PENDING BULLY REPORT: room %ROOM%
guide.pending.bully.subtitle=Your previous request is still being reviewed
guide.pending.bully.title=Pending request have already picked up a request as a helper and can't make any own help requests before resolving it first. have an ongoing helper case helper case
guide.pending.instructions.description=You are either participating in a guiding session or already have an outbound question. Please wait for the case to reach a conclusion before making a new request. CURRENTLY PENDING QUESTION:
guide.pending.instructions.subtitle=Your previous request is still pending
guide.pending.instructions.title=Pending request
guide.pending.tour.description=You are currently participating in a tour and cannot make any other help requests in the meantime.
guide.pending.tour.subtitle=You are still participating in a tour
guide.pending.tour.title=Active tour the party!
habbo.way.end.content=Now that you are familiar with Habbo Way do's and dont's, it's the time to test your knowledge. Get 5 out of 5 answers correct and claim the badge!
habbo.way.end.title=Take the quiz to win the badge!
habbo.way.frame.subtitle=THE DO'S AND DON'TS
habbo.way.frame.title=The Habbo Way
habbo.way.ok.button=Got it! with friends, create your own games, kick ass and take names! games never prosper, they just end up spoiling the experience for everyone else. to your friends, get to know your fellow Habbos and meet loads of new friends... and more! ;) one likes a troll, not even their mothers; bullying will not be tolerated by anyone., Date, fall in love, and maybe meet that special someone... or something!?? that special pixel someone is strictly forbidden, and cam requests will result in punishment. Also remember to never meet up with people you only know from the internet, people aren't always who they claim to be a stranger, gain a friend! Or two, or three. You never know who you're going to meet next! advantage of other Habbos usually leads to bad mojo. your creativity run wilder than a beaver in a log cabin! Push yourself to the limit in style and design- be the best! it, don't fake it! No one likes a trickster! your own Furni empire by trading your way to the top! doesn't make you rich, it makes you a criminal. And a very bad role model. you have a nose for business, use the Marketplace to sell items and stock up on your credits. The more you know about the world of "finances", the easier you get ahead in Habbo. trading't sell your items for real money. You're likely to lose it all in a place that is not safe and to waste the time and dedication you put into getting where you are in the first place. for real money the perfect host- creating exciting games for other Habbos to play will mean that everyone will want to come play a game in your room. on Games furni that randomizes games with the possibility to place bets can get you into trouble. Show off your skills, don't leave it up to chance. or accept bets
habbo.way.quiz.analysis.title=Your result review ANSWERS
habbo.way.quiz.button=Start quiz
habbo.way.quiz.failure.advice=Perhaps it's best to sleep on it or review your results and come back later
habbo.way.quiz.failure.results=%CORRECT_COUNT% out of %TOTAL_COUNT%! Oops, that was quite close!
habbo.way.quiz.failure.title=Your result %CURRENT_PAGE%/%PAGE_COUNT%
habbo.way.quiz.question.title=The Habbo Way Quiz my results
habbo.way.quiz.success.results=%QUESTION_COUNT% out of %QUESTION_COUNT%! Congratulations you've earned the Habbo Way badge!
habbo.way.quiz.title=Habbo Way Quiz
habbo.way.quiz.wait.indication=2 hours till next try months
habboween.engraving.caption=Friends till the last flicker
habboween_2012_5.1350478657998.chaincaption=Meet Dr Death
habboween_2012_5.1350478657998=Meet Dr Death
handitem1001=black rose
handitem1002=sun flower
handitem1003=Little Rad Book by Kitano
handitem1004=Wise Words by A. Person
handitem1005=Flying Turtles by Perry Tratchett
handitem1006=gift flower
handitem1007=jimson weed
handitem1008=yellow delight
handitem1009=pink pandemic
handitem1011=clip board
handitem1015=biohazard bag
handitem1019=bolly flower
handitem101=Sparklying Bubble Juice
handitem1025=candy cane
handitem1028=Cereal Bowl
handitem102=Energy Drink
handitem1031=Habbo-lympix Torch
handitem1032=Major Tom
handitem1034=Alien thing
handitem1036=Gummy duck
handitem1039=Severed hand
handitem1042=Bat Excrement
handitem1044=Dead Rat
handitem1046=Clearasil Cream
handitem1048=Ditch the Label Flag
handitem1051=Paint Brush
handitem1052=Ditch the Label Flag
handitem1054=Orange Balloon
handitem1055=Green Balloon
handitem1056=Blue Balloon
handitem1057=Pink Balloon
handitem1062=Pink Candy Skull
handitem1063=Green Candy Skull
handitem1064=Blue Candy Skull
handitem1065=Doll Toy
handitem1066=Teddy Toy
handitem1067=Soldier Toy
handitem1070=Yellow Book
handitem1073=Dino Egg
handitem1074=Green Allosaurus
handitem1075=Yellow Triceratops
handitem1076=Purple Saurolophus
handitem1079=Stag Beetle
handitem107=Vegetables Juice
handitem1080=Rhino Beetle
handitem1081=Watering Can
handitem1082=Pride Flag
handitem1083=Spooky Pumpkin
handitem1084=Grocery Bag
handitem1085=Action DVD
handitem1086=Thriller DVD
handitem1087=Note Book
handitem1089=A Closed Bag of Chips
handitem1090=Fishing pole - caught fish
handitem1091=Fishing pole - caught boot
handitem1092=Fishing pole - caught message in a bottle
handitem1093=Ditch the Label Flag
handitem112=Red Chilli
handitem113=Citrus Smoothie
handitem114=Green Smoothie
handitem115=Berry Smoothie
handitem118=Pink Ramune
handitem119=Blue Ramune
handitem120=Blueberry Shaved Ice
handitem121=Strawberry Shaved Ice
handitem127=Ice Cream Cone
handitem128=Charcoal Ice Cream
handitem138=An Open Bag of Chips
handitem141=Luminescent Easter Egg
handitem142=Ice Drink
handitem143=Chocolate-covered marshmallows on a stick
handitem144=Chocolate-covered strawberry on a stick
handitem14=Black Coffee
handitem15=Hot Chocolate
handitem18=Tap Water
handitem19=Habbo Cola
handitem22=Lime Habbo Soda
handitem23=Beetroot Habbo Soda
handitem24=Bubble juice from 1978
handitem25=Love potion
handitem29=Tomato juice
handitem30=Radioactive liquid
handitem31=Pink Champagne
handitem32=Coconut Delight
handitem35=Pink Champagne
handitem37=Yummy peach
handitem39=Cheese slice
handitem40=Fizzy Orange
handitem42=Orange juice
handitem43=Chilled Soda
handitem48=Lolly Pop
handitem4=Ice Cream
handitem50=Bubble Juice Bottle
handitem57=Cherry Crush Soda
handitem58=Cup of blood
handitem62=Skull Cup of Water
handitem63=Pop Corn
handitem66=Banana Smoothie
handitem6=Black Currant
handitem70=Chicken leg
handitem73=Egg Nog
handitem74=Toasting Goblet
handitem75=Strawberry Ice Cream
handitem76=Mint Ice cream
handitem77=Chocolate Ice Cream
handitem79=Pink Candy Floss
handitem80=Blue Candy Floss
handitem81=Hot Dog
handitem83=Juicy Apple
handitem84=Ginger Bread Man
handitem92=blue bubblegum
handitem93=red bubblegum
handitem94=pink bubblegum
handitem96=Cake Slice
hccenter.breakdown.creditsspent=%credits% credits spent
hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor.percent=+ %percent%% as HC Payday Credits
hccenter.breakdown.paydayfactor=* %percent% as HC Payday Credits
hccenter.breakdown.streakbonus=+ %credits% credits for streak bonus
hccenter.breakdown.title=Your breakdown this month: %credits% total credits! (rounded from %actual%) HC
hccenter.btn.earn=Earn HC
hccenter.btn.extend=Buy more HC gifts gifts Massive clothing & colors selection - Ad Free Experience - Extra Dances & Chat Styles - Earn double duckets - Plus loads more...
hccenter.general.infolink=See all the benefits
hccenter.general.title=More HC Benefits: members get a free gift every month! HC Gift out from the crowd! HC members get a massive clothing and colours selection, an ad-free experience and much more... See all the benefits. %timeuntilpayday%, You'll get %numcredits% credits!
hccenter.special.amount.title=You'll be getting: members get credits back from catalog purchases each month.
hccenter.special.infolink=Learn more...
hccenter.special.sum=%credits% credits
hccenter.special.time.soon=Very soon!
hccenter.special.time.title=HC Payday is in:
hccenter.special.title=HC Payday left: %timeleft% First joined HC: %joindate% Current streak: %streakduration% Status: Active joined HC: %joindate%
hccenter.status.expired=HC Status: Expired have not joined Habbo Club yet. Check out what you're missing...
hccenter.status.none=HC Status: Inactive
hccenter.unclaimedgifts=You have %unclaimedgifts% unclaimed gifts
help.bully.description=Tell us who you feel was disrespectful to you, or bullied you.
help.bully.submit=Report the selected user
help.bully.subtitle=Someone is misbehaving?
help.bully.title=Report a bully
help.button.faq.categorylist=Go back to list of categories the next issue:
help.button.faq.topiclist=Go back to list of topics
help.button.faq=Browse all FAQ topics >>
help.button.habboway=Find out how to report abuse on Habbo >> a user to moderators
help.cfh.button.delete=Delete your pending calls for help first.
help.cfh.button.send=Make a help request
help.cfh.closed.abusive=Please only contact moderators in cases of emergencies, like if you are feeling threatened, or someone is being sexually inappropriate towards you or others
help.cfh.closed.abusive=Please only contact moderators in cases of emergencies, like if you are feeling threatened, or someone is being sexually inappropriate towards you or others.
help.cfh.closed.resolved=Thanks, we looked into this issue for you and have taken action.
help.cfh.closed.resolved=Thanks, we looked into this issue for you and have taken appropriate action.
help.cfh.closed.useless=Please understand that the Call for Help system is for reporting genuine abuse issues or account queries only.
help.cfh.closed.useless=Please understand that the Call for Help system is for reporting genuine abuse issues or account queries only. Select ONLY the relevant part of the chat to avoid misunderstanding.
help.cfh.error.abusive=Because your previous call was abusive, you won't be able to send new calls for 10 minutes.
help.cfh.error.chatmissing=You have to select one or more chat lines to indicate the emergency!
help.cfh.error.length=Please tell us what has happened.
help.cfh.error.msgtooshort=We're not sure we're understanding your problem. Please explain in more detail.
help.cfh.error.msgtooshort=We´re not entirely sure we understand your query. More details please.
help.cfh.error.no_user_data=You just reported a user but Frank doesn't recall him chatting. Maybe they didn't or it was too long ago. Or maybe it's just Frank getting old and forgetful. Anyway, the user you selected cannot be reported right now. You can ignore them if they keep bugging you. Have a nice time playing Habbo!
help.cfh.error.nochathistory=You cannot submit a call for help without chatting first!
help.cfh.error.nomsg=Please write a description of what is wrong before sending a call for help.
help.cfh.error.notopic=You must pick a category describing the type of problem before sending a call for help.
help.cfh.error.pending=We've not gotten round to answering your previous call yet. To make a new one, please just delete the old message.
help.cfh.error.title=Your call for help was not sent!
help.cfh.input.text=Please give us more details about what has happened.
help.cfh.pick.topic=Choose a topic for your call that best matches your problem. Take into account that by choosing the category "bullying" a guardian may intervene.
help.cfh.reason.game_interruption=Game interruption
help.cfh.reason.pii_meeting_irl=Sharing personal info and meeting IRL
help.cfh.reason.sexual_content=Sexual content
help.cfh.reason.trolling_bad_behavior=Trolling and bad behavior
help.cfh.reason.violent_behavior=Violent behavior
help.cfh.reply.title=Your call has been responded to as follows:
help.cfh.selected_user.change=Select another user
help.cfh.selected_user.title=Selected user
help.cfh.sent.text=A member of community staff will investigate the situation and take appropriate action. Please check Service Updates on the FAQs ( for known technical problems.
help.cfh.sent.title=Thanks for your call.
help.cfh.tablet.category.selection.title=3/5 Choose a topic for your call that best matches your problem. Take into account that by choosing the category "bullying" a guardian may intervene. Select chat lines
help.cfh.tablet.message.input.title=5/5 Tell us what happened
help.cfh.tablet.topic.selection.title=4/5 Choose a topic for your call that best matches your problem. Take into account that by choosing the category "bullying" a guardian may intervene.
help.cfh.tablet.user.selection.title=1/5 Pick a user to report
help.cfh.topic.101=Someone is being sexually explicit
help.cfh.topic.101=Someone is being sexually explicit.
help.cfh.topic.102=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address
help.cfh.topic.102=Someone is sharing phone numbers or home address.
help.cfh.topic.103=Someone is scamming
help.cfh.topic.103=Someone is scamming.
help.cfh.topic.104=Someone is bullying or being abusive
help.cfh.topic.104=Someone is bullying or being abusive.
help.cfh.topic.105=Someone is being disruptive
help.cfh.topic.105=Someone is being disruptive.
help.cfh.topic.106=Other Problem
help.cfh.topic.106=Other Problem.
help.cfh.topic.10=Selling or purchasing furnis/credits/account credentials
help.cfh.topic.11=Stealing furnis/credits/account credentials
help.cfh.topic.13=Inappropriate Habbo name
help.cfh.topic.14=Insults or offensive language
help.cfh.topic.15=Drugs promotion
help.cfh.topic.17=Staff impersonation
help.cfh.topic.18=Too young for Habbo
help.cfh.topic.19=Hate speech
help.cfh.topic.1=Explicit sexual talk
help.cfh.topic.20=Violent roleplay
help.cfh.topic.21=Somebody is threatening to harm themselves
help.cfh.topic.23=Blocking doors
help.cfh.topic.24=Inappropriate room
help.cfh.topic.25=Habbo help
help.cfh.topic.26=Account and payment issues
help.cfh.topic.27=Useless reports
help.cfh.topic.2=Asking for/offering cybersex
help.cfh.topic.30=Sex links
help.cfh.topic.31=Sexually inappropiate behaviour
help.cfh.topic.32=Hacking/scamming tricks
help.cfh.topic.33=Fraud-suspicious behaviour
help.cfh.topic.34=Inappropiate room/group/event
help.cfh.topic.36=Sex links
help.cfh.topic.37=Erasure request
help.cfh.topic.3=Asking for/offering sexual webcam or images
help.cfh.topic.4=Asking for/offering sexual webcam or images
help.cfh.topic.5=Asking for /offering cybersex
help.cfh.topic.6=Attempt to meet in real life
help.cfh.topic.8=Asking for or sharing personal information
help.cfh.topic.9=Scamsites promotion
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.101=%name% is being sexually explicit
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.101=%name% is being sexually explicit.
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.102=%name% is sharing phone numbers or home address
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.102=%name% is sharing phone numbers or home address.
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.103=%name% is scamming
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.103=%name% is scamming.
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.104=%name% is bullying or being abusive
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.104=%name% is bullying or being abusive.
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is being disruptive
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.105=%name% is being disruptive.
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.106=Other Problem
help.cfh.topicwithharasser.106=Other Problem.
help.cfh.unfriend.confirm.message=The user you are reporting is your friend. If you continue, they will be removed from your friend list.
help.cfh.unfriend.confirm.title=Confirm friend removal
help.emergency.abusive.close=Close this window
help.emergency.abusive.description=Your previous help request was disrespectful or abusive, so you'll have to wait for 10 minutes before submitting a new one.
help.emergency.abusive.subtitle=Not cool!
help.emergency.abusive.title=Your Emergency Help Request
help.emergency.chat_report.description=Help us moderate by highlighting the lines of chat that you feel we need to see. Please note that if your call is not relevant, it will not be handled by us.
help.emergency.chat_report.submit.button=Send help request
help.emergency.chat_report.subtitle=3. What's going on?
help.emergency.global_mute.caption=Message from Habbo Staff more information on banning reasons, please click here
help.emergency.global_mute.message=You have been muted. You won't be able to send calls for help until you are unmuted
help.emergency.global_mute.subtitle=You cannot access the help system are creating a report for this room. Room reports should be used when room contains questionable content or several people are behaving badly. this room tell us what happened. The more detailed report we get, the faster we can help you. here to write your request Tell us what happened is being sexually explicit, is for cyber sex or asking another Habbo to go onto cam. is sharing personal details (like real name or phone number), or is asking to meet up in real life. is bullying another Habbo. is being threatening or putting Habbos into other dangerous situations that need urgent attention. is being sexually explicit. is scamming. is offending others. incident (please specify in your request)
help.emergency.main.step.two.description=Tell us who you feel was disrespectful to you, or bullied you. room %ROOM_NAME%
help.emergency.main.step.two.title=2. Pick a Habbo to report
help.emergency.main.submit.description=The Emergency Help Request is meant only for urgent issues.
help.emergency.main.submit.explanation=What is an urgent issue?
help.emergency.main.title=Emergency Help Request
help.emergency.pending.button.discard=Discard and create new request
help.emergency.pending.button.keep=Keep my standing request
help.emergency.pending.description=Our moderators are still reviewing your previous emergency help request. You can submit a new one, but it will replace your standing issue.
help.emergency.pending.message.title=YOUR STANDING REQUEST:
help.emergency.pending.subtitle=Your previous request is still being reviewed.
help.emergency.pending.title=Your Emergency Help Request
help.faq.browse.topics=Click a topic to view questions:
help.faq.categories.text=Browse FAQ's by category: in keywords to search
help.faq.title.normal=FAQ Topics
help.faq.title.searchresults=Search results
help.faq.title.urgent=Current issues here if you want to report a help request someone been behaving abusively towards you?
help.main.bully.subtitle=Someone is misbehaving
help.main.button.self_help=Safety Tips
help.main.confused.button=Ask for a tour
help.main.confused.content=What better way to see what's cool around here than a personal tour around the Hotel?
help.main.confused.section.title=FEELING CONFUSED?
help.main.confused.title=I want someone to show me around
help.main.emergency.button=Get help from Staff is an emergency?
help.main.emergency.title=This is an emergency more about Habbo safety
help.main.frame.description=Please pick a category!
help.main.frame.title=How can we help you? for instructions it a Furni, effect or the Hotel in general, Habbo Helpers are here to help. HELP? need help in using something sanction status
help.main.self.description=Please pick a category!
help.main.self.habboway.content=The do's and dont's of Habbo. Be safe, be smart, be cool.
help.main.self.habboway.title=The Habbo Way
help.main.self.safetybooklet.title=Safety Policy
help.main.self.section.title=THE SELF-HELP SECTION answers to FAQs and get help on e.g. payment related issues. Support Center
help.main.summary=Remember to report fairly. Generating repeated false reports can affect the community negatively and may result in a penalty for the reporter.
help.main2.bully.button=Report a bully
help.main2.bully.description=If you see others misbehaving, bullying, being cruel or not obeying the Habbo Way, report it and our Guardians will take a look at the issue.
help.main2.bully.subtitle=Report a bully
help.main2.bully.title=SOMEONE'S MISBEHAVING
help.main2.emergency.button=Get immediate help!
help.main2.emergency.description=Get immediate help from Moderators if you or someone you know is in at risk or have shared personal details
help.main2.emergency.leave=I want to leave the room
help.main2.emergency.subtitle=(FOR URGENT MATTERS ONLY)
help.main2.emergency.title=This is an emergency!
help.main2.habboway.button=Habbo Way
help.main2.question.button=Ask a question
help.main2.question.description=Get answers to all your Habbo gameplay related questions from our experienced players.
help.main2.question.subtitle=I have a question
help.main2.question.title=COMMON QUESTION
help.main2.self.faq=Frequently Asked Questions Solutions to the most common Habbo questions
help.main2.self.habboway=Open the Habbo Way The do's and don'ts of Habbo. Be safe, be smart, be cool.
help.main2.self.payment=If you have payment related issues, click here
help.main2.self.safetypolicy=Safety Policy Learn to play it safe
help.main2.self.title=THE SELF-HELP SECTION
help.main2.subtitle=OUR GUARDIANS ARE HERE FOR YOU
help.main2.title=How can we help you?
help.main2.tour.button=Take a tour
help.main2.tour.description=Get a guided tour, see the most awesome rooms, and ask our Tour Guides what Habbo is all about.
help.main2.tour.subtitle=I want someone to show me around
help.main2.tour.title=LOST IN HABBO?
help.mainpage.topics.title=Information on where to get help: this pic be removed from the hotel? Please tell us why. Remember to report fairly. Generating repeated false alarms can affect the community negatively and may result in penalization to the reporter. Camera Pic Camera Pic contains hate speech (e.g. racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist). advocates violence or harm to others and/or self-harm. displays sexual content that I find disturbing. promotes illegal activity (e.g. buying or selling of illegal substances, gambling, scamming). reveals real life personal information. contains unauthorised use of intellectual property rights. (e.g. copyright or trademark infringement). contains/promotes spamming or scamming. are you reporting this? this selfie not follow the Habbo Way? Let us know below. selfie this selfie
help.sanction.current.alert=You got alerted for your actions.
help.sanction.current.ban.days=You were banned for %days% days.
help.sanction.current.ban=You were banned for %hours% hour(s).
help.sanction.current.mute=You were muted for %hours% hour(s).
help.sanction.current.none=Your sanction record is as clean as Frank's rubber duckie. Keep up the good work!
help.sanction.custom.mute=You have been muted temporarily.\n sanction information.
help.sanction.last.sanction=Last sanction: sanction: Alert. Remember to play nice! sanction: %days% days ban. Not cool. sanction: %hours%h ban. Behave! sanction: %hours%h mute. Frank is worried. sanction: a veeeery long ban. Like forever.
help.sanction.probation.days.left=Probation days left:
help.sanction.probation.reminder=You are on probation time
help.tour.newbie.message=I'm a new user. Please show me what Habbo is all about!
help.tour.popup.action.accept=Take me on a tour!
help.tour.popup.action.refuse=No thanks, I'd rather explore on my own.
help.tour.popup.description=So how about taking a personal tour from one of your more experienced fellow habbos? There's plenty for you to see around here. :)
help.tour.popup.hint=Hint: You can also call a tour guide at any time using the "Help" link in the top left part of the screen.
help.tour.popup.title=Now that you've arrived, it's time to take a look around!
help.tutorial.button.changelooks=Change Looks
help.tutorial.button.changename=Change Name
help.tutorial.button.nameok=I'm happy with name %name%
help.tutorial.clickme=Click here! can change your avatar looks with the avatar editor. First click your avatar head icon on the toolbar on the left, then the highlighted icon to be able to choose your new look. to Habbo Hotel! Here are some tasks to help you get started. You can find other Habbos by clicking on the 'Rooms' icon in the toolbar. name %name% is free, so you can get it., but Habbo name changing is currently disablesd. Please try again later! Habbo name is now changed to %name%! Habbo name will be %name% for good. Are you sure you want to proceed? name can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and characters __-=?!@:., your new Habbo name here... %name% is not valid for a Habbo name. Please think of something else.. you have chosen is too long. It must be between 3 and 15 characters long.'re currently having technical problems verifying new Habbo names. Please try again in a few minutes! you have chosen is too short! It must be between 3 and 15 characters long. name %name% seems to be taken. Here are some other suggestions: character's name is:
help.tutorial.title=Welcome to Habbo Hotel!
high.score.display.caption=%scoretype% - %cleartype%
high.score.display.cleartype.alltime=All Time
high.score.display.scoretype.classic=Best scores
high.score.display.scoretype.mostwins=Most wins
high.score.display.scoretype.perteam=Best teams
hotel.welcome.view.avatar.title=This is you.
hotel.welcome.view.footer=Patience, young grasshopper - we're taking you where the action is.!
hotel.welcome.view.text=Don't worry, you can change your name later!
hotel.welcome.view.title=Welcome to Habbo
hotel_merge.name_change.change=Yes, I want to change my name
hotel_merge.name_change.confirm=Please confirm your new name:
hotel_merge.name_change.current=Your current name is %name% confirmation you won't be able change your name again! preparation for the relaunch of the new, some Habbos have been asked to change their names to avoid doubling up of user names. You can change your Habbo name only once, so please think carefully about the new name you would like. can search for available names, and pick one you like. to the upcoming Hotel relaunch you need to change your name. Click the button below to proceed.
hotel_merge.name_change.keep=No, I want to keep my current name
hotel_merge.name_change.pick=Yes, pick this one
hotel_merge.name_change.title.main=Change your name
hotel_merge.name_change.title=Name Change
hubu.dialog.title=Info Bus for visiting the Info Bus. We're closed right now. For information on when the bus may be open in the future please visit
iap.type.1=Habbo Club
iap.type.2=Builders' Club
iap.type.3=Double Credits
info.client.version=Version: %version%
info.comingsoon.caption=The feature is not yet available!
info.comingsoon.text=Coming Soon! to share image on Twitter or Facebook.
info.share.button=Share link below to IM. Anyone clicking the link will see this image.
infostand.ambassador.alert=Send alert
infostand.button.add_riding_permission=Allow anyone to ride
infostand.button.ban_day=Ban for a day
infostand.button.ban_hour=Ban for an hour
infostand.button.bullying=Bullying one
infostand.button.buy_saddle=Buy Saddle
infostand.button.buyfood=Buy Food
infostand.button.cfh.other=Other threat
infostand.button.cfh.pii=Asking personal info
infostand.button.cfh.sexual=Sexual language
infostand.button.friend=Ask to be a Friend
infostand.button.givebadge=Give Badge
infostand.button.giverights=Give rights
infostand.button.mute_10min=Mute for 10 mins
infostand.button.mute_15min=Mute for 15 mins
infostand.button.mute_18hour=Mute for 18 hours
infostand.button.mute_2min=Mute for 2 mins
infostand.button.mute_36hour=Mute for 36 hours
infostand.button.mute_5min=Mute for 5 mins
infostand.button.mute_60min=Mute for 60 mins
infostand.button.mute_72hour=Mute for 72 hours
infostand.button.perm_ban=Ban permanently
infostand.button.petrespect=Scratch (%count%)
infostand.button.pickup=Pick up
infostand.button.remove_riding_permission=Allow only owner to ride
infostand.button.removerights=Remove rights one
infostand.button.replaceproduct_saddle=Replace Saddle
infostand.button.respect=Give respect (%count%)
infostand.button.saddleoff=Remove Saddle
infostand.button.toggle_riding_permission=Anyone can ride don't have trading enabled! is disabled. room is not a trading room.
infostand.button.useproduct=Use item
infostand.button.useproduct_custom_part=Use item
infostand.button.useproduct_custom_part_shampoo=Use Hair Shampoo
infostand.button.useproduct_saddle=Use Saddle
infostand.button.useproduct_shampoo=Use Shampoo
infostand.crackable_furni.hits_remaining=Hits: %hits% / %target% here to open Group Info
infostand.jukebox.text.not.playing=Not playing any song Playing actions
infostand.motto.change=Update your motto... common too common until grown-up level: %level% Skill Jump Skill Wellbeing to view profile
infostand.relstatus.bobba.others=and %amount% others
infostand.relstatus.heart.others=and %amount% others %amount% others time remaining: %TIME%
infostand.text.achievement_score=Achievement score:
infostand.text.botowner=Owner: %name%
infostand.text.handitem=Carrying: %item%
infostand.text.petowner=Owner: %name%
infostand.text.petrespect=Been scratched: %count%
infostand.text.xp=Monthly XP: %xp%
infostand.title.givebadge=Select Badge
interface_icon_events=Open the room event browser
inventory.achievements.entrydetails.0=Progress: %currentpoints%/%scorelimit% %unit%, Reward: %levelrewardpoints% pixels
inventory.achievements.entrydetails.1=Progress: %currentpoints%/%scorelimit% %unit%, Reward: %levelrewardpoints% Seashells
inventory.achievements.unit.13=friends invited
inventory.achievements.unit.14=time spent
inventory.achievements.unit.16=tags added
inventory.achievements.unit.17=respect earned
inventory.achievements.unit.18=respect given
inventory.achievements.unit.23=pets owned
inventory.achievements.unit.24=pets leveled up
inventory.achievements.unit.25=energy given to pets
inventory.achievements.unit.26=pets scratched
inventory.achievements.unit.27=your pets scratched
inventory.achievements.unit.29=gifts given
inventory.achievements.unit.30=gifts received
inventory.achievements.unit.31=HC months
inventory.achievements.unit.32=HC months
inventory.achievements.unit.33=BB tiles locked
inventory.achievements.unit.34=game points earned
inventory.achievements.unit.35=game points earned
inventory.achievements.unit.5=games won
inventory.achievements.unit.6=looks changed
inventory.achievements.unit.8=rooms visited
inventory.achievements.unit.9=motto changed
inventory.badges.clearbadge=Clear badge
inventory.badges.defaultdescription=Here are your badges. Select the ones that you want to wear and then save the selection.
inventory.badges.inactivebadges=My badges
inventory.badges.savebadges=Save settings
inventory.badges.wearbadge=Wear badge
inventory.badges=Achieved badges in room
inventory.create_own_card=Make your own effect is activated. Time left %timeleft%/%duration%. You have %itemcount% of these.
inventory.effects.defaultdescription=You have no badges yet. When you get them this is where you can choose which ones to wear.
inventory.effects.inactive=This effect is not yet activated. One item last for %duration%, once activated. You have %itemcount% pieces of these.
inventory.empty.bots.desc=You've either placed all your bots in your rooms or you haven't purchased any yet. Check the Habbo Shop to see what's available!
inventory.empty.bots.title=Sorry, gone fishing!
inventory.empty.desc=You've either placed all your Furni in your rooms or you haven't purchased any yet. Check the Habbo Shop to see what's available!
inventory.empty.pets.desc=You've either placed all your pets in your rooms or you haven't purchased any yet. Check the Habbo Shop to see what's available!
inventory.empty.pets.title=Where have all the pets gone?
inventory.empty.title=This category seems to be empty!
inventory.filter.option.everything=Any type
inventory.furni.gotoroom=Go to room
inventory.furni.item.floor.desc=Set this to the current room
inventory.furni.item.landscape.desc=Set this to the current room
inventory.furni.item.song_disk_author="%name%" by %author%
inventory.furni.item.wallpaper.desc=Set this to the current room
inventory.furni.placetoroom=Place in room
inventory.furni.preview.not_recyclable=None of these items are recyclable
inventory.furni.preview.not_tradeable=None of these items are tradable
inventory.furni.preview.recyclable_amount=You have this many items that can be recycled
inventory.furni.preview.tradeable_amount=You have this many items that can be traded items items
inventory.furni=Furniture ads (%price% Credit)
inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.cancel=Cancel items in the marketplace costs %price% Credit / %count% advertisements. You have no ads left, so you'll need to pay %price% Credit to make an ad. After this payment, the next %free% ads will be free.
inventory.marketplace.buy_tokens.title=Out of advertisements
inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.cancel=Cancel are selling %furniname%. If someone buys this offer, you will receive: %price% Credit(s).
inventory.marketplace.confirm_offer.title=Confirm Sale
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.average_price=Average price in last %days% days: %price% credits (%price_no_commission% without the commission).
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.expiration_info=Your offer will be visible to other users for %time% hours. NOTE: you can sell up to 250 items at a time.
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.final_price=The final sale price will include the marketplace commission of %commission% Credit(s), so the final price is %finalprice%.
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.max_price=Maximum price you can set for an offer is %maxprice% Credits.
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.min_price=Minimum price you can set for an offer is %minprice% Credit(s). item
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.price_request=Asking price:
inventory.marketplace.make_offer.title=Marketplace Offer
inventory.marketplace.no_credits.get_credits=Get Credits need %price% Credit(s) to purchase the right to make marketplace advertisements.
inventory.marketplace.no_credits.title=Out of Credits!, you need a trading pass to make a marketplace offer.
inventory.marketplace.no_trading_pass.title=Marketplace, you are not allowed to make a marketplace offer.
inventory.marketplace.result.1=Posting the sales offer was successful!
inventory.marketplace.result.2=Technical error occurred. Posting failed.
inventory.marketplace.result.3=Marketplace is disabled.
inventory.marketplace.result.4=Item was just added to the Habbo Shop.
inventory.marketplace.result.6=Limited Edition Rares cannot currently be traded through the Marketplace.
inventory.marketplace.result.title.failure=Posting failed!
inventory.marketplace.result.title.success=Item posted!
inventory.marketplace.sell=Sell in Marketplace Shop
inventory.pets.allowed=You can take your pets with you to this room.
inventory.pets.forbidden=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room.
inventory.pets.placetoroom=Place in room
inventory.placement.option.anywhere=Any location
inventory.placement.option.inroom=In room
inventory.placement.option.notinroom=In inventory
inventory.purse.clubdays=HC: %months%m %days%d
inventory.purse.creditbalance=Credits: %balance%
inventory.purse.pixelbalance=Pixels: %balance%
inventory.rarity=Rarity Level %rarity%
inventory.remove.external_image_wallitem_body=You are going to delete this item and cannot get it back. If you just want to remove it from the wall, use pick up instead.
inventory.remove.external_image_wallitem_header=Are you sure? time remaining: %TIME% rental time: %TIME%
inventory.title=Inventory trade this trade offering the trade CONFIRMATION: please double check that all items are correct. wait... %counter% the items you'd like to trade in the box below. are already trading with someone so you cannot start a new trade. user canceled the trade. ensure the items displayed are the ones you agreed to trade.IMPORTANT: only the 9 visible items are guaranteed! credits worth of credit furni credits items for other user to confirm the trade. offering in progress trade! Trade failed! of the items in the trade could no longer be located. Try again, please! Notification is not currently allowed in Habbo Hotel. is currently disabled for your account. You can change this in Habbo Web->Account Settings->Security Settings. doesn't want to / cannot trade atm. is not allowed in this room. already have an ongoing trade. You must finish that trade before you can open another trade. is already trading. start trade :-(! wants to trade completed successfully! is not in use for either of you, check your trading settings. credit furni offered will be converted to credits in the recipient's purse! other Habbo has not put anything into trade. This might be a scamming attempt! user does not have trading in use. You can give him/her items but he/she can't give you anything in return. account does not have trading in use. You can receive items from other users but you cannot give them anything. Check your trading settings and make sure your email address is activated. accept this trade
just.say.hi=Say hi!
landing.boutiquefurni.body=Habbo Mall items are now under Boutique section in the Shop
landing.boutiquefurni.button=To the Shop
landing.boutiquefurni.title=Boutique Furni
landing.view.2x1offer.body=Have you been saving for a special piece of furni? Or dreaming of joining Habbo Club? Well now is the time to get more bang for your buck! To help you beat the back to school blues, we are offering DOUBLE CREDITS! Available for two weeks only.
landing.view.2x1offer.button=Go to Credits Page
landing.view.2x1offer.header=1 + 1 = 4? Double Credits for all!
landing.view.HC312013.body=Subscribe to Habbo Club and access exclusive clothes and hair styles, monthly gifts and special Furni. Are you off to your holidays in a yacht this year?
landing.view.HC312013.button=Get your HC
landing.view.HC312013.header=Habbo Club power
landing.view.Hcvikingrares.body=Grab your axe and get ready for battle - these Habbo Club exclusive Viking Rares are only here for a limited time! With 1 of 3 AWESOME rares in each box, the odds are definitely in your favor. Available for this weekend only.
landing.view.Hcvikingrares.button=Find out more
landing.view.Hcvikingrares.header=HC Viking Rares Box
landing.view.ach_football.bodytext=The game is on! How many goals can you score? It might even pay off to let your friends get one in...
landing.view.ach_football.caption=Goal Ahead!
landing.view.ach_football.roombuttontext=Find A Game
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.button=Start breeding!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.buttoncaption=Need some inspiration?
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.caption=Are You Agri-cultured? in breeding plants and win fantastic prizes! You earn points for every plant you successfully breed and receive a seed from- the rarer the offspring, the more points you earn!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.timercaption=Time left to breed
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.timercaptionexpired=Competition finished!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.breedMonsterPlants.title=BREEDER OF THE UNKNOWN COMPETITION
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.button=Go for it!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.buttoncaption=Witness the horrors of gardening!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.caption=Tend The Terror... your fears and tend to growing plants to earn points! The more near death the plant you tend, the more points you receive, and points mean prizes!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.timercaption=Time remaining:
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.timercaptionexpired=Competition finished!
landing.view.achievementcompetition.treatMonsterPlants.title=COMPETITION: BECOME A BOTANIST OF THE UNKNOWN
landing.view.america17animal.body=Collect all six of the animals being released this month and you'll get an American Prairie Mega Collector badge as a bonus!
landing.view.america17animal.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17animal.header=RARE North American Animal
landing.view.america17blackp.body=One of our most sought-after classic rares is now available for a limited time only. NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.america17blackp.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17blackp.header=RARE Giant Black Pillow!
landing.view.america17braids.body=Don't miss your one and ONLY chance to pick up this rural-style hairdo, coming to you all the way from the American Prairie.
landing.view.america17braids.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17braids.header=RARE Frontier Braids
landing.view.america17chess.body=Don't pass up this unparalleled opportunity to own an ENTIRE Habbo chess set!
landing.view.america17chess.button=See the bundle
landing.view.america17chess.header=ALL NEW: Chess Set Bundle!
landing.view.america17davyc.body=Keep warm this November with a lovely Davy Crockett Cap! (Made with 100% FAKE fur).
landing.view.america17davyc.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17davyc.header=RARE Davy Crockett Cap
landing.view.america17game.body=Play the Habbo chess game and win at least TWO different badges! Make sure to win: next week we'll reward one of the champions with the new chess bundle!
landing.view.america17game.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.america17game.header=Play Habbo Chess!
landing.view.america17orangesb.body=One of our most sought-after classic rares is now available for a limited time only. NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.america17orangesb.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17orangesb.header=RARE Orange Sleeping Bag!
landing.view.america17whitep.body=One of our most sought-after classic rares is now available for a limited time only. NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.america17whitep.button=See the rare
landing.view.america17whitep.header=RARE Giant White Pillow!
landing.view.americascup_bundle.body=Comienza el evento deportivo más importante de América y qué mejor lugar para celebrarlo que este sublime estadio que nada tiene que envidiar al de la mismísima Super Bowl. Vive las victorias de tu selección en él y demuestra a toda la comunidad lo hábil que eres en el manejo del balón. ¡Y no te olvides de defender los colores de tu camiseta con orgullo y pasión! El lote incluye Raro y dos placas
landing.view.americascup_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.americascup_bundle.header=Estadio Copa América 2015
landing.view.anc_jungle_bundle.body=Deep in the heart of Habbo Jungle, hidden amongst a mystical clearing in the swamp, you'll find the ancient Jungle. This pre-decorated room bundle has it all: towering waterfall, lush greenery and elegant flamingoes, PLUS ancient relics that have survived through the centuries. Includes EXCLUSIVE Rare + Badge! Don't miss out on this incredible bundle…
landing.view.anc_jungle_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.anc_jungle_bundle.header=Ancients Jungle Bundle
landing.view.ancientspromo.extrainfo=Follow in the footsteps of the Ancients by completing the Quests and collecting Stars! Spend your Stars on Artifacts and you'll get a piece of the map on very special badges... Once you have all the badges, and solve their puzzle, the Gates of Eternity will reveal themselves!
landing.view.ancientspromo.getbadge=Get the first badge now! Ancient Habbos need your help to revive the community! In search of a new life, a new home, a new microwave, they journeyed across the Earth. Follow in their footsteps to earn cool badges and prizes, and complete the map to discover the Gates Of Eternity and bring shining glory back to Habbo!
landing.view.animalday.body=For one week only, ALL Pets will be discounted by a MASSIVE 20%! If you have been hoping to add to your pet collection… now is the time! Dogs, cats, horses, pigs, frogs, bears, crocodiles, lions, rhinos, baby pets, dragons and all the other pets on sale! - All 20% OFF from today to the 8th!
landing.view.animalday.button=Check it out!
landing.view.animalday.header=20% OFF Pets!
landing.view.apr16_rare1.body=The smoke machine EVERY Habbo wants is here. This classic rare is a vitally important part of Habbo history - don't miss it!
landing.view.apr16_rare1.button=Check it out!
landing.view.apr16_rare1.header=RARE Yellow Smoke Machine!
landing.view.apr16_rare2.body=This gorgeous, golden and rare pillow is a furni collector's dream. Are you going to miss out?
landing.view.apr16_rare2.button=See the rare!
landing.view.apr16_rare2.header=RARE Golden Giant Pillow!
landing.view.apr18army.body=Including 2x Action Hero Outfits (a bandana and bullet chain), this bundle is SERIOUSLY not one to miss out on.
landing.view.apr18army.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.apr18army.header=New: Military Camp Bundle!
landing.view.apr18buggy.body=Cart your friends about with this nippy little buggy. Available for a short time only - don't miss out!
landing.view.apr18buggy.button=Get the rare
landing.view.apr18buggy.header=RARE Director's Buggy
landing.view.apr18camera.body=The tech inside this mobile camera is right at the top of 'top of the range' - and it's only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.apr18camera.button=Get the rare
landing.view.apr18camera.header=RARE Mobile Film Camera
landing.view.apr18catcopter.body=This extremely weird-looking drone is only available for a short time. (This furni can be switched to a normal drone in case your pet cat suffers from a fear of flying)
landing.view.apr18catcopter.button=Get the rare
landing.view.apr18catcopter.header=RARE Catcopter
landing.view.apr18fantasy.body=Fancy a little 'rumble in the jungle'? We thought so. Get one of these extra-size bundles today and pick up 2x exclusive Yeti Feet!
landing.view.apr18fantasy.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.apr18fantasy.header=Get a Jurassic Jungle Bundle!
landing.view.apr18police.body=As well as a humongous stack of cool furni, this extra-size police-themed bundle contains 2x EXCLUSIVE Inmate Overalls!
landing.view.apr18police.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.apr18police.header=New: Police Force Bundle!
landing.view.apr18trailer.body=Prepare for your film scene in opulent luxury. This furni is only available for a VERY limited time - pick one up while you can!
landing.view.apr18trailer.button=Get the rare
landing.view.apr18trailer.header=RARE Film Star's Trailer
landing.view.apr18west.body=Ever played the role of an indian before? Want to? We've got you sorted. This extra-size bundle comes with 2x exclusive Indian Ponchos!
landing.view.apr18west.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.apr18west.header=Get a Wild West Bar Bundle!
landing.view.army15CFrare.body=Its cold, hard and worth more than its weight in green sofas. Mined from the deep dark caves of Habbo Mountains and melted into the classic brick shape, store these in a vault, make your own yellow brick road, or use it to hold the door open… but whatever you do, don't miss out on this awesome deal! Available for a limited time.
landing.view.army15CFrare.button=Check it out
landing.view.army15CFrare.header=RARE Gold Bullion Credit Furni
landing.view.army15basecamp.body=ATTENTION! Welcome to Fort Duckson, the desert basecamp that's a cut above the rest. From medical tents and watchtowers, to shipping containers full of army surplus - You wont be left high and dry in this desert! Includes EXCLUSIVE Furni + badge
landing.view.army15basecamp.button=See the bundle
landing.view.army15basecamp.header=Fort Duckson Bundle
landing.view.army15bundle3.body=Welcome to the hardest test of your life, recruit. This gruelling action-packed assault course has it all; towering obstacles, knee-high mud, arctic waters... PLUS a badge! Whether you tackle this course solo or challenge your friends, this bundle is sure to keep you on your toes! Think you're tough enough?
landing.view.army15bundle3.button=Check it out!
landing.view.army15bundle3.header=Military Assault Course Bundle
landing.view.army15clothes.body=At ease, Soldier. As a new recruit, you need to dress the part - From camouflage to combat, and all the side hats and parade uniforms in between - Habbo Couture: Military is sure to deliver
landing.view.army15clothes.button=Suit up!
landing.view.army15clothes.header=Habbo Couture: Military Clothing on sale NOW!
landing.view.army15diamondold.body=That special time of year is almost here; We are soon saying goodbye to the Diamond furni of 2014...and hello the DAZZLING Diamond furni of 2015! Get your hands on 2014 furni before it leaves the Hotel forever...
landing.view.army15diamondold.button=See the furni
landing.view.army15diamondold.header=LAST CHANCE: Grab the last of Diamond Furni 2014!
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.body=Shine bright like a DIAMOND! A special hello to the DAZZLING Diamond Collection 2015! This years collection brings a new range of paintings and statues, crafted by the great artists of our time.
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.button=See the furni
landing.view.army15diamondsnew.header=HELLO, Diamond Furni 2015!
landing.view.army15furni.body=Are you all about that base(camp), 'bout that base(camp)? Then don't miss your chance to snap up this robust Army furni. Prefer the high tech gadgets and running things behind-the-scenes? Then HQ Furni is for you! Full line exclusive to BC. Limited furni available in the catalogue.
landing.view.army15furni.button2=To the warehouse
landing.view.army15furni.button=Check it out
landing.view.army15furni.header=ATTENTION - Army Furni now in BC and on sale!
landing.view.army15hqbundle.body=Hidden deep underground, these military headquarters contain all the high-tech monitoring equipment you need to keep control of the troops and your eye on the enemy. Includes EXCLUSIVE Furni + Badge
landing.view.army15hqbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.army15hqbundle.header=Habbo Forces HQ Bundle
landing.view.army15lastchance.body=Are you all about that base(camp), 'bout that base(camp)? Then don't miss your chance to snap up this robust Army furni. Prefer high-tech gadgets and running things behind-the-scenes? Then HQ Furni is for you! Full line exclusive to BC. Limited furni available in the catalogue.
landing.view.army15lastchance.button=See the Furni
landing.view.army15lastchance.header=LAST CHANCE - Army Furni leaves soon...
landing.view.army15ltd.body=WOAH - That's right - It's Army LTDs! Whether you're rollin' through the desert in a HumVee with your friends, or drawing up careful reports on your mahogany desk; there's an Army LTD for everyone! Available in limited quantities, don't miss out...
landing.view.army15ltd.header=PSST.. Army LTDs are coming!
landing.view.army15petdisc.body=They're cute, fluffy and ready for action…well, almost! These canine companions may not be ready to fight crime just yet, but they are sure to have fun while they're learning. Grab your very own junior Police dog - plus all the toys and food he could need - for a whopping 25% off! EXCLUSIVE 'Police Dog in Training' Badge with your FIRST puppy purchase (NOTE: No additional badges given). Available for this weekend only.
landing.view.army15petdisc.button=Check it out
landing.view.army15petdisc.header=SALE: 'Police Dog in Training'
landing.view.aug17cloth.body=Brand new, Arabian-style and FULLY colourable clothing is now in the Catalogue!
landing.view.aug17cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.aug17cloth.header=NEW: Summer Bazaar Clothing!
landing.view.aug17fountain.body=As the perfect centrepiece for any courtyard, this intricately decorated fountain is a SERIOUS bargain.
landing.view.aug17fountain.button=See the rare!
landing.view.aug17fountain.header=RARE Courtyard Fountain!
landing.view.aug17games.body=Don't miss out - go and play the latest Sultan of Al Habbah game to earn a special badge!
landing.view.aug17games.button=Play the game!
landing.view.aug17games.header=Latest Sultan of Al Habbah game is LIVE!
landing.view.aug17ltd.body=Nelly is an Elephant. Nelly is limited edition. Pick one up while you can!
landing.view.aug17ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.aug17ltd.header=Nelly LTD
landing.view.aug17market.body=This bundle is made from 100% Summer Bazaar furni. Comes with exclusive Persian Rugs!
landing.view.aug17market.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.aug17market.header=Bazaar Bundle
landing.view.aug17mask.body=Conceal your true identity and scare your friends at the same time with this rare piece of headgear.
landing.view.aug17mask.button=See the rare!
landing.view.aug17mask.header=RARE Mask of the Cursed!
landing.view.aug17monkey.body=With three switch states, the Solid Gold Monkey Statue is CERTAINLY not a rare to miss out on!
landing.view.aug17monkey.button=See the rare!
landing.view.aug17monkey.header=RARE Solid Gold Monkey Statue!
landing.view.aug17new.body=Take a trip to the desert and see what riches you can find in the Summer Bazaar this August!
landing.view.aug17new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.aug17new.header=NEW: Summer Bazaar Furni!
landing.view.aug17oasis.body=Feeling thirsty? Well, as well as water, included in this bundle is an exclusive Emperor Scorpion!
landing.view.aug17oasis.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.aug17oasis.header=Desert Oasis Bundle
landing.view.aug17old.body=We've brought a tantalising selection of furni from the Alhambra, Ancients and Shalimar lines back. Get involved!
landing.view.aug17old.button=See the furni!
landing.view.aug17old.header=BACK: Classic Summer Furni
landing.view.aug17patio.body=Sit out and enjoy the Arabian sun, sip some iced tea and enjoy the weather with this bundle! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.aug17patio.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.aug17patio.header=Arabian Garden Bundle
landing.view.aug17public.body=We've created a HUGE public bazaar room - it's even got rentable spaces for you to trade! Go and check it out (built by Pulx).
landing.view.aug17public.button=Go trade!
landing.view.aug17public.header=Trade in the Bazaar!
landing.view.aug17saloon.body=Take shelter from the hot hustle and bustle of the bazaar and duck into the local tea house with this bundle.
landing.view.aug17saloon.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.aug17saloon.header=Bazaar Tea House Bundle
landing.view.aug17socks.body=Click the button below to go to the Catalogue and use your Duckets (Habbo's free currency) to get your Flipflops and Socks!
landing.view.aug17socks.button=Get your Flipflops!
landing.view.aug17socks.header=Flipflops and Socks!
landing.view.aug17throne.body=Ever wanted to sit on a desert throne? Well, with this furni you have the PERFECT opportunity.
landing.view.aug17throne.button=See the rare!
landing.view.aug17throne.header=RARE Desert Kingdom Throne!
landing.view.backtofuture.body=Not only do you get a SUPER-slick Hoverboard in this sweet deal, you also get a freshly printed RARE The Future is Back movie poster! Offer includes an exclusive badge. Don't miss out...
landing.view.backtofuture.button=Check it out
landing.view.backtofuture.header=The Future is Back Offer
landing.view.badgedisplay.body=You worked hard to get your badges, right? Now's the time to show it off, grab a display case from the catalogue and choose your favourite badge to show off!
landing.view.badgedisplay.header=Show off your badges!
landing.view.badgemuseumsubmit.body=We're looking for the best Badge Hunters. If you want to show off your badge collection to your friends, you might want to take part in this special room competition. Build a room showing your Badges and submit for the chance to win 3 extra Badges and an Emerald Trophy Furni
landing.view.badgemuseumsubmit.header=Show your Badges to your friends
landing.view.badgemuseumvote.body=The badge museums have arrived! Now we just need to work out who's is the best; is the one with the rarest badges or maybe the one with the most? You decide, get your votes in now. You'll need to have at least the Respected Habbo IV achievement to vote.
landing.view.badgemuseumvote.header=Time to vote!
landing.view.banzairares.body=This weekend we have some exclusive Battle Banzai Rares available in the shop - give your games that exclusive touch!
landing.view.banzairares.button=Go to shop
landing.view.banzairares.header=Bring out the rares!
landing.view.banzairares2.body=In the shop for 24 hours only we have some exclusive Battle Banzai Rares available in the shop - give your games that exclusive touch!
landing.view.base.body=We have a new permanent furni line! The Base line is bold, bright and comes in your favourite colour (probably). Check it out in the catalogue now!
landing.view.base.button=Check it out!
landing.view.base.header=New Furni
landing.view.battleshade.button=Battleshade Clan
landing.view.bcland28feb14.body=ALL NEW Builders' Club updates are here: We are very happy to announce the addition of Group Room building for Group owners and BC Achievements to the Builders' Club warehouse! So what are you waiting for? Come and join the fun!
landing.view.bcland28feb14.button=Check it out!
landing.view.bcland28feb14.header=Builders' Club Update is here!
landing.view.bigcityapartment.body=This lavish, GORGEOUS apartment has just about everything you need to captivate and charm your guests. EXCLUSIVE badge included!
landing.view.bigcityapartment.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.bigcityapartment.header=Big City Apartment Bundle
landing.view.blocks1.body=Exclusively to Builders' Club...we are happy to welcome Building Blocks! Lots of colours and patterns, you can really let your creativity flow and make the most out of your rooms.
landing.view.blocks1.button=Get Building
landing.view.blocks1.header=ALL NEW: Building Blocks!
landing.view.blocksroombuilding.body=Do you think you're the best Habbo Builder? Prove it. To welcome Building Blocks to the hotel, for the next week we will be hosting room building competitions! Get creative and you could win Builders' Club subscriptions and EXCLUSIVE badges!
landing.view.blocksroombuilding.button=Join the fun
landing.view.blocksroombuilding.header=EPIC Blocks Building Competition!
landing.view.boat16burger.body=IT'S BACK! This bundle is one you're NOT going to want to miss. Get yours today! Badge included.
landing.view.boat16burger.button=Look at the Bundle!
landing.view.boat16burger.header=Classic Habburgers Bundle!
landing.view.boat16cabin.body=With some of the nicest wooden furni credits can buy and an EXCLUSIVE King-Sized Bed, this bundle shouldn't be missed!
landing.view.boat16cabin.button=Look at the Bundle!
landing.view.boat16cabin.header=Luxury Cabin Bundle!
landing.view.boat16copter.body=Fly in unfettered style in this Deluxe HabboCopter! It's only available for a limited time, and comes with an EXCLUSIVE badge.
landing.view.boat16copter.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.boat16copter.header=NEW: Deluxe HabboCopter Rare!
landing.view.boat16garden.body=What better way to spend those long hot summer days than in a traditional English garden? Contains 100% ALL NEW furni - get it while you can!
landing.view.boat16garden.button=Check it out!
landing.view.boat16garden.header=NEW: Cosy Garden Bundle!
landing.view.boat16gift.body=Habbos! Make sure to open the Gift Calendar EVERY DAY to get your FREE daily gift.
landing.view.boat16gift.button=Get your gift!
landing.view.boat16gift.header=Free Gifts EVERY DAY!
landing.view.boat16jelly.body=Bring a dreamy blue glow to your room with this rare lamp. Available for a limited time only, includes EXCLUSIVE badge.
landing.view.boat16jelly.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.boat16jelly.header=NEW: Rare Jellyfish Lamp!
landing.view.boat16karaoke.body=Ever coveted a titanium drinks cabinet? Well, now's your chance to get one - there's an EXCLUSIVE one inside this bundle!
landing.view.boat16karaoke.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.boat16karaoke.header=Karaoke Bar Bundle!
landing.view.boat16pool.body=Praying for a break from the party? With the exclusive sun lounger included in this bundle, your prayers have been answered! + Dimmer and free badge!
landing.view.boat16pool.button=Look at the Bundle!
landing.view.boat16pool.header=Pool Party Bundle!
landing.view.boat16port.body=With this HC bundle, you get an EXCLUSIVE Sailor Cat! Guess what: this cat totally LOVES water. Includes badge, too.
landing.view.boat16port.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.boat16port.header=Cruise Port Bundle!
landing.view.boat16shark.body=Get up close and personal with this evil-looking shark and get your head bitten off! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.boat16shark.button=Look at the Rare!
landing.view.boat16shark.header=Get a RARE Great White Shark!
landing.view.boat16speed.body=Made with carbon-pixel parts and rare metal alloys, this is one EXPENSIVE bit of equipment! Exclusive badge included.
landing.view.boat16speed.button=Look at the Rare!
landing.view.boat16speed.header=RARE High-Powered Speedboat!
landing.view.bonus.rare.header=%rarename% every %amount% credits! Credits
landing.view.bonus.rare.status=Only %amount%/%total% credits to go!
landing.view.bonusrare.body=Get a Rare Candy Machine for every 120 credits bought using any payment method between now and July 2nd. Not available in the catalogue.
landing.view.bonusrare.button=Buy Credits
landing.view.bonusrare.header=Bonus Rare
landing.view.brval.body=Mesmo em tempos críticos de crise (vírus estranho no restaurante e coisas do gênero), às vezes precisamos respirar fundo e comemorar uma data mais do que especial: o Dia dos Namorados! Mostre àquele ser mais amado todos os seus sentimentos através dos Mobis de São Valentim!
landing.view.brval.header=São Valentim 2013
landing.view.bubblejuice.header=Rare Bubble Juice Machine
landing.view.buildersclub.body=One subscription. Virtually unlimited furni. Endless fun. Design and show off your dream rooms using all new Builders' Club!
landing.view.buildersclub.button=To the Warehouse!
landing.view.buildersclub.header=The future of Habbo is here: Builders' Club
landing.view.buildersclubpromo.body=Have you ever wanted to build a room with virtually unlimited furni? Tired of counting your credits to try and finish a room? Or do you simply want to let your creativity run wild? Builders' Club is your ultimate solution!
landing.view.buildersclubpromo.button=Try it out
landing.view.buildersclubpromo.header=Join the fun: Builders' Club out the Shop to get your hands on the Limited Edition Rares before it's too late!'s going on with the LTD?
landing.view.carnivalbundle.body=Do you dream of being part an exciting celebration? Well now you can - it's Carnival and Mardi Gras time! Feel the energy of the parades with this jolly Carnival Room Bundle. Includes an EXCLUSIVE Porta Bandeira Statue and a very special Badge!
landing.view.carnivalbundle.button=Let the fun begin!
landing.view.carnivalbundle.header=Carnival Room Bundle
landing.view.carnivale15bundle.body=Tucked away in the heart of Rio de Janeiro is the HOTTEST place to be for Carnivale. Get on the dance floor and samba the night away, this is the ultimate Carnivale hangout for you and your friends. Includes EXCLUSIVE Carnivale Mask wall furni + Badge!
landing.view.carnivale15bundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.carnivale15bundle.header=Club Carnivale Bundle
landing.view.carnivale15rare.body=If you're crazy about moving and shaking to the samba beat... If you are fascinated by huge colorful parades...Then Carnival is the place to be! Don't miss out on this AWESOME Carnival rare! Available for 24hr.
landing.view.carnivale15rare.button=Check it out
landing.view.carnivale15rare.header=Carnival Rare!
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.body=It's almost over, but we're not done yet! Let's say farewell to our Carnival adventure in partying! Wear your most creative Carnival or Mardi Gras look and try to get our attention. Amazing costumes equals awesome badge... It's today, from XX to XX. Are you gonna miss out on it?!
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.button=Come have fun!
landing.view.carnivalfarewell.header=Ballroom time!
landing.view.carnivalintro.body=If you're crazy about moving and shaking to the beat... If you are fascinated by huge colorful parades...Then Carnival is the place to be! Wear you best costume and get ready for some AWESOME Carnival & Mardi Gras activities! Check the schedule for latest events!
landing.view.carnivalintro.button=Check it out
landing.view.carnivalintro.header=Did you say Carnival?
landing.view.carnivalquiz.body=How much do you really know about Mardi Gras' history? Do you know about all of its peculiarities throughout the world? Show us you infinite Mardi Gras knowledge by taking our quiz. A gorgeous Badge will be waiting for you...
landing.view.carnivalquiz.button=Move your hips!
landing.view.carnivalquiz.header=Is Carnival your thing?
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.body=There is no better way to get into the Carnival mood than building your own float! Choose one of the 10 rooms available, rent a nice space, check the Carnival catalogue for inspiration and let you imagination fly high! The best scored floats will get incredible prizes... Oh, feels like I'm in Rio right now...
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.button=Get your space now!
landing.view.carnivalroomcomp.header=Carnival Float Room Competition Of The Dark Dragon!'s A Bunny Old World Of The Dark Dragon! CHALLENGE the most honorable Habbos comes the Limited Edition Dragon Of The Dark Flame Lamp. Cornerstone of the Dark Dragon Clan that has ruled downtown Bismarck, North Dakota for weeks with it's iron first. Get yours while the fire still burns bright in the Shop. of the new rabbits has their own unique personality. Can you tame the evil black rabbit, motivate the brown rabbit, and put up with the joyful pink rabbit? Collect them all to get special Bunny Badges! honor! To It!'t they look great? hatching!?!
landing.view.cave17bat.body=This furry little bloodsucking fiend is available for a VERY limited time only - get one while you can!
landing.view.cave17bat.button=See the rare
landing.view.cave17bat.header=RARE Vampire Bat Hat
landing.view.cave17batcave.body=Scared of bats? Don't worry, they're only pixel bats. Get 5x exclusive Cursed Roots when you pick up this bundle!
landing.view.cave17batcave.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cave17batcave.header=Bat Cave Bundle
landing.view.cave17cloth.body=Plague Masks, a brand new medieval hairstyle and the eyes of both a zombie AND a demon... it's all waiting in the Catalogue!
landing.view.cave17cloth.button=See the clothing
landing.view.cave17cloth.header=NEW Cursed Caves clothing!
landing.view.cave17crown.body=Fashioned from exotic metals for kings long since dead, this crown is rare and will never, ever be sold again. Limited time only!
landing.view.cave17crown.button=See the rare
landing.view.cave17crown.header=RARE Medieval Crown
landing.view.cave17dragon.body=Crafted from an unknown metal, this statue is only available for a limited time only - it's NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.cave17dragon.button=See the rare
landing.view.cave17dragon.header=RARE Cursed Dragon Statue
landing.view.cave17entrance.body=Will you dare enter the Cursed Caves? You will, let's be honest. Included in this bundle are exclusive Mushroom Men!
landing.view.cave17entrance.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cave17entrance.header=Cave Entrance Bundle
landing.view.cave17games.body=Find your way out of today's Cursed Cave escape room to earn the latest Habboween badge!
landing.view.cave17games.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.cave17games.header=Escape from the Cursed Caves!
landing.view.cave17jail.body=Deep inside the Cursed Caves lies an ancient, abandoned jail. Also included are exclusive Cursed Gibbets! *User made bundle, by Jenneben (NL)*
landing.view.cave17jail.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cave17jail.header=Ancient Jail Bundle
landing.view.cave17knights.body=These incendiary spreaders of doom and dismay crack into one of six items of Cursed Caves armour.
landing.view.cave17knights.button=See the rare
landing.view.cave17knights.header=RARE Flaming Knights!
landing.view.cave17ltd.body=Hellfire Dragon breath burns as hot as the centre of the sun - so DON'T provoke one. Limited edition rare, don't miss out!
landing.view.cave17ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.cave17ltd.header=Hellfire Dragon LTD!
landing.view.cave17new.body=It's FINALLY here - the brand new Cursed Caves furni is now available in the Catalogue - get involved!
landing.view.cave17new.button=See the furni
landing.view.cave17new.header=NEW Cursed Caves furni!
landing.view.cave17old.body=Make sure to stock up on classic Habboween furni from our extensive back catalogue while you can...
landing.view.cave17old.button=See the furni
landing.view.cave17old.header=BACK: classic Habboween furni!
landing.view.cave17throne.body=To go with the Cursed Caves furni line, our designers built a cursed (and floating) throne! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.cave17throne.button=See the rare
landing.view.cave17throne.header=RARE Cursed Throne
landing.view.cave17treasure.body=Hidden in the Cursed Caves is a stash of treasure, guarded by (vicious AND exclusive) Mimic Chests! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.cave17treasure.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cave17treasure.header=Hidden Treasure Bundle
landing.view.cc14advent.body=It's snowing Seashells! From 1st to 25th of December, enter the Advent Calendar Public room to discover where Santa Claus is. Each day you can earn Seashells to exchange in the Seashells Shop for the new special Christmas Elves 2014!
landing.view.cc14advent.button=Go to the room
landing.view.cc14advent.header=The Habbo Advent Calendar 2014
landing.view.cc14babypets.body=Adorable, loveable, and here to steal your pixel heart. These big-eyed furballs have hopped, skipped and jumped their way into the Hotel. From Siamese and Leopard cubs, to spotted piglets and Dalmatians - There's a baby pet for everyone!
landing.view.cc14babypets.button=See the Baby Pets
landing.view.cc14babypets.header=ALL NEW… Baby pets!
landing.view.cc14bcbirthday.body=As a special thank you for your support over the past year, we have an EXCLUSIVE GOLD Building block furni for all you awesome Builders' Club members. Not a member? Available only till the 13th of Jan. Join now to get your Gold Block!
landing.view.cc14bcbirthday.button=Join Builders' Club!
landing.view.cc14bcbirthday.header=Happy Birthday, Builders' Club!
landing.view.cc14bundle1.body=Grab your mittens and wrap up - This ice-filled predecorated room bundle is packed to the Christmas trees with everything festive a Habbo could want. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 24th- 28th November.
landing.view.cc14bundle1.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle1.header=Saint Nicholas' Bundle
landing.view.cc14bundle2.body=Roast some marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and warm your pixel toes by the fire. This pre-decorated room bundle will have you wanting to stay inside until spring! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 28th - 1st December.
landing.view.cc14bundle2.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle2.header=Cozy Winter Cabin Bundle
landing.view.cc14bundle3.body=From tiki bars and Palm trees to sun loungers and surfboard tables - This tropical room bundle is sure to be the hottest bundle in town! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 1st - 16th December
landing.view.cc14bundle3.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle3.header=Welcome, to Habbo Islands Resort…
landing.view.cc14bundle4.body=Bright lights, big city - This snowy metropolis is enough for any jet-setting Habbo to get excited. This chilly pre-decorated room bundle includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available from 5th December - 11th December.
landing.view.cc14bundle4.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle4.header=Big City Christmas
landing.view.cc14bundle5.body=This enchanted snowy getaway is a jewel in the pre-decorated room boom bundle crown. With all the amenities that Habbo royalty like yourself could possibly desire, you'll never want to leave this dream-like castle. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge! Available 12th December - 18th December.
landing.view.cc14bundle5.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle5.header=Enchanted Christmas Castle Bundle
landing.view.cc14bundle6.body=Piled to the wood beams with christmas lights, candy machines and work tools galore…What more could an Elf possibly ask for?! Includes EXCLUSIVE furni only available in this bundle! This magical room is only available for a limited time - Get one while you still can...
landing.view.cc14bundle6.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14bundle6.header=Santa's Workshop
landing.view.cc14clothing.body=The all NEW Habbo Couture tradeable clothing and accessories range is a cut above the rest! Buy them, bind them to your avatar and wear them with pride. Or trade your way to the top of the fashion food chain! From mutton chops and night-vision goggles, to stylish tops and jeans.
landing.view.cc14clothing.button=Find out more
landing.view.cc14clothing.header=Habbo Couture hits the Hotel.
landing.view.cc14gnome.body=The North Pole can be a tough place for a little Gnome, so this year they've migrated to the sunny shores of Habbo Islands. Feed them, train them and treat them with care...These mischievous bundles of joy aren't here for long!
landing.view.cc14gnome.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14gnome.header=There's no place like Gnome…
landing.view.cc14hcgifts.body=As a special Christmas present, for the Habbo Club girls and boys... a whole new line of special toys! With a whole new range of prizes, like HC exclusive Luxe Alhambra furni, Builders' Club subscriptions and much more… you´ll feel spoiled!
landing.view.cc14hcgifts.button=See what´s new
landing.view.cc14hcgifts.header=A very Habbo Club Christmas...
landing.view.cc14ltd.body=Get trapped in an ocean of bliss with this Christmas LTD. You don't just hear the ocean, you can be IN the ocean.
landing.view.cc14ltd.button=Tick tock!
landing.view.cc14ltd.header=Tropical Christmas LTD
landing.view.cc14newfurni.body=Ahh the smell of the ocean, the sound of steel drums in the distance…It can only be Habbo Islands Resort! From sunbeams and tiki bars, to strings of lights and BBQs - This tropical Christmas is sure to warm your heart and get you in the festive spirit.
landing.view.cc14newfurni.button=See what´s new
landing.view.cc14newfurni.header=All the way from Habbo Islands…
landing.view.cc14oldfurni.body=A very Habbo Christmas is almost here, so join in the festive fun! From Christmas trees to sparkly lights - all your snowy favourites are back for a limited time.
landing.view.cc14oldfurni.button=See the furni
landing.view.cc14oldfurni.header=Deck the Halls with Furni!
landing.view.cc14rares.body=All the deep sea creatures have joined in on the festivities this year; with Octo-Claus and Santa Shark, to the carols-singing mermaid- These sea creature Christmas rares come with an EXCLUSIVE badge and will be swimming away soon, so don't miss out! Available for 24hrs.
landing.view.cc14rares.button=Check it out
landing.view.cc14rares.header=Deep Sea Christmas Rares arrive
landing.view.checkitout.button=Check it Out
landing.view.chinesebonusrare.body=Ooh look - a BONUS RARE! For every 120 Credits purchased, receive this AWESOME Bonus Rare!
landing.view.chinesebonusrare.button=Get yours now
landing.view.chinesebonusrare.header=Grab your reins....Here comes the Horse
landing.view.chineseny14.body=The Year of the Horse is almost here! To ring in the near year in style, we've added all the legendary Chinese New Year furni you love, plus some awesome NEW furni! And of course, fireworks!
landing.view.chineseny14.header=Happy Chinese New Year!
landing.view.choosebattleshade.button=Enter the Battleshade Clan
landing.view.chooseclan.body=Choose the brutal Battleshade Green Clan or the scary Steelscar Red Clan! Once you are in a Clan you will have access to the Clan Village and activities, just remember to always wear your Clan's Badge proudly. Pay attention: once you enter a clan you can't change!
landing.view.chooseclan.header=Enter a Clan!
landing.view.choosefarm.body=Which farm are you going to work on this Easter? Get more background info about the farms in our website's news section. REMEMBER: choose wisely, as you can ONLY CHOOSE ONCE. Wear the badge you get after choosing to get access to your farm of choice!
landing.view.choosefarm.button1=Frank´s Ranch
landing.view.choosefarm.button2=Maple Leaf Meadow
landing.view.choosefarm.header=Choose your farm!
landing.view.choosehero.body=Will you join the mighty Lord Pixel, or the fearless Silver Mustard? Remember: your choice of badge is PERMANENT! ALWAYS wear it with pride when playing official games.
landing.view.choosehero.button1=Silver Mustard
landing.view.choosehero.button2=Lord Pixel
landing.view.choosehero.title=Choose your Superhero Badge!
landing.view.choosescarf.body=Choose the scarf Badge of the team that you support for the match of the day higlighted on the left. If that team wins you'll get a collectible national team flag Badge!
landing.view.choosescarf.header=What's your team today?
landing.view.choosescarf10a.button=Scarf for Germany
landing.view.choosescarf10b.button=Scarf for Ghana
landing.view.choosescarf11a.button=Scarf for USA
landing.view.choosescarf11b.button=Scarf for Portugal
landing.view.choosescarf12a.button=Scarf for Cameroon
landing.view.choosescarf12b.button=Scarf for Brazil
landing.view.choosescarf13a.button=Scarf for Costa Rica
landing.view.choosescarf13b.button=Scarf for England
landing.view.choosescarf14a.button=Scarf for Nigeria
landing.view.choosescarf14b.button=Scarf for Argentina
landing.view.choosescarf15a.button=Scarf for Algeria
landing.view.choosescarf15b.button=Scarf for Russia
landing.view.choosescarf16a.button=Scarf for Colombia
landing.view.choosescarf16b.button=Scarf for Uruguay
landing.view.choosescarf17a.button=Scarf for Netherlands
landing.view.choosescarf17b.button=Scarf for Mexico
landing.view.choosescarf18a.button=Scarf for France
landing.view.choosescarf18b.button=Scarf for Nigeria
landing.view.choosescarf19a.button=Scarf for Belgium
landing.view.choosescarf19b.button=Scarf for USA
landing.view.choosescarf1a.button=Scarf for Brazil
landing.view.choosescarf1b.button=Scarf for Croatia
landing.view.choosescarf20a.button=Scarf for France
landing.view.choosescarf20b.button=Scarf for Germany
landing.view.choosescarf21a.button=Scarf for Netherlands
landing.view.choosescarf21b.button=Scarf for Costa Rica
landing.view.choosescarf22a.button=Scarf for Brazil
landing.view.choosescarf22b.button=Scarf for Germany
landing.view.choosescarf23a.button=Scarf for Netherlands
landing.view.choosescarf23b.button=Scarf for Argentina
landing.view.choosescarf24a.button=Scarf for Brazil
landing.view.choosescarf24b.button=Scarf for Netherlands
landing.view.choosescarf25a.button=Scarf for Germany
landing.view.choosescarf25b.button=Scarf for Argentina
landing.view.choosescarf2a.button=Scarf for Spain
landing.view.choosescarf2b.button=Scarf for Netherlands
landing.view.choosescarf3a.button=Scarf for England
landing.view.choosescarf3b.button=Scarf for Italy
landing.view.choosescarf4a.button=Scarf for Switzerland
landing.view.choosescarf4b.button=Scarf for Ecuador
landing.view.choosescarf5a.button=Scarf for Ghana
landing.view.choosescarf5b.button=Scarf for USA
landing.view.choosescarf6a.button=Scarf for Belgium
landing.view.choosescarf6b.button=Scarf for Algeria
landing.view.choosescarf7a.button=Scarf for Spain
landing.view.choosescarf7b.button=Scarf for Chile
landing.view.choosescarf8a.button=Scarf for Japan
landing.view.choosescarf8b.button=Scarf for Greece
landing.view.choosescarf9a.button=Scarf for Honduras
landing.view.choosescarf9b.button=Scarf for Ecuador
landing.view.choosesteelscar.button=Enter the Steelscar Red Clan
landing.view.cinemabundle.body=Draw the curtains, dim the lights and grab your popcorn…This pre-decorated Movie Room Bundle is packed to the rafters with everything the ultimate movie buff could desire. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.cinemabundle.button=Get yours now!
landing.view.cinemabundle.header=ALL NEW: Déjà Vu Cinema
landing.view.classicb1.body=Here's an absolutely ESSENTIAL piece of Habbo history: the timelessly classic Welcome Lounge! Available for a short time only
landing.view.classicb1.button=Check out the bundle!
landing.view.classicb1.header=Vintage Habbo: The Welcome Lounge some of the new room background Furni today and add some extra color to your room! Available only with Clouds! it out! Furni- In The Shop Now!
landing.view.cloudpromo.bodytext=Drift away with Clouds- when you buy Credits you will also receive Clouds, the only way you can get the new room backgrounds! Clouds can also be used to purchase almost any item from the Shop, so get Clouds today and double your value!
landing.view.cloudpromo.button=Check it out!
landing.view.cloudpromo.caption=You get a Diamond for every 5 Credits you buy!
landing.view.cloudpromoend.bodytext=Thanks for taking part in our Clouds promotion. You can no longer get Clouds when you purchase Credits, but any remaining Clouds can still be used up until 16th of September.
landing.view.cloudpromoend.caption=The Clouds Have Parted
landing.view.cny.body=Come celebrate this Chinese New Year's animal with us - it's the year of the Rat!
landing.view.cny.button=See the furni!
landing.view.cny.header=Chinese New Year
landing.view.cny15bundle.body=Packed with enough lanterns and goat statues to make 2015 your luckiest year. Includes AWESOME sheep balloon + badge!
landing.view.cny15bundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.cny15bundle.header=Chinese Goat Sanctuary
landing.view.cny15furni.body=The year of the Horse was engulfed in excitement, but it's time for the flames to die away as we meeeeh-ke out way into the next Chinese Lunar Year - The Goat!
landing.view.cny15furni.button=To the warehouse!
landing.view.cny15furni.header=Chinese New Year
landing.view.cny2013.body=The year of the dragon was engulfed in excitement, but it's time for the flames to die away as we slither into the next Chinese Lunar Year - The Snake! Celebrate the occasion with our Chinese New Year furni!
landing.view.cny2013.button=Go to shop
landing.view.cny2013.header=Slither into the Year of the Snake
landing.view.cnyquest.button=Play now!
landing.view.cnyquest2.body=Got what it takes to please the legendary god of Snakes? Explore the temple, find the daily Animal Badges and maybe, just maybe you will be able to collect the Ultimate Snake Badge and the mystery prize that goes with it! Go to the room navigator, enter the temple and read the sticky to get started.
landing.view.com_newweb.body=Bubbling in beta for many months and the time has finally arrived…the shiny new Habbo Web is ready for the catwalk!
landing.view.com_newweb.button=Read all about it!
landing.view.com_newweb.header=New Habbo Web!
landing.view.com_photo_sharing.body=We're super excited to announce the launch of our Habbo Camera photo-sharing feature! Now, you and your friends can publish your photos to your Habbo profile on the Hotel website - how cool is THAT?
landing.view.com_photo_sharing.button=Use the new feature!
landing.view.com_photo_sharing.header=Habbo photo sharing goes live!
landing.view.comicchllengcom.body=This week we're challenging you to dive into the Comic Challenge of the week with a Back to School theme! Fill in the speech bubbles, share your ideas and compete for first place in this creative challenge
landing.view.comicchllengcom.button=Read More
landing.view.comicchllengcom.header=Habbo Stories: Back to School Challenge really helped to spread L0V3 during Valentines. Thanks for your hard work and enjoy your new Habbo life in love! showed amazing Habbo-lympic spirit and passed the torch on enough times to successfully beat the challenge - now redeem your reward! did it! did it! your reward now! your reward now! Challenge Deadline 23 of February Challenge's do this thing VS. France[Country X] VS. [Country Y] vs Ireland[Country X] VS. [Country Y] vs Portugal vs Belgium vs Italy[Country X] VS. [Country Y] VS. Wales VS. France vs Republic of Korea 23.06 vs England 24.06 vs Uruguay vs Australia 26.06 vs Serbia vs England vs Argentina 30.06 vs Denmark 01.07 vs Mexico 02.07 vs Switzerland 03.07 vs Saudi Arabia vs. France vs. England vs Belgium vs England vs England vs Croatia vs Spain vs Australia vs Mexico vs England vs Senegal vs Iran vs Australia vs Switzerland look vs Leather look look vs 50´s look vs informal Hair vs Ombré your resolutions into a Furni! VS Drum Music VS Disco Music VS CD vs Croatia vs. Netherlands vs. Italy vs. Ecuador vs. USA vs. Algeria vs. Chile vs. Greece vs. Ecuador vs. Ghana vs. Portugal vs. Brazil Rica vs. England vs. Argentina vs. Russia vs Croatia vs Croatia vs Croatia vs. USA vs Germany vs Costa Rica vs Germany vs Argentina vs Netherlands vs Argentina vs. Barcelona - the classic Forecast will gain more followers? Pizza Eater Popular: Synth or Drum Kit? Driving License the Easter pets! Eurovision 2016! 2017 2019 Food Fanatics Festival Battle: Rock in Habbo vs. Habboroo! Dance! in Flip Flops trend #FRIENDATHON The Metal gift for all your friends! Habbocalypse 15th Birthday, Habbo! our follower count! Invaders Hour - Dim a light in Habbo is a L0V3 Machine Calm, Carry On You A Dragon Master? Challenge de France 2017 West Badges Counter hoodie jacket vs. Flared trench coat's Day or Mrs.Claus? Your Plasto! is getting hot at the Serenity Spa. But how much? Take the love to the max by locking as many L0V3 Machines as you can. If the Community breaks the limits you can get the exclusive L0V3 2014 effect! HC offer unlocked. Get it! The Challenge! Community Challenge is over! Thanks to all your hard work we've reached our target! Cast your vote for the charity you think we should be donating to.! 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 Match of the Day - 23th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 24th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 25th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 26th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 27th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 28th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 30th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 1st of July 2018 Match of the Day - 2nd of July 2018 Match of the Day - 3th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 14th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 6th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 7th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 10th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 11th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 14th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 15th of July 2018 Match of the Day - 15th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 16th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 17th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 18th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 19th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 20th of June 2018 Match of the Day - 21st of June 2018 Match of the Day - 22nd of June 2018 you a trendsetter? you a trendsetter? you a trendsetter? you a trendsetter? YEARS RESOLUTIONS ONLY ONLY ONLY Match of the Day - 12th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 13th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 14th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 15th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 16th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 17th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 18th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 19th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 20th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 21st of June 2014 Match of the Day - 22nd of June 2014 Match of the Day - 23rd of June 2014 Match of the Day - 24th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 25th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 26th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 28th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 29th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 30th of June 2014 Match of the Day - 1st of July 2014 Match of the Day -4th of July 2014 Match of the Day - 5th of July 2014 Match of the Day - 8th of July 2014 Match of the Day - 9th of July 2014 Match of the Day - 12th of July 2014 Match of the Day - 13th of July 2014 Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge popular instrument your car Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge YOU FAST ENOUGH? festival will take over Habbo this summer? Samba Community Challenge Challenge the word! CHALLENGE's Community Challenge Habbocalypse headgear! the 15 years of Habbo's awesome pixel past Challenge! Challenge - 16th-21st April a part of this eco-friendly Community Goal Challenge deadline 23 of February Challenge DARK DRAGONS AWAIT vs Healthy Challenge Challenge Challenge Winter Look Challenge - JUST TODAY Challenge GOES PLASTIC do you think will win the match on the 10th of July, when Portugal is playing against France do you think will win the match on the 25th of June, when [Country X] is playing against [country Y] do you think will win the match on 26th of June, when France is playing against Ireland? do you think will win the match on 27th of June, when [Country X] is playing against [country Y] do you think will win the match on 30th of June, when Poland is playing against Portugal? do you think will win the match on 1st of July, when Wales is playing against Belgium? do you think will win the match on 2nd of July, when Germany is playing against Italy do you think will win the match on 3th on July, when [Country X] is playing against [country Y] do you think will win the match on 6th of July, when Portugal is playing against Wales do you think will win the match on 7th of July, when Germany is playing against France team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Austria. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Sweden. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Mexico. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is France. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Belgium. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Uruguay. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is England. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Colombia In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Saudi Arabia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Peru. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Russia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Senegal. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Tunes. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Brazil. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Germany. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Spain. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is the Golden World Cup Shirt. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Switzerland. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Panama. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Australia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Argentina. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is South Korea. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Morocco. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Portugal. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which team you want to support by clicking in the corresponding button. If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo national team shirts. Today's collectible badge is Costa Rica. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the badge. one of these do you think is going to be the seasonal trend this year? Habbos - YOU need to decide. Those that vote for the look that receives the most votes will receive a special badge and a March sloth prize furni! one of these do you think is going to be the seasonal trend this year? Habbos - YOU need to decide. Those that vote for the look that receives the most votes will receive a special badge and a March sloth prize furni! one of these do you think is going to be the seasonal trend this year? Habbos - YOU need to decide. Those that vote for the look that receives the most votes will receive a special badge and a March sloth prize furni! one of these do you think is going to be the seasonal trend this year? Habbos - YOU need to decide. Those that vote for the look that receives the most votes will receive a special badge and a March sloth prize furni! your inventory for a brand new FREE Resolution Furni. Select an achievement and complete it by the set deadline to turn the Furni into a great Trophy. If you want to make more than one resolution, you can get another Furni from the Shop. your side: the battle between Guitar and Drums has just begun! A badge is waiting for all the voters of the winning side! your side: the battle between Rock Music and Disco Music has just begun! A badge is waiting all the voters of the winning side! your side: the battle between Record and CD just began! A badge is waiting for all the voters of the winning side! team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Algeria. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: USA. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 13-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Belgium. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 14-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Australia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 15-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Russia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 16-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Colombia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 17-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Costa Rica. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 18-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Croatia. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge.The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 19-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Ecuador. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 20-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: England. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 21-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: France. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 22-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Switzerland In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 23-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Ghana. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 24-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Japan. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 25-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Greece. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 26-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Italy. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 28-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Uruguay. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 29-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Mexico. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 30-06-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Netherlands. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 01-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Portugal. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 4-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Chile. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 5-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Spain. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 08-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Germany. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 9-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Argentina. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 12-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. team are you supporting in this match? Choose which Team you want to support by clicking on the corresponding button on the right. You will be given a badge - wear it with pride! If your team wins you'll get one of the collectible Habbo National teams flags Badges. Today's collectible Badge is: Brazil. In case there is a tie, both supporters will get the Badge. The voting period for this match ends at 17:00 BST, 13-07-2014, and the Supporters Badge will disappear at the same time. Pirates and Vikings are serious football geeks and they're getting ready for this month's big match: Madrid vs. Barcelona. The Pirates say the teams will score 3 or LESS goals between them, while the Vikings they say there will be MORE than 3 goals. Choose the right side to win a badge! City is one of the hottest cities in the world. Pirates forecast the temperature to be LOWER than 32 degrees Celsius on 22/04/2016. Vikings think that climate change will increase the temperature there and that it will be HOTTER than 32 degrees. Choose the right prediction to win a badge! the seven seas takes time, so Pirates and Vikings enjoy music on their travels. While Pirates prefer Justin Bieber, Vikings like dancing to Selena Gomez songs. They're arguing over who will increase their fan base more on Twitter over the next week (as a percentage). If you choose the right side, you'll win a badge! you like Pizza? Of course you do! Everyone likes it! So let's get started: find a Habbo Pizza and start eating as much as you can! most Habbos want to go crazy on the Basement Band Drum Kit or will they prefer the Basement Band Synth? Results are measured after March 21. Correct guesses will be rewarded with a cool badge and the red panda furni. The 100th habbo that votes correctly will be rewarded with all 3 new Basement band instruments! you've completed all six Habbo Traffic games and got your Habbo Driving License, which car would you drive? Each Habbo that completes ALL SIX of the games AND votes in the community challenge will be rewarded with the winning temporary car effect and an awesome January sloth!! All of the Easter pets have turned into blocks of pixels! We need your help to correct this. Each time you play one of our Easter games, the Habbo Easter garden becomes slightly more eco-friendly. As a reward for this, the animals will return. The more animals are set free, the higher the meter goes. If the challenge is completed, everyone who has contributed will receive an extra badge! winner of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest was Sweden, with 365 points. This year, do you think the winner will get MORE, or LESS than 632 points? Guess right to get a Jade Sloth and a badge! you feeling the Eurovision Song Contest spirit, Habbos? Our Hotel is representing and supporting many candidates. Who do you think will rank higher? Vote now - if you're right, you'll get a badge! you think this year's Eurovision winner will beat Netta Barzilai, getting more or less points than the 529 she got with her song "Toy"? someone say food fight? Get ready for fast, food-packed action! Save your meals and destroy your opponents! ensure your festival is the most popular, you'll need to play as many games as possible and grab every badge that's available. The more badges Habbos from your festival acquire, the more the meter's arrow points to your side. The festival with the most badges will go down in Habbo history as the Habbo Festival of 2019, and everyone who helped make it happen will, of course, win a special badge and a Turquoise Panda! together with your friends for a public display of happiness! Enter any public room and start dancing in the FULL spirit of Habbo Samba Carnival. This challenge has three levels - unlock each one to get a different badge. the latest Fashion trend straight from Paris! Get some Flip Flops with socks and make sure to be part of the coolest Habbo´s in the hotel! this week only, we are hosting a super duper, spectacularly exciting #FRIENDATHON! Invite your friends to come and join the Habbo party - current users count too! - and let's get everyone ONLINE!" us test out the Furni-Matic by exchanging your Furni for all-new Scifi pieces, every Habbo who uses the recycler will receive an exclusive badge! a list of your best friends and start giving them gifts for Valentine's. It feels great, right? If you help achieve the Community Challenge goal you also get a badge! better be ready because the Habbocalypse is here! Gather blue and purple crystals and then go and craft Habbocalypse masks and helmets! The more Habbocalypse headgear you craft, the more the meter rises. Beat the community challenge with your friends and other Habbos to get a Master Crafter badge! Habbo, join the birthday celebrations with this Community Challenge! Get together with your friends and say 'Happy Birthday Habbo!' on the 15th and 16th of August. If we reach the goal, all participants will receive an awesome badge! Instagram is growing! ( Go check it out - there are prizes on offer! By October 31, how many followers do you think we'll have? into the Space Invaders Public Room and get one of the 10 available Badges. This way you will contribute to unlock the Badge that masters all! off the lights in Habbo for Earth Hour 2015! Starting from the 26th until the 29th, use the Dimmers in your room to make it dark in Habbo and celebrate Earth Hour with all your friends. Join in with this challenge and help to hit the community goal to receive an exclusive Earth Hour Badge! is getting hot at the Serenity Spa. But how much? Take the love to the maximum by locking as many L0V3 Machines as you can. If the Community breaks the limits you can get the exclusive L0V3 2014 effect! us spread the Habbo-lympix spirit throughout the Hotel! If you can pass a torch on to other Habbos enough times, you'll receive an exclusive Torch Bearer badge! To take part, grab a torch from any Habbo-lympix Torch Furni and hand it to someone else. knows ninjas can't be spotted. But can you be there to see them disappear? Get your Ninja effect each time you buy Japanese Furni from the Shop. la la! France has a TON of fantastic food - do you have a sweet tooth, or are you a health food champion? Do you want to join this community challenge? Depending on your preference for sweet or healthy food, for the next week you can go to le marché and take as many sweet items OR vegetables as you can. The winning team will be presented with an AWESOME badge and a September Hippo! Just head to ¨Le Marché¨ room in the Navigator to participate! you think that Chris Froome will win the Tour de France again? your Clan's badge and start burning all the houses! Every time you doubl-click a Viking House wearing your Clan's badge you will win a point for your Team! You can find some houses in the Navigator. all the games during these days: There are 5 different badges for each game. The more you win, the higher the meter goes! Unlock the challenge and win an exclusive badge! look do you think will be a bigger hit this winter season in Habbo: A leather hoodie jacket that features a casual street style or a more stylish city classic flared trench coat? The 100th Habbo that votes correctly will be win with both jackets AND Wireless Earphones! a rose to every Habbo girl you meet... they all deserve one! A badge is waiting everyone who helps unlock this challenge! Xmas in Habbo you can choose who will bring you presents! Open the navigator and play the games on Santa's side to score points for Santa or play them on Mrs.Claus side if you want her to win! The one with more fans and points will bring a special present to ALL Habbos who enter the Hotel on Christmas day. Who will you play for: Santa or Mrs.Claus? you have any Plasto Furni lying around in a corner, acting all lazy like, now's the time to recycle it in the Ecotron for great (ecological) rewards! Note that during the Plastic Funeral the Ecotron only accepts Plasto furniture. on a horse today and start jumping to earn some EPIC prizes
Next reward: Pegasus wings for your horse! Into Action! to your hard work, you can soon get the Pegasus wings from the Shop!
Next reward: A donation to a Horse Charity- And the more you jump the more we'll donate! Wings Unlocked! to all of you, we will be donating funds to a horse related charity!
Next reward: We will donate a larger amount to the charity, and it'll be up to the Habbo community to decide what charity gets the donation! Into Action! to all of you. You have reached the highest level! We will be donating $10000 to a charity. The vote to determine what charity will receive the donation will happen after the Community Challenge ends. Into Action! resolutions made! slices of Pizza eaten pets saved missiles launched Habbos have danced already! Flip Flip Sock owners peak level: %totalAmount% friends online Furni fed to the Furni-Matic. Keep it up! Valentine's gifts given Masks Crafted said 'Happy Birthday Habbo' knocked %totalAmount% Space Invaders! Keep on going! Lights Dimmed L0V3 Machines locked. torches passed. Dragon Ninjas almost spotted! won already! gave %totalAmount% roses! Keep on going! plastics recycled. Keep it up! Shopping've made %jumps% jumps. Community has jumped %total%. Next reward unlocked at %jumpsleft% jumps!'ve made %jumps% out of a total of %total% making you the %rank% most active jumper. The community has %jumpsleft% jumps until the next reward is unlocked! CHALLENGE- DEADLINE 22ND MARCH!!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.NY2013Resolution=Get extra furnis from the shop
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.avidPizzaEater=Get me a pizza!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.fastfood=Launch Missiles!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.flipflopSocks=Get your item now!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.furniMatic=Check it out!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.giftgiver_val2016=Go and give a gift!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.habbocalypse=How to craft
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.lightsOn=Dim your lights!
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.loveMachine=Check the L0V3 Machines
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.lympix=Grab a torch >>
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text.ninjas=Go Ninja Go Ninja Go! your own market
landing.view.community_catalog_button.text=Start recycling!
landing.view.competition.hof.africaDesert.rankdesc.leader=Ancient Temple room competition winner
landing.view.competition.hof.africaDesert.rankdesc.other=Ancient Temple room competition runner-up
landing.view.competition.hof.africaJungle.rankdesc.leader=Tree-Fort room competition winner
landing.view.competition.hof.africaJungle.rankdesc.other=Tree-Fort room competition runner-up
landing.view.competition.hof.africaSavannah.rankdesc.leader=Wildlife Reserve Competition winner
landing.view.competition.hof.africaSavannah.rankdesc.other=Wildlife Reserve room runner-up
landing.view.competition.hof.badgemuseum1.rankdesc.leader=Badge Curator
landing.view.competition.hof.badgemuseum1.rankdesc.other=Badge Curator
landing.view.competition.hof.breedMonsterPlants.rankdesc.leader=Champion Breeder!
landing.view.competition.hof.furniMaticComp.rankdesc.leader=Furni-Matic Master
landing.view.competition.hof.gamesmaker.rankdesc.leader=Top Game Maker
landing.view.competition.hof.gamesmaker.rankdesc.other=Top Game Maker
landing.view.competition.hof.habboFameComp.rank.desc.leader=This Habbo is a super star!
landing.view.competition.hof.habboFameComp.rankdesc.leader=This Habbo is a super star!
landing.view.competition.hof.habboween12.rankdesc.leader=The Freakiest
landing.view.competition.hof.habboween12.rankdesc.other=Top 10 Freakshow
landing.view.competition.hof.hstarscompetition.rankdesc.leader=Most Famous
landing.view.competition.hof.hstarscompetition.rankdesc.other=Almost Famous
landing.view.competition.hof.hstarsroomcompetition.rankdesc.leader=The most famous Habbo!
landing.view.competition.hof.hstarsroomcompetition.rankdesc.other=So near, yet so far!
landing.view.competition.hof.hween12.rankdesc.leader=The Freakiest
landing.view.competition.hof.hween12.rankdesc.other=Top 10 Freakshow
landing.view.competition.hof.majesty.rankdesc.leader=Her Majesty's Secret Service room competition winner
landing.view.competition.hof.majesty.rankdesc.other=Her Majesty's Secret Service room competition runner-up
landing.view.competition.hof.points=%points% points
landing.view.competition.hof.starsRoomComp.rankdesc.leader=Super Star
landing.view.competition.hof.starsRoomComp2.rankdesc.leader=Super Star
landing.view.competition.hof.starsRoomComp2.rankdesc.other=Super Star
landing.view.competition.hof.steamRoomComp.rankdesc.leader=Top Steampunk Machine Builder
landing.view.competition.hof.steamRoomComp.rankdesc.other=Top Steampunk Machine Builder
landing.view.competition.hof.treatMonsterPlants.rankdesc.leader=First place! Awesome!
landing.view.competition.hof.treatMonsterPlants.rankdesc.other=Runner-up! Go for it!
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties1.rankdesc.leader=Top 10 in Yacht room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties1.rankdesc.other=Top 10 in Yacht room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties2.rankdesc.leader=Top 10 in Movie Premiere room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties2.rankdesc.other=Top 10 in Movie Premiere room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties3.rankdesc.leader=Top 10 in Vault Party room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.vipParties3.rankdesc.other=Top 10 in Vault Party room competition
landing.view.competition.hof.xmasRoomComp.rankdesc.leader=Defender from the cold!
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.caption=Prizes For Breeders Of The Unknown! the very best breeders we've got an awesome Man-Eating Plant trophy!
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.rewardinfo=Awww! They look married! So in love and so about to tear themselves apart...
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.rewardname=THE MAN-EATING PLANT TROPHY
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.trophyinscription=Monster plants breeding competition rank {0}
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.youarenotrankedinfo=Breed once to get ranked.
landing.view.competition.prizes.breedMonsterPlants.yourrankinfo=You're almost there! Keep on breeding!
landing.view.competition.prizes.rank=Rank %start%
landing.view.competition.prizes.ranks=Ranks %start%-%end%
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.caption=Competition Prizes prizes await those who dare to tend the terrors and face the unknown...
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.rewardinfo=Gold and great! And only given to the Habbo who comes in at No. 1!
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.rewardname=WATERING CAN (OF GREATNESS)
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.trophyinscription=Monster Plants Botnanist Of The Unknown Rank {0}
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.youarenotrankedinfo=Treat a plant to get ranked.
landing.view.competition.prizes.treatMonsterPlants.yourrankinfo=You're almost there! Keep on gardening!
landing.view.competition.prizes.youarenotranked=You're not ranked :(
landing.view.competition.prizes.yourfinalrank=Your final rank: %rank%
landing.view.competition.prizes.yourrank=Your current rank: %rank%
landing.view.competition.redeemprize.breedMonsterPlants=Your final rank in the BREEDER OF THE UNKNOWN competition was %rank%. You earned %prize%. Well done! Click the button to redeem the prize.
landing.view.competition.redeemprize.redeem=Get your prize!
landing.view.competition.redeemprize.treatMonsterPlants=Your final rank in our Tend The Terror competition was %rank%. You earned %prize%. Well done! Click the button to redeem the prize.
landing.view.concurrentusers.bodytext.success=Our target of users online at the same time was reached and the free prize unlocked!
landing.view.concurrentusers.bodytext=Now is a good time to gather up all your current and former Habbo friends - If we reach the amount of %userGoal% concurrent users in the %domain%, a special free gift is unlocked for all!
landing.view.concurrentusers.caption.success=You've done it!
landing.view.concurrentusers.caption=Let's break some records! currently logged in: %userCount%/%userGoal%
landing.view.concurrentusers.redeem=Redeem Award
landing.view.concurrentusers.reward=Your award: 100000 User Club Badge
landing.view.concurrentusers.title=User Challenge
landing.view.coral18cave.body=The Mermaids dropped some serious hints about this special cave... and now you can own it! Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.coral18cave.button=See the bundle
landing.view.coral18cave.header=Treasure Cave Bundle
landing.view.coral18chest.body=Coral Kingdom chests are available NOW for 24 hours! The magic, golden chests contain much better items - it's up to you to take your pick!
landing.view.coral18chest.button=Get a chest!
landing.view.coral18chest.header=Coral Kingdom Chests Available!
landing.view.coral18clothing.body=In the Catalogue is a selection of four new items of aquatic-themed clothing... will you collect all of them?
landing.view.coral18clothing.button=See the clothing
landing.view.coral18clothing.header=NEW: Coral Kingdom Clothing
landing.view.coral18furni.body=It's here! The all new Coral Kingdom furni line is in the Catalogue. Build your own version of Atlantis in Habbo TODAY!
landing.view.coral18furni.button=See the furni
landing.view.coral18furni.header=NEW: Coral Kingdom Furni
landing.view.coral18game.body=...and this summer he has booked a holiday to the mysterious Habbo Triangle Islands where he embarks upon a snorkeling expedition to discover if mermaids really exist. Pack your snorkel and join him now!
landing.view.coral18game.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.coral18game.header=Donnie Santini is back!
landing.view.coral18helmet.body=Pick up one of these rare antique helmets while you can. They still (just about) work for exploring underwater kingdoms!
landing.view.coral18helmet.button=See the rare
landing.view.coral18helmet.header=RARE Diver Helmet
landing.view.coral18horse.body=Ride around your underwater kingdom in pure and untrammelled regal style! This is a limited edition furni.
landing.view.coral18horse.button=See the LTD
landing.view.coral18horse.header=Royal Seahorse LTD!
landing.view.coral18house.body=Now that you've travelled all the way to the Coral Kingdom, make sure you buy a house here! Comes with exclusive badge. Bundle built by Jenneben (NL)
landing.view.coral18house.button=See the bundle
landing.view.coral18house.header=Underwater House Bundle
landing.view.coral18mask.body=Inspired by one of the most elegant sea creatures of the ocean, this rare mask is only available for a short time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.coral18mask.button=See the rare
landing.view.coral18mask.header=RARE Seahorse Mask
landing.view.coral18mermaid.body=Only mermaids have ever set foot in this idyllic spot. Now YOU get to live here! Comes with exclusive badge. Bundle built by Frission (COM)
landing.view.coral18mermaid.button=See the bundle
landing.view.coral18mermaid.header=Mermaid Lagoon Bundle
landing.view.coral18mirror.body=Even mermaids need their mirrors. Pick one of these rare Vanity Mirrors up while you can - they're only in the Catalogue for a short time!
landing.view.coral18mirror.button=See the rare
landing.view.coral18mirror.header=RARE Vanity Mirror
landing.view.coral18packs.body=Coral Kingdom packs are available NOW for 24 hours! It's up to you to take your pick!
landing.view.coral18packs.button=Get a pack!
landing.view.coral18packs.header=Coral Kingdom Packs
landing.view.coral18ship.body=This old ship has been aging away at the bottom of the sea. What secrets could lie inside? Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.coral18ship.button=See the bundle
landing.view.coral18ship.header=Sunken Ship Bundle
landing.view.coral18turtle.body=NEVER to be sold again, this rare and rideable Sea Turtle is by far the most effective method of transport in the Coral Kingdom.
landing.view.coral18turtle.button=See the rare
landing.view.coral18turtle.header=RARE Rideable Sea Turtle
landing.view.cp15banzai.body=It's noisy, messy and your favourite place on the whole army base. This camo coloured room bundle comes with all the fixings any military establishment would come to expect; food, friend, a place to hang your weapons… and never-before-released, extra special RARE ! Includes EXCLUSIVE Badge!
landing.view.cp15banzai.button=Check it out!
landing.view.cp15banzai.header=Military Mess Hall Bundle
landing.view.cp15chooseshf.button=Special H Forces
landing.view.cp15chooseteam.body=To ensure the future of Habbo, you must select your team and help us defeat the Bot Master! Will you join the well-equipped task-force team "Special H Forces" or the underground network of cybernauts known as "CyberPixels"?
landing.view.cp15chooseteam.header=Defeat the Bot Master!
landing.view.cp15clothing.body=Bright lights, big hoods and lots of neon - Cyberpunk clothing is straight from the streets of Neo-Habbo and ready for Habbos like you.
landing.view.cp15clothing.button=See the clothes
landing.view.cp15clothing.header=Habbo Couture: CyberPunk
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.body=Sirens in the distance and searchlights filling the sky - This bundle comes with everything the Neo-Habbo citizen could need to stay on the grid. Includes badge!
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.header=City of Neo-Habbo Bundle
landing.view.cp15grunge.body=Everything you didn't know you needed, in one super edgy bundle. This trendy pre-decorated loft apartment bundle is so cool, you'll never want to leave! Includes everything from super chic brick shelves, to your very own Bobba juice bar - PLUS a badge!
landing.view.cp15grunge.button=Check it out
landing.view.cp15grunge.header=Grunge Loft Bundle
landing.view.cp15ltd.body=High from the sky, surveying the Habbos below, RoboFrank is watching everything. Controlled by the allusive Master Bot, this LTD surveys the streets of Neo-Habbo
landing.view.cp15ltd.header=RoboFrank LTD is watching...
landing.view.cp15newfurni.body=Light-filled cityscapes and brightly lit skyscrapers looming overhead...This is the dark, dark furni line of the future. The future called Neo-Habbo.
landing.view.cp15newfurni.button=See the furni
landing.view.cp15newfurni.header=Big City, High Tech - Cyberpunk is here
landing.view.cp15stpat.body=All the way from Ireland, this wee little bundle comes packed with a ton of furni PLUS a merry little Leprechaun, full of energy and ready to make your day! This room comes full of ways for your new Irish friend to cause trouble. Includes badge.
landing.view.cp15stpat.button=Check it out
landing.view.cp15stpat.header=St. Patricks Day Bundle
landing.view.cp15wired.body=Ever wanted to build AWESOME game rooms and be Habbo famous? Or play awesome pranks on your friends? Or simply have a bit of fun changing your bot's look or clothing? Then wired is for you! These handy furni have endless potential...
landing.view.cp15wired.button=Find out more
landing.view.cp15wired.header=Wired, wired, everywhere! Shopping finished today's quest with flying colors.
Now hop along to spend your reward! :) Completed!'s do this left to complete the quest:'S QUEST
landing.view.dalibundle.body=In honor of the great artist, Salvador Dali, we have created a SURREAL DEAL on this dream-like room bundle, just for you! From waterfalls and butterflies, to soft seating for your guests to melt into…This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge! Available via direct purchase and credits.
landing.view.dalibundle.button=I want it!
landing.view.dalibundle.header=Melting pixels everywhere!
landing.view.darkduck.body=Don't miss the daredevil Duck defending the city of from rapscallion's attempting to take over! Simply head over to Habbo Stories to join in on this action packed adventure…
landing.view.darkduck.button=Starting 21st Nov.
landing.view.darkduck.header=Dark Duck Descends!
landing.view.dcex15.body=Due to recent service issues, we want to be extra certain EVERY Habbo has had a chance to take advantage of Double Credits… so we've extended until 28th of October.
landing.view.dcex15.button=Check it out
landing.view.dcex15.header=Double Credits EXTENDED!
landing.view.deep_sea_bundle.body=Hold your breath and take the plunge with this AWESOME room bundle! Pre-decorated with everything from sandy floors to ambient jellyfish lighting - This bundle even includes a SUPER COOL badge! Only available via credits.
landing.view.deep_sea_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.deep_sea_bundle.header=Deep Sea Den Bundle
landing.view.deepsearoombundle.body=Hold your breath and take the plunge with this AWESOME room bundle! Pre-decorated with everything from sandy floors to ambient jellyfish lighting - This bundle even includes a SUPER COOL badge! Available via direct purchase + credits
landing.view.deepsearoombundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.deepsearoombundle.header=Deep Sea Den Room Bundle
landing.view.diamondland.body=We have some exciting changes happening in the Hotel. The much loved Loyalty points scheme is being transitioned to 'Diamonds'! PLUS, from the Hedonistic pig to the Loyal Elk, these classic Loyalty Rares are making an exit from the Hotel to make way for a huge list of awesome NEW ones!
landing.view.diamondland.button=Find out more!
landing.view.diamondland.header=Goodbye, Loyalty Points…Hello, Diamonds!
landing.view.displaygift.body=You can now gift badge displays - head to the shop and select your badge display and the badge you want to give. We've even added a couple of new badge displays!
landing.view.displaygift.button=Go to shop
landing.view.displaygift.header=Give the gift of badges!
landing.view.dolphin.body=New Rare Dolphin Statue now in the loyalty catalogue (240 Diamonds)! Get a bonus 120 points when you buy 120c in a given month!
landing.view.dolphin.header=Rare Loyalty Dolphin
landing.view.doomsdayny1.body=Just in case, we'd like to give you a special Badge: The Survivor. Hit the button to get yours. Then, cross your fingers until tomorrow…
landing.view.doomsdayny1.button=Get my Badge
landing.view.doomsdayny1.header=Is today the end of the world?
landing.view.doublediamond.bodytext=For this weekend only, get Double Diamonds! That's one Diamond for every Credit! You can use Diamonds to purchase exclusive items or convert them into Credits.
landing.view.doublediamond.header=DOUBLE DIAMONDS!
landing.view.dragon.body=The Rare Eastern Dragon appears but once a decade on the final days of the Chinese Lunar Year of the Dragon. Buy yours from the shop, while it sticks around.
landing.view.dragon.button=Go to shop
landing.view.dragon.header=Say Goodbye to the Year of the Dragon
landing.view.ducketevents.body=Events are back - get your rooms seen by your audience once again! It was another big request from Habbos around the world and now we are able to relaunch it thanks to Duckets. Use them to get your rooms promoted in the Navigator and max out your areas!
landing.view.ducketevents.header=Events are back!
landing.view.eas15LTD.body=Sweeter than a baby bunny, these LTDs are going to melt your heart like chocolate in the sun. Each of the FIVE unique Bunnies will be available in extremely limited quantities… so don't miss out!
landing.view.eas15LTD.header=Sweet, sweet, LTDs
landing.view.eas15alienbundle.body=The sleek modern green and black décor is only the tip of this super cool iceberg. This pre-decorated room bundle comes packed with everything you need for you and your friends to party the night away…
landing.view.eas15alienbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.eas15alienbundle.header=Club Alien Bundle
landing.view.eas15alienparty.body=After almost a year in the making, we think it's about freaking time and we are ready to CELEBRATE! Head over to Club Alien for prizes, competitions and a celebration to remember...
landing.view.eas15alienparty.button=Visit Club Alien
landing.view.eas15alienparty.header=Habbo for Android Launch P-A-R-T-Y!
landing.view.eas15androidvid.body=You've been waiting…and waiting…and Habbo for Android has FINALLY arrived! We hope you are as excited as we are for the awesome new addition. Note: Available for 4.2 version and higher
landing.view.eas15androidvid.button=See the video
landing.view.eas15androidvid.header=Habbo for Android is here.
landing.view.eas15bcfurni.body=Welcome to Santini Factory, where everything is edible - even the stuff that really shouldn't be. From gum drop chairs to popsicle trees - It's all available now in BC!
landing.view.eas15bcfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.eas15bcfurni.header=Santini Corp Furni comes to BC!
landing.view.eas15bonbonbundle.body=Come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure… candy! This delicious pre-decorated room bundle comes packed with only the finest sugar-coated furni that Santini Corp has to offer. Includes badge!
landing.view.eas15bonbonbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.eas15bonbonbundle.header=Santini BonBon Bundle
landing.view.eas15brtrnaturbundle.body=This room meant to be explored includes EXCLUSIVE Bundle Badge + Bamboo Rare (and it's own Badge)
landing.view.eas15brtrnaturbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.eas15brtrnaturbundle.header=Take care of Mother Nature
landing.view.eas15clothing.body=Straight from the runways of Milan, Habbo Candy Couture has launched. This stylish AND sweet clothing is sure to get you noticed!
landing.view.eas15clothing.button=Check it out
landing.view.eas15clothing.header=Habbo Candy Couture is here
landing.view.eas15doublecreds.body=Have you been saving for a special furni? Or a lovely house for your little leprechaun? Or dreaming of joining Habbo Club? Well it's that special time of year - DOUBLE CREDITS! Don't miss out on this inCREDITble deal! Available until 26th April.
landing.view.eas15doublecreds.button=To the credits page!
landing.view.eas15doublecreds.header=Double credits, double fun!
landing.view.eas15flower.body=Welcome to Habbo Farms - your very own slice of pixel heaven. Filled with flowers from the soil to the sky, this pre-decorated room bundle is packed with everything the blossoming green-fingered gardener could need! Perfect place for a romantic picnic, or an afternoon ride on your horse! Don't miss out...
landing.view.eas15flower.button=Check it out!
landing.view.eas15flower.header=Frank's Floral Farm Bundle
landing.view.eas15hipad.body=For a LIMITED time, get the chance to have your very own HiPad Store! With a classic and slick design, this room bundle is sure to please even the pickiest of Habbos. Gather your HiPad Geniuses and put on your blue t-shirts - HiPad store is here.
landing.view.eas15hipad.button=Check it out!
landing.view.eas15hipad.header=HiPad Store Bundle
landing.view.eas15million.body=In just under a year, we are SO excited to be able to announce that we have reached 1 MILLION downloads! Hurry over to the HiPad store to receive your FREE thank you gift + badge!
landing.view.eas15million.button=Visit the HiPad Store
landing.view.eas15million.header=OH HEY, 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS!
landing.view.eas15obbah.body=These mischievous little pets have travelled all the way from the deep jungles of WobbahLand! Adorable as they are naughty, these little guys love a good sing-a-long. Available for a short time - don't miss out!
landing.view.eas15obbah.button=See the pet
landing.view.eas15obbah.header=Obbah Wobbah's march into the Hotel
landing.view.eas15obbahrare.body=Golden of colour, and mischievous in nature…these RARE little pets have travelled all the way from the deep jungles of WobbahLand! Adorable as they are naughty, these little guys love a good sing-a-long. RARE Available for a short time - don't miss out!
landing.view.eas15obbahrare.button=See the pet
landing.view.eas15obbahrare.header=Rare Obbah Wobbah
landing.view.easter13egg.body=How many taps does it take to crack an egg? 1? 2 maybe? Habbo eggs need a slightly firmer tap, think you've got what it takes to crack a prize out of them? Some eggs take more taps to crack (get your friends to help) but have a bigger surprise.
landing.view.easter13egg.button=Egg shop!
landing.view.easter13egg.header=Time to crack some eggs!
landing.view.easter13rares.body=We recently took a little trip to the shores of Easter Island and we gound some peculiar items!
landing.view.easter13rares.button=Take a look!
landing.view.easter13rares.header=We have Easter Rares!
landing.view.easter14furni.body=Easter is almost upon us and this year it´s bringing flowers, teleports and, of course, eggs with it! From the floral-inspired Flower Power lines, to the adorable bunnies and ducks to fill your rooms - Get egg-cited!
landing.view.easter14furni.button=Check out the furni
landing.view.easter14furni.header=EGG-citing Easter Furni!
landing.view.easter14ltd.body=Hand crafted from the finest pixel jewels, created by the famous 'Frank Habberge', these eggs are sure to add style to your room. Each egg will be available in limited quantities, and once sold out will be unavailable! With FIVE eggs in this unique LTD series, you won't want to miss out…
landing.view.easter14ltd.button=See the series
landing.view.easter14ltd.header=LTD Habberge Egg Series
landing.view.easter14ltd1.button=Check out the First LTD!
landing.view.easter14ltd2.button=Check out the Second LTD!
landing.view.easter14ltd3.button=Check out the Third LTD!
landing.view.easter14ltd4.button=Check out the Fourth LTD!
landing.view.easter14ltd5.button=Check out the Fifth LTD!
landing.view.easter14pets.body=For every awesome bunny or chick you buy, you will get some super cool badges. Pink Chick...Blue Bunny...Green Chick...Yellow Bunny - Hop to the shop and save some money! (But be patient, badges will be delivered next week!)
landing.view.easter14pets.header=Bunnies and chicks HOPPED back to the Shop
landing.view.easter14questentry.body=Discover today's mystery of Lagomorph Island, a place where Easter goes version and you can get different prizes every day.
landing.view.easter14questentry.button=Explore the Island
landing.view.easter14questentry.header=Lagomorph Island Secrets
landing.view.easter14rares.body=The flowers are blooming and the eggs are decorated...Easter Rares 2014 are finally here! These groovy rares are only available for a limited time, about 6-8 hours, so make sure to watch the clock...
landing.view.easter14rares.button=Check the schedule
landing.view.easter14rares.header=Eye-popping Easter RARES!
landing.view.easter15candy1.body=Today, the Santini Corporation produced a sublime piece of candy with a chocolate bouquet and a pearly touch. Its light brown colors are reminiscent of exotic landscapes. Its magnificent taste makes me think about…, wet dogs in a gutter?? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy1.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy1.header=The Taster diaries: Choco Disc
landing.view.easter15candy10.body=The Santini Corporation paints all its candies by hand. Painters like Leonardo, Pollock, Dalí and Frida Kahlo decorated some memorable pieces. Candies made with the art of their brushes, colored with their paint tubes! Born from the genius minds of genuine artists! Originated in their mythical studios as masterpieces of creativity! And here we have them! All for us! Is that a hair? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy10.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy10.header=The Taster diaries: Lathers
landing.view.easter15candy2.body=Santini Corporation is glad to premiere a small piece of heaven shaped in honey crystals and angelical filaments. The sweetest creation after months of hard and affectionate work results in a flavor between honey and…, is that wax? No way, is that earwax? How does earwax taste? Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy2.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy2.header=The Taster diaries: Honey Crystals
landing.view.easter15candy3.body=Specialists in sweet, silky textures, the Santini Corporation made a small edition of elegant, colorful and 'not sticky at all' fruit flavored delicacies. They'll melt in your mouth with a hint of exotic resin. Perhaps too much resin? Definitely a lot of resin. Hmm, Is there a dwentist in the rwoom??!
landing.view.easter15candy3.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy3.header=The Taster diaries: Shup Gummy
landing.view.easter15candy4.body=Bitter sweet symphonies from Santini the Corporation HIFI flavor factory. There is a liquorice, sugar, mint and chocolate minimalistic creations for you to enjoy withall 5 of your senses. Listen to the music played when unwrapping the candy; see its beautiful shape; feel the softness; smell its rat scent; taste its rotten egg flavor?? Ewww!!
landing.view.easter15candy4.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy4.header=The Taster diaries: Liquo Rolly
landing.view.easter15candy5.body=The Santini Corporation made ambrosia for gods with this small piece of sweet craftwork. Its delicate stuffing slides on your palate like the night on the artic winters…, like the snow on the high mountains..., like polar bears on ice, no, like fish on polar bear fingers? Like buckets full of fish? My gosh! Spit it! Spit it! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy5.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy5.header=The Taster diaries: Rainbow Cones
landing.view.easter15candy6.body=A gemstone at your fingertips, thanks to the Santini Corporation, enclosing the fantasy of ancient tales. Recall your childhood memories in one bite…, two bites…, 5 bites! 1 million bites!! Please, please! I can't stand it! Don't give that to me anymore! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy6.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy6.header=The Taster diaries: White Cubes
landing.view.easter15candy7.body=Red is the color of passion and passion is the specialty of the Santini Corporation. This enigmatic candy is made with the red of rainbows; the brilliance of red fires! The beauty of red summer sunsets!! The awful taste of red blood in raw liver pies!!! Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy7.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy7.header=The Taster diaries: Bombonberries
landing.view.easter15candy8.body=The Santini Corporation took all the good things in life and beyond life -from coffee aromas, cinema evenings, endless vacations and infinite kisses- to crystalize it all in candy form. Umm! Then they skewed it with an elegant stick to enjoy it little by little. Yum! And, 3 *slurps* later, my eyes are pointing to the bottom of the toilet bowl. Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy8.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy8.header=The Taster diaries: LolliBooms
landing.view.easter15candy9.body=After years traveling all around the world, the master of masters in Santini Corporation came up with a new creation. Candies made of memories from Africa; Arabic exoticism; American dreams; European avant-gardes! Asiatic asiaticism! Australian Oceaniticism! And then, and then you taste it! And then you expend some seconds waiting for that special flavor! And then it is coming! And then! And then it tastes like the socks of a backpacker after 2 months travelling. Ewww!
landing.view.easter15candy9.button=Take one
landing.view.easter15candy9.header=The Taster diaries: Vanilly Wafers
landing.view.easter16bonbon.body=As well as a brand new and EXCLUSIVE duck furni, this classic Easter bundle contains enough cake for a lifetime!
landing.view.easter16bonbon.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter16bonbon.header=Get your Santini BonBon Bundle!
landing.view.easter16burnish.body=Polished to absolute perfection, the egg inside this LTD radiates a soft, spiritual light. Limited edition, badge included!
landing.view.easter16burnish.button=Check out the LTD
landing.view.easter16burnish.header=Get your Burnished Habberge Egg LTD!
landing.view.easter16cata.body=We've added a TON of jazzy variations to the Pura and Iced furni lines. You NEED to see them, just head over to the Catalogue!
landing.view.easter16cata.button=Check it out!
landing.view.easter16cata.header=Major Catalogue update!
landing.view.easter16cloth.body=The biggest clothing update for YEARS just landed in the Catalogue. We'll say no more - just GO LOOK!
landing.view.easter16cloth.button=See the new clothing!
landing.view.easter16cloth.header=BRAND NEW clothing update!
landing.view.easter16crown.body=This rare crown boasts some of the most remarkable jewels in Habbo. But be quick - it's only available for 72 hours!
landing.view.easter16crown.button=Look at the Rare
landing.view.easter16crown.header=New: Noble Crown Rare!
landing.view.easter16dragon.body=The real treasure is inside this egg - an adorable, slumbering and cerulean-blue baby dragon! Limited amount available.
landing.view.easter16dragon.button=See the LTD
landing.view.easter16dragon.header=Dragon Habberge Egg LTD is HERE.
landing.view.easter16efflor.body=Exuding a potent fragrance that saturates the air around it, this egg is a perfume POWERHOUSE. Badge included!
landing.view.easter16efflor.button=Check out the LTD
landing.view.easter16efflor.header=Efflorescent Habberge Egg LTD out NOW.
landing.view.easter16escape.body=DON'T miss your chance to find the Easter Bunny's pile of treasureand earn EIGHTEEN different badges!
landing.view.easter16escape.button=Check the navigator
landing.view.easter16escape.header=Easter Escape Game!
landing.view.easter16glass.body=Available for 72 hours only, these designer sunglasses are ideal for those long, hot summer days. Are YOU going to miss out?
landing.view.easter16glass.button=Look at the Rare
landing.view.easter16glass.header=New: Oversized Sunglasses Rare!
landing.view.easter16hfwgames.body=In this game, you need to REALLY impress Alessandro Donati. There are multiple badges available - go and get involved!
landing.view.easter16hfwgames.button=Check the navigator
landing.view.easter16hfwgames.header=Fashion Week Game!
landing.view.easter16jelly.body=Not only does this bundle contain an EXCLUSIVE Duck Hat, it also comes with a whole range of weirdly wonderful plants!
landing.view.easter16jelly.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter16jelly.header=Get your Jellybean Jungle Bundle!
landing.view.easter16mermaid.body=Doubling as a perfect Mermaid accessory AND an awesome, multi-shaded blue hairstyle, this rare is NOT to be missed!
landing.view.easter16mermaid.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter16mermaid.header=New: Rare Mermaid Hair!
landing.view.easter16runway.body=With four badges and three exclusive furni, the full version of this bundle is NOT to be overlooked. Go check it out!
landing.view.easter16runway.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter16runway.header=New: Fashion Week Runway Bundle!
landing.view.easter16space.body=Exploring the darker frontiers of Habbo space just got a lot easier. Get this sparkling RARE helmet while you can!
landing.view.easter16space.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter16space.header=New: Spaceman Helmet Rare!
landing.view.easter16verdant.body=This egg has a mystical, iridescent sheen. Don't miss your chance to get it! Limited edition, badge included.
landing.view.easter16verdant.button=See the LTD
landing.view.easter16verdant.header=Get your Verdant Habberge Egg LTD!
landing.view.easter17bunny.body=Which bunny breed have you ALWAYS wanted? Hold that thought. Now visit the Catalogue - they're ALL there until 11/04!
landing.view.easter17bunny.button=Get a Bunny Pet
landing.view.easter17bunny.header=Pick up a Bunny Pet!
landing.view.easter17chick.body=This Easter, we bring you avian cuteness on demand. Chick, or pigeon? Pigeon... or chick? Why not both?
landing.view.easter17chick.button=See the Chicks
landing.view.easter17chick.header=Chick and Pigeons Available!
landing.view.easter17chicken.body=Wear this hen hat for too long and it might lay an egg! (It won't). This item is rare and only EVER available until 17/04.
landing.view.easter17chicken.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter17chicken.header=New RARE Hen Hat!
landing.view.easter17cloth.body=Two new country hair styles and a special cook's apron have been placed permanently in the Catalogue. Get cooking!
landing.view.easter17cloth.button=See the new clothing!
landing.view.easter17cloth.header=NEW: Farmer Clothing!
landing.view.easter17coop.body=This bundle contains CHICKENS! Feed them, raise them, or FRY them. Fully made with new Great Farm Bake furni!
landing.view.easter17coop.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter17coop.header=NEW: Chicken Coop Bundle
landing.view.easter17cow.body=A rare beanie, perfect for frosty mornings picking berries, or freezing night trips to feed the chickens. Until 24/04.
landing.view.easter17cow.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter17cow.header=New RARE Cow Beanie!
landing.view.easter17cutout.body=Lovingly crafted by farmers, for Habbos - this is the perfect picture taking opportunity! Available until 10/04.
landing.view.easter17cutout.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter17cutout.header=RARE Farmer Photo Stand!
landing.view.easter17farm.body=Containing a generous handful of the brand new Great Farm Bake furni, this bundle will transport you to rural tranquility!
landing.view.easter17farm.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter17farm.header=Great Farm Bake Bundle
landing.view.easter17floral.body=Deep within Habbo is a small, hidden cabin, surrounded by magical flowers and plants. Until 30/04, YOU can own it.
landing.view.easter17floral.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter17floral.header=Floral Farm Bundle
landing.view.easter17goldencow.body=What Habbo farmyard is complete without a special GOLD cow breed? Available for a limited time, get one today!
landing.view.easter17goldencow.button=See the Gold Cow Pet!
landing.view.easter17goldencow.header=Grab a GOLD Cow Pet
landing.view.easter17harvest.body=Fashioned from super high-quality bronze, this limited edition statue brings good luck to farmers all year round.
landing.view.easter17harvest.button=Check out the LTD
landing.view.easter17harvest.header=Goddess of Harvest LTD!
landing.view.easter17horse.body=Feeling weird? Or have you just always wanted to own a Crazy Mare Face? Here's the PERFECT item.
landing.view.easter17horse.button=See the Rare
landing.view.easter17horse.header=RARE Crazy Mare Face!
landing.view.easter17kitchen.body=Combi Stove: check. Jam: check. Now just bring some chocolate and flour, and you're set. It's time to COOK! (Habbo-made)
landing.view.easter17kitchen.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter17kitchen.header=NEW: Farmer's Kitchen Bundle
landing.view.easter17lepre.body=This Easter, the energetic Irish mischief-maker that everyone absolutely LOVES is back. Get yours today!
landing.view.easter17lepre.button=See the little guy!
landing.view.easter17lepre.header=The Leprechaun is back!
landing.view.easter17new.body=This year, Easter is a time to slow down, taste the sweet country air, plant seeds and bake cakes! Furni available until 30/04.
landing.view.easter17new.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter17new.header=NEW: Great Farm Bake Furni!
landing.view.easter17obbah.body=These mischievous little guys are BACK in Habbo, fresh from the deep and infamous jungles of WobbahLand!
landing.view.easter17obbah.button=Get an Obbah Wobbah
landing.view.easter17obbah.header=Obbah Wobbah Pets Available!
landing.view.easter17old.body=From today: classic Easter furni along with the famous Candyland, Lagomorph + Flower Power lines are BACK in the Catalogue.
landing.view.easter17old.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter17old.header=BACK: Classic Easter Furni!
landing.view.easter17petcow.body=We're extremely pleased and proud to present the new cow pet! Get one of 20 different breeds from the Cow Pet box.
landing.view.easter17petcow.button=See the Cow Pet!
landing.view.easter17petcow.header=NEW Cow Pet has arrived!
landing.view.easter18bonzai.body=The perfect centrepiece for any indoor OR outdoor garden, this fountain is a must have for any aspiring collector. Emanates tranquility.
landing.view.easter18bonzai.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.easter18bonzai.header=RARE Bonzai Fountain!
landing.view.easter18bunny.body=Which bunny breed have you always wanted? Hold that thought. Now visit the Catalogue - they're ALL there!
landing.view.easter18bunny.button=See the Bunnys
landing.view.easter18bunny.header=Pick up a Bunny Pet!
landing.view.easter18chick.body=This Easter, we bring you avian cuteness on demand. Chick, or pigeon? Pigeon... or chick? Why not both?
landing.view.easter18chick.button=See the Chicks
landing.view.easter18chick.header=Chick and Pigeons Available!
landing.view.easter18clothing.body=Our designers have crafted a selection of new clothing for you all! Will you collect them all?
landing.view.easter18clothing.button=See the Clothing!
landing.view.easter18clothing.header=NEW Clothing!
landing.view.easter18coop.body=This bundle contains CHICKENS! Feed them, raise them, or fry them. Also comes with 15 exclusive Snowdrop Seed packs.
landing.view.easter18coop.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter18coop.header=Chicken Coop Bundle
landing.view.easter18egghunt.body=Travel to the lost Easter world and embark on an egg hunt of TREMENDOUS proportions! Just don't forget your coat...
landing.view.easter18egghunt.button=Go to the Navigator!
landing.view.easter18egghunt.header=The Magic Easter Egg Hunt!
landing.view.easter18forest.body=Stuffed FULL of classic Easter furni, the Enchanted Forest bundle is a real steal of a deal. Included are 15 exclusive Lupin Seed packs.
landing.view.easter18forest.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter18forest.header=Enchanted Forest Bundle
landing.view.easter18friend.body=Visit public rooms to meet other Habbos and trade for one of two ingredients you need to craft the four new clothing items!
landing.view.easter18friend.button=Open the Navigator
landing.view.easter18friend.header=Friendship Fusion is HERE!
landing.view.easter18game.body=In this month's games, you need to show off your green credentials and take action against pixel polluters. Do this and set different species of animal free!
landing.view.easter18game.button=Go to the Navigator!
landing.view.easter18game.header=Easter Garden Games!
landing.view.easter18garden.body=Double the size, double the value! Built exclusively with the new Easter Garden furni. Included are15 exclusive Rose Seed packs.
landing.view.easter18garden.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter18garden.header=Easter Garden Bundle
landing.view.easter18gnome.body=It's that time of year! Now is your chance to pick up both Gnomes AND Obbah Wobbahs. Don't miss out!
landing.view.easter18gnome.button=See the Pets
landing.view.easter18gnome.header=Gnome + Obbah Wobbahs Now Available!
landing.view.easter18habberge.body=This magnificient Habberge Egg is available in extremely limited numbers. Will YOU be one of the owners?
landing.view.easter18habberge.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.easter18habberge.header=Butterfly Habberge Egg LTD!
landing.view.easter18hat.body=Keep your head warm with this cute little bunny hat! Get one while you can: they're not in the Catalogue for long!
landing.view.easter18hat.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.easter18hat.header=RARE Bunny Hat!
landing.view.easter18lepre.body=Mischevious little Irish trouble makers and lovely gentle Cows... two pets you don't want to miss out on. Get yours today!
landing.view.easter18lepre.button=See the Pets
landing.view.easter18lepre.header=Leprechaun and Cow Pets available!
landing.view.easter18mammoth.body=Awwww... a bunny the size of a car. Who could resist? She's ADORABLE! Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.easter18mammoth.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.easter18mammoth.header=RARE Mammoth Bunny!
landing.view.easter18mask.body=Only available for a short time, this mask is the PERFECT accessory to wear around the Hotel this Easter.
landing.view.easter18mask.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.easter18mask.header=RARE Bunny Mask!
landing.view.easter18new.body=We've been hard at work preparing a brand new furni line - Easter Garden. It's just been released, go and have a look!
landing.view.easter18new.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter18new.header=NEW: Easter Garden Furni!
landing.view.easter18old.body=It's that time of year, Habbos. All your Easter favourites have landed in the Catalogue. Pick them up while you can!
landing.view.easter18old.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter18old.header=BACK: Classic Easter Furni!
landing.view.easter18tree.body=Pick up your own little Easter treehouse hideaway this year! Included are 15 exclusive Tulip Seed packs. Built by Frission (.COM)
landing.view.easter18tree.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter18tree.header=Easter Treehouse Bundle
landing.view.easter19book1.body=Ancient Storybooks crack into one of four different storybooks. Each storybook cracks into one of three different items. Get more information on our Twitter page or event article!
landing.view.easter19book1.button=See the book!
landing.view.easter19book1.header=Ancient Storybooks Available NOW!
landing.view.easter19book2.body=We've put an attractive selection of fairytale storybook items into the Catalogue for a 24 hour period. Click to see them all!
landing.view.easter19book2.button=See the items!
landing.view.easter19book2.header=Fairytale Storybook Items Available NOW!
landing.view.easter19bundlea.body=Grandma lives in a lovely little cottage in the woods. But is she even still alive? Get this bundle and find out! Exclusive badge included.
landing.view.easter19bundlea.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundlea.header=NEW: Grandma's House Bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundleb.body=Ensure you retain your grip on pixellated reality as you tumble down the rabbit hole into the second room included in this bundle! (Comes with an exclusive badge.) Room made by Frission (.COM)
landing.view.easter19bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundleb.header=NEW: Teatime in Wonderland Bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundlec.body=Snow White's seven dwarves own a house together. This house is now YOURS, if you wish. An exclusive badge is also included!
landing.view.easter19bundlec.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundlec.header=NEW: Seven Dwarves Bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundled.body=Habbelina lives in a forest overflowing with magical energy. Revitalise your pixels by bathing in the river! Comes with a lovely and EXCLUSIVE badge. Room made by Frission (.COM)
landing.view.easter19bundled.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.easter19bundled.header=NEW: Habbelina's Forest Bundle!
landing.view.easter19chick.body=This particular species of forest chicken can live for 240 years and only turns fully rainbow coloured after its 100th birthday. Radical, rare and never to be sold again - go take a look today!
landing.view.easter19chick.button=See the rare!
landing.view.easter19chick.header=RARE Rainbow Forest Chicken!
landing.view.easter19clothing.body=Fairytale garments galore are available now inside the Catalogue. Trust us, you NEED to see the hats!
landing.view.easter19clothing.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.easter19clothing.header=NEW Fairytale Easter Clothing!
landing.view.easter19egg1.body=Enchanted Eggs crack into one of three different baby creatures, which then evolve into one of two final stage evolutions once clicked on. Get more information on our Twitter page or event article!
landing.view.easter19egg1.button=See the egg!
landing.view.easter19egg1.header=Enchanted Eggs Available NOW!
landing.view.easter19egg2.body=Take your pick from an entire range of different magical, mythical fairytale creatures! Available for 24 hours - click to see them all!
landing.view.easter19egg2.button=See the items!
landing.view.easter19egg2.header=Fairytale Creatures Available NOW!
landing.view.easter19fairy.body=Our Fairytale Easter furni line is here! Create your own fairytale forests and weave your own stories in the Hotel this Easter.
landing.view.easter19fairy.button=See the furni!
landing.view.easter19fairy.header=Our Fairytale Easter Line is HERE!
landing.view.easter19fox.body=If there was ever a rare clothing item that could be set to go up in value, this might be it. Get yours while you still can!
landing.view.easter19fox.button=See the rare!
landing.view.easter19fox.header=RARE Enchanted Fox Outfit!
landing.view.easter19games.body=Play today's Fairytale Easter game to earn the latest badge!
landing.view.easter19games.button=Visit the Navigator!
landing.view.easter19games.header=Play today's Fairytale Easter Game!
landing.view.easter19hunt.body=We've hidden ten Easter eggs inside the Fairytale Easter public room. Find them all to earn ten badges! Time to get hunting, Habbos...
landing.view.easter19hunt.button=Visit the Navigator!
landing.view.easter19hunt.header=Fairytale Easter Egg Hunt!
landing.view.easter19ltd.body=Constructed entirely out of enchanted hardwood and decorated with wildflowers from various fairytale woodland glades, this limited edition furni is almost otherworldly.
landing.view.easter19ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.easter19ltd.header=Wildflower Throne LTD!
landing.view.easter19swing.body=Get your dose of leisure time while on a visit to a forest full of fairies. This furni is classified as rare and never to return to Habbo again!
landing.view.easter19swing.button=See the rare!
landing.view.easter19swing.header=RARE Fairytale Forest Swing!
landing.view.easter19wreath.body=Dress like a forest queen. Or a king, of course. Take a look at this rare clothing item before it leaves the Catalogue forever!
landing.view.easter19wreath.button=See the rare!
landing.view.easter19wreath.header=RARE Fairytale Forest Wreath!
landing.view.easter20alpine.body=Built for survival, channel your adventurous spirit with our brand new Alpine Heights furni line!
landing.view.easter20alpine.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter20alpine.header=NEW: Alpine Heights Furni!
landing.view.easter20bundlea.body=Equipped with all the essentials, find yourself in the great outdoors this season! Who knows what you'll discover in the wild. Made by Jenneben (NL)
landing.view.easter20bundlea.button=See the bundle
landing.view.easter20bundlea.header=Camping Trip Bundle
landing.view.easter20bundleb.body=Time and patience are key when trying to catch those slippery creatures. Recharge yourself on your own fishing day and see how many you can lure!
landing.view.easter20bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.easter20bundleb.header=Fishing Day Bundle
landing.view.easter20bunny.body=A bit of seasonal fun for all Habbos. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.easter20bunny.button=See the rare
landing.view.easter20bunny.header=RARE Hop Costume
landing.view.easter20cal.body=Between the 20th of March and 2nd of April, every day you will receive a free gift from your Calendar. Open yours now!
landing.view.easter20cal.button=Open it!
landing.view.easter20cal.header=Open Your Gift Calendar!
landing.view.easter20cloth.body=The Alpine Heights cannot be reached in ordinary clothes alone. That's why we're bringing you BRAND NEW clothing items that are here to stay!
landing.view.easter20cloth.button=See the clothing
landing.view.easter20cloth.header=Alpine Heights Clothing
landing.view.easter20duck.body=Be good to it and it will return the favour. This limited edition Fortune Duck won't stick around for long. Get it before the clock runs out!
landing.view.easter20duck.button=See the LTD
landing.view.easter20duck.header=Fortune Duck LTD
landing.view.easter20goat.body=Behold! The king of the mountain. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.easter20goat.button=See the rare
landing.view.easter20goat.header=RARE Mountain Goat
landing.view.easter20hat.body=There's a new cap in town. Get one for your avatar today!
landing.view.easter20hat.button=See the hat.
landing.view.easter20hat.header=NEW: Graduation Cap!
landing.view.easter20pony.body=This look means business. Not for the faint-hearted. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.easter20pony.button=See the rare
landing.view.easter20pony.header=RARE Nature Cap
landing.view.easter20rock.body=Siren and Mermaid Rocks are now available! Crack them with the hammer effect then clean the item you get with the magic wand effect.
landing.view.easter20rock.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter20rock.header=Crackable Rock!
landing.view.easter20rock2.body=Out now: brand new rare Alpine Heights artifacts! NOTE: you will require the magic wand effect for cleaning these items.
landing.view.easter20rock2.button=See the furni
landing.view.easter20rock2.header=Alpine Heights Artefacts!
landing.view.easter20tree.body=There's something in the air with this tree around. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.easter20tree.button=See the rare
landing.view.easter20tree.header=RARE Mystic Tree
landing.view.easterdouble.body=That's right. Starting this weekend for every credit you buy you will get another one completely free! Head over to the credits page from Thursday 21st to take advantage.
landing.view.easterdouble.button=Buy Credits
landing.view.easterdouble.header=Buy Credits, get a rare!
landing.view.easterdouble2.body=For every credit you buy you get another one completely free. To celebrate Easter Weekend, you will also receive an Easter Rare Globe for every 120 credits you buy! Offer ends 2nd April.
landing.view.easterfurni.body=Easter is coming and bringing flowers, teleports and, of course, eggs with it! Check out the brand new floral-inspired line now - time to get pruning.
landing.view.easterfurni.header=Easter's Coming!
landing.view.easterltd1.timer=Time Until First LTD
landing.view.easterltd2.timer=Time Until Second LTD
landing.view.easterltd3.timer=Time Until Third LTD
landing.view.easterltd4.timer=Time Until Fourth LTD
landing.view.easterltd5.timer=Time Until Fifth LTD
landing.view.easterroombundle.body=The sound of birds chirping, the lush green colours…and the unsettling feeling that you're being watched! This eerie Easter bundle comes brimming with over 64 items and includes a AWESOME Badge! With mystery and magic, this unearthly bundle is available via direct purchase and credits.
landing.view.easterroombundle.button=Find out more
landing.view.easterroombundle.header=Jellybean Jungle Bundle
landing.view.epic2013bundles.body=This January we are taking a look at the biggest Habbo events of 2013. Check-in daily to see what Furni line from the past has reappeared in the shop for a few days and don't miss the discounted pre-decorated rooms!
landing.view.epic2013bundles.button=Check it out
landing.view.epic2013bundles.header=Epic 2013 Room Bundles
landing.view.epicpaloozabundle13.body=Hey, ho, let's go! Did you go to the Habbo Palooza Festival in June 2013? Time for the good memories . Get this festival room with only one click in an awesome pre-decorated room bundle and a very special layout. Available to purchase with credits or by direct purchase for bigger discount.
landing.view.epicpaloozabundle13.button=Have a look
landing.view.epicpaloozabundle13.header=Epic Habbo Palooza Room
landing.view.epicpet.body=You've been waiting patiently and in a few weeks time the day will come...We will welcome a NEW Pet into the big Habbo family. It's the pet every Habbo could ever dream of and it's all yours for 650 duckets! Pre-order now for arrival in 2-3 weeks.
landing.view.epicpet.button=Pre-order now!
landing.view.epicpet.header=An EPIC Pet is coming to Habbo!
landing.view.epicpiratebundle13.body=Pirates invaded Habbo in August 2013. Do you remember how stressful was the Queen? Get this room with only one click in an awesome pre-decorated room bundle with an exclusive layout. Available to purchase with credits or by direct purchase for bigger discount.
landing.view.epicpiratebundle13.button=Have a look
landing.view.epicpiratebundle13.header=Epic Habbo Pirates Room
landing.view.epicsteampunkbundle.body=The most famous Habbo Explorer came from the future to show us these amazing artifacts. Get this room with only one click in an awesome pre-decorated room bundle with an exclusive layout and Badge. Available to purchase with credits or by direct purchase for bigger discount.
landing.view.epicsteampunkbundle.button=See the Room
landing.view.epicsteampunkbundle.header=Steampunk 2013 Room Bundle
landing.view.erasmusbundle.body=Check the 4 new Room Bundles available and decide where you would like to live... and study too!
landing.view.erasmusbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.erasmusbundle.header=Habbo Main Street Bundles
landing.view.exhabboremoval.body=Habbos, the ex.habbo site has now been removed and ALL logins to Habbo must be made through Questions?
landing.view.exhabboremoval.button=Click here for answers.
landing.view.exhabboremoval.header=Bye, bye, ex.habbo!
landing.view.fastfoodpromo.button=Play now!
landing.view.fastfoodpromo.caption=Test your wits and reflexes against your fellow Habbos! Fast Food you compete against other Habbos to save falling food from smashing to pieces. Using shields, missiles and parachutes to protect your food while destroying your opponents.
landing.view.fastfoodpromo.title=Are You Fast Enough?
landing.view.feb18amber.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18amber.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18amber.header=Rare Yellow Amber Lamp
landing.view.feb18blue.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18blue.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18blue.header=Rare Blue Kimberlite Fountain
landing.view.feb18cftree.body=Collectors, take note: this Credit Tree is exchangeable for 500 credits and is only ever being sold ONCE. Get one while you can!
landing.view.feb18cftree.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18cftree.header=NEW Rare Credit Tree
landing.view.feb18credits.body=Did you know you can earn tons of credits by completing polls and surveys on certain websites? Get involved now!
landing.view.feb18credits.button=Earn Credits!
landing.view.feb18credits.header=Earn Credits!
landing.view.feb18doric.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18doric.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18doric.header=Rare Doric Pink Marble Pillar
landing.view.feb18game.body=This Safer Internet Day, Nina (a pro bartender) is giving a series of lessons about the perpetrators and victims of internet bullying. YOU have the unique chance to not only contribute to a better internet, but also earn a whopping FIVE different badges from five different games, running from Monday to Friday this week. Added to this is a the chance to win a unique and brand new trophy given to all Habbos that answer all of Friday's quiz questions correctly!
landing.view.feb18game.button=Open the Navigator!
landing.view.feb18game.header=Safer Internet Day 2018
landing.view.feb18para.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18para.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18para.header=Rare Violet Parasol
landing.view.feb18pink.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18pink.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18pink.header=Rare Pink Ice Cream Maker
landing.view.feb18rarecny.body=Are YOU going to miss the chance to stock up on this invaluable, prized and expertly-crafted Year of the Dog balloon?
landing.view.feb18rarecny.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18rarecny.header=Rare Dog Balloon
landing.view.feb18shishi.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18shishi.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18shishi.header=Rare Shishi Odoishi
landing.view.feb18tqfan.body=They've FINALLY arrived. Pick one of these classic items of furni up quickly, Habbos - they won't be available for long!
landing.view.feb18tqfan.button=See the rare!
landing.view.feb18tqfan.header=Rare Turquoise Powered Fan
landing.view.fest19bundlea.body=Great music. The beach. Friends. One of life's greatest combinations! Exclusive badge included. (Built by .COM Habbo Pulx.)
landing.view.fest19bundlea.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.fest19bundlea.header=Music Da'Beach Bundle!
landing.view.fest19bundleb.body=All manner of trinkets, baubles and gadgets are on offer at the Boho Street Market. Also included is an exclusive badge!
landing.view.fest19bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.fest19bundleb.header=NEW Boho Street Market Bundle!
landing.view.fest19cloth.body=Our brand new selection of bohemian-style apparel is now available in the Catalogue!
landing.view.fest19cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.fest19cloth.header=NEW Bohemian Festival Clothing!
landing.view.fest19collect.body=There are six of these Skulls to collect, each with their own badge. Collect all six and you'll get a bonus Skull Collector's Badge! NOTE: each skull is available for 24 hours only!
landing.view.fest19collect.button=See today's mask!
landing.view.fest19collect.header=Collectible Skull Masks!
landing.view.fest19craft.body=Use the Artisan Sewing Box with various materials, patterns and dyes to create eight different clothing items ONLY obtainable via crafting!
landing.view.fest19craft.button=Go craft!
landing.view.fest19craft.header=Bohemian Festival Pattern Crafting!
landing.view.fest19game.body=If you are into festivals, music, and dressing up in the most stylish clothes, you won't want to miss what we have prepared for you! Forget about being bored, and join us for a summer like no other!
landing.view.fest19game.button=Open the Navigator!
landing.view.fest19game.header=Ready for a summer full of adventures?
landing.view.fest19hair.body=Rainbow Hair - the first of its kind in Habbo. Rare and never to be sold again, this is a hairstyle you do NOT want to miss out on!
landing.view.fest19hair.button=See the rare!
landing.view.fest19hair.header=RARE Rainbow Curls!
landing.view.fest19lady.body=Lady Gaia watches over all that happens within the festival. She watches out for you and your pixels. Be thankful!
landing.view.fest19lady.button=See the rare!
landing.view.fest19lady.header=RARE Lady Gaia!
landing.view.fest19ltd.body=Grace is a festival veteran. Apparently her mum was at Woodstock... apparently. This furni is LIMITED EDITION and is available for a short time only!
landing.view.fest19ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.fest19ltd.header=Grace the Alpaca LTD!
landing.view.fest19new.body=Go take a look at our BRAND NEW furni line, Habbos!
landing.view.fest19new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.fest19new.header=NEW Bohemian Festival Furni!
landing.view.fest19owl.body=Crafted by hippies, coveted by festival goers, available for you. Pick up one of these wooden owl statues while you can, Habbos - they're not around for long!
landing.view.fest19owl.button=See the rare!
landing.view.fest19owl.header=RARE Gem-Studded Owl
landing.view.fest19runway.body=With four exclusive badges and a whopping SIX exclusive clothing items (2x Brain Jars, Paparazzi Cameras and Head Bandages), the full version of this bundle is not to be missed!
landing.view.fest19runway.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.fest19runway.header=Fashion Week Runway Bundle!
landing.view.fest19shades.body=This perfect accompaniment to the Rainbow Hair is now live and available from the Catalogue as a rare furni!
landing.view.fest19shades.button=See the rare!
landing.view.fest19shades.header=RARE Rainbow Shades!
landing.view.forumupdate.body=The AWESOME Group Forum Terminal is here to help you spread the word about your Group Forum! With super cool Group branding on every Terminal furni, there will be no question who runs your forum!
landing.view.forumupdate.button=Find out more
landing.view.forumupdate.header=Get started: Get your Group Forum furni now!
landing.view.furnimatic.catalogpromo.bodytext=In the Shop and Furni-Matic this week: Space age Scifi Furni!
landing.view.furnimatic.catalogpromo.button=Go to the Shop!
landing.view.furnimatic.catalogpromo.caption=It's Furni Jim, But Not As We Know It
landing.view.furnimatic.competition.bodytext=The Furni-Matic is acting strange and is on the verge of swallowing us all up. There's only one way to stop it...feed it moar Furni! The Habbos who feed the Furni-Matic the most will be rewarded!
landing.view.furnimatic.competition.button=Feed it!
landing.view.furnimatic.competition.caption=Save Us From The Furni-Matic!
landing.view.furnimatic.epilogue.bodytext.bottom=Even though the black hole is now stablised, we've thought it best for the time being to send the Furni-Matic back to the labs for retuning. Once it's been fixed (and the patent dispute with the makers of the Ecotron is finalised) we'll have it back, throwing out more fantastic Furni in no time at all! saved the world! And the Hotel! Thanks to the quick thinking of Habbos worldwide we've managed to stop the whole world being swallowed up by a black hole the size of an obese mongoose.
landing.view.furnimatic.epilogue.caption=We Did It! something's not quite right? OMG. Did anyone see that? The space/time continuum is going insane, all good Habbos to your stations - we need to find what's causing the disturbance!
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.bodytext.bottom=This week from the Furni-Matic we asked for Furni based around the theme of buddy cop movies, instead it's given us strange alien objects and out of this world Scifi Furni. Get yours today!'ve scrapped the old Eco-tron and replaced it with the fantastic, space-age Furni-Matic.The Furni-Matic is a Furni building machine of the highest caliber. Go to the Furni-Matic page in the Shop and exchange your old Furni for some brand new Scifi Furni! The Furni-Matic will be updated every few days with new items, so remember to check back regularly!
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.button=See what's on offer!
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.caption=All Hail The Furni-Matic!
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.openquest=What are you waiting for?
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.timer.caption=Time Left In The Furni-Matic:
landing.view.furnimatic.recyclerpromo.timer.expired=Time expired! Darn!
landing.view.furniwc14.body=Just in time for the World Cup, Football furni - NEW and OLD - is BACK! With loads of new group furni additions as well as some ol' favorites, you'll have everything you need to build the ultimate football Stadium!
landing.view.furniwc14.button=Find out more!
landing.view.furniwc14.header=Football Furni Fantasticoooo!
landing.view.gallery_bundle1.body=No matter where you stand in this tiny gallery space, Atlas BC's eyes seem to follow you - it seems ALIVE! Anyway, this is your chance to bag one of the all-time COOLEST and most ancient collectable items in Habbo! Badge included
landing.view.gallery_bundle1.button=Check it out!
landing.view.gallery_bundle1.header=Ancient Atlas Statue Bundle
landing.view.gallery_bundle2.body=One of the most sought-after paintings in Habbo is Life Rider by Frank Habzetta, and you're in luck, because it's included in THIS gallery bundle. Remember to put your chewing gum in the bin provided… EXCLUSIVE badge included as well!
landing.view.gallery_bundle2.button=Check it out!
landing.view.gallery_bundle2.header=Ground Floor Gallery Bundle
landing.view.gallery_bundle3.body=Get a red-hot piece of real estate and pick up three EXTREMELY valuable pieces of Habbo art at the same time with this bundle! Who WOULDN'T want Creation of Habbo by Frankaelangelo? Exclusive badge included
landing.view.gallery_bundle3.button=Check it out!
landing.view.gallery_bundle3.header=City Attic Gallery Bundle
landing.view.gallery_bundle4.body=Ever wondered what an ultra-secure gallery space looks like? Well, now you know. Make sure ALL your guests sign in with Belle the receptionist and keep an eye on those bouncers! Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.gallery_bundle4.button=Check it out!
landing.view.gallery_bundle4.header=Ultra-Secure Gallery Bundle
landing.view.gallery_bundle5.body=Before Frank duck Vinci died he produced a masterpiece… and with this bundle, that masterpiece is ALL YOURS! Only you and a select few Habbos will have clearance to enter and the walls are VERY heavily reinforced. Badge included!
landing.view.gallery_bundle5.button=Check it out!
landing.view.gallery_bundle5.header=Reinforced Basement Gallery Bundle
landing.view.gamereview.body=We are reviewing the most popular activities in the Hotel and rating how fun they are. Roleplaying? Mazes? Sports? We like it!
landing.view.gamereview.button=Read reviews
landing.view.gamereview.header=Game hunters! GAME - HERO ZERO now! Zero to Hero! Create your own character, become the savior of the world and play against real enemies!
landing.view.gamesgen.body=We have loads of games in the Game Centre, head over there now and find your new favourite.
landing.view.gamesgen.header=Play Games!
landing.view.generic.body=Check out what's going on in Habbo by browsing the News page: there's plenty of cool stuff everyday!
landing.view.generic.content.title=DIVE INTO THE HOTEL
landing.view.generic.header=What's new?
landing.view.generic.welcome.content=Your last login was %lastlogin%. We missed you :)
landing.view.generic.welcome.first_login=Welcome to the hotel!
landing.view.generic.welcome.prize=Yay - you just gained a prize!
landing.view.generic.welcome.redeem=Redeem now
landing.view.generic.welcome.title=Hiya, %username%!
landing.view.generic_rare.body=Give your rare collection a serious boost in value with this furni! Comes with an exclusive badge too.
landing.view.generic_rare.button=Check out the rare!
landing.view.generic_rare.header=Collectible Rare Offer!
landing.view.ghost16activity.body=Over the coming weeks, your spirit-hunting skills are required. It's time to fight ghosts, exorcise evil apparitions and collect prizes!
landing.view.ghost16activity.button=Save the Hotel!
landing.view.ghost16activity.header=Save Habbo from Evil Frank's ghostly army!
landing.view.ghost16classic.body=It's that special (and spooky) time of year when we put a selection of classic Habboween furni back in the Catalogue. Stock up while you can!
landing.view.ghost16classic.button=See the Classics!
landing.view.ghost16classic.header=BACK: Classic Habboween Furni!
landing.view.ghost16dressing.body=A ghost named Dollie haunts the gorgeously antique Vanity Mirror furni inside this bundle.
landing.view.ghost16dressing.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.ghost16dressing.header=Creepy Dressing Room Bundle
landing.view.ghost16furni.body=The brand new Ghost Hunters furni line has ARRIVED! Pick up the ingredients needed to purify your furni here (IF you want to purify it)
landing.view.ghost16furni.button=See the New Furni!
landing.view.ghost16furni.header=NEW: Ghost Hunter Furni!
landing.view.ghost16glow.body=All the way from the Underworld, these rare ghosts contain either a Cat Demon Face, Cyclops Eye, Grand Piano or Chandelier! Available for 48 hours.
landing.view.ghost16glow.button=Get a Glowing Ghost!
landing.view.ghost16glow.header=Rare Glowing Ghosts
landing.view.ghost16hotel.body=This bundle contains an EXCLUSIVE Magnificent Fireplace along with Ghost Hunters furni!
landing.view.ghost16hotel.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.ghost16hotel.header=Haunted Hotel Room Bundle
landing.view.ghost16lobby.body=This lobby bundle contains an EXCLUSIVE Cabinet of Curiosities with a mixture of Builders at Work-selected Ghost Hunters + classic Habboween furni!
landing.view.ghost16lobby.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.ghost16lobby.header=BaW-Made Haunted Lobby Bundle
landing.view.ghost16ltd.body=The biggest, baddest and ULTIMATE Ghost Hunting weapon has finally arrived in the Hotel. Limited numbers available - don't miss out!
landing.view.ghost16ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.ghost16ltd.header=New LTD: The Wraith!
landing.view.ghost16office.body=This bundle contains a selection of the new Ghost Hunter furni AND an exclusive Evil Frank Bust!
landing.view.ghost16office.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.ghost16office.header=BaW-Made Evil Frank's Office Bundle
landing.view.ghost16rarefountain.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to add an extremely valuable rare Grey Fountain to your collection! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.ghost16rarefountain.button=See the Rare
landing.view.ghost16rarefountain.header=CLASSIC Rare Grey Fountain
landing.view.ghost16scifirocket.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to add an extremely valuable rare Blue Smoke Machine to your collection! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.ghost16scifirocket.button=See the Rare
landing.view.ghost16scifirocket.header=CLASSIC Rare Blue Smoke Machine
landing.view.giftsvday14.body=This year, show your friends how much you really mean to them with a heartfelt - and wrapped - gift, especially for them!
landing.view.giftsvday14.button=Love, love, love
landing.view.giftsvday14.header=Share the love with GIFTS!
landing.view.gnome_habitat.body=Light the fire, sit back and chill out with your brand new BEST friend! Comes with a special Gnome Treehouse AND an exclusive badge
landing.view.gnome_habitat.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.gnome_habitat.header=Snuggly Gnome Lounge
landing.view.goldfurnibundle.body=Midas the Gnome got into Habbo HQ and went crazy! See the SOLID GOLD bundle he made! For sale until 22 November at 10:59 CET.
landing.view.goldfurnibundle.button=See the solid gold bundle!
landing.view.goldfurnibundle.header=The Midas Touch Bundle
landing.view.goldfurnicrackable.body=Have you grabbed one of Midas the Gnome's Pots of Gold yet? They're in the Catalogue - click yours to see which solid gold rare you got!
landing.view.goldfurnicrackable.button=Check out the solid gold rares!
landing.view.goldfurnicrackable.header=Midas the Gnome's Solid Gold Rares!
landing.view.goldfurnilaunch.body=The staff have gone home and I'M TAKING OVER. Now that I'm running the show, there are going to be some changes around here...
landing.view.goldfurnilaunch.header=This is Midas the Gnome.
landing.view.greek19baby.body=For all the pet-mad Habbos, we've built five brand new mini habitats for Kittens, Piglets, Puppies, Terriers and Polar Bears. ALL with brand new badges!
landing.view.greek19baby.button=See the bundles
landing.view.greek19baby.header=NEW Mini Pet Habitats
landing.view.greek19bath.body=Who doesn't love a nice hot bath? Particularly when it's decorated with luxury mosaic tiles. Rare and available for a limited time only!
landing.view.greek19bath.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19bath.header=RARE Luxury Tiled Bath!
landing.view.greek19bed.body=Greek senators are said to be the founders of the first known democracy in the world. They deserved a good bed, right? Rare and only available for a limited time!
landing.view.greek19bed.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19bed.header=RARE Senator's Bed!
landing.view.greek19booster.body=Get a selection of ancient greek-inspired furni from these boxes. If you're lucky, you might get a Deluxe Athenian Harp! (See our recent website article for details about Deluxe items.)
landing.view.greek19booster.button=See the packs!
landing.view.greek19booster.header=NEW: Ancient Greek Booster Boxes!
landing.view.greek19booster2.body=Get yourself a selection of ancient greek-inspired furni from these brand new booster boxes! Each one contains different variations, so pick wisely! (OR just get both.)
landing.view.greek19booster2.button=See the packs!
landing.view.greek19booster2.header=NEW: Ancient Greek Booster Boxes!
landing.view.greek19bundlea.body=Take some time out, revitalise your pixels and take a hot bath in these natural hot springs. (Built by Boomzager (NL))
landing.view.greek19bundlea.button=See the bundle
landing.view.greek19bundlea.header=Greek Hot Springs Bundle
landing.view.greek19bundleb.body=Built as a dedication to the greek sun god Helios, this statue was one of the seven wonders of the world. Check out this bundle and pick up your own piece of ancient greek history! (Built by Jenneben (NL))
landing.view.greek19bundleb.button=See the bundle
landing.view.greek19bundleb.header=Colossus of Rhodes Bundle
landing.view.greek19cf.body=These beautiful pieces of metalwork are worth 350 credits. Rare and never to be sold again - invest while you can!
landing.view.greek19cf.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19cf.header=RARE Golden Sceptre Credit Furni!
landing.view.greek19chariot.body=Maybe you'll never be able to own an ancient greek chariot in real life. But it's Habbo - so you can. RARE and NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.greek19chariot.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19chariot.header=RARE Ancient Greek Chariot!
landing.view.greek19diamond.body=Go and see all of the exquisite new diamond paintings we've just added to the Catalogue's wall decorations section. If you're a collector, you NEED to see them!
landing.view.greek19diamond.button=See the furni
landing.view.greek19diamond.header=NEW Diamond Paintings!
landing.view.greek19games.body=If you offer enough to the Ancient Greek Gods, they will let you party with them. Play the game now and you will find out soon!
landing.view.greek19games.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.greek19games.header=Want to party like an Ancient Greek God?
landing.view.greek19ltd.body=There is a limited number of these impeccably crafted Athenian Harps. You know you want one!
landing.view.greek19ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.greek19ltd.header=Gold Athenian Harp LTD!
landing.view.greek19mask.body=There's a mask for every occasion. Well, not EVERY occasion. However, we've got a tragic mask and a comedic mask for sale. Both rare, both never to be sold again!
landing.view.greek19mask.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19mask.header=RARE Theatrical Masks!
landing.view.greek19medusa.body=Snakes for hair. Snakes for hair! SNAKES FOR HAIR! Rare and never to sold again. Get one of these hairstyles while you can, Habbos!
landing.view.greek19medusa.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19medusa.header=RARE Medusa Hair!
landing.view.greek19minotaur.body=Become the mythical beast. Rare and never to be released again!
landing.view.greek19minotaur.button=See the rare
landing.view.greek19minotaur.header=RARE Minotaur Horns!
landing.view.greek19new.body=Go and check out the mini furni line we released for our Ancient Greek revisitation event!
landing.view.greek19new.button=See the furni
landing.view.greek19new.header=NEW Ancient Greek Furni!
landing.view.greek19pastel.body=Cute stuffed toys and pastel rainbow furni: a fantastic combination, we think you'll agree! Every single furni in this bundle is 100% exclusive and will never be found in our Catalogue for sale individually. What a bargain!
landing.view.greek19pastel.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.greek19pastel.header=Pastel Bundle!
landing.view.greek19rainbow.body=This is your one opportunity to own a drop dead GORGEOUS rainbow coloured jumper. Rare and never to be sold again, exclusive badge included!
landing.view.greek19rainbow.button=See the rare!
landing.view.greek19rainbow.header=RARE Pastel Rainbow Jumper!
landing.view.gymquest.body=Grab your gym clothes and don't forget your socks. Todays challenge requires you to use both brains and braun to get ahead and earn your badges! Now, hurry to class…
landing.view.gymquest.button=Read More
landing.view.gymquest.header=Workin' up a sweat!
landing.view.h20art.body=Here you can find all the tools necessary to build your very own 20th birthday ballroom. Get to it!
landing.view.h20art.button=See the furni
landing.view.h20art.header=NEW: 20th Birthday Furni!
landing.view.h20balloons.body=Habbos: take this opportunity to get in the celebratory mood and decorate your rooms with special 20th birthday balloons!
landing.view.h20balloons.button=See the furni
landing.view.h20balloons.header=NEW: 20th Birthday Balloons!
landing.view.h20crackable.body=These balloons can contain quite a few different items. There's even a chance they will contain a Trimmed Rose Gold Balloon! Check the Catalogue for the probabilities of getting each item.
landing.view.h20crackable.button=See the furni
landing.view.h20crackable.header=NEW: Rose Gold Balloons!
landing.view.h20rarecrackable.body=These balloons contain one of 16 different rose gold-coloured classic rares! Check the Catalogue for the probabilities of getting each item.
landing.view.h20rarecrackable.button=See the furni
landing.view.h20rarecrackable.header=NEW: Trimmed Rose Gold Balloons!
landing.view.h20rewards.body=To celebrate our 20th birthday, we made 16 special versions of classic rares from our rich history. They won't be around forever, so get one while they're here!
landing.view.h20rewards.button=See the rares
landing.view.h20rewards.header=Classic Rose Gold Rares!
landing.view.habbo15balloon.body=So you've received one of our snazzy gold Habbo 15th Birthday Balloons, huh?! You lucky yellow duck! The balloons can be a little tricky to open sometimes, we've made a set-by-step guide to help you...
landing.view.habbo15balloon.button=Show me how to POP!
landing.view.habbo15balloon.header=HOW TO: Pop Birthday Balloons
landing.view.habbo15balloonLast.body=The red #Habbo15 Balloons have been even more popular than we could have imagined. We really want to keep the balloons as, well… RARE! To ensure that they do remain rare Habbo 15 items, this Tuesday (the 4th of August) will be the last time we'll be selling them in the Catalogue again! Don't miss your chance to grab a slice of Habbo History…
landing.view.habbo15balloonLast.button=See the Balloon!
landing.view.habbo15balloonLast.header=LAST CHANCE: RED HABBO15 BALLOON SALE!
landing.view.habbo15comp1.body=We are giving away awesome prizes to the best Habbo creators! Do you think you have what it takes? Then dive in this new competition: build a room, one block a time, and recreate what you think Habbo will look like in 15 years.
landing.view.habbo15comp1.button=Read more
landing.view.habbo15comp1.header=Block Competition
landing.view.habbo15comp2.body=A new competition just started, dedicated to the Habbo-fashionistas. Grab your pixel-pencil and start designing a brand new outfit for your Habbo! It can be a simple but unforgettable accessory, a single piece of clothing or a full outfit from hat to shoes, the choice is yours!
landing.view.habbo15comp2.button=Read more
landing.view.habbo15comp2.header=Outfit Competition
landing.view.habbo15comp3.body=There's a new challenge waiting for you! We are always looking for some amazing Habbo creators in the Hotel and this time we want to find the best room builder. Get to work and create your "dream room"!
landing.view.habbo15comp3.button=Read more
landing.view.habbo15comp3.header=Room Competition
landing.view.habbo15comp4.body=You certainly have a favourite movie scene or music video, and you certainly love Habbo, so let's mix it all in a Pixel Video! Let your inner artist guide you. Create a video 30 seconds max recreating one of your favourite music or movie scenes.
landing.view.habbo15comp4.button=Read more
landing.view.habbo15comp4.header=Video Competition
landing.view.habbo15comp5.body=What about creating your very own Rare furni? For this competition you'll need to put the best of your Pixel skills in practice. Design a brand-new Habbo rare furni, pixel by pixel, small or big, it doesn't matter, just make it epic!
landing.view.habbo15comp5.button=Read more
landing.view.habbo15comp5.header=Rare Competition
landing.view.habbo15credits.body=Yep, it's finally here. From 21st of August to the 23rd of September double credits is back! If you've been saving up for a while, you can now grab DOUBLE the credits. Get yourself down to the Shop and make the most of it! Just make sure you bring an extra wallet or purse…
landing.view.habbo15credits.button=Check it out
landing.view.habbo15credits.header=Double credits; double fun
landing.view.habbo15fallbundle.body=Gardens always seem to look awesome in the faded light of autumn, and this one is NO exception. This bundle comes with a bot - perhaps get it to water the mushrooms or collect the leaves - it's totally up to you! Plus, you get yourself a shiny new and exclusive badge.
landing.view.habbo15fallbundle.button=Look at the Bundle!
landing.view.habbo15fallbundle.header=Autumn Mushroom Garden Bundle
landing.view.habbo15garden.body=Spread out your picnic rug, cut up some cheese, relax and take in the sights of this lush, luxurious Greek Pleasure Garden! Let the sound of the waterfall send you and your friends off to sleep, but just DON'T try to eat the red spotted mushroom; it never ends well for Habbos! With extra furni added onto each line, a Tiki Teleport furni EXCLUSIVE to this bundle AND an exclusive badge, this is not one to miss out on!
landing.view.habbo15garden.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.habbo15garden.header=Luxury Greek Garden Bundle
landing.view.habbo15gothic.body=Find some peace and relaxation in the depth of this dungeon! This candlelit room is the perfect place to store your treasure within the protection of wide Gothic Walls and the comfort of Dungeon and Lodge Furni!
landing.view.habbo15gothic.button=Check it out!
landing.view.habbo15gothic.header=Dungeon Hall Bundle
landing.view.habbo15lastchance.body=Have you taken advantage of double credits yet? If not, this is your LAST CHANCE to get in on the action. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to drag home a super-size sack of coins - you're probably aware that it doesn't happen often!
landing.view.habbo15lastchance.button=Check it out
landing.view.habbo15lastchance.header=Last call for double credits!
landing.view.habbo15launch.body=*HIP HIP HOORAY* We've made it to our 15TH BIRTHDAY! Naturally, we are ready to P-A-R-T-Y and have got a TON of AWESOME birthday celebrations coming to you over the next six weeks! From 1st of July to 15th August, we have LOADS of amazing competitions, prizes, activities and furni coming your way. Make sure to check the schedule below so you don't miss out…
landing.view.habbo15launch.button=See what's coming
landing.view.habbo15launch.header=Let the celebrations begin!
landing.view.habbo15ltd.body=This really is a MOUNTAIN of a fountain, and is the perfect water feature centerpiece for ANY room, in Paris or not. There's only a limited number of these being released into the Hotel and it's only available for a short time - DON'T miss out!
landing.view.habbo15ltd.button=Check it out
landing.view.habbo15ltd.header=LTD rare: Parisian fountain
landing.view.habbo15palooza.body=Just in time for our birthday, PALOOZA Furni is back! Rolling into the hotel, this furni is FRESH and FUN and the perfect addition to any Habbo 15th Birthday room. Not enough? Grab yourself a snazzy Palooza Bundle, too! Pre-made party room, you just bring your friends! Get your party groove on while this rockin' furni is still around...
landing.view.habbo15palooza.button=See the furni
landing.view.habbo15palooza.header=PARTY with Palooza Furni
landing.view.habbo15paris.body=BonJOUR! It's pretty hot here in Paris, and you're here on a (school) holiday; you should enjoy yourself, right? Fit right in with new and fashionable Parisian outfits and decorate your room with all new classically continental furni, all of it so French you'll end up forgetting you don't live here!
landing.view.habbo15paris.button=Check it out
landing.view.habbo15paris.header=Exchange in Paris is here!
landing.view.habbo15parisbundle.body=You've met your tour guide, settled down, unpacked your stuff and now you're ready to explore the magical city of Paris. This bundle is packed full to the brim with awesome furni from the all-new Exchange in Paris line! Plus you get an exclusive badge…
landing.view.habbo15parisbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.habbo15parisbundle.header=Exchange in Paris Bundle
landing.view.habbo15rare.body=The red #Habbo15 Balloons have been even more popular than we could have imagined. We really want to keep the balloons as, well… RARE! To ensure that they do remain rare Habbo 15 items, this Tuesday (the 4th of August) will be the last time we'll be selling them in the Catalogue again!
landing.view.habbo15rare.button=POP! Show me
landing.view.habbo15rare.header=ON SALE NOW: RARE Balloons
landing.view.habbo15school.body=So, it's the end of the summer and the beginning of another school year. We FEEL YOUR PAIN! But, lighten up because you're going on a study abroad trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the world - PARIS! To help you prepare, we've put a nice big bunch of school and university furni back into the catalogue.
landing.view.habbo15school.button=See the furni
landing.view.habbo15school.header=Beat the Back to School Blues
landing.view.habbo15schoolbundle.body=We know it's a painful time of year when you have to go back to the daily grind of school, but now you can brighten up your day with this Back to School bundle! Includes a locker teleport + exclusive badge.
landing.view.habbo15schoolbundle.header=Back to School Bundle
landing.view.habbo15steampunk.body=Walk through your BLING new office, wave to the window cleaner, stroll underneath the Bling Chandelier and get up the stairs to your gleaming, polished-bronze Steampunk bedroom. In this particular bundle, we've added several new furni onto the Steampunk, Bling and Executive lines. We're please to say that we've also included an EXCLUSIVE Steampunk Bed too.Don't forget about the badge, which is also ONLY available inside the Steampunk Bunk Bundle!
landing.view.habbo15steampunk.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.habbo15steampunk.header=Steampunk Bunk Bundle
landing.view.habbo15tribe.body=Time to get your safari gear, climbing rope and pickaxe and venture forth into a mysterious and exotic world! Discover bizarre and fascinating new people, places and things with our Habbo 15 re-releases of the Lost Tribe, Ancients and Africa furni lines, ALL which include brand new items specially created for our 15th birthday! Now you can grab a selection of these in this awesome new bundle. Includes EXCLUSIVE badge.
landing.view.habbo15tribe.button=See the bundle
landing.view.habbo15tribe.header=Lost World Safari Bundle
landing.view.habbo15uni.body=KONNICHIWA! Make the most of your time in Tokyo as a Habbo exchange student and take advantage of this fantastic furni bundle, giving you the best of the Japan, Romantique and University furni lines. This totally KAWAII Bundle includes NEW furni from each line, bundle EXCLUSIVE Turquoise Coffee Table and an exclusive badge! Dont miss out...
landing.view.habbo15uni.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.habbo15uni.header=Student in Tokyo Bundle
landing.view.habbo15verify.body=Haven't received your snazzy Habbo 15th Birthday Balloon? It might be because you haven't verified your email address yet. Simply follow the steps in the article to verify your email and start getting your FREE Balloons! Note: If you registered and log in with Facebook Twitter, Google+,Yahoo! or Microsoft Live, you will NOT need to verify your details.
landing.view.habbo15verify.button=Show me how
landing.view.habbo15verify.header=HOW TO: Verify your email
landing.view.habboclubpush.body=Get the latest stylish looks with ALL NEW HC exclusive clothing, hair and accessories. With dozens of colors and styles to choose from, you'll always stand out from the crowd! All NEW payment options available - Join the club!
landing.view.habboclubpush.button=Find out more
landing.view.habboclubpush.header=NEW: Stay on top of the trends with Habbo Club!
landing.view.habbopix.bodytext=Habbo Pix is now available to play in the Game Centre! Find your friends and start scribbling!
landing.view.habbopix.header=NEW GAME!
landing.view.habbopix.opengame=Play now
landing.view.habboplex.body=Join us everyday at 2PM GMT for exclusive screenings of the latest movie trailers and content. With popcorn, soda, ticket stubs and arcade games galore...Don't miss the fun!
landing.view.habboplex.button=Get your ticket!
landing.view.habboplex.header=NOW OPEN: HabboPlex Theatres
landing.view.habbowaypromo.caption=The new Habbo Way
landing.view.habbowaypromo.counterinfo=Habbos have already pitched in by going through the refreshed Habbo Way.
landing.view.habbowaypromo.doit=Take a look at the Habbo Way want you to fully enjoy your time in Habbo. By being aware of the Habbo Way you'll always know how to have a good time and get the most out of Habbo! :) the Habbo Way and take part in our Great Habbo Way Quiz to earn a cool badge and show that you're all about having a great time!! One more thing...
landing.view.hb14daydeadbun.body=Spooky skulls, bright flowers and traditional altars fill this Day of the Dead bundle! Gather your friends and family and come together to celebrate the Habbos of the past. Includes exclusive badge.
landing.view.hb14daydeadbun.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14daydeadbun.header=Day of the Dead Bundle
landing.view.hb14daydeadfurni.body=All the way from sunny Mexico, this beautiful furni line is certain to mesmerize! From flowerpots to stained glass - and all the mariachi band members in between - this furni line is sure to make you want to shake your pixel bones!
landing.view.hb14daydeadfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14daydeadfurni.header=Day of the Dead Furni
landing.view.hb14daydeadrares.body=Gather around and lay down your flowers…these Day of the Dead Rares have magical powers! With bright colors and beautiful details, PLUS an exclusive badge, these rares are certain to have good mojo. Only available for 24hrs, so watch the sun dial...
landing.view.hb14daydeadrares.button=Whats on sale
landing.view.hb14daydeadrares.header=Day of the Dead Rares
landing.view.hb14freakfairbun.body=The Freaky Fairground has rolled into town and brought all its creepiness with it! From the entrance that watches you, to the ghostly rollercoaster… this bundle is sure keep you entertained! Includes exclusive badge. Available via direct purchase + credits until 3-Nov.
landing.view.hb14freakfairbun.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14freakfairbun.header=Freaky Fairground Bundle
landing.view.hb14furni10year.body=EXCLUSIVE TO BUILDERS' CLUB! Blast from the spooktacular past…More than 10 years of furni has made its way back to the Hotel. From Virus to Haunted Carnival and all the Habboween Classics in between; All your frightful favourites are back, but only for a limited time! Get your ghoulish goodies before they disappear...
landing.view.hb14furni10year.button=Go to the warehouse
landing.view.hb14furni10year.header=10 years of Habboween furni
landing.view.hb14hauntedbun.body=The creepy house on the top of the hill has swung open it's haunted doors to let you inside. With creaky floors and even creakier doors, you better watch your step in this eerie haunted mansion. Includes an exclusive badge! Available via direct purchase + credits until 12-Oct.
landing.view.hb14hauntedbun.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14hauntedbun.header=Haunted Mansion Bundle
landing.view.hb14ltdaltar.body=This Day of the Dead Altar is as beautiful as it is limited. Flowers, candles and photos adorn this stunning piece of furni to honor the Habbos of the past. Only a limited number available, so make sure to watch the countdown…
landing.view.hb14ltdaltar.button=Find out more
landing.view.hb14ltdaltar.header=ALERT: Day of the Dead Altar LTD
landing.view.hb14marketfurni.body=Good mojo or bad, we aren't quite sure, these mischievous dolls have come all the way from Mercado de Sonora. Each doll comes with an EXCLUSIVE Badge + will be available for only 24hrs! PLUS, receive a LIMITED Badge with the whole set.
landing.view.hb14marketfurni.button=Find it out
landing.view.hb14marketfurni.header=Mercado de Sonora Collectibles
landing.view.hb14maskssale.body=They say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and in this case - we agree! Horrifying mutants, ghastly ghouls and sneaky goblins have made their way into the hotel. Causing mischief and terror from day till night, these freaky masks are sure to give your friends a fright! Available until 31st October.
landing.view.hb14maskssale.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14maskssale.header=Horrifying Habboween Effects!
landing.view.hb14skullcrystalrare.body=A special skull for a very special Habboween 2014! The Crystal Skull is a Rare that you can turn back into Credits whenever you want!
landing.view.hb14skullcrystalrare.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14skullcrystalrare.header=Crystal Skull Rare
landing.view.hb14storyrare2.body=It's spooky! It's smokey! This skulltastic hearth will keep you warm on dark, cold Habboween nights. Available for 24 hours only, make the creepiest and coziest of fireplaces your own!
landing.view.hb14storyrare2.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14storyrare2.header=Creepy Cranium Fireplace Rare!
landing.view.hb14strare1.body=Trick or Treat! This cranial critter gives out sugary mini skull hand items! Exclusive and elusive, you've got 24 hours to stock up on the sweet skull Rare!
landing.view.hb14strare1.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14strare1.header=Colorful Candy Skull Rare
landing.view.hb14strare2.body=It's spooky! It's smokey! This skulltastic hearth will keep you warm on dark, cold Habboween nights. Available for 24 hours only, make the creepiest and coziest of fireplaces your own!
landing.view.hb14strare2.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14strare2.header=Creepy Cranium Fireplace Rare!
landing.view.hb14twistedcastlebun.body=This spooktacular bundle comes packed with all the poison apples, metal fences and turrets you could desire! Even includes exclusive badge. Available via direct purchase + credits until 31-Oct.
landing.view.hb14twistedcastlebun.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14twistedcastlebun.header=Twisted Castle Bundle
landing.view.hb14voodoobun.body=Wade through the foggy swamps, but don't let the Witch Doctor catch you… From skulls on a stick to bats in cages - This spooky bundle is certain to give you goosebumps! Includes exclusive badge. Available via direct purchase + credits until 16-Oct.
landing.view.hb14voodoobun.button=Check it out
landing.view.hb14voodoobun.header=Voodoo Swamp Bundle
landing.view.hb20artbundle.body=It's our birthday and we wanted to give you a chance to pick up some of the new 20th birthday furni for a great price. So, here you go. (Built by [PLACEHOLDER])
landing.view.hb20artbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20artbundle.header=NEW: 20th Birthday Bundle
landing.view.hb20chill.body=Our fresh take on the Modern Studio Bundle has a new layout, a new colour scheme, but most importantly it's got a new pooch!
landing.view.hb20chill.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20chill.header=NEW: Chill Modern Bundle
landing.view.hb20cloth.body=What would such an important birthday party without all of the glitz and glamour to go with it? It's time to dress to impress, Habbos!
landing.view.hb20cloth.button=See the clothing
landing.view.hb20cloth.header=NEW: 20th Birthday Clothing!
landing.view.hb20elegant.body=We've added a distinctly darker touch to the much-loved Elegant Bundle, first released in September 2017. It now truly exudes opulence!
landing.view.hb20elegant.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20elegant.header=NEW: Dark Elegant Bundle
landing.view.hb20garden.body=We first released the Zen Garden Bundle back in late 2018 and it proved to be extremely popular. So much so that we decided to revamp it entirely!
landing.view.hb20garden.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20garden.header=NEW: Harmony Garden Bundle
landing.view.hb20gothic.body=This bundle is for all Habbos, whether you're a goth, a dessert enthusiast or just a simple furni collector. 100% built with new, exclusive items!
landing.view.hb20gothic.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20gothic.header=NEW: Gothic Dessert Cafe Bundle
landing.view.hb20kawaii.body=If vibrant, neon-style colour schemes are your look and Kawaii is your thing, this bundle is for you. Pick one up while you can!
landing.view.hb20kawaii.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20kawaii.header=NEW: Kawaii Punk Bundle
landing.view.hb20rain.body=Our global Twitter poll earlier this year showed this to be the overall favourite mini furni line. So we went ahead and extended the line!
landing.view.hb20rain.button=See the furni
landing.view.hb20rain.header=NEW: Rainy Day Furni!
landing.view.hb20rainbundle.body=Get a selection of the new Rainy Day furni for a fantastic price! (Built by [PLACEHOLDER])
landing.view.hb20rainbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20rainbundle.header=NEW: Rainy Day Bundle 2.0
landing.view.hb20rarecandle.body=Illuminate the birthday dance floor with a slightly more romantic (and more flammable) light source. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.hb20rarecandle.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20rarecandle.header=RARE Ballroom Candles!
landing.view.hb20raredark.body=Rule the pixellated streets! Not only does this outfit come with a snazzy new backpack and jacket, it also includes a shiny new crown. This is your one chance to own it!
landing.view.hb20raredark.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20raredark.header=RARE Street Royalty Outfits!
landing.view.hb20raregoth.body=We think you'll agree that this is the IDEAL outfit to wear on a trip to a gothic-style dessert cafe. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.hb20raregoth.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20raregoth.header=RARE Gothic Fancy Dress Outfits!
landing.view.hb20rareharmony.body=Take a more sustainable, enlightened approach to hotel life. This outfit is rare and will never be sold again!
landing.view.hb20rareharmony.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20rareharmony.header=RARE Solar Utopia Outfit!
landing.view.hb20rarepunk.body=Is it possible to dazzle another Habbo any more than this outfit does? We think not. Get one while you can!
landing.view.hb20rarepunk.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20rarepunk.header=RARE Neon Punk Outfits!
landing.view.hb20raresleep.body=For when you just need to sleep. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.hb20raresleep.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20raresleep.header=RARE Sleep Time Outfits!
landing.view.hb20rarethrone.body=Collector of thrones? We've got you covered. Get one while you can!
landing.view.hb20rarethrone.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20rarethrone.header=RARE 20th Birthday Thrones!
landing.view.hb20raretux.body=Frank is a devil on the dancefloor, but you already knew that, right? Get one of his special tuxedos and dress for the occasion!
landing.view.hb20raretux.button=See the rare
landing.view.hb20raretux.header=RARE Frank's Tux!
landing.view.hb20sunset.body=The old Sunset Cafe public room was voted the overall favourite in a Twitter poll we ran earlier this year. So, we converted it into an ownable bit of Habbo History. Enjoy!
landing.view.hb20sunset.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hb20sunset.header=NEW: Sunset Cafe Bundle
landing.view.hckick.body=Don't take this the wrong way, we love it when you visit Habbo rooms. However, our latest creation is for those moments when you just need to clear the path to make everything work in your areas. We've added two commands exclusively for HCs. Type :kick followed by the username (of the person you want to kick) in the rooms where you have kicking permissions. Or :kickall in the rooms that you own, and watch them disappear from your room. Or if you need something more sophisticated, add a Wired Kick User Box to keep your rooms safe from blockers.
landing.view.hckick.header=Kick 'em all
landing.view.hcpresale.body=From today, HC members get early access to a selection of Stranded Jungle furni! See our website for details.
landing.view.hcpresale.button=Check out the furni
landing.view.hcpresale.header=Early access to Stranded Jungle!
landing.view.hcpublicroom.body=Get the latest stylish looks with ALL NEW HC exclusive clothing, hair and accessories. With dozens of colors and styles to choose from, you'll always stand out from the crowd! All NEW payment options available - Join the club!
landing.view.hcpublicroom.button=Change your look now!
landing.view.hcpublicroom.header=ALL NEW: Habbo Club Update!
landing.view.healthspafurni.body=Inhale…Exhale...Inhale…Exhale. With all the features of a premium Spa, you can now create your own Habbo Health Spa for your very own relaxing retreat! Robe and slippers not included.
landing.view.healthspafurni.header=A Day at the Spa!
landing.view.healthsparares.body=Only available for 6-8 hours, you certainly won't want to miss these relaxing rares...
landing.view.healthsparares.button=Check it out
landing.view.healthsparares.header=Health Spa Rares!
landing.view.helperonduty=is on duty
landing.view.hfw14_hc.body=From EXCLUSIVE clothing and accesories, to AWESOME new room layouts, special dance moves and exclusive speech bubbles ...Habbo Club is the place to be! With all these super cool benefits PLUS a monthly gift - Why not try it out!?
landing.view.hfw14_hc.button=Join the fun!
landing.view.hfw14_hc.header=Join the fun with Habbo Club!
landing.view.hfw14_roombundle.body=Every Habbo can have its own fashion boutique with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need from clothing piles and cashreg, to shracks and mannequins - You will be the envy of all your friends! This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available via direct purchase and credits
landing.view.hfw14_roombundle.button=Get yours!
landing.view.hfw14_roombundle.header=The latest fashion... in your own room!
landing.view.hfwquest.body=It´s time to try all the looks we have in the Hotel! Enter a room, activate the quest clicking on the icon at the bottom and follow the instructions!
landing.view.hfwquest.button=Go to my Home Room!
landing.view.hfwquest.header=18 days of Quests!
landing.view.highscore.body=We've added a whole bunch of new wired to help you build bigger, better games and even added some new group furni - so fly those group colours proudly!
landing.view.highscore.button=Go to shop!
landing.view.highscore.header=New Wired and Group Furni
landing.view.highscoresubmit.body=Where are all the game makers at? And who does it best? Build a game room containing a give score wired and a highscore classic - alltime furni and invite people to play - we'll let the players decide!
landing.view.highscoresubmit.header=LET THE GAMES BEGIN
landing.view.hipadbundle.body=For a LIMITED time, get the chance to have your very own HiPad Store! Classic and slick design, this room bundle is sure to please even the pickiest of Habbo's. Gather your HiPad Geniuses and put on your blue t-shirts - HiPad store is here! Your HiPad Vendor furni will fit in perfectly. Available for a limited time via credits + direct purchase.
landing.view.hipadbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hipadbundle.header=HiPad Store Room Bundle
landing.view.history16blue.body=The final Battle Ball Lobby has arrived. Add it to your collection today! Available until next Monday morning - 100% exclusive furni.
landing.view.history16blue.button=See the bundle
landing.view.history16blue.header=NEW: Blue Battle Ball Lobby!
landing.view.history16catalog.body=We've changed prices in the Catalogue so that you can buy and OWN selected items with Duckets!
landing.view.history16catalog.button=Go and see!
landing.view.history16catalog.header=No More Rentables!
landing.view.history16chest.body=These chests contain one of 15 EPIC classic rares from Habbo's rich history! Available for 24 hours on 31/08, 07/09, 14/09 + 21/09.
landing.view.history16chest.button=See the Chest!
landing.view.history16chest.header=Rare Azure Chest of Light!
landing.view.history16classic.body=Want to own a certified piece of Habbo History? This 100% EXCLUSIVE bundle is available for a short time only!
landing.view.history16classic.button=See the bundle
landing.view.history16classic.header=Classic Battle Ball Lobby!
landing.view.history16effect.body=Go check out the array of stunning effects on offer at the moment - they're available until 01/11 so get involved while you can!
landing.view.history16effect.button=See the effects
landing.view.history16effect.header=Awesome Effects Available Now!
landing.view.history16green.body=If green is your colour, this is the Battle Ball Lobby for you! Get it while you can - it's only here until next Monday. 100% exclusive!
landing.view.history16green.button=See the bundle
landing.view.history16green.header=NEW: Green Battle Ball Lobby!
landing.view.history16orange.body=You'll LOVE this bundle. It's a central part of Habbo's history! Available for a limited time only - are you going to miss it?
landing.view.history16orange.button=See the bundle
landing.view.history16orange.header=NEW: Orange Battle Ball Lobby!
landing.view.history16purple.body=The latest of our classic and collectible Battle Ball Lobbies is here... timeless and 100% exclusive - get it today!
landing.view.history16purple.button=See the bundle
landing.view.history16purple.header=NEW: Purple Battle Ball Lobby!
landing.view.home.button=Go to my home room
landing.view.horsesale.body=Grab your saddle and head on over to the Horse section for an awesome SALE on horses! Buy hair dyes to keep your horse looking extra stylish…Grab your pegasus wings to improve your jumps… Or even train your horse to jump through flaming hoops! The possibilities are endless…Giddyup! This sale won't be around furlong.
landing.view.horsesale.button=Saddle Up!
landing.view.horsesale.header=One Horse, Two Horse, Pink horse, Blue horse!
landing.view.hospital_bundle.body=BEEP BEEP - Calling Dr. Habbo! Welcome to Habbo Hospital, where the panic is real but the injuries are pixelated. Lose a hand in a Dragon attack? Habbo Hospital can help! Drink too much Bobba Juice and feel sick? You're at the right place. This medical room bundle has it all - from the plush waiting room to the gory surgical theatre - its all here and ready for action! Includes badge. Hurry, Doctor!
landing.view.hospital_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.hospital_bundle.header=Habbo General Hospital Bundle
landing.view.hshchromium.body=Polished to otherworldly perfection, this extremely rare armour was found at the bottom of a crater near the Hotel AGES ago.
landing.view.hshchromium.button=See the rare!
landing.view.hshchromium.header=RARE Chromium Plate Armour Display!
landing.view.hshgame1.body=You need to escape two annoying journalists before they reveal your true identity and you lose your superhero powers!
landing.view.hshgame1.button=Get away!
landing.view.hshgame1.header=Escaping Exposure
landing.view.hshgame2.body=Rescuing the kidnapped journalists created a HUGE negative gravitational force - now you need to save the Hotel!
landing.view.hshgame2.header=A Natural Disaster
landing.view.hshgame3.body=Recently, the Hotel's plumbing system has been CHAOTIC. For every unclogged toilet, two more appear - you need to help!
landing.view.hshgame3.button=Save the day!
landing.view.hshgame3.header=Sewer Man
landing.view.hshgame4.body=Two Habbos have been kidnapped: it's the sneaky journalists from earlier! You're a superhero - you HAVE to help.
landing.view.hshgame4.button=Save the journalists!
landing.view.hshgame4.header=The Kidnapped Journalists
landing.view.hshgame5.body=Alice McGeeb's parents are attacking the Hotel! Alice doesn't know if she will be able fight them - will Lord Pixel help?
landing.view.hshgame5.button=Defeat the villains!
landing.view.hshgame5.header=Villain Pixel Fight
landing.view.hshgame6.body=After seeing her parents, Alice is conflicted about remaining a superhero. Will she go into the family business or stay with Lord Pixel?
landing.view.hshgame6.button=Save the day!
landing.view.hshgame6.header=Good turns bad?
landing.view.hshheroic.body=Available for a VERY limited time, this fantastic bit of headgear is made from extra-terrestrial metal - don't miss out!
landing.view.hshheroic.button=Check out the helmet!
landing.view.hshheroic.header=RARE Headgear: Heroic Helm!
landing.view.hshimbued.body=Grab one of these rare and extremely valuable Power Imbued Protectors while you can - they're only here for 72 hours!
landing.view.hshimbued.button=See the helmet!
landing.view.hshimbued.header=RARE Headgear: Power Imbued Protector!
landing.view.hshlair.body=Get yourself an EXCLUSIVE Incredible Sulk poster in this bundle! Also comes with a load of awesome furni and a badge.
landing.view.hshlair.button=Look at the bundle!
landing.view.hshlair.header=NEW: Lord Pixel's Lair Bundle
landing.view.hshmustard.body=Far from the chaos of the Hotel, this sanctuary bundle gives you some much needed rest. EXCLUSIVE poster and badge included!
landing.view.hshmustard.button=Check out the bundle!
landing.view.hshmustard.header=NEW: Silver Mustard's Sanctuary Bundle
landing.view.hshneo.body=Containing everything a Neo-Habbo needs to stay on the grid, this bundle also includes an EXCLUSIVE Iron Frank poster!
landing.view.hshneo.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hshneo.header=City of Neo-Habbo Bundle
landing.view.hshskele.body=Made from a legendary metal called Habbamantium, this RARE skeleton can withstand almost anything! Available for 72 hours.
landing.view.hshskele.button=Check out the rare!
landing.view.hshskele.header=RARE Habbamantium Skeleton Display!
landing.view.hshsmuggler.body=Plan your next strike against the bad guys with this awesome new bundle. Contains an EXCLUSIVE poster and badge, too!
landing.view.hshsmuggler.button=Check out the bundle!
landing.view.hshsmuggler.header=Superhero Smuggler's Bundle
landing.view.hstars.bots.bodytext=Buy your very own Bot, they can talk, walk and add style to any dressing room!
landing.view.hstars.bots.header=Band of Bots!
landing.view.hstars.competition.bodytext=Jump on stage and get some respect. The top 10 most respected will win a badge and your profile right on this page.
landing.view.hstars.competition.button=Become a Star!
landing.view.hstars.competition.caption=Show your skills!
landing.view.hstars.competition.title=Competition Diamond for every two Credits! You can use Diamonds to purchase exclusive items or convert them into Credits. More Value! Diamonds!
landing.view.hstars.opencatalog=Buy your Bots! friends might be impressed by your ability to twist your tongue in three different ways, you got some pretty good laughs when you did that chicken impersonation and you even had your mom in tears when you sang "I will always love you". You might think you're a star, but until you've proved it in Habbo, it doesn't matter! Lace your boots, set your hair, and get ready to shine like a star and light up the Habbo heavens! you a Habbo Star? to sing! to dance! to act! to dress like a star!
landing.view.hstars.roomcompetition.submit.bodytext=Think you've got what it takes to put on the best show on earth? Build a room containing a black stage piece, a drum sound effect piece and a Mars Walk.
landing.view.hstars.roomcompetition.submit.header=Jolly Good Show!
landing.view.hstars.roomcompetition.terms=View Terms and Conditions for your favourite show room! now. to vote
landing.view.hstars.roomcompetition2.submit.bodytext=We had a glitch with our submission process, to give everyone a chance to enter and win a badge we are re-running the competition.
landing.view.hstars.sfx.bodytext=Get yourself some sound SFX Furni and build the ultimate Habbo sound!
landing.view.hstars.sfx.header=Let's make some music!
landing.view.hu14bathroom.body=Light some candles and relax in a hot bubble bath. Sit upon the porcelain throne and evaluate your pixel life. Or simply dash into the shower before you run to your lecture. Whatever you do in your bathroom, do it in style.
landing.view.hu14bathroom.button=See the line
landing.view.hu14bathroom.header=Bathroom Decadence
landing.view.hu14choosealpha.button=Enter Alpha Club
landing.view.hu14choosebeta.button=Enter Beta Club
landing.view.hu14chooseclub.body=Become a member of one of the 3 awesome Habbo University Clubs: Red Alpha, Blue Beta or Green Gamma. The choice is yours, but be careful: once you choose you can't change!
landing.view.hu14chooseclub.header=Enter a University Club!
landing.view.hu14choosegamma.button=Enter Gamma Club
landing.view.hu14dormbundle.body=Your very own bedroom (and bathroom!) and the freedom to style it anyway you want! This Dorm Room Bundle is packed tighter than a mini-fridge with everything the cool university student could desire...PLUS a badge! Available via direct purchase + credits.
landing.view.hu14dormbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.hu14dormbundle.header=Piccolo Halls Room Bundle
landing.view.hu14doublecredits.body=Come one, come all…The double credit bonanza is BACK and BIGGER than ever! From horses to bundles, to Builders' Club to HC...Double credits puts EVERYTHING within reach! With double the credits, you can have double the fun.
landing.view.hu14doublecredits.button=Buy credits
landing.view.hu14doublecredits.header=LAST CHANCE - Double credits!
landing.view.hu14furni.body=Every Habbo is unique. From pink and flowery, to hipster chic - Every Habbo has a style. With this SUPER COOL new permanent line, you can decorate your room in your own UNIQUE way! So what are you waiting for?
landing.view.hu14furni.button=See the furni
landing.view.hu14furni.header=Dorm Furni is here!
landing.view.hu14furnimatic.body=Out with the old (ok, really old) with the new! The furni-matic has a HUGE list of exciting new prizes ready for you. Fill it up with furni and watch it whirl around; With TONS of great prizes, you won't be let down!
landing.view.hu14furnimatic.button=Find out more
landing.view.hu14furnimatic.header=Fantastical Furni-matic!
landing.view.hu14ltd.body=Stand up straight. Inhale. Exhale. Try not to mumble. This Lectern LTD is harder to get your hands on than an 'A' on your final exam! Hurry along now and don't miss your classes. Professor Frank doesn't like lateness.
landing.view.hu14ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.hu14ltd.header=Professor's Lectern LTD
landing.view.hu14ltd.timer=Countdown to LTD
landing.view.hu14oldfurni.body=The leaves are dropping… The teachers are grumpy… It must be time to go BACK TO SCHOOL! Sharpen your pencils and try to find your backpack - This year brings back all your old favorites. From lockers and desks, to desks and chairs...It's all here!
landing.view.hu14oldfurni.button=See whats new
landing.view.hu14oldfurni.header=Old Back to school furni is here!
landing.view.hu14professorbundle.body=This studious room bundle is stuffed with everything the intellectual Habbo university student could want...PLUS a badge! Available via direct purchase + credits.
landing.view.hu14professorbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.hu14professorbundle.header="Oh, Captain, my captain!" Bundle
landing.view.hu14rare3.body=Become the master of the Galaxy with this amazing new Rare. Available for only 24 hours, make sure to grab one before it's gone.
landing.view.hu14rare3.button=Check it out!
landing.view.hu14rare3.header=The Solar System Rare is here!
landing.view.hu14rare3.timer=Rare coming in
landing.view.hu14rares.body=Adorn your university dorm room with these clever looking rares. Each rare includes a SUPER COOL badge! Don't miss out, these rares are here today, gone tomorrow...
landing.view.hu14rares.button=Check them out
landing.view.hu14rares.header=Habbo University Rares
landing.view.hu14storiesrare.body=Find the formula for health, happiness and good grades with this adorably geek-chic rare furni. Available for 24 hours only, give your university lab rooms that extra touch of magic with the ultimate science experiment desk!
landing.view.hu14storiesrare.button=See the desk
landing.view.hu14storiesrare.header=Lab Desk Rare!
landing.view.hween12.Monkey.header=RARE PET!! You spread the fear throughout the Fair! Congratulations! your costumes on and take a Fairground hopper to freak out the neigbourhood! Scare enough people and you'll receive the exclusive and elusive Freak Out badge! your freak on! Out the Neighbourhood remaining
landing.view.hween12.costumes.bodytext=The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
landing.view.hween12.costumes.header=Get Freaky!
landing.view.hween12.costumes.opencatalog=Go to Shop
landing.view.hween12.masks.bodytext=The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
landing.view.hween12.masks.header=Get Freaky!
landing.view.hween12.masks.opencatalog=Go to Shop
landing.view.hween12.monkey.bodytext=Introducing the all new, all rare, Weird Monkey for Habboween week!
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.bodytext=During Habboween for every Credit you purchase you receive 5 Pumpkins! Pumpkins can be used to buy Habboween Furni. Get into the Habboween spirit and get yours today!
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.expire.bodytext=Today's the last day to spend your Pumpkins! Make sure you spend them all in the Habboween section!
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.header=Don't wait to turn into a pumpkin!
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.opencredit=Get pumpkins Fairground has come to Habbo, but it's not the kind you'd expect. Many years ago a great tragedy fell upon the fair and it was burned to the ground. But now, on the tenth anniversary of the fire it has returned, demanding that Habbos help it rebuild. Some say the Fair is still haunted by the ghosts of all those who perished, some say it wasn't an accident but the work of one of the carnies, driven insane... The truth lies within the darkness, dare you find it? the Fairground Of Fear! Ringmaster Dave Bubonica Buffo Pomogo The Executioner Ella Mae Mario
landing.view.hween12.rares.bodytext=New Habboween rares in the shop now!
landing.view.hween12.rares.header=This weekend only!
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.bodytext=The ghosts of the old Fair are upset by our presence and threaten to burn the Hotel (will they ever learn? arson is never the answer!) unless we help them revive the Fair and the old Freakshow. Run the best Freakshow in your Hotel to win and save the Hotel.
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.button=Submit your room now
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.header=Save Habbo and revive the Fairground!
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.terms.bodytext=By clicking submit you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. for the best Freakshow now! now. Habbo! Revive the old Freakshow!
landing.view.hween13furni1.body=Double, double toil and trouble...Light your cauldron and watch it bubble! Head over to the HABBOWEEN Furni section where you will find lots of devilishly good deals awaiting you in the shop! Available for a limited time.
landing.view.hween13furni1.button=Go to Shop
landing.view.hween13furni1.header=Habboween Furni is here!
landing.view.hween13intro.body=It is that terrifying time of year again. Frightful things are happening in the Hotel...Help solve the mystery!
landing.view.hween13intro.button=Read More
landing.view.hween13intro.header=Hocus Pocus: Habboween 2013
landing.view.hween13mnstr.body=Grab a frightfully ghoulish deal on Monster seeds, potions and gardening tools. Buy one seed, or the whole set, you never know which plant you'll get! Available for a short time - so don't miss out...
landing.view.hween13mnstr.button=Go to Shop
landing.view.hween13mnstr.header=Monster Plants SALE
landing.view.hween13quest.body=Something really wrong is going on here. It's time for you to overcome the fear and get on this quest... will you come back the same? If you ever come back...
landing.view.hween13quest.button=Solve the mistery!
landing.view.hween13quest.header=Terror in Habbo Hotel
landing.view.hween13rares.body=The Jack-O-Lantern is lit and witching hour is upon us...Habboween Rares must be here! Only available for a limited time, about 6-8 hours, so make sure to watch the clock...
landing.view.hween13rares.button=Go to shop
landing.view.hween13rares.header=Habboween 2013 RARES!
landing.view.hween13roombundle.body=In honor of Habboween 2013, we have a created a frightful room bundle to celebrate! This spooky bundle comes with over 80 items and includes a exclusive Badge! This hair-raising bundle is only around for a short time, so grab one before they disappear into the night…
landing.view.hween13roombundle.button=Go to shop
landing.view.hween13roombundle.header=NEW Spooktacular Room Bundles
landing.view.hween15bc.body=Are you ready for an extra-spooky Builder's Warehouse? You better be - just like the Hotel, it's gone all… evil! From the NEW Habbocalypse to the classic Haunted Manor and Voodoo, it's all there. Go check out BC right now - and get building!
landing.view.hween15bc.button=Check out BC
landing.view.hween15bc.header=Habboween Classics in BC Warehouse NOW!
landing.view.hween15bundle.body=The Habbocalypse Bundle is HERE! Take shelter or take sides with either the Lost Souls or the Light Guardians! Conjure up your own apocalyptic rooms, fight for your life and batten down the hatches - it's going to be a rough Habboween! Includes EXCLUSIVE Haunted Phone Booth furni + badge.
landing.view.hween15bundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hween15bundle.header=Habbocalypse Bundle
landing.view.hween15couture.body=Does your loyalty belong to the Light Guardians? Or are you intent on corrupting and destroying Habbo Hotel with the Lost Souls? Whichever side you choose, you can dress the part with these spooktacular Habbo Couture outfits. Which side will you choose?
landing.view.hween15couture.button=See the outfits
landing.view.hween15couture.header=Habbo Couture: Habbocalypse is here...
landing.view.hween15crafting.body=The Habbocalypse is here, and with it comes CRAFTING. We've written a couple of how-to guides for you, so no one has an excuse for not getting FULLY involved!
landing.view.hween15crafting.button=How to craft
landing.view.hween15crafting.header=How to craft!
landing.view.hween15creditfurni.body=This skull doesn't want anybody, it doesn't NEED anybody. It's a skull, after all. But, seriously, what better souvenir from the Habbocalypse than a RARE purple skull Credit Furni in a lovely little glass house? This highly collectable Rare CF is a brilliant investment and would look superb in any Habbo's trophy room!
landing.view.hween15creditfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.hween15creditfurni.header=EVIL Skull RARE Credit Furni
landing.view.hween15daydead.body=Spooky skulls, bright flowers and traditional altars fill this Day of the Dead bundle! Gather your friends and family and come together to celebrate the Habbos of the past and sacrifice your soul on top of an exclusive Sacrificial Altar Bed furni! Badge included.
landing.view.hween15daydead.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hween15daydead.header=Day of the Dead bundle
landing.view.hween15deathltd.body=Hauling the awful stench of death with it, the Habbocalypse Horseman of Death is probably THE most terrifying and corrupt of the Horsemen you can collect. This LTD is available in strictly limited quantities, so DON'T MISS OUT!
landing.view.hween15deathltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.hween15deathltd.header=Horseman of Death LTD
landing.view.hween15fairground.body=The Freaky Fairground has rolled into town and brought all manner of creepiness with it! From the entrance that watches you, to the ghostly rollercoaster… this bundle is sure keep you entertained! Includes exclusive badge. Available via direct purchase + credits.
landing.view.hween15fairground.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hween15fairground.header=Fairground bundle
landing.view.hween15famineltd.body=If you know what it's like to be hungry, you will have an idea of how this Horseman feels. No matter how much the Habbocalypse Horseman of Famine eats, he just CANNOT satisfy his hunger - 24/7! Here's a super-cool LTD available as a very, very limited furni, so just DON'T miss out!
landing.view.hween15famineltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.hween15famineltd.header=Horseman of Famine LTD
landing.view.hween15furni.body=Darkness and evil is spreading through the Hotel and you're one of the ONLY Habbos that can fight the bad energy! Dodge Evil Frank, avoid dark shadowy places and make it your mission to save Habbo Hotel from complete and TOTAL annihilation!
landing.view.hween15furni.button2=To the Builder's Warehouse
landing.view.hween15furni.button=To the catalogue
landing.view.hween15furni.header=The Habbocalypse has BEGUN!
landing.view.hween15manor.body=The creepy house on the top of the hill has swung open its haunted doors to let you inside. With creaky floors and even creakier doors, you better watch your step in this eerie haunted mansion. Includes EXCLUSIVE Harbinger of the Habbocalypse furni + badge.
landing.view.hween15manor.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hween15manor.header=Haunted Manor bundle
landing.view.hween15pestilenceltd.body=This Horseman of the Habbocalypse STINKS so badly that he doesn't even need to touch Habbos to corrupt them. Seriously. Make sure you tell your room's guests to dodge the wafting, RANK-smelling clouds of pixels when they visit, OK? Available in very limited quantities, don't miss out!
landing.view.hween15pestilenceltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.hween15pestilenceltd.header=Horseman of Pestilence LTD
landing.view.hween15pumpkin.body=These wonderful enchanted pumpkins are FULL of Habbocalypse ingredients...Just in time to help you CRAFT! Don't miss out...
landing.view.hween15pumpkin.button=Check it out
landing.view.hween15pumpkin.header=Pumpkin packs have arrived!
landing.view.hween15twisted.body=This spooktacular bundle comes packed with all the poison apples, metal fences and turrets you could desire, and it EVEN includes an exclusive badge.
landing.view.hween15twisted.button=See the bundle
landing.view.hween15twisted.header=Twisted Castle bundle
landing.view.hween15voodoo.body=Wade through the foggy swamps, but don't let the Witch Doctor catch you… from skulls on a stick to bats in cages - this spooky bundle is certain to give you goosebumps! Grab this bundle to ensure you don't miss out on the exclusive Corrupted Kitty furni, and of course an exclusive badge!
landing.view.hween15voodoo.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hween15voodoo.header=Voodoo bundle
landing.view.hween15warltd.body=This Horseman spreads destruction, fire and brimstone. DON'T encourage it to start fires… that always ends in tears. This LTD furni is the perfect addition to any warlike and wrathful Habbo's room… just MAKE SURE you let your guests know it'll be around beforehand!
landing.view.hween15warltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.hween15warltd.header=Horseman of War LTD
landing.view.hween18activities.body=Are you ready to celebrate Habboween? Test your knowledge with our Habboween quiz and you might win a Beige Tortoise and a cool badge! And for the real creepers we've opened a haunted room... only enter if you dare. Happy Habboween!
landing.view.hween18activities.button=Open the naviagtor!
landing.view.hween18activities.header=Happy Habboween!
landing.view.hweenlocklock.body=Go and seek out that ultra-special someone and outright ETERNALISE your friendship with this special Day of the Dead votive.
landing.view.hweenlocklock.button=Check it out
landing.view.hweenlocklock.header=Day of the Dead Votive
landing.view.hygge18antlers.body=Rare Antlers. It's Christmas soon. They're never, EVER to be sold again. Don't miss out, Habbos!
landing.view.hygge18antlers.button=See the rare!
landing.view.hygge18antlers.header=RARE Nordic Antlers!
landing.view.hygge18diamond.body=Affordably priced, these gift boxes can contain one of a variety of items. If you're REALLY lucky, you might get a classic, diamond version of clothing!
landing.view.hygge18diamond.button=See the boxes!
landing.view.hygge18diamond.header=Diamond Gift Boxes!
landing.view.hygge18dungarees.body=Who doesn't fancy wearing a pair of stylish dungarees once in a while? Rare and NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.hygge18dungarees.button=See the rare!
landing.view.hygge18dungarees.header=RARE Logger's Dungarees!
landing.view.hygge18forest.body=Get a bit closer to nature and explore a tiny corner of Denmark's forests with this bundle. Comes with exclusive badge!
landing.view.hygge18forest.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hygge18forest.header=Danish Forest Bundle
landing.view.hygge18fox.body=Awwwww. This cute little fox is rare and will NEVER be available again.
landing.view.hygge18fox.button=See the rare!
landing.view.hygge18fox.header=RARE Dozing Fox!
landing.view.hygge18furni.body=In keeping with the Danish word 'Hygge', our designers have created a small selection of items for you to add that extra bit of comfort to your rooms.
landing.view.hygge18furni.button=See the furni!
landing.view.hygge18furni.header=Danish Hygge Furni!
landing.view.hygge18hair.body=You need this in your avatar editor, people. It's superb, suave and above all Danish! This is a rare item and is never to be sold again.
landing.view.hygge18hair.button=See the rare!
landing.view.hygge18hair.header=RARE Nordic Fringe Hairstyle!
landing.view.hygge18hygge.body=Walk through the door and sink into a warm pool of comfort and well-being with this bundle. Comes with exclusive badge!
landing.view.hygge18hygge.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.hygge18hygge.header=Hygge House Bundle
landing.view.hygge18only.body=Classic items of Habbo clothing, fashioned from diamonds. The ultimate status symbol, available now!
landing.view.hygge18only.button=See the items!
landing.view.hygge18only.header=Diamond Clothing!
landing.view.hzero.body=Between the 8th and 13th of February 2013, carnival is coming to Hero Zero. During this time you will find crazy carnival items in the in-game shop. Make sure you take a look at the donut shop, as we put very tasty donut packages together. Happy carnival!
landing.view.hzero.button=Play Hero Zero
landing.view.hzero.header=Carnival in Hero Zero
landing.view.hzerosummer.body=Join this ultimate special week and get stunning rewards: Increase your chance for an epic item, strengthen your hero with double training points, receive more stamina or level up faster. Every day another bonus and big events with awesome items. Only from 8/5-8/9!
landing.view.hzerosummer.header=Hero Zero Summertime Event Week!
landing.view.hzhand.body=Play Hero Zero now to receive the rare "The Habbo Hand of unlimited inventory" in Hero Zero exclusive to Habbo players!
landing.view.hzhand.header=Exclusive Hero Zero Item
landing.view.icecream.body=One of the most valuable, shiny and all-round GORGEOUS rare furni in all of Habbo is now in the Catalogue - DON'T miss out!
landing.view.icecream.button=See the Rare
landing.view.icecream.header=Rare XXXXX Ice Cream Maker Machine
landing.view.itgirl.body=Enter the glamorous world of It Girl. Pick out the hottest clothes and attend the most exclusive parties to make your way to the top of the pack!
landing.view.itgirl.button=Play now!
landing.view.itgirl.header=It Girl!
landing.view.jan15atticBC.body=Blow off the cobwebs, pull back the sheets to find a hidden treasure trove of dusty attic furni! Build your dusty attic kingdom and pile it high with furni - just don't forget the mousetraps! Head over to the Builder's Warehouse for dusty fun.
landing.view.jan15atticBC.button=To the warehouse!
landing.view.jan15atticBC.header=Forgotten Attic Furni joins Builders' Club!
landing.view.jan15atticbundle.body=Hidden behind a locked wooden find the dusty, sheet-covered Attic room full to the cobwebs with forgotten furni. Piled high with dingy cardboard boxes, old wooden furni and dusty piles of paintings this attic is meant to be explored! Includes a Rare with badge and an additional Badge dedicated to the bundle.
landing.view.jan15atticbundle.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan15atticbundle.header=Forgotten Attic Bundle
landing.view.jan15atticrare.body=Ding, dong - It's time for a rares sale! The dusty attic has brought us a handful of amazing rare furni for you. From Antique grandfather clocks and Cosmos certainly won't want to forget about this sale! Each rare includes and EXCLUSIVE badge. On sale for 24hrs only.
landing.view.jan15atticrare.button=See the Rares
landing.view.jan15atticrare.header=Forgotten Attic Rares!
landing.view.jan15public.body=New year brings new and exciting features to the Hotel! From the all NEW room navigator to the long awaited return of public rooms...We have TONS of exciting stuff making a splash into the hotel this year!
landing.view.jan15public.button=Find out more
landing.view.jan15public.header=NEW Features make a splash!
landing.view.jan17bavarian.body=One of our most popular Christmas bundles is available for a very limited time - and it comes with an EXCLUSIVE Seal Topiary!
landing.view.jan17bavarian.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17bavarian.header=Bavarian Christmas Bundle
landing.view.jan17classic.body=The Classic Tea Room bundle is back for a limited time only - get involved! Comes with a new badge, too.
landing.view.jan17classic.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17classic.header=Classic Tea Room Bundle!
landing.view.jan17cny.body=We've cooked up some fantastic year of the rooster furni for you to add to your Chinese New Year collection!
landing.view.jan17cny.button=See the furni
landing.view.jan17cny.header=Year of the Rooster Furni
landing.view.jan17fair.body=For a short time only, you have the chance to own this creepy little bundle. Includes a valuable Misfortune Teller and Cage!
landing.view.jan17fair.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17fair.header=Freaky Fairground Bundle
landing.view.jan17fireside.body=Packed full of versatile building furni and valuable Red Sofas and Chairs, this is NOT a bundle you want to miss.
landing.view.jan17fireside.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17fireside.header=Fireside Chalet Bundle
landing.view.jan17jelly.body=Ever wanted to own a Duck Hat? Well, now's your chance - it comes as an exclusive item in this bundle!
landing.view.jan17jelly.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17jelly.header=Jellybean Jungle Bundle
landing.view.jan17locker.body=Containing an exclusive set of Medical Scales, this locker room has EVERYTHING you need to prepare for the big game.
landing.view.jan17locker.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17locker.header=Football Locker Bundle
landing.view.jan17love.body=Get your hands on some of Habbo's most ICONIC Japan furni and pick up a pair of exclusive Lovebirds of Paradise at the same time!
landing.view.jan17love.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17love.header=Japanese Love Garden Bundle
landing.view.jan17palooza.body=For a limited time only, pick up a bunch of legendary Palooza items and an EXCLUSIVE Arrow Signage furni!
landing.view.jan17palooza.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17palooza.header=Palooza Hoopla Bundle
landing.view.jan17pool.body=Pick up this bundle and get an EXCLUSIVE Small Pool Kiosk at the same time! Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.jan17pool.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17pool.header=Small Pool Bundle
landing.view.jan17rarecny.body=NEVER to be sold again, this rare year of the rooster balloon is the perfect addition to your Chinese New Year collection!
landing.view.jan17rarecny.button=See the rare
landing.view.jan17rarecny.header=RARE Rooster Balloon
landing.view.jan17restaurant.body=Bag this bundle and get a big dose of psychedelia! Do TRY and focus on the food. Exclusive Breakfast Buffet included.
landing.view.jan17restaurant.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17restaurant.header=Psychedelic Restaurant Bundle
landing.view.jan17train.body=For a VERY limited time only, you can pick up one of the most classic bundles EVER put together in Habbo!
landing.view.jan17train.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jan17train.header=Frontier Train Bundle
landing.view.jan18bluef.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18bluef.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18bluef.header=RARE Blue Fountain
landing.view.jan18boxes.body=We've put together some deals on HC and BC Gift Boxes that will make your jaw drop. Time to stock up!
landing.view.jan18boxes.button=See the boxes!
landing.view.jan18boxes.header=HC + BC Gift Box Deals!
landing.view.jan18exeicm.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18exeicm.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18exeicm.header=RARE Executive Ice Cream Maker!
landing.view.jan18game.body=Test your memory in this game of 12 levels, each one harder than the last. Visit the Navigator to play and earn the badge!
landing.view.jan18game.button=Open the Navigator!
landing.view.jan18game.header=Play Our Memory Game!
landing.view.jan18gtf.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18gtf.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18gtf.header=RARE Gothic Fountain
landing.view.jan18hcclub.body=Take a trip down memory lane with our HC Club bundle! Comes with two EXCLUSIVE HC Lounge Elephants! (HC MEMBERS ONLY).
landing.view.jan18hcclub.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan18hcclub.header=Classic HC Club Bundle
landing.view.jan18holo.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18holo.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18holo.header=RARE Holoboy
landing.view.jan18library.body=Feel like a good old read? The Classic Library Bundle is JUST what you need. Comes with an exclusive Librarian's Frank Bust!
landing.view.jan18library.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan18library.header=Classic Library Bundle
landing.view.jan18pinkicm.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18pinkicm.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18pinkicm.header=RARE Pink Ice Cream Maker!
landing.view.jan18skydl.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18skydl.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18skydl.header=RARE Sky Dragon Lamp
landing.view.jan18yellowfan.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18yellowfan.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18yellowfan.header=RARE Yellow Powered Fan
landing.view.jan18yellowsb.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18yellowsb.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18yellowsb.header=RARE Yellow Sleeping Bag
landing.view.jan18yellowsd.body=NEVER to be sold again, this classic rare is only available for a limited time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jan18yellowsd.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan18yellowsd.header=RARE Yellow Spaceship Door
landing.view.jan19attic.body=Here we have an absolute classic. Not only do you get a shiny new badge, you also get a brand new (and exclusive) Lazy Day Hammock as well. How great is that?
landing.view.jan19attic.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan19attic.header=Forgotten Attic Bundle
landing.view.jan19forces.body=Hidden deep underground, these military headquarters contain all the high-tech monitoring equipment you need to keep control of your troops and your eye on the enemy. Includes EXCLUSIVE furni and badge
landing.view.jan19forces.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan19forces.header=Habbo Forces HQ Bundle
landing.view.jan19wavy2.body=This hairstyle. This HAIRSTYLE! It's rare, and we will never, ever put it back into the Catalogue: once it's gone, it's gone. Get one while you can, Habbos!
landing.view.jan19wavy2.button=See the rare
landing.view.jan19wavy2.header=Rare Long Wavy Locks!
landing.view.jan20backpack.body=For aspiring astronomers and Habbos that love starry nights. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.jan20backpack.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan20backpack.header=RARE Starry Night Backpack!
landing.view.jan20earphones.body=As warm as they are cute. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.jan20earphones.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jan20earphones.header=RARE Kitty Headphones!
landing.view.jan20sweet3.body=The full version of this bundle contains three exclusive badges and SIX exclusive items! (2x House Keys, 2x Tiny Hamsters and 2x Diamond Heart Necklaces.)
landing.view.jan20sweet3.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jan20sweet3.header=Full version of Sweet Home Bundles
landing.view.japan15bundle.body=Feel the zen as you stroll past the rock garden; stop by and feed the Koi fish; and then really relax with a tea in the traditional wooden hot tub. Includes exclusive RARE and BADGE! Available for credits or direct purchase.
landing.view.japan15bundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15bundle.header=Japanese Love Garden
landing.view.japan15camera.body=Put on your fish hat, gather your friends and get ready to strike a pose with this exciting new feature. This awesome new camera will allow you to easily create and share your snaps.
landing.view.japan15camera.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15camera.header=FLASH - Habbo Camera 2.0 is here!
landing.view.japan15clothing.body=These ornate traditional Japanese kimono outfits will transport you to the past! Whether its a casual stroll through the zen garden or a formal tea ceremony with the Emperor - You'll be dressed for success!
landing.view.japan15clothing.button=See the looks
landing.view.japan15clothing.header=Habbo Couture hits Japan!
landing.view.japan15furni.body=The sakura trees are blossoming, the zen gardens are raked, and the season of love is finally here! All the way from beautiful ancient Japan, we bring you a Valentine's to remember… Full line exclusive to BC.
landing.view.japan15furni.button=Build, build, build
landing.view.japan15furni.header=Ancient Love is here...
landing.view.japan15gifts.body=Whether it's with teddy bears or chocolates, show your friends how much they really mean with a heartfelt - and beautifully wrapped - gift, especially for them!
landing.view.japan15gifts.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15gifts.header=Share the love with GIFTS!
landing.view.japan15ltd.body=This ornate LTD comes all the way from the palaces of ancient Japan. This decorative Samurai suit is said to have been used to guard some of the great treasures of Japan. Some say the suit comes alive and guards your rooms at night... Available in limited quantities - don't miss out!
landing.view.japan15ltd.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15ltd.header=Samurai Suit of Armour LTD
landing.view.japan15oldfurni.body=All your favourite Valentines Day ranges are back! Build your special someone a room filled with Shalimar furni they will cherish. Or dazzle them with the wonders of Venetian city of love. You certainly won't want to miss these mood-setting furni…
landing.view.japan15oldfurni.button=To the warehouse!
landing.view.japan15oldfurni.header=Love Day through the years…
landing.view.japan15rares.body=Say 'Konnichiwa' to these stunning rares all the way from Japan. Whether it's the swirling ripples of the Koi fish pond or the bubbling waters of the steaming hot tub - These rares will set your heart racing! Available for 24hrs only.
landing.view.japan15rares.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15rares.header=Ancient rares arrive from Japan!
landing.view.japan15venezia.body=Float through the ancient canals of beautiful Venice in style with this incredible pre-decorated room bundle. Set off at sunset for a perfectly romantic evening with your Valentine! Includes an exclusive badge… Your gondo-love it!
landing.view.japan15venezia.button=Check it out
landing.view.japan15venezia.header=Beautiful Venezia is back!
landing.view.jul17apart.body=Opportunities like this are rare - 4 (new) different badges + 3 classic, *EXCLUSIVE* furni - a White Bling Fridge, Sofa AND Bed!
landing.view.jul17apart.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jul17apart.header=4 Habbo Main Street is BACK!
landing.view.jul17bluefan.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Blue Powered Fan!
landing.view.jul17bluefan.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jul17bluefan.header=CLASSIC Blue Powered Fan Rare!
landing.view.jul17braids.body=This is the one and ONLY time you'll be able to pick up these ravishing braids. Get involved today!
landing.view.jul17braids.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul17braids.header=RARE Boxer Braids
landing.view.jul17calendar.body=This month, every Habbo will receive a daily gift from their Summer Calendar. Click below to get yours today!
landing.view.jul17calendar.button=See the furni
landing.view.jul17calendar.header=FREE Summer Calendar Gifts!
landing.view.jul17chocfan.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Brown Powered Fan!
landing.view.jul17chocfan.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jul17chocfan.header=CLASSIC Brown Powered Fan Rare!
landing.view.jul17fair.body=Get down to the Habbo village fair this summer! This bundle comes with a set of EXCLUSIVE Merchandise Stalls too. (Made by NL Habbo Jenneben)
landing.view.jul17fair.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jul17fair.header=Get a Village Fair Bundle!
landing.view.jul17festival.body=Bass, beats, friends and fun. This Summer Festival bundle comes with a set of EXCLUSIVE Habburgers Food Trucks! (Made by IT Habbo .:Kala:.)
landing.view.jul17festival.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jul17festival.header=Festival Bundle!
landing.view.jul17icm.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Choco Ice Cream Maker!
landing.view.jul17icm.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jul17icm.header=CLASSIC Choco Ice Cream Maker Rare!
landing.view.jul17lava.body=This July, make sure you play our 'The Floor is Lava Game' - a special badge is included so don't miss out!
landing.view.jul17lava.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.jul17lava.header=The Floor is LAVA game!
landing.view.jul17old.body=It's that time of year, Habbos! We've put a TON of classic summer-themed furni into the Catalogue. Enjoy!
landing.view.jul17old.button=See the furni
landing.view.jul17old.header=BACK: Classic Summertime Furni!
landing.view.jul17seal.body=Are you sure you can resist the cuteness of this sea lion pup? Go ahead and try, we dare you!
landing.view.jul17seal.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul17seal.header=RARE Cute Sea Lion Pup
landing.view.jul17shark.body=Check out this shark head. Yes, you can pretend to be Jaws, in Habbo. Get one while you can!
landing.view.jul17shark.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul17shark.header=RARE Shark Head
landing.view.jul17sports.body=Admire this bundle's seaside views from the comfort of a beach shack. Comes with three EXCLUSIVE Promenade Lamps! (Made by .COM Habbo Pulx)
landing.view.jul17sports.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jul17sports.header=New Seaside Watersports Bundle!
landing.view.jul17star.body=Practice your astronomical technique in peace. Included are three EXCLUSIVE Star Gazer's Telescopes! (Made by .COM Habbo Frission)
landing.view.jul17star.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jul17star.header=Get a Star Gazer's Bundle!
landing.view.jul17trawler.body=Rustique fish trailers, available for a VERY short time only! Get one while you can...
landing.view.jul17trawler.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul17trawler.header=RARE Fishing Trawler
landing.view.jul18birds.body=For the next six days, we're releasing a new exotic and RARE pet every day. Collect all six and get an extra bonus badge!
landing.view.jul18birds.button=See today's rare bird
landing.view.jul18birds.header=New: RARE Exotic Birds!
landing.view.jul18colours.body=We're making a selection of hard to find and different coloured furni available for you all. Pick them up while you can!
landing.view.jul18colours.button=See the furni!
landing.view.jul18colours.header=Extra Colours Available!
landing.view.jul18diner.body=Coffee? Bacon and eggs? ...Get down to the cafe, Habbos! This bundle comes with an exclusive badge.
landing.view.jul18diner.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.jul18diner.header=Cafe Diner Bundle
landing.view.jul18frohawk.body=The Frohawk is available NOW for a limited time only. Pick one up while you can!
landing.view.jul18frohawk.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul18frohawk.header=RARE Frohawk
landing.view.jul18habbo.body=Make sure play our Habbo 18 games so you can vote for our designers to make one of three special birthday rares!
landing.view.jul18habbo.button=Visit the Navigator
landing.view.jul18habbo.header=Habbo 18 Rare Furni Poll!
landing.view.jul18locks.body=Wavy Locks are available NOW for a limited time only. Pick them up while you can!
landing.view.jul18locks.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul18locks.header=RARE Wavy Locks
landing.view.jul18ltd.body=To celebrate the World Cup 2018, our designers have designed an absolutely gorgeous LTD trophy. Not one to miss, we think...
landing.view.jul18ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.jul18ltd.header=2018 Football Trophy LTD!
landing.view.jul18music.body=It's summer, and in summer come festivals! And we've put together everything you need for them inside two packs. Each contains an exclusive badge - don't miss out!
landing.view.jul18music.button=See the packs!
landing.view.jul18music.header=Palooza Packs
landing.view.jul18posters.body=For a very, very limited time only we are bringing back a selection of old Habbo VIP posts. Don't miss out on this unprecedented opportunity!
landing.view.jul18posters.button=See the posters!
landing.view.jul18posters.header=Old VIP posters
landing.view.jul18rare.body=You voted for us to make this awesome furni, so here it is. Get one while you can - it won't be in the Catalogue for long!
landing.view.jul18rare.button=See the rare
landing.view.jul18rare.header=Habbo 18 Rare Furni!
landing.view.jul18summer.body=Everything you need for the beach, condensed into a couple of different packs. Each pack comes with an exclusive badge!
landing.view.jul18summer.button=See the packs!
landing.view.jul18summer.header=Beach Packs
landing.view.july19summer.body=We have the perfect room for you to cool down and hang out with your friends. Dive into in the pool, meet new Habbos and win some awesome summer prizes!
landing.view.july19summer.button=Open the Navigator!
landing.view.july19summer.header=Summer fun has BEGUN!
landing.view.jun17beach.body=Dark sand? Finger-slicing crabs? This beach is... unique. Includes an EXCLUSIVE Crab Rock Pool! (Hand item provider)
landing.view.jun17beach.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun17beach.header=Red Beach Bundle
landing.view.jun17centaur.body=Here we have the noble Centaur! Trimmed with gold, it's the PERFECT addition to any Greek villa.
landing.view.jun17centaur.button=See the rare
landing.view.jun17centaur.header=RARE Gilded Centaur!
landing.view.jun17chest.body=Get one of five ancient and RARE ancient Greek clothing items from these relic chests. Available for a VERY limited time only!
landing.view.jun17chest.button=See the chests!
landing.view.jun17chest.header=RARE Ancient Relic Chests!
landing.view.jun17chimera.body=Set your eyes upon the the deadly Chimera! It has a snake for a tail. Yes. really.
landing.view.jun17chimera.button=See the rare
landing.view.jun17chimera.header=RARE Gilded Chimera!
landing.view.jun17dock.body=Nothing beats starting your holiday by pulling into Santorini's beautiful dock. Also comes with an EXCLUSIVE Amiable Dolphin!
landing.view.jun17dock.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun17dock.header=Santorini Dock Bundle
landing.view.jun17fira.body=Dutch user Jenneben has recreated a part of Fira, one of Santorini's most exquisite villages!
landing.view.jun17fira.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun17fira.header=Fira Village Bundle
landing.view.jun17games.body=The latest official Santorini Greece game is now OPEN! Click the button to see it in the 'official games' section of the Navigator.
landing.view.jun17games.button=Open the Navigator!
landing.view.jun17games.header=Donnie Santini in Santorini!
landing.view.jun17hydra.body=We now present to you the repulsive Hydra! It had three heads and a DISGUSTING temper.
landing.view.jun17hydra.button=See the rare
landing.view.jun17hydra.header=RARE Gilded Hydra!
landing.view.jun17ltd.body=Sailors navigating around Santorini's sharp red rocks rely on this majestic piece of architecture to guide them home safely at night!
landing.view.jun17ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.jun17ltd.header=Santorini Lighthouse LTD
landing.view.jun17minotaur.body=This collectible mythical beast rare is the deadly Minotaur! SUCH a fearsome beast.
landing.view.jun17minotaur.button=See the rare
landing.view.jun17minotaur.header=RARE Gilded Minotaur!
landing.view.jun17new.body=Create the most idyllic summer holiday scenes imaginable with our BRAND NEW island-themed furni line: Santorini Greece!
landing.view.jun17new.button=See the furni
landing.view.jun17new.header=NEW: Santorini Greece Furni!
landing.view.jun17temple.body=Climb Santorini's hills and you may find one of these ancient mausoleums!
landing.view.jun17temple.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun17temple.header=Hilltop Mausoleum Bundle
landing.view.jun20book.body=Indian Blueprint Books are available! Use the hammer effect to obtain blueprints and then craft them into special clothing items. The probabilities of getting each of the five blueprints from your book are all 20%, or 1 in 5.
landing.view.jun20book.button=See the furni
landing.view.jun20book.header=Crackable Indian Blueprint Book!
landing.view.jun20book2.body=Indian crafting blueprints are available! Use them to craft brand new clothing items.
landing.view.jun20book2.button=See the furni
landing.view.jun20book2.header=Indian Blueprint Book and Clothing Blueprints!
landing.view.jun20bundlea.body=Fall into a new role and take on the beautiful palace views that come with it. Will you be the next Sultan? (Bundle made by Pulx .COM)
landing.view.jun20bundlea.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun20bundlea.header=Sultan Palace View Bundle
landing.view.jun20bundleb.body=Not your typical royal bedroom. Rani's Bedroom is bold, beautiful, and the perfect place to rest your head at night!
landing.view.jun20bundleb.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun20bundleb.header=Rani's Bedroom Bundle
landing.view.jun20bundlec.body=Nothing teaches you more about another country than a celebration. Make new friends and join the excitement in Indian Festival Parade! (Bundle made by Baenary .FR)
landing.view.jun20bundlec.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun20bundlec.header=Indian Festival Parade Bundle
landing.view.jun20bundled.body=Enjoy a range of exquisite dishes and decadent decor in your very own Sultan's Palace Banquet! Get ready to expand your palettes.
landing.view.jun20bundled.button=See the bundle
landing.view.jun20bundled.header=Sultan's Palace Banquet Bundle
landing.view.jun20cloth.body=Find a new style fit for an Indian Palace. Check out our BRAND NEW clothing items, guaranteed to enhance your stay in India!
landing.view.jun20cloth.button=See the clothing
landing.view.jun20cloth.header=NEW: Indian Palace Clothing!
landing.view.jun20craft.body=You have your blueprints. You have your cloth. It's time to craft your brand new Indian outfits with your very own Sewing Station crafting table!
landing.view.jun20craft.button=Go craft!
landing.view.jun20craft.header=Sewing Station Crafting Table!
landing.view.jun20hair.body=This stunningly decorated braid is the traditional look you need for your Indian break. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.jun20hair.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jun20hair.header=RARE Intricate Jewel Braid
landing.view.jun20hat.body=This cheeky monkey is loyal to its master and makes for a charming addition to your room. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.jun20hat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jun20hat.header=RARE Fez Monkey Hat
landing.view.jun20indian.body=Explore a new culture as we journey to India for a much-needed summer break! Take a trip through India's Palaces with our new furni line.
landing.view.jun20indian.button=See the furni
landing.view.jun20indian.header=NEW: Indian Palace Furni!
landing.view.jun20suitcase.body=Whoever needs to carry around such large amounts of cash? Habbo traders, of course. This exchanges for 1500 credits and will never be sold again!
landing.view.jun20suitcase.button=See the furni
landing.view.jun20suitcase.header=RARE Suitcase of Cash Credit Furni!
landing.view.jun20tent.body=Find sanctity in your very own Exotic Pillow Den! Rare and never to be sold again.
landing.view.jun20tent.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jun20tent.header=RARE Exotic Pillow Den
landing.view.jun20throne.body=A palace isn't complete without a throne for a Sultan and someone to sit in it! This limited edition throne won't be available for long. Get it before the clock runs out!
landing.view.jun20throne.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.jun20throne.header=Sultan's Throne LTD
landing.view.jun20tiger.body=Get your very own Bengal Tiger and use it to protect your palace from evil-doers threatening to take your crown! Rare and never to be sold again.
landing.view.jun20tiger.button=See the rare!
landing.view.jun20tiger.header=RARE Bengal Tiger
landing.view.june20blackdino.body=This is your chance to own a classic and limited edition piece of Habbo history!
landing.view.june20blackdino.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.june20blackdino.header=Black Dino Egg LTD
landing.view.junefurni.body=For a limited time only, we've added some amazing Habbo classics to the shop.
landing.view.junefurni.button=Go see!
landing.view.junefurni.header=Furni Update!
landing.view.juninas_bundle.body=*Ding Dong* The church bells are ringin' and L-O-V-E is in the air! This Juninas is jam packed with celebrations, so why not top it off with a wedding!? From flowers, to pews, to the stained glass church windows…it's all here. Grab your white dress (or suit up, boys!) and get ready for the most loved up bundle there ever was. Includes Bundle badge, RARE and Rare badge! Don't miss out…
landing.view.juninas_bundle.header=Juninas of Love Bundle
landing.view.jurassic15clothing.body=Strutting their way into the hotel, these WILD prehistoric items are sure to make a ROARing impression on all your friends! No cheetahs (or dinosaurs) were harmed in the making of Habbo Couture: Jurassic.
landing.view.jurassic15clothing.button=Check it out
landing.view.jurassic15clothing.header=Habbo Couture: Jurassic - ON SALE NOW!
landing.view.jurassic15dragonfly.body=WOAH - This colourful Meganeura LTD - that's a jurassic Dragonfly to you and me - is MEGA awesome. These gentle giants roam the Jurassic Habbo landscape, gliding through the Hotel air, flapping their delicate wings in a graceful but hurried way. Available in limited quantities, don't let this LTD fly away...
landing.view.jurassic15dragonfly.button=See the LTD
landing.view.jurassic15dragonfly.header=Jurassic Meganeura LTD
landing.view.jurassic15furni.body=Millions of years ago, dinosaurs walked the earth. This year, we brought them back! From 10,000 volt fences and lava geysers, to poisonous plants and vicious dinosaurs…it'll be a miracle if you survive!
landing.view.jurassic15furni.button=To the catalogue
landing.view.jurassic15furni.header=Welcome…to Jurassic Habbo!
landing.view.jurassic15lastchance.body=Don't miss out! Grab your Jurassic Habbo furni while its still available. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs walked the earth. This year, we brought them back! From 10,000 volt fences and lava geysers, to poisonous plants and vicious dinosaurs…it'll be a miracle if you survive!
landing.view.jurassic15lastchance.button=To the catalogue
landing.view.jurassic15lastchance.header=LAST CHANCE: Jurassic Habbo furni!
landing.view.jurassic15parkbundle.body=Palm trees, ferns and crystal clear pools. Jurassic Habbo is a lovely place... but watch your step - especially around the (slightly grumpy) Dilophosaurus - or you might end up on the wrong side of the electric fence. This AWESOME bundle gives you an EXCLUSIVE badge, too!
landing.view.jurassic15parkbundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.jurassic15parkbundle.header=Mini Jurassic Habbo Bundle
landing.view.jurassic15pets.body=You can't walk them on a leash. Or play fetch with them. But these prehistoric pets are sure to keep you on your toes! Have you always wished for a PTERRIFIC Pterodactyl pet? Or dreamt of having a vivacious Velociraptor partner-in-crime. Whatever you want, these devilish dinos will not disappoint!
landing.view.jurassic15pets.header=Dinosaur Pets arrive!
landing.view.jurassic15pterobundle.body=Dodge vipers, swing on vines and crawl over the moss-laden fallen trees, but PLEASE just don't be fooled by the friendly new Raptor pet - most of 'em are eggs-traordinarily vicious! This Raptor Enclosure bundle includes the Velociraptor pet itself, a nest and a toy, along with a bunch of other JURASS-TASTIC furni. Includes Pet + Badge!
landing.view.jurassic15pterobundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.jurassic15pterobundle.header=Velociraptor Nursery Bundle
landing.view.jurassic15raptorbundle.body=Check out those ridiculously oversized plants...and dino-footprints... but keep your distance from the baby dinos, Habbos! With the Pterodactyl Nesting Grounds, you can bag a pterrific room bundle PLUS Pterodactyl pet. Just don't be a greedy paleontologist and try to steal Mama Pterodactyl's eggs... or you might not escape with your life. Includes Pet + Badge!
landing.view.jurassic15raptorbundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.jurassic15raptorbundle.header=Pterodactyl Nesting Ground
landing.view.jurassic15summer.body=Grab your swim trunks, slather on your sunscreen and get ready for a summer of FUN. From pool parties, to dinosaur tracking - this summer has it all...PLUS badges! Get ready for the heatwave with all your favourtie furni like Tiki, Coco and Bensalem to give your rooms that summery feel.
landing.view.jurassic15summer.button=Check it out
landing.view.jurassic15summer.header=Hello, Summer! Hello, furni!
landing.view.jurassic15throne.body=When dinosaurs walked the earth, Tyrannosaurus Rex was considered the fiercest predator of all time. Now, he is the fiercest and fanciest recliner in all of Habbo. Short arms or not - this armchair is sure to make you king (or queen!) of the jungle. Available in limited quantities, don't miss out!
landing.view.jurassic15throne.button=See the LTD
landing.view.jurassic15throne.header=T-Rex Bone Throne LTD
landing.view.ktchn15cottage.body=Grab this bundle and get the essential elements of a countryside cottage kitchen! EXCLUSIVE Deluxe Microwave and badge included.
landing.view.ktchn15cottage.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.ktchn15cottage.header=Cottage Kitchen Bundle
landing.view.ktchn15furni.body=Fancy owning a Habbo restaurant? Or just love catering for Habbos in style? With this furni line you can REALLY get cooking!
landing.view.ktchn15furni.button2=To the Builder's Warehouse
landing.view.ktchn15furni.button=To the catalogue
landing.view.ktchn15furni.header=Cozy Kitchen Furni is HERE!
landing.view.ktchn15posh.body=Here's THE food obsessive's bundle - impress your Habbo guests in STYLE. Cozy Kitchen furni AND an exclusive Bread Bin - DON'T miss out!
landing.view.ktchn15posh.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.ktchn15posh.header=Posh Restaurant Bundle
landing.view.ktchn15psych.body=Pick up this bundle and get yourself a positively SUMPTUOUS dose of psychedelia! TRY and focus on the food. Exclusive Breakfast Buffet and badge included.
landing.view.ktchn15psych.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.ktchn15psych.header=Psychedelic Restaurant Bundle
landing.view.ktchn15rare1.body=For 72 hours ONLY, the finest Habbo Bobba Juice is in the Catalogue. As well as a rack to store it, you get an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.ktchn15rare1.button=Check out the rare
landing.view.ktchn15rare1.header=Bobba Juice Rack Rare
landing.view.ktchn15rare2.body=With THIS furni you can brew freshly ground coffee every morning! Available in the Catalogue with exclusive badge for 72 hours.
landing.view.ktchn15rare2.button=Check out the rare
landing.view.ktchn15rare2.header=Coffee Machine Rare
landing.view.ktchn15rare3.body=This Deluxe Refrigerator is in the Catalogue with an exclusive badge for 72 hours. It's the PERFECT addition to your kitchen!
landing.view.ktchn15rare3.button=Check out the rare
landing.view.ktchn15rare3.header=Deluxe Refrigerator Rare
landing.view.ktchn15user.body=What could be a better breakfast than your all-time favourite cereal? This bundle contains an EXCLUSIVE Cereal Selection furni with four states AND a badge.
landing.view.ktchn15user.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.ktchn15user.header=Breakfast of Champions Bundle
landing.view.lab18axe.body=Pick up this quintessential Habboween fancy dress item. Never to be sold again, it comes with its own exclusive badge. You know you want one!
landing.view.lab18axe.button=See the rare
landing.view.lab18axe.header=RARE Axe to the Head
landing.view.lab18chem.body=The perfect addition to any crazy scientist's laboratory, this ornate piece of furni is rare and only available for a short time. Get one while you can!
landing.view.lab18chem.button=See the rare
landing.view.lab18chem.header=RARE Antique Chemistry Set
landing.view.lab18cloth.body=New clothing has arrived! Note: the bloodstained clothing can be cleaned using the upcoming crafting table and ingredients.
landing.view.lab18cloth.button=See the clothing
landing.view.lab18cloth.header=NEW Infected Laboratory clothing!
landing.view.lab18dog.body=Half machine, half canine, Cyber is one of our Habboween mascots this year. Available for a short time only, get one while you can!
landing.view.lab18dog.button=See the rare
landing.view.lab18dog.header=RARE Cyber the Cyborg Dog
landing.view.lab18games.body=Complete our latest game to earn Super Strength Bleach and the latest Infected Laboratory badge! Click the button to go to the Navigator.
landing.view.lab18games.button=Go to the Navigator
landing.view.lab18games.header=Play Infected Laboratory Games!
landing.view.lab18infected.body=Get a ton of the new Infected Laboratory furni at a GREAT price with this bundle. Double the size, double the value! Includes exclusive badge.
landing.view.lab18infected.button=See the bundle
landing.view.lab18infected.header=NEW: Infected Laboratory Bundle
landing.view.lab18living.body=Strange and horrific things are happening inside the Hotel. Take shelter in this lovely, safe living room. Nothing can get you in here, right?
landing.view.lab18living.button=See the bundle
landing.view.lab18living.header=NEW: 80s Living Room Bundle
landing.view.lab18ltd.body=Toby is cute. Toby needs a new home! This furni is limited edition and comes with three different switch states (three different hats). Don't miss out!
landing.view.lab18ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.lab18ltd.header=Toby LTD!
landing.view.lab18new.body=Dimensions are colliding and strange and horrific experiments are being conducted this Habboween. Our new furni line is live in the Catalogue - go take a look!
landing.view.lab18new.button=See the furni
landing.view.lab18new.header=NEW Infected Laboratory furni!
landing.view.lab18testing.body=It's time to answer the question. Who will be your test subject? Pick up this bundle and decide! Comes with exclusive badge. Room made by: Jenneben (NL)
landing.view.lab18testing.button=See the bundle
landing.view.lab18testing.header=NEW: Testing Facility Bundle
landing.view.lab18vamp.body=Grimace like a bloodthirsty vampire this Habboween! Available for a short time only, get one while they're in the Catalogue...
landing.view.lab18vamp.button=See the rare
landing.view.lab18vamp.header=RARE Vampire Grimace
landing.view.lagomorphfurni.body=From shape shifting wall pieces to cryptic teleports, the Isle of Lagomorph furni line is sure to keep you guessing! Nothing is as it seems on this mind-bending island! Head over to the furni section and add a bit of mystery to your room…
landing.view.lagomorphfurni.button=Hop to the catalogue
landing.view.lagomorphfurni.header=Lagomorph Furni is here!
landing.view.lastchancevikingfurni.body=From weapon racks and heads on spikes, to ornate hand-carved wood chairs and benches - This furni has everything you need and more to create the Viking village of your dreams. With furni available in Clan colours, you can display your true loyalty with pride!
landing.view.lastchancevikingfurni.header=LAST CHANCE: Vicious Viking Furni
landing.view.leprechaun.body=St Patrick's Day Leprechaun is here! This energetic Irish mischief-maker is sure to brighten your day! Includes starter food and an AWESOME badge… get yours now!
landing.view.leprechaun.button=Get yours
landing.view.leprechaun.header=Keep calm...the Leprechaun is coming!
landing.view.leprechaun2.timer.expired=The Leprechaun is in the Shop!
landing.view.leprechaun2.timeremaining=The Leprechaun is coming in...
landing.view.library_bundle.body=It's that long dreaded time of the year…exams are here! Don't sweat it, Habbo, you'll do great. Everyone knows distraction is the enemy of productivity, but that won't be true for long once you have...your own private library to study in! Packed to the ceiling with leather-bound books and soft seating, this bundle is sure to help you keep your head down and your grades UP! Includes badge.
landing.view.library_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.library_bundle.header=Exam Study Hall Bundle
landing.view.lovelockslot.body=The L0-V3 cure is here! Simply place the L0V3 Machine in your room, stand next to it with your friend and double click to receive medicine. You'll also get an awesome picture of you and your friend with the date you were cured!
landing.view.lovelockslot.button=Get the cure.
landing.view.lovelockslot.header=In sickness and in health...
landing.view.loyalty.body=The Diamonds reward you with reward points for every credit you buy! You'll even earn a bonus of 120 extra points if you spend over 120 credits in a given month. You can then exchange Diamonds for exclusive Loyalty Rares, Credits and HC.
landing.view.loyalty.button=Buy Credits
landing.view.loyalty.header=Diamonds are Here!
landing.view.loyalty2.button=Check Rewards.
landing.view.lympix.catalogpromo.bodytext=New and old Furni are waiting for you in the Shop - ready to dress up your room in Habbo-lympic splendour and get you ready for any sporty challenge ahead!
landing.view.lympix.catalogpromo.button=To the Shop >>
landing.view.lympix.catalogpromo.caption=New Furni!
landing.view.lympix16bonnie.body=Bonnie Blonde has a new vocation: cheerleading! It's a rare sight to see her in this outfit, and it's available for a limited time only.
landing.view.lympix16bonnie.button=Check it out!
landing.view.lympix16bonnie.header=Rare Bonnie the Cheerleader!
landing.view.lympix16canteen.body=Ever wanted to own a Veggie Fiend? Now is your chance: get one EXCLUSIVELY when you buy this bundle!
landing.view.lympix16canteen.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.lympix16canteen.header=Healthy Canteen Bundle
landing.view.lympix16furni.body=On your marks, get set… go! Our BRAND NEW HabboLympix furni line has arrived in the Catalogue, as well as some classic furni.
landing.view.lympix16furni.button=Go see!
landing.view.lympix16furni.header=NEW HabboLympix Furni
landing.view.lympix16gym.body=Only available for a short time, this furni is totally perfect for any aspiring fitness guru! Exclusive badge included.
landing.view.lympix16gym.button=See the rare!
landing.view.lympix16gym.header=Rare Gym Maniac
landing.view.lympix16habbgym.body=With four different heights, the exclusive pommel horse inside this bundle is a vital addition to ANY sports addict's room!
landing.view.lympix16habbgym.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.lympix16habbgym.header=HabboLympix Gym Bundle
landing.view.lympix16hc.body=From today, HC Members get exclusive, early access to the new HabboLympix furni page in the Catalogue!
landing.view.lympix16hc.button=Start building!
landing.view.lympix16hc.header=Pre-access HabboLympix Furni!
landing.view.lympix16olympus.body=Habbos! Grab this opportunity to get your hands on this limited edition golden-leafed Miss Olympus statue! Comes with a badge, too.
landing.view.lympix16olympus.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.lympix16olympus.header=Miss Olympus LTD!
landing.view.lympix16relax.body=SIX different coloured Swiss Balls inside this bundle? No, we're not joking. It contains these and much more!
landing.view.lympix16relax.button=Go see the Bundle!
landing.view.lympix16relax.header=Relaxation Room Bundle
landing.view.lympix16shop.body=Fitness Duck makes his debut in Habbo as an exclusive furni inside this bundle! Pick one up while you can...
landing.view.lympix16shop.button=Check out the Bundle!
landing.view.lympix16shop.header=Sportswear Store Bundle
landing.view.lympix16smoothie.body=Bringing you smoothies made from the finest pixel fruit in South America, we present the Brazilian Smoothie Maker!
landing.view.lympix16smoothie.button=Go see it!
landing.view.lympix16smoothie.header=Rare Brazilian Smoothie Maker
landing.view.lympix16trophies.body=Now is the time to take your pick from a range of valuable and hard to find trophies! Only available for a limited time.
landing.view.lympix16trophies.button=Check them out!
landing.view.lympix16trophies.header=It's TROPHY Season
landing.view.lympix16trophyroom.body=In this bundle, pick up SIX valuable trophies, all of which are signed by the Hotel Manager! Available until August 28 (Note: Trophies go directly to Inventory)
landing.view.lympix16trophyroom.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.lympix16trophyroom.header=Signed Trophy Bundle!
landing.view.lympix16vegan.body=Here's a special addition to your rare collection. Vegans are rare enough, but this vegan VENDING machine will hold its value!
landing.view.lympix16vegan.button=Check it out!
landing.view.lympix16vegan.header=Rare Vegan Vending Machine
landing.view.lympixpromo.extrainfo=Embark on our special Habbo-lympix Quest to earn new Achievements and maybe even a surprise or two! We're cheering for you! Habbo-lympix will take you on a journey around the world, it will give you a chance to meet new people, challenge your abilities and open your mind to the possibilities within!
landing.view.lympixpromo.openquest=Take on the Quest
landing.view.majesty.catalogpromo.bodytext=We're celebrating Jolly ol' Britain this week, and we've got everything you need to transform your room into a Union Jack heaven!
landing.view.majesty.catalogpromo.button=To the Shop >>
landing.view.majesty.catalogpromo.caption=New British Furni!
landing.view.majestypromo.extrainfo=We need you to be the Queen's stand-in. Yep, you read that correctly. Do the Quest just right, and there will be sweet rewards waiting! was a success, but the poor ol' queen is in dire need of some rest and relaxation! However, there's no way she can get away from her duties without someone filling in for her...That's where you come in.
landing.view.majestypromo.openquest=Get on with it, your Majesty!
landing.view.mar17boutique.body=Fanatical about fashion? Crazy for Habbo couture? This bundle is for you. Contains an EXCLUSIVE Mall Boutique Window!
landing.view.mar17boutique.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.mar17boutique.header=Boutique Shop Bundle!
landing.view.mar17coffee.body=As a CLASSIC Habbo collector's item, this vintage, rare coffee machine is only available between 14/03 + 17/03.
landing.view.mar17coffee.button=See the rare
landing.view.mar17coffee.header=RARE Quick Coffee Stop
landing.view.mar17exotic.body=For the next eight days, we're releasing a new exotic and RARE pet every day. Collect all eight and get an extra bonus badge!
landing.view.mar17exotic.button=See the pet
landing.view.mar17exotic.header=New: RARE Exotic Pets!
landing.view.mar17mall.body=In this bundle, not only do you get a set of extremely hard to findVINTAGE teleports, you also get a lovely Habbo Mall Kiosk!
landing.view.mar17mall.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.mar17mall.header=Habbo Mall Entrance Bundle!
landing.view.mar17pack.body=NEW: SEVEN gold accessories. Get ALL of them when you purchase one of the new rare Gold Accessory Packs!
landing.view.mar17pack.button=See the pack
landing.view.mar17pack.header=RARE Gold Accessory Pack
landing.view.mar17petgame.body=Visit our pet store and step into the shoes of an exotic pet EXPERT! Help enough customers choose one and you'll get a badge...
landing.view.mar17petgame.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.mar17petgame.header=Pet Store Mini Game!
landing.view.mar17petstore.body=Mad about pets? Don't miss this bundle! Get it and grab yourself an EXCLUSIVE Pet Shop Window. Available until 26/03.
landing.view.mar17petstore.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.mar17petstore.header=Pet Store Bundle!
landing.view.mar17sport.body=As an extremely popular figure from HabboLympix 2016, Fitness Duck makes a return as an exclusive furni in this bundle!
landing.view.mar17sport.button=Get the bundle
landing.view.mar17sport.header=Sportswear Store Bundle!
landing.view.mar19boots.body=Boots with steel toe caps: perfect for the rowdier sorts of concerts! These boots are rare and will never be sold again. Get a pair while you can!
landing.view.mar19boots.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19boots.header=RARE Rocker Boots!
landing.view.mar19car.body=Attention all Bonnie Blonde fans! Bonnie's very own car is available in the Catalogue for a limited time as a rare furni. Go check it out!
landing.view.mar19car.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19car.header=RARE Bonnie Blonde Mobile!
landing.view.mar19cloth.body=Four brand new clothing items have just been added to the Catalogue as part of a wardrobe refresh. Make sure you go check them out!
landing.view.mar19cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.mar19cloth.header=NEW: Wardrobe Refresh!
landing.view.mar19hat.body=This rare piece of headgear is fantastic. Just be careful of your fingers on those horns - they're pretty sharp!
landing.view.mar19hat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19hat.header=RARE Horned Cap!
landing.view.mar19long.body=Two tones AND shoulder length. Rare and available for a limited time only! Note: this hairstyle is unisex.
landing.view.mar19long.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19long.header=RARE Two-Tone Curls Hairstyle!
landing.view.mar19messy.body=One of 2018's standout hairstyles, now available as a rare item inside Habbo. Note: this hairstyle is unisex.
landing.view.mar19messy.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19messy.header=RARE Messy Bang Hairstyle!
landing.view.mar19new.body=Everything you need to start your own basement band is right here. Three collectible 'Basement Band' instruments are available in the Catalogue NOW!
landing.view.mar19new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.mar19new.header=NEW Basement Band Kit!
landing.view.mar19parasol.body=Here's a rare for the collectors out there! This parasol won't be available for long, Habbos. Get one while you can!
landing.view.mar19parasol.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19parasol.header=RARE Rose Pink Parasol!
landing.view.mar19smoke.body=Here's a rare for the collectors out there! This smoke machine won't be available for long, Habbos. Get one while you can!
landing.view.mar19smoke.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar19smoke.header=RARE Rose Pink Smoke Machine!
landing.view.mar20backdrop.body=Add some regal elegance to your space with some theatrical curtains. Perfect for entertaining guests!
landing.view.mar20backdrop.button=See the rare!
landing.view.mar20backdrop.header=Regal Theatre Curtains
landing.view.mar20booster.body=These chests contain six furni and a new backpack. If you're lucky, you might get the gold versions! (Note: there are a total of five gold furni - not six - and one gold backpack.) Only available during several 24-hour windows this month!
landing.view.mar20booster.button=See the box!
landing.view.mar20booster.header=NEW: Forgotten Chests!
landing.view.mar20booster2.body=Pick up a selection of new furni while you can - it's only available during several 24-hour windows this month!
landing.view.mar20booster2.button=See the packs!
landing.view.mar20booster2.header=NEW: Booster Packs!
landing.view.mar20class.body=Don't sleep through this one! Learn from the best and enhance your talents in our Art Masterclass Bundle. Room made by Elipte (BR)
landing.view.mar20class.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.mar20class.header=Art Masterclass Bundle
landing.view.mar20gallerya.body=A visit to this Contemporary Art Gallery will open your eyes to some of the most famed and modern classics in Habbo!
landing.view.mar20gallerya.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.mar20gallerya.header=Contemporary Art Gallery Bundle
landing.view.mar20galleryb.body=Pay a visit to City Centre Gallery and gaze upon a selection of famed experimental and contemporary works.
landing.view.mar20galleryb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.mar20galleryb.header=City Centre Gallery Bundle
landing.view.mar20studio.body=Every artist starts somewhere. What better place than your very own apartment, equipped with all the art essentials!
landing.view.mar20studio.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.mar20studio.header=Artist Studio Bundle
landing.view.may16packs.body=We made four packs full of items PERFECT for building. With these, you also get up to 24% off the combined price of the furni!
landing.view.may16packs.button=Check them out!
landing.view.may16packs.header=May furni packs
landing.view.may17alien.body=Visit the facial accessories section of your Avatar Editor for your free Head Hugger clothing item!
landing.view.may17alien.button=Get your Head Hugger!
landing.view.may17alien.header=FREE Head Hugger!
landing.view.may17bed.body=Freeze your pixels for centuries at a time with this rare Cryo-Bed. Only available for a short time, hurry!
landing.view.may17bed.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17bed.header=RARE Cryo-Bed
landing.view.may17cruiser.body=This 4-seat spaceship is a MUST-HAVE for any interstellar explorer!
landing.view.may17cruiser.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17cruiser.header=RARE Interstellar Cruiser
landing.view.may17cyber.body=Stock up on our classic Cyberpunk furni while you can!
landing.view.may17cyber.button=See the furni
landing.view.may17cyber.header=Classic Cyberpunk Furni
landing.view.may17encounter.body=Glowing mushrooms, pulsating neon signs and alien cyborgs... ALL included in this dreamy alternative metropolis!
landing.view.may17encounter.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.may17encounter.header=NEW Alien Metropolis Bundle!
landing.view.may17explorer.body=Get one of theseshiny, RARE pieces of headgearwhile you can!
landing.view.may17explorer.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17explorer.header=RARE Star Explorer Helmet
landing.view.may17ltd.body=Who wants limited edition Battle Mech for their furni collection? Right. Everyone.
landing.view.may17ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.may17ltd.header=Get a Battle Mech LTD!
landing.view.may17modern.body=Red brick walls, top of the range electronic equipment and designer furniture - what more could you want?
landing.view.may17modern.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.may17modern.header=Modern Studio Bundle!
landing.view.may17old.body=Calling all vintage furni collectors: the classic Scifi furni line is BACK in the Catalogue - get some while you can!
landing.view.may17old.button=See the furni!
landing.view.may17old.header=BACK: Classic Scifi items!
landing.view.may17painting15.body=Habbos, make sure to grab any Diamond Paintings (2015 versions) you still need before they're removed from the Catalogue forever! (Please note that the newest paintings - 2018 versions - will remain)
landing.view.may17painting15.button=See the furni!
landing.view.may17painting15.header=LAST CHANCE: Diamond Paintings
landing.view.may17pillow.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Red Pillow!
landing.view.may17pillow.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17pillow.header=CLASSIC Rare Red Pillow!
landing.view.may17planet.body=Pick yourself up a bunch of weird alien lifeforms and unclassified, exotic vegetation in this bundle!
landing.view.may17planet.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.may17planet.header=NEW Undiscovered Planet Bundle!
landing.view.may17sentinel.body=Get one of these impenetrable, RARE pieces of headgear while you can!
landing.view.may17sentinel.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17sentinel.header=RARE Sentinel Helmet
landing.view.may17smoke.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Pink Smoke Machine!
landing.view.may17smoke.button=See the rare!
landing.view.may17smoke.header=CLASSIC Pink Smoke Machine Rare!
landing.view.may17titan.body=Made up of four parts, each with its own badge! Parts 2, 3 and 4 also have different, MULTIPLE bundle exclusives inside...
landing.view.may17titan.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.may17titan.header=Titan Spacecraft Bundle!
landing.view.may18breakfast.body=Cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sound good? Make sure to check out this bundle! (Includes 3x EXCLUSIVE Cereal Selection furni).
landing.view.may18breakfast.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may18breakfast.header=Breakfast of Champions Bundle
landing.view.may18classic.body=Don't miss your one and only chance to pick up this classic piece of Habbo's rich history! Available for a short time only.
landing.view.may18classic.button=See the rare
landing.view.may18classic.header=Classic Rare AVAILABLE NOW!
landing.view.may18doll.body=Calling all Asiaphiles! Rare Ball-Jointed Dolls are available NOW for a limited time only.
landing.view.may18doll.button=See the rare
landing.view.may18doll.header=RARE Ball-Jointed Doll
landing.view.may18eurovision.body=Support your favourite Habbovision artist or even represent your own hotel on stage LIVE inside the Habtice Arena! And, if the jury gives you the much-coveted 'Douze Pixels'... you MIGHT just win cool badges or the Turquoise Tortoise!
landing.view.may18eurovision.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.may18eurovision.header=Welcome to Habbovison 2018!
landing.view.may18furni.body=Go check out the furni we've brought back for Habbo in the House!
landing.view.may18furni.button=See the furni
landing.view.may18furni.header=Selected Classic Furni Returns!
landing.view.may18games.body=This bundle containts some of the most technically advanced gaming equipment ever made! Contains a selection of furni exclusive to this bundle.
landing.view.may18games.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may18games.header=Pro Gamer Bundle
landing.view.may18habitat.body=Habbos - make sure to go and check out our BRAND NEW range of pet habitats!
landing.view.may18habitat.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may18habitat.header=NEW: Pet Habitat Bundles
landing.view.may18laundry.body=Calling all clean freaks: this bundle is for you! Contains a selection of furni exclusive to this bundle.
landing.view.may18laundry.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may18laundry.header=Habbo Laundry Bundle
landing.view.may18paint.body=Collectors! A handful of new Habbo paintings are now available in the Catalogue.
landing.view.may18paint.button=See the paintings
landing.view.may18paint.header=NEW Diamond Paintings!
landing.view.may18piccolo.body=We decided to bring back a total classic this month - the Piccolo Halls Bundle! (New and exclusive badge included).
landing.view.may18piccolo.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may18piccolo.header=Piccolo Halls Room Bundle
landing.view.may18pig.body=Our brand new (rare) Golden Piggy Bank credit furni is in the Catalogue now. Get one while you can - they're available for a limited time only!
landing.view.may18pig.button=See the furni
landing.view.may18pig.header=RARE Golden Piggy Bank Credit Furni!
landing.view.may18vacuum.body=Deluxe Vacuum Cleaners are available NOW for a limited time only! (New and exclusive badge included).
landing.view.may18vacuum.button=See the rare
landing.view.may18vacuum.header=RARE Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner
landing.view.may20corgi.body=Pick up one of the most cheerful looking and regal breeds of pooch around for a great price! Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.may20corgi.button=See the rare
landing.view.may20corgi.header=RARE Royal Corgi!
landing.view.may20crafta.body=Use the Fragrant Bath crafting table with bath bombs to craft different coloured face masks! Bath bombs are obtained from Spa Sacks, which are found in the Catalogue.
landing.view.may20crafta.button=Get a crafting table
landing.view.may20crafta.header=Face Mask Crafting!
landing.view.may20craftb.body=Use the Fragrant Bath crafting table with bath bombs to craft different coloured face masks! Bath bombs are obtained from Spa Packs, which are found in the Catalogue.
landing.view.may20craftb.button=Get a crafting table
landing.view.may20craftb.header=Face Mask Crafting!
landing.view.may20marimo.body=Marimo is a rare species of algae and is found in a number of lakes and rivers in Japan and Northern Europe. Get your very own today!
landing.view.may20marimo.button=See the rare
landing.view.may20marimo.header=RARE Marimo Aquarium!
landing.view.may20old.body=A selection of classic furni is available in the Catalogue, Habbos. Go and see what's on offer!
landing.view.may20old.button=See the furni
landing.view.may20old.header=Classic Furni Available!
landing.view.may20paint.body=We just dropped a selection of brand new diamond paintings. Collectors, go take a look!
landing.view.may20paint.button=See the furni
landing.view.may20paint.header=NEW: Diamond Paintings!
landing.view.may20rarecf.body=You can never own enough gold stuff. And just like gold tends to, credit furni holds its value. This will always exchange for 500 credits! Rare and never to be sold again.
landing.view.may20rarecf.button=See the furni
landing.view.may20rarecf.header=RARE Golden Beetle Credit Furni!
landing.view.may20sacka.body=Spa Sacks contain a one of four set selections of spa clothing, furni and bath bombs (bath bombs are used to craft face masks.)
landing.view.may20sacka.button=See the furni
landing.view.may20sacka.header=NEW: Spa Sacks!
landing.view.may20sackb.body=A selection of spa-themed items are available, Habbos!
landing.view.may20sackb.button=See the furni
landing.view.may20sackb.header=NEW: Spa Packs!
landing.view.may20spa.body=Based on an old and very popular bundle and accompanied by a brand new and exclusive badge, this bundle isn't one to miss! Room built by Frission (COM)
landing.view.may20spa.button=See the bundle
landing.view.may20spa.header=NEW: Serenity Health Spa Bundle
landing.view.may20treehouse.body=The tiniest of tiny treehouses is now available from the Catalogue. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.may20treehouse.button=See the rare
landing.view.may20treehouse.header=RARE Tiny Treehouse!
landing.view.mm14bundle1.body=Draw the curtains, dim the lights and grab your popcorn…This pre-decorated Movie Room Bundle is packed to the rafters with everything the ultimate movie buff could desire. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.mm14bundle1.button=Check it out
landing.view.mm14bundle1.header=Deja Vu Theatre: Take 2
landing.view.mm14bundle2.body=Honk Honk! Grab your coat and jump in the car - We're going to the movies! From blankets to BBQs and all the movie extras in between, this pre-decorated Luna Cinema Bundle is packed to the moon (and back) with everything the ultimate outdoor movie buff could desire. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.mm14bundle2.button=Check it out
landing.view.mm14bundle2.header=Luna Cinema
landing.view.mm14oldfurni.body=All the way from Habbowood! From spotlights to Theatre chairs, this furni line gives you everything you need and more to create the wonders of the movies…in your own room! Available to buy until 22nd Nov.
landing.view.mm14oldfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.mm14oldfurni.header=Lights, Camera, Habbowood furni
landing.view.mm14posters.body=They say imitation is the best form of flattery… and we agree! Back by popular demand; from 'Freeze' to the 'Ducket List', we've got all your favorites, plus lots of NEW ones too! Each poster will be sold for 24hrs, so make sure to check back everyday…
landing.view.mm14posters.button=See the posters
landing.view.mm14posters.header=Movie Magic Posters are here!
landing.view.mm14rareposter.body=New and exclusive! This AWESOME Movie Magic poster rare is available for a limited time of 24hrs, so make sure to watch the clock...
landing.view.mm14rareposter.button=See the poster
landing.view.mm14rareposter.header=Habbowood Poster Rare
landing.view.mm14stposterbr.body=Após a participação de Felipe Castilho e Tainan Rocha, criando quadrinhos para todos nós. Pensamos que você iria gostar de uma lembrança desta nossa aventura conjunta. Confira o novo poster "Beira do Nada" na loja. E aí, gostou?
landing.view.mm14stposterbr.header=Poster "Beira do Nada"
landing.view.moderationpromo.caption=The silk gloves are on!
landing.view.moderationpromo.cursing.caption=Mute for the Foul-mouthers: of a kick or a short ban, Habbos that are rude, annoying or antisocial will be muted for a brief period of time. the new Habbo Way and the launch of Habbo Helpers we've decided to change things up a bit and go easier on certain activities that previously warranted a ban. Here's how things work:
landing.view.moderationpromo.title=NEW MODERATION POLICY
landing.view.moderationpromo.wrongdoers.caption=Bans for other wrong-doers: that are terrible, really disruptive or just plain illegal will still earn you ban, so keep your nose clean!
landing.view.monkey.body=Clap your hands…Put on your beret… Grab a banana… Get ready to play! This funky monkey is new in the hotel and ready for fun!
landing.view.monkey.button=See the Monkeys
landing.view.monkey.header=Monkey madness in Habbo!
landing.view.monsterplantscreditpromo.caption=Free Seeds When You Buy Credits!
landing.view.monsterplantscreditpromo.getcredits=Get Credits time offer! When you buy Credits you'll receive seeds and other bonus items for your plants!
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.caption=Something Grisly Grows... seeds have been popping up all over the Hotel. Who knows what unspeakable horrors and surprises will grow out of these tiny seedlings? Plant your seed and be sure to tend it regularly to keep it alive and healthy!
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.plant=Face the unknown!
landing.view.monsterplantspromo.subtitle=Are you brave enough to become a Botanist Of The Unknown?
landing.view.moviebonusrare.body=Straight out of Habbowood, this BONUS RARE makes the perfect addition to any Movie Room! Don't miss out...
landing.view.moviebonusrare.button=Grab yours now
landing.view.moviebonusrare.header=You call the shots!
landing.view.movieposters.body=ALL NEW: This week we will be hosting unique daily sales of the LIMITED Movie Parody posters - Can you collect them all?
landing.view.movieposters.button=Tick tock
landing.view.movieposters.header=Imitation is the best form of flattery...
landing.view.moviequest.body=Movie madness has spread through the Hotel...But are you camera ready?
landing.view.moviequest.button=Join the fun
landing.view.moviequest.header=Don't forget your lines!
landing.view.movierare.body=What do you get when you cross a christmas cracker with Duck? A Christmas Quacker! This Movie Madness Rare is available for a limited time, about 6-8 hours, so make sure to watch the lock...
landing.view.movierare.header=Naughty or Nice?
landing.view.mysticlast.body=The battle was mighty but it's coming to an end - this weekend is your last chance to buy Mystics furni and for those worthy enough the Rare Loyalty Mystics Statue. (Don't forget you get a bonus 120 Diamonds when you buy 120c in a calendar month)
landing.view.mysticlast.header=Last Weekend of Mystics!
landing.view.mysticsact.body=Who will prevail in this battle between good and evil? It's time to decide... head to the Mystics room, to play your part! But beware the warriors for good and evil may chase you at any time.
landing.view.mysticsact.header=The time has come!
landing.view.mysticscrystal.body=The crystal is taking over, it's taking over the Mystics room. Whether you're good or evil, think it's time to figure out what's causing this, head to the mystics rooom and get clicking on the crystal to earn achievements and find out what's going on.
landing.view.mysticscrystal.header=Where did that come from?
landing.view.mysticsintro.body=A mystic crystal has crashed outside the hotel bounds and is transforming the hotel into an infected wilderness. Will you fight for the side of good and spread life around the hotel or will you choose the side of evil and help the infection spread? Choose your furni wisely, the fate of Habbo is in your hands.
landing.view.mysticsintro.button=Go to shop.
landing.view.mysticsintro.header=The Crystal has crash landed!
landing.view.mysticsloyal.body=For the next week the crystal has added a new item available with Diamonds.
landing.view.mysticsloyal.button=Check it out
landing.view.mysticsloyal.header=The Crystal Appreciates Loyalty
landing.view.mysticsroom.body=Who will prevail in this battle between good and evil? It's time to decide... head to the Mystics room, to play your part! Score points to win badges and if you're the top scorer of the week (checked on Monday) you can win a month of HC. But beware the warriors for good and evil may chase you at any time.
landing.view.mysticsroom.header=The time has come!
landing.view.mysticsroombundle.body=Habbo was divided between the Light and the Darkness. Get this mysterious and magical room with only one click in an awesome pre-decorated room bundle. Available to purchase with credits or by direct purchase for bigger discount.
landing.view.mysticsroombundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.mysticsroombundle.header=Epic Mystics 2013
landing.view.mysticsthrones.body=This weekend choose whether you'll take the power seat of good or evil. The good throne will be available from 15:00 - 20:59 GMT on Saturday and the evil from 15:00 - 20:59 on Sunday.
landing.view.mysticsthrones.button=Check it out
landing.view.mysticsthrones.header=The Rare Thrones of Good and Evil
landing.view.ncfh.body=A rolling stone gathers no moss, nor do Habbo's developers ever rest… Presenting the new and improved moderation system.
landing.view.ncfh.button=Read all about it here
landing.view.ncfh.header=Habbo Moderation Revamped!
landing.view.newxmasfurni13.body=Crafted from ancient wood from the great Habbo Forest, Christmas furni 2013 is here! Get your mittens on this hand-crafted line and build your very own Christmas workshop...
landing.view.newxmasfurni13.button=Get it now!
landing.view.newxmasfurni13.header=Build your workshop!
landing.view.newyear18game.body=Ready for the last Habbo game of 2018? Play now to win the Habbo´s new year´s badge!
landing.view.newyear18game.button=Open the navigator!
landing.view.newyear18game.header=Happy 2019!
landing.view.newyear2014HC.body=As a special New Years treat, for the Habbo girls and boys... Habbo Club has a special new line of toys! With twelve new items to choose from, you are spoiled for choice!
landing.view.newyear2014HC.button=Get yours now
landing.view.newyear2014HC.header=NEW: Habbo Club Furni
landing.view.newyear2014gnome.body=The new year is here, and it's time for a change...So grab yourself a Gnome and These naughty little creates won't be here for long, so get them before the disappear on the 5th.
landing.view.newyear2014gnome.header=New Year, New Gnome!
landing.view.newyear2014party.body=From London to Madrid, New York to Melbourne...It's time to PARTY! Ring in the New Year with all of your friends from Habbo far and wide. Join us for New Years and celebrate in style...
landing.view.newyear2014party.header=5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
landing.view.newyear2014party.timer.expired=Let's go party!
landing.view.newyear2014party.timer=The party starts in...! LTD Furni will come on sale Catalogue
landing.view.nov19antlers.body=This mythical accessory for Habbo horses will be on sale for 24 hours!
landing.view.nov19antlers.button=Find out more
landing.view.nov19antlers.header=Reindeer Antlers
landing.view.nov19bonsai.body=Get one before it's too late!
landing.view.nov19bonsai.button=See the rare
landing.view.nov19bonsai.header=RARE Maple Bonsai Tree
landing.view.nov19cabin.body=It's getting cold outside, Habbos. Snuggle up on the sofa with your friends inside the brand new, 100% exclusive Log Cabin Bundle!
landing.view.nov19cabin.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.nov19cabin.header=NEW: Log Cabin Bundle!
landing.view.nov19cf.body=These are worth 500 credits. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.nov19cf.button=See the furni!
landing.view.nov19cf.header=RARE King's Orb Credit Furni!
landing.view.nov19clothes.body=As winter approaches and the weather gets colder in the Hotel, we decided you all could probably do with some more appropriate clothing!
landing.view.nov19clothes.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.nov19clothes.header=NEW: Winter Horizon Clothing!
landing.view.nov19dress.body=Get one before it's too late!
landing.view.nov19dress.button=See the rare
landing.view.nov19dress.header=RARE Autumnal Dress
landing.view.nov19hairacc.body=Get one before it's too late!
landing.view.nov19hairacc.button=See the rare
landing.view.nov19hairacc.header=RARE Autumnal Headpiece
landing.view.nov19onewaydoor.body=Here's your chance to add a couple of valuable items to your collection! Available for a limited time only
landing.view.nov19onewaydoor.button=See the items
landing.view.nov19onewaydoor.header=One Way Gates
landing.view.nov19puppy.body=Get one before it's too late!
landing.view.nov19puppy.button=See the rare
landing.view.nov19puppy.header=RARE Puppy Accesories
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.bodytext=If you ever don't know what to do in Habbo, you can always ask an experienced user to show you around. Taking a tour is a great way to learn the ropes.
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.button=Ask for a tour
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.caption=Feeling lost?
landing.view.novice.ask_for_tour.title=Sign up for a tour
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.bodytext=Before you start exploring the Hotel, make sure you look the way you want. It makes a whole lot of difference!
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.button=Change my looks
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.caption=Find your style
landing.view.novice.change_clothes.title=Change your looks
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.bodytext=It might be a good idea to look around in one of our public rooms as a starting point. Enjoy your stay in the hotel!
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.button=Go to some public area
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.caption=Want to meet others?
landing.view.novice.explore_hotel.title=Explore the hotel
landing.view.novice.home_room.bodytext=We have created a room just for you. We've left it a bit bare, so you can decorate it the way you want. When in a room, you can get back here any time by hitting the big yellow H (top left corner).
landing.view.novice.home_room.button=Go to my home room
landing.view.novice.home_room.caption=Home sweet home
landing.view.novice.home_room.title=Check out your room
landing.view.ny14bcupdate.body=You've been asking for it…we've been working on it... and now we have delivered! ALL Builders now have EXCLUSIVE access to the entire norm furni catalogue. From Alhambra to Habbowood, Plasto to Steampunk…It's all there!
landing.view.ny14bcupdate.button=See whats new
landing.view.ny14bcupdate.header=Builders' Club EXTREME!
landing.view.ny14blocks.body=Did you say BUILDING BLOCK UPDATE?! ALL NEW Building Blocks have arrived! Stack them high and build towers aplenty, or get creative with alphabet letters and make magical creations - The possibilities are endless!
landing.view.ny14blocks.button=Check it out
landing.view.ny14blocks.header=Stack them high...
landing.view.ny14bundle.body=It's almost the end of this year and that means…A BIG PARTY! This year we're having a very special Habbo House party! Bring some snacks, put your dancing shoes on and get ready to P-A-R-T-Y!
landing.view.ny14bundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.ny14bundle.header=Habbo House Party Bundle
landing.view.ny14bundle2.body=DROP THE BRIDGE…and let in the warmth! This frosty winter castle comes equipped with all the ice-covered furni any royal Habbo could desire, from an ice covered motto to regally frosted turrets. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 7th - 13th January
landing.view.ny14bundle2.button=Check it out!
landing.view.ny14bundle2.header=Frosty Winter Castle Bundle
landing.view.ny14bundle3.body=Its been a long day of winter fun and now all you want to do is relax by the fire with your friends. So kick off your snow boots, put on your slippers and get ready for a snuggly fireside night in. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available 22nd January - 1st February
landing.view.ny14bundle3.button=Check it out!
landing.view.ny14bundle3.header=Fireside Chalet Bundle
landing.view.ny14catsale.body=Brrr this winter has been cold. Let's heat things with a Habbo Catalogue sale! Only here for a short time, this annual SALE has it all! Don't miss out on big savings with this limited time offer. (*Check News article for corresponding days and sales!*)
landing.view.ny14catsale.button=Happy shopping
landing.view.ny14catsale.header=January Sale now on!
landing.view.ny14cf.body=Start the year with that extra cha-chin-ching! This Suitcase RARE full of Coins is the perfect addition to your 2015 collection! Available only until January 6th!
landing.view.ny14cf.button=Find out more
landing.view.ny14cf.header=Coin Suitcase
landing.view.ny14chalet.body=It's been a long day of winter fun and now all you want to do is relax by the fire with your friends. So kick off your snow boots, put on your slippers and get ready for a snuggly fireside night in. Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available until the 1st of February.
landing.view.ny14chalet.button=Check it out
landing.view.ny14chalet.header=Fireside Chalet
landing.view.ny14furnicollection.body=Get ready to celebrate 2014 in style! There are new additions to the catalog, including fireworks and NEW 2014 Countdown Banners! the Starry Night, which is the first of 3 room backgrounds available in the next days. The Christmas Snack is a try to still get a delayed Xmas gift; and the Diamond and Emerald Ducks are back to empower your parties.
landing.view.ny14furnicollection.button=Check them out!
landing.view.ny14furnicollection.header=New Furni for a Happy New Years Eve
landing.view.ny14newfurni.body=YAY! It's almost New Year, better hurry and get your room ready for the BIG Habbo Party! Hang the lights, fill the balloons and get ready for a New Year to remember. Get your party gear while its here...
landing.view.ny14newfurni.button=See the furni
landing.view.ny14newfurni.header=NEW Neon Furni is here...
landing.view.ny14permeffects.body=ALL NEW Permanent effects are here! Sick of purchasing effects multiple times? Want to keep effects forever? Want to trade your way to the top of the effects kingdom?Well then, Permanent effects are for you!
landing.view.ny14permeffects.button=Find out more
landing.view.ny14permeffects.header=Welcome, Perm Effects!
landing.view.ny14rare.body=This Rare will make you start the New Year in real style! The 2015 Archway is here for only 24 hours.
landing.view.ny14rare.button=Check it out!
landing.view.ny14rare.header=New Year's Rare
landing.view.ny15furni.body=Get ready for 2016 with a huge selection of fireworks, balloons and other Habbo party gear! Make yours an event to remember.
landing.view.ny15furni.button=Go and PARTY!
landing.view.ny15furni.header=PARTY ON! New Year's furni out now.
landing.view.ny15party.body=It's been a SPECTACULAR year! From Jurassic Habbo to Habbo 15 and every rare in between, it's been GREAT! Let's hope that 2016 is even better!
landing.view.ny15party.button=Go and PARTY!
landing.view.ny15party.header=Happy New Year Habbos!
landing.view.ny16board.body=Hit the slopes in style this winter with this dazzling snowboarding bundle! Plus pick up an EXCLUSIVEGold Winter Pine furni and badge.
landing.view.ny16board.button=Check out the Bundle
landing.view.ny16board.header=Alpine Snowboarding Bundle
landing.view.ny16bundle.body=With all the gear you'll need to party, plus an EXCLUSIVE New Years Eve 2016 Balloon! Now you can enter 2016 in style.
landing.view.ny16bundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.ny16bundle.header=Grab your Habbo House Party 2016 Bundle!
landing.view.ny16creditfurni.body=Pop the cork, pour the bubbles and wish your friends a prosperous 2016! Keep the flawless vintage locked up safe…
landing.view.ny16creditfurni.button=Check it out!
landing.view.ny16creditfurni.header=2016 Bubble Juice Furni
landing.view.ny16freeze.body=What better tribute to a veteran Freeze player than this icy, gleaming statue? Fabulous in rooms OR as a collector's trophy! Includes badge.
landing.view.ny16freeze.button=Look at the Rare
landing.view.ny16freeze.header=Freeze Veteran Rare
landing.view.ny16gold.body=Get ready for your New Years Party and WOW your friends with these glorious pieces of gold headgear! Each pack contains 7 GOLD Accessories. Grab them while you can!
landing.view.ny16gold.button=Check it out!
landing.view.ny16gold.header=New Years GOLD Accessory Pack!
landing.view.ny16hat.body=Inside these stylish hat boxes hides one of six AWESOME party hats! This rare clothing is only being sold TWICE - on 29.12 and 31.12 - so don't miss out...
landing.view.ny16hat.button=See the Hats
landing.view.ny16hat.header=New Years Party Hat Rares on sale NOW!
landing.view.ny16hockey.body=The ice has been polished, your skates are sharp and your friends are all ready to play - GAME ON! Bundle includes EXCLUSIVE Gold Corner furni.
landing.view.ny16hockey.button=Check out the Bundle
landing.view.ny16hockey.header=Woodland Ice Hockey Bundle
landing.view.ny16outdoor.body=In this breathtaking winter scene, you will find snow capped trees plus two glittering GOLD lamp posts. Exclusive furni only available with this bundle!
landing.view.ny16outdoor.button=Check out the Bundle
landing.view.ny16outdoor.header=Winter Outdoor Bundle
landing.view.ny16rareboard.body=If snowboarding is your thing, you REALLY don't want to miss out on this shiny, ice-carved rare! EXCLUSIVE Badge included.
landing.view.ny16rareboard.button=See the Rare
landing.view.ny16rareboard.header=Snowboarding Ace Rare
landing.view.ny16rarehockey.body=The glacial, mirror-like surface of this rare is so perfect, you can see your own face in it. Also, you get an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.ny16rarehockey.button=See the Rare
landing.view.ny16rarehockey.header=Ice Hockey Pro Rare
landing.view.ny16rareskate.body=Ice skaters never fail to look TRULY graceful, and the one in this frosty and expertly crafted rare is certainly NO exception! Includes a badge.
landing.view.ny16rareskate.button=Look at the Rare
landing.view.ny16rareskate.header=Pro Ice Skater Rare
landing.view.ny16skate.body=Calling all Freeze players; new and old! This bundle has everything you need for an amazing FREEZE fight. Bundle includes EXCLUSIVE Gold Hydrants. Don't miss out...
landing.view.ny16skate.button=Check out the Bundle
landing.view.ny16skate.header=Freeze Battle Bundle
landing.view.ny16traffic.body=STOP! GO. This terrific traffic bundle is perfect for the careful Habbo. Plus it includes a pretty sweet selection of floor tiles AND a badge! Don't miss out...
landing.view.ny16traffic.button=Check out the Bundle
landing.view.ny16traffic.header=Traffic Warden Bundle
landing.view.ny17old.body=To celebrate the end of 2019, we've put a stack of classic Habbo New Years furni back in the Catalogue. Enjoy!
landing.view.ny17old.button=See the furni!
landing.view.ny17old.header=CLASSIC New Years Furni!
landing.view.ny2014ending.body=A sad farewell it will definitely be… Our seasonal friends, the Gnomes, must make the long trip home until next Christmas. Make sure to get yours before they leave the shop...
landing.view.ny2014ending.button=Get yours!
landing.view.ny2014ending.header=Bye-Bye, Mr Gnome!
landing.view.oldloyalty.body=From the Hedonistic Pig to the Loyal Elk, these classic Loyalty Rares are making an exit from the Hotel to make way for a huge list of awesome NEW ones! Don't miss your last chance to get these Habbo Classics..
landing.view.oldloyalty.button=See Loyalty Rares
landing.view.oldloyalty.header=LAST CHANCE: Classic Loyalty Rares are leaving the hotel!
landing.view.oldvday14.body=All your favourite Valentines Day ranges are back for a limited time! You certainly won't want to miss these mood-setting furni…
landing.view.oldvday14.button=Check it out!
landing.view.oldvday14.header=Love through the years…
landing.view.olrdrare0716.body=For a limited time only: CLASSIC Rare furni available in the Catalogue now! Don't miss out!
landing.view.olrdrare0716.button=Check it out!
landing.view.olrdrare0716.header=Get a Classic Rare!
landing.view.organofurni.body=For a limited time, we are welcoming the Organo furni to the hotel. With funky shapes and groovy colors, you will feel like you are right inside a lava lamp! Don't relax too much, you might melt away… Available for Builders' Club too!
landing.view.organofurni.button=Check it out!
landing.view.organofurni.header=Back for a limited time…Organo furni is here!
landing.view.pageexpiry.desc=Get yours while they're still available!
landing.view.pageexpiry.header=Going away soon!
landing.view.pageexpiry.opencatalog=Time's running out! say goodbye to Plasto we've released a few special sets. The Translucent Plasto is exactly what it sounds like- see through Plasto Furni and you can buy it from the Shop for a limited time only. Plasto Executive: Perfect for upper-lower-middle management types. Executive Plasto will soon be leaving the Ecotron. Trade in your old Plasto now, while there's still time! Plasto your Football Furni before it's gone from the Shop, and get your favorite team's badge! Team!, Mary how does your garden grow? It doesn't, not without these great Furni pieces! Furni join Habbo HC at our super Easter discount! Get up to 200 Credits off if you get Habbo HC before April 11th!'s Still Time... celebrate the launch of Habbo Talents we've released some memorable and classic Furni items for you to remember and commemorate this once in a lifetime moment. Get your mitts on them while they're hot and tasty!'s A Furni Promo! celebrate the launch of Habbo Talents we've released some memorable and classic Furni items for you to remember and commemorate this once in a lifetime moment. Get your mitts on them while they're hot and tasty!'s A Furni Promo! Limited Edition Easter Furni is soon to be taken off sale! Get yours while you still can! Edition Rares bunny is full of bad attitude, and is probably glad to be leaving the Shop soon. Nearly impossible to train and thoroughly mean, adopt this little critter at your peril. 'em while you can! The Brown Bunny is leaving the Shop soon! This bunny has no enthusiasm at all. The best thing to do is to leave him alone and hope he grows out of it. 'em while you can!! So cute! The Pink Bunny is leaving the Shop soon! Utterly devoted and full of energy, life and love, this bunny is full to the brim with positivity! 'em while you can! in honor of Mother's Day, the Pink Plasto will be leaving the Shop very soon! Get your while you can! Plasto in honor of Mother's Day, the Pink Plasto will be leaving the Shop very soon! Get your while you can! Plasto is your last chance to get yourself the awesomely shiny Platinum Bar worth 500 Credits! The Platinum Bar leaves the shop on April 12th and once it's gone, it's gone for good!'s Running Out! Area set is available in the Shop only a while longer. Grab them before they're gone. away released in the spring of 2009, the Lost City adventure took Habbos to the bottom of the ocean in search of the mystery of Bensalem! Now available to purchase with Nuts! To Bensalem? Diner set is available in the Shop only a while longer. Grab them before they're gone. is running out everything must go, so get yourself some the sweet, sweet plastic fantastic while you still can! You don't wanna miss out on the classics! your Executive on! celebrate the launch of Habbo Talents we've released some memorable and classic Furni items for you to remember and commemorate this once in a lifetime moment. Get your mitts on them while they're hot and tasty!'s A Furni Promo! old School movie magic with our Habbowood range, originally released in 2007. Now available to buy with Nuts!, Camera, Action! Iced set is available in the Shop only a while longer. Grab them before they're gone. Dragon Ninja Furni will be leaving the Shop soon. Get yours (and the free disappearing Ninja effect) while there's still time!, Dragon Ninjas!, Mary how does your garden grow? It doesn't, not without these great Furni pieces! Furni Gothic Furni will soon be gone, so here's your last chance (for a while) to build your dungeon/ bedroom. Furni voodoo/ swamp Furni will help you build a beautiful environment for your Monster Plant. Furni Mode set is available in the Shop only a while longer. Grab them before they're gone. gone Albino Turtle is a special breed of turtle who doesn't care for the bright lights of the big city. Albino Turtle's the final countdown. Plasto Furni will soon be leaving the Shop. It's had a good run, we've had many memories, some good, some bad, some cheap, but now we bid a fond farewell to the Furni range one Habbo once described as "pretty okay". bye Plasto! Romantique set is available in the Shop only a while longer. Grab them before they're gone. chance Scifi Furni range was released originally in 2009 to coincide with the launch of the Habborella 3000.Now available to buy with Nuts! Going... Nuts... Shalimar Furni range was originally released in 2009 to give our Valentines day celebrations a Bollywood spin. Now available to buy with Nuts! All Act Crazy In Love
landing.view.pageexpiry.small.opencatalog=Get it now!
landing.view.pageexpiry.timeremaining=Time left to purchase:
landing.view.pageexpiry.title=LEAVING THE SHOP SOON
landing.view.palooza14bundle1.body=A new Room Bundle is here: stages, fences and all the Palooza style you need for this electrifying Bundle with the old Palooza Furni! Don't lose a minute, this Room Bundle will be available only for a limited time!
landing.view.palooza14bundle1.button=This Bundle Rocks!
landing.view.palooza14bundle1.header=A taste of Habbo Palooza
landing.view.palooza14bundle2.body=Bigger. Brighter. Better. This year´s Palooza is sure to knock your socks off - the bundle certainly will! This whimsical bundle comes overflowing with fantastical furni and includes an exclusive room bundle furni + badge! This electrifying bundle is only around for a short time, so grab one before the festival ends…
landing.view.palooza14bundle2.button=See the bundle
landing.view.palooza14bundle2.header=Habbo Palooza Hoopla
landing.view.palooza14headrare.body=Step right up! This cutout board rare is a one-of-a-kind carnie classic. Available with credits for 24 hours ONLY!
landing.view.palooza14headrare.button=Check it out!
landing.view.palooza14headrare.header=Head in the Hole Rare
landing.view.palooza14newfurni.body=Grab your rain boots, throw on your sequins and glitter - Habbo Palooza furni is back and better than ever! From tents to teleports, and all the balloons and flags in between - there's plenty to choose from!
landing.view.palooza14newfurni.button=Check it out!
landing.view.palooza14newfurni.header=Habbo Palooza Furni 2014!
landing.view.palooza14oldfurni.body=From tents galore to everything you need to build the perfect stage - all your old Palooza favourites are back! They are only here for a limited time…so don't miss out!
landing.view.palooza14oldfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.palooza14oldfurni.header=Blast from Palooza past!
landing.view.palooza14pinata.body=The fun filled, paper covered rare boxes are back…with even more to win! Each colourful piñata contains 1 SUPER COOL rare, in one of 3 HOT colors! You choose the rare… the color is a surprise! Some colors are more common than others. You will also receive a cool badge! To open your piñata use the Piñata stick! These are only on sale for a limited time - don't miss out...
landing.view.palooza14pinata.button=Get your piñata
landing.view.palooza14pinata.header=Piñatas are BACK!
landing.view.palooza14unicorn.body=Donning the skies with that old school rainbow flair, this little critter is available for 24 hours ONLY. Stock up on these 80's classics while you can...
landing.view.palooza14unicorn.button=It comes with a Badge!
landing.view.palooza14unicorn.header=My Little Unicorn Balloon Rare
landing.view.palooza2014_bundle.body=Bigger. Brighter. Better. This year's Palooza is sure to knock your socks off - and the bundle certainly will! This whimsical bundle comes overflowing with fantastical furni and includes an exclusive room bundle furni + badge!
landing.view.palooza2014_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.palooza2014_bundle.header=Palooza Hoopla Bundle
landing.view.paloozafestivalfurni.body=The Habbo Palooza Festival Line is in the shop for a limited time. Build your own festival areas and join in the celebration.
landing.view.paloozafestivalfurni.button=See the Furni
landing.view.paloozafestivalfurni.header=New Habbo Palooza Furni
landing.view.paloozamusicquest.body=Win a badge each day and collect all 24 to unlock more competitions and prizes.
landing.view.paloozamusicquest.button=Let's Begin!
landing.view.paloozamusicquest.header=Habbo Music Glory
landing.view.paloozarentspace.body=Habbo Club members can now rent spaces to decorate in Habbo Palooza rooms. Hurry there are a limited number of spaces available! Find an available space and double click the sign for more info.
landing.view.paloozarentspace.button=Check it out
landing.view.paloozarentspace.header=Rent a Space in the Festival!
landing.view.paloozatalentcomp.body=Have you got a band in real life? Are you a musician? Here's your chance to be featured in our YouTube playlist and one lucky winner will get a dedicated public room to promote your music video to millions of teens around the world!
landing.view.paloozatalentcomp.button=Competition Rules
landing.view.paloozatalentcomp.header=Start your music Career in Habbo
landing.view.peanutpromo.getnuts=Get Your Nuts! Yes, Nuts! Every time you buy Credits from now until April 11th you'll receive the same amount of Nuts which can be used on our Easter offers and discounts!
landing.view.peanutpromo.title=Go Even Nuttier From Now Until April 15th!
landing.view.peanutpromo.warning=The last day Nuts will be redeemable is April 15th, so spend them fast!
landing.view.pegwing14.body=The mythical accesory for Habbo Horses will be on sale for 24 hours. What are they? These magical Pegasus Wings give your horse extra power to complete your jumps!
landing.view.pegwing14.button=Find out more
landing.view.pegwing14.header=Pegasus Wings
landing.view.pegwing14.timer=Wings coming in
landing.view.penguins.body=The Hotel suffers a freak cold front, with terrible blizzards and snowstorms. And with the cold front arrive... Penguins! It's time to adopt your own loveable creature...
landing.view.penguins.button=See the penguin!
landing.view.petpromo16.body=Six exclusive special pet breeds are landing in Habbo in the next few days (one every 48 hours.) Don't miss out on this!
landing.view.petpromo16.button=Get a pet!
landing.view.petpromo16.header=Special Pet Breeds For Sale!
landing.view.petpromonov13.body=Have you dreamed of a new pink pony to practice your jumps? Or a fiery dragon friend to keep you safe in your castle? Well, now is the time to get your latest furry friend! For one week only, ALL Habbo Pets are huge 50% OFF.
landing.view.petpromonov13.button=Get yours now
landing.view.petpromonov13.header=50% OFF Pets for a furry November
landing.view.petroombundle.body=Complete with everything your pampered pet could possibly desire. From hay for your horses, to nests for your turtles - this Room Bundle is every pet´s dream!
landing.view.petroombundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.petroombundle.header=Pet Sanctuary Room Bundle
landing.view.pets.body=Head over to the Pet Section and choose from Spitfire Dragons, fluffy Bears, Party Rhinos, slow-but-wise Turtles and many more!
landing.view.pets.button=Check it out
landing.view.pets.header=Pets galore!
landing.view.petweek14.body=The 4th October is World Animal Day, but we thought one day is not enough! We want to start...World Animal Week! From 26th September to 6th October, you'll find discounts in Habbo Pets and AWESOME activities to do with animals!
landing.view.petweek14.button=Check it out
landing.view.petweek14.header=Let's Celebrate Animal Week!
landing.view.piratebundle.body=You'll get a pre-decorated room with 95 items and an exclusive Captain Effect and Badge. Over 50% off when you buy directly from our payment page. Available throughout August.
landing.view.piratebundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.piratebundle.header=Save BIG on a Captain's Bundle
landing.view.piratebundle.title=Special Offer
landing.view.piratecompsubmit.body=We're looking for the best of the best Pirate Themed Room Designs. To enter, you must go to the Royal Dock Room and collect all 10 Glass Bottles. Place them in your best Pirate Themed room and submit for a chance to win a badge and prize!
landing.view.piratecompsubmit.header=Queen's Pirate Fleet
landing.view.piratecompvote.body=The Queen is making her rounds and needs your help to select the best Pirate Scene. Make sure you've got a Safeconduct badge and then click the link below to cast your vote.
landing.view.piratecompvote.header=Time to Vote!
landing.view.piratefurni.body=Build a pirate ship and load it with treasure. Blast civilians out of your room with NEW cannons. All this and even a talking parrot! Available throughout August.
landing.view.piratefurni.button=Browse the Shop
landing.view.piratefurni.header=All NEW Pirate Furni
landing.view.piratefurni.title=New Furni
landing.view.piraterares.body=Stock your ship with rare pirate loot. Rare items will appear here for a limited time (usually 6-8 hours) on the dates shown below.
landing.view.piraterares.header=Pirate Rares Coming Soon
landing.view.piraterares.title=Rare Furni
landing.view.pirateroyaldock.body=The royal dock is full of secrets and prizes that will unlock over the next week. Bots will appear to guide you starting Monday. Get a head start and explore this weekend!
landing.view.pirateroyaldock.button=Open Navigator
landing.view.pirateroyaldock.header=Explore the Royal Boat Dock
landing.view.pirateroyaldock.title=New Public Room
landing.view.pixelremoval.button=Start Shopping!
landing.view.pixelremoval.caption=Featured Pixel Furni
landing.view.pixelremoval.countdown=Time until Pixels removal Pixels being removed, we've decided to release some fantastic new Furni pieces- get them while you can!
landing.view.pixelremovalpromo.button=Why not get some Pixel effects?
landing.view.pixelremovalpromo.caption=The Hotel is currently muted to the challenging behavior of a few users the site has been muted, we will update you when we have more information to share. We want to thank you all for your patience and heartfelt support during these times. It means a great deal to us and we look forward to continue building a better Habbo with you.
landing.view.pixelremovalpromo.title=It's been quite a bumpy week so far, but hang in there!
landing.view.ponyexpress.body=To celebrate the Year of the Horse, we are offering HUGE savings on Horses! There are also saddles, dyes, and all horse furni…even super cool Horse Stable Room bundles with EXCLUSIVE badges - You won't want to miss these deals!
landing.view.ponyexpress.button=Saddle Up!
landing.view.ponyexpress.header=All aboard the Pony Express!
landing.view.portugal_bundle.body=Celebrate the 10th of June (Portugal's national day, the day of famed Portuguese writer Camões and of Portuguese communities) with this new Caravel pack! Comes with a cool badge!
landing.view.portugal_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.portugal_bundle.header=Portuguese Caravel
landing.view.postertimer.timer=Time Until Next Poster
landing.view.pride19celedress.body=Star Gazers! You NEED to go and check out the new Celestial Dress rare. Never to be sold again, exclusive badge included!
landing.view.pride19celedress.button=See the rare!
landing.view.pride19celedress.header=RARE Celestial Dress!
landing.view.pride19celestial.body=We're extremely happy to present the 100% exclusive Celestial Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.pride19celestial.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pride19celestial.header=Celestial Bundle
landing.view.pride19chairtr.body=This is a throne fit for an undersea god. It's also rare and therefore will NEVER be sold again!
landing.view.pride19chairtr.button=See the rare!
landing.view.pride19chairtr.header=RARE Sea Throne!
landing.view.pride19furni.body=To celebrate Pride in Habbo, we're releasing a set of rainbow-coloured bedroom furni for you all!
landing.view.pride19furni.button=See the furni!
landing.view.pride19furni.header=NEW: Pride Furni!
landing.view.pride19inflate.body=This month, we're releasing four rare inflatables! These are special: they stack together to create one huge furni. Collect all four and receive a bonus badge!
landing.view.pride19inflate.button=See the rares!
landing.view.pride19inflate.header=NEW: Collectible RARE Inflatables!
landing.view.pride19ltd.body=After many years and a lot of requests, we decided to make a rainbow-coloured classic rare. This is likely to be the first of many, so if you want the set for shop prices go get the parasol now!
landing.view.pride19ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.pride19ltd.header=Rainbow Parasol LTD!
landing.view.pride19old.body=Head over to the Catalogue to check out the classic furni we've brought back for the duration of this month.
landing.view.pride19old.button=See the furni!
landing.view.pride19old.header=Classic Furni Returns!
landing.view.pride19rainbow.body=Pick up a selection of Pride in Habbo furni for a GREAT price! Comes with exclusive badge. Room made by: Mr.Riick (NL)
landing.view.pride19rainbow.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pride19rainbow.header=Rainbow Room Bundle
landing.view.pride19spacetr.body=Line up the planets and add the finishing touches to your celestial rooms, Habbos. Interstellar adventures await!
landing.view.pride19spacetr.button=See the furni!
landing.view.pride19spacetr.header=Interstellar Furni Available!
landing.view.pride19sumtr.body=Do you have an aquatic-themed room that's in need of a few detailed additions? Look no further, Habbos!
landing.view.pride19sumtr.button=See the furni!
landing.view.pride19sumtr.header=Sea Floor Furni Available!'s new?'s go! yourself a Stable to ride a horse by jumping into the Stable Hopper! Jump into the Stable Hopper to find the very best Stables Habbo has to offer!
To get started click the button below. You know you want to. For A Stable?
landing.view.promoarticle.header=What's new?
landing.view.pvsv16captain.body=Stacked with magnificent and versatile Pirate furni, this bundle also contains the legendary, exclusive Pirate Captain effect!
landing.view.pvsv16captain.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pvsv16captain.header=Back: Captain Bundle!
landing.view.pvsv16engagement.body=After years of desperate searching, the Pirates and the Vikings have FINALLY retrieved an ancient map that shows the location of the Five Forsaken Rares. Now, they're sailing at full speed towards them! Whose ranks will you join in this incredible adventure?
landing.view.pvsv16engagement.button1=Ride with the Pirates!
landing.view.pvsv16engagement.button2=Sail with the Vikings!
landing.view.pvsv16engagement.header=Search for the Five Forsaken Rares
landing.view.pvsv16fleet.body=Viking raiders! Pull up the anchor and set sail; there are villages to burn. Contains an EXCLUSIVE Blacksmith's Hut furni. NOTE: Protect your village! Once burnt, only the ashes of the house will remain visible.
landing.view.pvsv16fleet.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pvsv16fleet.header=Viking Fleet Bundle
landing.view.pvsv16hideout.body=Guard your loot with your LIFE. This bundle has the perfect addition - an exclusive Smuggler's Lookout furni. Don't miss it!
landing.view.pvsv16hideout.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pvsv16hideout.header=Smugglers Hideout Bundle
landing.view.pvsv16pirate.body=Until 17.04, the Pirates furni line is available in the Catalogue and Builders' Club Warehouse!
landing.view.pvsv16pirate.button=Check out the furni
landing.view.pvsv16pirate.header=Pirates furni in Catalogue!
landing.view.pvsv16smuggler.body=BOOM! Inside each of these exploding barrels sits one of five brand new Pirates vs Vikings rares! Are YOU going to miss out?
landing.view.pvsv16smuggler.button=Get a barrel!
landing.view.pvsv16smuggler.header=Smuggler's Barrels for sale!
landing.view.pvsv16viking.body=Until 24.04, the Vikings furni line is available in the Catalogue and Builders' Club Warehouse!
landing.view.pvsv16viking.button=Check out the furni
landing.view.pvsv16viking.header=Vikings furni in Catalogue!
landing.view.pvsv16village.body=Burn baby BURN. This bundle contains an exclusive Viking Cross plus some other classically incendiary furni. Don't miss out!
landing.view.pvsv16village.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.pvsv16village.header=Back: Habbington Village Bundle!'s do this thing! this quest done! have completed all the available quests! Well done! Check back later for more. task: %task%. do it! me another easy quest! me another hard quest! CURRENT QUEST
landing.view.questexpiry.timeremaining=Time left in this challenge:
landing.view.rareghostship.body=Well blow me down - A bundle stuffed full of RARE and exclusive Ghost Ship! An exclusive room layout pre-decorated with a Ghost Ship, pirate's loot, Badge and much more awaits you. Available Friday to Sunday only.
landing.view.rareghostship.header=Limited time: Ghost Ship Bundle
landing.view.rarehotdog.header=Rare Hot Dog Vendor
landing.view.rarekraken.header=Rare Kraken
landing.view.rarenavigation.header=Rare Navigators Desk
landing.view.rarepopcorn.header=Rare Popcorn Machine
landing.view.rareposeidon.header=Rare Poseidon Statue
landing.view.rareschedule.body=This rare will be on sale for 8 hours today only.
landing.view.raretimer.timer=Time Until Next Rare
landing.view.room94.body=Join Room 94 for our first EVER live stream performance and chat on the #HabboPalooza Main Stage, This Thursday at 4pm (GMT)!
landing.view.room94.button=Check for details
landing.view.room94.header=Room 94 Live in Habbo
landing.view.roombundle15.body=Every Habbo can have its own wrestling ring with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need for the next round! This awesome deal even includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available via direct purchase and credits
landing.view.roombundle15.button=Visit the room
landing.view.roombundle15.header=Wrestling Ring Room
landing.view.roombundles2nd.body=With these fantastic bundles you'll get a pre-decorated game room with everything you need to become a Battle Banzai Master, a Freeze! Hot Shot or a Wired Wizard. You'll even get a exclusive Badge! Available until September.
landing.view.roombundles2nd.button=Go to Shop
landing.view.roombundles2nd.header=LAST CHANCE: All NEW Game Room Bundles!
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaDesert.submit.bodytext=Build a temple or shrine to praise the Ancients in your Habbo room! Submit it to our room decoration competition to earn sweet, sweet prizes! Click on the button below to take part! Note: Rooms must include both Pyramid Blocks and Hot Sands.
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaDesert.submit.caption=Build A Shrine To The Ancients! the button below to check out the rooms submitted for the competition and vote.'s time to choose the best Egyptian Temple room!
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaJungle.submit.bodytext=Build an epic Tree-Fort to escape the dangers of the jungle style and enter it in our room decoration competition to earn sweet, sweet prizes! Click on the button below to take part!
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaJungle.submit.caption=Take part in the Tree-Fort room competition! the button below to check out the rooms submitted for the competition and vote.'s time to choose the best Tree-Fort room!
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaSavannah.submit.bodytext=Build your own Wildlife Reserve and enter it in our room decoration competition to earn sweet, sweet prizes! Click on the button below to take part!
landing.view.roomcompetition.africaSavannah.submit.caption=Build your own Wildlife Reserve! the button below to check out the rooms submitted for the competition and vote.'s time to choose the best Wildlife Reserve room!
landing.view.roomcompetition.majesty.submit.bodytext=Build a quiet palace for the Queen so she can rest and relax in peace while watching South Park. Submit your room before Wednesday to be in with a chance to win a cool Trophy and get ennobled on the Landing Page.
landing.view.roomcompetition.majesty.submit.caption=Home Sweet Home
landing.view.roomcompetition.majesty.submit.extrainfo=Note: To join the competition your room needs to include at least 6 pieces of London furni, one of which must be a Union Jack sofa or a Royal Tea Lady Furni. Queen needs your help to find the most peaceful palace in the Hotel. Choose well, you only have 3 votes! Sweet Home are the Habbos the Queen has decided to ennoble. Visit their room and bow out of respect. You can also bow out of fear, if you want to. Sweet Home
landing.view.roomcompetition.rewards.forparticipating=For participating
landing.view.roomcompetition.rewards.top100=For making it to the top 100
landing.view.roomcompetition.rewards.top10=For making it to the top 10
landing.view.roomcompetition.rewards=ROOM COMPETITIONREWARDS
landing.view.roomcompetition.submit.votingstartsin=Voting starts in
landing.view.roomcompetition.submitdone=Go to your competition room
landing.view.roomcompetition.title=ROOM COMPETITION left to vote now!
landing.view.runwaylastchance.body=Every Habbo can be a runway superstar with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need from backdrops and spotlights, to runways and mannequins - You will be the envy of all your friends! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge.
landing.view.runwaylastchance.button=I want one!
landing.view.runwaylastchance.header=Last chance: Runway room bundle!
landing.view.runwayltd.body=Get them while they're hot! LTD furni are available in limited quantities and once they sell out...they can't come back! Each LTD has an individual ID number and the LTD logo. So don't miss this HOT LTD Runway Rare. It'll be gone in a flash..
landing.view.runwayltd.button=Tick tock...
landing.view.runwayltd.header=LTD Runway Rare
landing.view.runwayrarebox.body=Put on your most stylish outfit, and get ready to strut your stuff with the Habbo Club exclusive Runway Rares. With a 1 of 3 AWESOME rares in each box, the odds are definitely in your favor! Available for 6-8 hours, these rares will be gone in a FLASH...
landing.view.runwayrarebox.button=Strut your stuff
landing.view.runwayrarebox.header=Runway Rares Box
landing.view.runwayrarebox2.timer.expired=The HC Rare Boxes are in the Shop!
landing.view.runwayrarebox2.timeremaining=The HC Rare Boxes are coming in:
landing.view.runwayroombundle.body=Every Habbo can be a runway superstar with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need from backdrops and spotlights, to runways and mannequins - You will be the envy of all your friends! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available for direct purchase and credits..
landing.view.runwayroombundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.runwayroombundle.header=Strut your stuff!
landing.view.safetyvid.body=Check out the Safety Room in Habbo to watch a video about how Habbo moderators work. Safety on the Internet is the most important thing for us, but remember, you own it!
landing.view.safetyvid.button=Watch the video
landing.view.safetyvid.header=A day in the life of a Habbo Moderator
landing.view.school2x12nd.body=Wishing you could get more credits for your money? Well, the time has finally come! Don't miss this rare opportunity to double your credits. Check the credits page for more information. Available for a limited time only.
landing.view.school2x12nd.button=Go to Credits Page
landing.view.school2x12nd.header=Double Trouble
landing.view.schoolLTDrares.body=Be the ultimate teacher's pet and get your hands on the LTD RARE. Now, hurry to class and keep your eyes on the clock...
landing.view.schoolLTDrares.header=LIMITED RARE: An apple a day...
landing.view.schoolbundles.body=With these fantastic bundles you'll get a pre-decorated game room with everything you need to become a Battle Banzai Master, a Freeze! Hot Shot or a Wired Wizard. You'll even get a exclusive Badge! Available until September.
landing.view.schoolbundles.button=Go to Shop
landing.view.schoolbundles.header=All NEW Game Room Bundles!
landing.view.schoolfurni.body=Have you always wanted to design your dream classroom? Well now you can, with the all new Back to School Furni you can get creative! Invite your friends, then teach them a thing or two!
landing.view.schoolfurni.button=To the Shop
landing.view.schoolfurni.header=Back to School Furni!
landing.view.schoolprom.body=Get your dancing shoes ready because you are cordially invited to the Habbo High School Prom. Finish all your classes before 2nd of October for a chance to win badges and prizes!
landing.view.schoolprom.button=Read More
landing.view.schoolprom.header=Dancing Queen: Habbo Prom 2013
landing.view.schoolrares.body=Appearing for a limited time only: Fill your locker to the brim with Rare items! You'll even get a RARE badge to match. So keep your eyes on the clock and don't miss out!
landing.view.schoolrares.button=Empty value
landing.view.schoolrares.header=Back to School RARES Sale!
landing.view.secretservicepromo.extrainfo=We need you to be the Queen's stand-in. Yep, you read that correctly. Do the Quest just right, and there will be sweet rewards waiting! was a success, but the poor ol' queen is in dire need of some rest and relaxation! However, there's no way she can get away from her duties without someone filling in for her... That's where you come in.
landing.view.secretservicepromo.openquest=Get on with it, your Majesty!
landing.view.sep15million.body=Habbo for Android has just passed the one MILLION downloads mark! This is truly fantastic news and we're all massively hyped about it. So, to celebrate this momentous occasion, we're sending all of our Android users a special one million Android downloads badge. Enjoy!
landing.view.sep15million.header=Oh hey, another one MILLION downloads!
landing.view.sep17cafe.body=Who loves desserts? If you do, make sure to pick up this bundle! Contains EXCLUSIVE Dessert Waitress Ribbon and Dessert Waitress Dress.
landing.view.sep17cafe.button=See the bundle
landing.view.sep17cafe.header=Dessert Cafe Bundle!
landing.view.sep17chest.body=These chests contain one of 15 EPIC classic rares from Habbo's rich history. Available for 24 hours, don't miss out!
landing.view.sep17chest.button=See the chest!
landing.view.sep17chest.header=RARE Emerald Chest of Light!
landing.view.sep17clothing.body=We've made a few of the clothing items from our new Dessert Cafe bundle available in the Catalogue - go and see!
landing.view.sep17clothing.button=See the clothing
landing.view.sep17clothing.header=NEW Dessert Maid Clothing!
landing.view.sep17crown.body=NEVER to be sold again, this glittering and rare Elegant Crown is definitely one for the traders. Get one while you can!
landing.view.sep17crown.button=See the rare
landing.view.sep17crown.header=RARE Elegant Crown!
landing.view.sep17elegant.body=This gorgeous bundle epitomises the word 'cute'. Don't miss out on this, Habbos!
landing.view.sep17elegant.button=See the bundle
landing.view.sep17elegant.header=Elegant Bundle
landing.view.sep17sheep.body=Happy Kurban Bayrami, Habbos! To celebrate, we are putting sheep and cow pet back in the Catalogue for you. Enjoy!
landing.view.sep17sheep.button=See the pets
landing.view.sep17sheep.header=BACK: Sheep and Cow Pet
landing.view.sep18chest.body=These chests contain one of 16 EPIC classic rares from Habbo's rich history. Available for 24 hours, don't miss out!
landing.view.sep18chest.button=See the chest!
landing.view.sep18chest.header=RARE Teal Chest of Light
landing.view.sep18fish.body=Our brand new (rare) Jaded Carp credit furni is in the Catalogue now. Get one while you can - they're available for a limited time only!
landing.view.sep18fish.button=See the furni
landing.view.sep18fish.header=RARE Jaded Carp Credit Furni!
landing.view.sep18fountain.body=This fountain is the perfect addition to any zen garden. Don't miss out - this furni is rare and will never be sold again!
landing.view.sep18fountain.button=See the rare
landing.view.sep18fountain.header=RARE Zen Garden Fountain!
landing.view.sep18hair.body=This fabulously wavy new hairstyle is rare, and never to be sold again. Pick one up while you can - you won't regret it!
landing.view.sep18hair.button=See the rare
landing.view.sep18hair.header=RARE Long Wavy Locks!
landing.view.sep18hotel.body=The original hotel view is a legendary and iconic piece of our history, and this bundle represents it perfectly. Pick one up while you can!
landing.view.sep18hotel.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.sep18hotel.header=NEW Classic Hotel View Bundle
landing.view.sep18rares.body=For 24 hours, this classic teal-coloured rare is available in the Catalogue. Don't miss it!
landing.view.sep18rares.button=See the rares!
landing.view.sep18rares.header=NEW: Classic Teal-Coloured Rares!
landing.view.sep18zen.body=It's time to dive into a metaphorical pool of psychological solitude. Note: this bundle is made from 100% exclusive zen-inspired furni!
landing.view.sep18zen.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.sep18zen.header=Zen Garden Bundle
landing.view.sep19backschool3.body=The full version of this bundle contains three exclusive badges and four exclusive clothing items! (2x Book Bags and 2x Half Tied Hair.)
landing.view.sep19backschool3.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.sep19backschool3.header=NEW: Back to School Bundle!
landing.view.sep19buffy.body=SO FLUFFY!
landing.view.sep19buffy.button=See the rare!
landing.view.sep19buffy.header=RARE Buffy!
landing.view.sep19cf.body=These are worth 250 credits. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.sep19cf.button=See the furni!
landing.view.sep19cf.header=RARE Designer Hucci Bag Credit Furni!
landing.view.sep19littlebear.body=One seriously cute addition to your bedroom shelf.
landing.view.sep19littlebear.button=See the rare!
landing.view.sep19littlebear.header=RARE Little Raccoon!
landing.view.sep19market.body=Made from 100% exclusive furni - get one while you can!
landing.view.sep19market.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.sep19market.header=Supermarket Bundle!
landing.view.sep19raincoat.body=You'll never get soaked again.
landing.view.sep19raincoat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.sep19raincoat.header=RARE Impermeable Raincoat!
landing.view.sep19rainyday.body=Contains a selection of the new Rainy Day furni! Room made by Elipte (BR)
landing.view.sep19rainyday.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.sep19rainyday.header=NEW: Rainy Day Bundle!
landing.view.sep19rainynew.body=Designed for those warm, cosy days spent inside with rain lashing against the windows.
landing.view.sep19rainynew.button=See the furni!
landing.view.sep19rainynew.header=NEW: Rainy Day Furni!
landing.view.sep19teddy.body=Perfect for Saturday mornings in front of the TV.
landing.view.sep19teddy.button=See the rare!
landing.view.sep19teddy.header=RARE Teddy Dressing Gown!
landing.view.serenityspabundle.body=This relaxing and innovative room design is optimized for you to completely unwind and really let your pixel hair down. With over 64 pieces of furni, EXCLUSIVE room layout and badge, this is certainly a captivating offer.
landing.view.serenityspabundle.button=Get your Spa!
landing.view.serenityspabundle.header=Serenity Spa is here…
landing.view.shakespearefurnipack.body=Delightfully designed to tickle your furni fancy, this new set of garden furni will make the onset of spring as dreamy as a Shakespearian sonnet. Go to the shop and you'll see a special Shakespeare tab under Stories. Get the furni individually or grab up the pack for a nice price!
landing.view.shakespearefurnipack.button=Check it out!
landing.view.shakespearefurnipack.header=Shakespeare Garden furni pack is out!
landing.view.shalimarbundle.body=The luscious smell of roses is wafting through the hotel…Shalimar is back! Grab this Bollywood-inspired room bundle and be the envy of all your friends…
landing.view.shalimarbundle.button=Get yours now
landing.view.shalimarbundle.header=Sweet, sweet, Shalimar!
landing.view.smallpool.body=Pools are always cool. This one has all the good things about summer packed into just a few pixels! It also includes an EXCLUSIVE furni + a special badge. This bundle is available via direct purchase and credits for a limited time.
landing.view.smallpool.button=See the bundle
landing.view.smallpool.header=The Small Pool
landing.view.snowflakes13quest.body=Complete the daily advent quests, earn snowflakes and get your mittens on the limited furni!
landing.view.snowflakes13quest.button=Earn your Snowflakes
landing.view.snowflakes13quest.header=Snowflakes falling all around...
landing.view.soap16bighosp.body=Packed full of hard to find and valuable healthcare-related bits and pieces, this hospital bundle is an absolute BARGAIN. It also includes an exclusive new Big Old Drinks Machine. Get involved!
landing.view.soap16bighosp.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.soap16bighosp.header=Hospital Bundles!
landing.view.soap16cinema.body=Containing two teleports that are scarce in Habbo these days, and three valuable posters, this bundle is NOT one to miss!
landing.view.soap16cinema.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.soap16cinema.header=NEW: Cinema Premiere Bundle
landing.view.soap16collectible.body=Every day this week, we're releasing 1 of 7 new RARE fish tanks, each with their own badge and breed of fish. Collect all seven and get a bonus badge!
landing.view.soap16collectible.button=Collect the Set!
landing.view.soap16collectible.header=New RARE Collectible Fishtanks!
landing.view.soap16hosp.body=Containing some of the most hard to find hospital items in Habbo, this bundle is PERFECT for the aspiring Hospital Architects out there!
landing.view.soap16hosp.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.soap16hosp.header=Get a Hospital Bundle!
landing.view.soap16icecafe.body=Our designers have recreated one of the most LEGENDARY public rooms in Habbo's history: the Ice Cafe! Available until 18/12.
landing.view.soap16icecafe.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.soap16icecafe.header=Classic Ice Cafe!
landing.view.soap16rarepillow.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to add an extremely valuable RARE Turquoise Giant Pillow to your collection! Limited availability.
landing.view.soap16rarepillow.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.soap16rarepillow.header=Classic Turquoise Pillow Rare!
landing.view.soap16rarescifi.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to add an extremely valuable RARESky Spaceship Doorto your collection! Limited availability.
landing.view.soap16rarescifi.button=See the Rare!
landing.view.soap16rarescifi.header=Classic Spaceship Door Rare!
landing.view.sparares.body=Only available for 6-8 hours, you certainly won't want to miss these relaxing rares...
landing.view.sparares.button=Check it out
landing.view.sparares.header=Health Spa Rares!
landing.view.sparares5.body=Hot off the press! With a Limited amount available, you won't want to miss this AWESOME LTD Rare!
landing.view.sparares5.button=Get yours
landing.view.sparares5.header=Love is in the wire...with an LTD RARE!
landing.view.spdonnie4.header= your Nuts while you can! Nuts expire on April 16th, so be sure to have spent them all by then. You can spend your Nuts on Furni in the shop, and the all new pet Rabbit- yours for just a handful of Nuts.
landing.view.spendnutspromo.spendnuts=Spend Your Nuts
landing.view.spendnutspromo.title=Your Last Chance To Go Nuts!
landing.view.spendnutspromo.warning=Nuts will be removed on April 16th!
landing.view.sprares2.body=Are these relics of a future that never was? We've never seen anything quite like them, but they're now available in the shop for a combination of credits ensuring and duckets their exclusivity but a reasonable price.
landing.view.sproom2.body=Our fearless traveller, Donnie Santini is in danger and needs your help - he needs you to build a Steampunk Machine in your room, with the following components; Donnie Santini's Helmet, Steam Punk Floor 1 and a Small Cog. Donnie will reward those at the top. (If renting furni don't forget to renew it before room-voting ends)
landing.view.sproom2.header=Help Donnie Santini!
landing.view.steelscar.button=Steelscar Clan
landing.view.stranded16boombox.body=When you're stranded in the jungle, what better furni to have than a radio? THIS one gives you regular updates...
landing.view.stranded16boombox.button=See the Boombox
landing.view.stranded16boombox.header=NEW: Jungle Boombox!
landing.view.stranded16hut.body=Get a collection of 15 EXCLUSIVE Primrose seeds and a dark, abandoned hut with this bundle! Just watch out for angry spirits...
landing.view.stranded16hut.button=See the bundle
landing.view.stranded16hut.header=Abandoned Hut Bundle
landing.view.stranded16jungle.body=The area surrounding this temple is known for its legendary Plumeria seeds. Get an EXCLUSIVE stack of 15 of them in this bundle!
landing.view.stranded16jungle.button=Look at the bundle
landing.view.stranded16jungle.header=Jungle Temple Bundle
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.body=Tropical paradises don't come better than this. Containing a collection of exclusive Starflower seeds, this is not one to miss!
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.button=See the bundle
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.header=Tropical Lagoon Bundle
landing.view.stranded16line.body=The brand new Stranded Jungle furni line is here! We've also brought back a selection of old furni - go take a look.
landing.view.stranded16line.button=See the new furni!
landing.view.stranded16line.header=NEW: Stranded Jungle line
landing.view.stranded16ltd.body=Charlie is FINALLY here! There are seriously limited numbers of this LTD available - are you going to get one?
landing.view.stranded16ltd.button=Meet Charlie!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.header=Charlie the Orangutan LTD
landing.view.stranded16perilous.body=Sharpen your machete and get your watering can - this bundle contains a HUGE stack of 15 exclusive Dahlia seeds - don't miss it!
landing.view.stranded16perilous.button=Look at the bundle
landing.view.stranded16perilous.header=Perilous Jungle Bundle
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.body=This rare species of jungle plant has an infamous appetite for pixels, and is NOT to be messed with!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.button=Check out the rare!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.header=Pitcher Plant Rare!
landing.view.stranded16pulley.body=Made from some of the rarest pixel-wood known to Habbos, this rare Stranded Jungle furni is only available for a short time!
landing.view.stranded16pulley.button=Check out the rare!
landing.view.stranded16pulley.header=Jungle Pulley Rare!
landing.view.stranded16raft.body=Constructed from rare tropical materials by survival geniuses, this Log Raft is the ideal way to escape the jungle!
landing.view.stranded16raft.button=Check out the rare!
landing.view.stranded16raft.header=Get a Log Raft Rare!
landing.view.stranded16sloth.body=The cutest rare hat to EVER grace Habbo just arrived - Betty the Sloth!
landing.view.stranded16sloth.button=See the hat!
landing.view.stranded16sloth.header=Get a Sloth Hat Rare!
landing.view.summer17cal.body=Make sure you log in EVERY DAY to open your very own Gift Calendar! You might get a Lazy Beach Hammock, who knows?
landing.view.summer17cal.button=Open it!
landing.view.summer17cal.header=Open Your Gift Calendar!
landing.view.summer18cal.body=Between the 2nd and 31st of July, every day you will receive a free gift from your Summer Calendar. Open yours now!
landing.view.summer18cal.button=Open it!
landing.view.summer18cal.header=Open Your Summer Calendar!
landing.view.summer19cal.body=Between the 1st and 31st of July, every day you will receive a free gift from your Summer Calendar. Open yours now!
landing.view.summer19cal.button=Open it!
landing.view.summer19cal.header=Open Your Summer Calendar!
landing.view.summer20cal.body=Between the 1st and 31st of July, every day you will receive a free gift from your Summer Calendar. Open yours now!
landing.view.summer20cal.button=Open it!
landing.view.summer20cal.header=Open Your Summer Calendar!
landing.view.summercat.body=We've refurbished our catalogue for the summer! Take a look, it's easier to find the items you're looking for and for the first time you can browse by price!
landing.view.summercat.button=Check it out.
landing.view.summercat.header=Catalogue refurbished!
landing.view.suncity19beanstalk.body=This beanstalk is only available for a limited time. DON'T miss out!
landing.view.suncity19beanstalk.button=See the rare!
landing.view.suncity19beanstalk.header=RARE Gigantic Beanstalk!
landing.view.suncity19biosphere.body=The artisans of Sunlight City are expert biosphere builders. These are rare and were made by one of the city's most prestigious guilds.
landing.view.suncity19biosphere.button=See the rare!
landing.view.suncity19biosphere.header=RARE Sunlight City Biosphere!
landing.view.suncity19bundlea.body=Kick back and enjoy the sights and smells of Sunlight City. Get a great deal on our new furni line with this bundle. Exclusive badge included! Room made by: Jenneben (NL)
landing.view.suncity19bundlea.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.suncity19bundlea.header=NEW: Sunlight City Bundle!
landing.view.suncity19bundleb.body=Settle down and enjoy a late summers evening sat next to a peaceful, lazily flowing urban waterway. Comes with an exclusive badge!
landing.view.suncity19bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.suncity19bundleb.header=Canal-side Relaxation Bundle!
landing.view.suncity19cloth.body=Go check out the brand new selection of clothing we just added to the Catalogue!
landing.view.suncity19cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.suncity19cloth.header=NEW Sunlight City Clothing!
landing.view.suncity19cowl.body=Feathered cowls: the ultimate status symbol in Sunlight City. These are only available for a limited time!
landing.view.suncity19cowl.button=See the rare!
landing.view.suncity19cowl.header=RARE Feathered Cowl!
landing.view.suncity19craft.body=Use the Trashbot Jr. crafting table in conjunction with different ingredients to create Sunlight City clothing and furni!
landing.view.suncity19craft.button=Go craft!
landing.view.suncity19craft.header=Sunlight City Crafting!
landing.view.suncity19dress.body=Charm the citizens of Sunlight City with this exquisite new dress. Rare and NEVER to be sold again!
landing.view.suncity19dress.button=See the rare!
landing.view.suncity19dress.header=RARE Butterfly Dress!
landing.view.suncity19easelltd.body=This easel LTD is one of only a very limited number, so don't miss out!
landing.view.suncity19easelltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.suncity19easelltd.header=Yohand Comeere Easel LTD!
landing.view.suncity19fountain.body=These fountains are crafted from shards of crystal extracted from the depths of the ocean. Get one while you can!
landing.view.suncity19fountain.button=See the rare!
landing.view.suncity19fountain.header=RARE Aqua Crystal Fountain!
landing.view.suncity19new.body=Build the utopian paradise of your dreams with our new furni line: Sunlight City!
landing.view.suncity19new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.suncity19new.header=NEW Sunlight City Furni!
landing.view.suncity19old.body=We've brought back a selection of classic city-themed furni for you all. Go and check out what's available now!
landing.view.suncity19old.button=See the furni!
landing.view.suncity19old.header=BACK: Classic Furni!
landing.view.suncity19pondltd.body=Ducks are almost sacred in Habbo. This LTD doesn't just provide a fantastic centrepiece to any room - it's also the perfect collector's item.
landing.view.suncity19pondltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.suncity19pondltd.header=Duck Sanctuary LTD!
landing.view.tabletfin.body=From Brazil to Australia, from Finland to Turkey… now every Habbo can get their pixelated hands on Habbo for iPad! We are excited to announce the launch of Habbo for iPad in App stores worldwide!
landing.view.tabletfin.button=To HiPad Store
landing.view.tabletfin.header=Habbo for iPad - Now available WORLDWIDE!
landing.view.talentspromo.caption=Introducing Habbo Talents!
landing.view.talentspromo.checkprogress=Check your Talent progress we go along, you'll see new Talents unlocking in the Hotel, but you can already start tracking your progress in the Helper Talent track, so show us what you're made of!
landing.view.talentspromo.subcaption=We are extremely proud to announce the first of our long-awaited Habbo Talents are now here! :)
landing.view.talentspromo.title=HABBO TALENTS
landing.view.talentvoting.body=The winner will be announced on Friday 26th of July, so don't miss your chance to give support and help launch an artist!
landing.view.talentvoting.button=Vote now
landing.view.talentvoting.header=Habbo Palooza Talent Competition
landing.view.tent.body=Want a private space to chat in your room? Habbos outside our NEW TENTS will not see or hear inside!
landing.view.tent.button=Check it out
landing.view.tent.header=NEW - Private Tents
landing.view.tokyo18back.body=Kitty backpack. Rare. Enough said.
landing.view.tokyo18back.button=See the rare!
landing.view.tokyo18back.header=RARE Kitty Backpack!
landing.view.tokyo18carp.body=Koi carp: a highly respected and symbolic fish, and an apparent bringer of luck, prosperity, and good fortune. All this, in a rare kite furni!
landing.view.tokyo18carp.button=See the rare!
landing.view.tokyo18carp.header=RARE Koi Carp Kites!
landing.view.tokyo18clothing.body=Our permanent clothing collection just acquired some metropolitan Japanese muscle. Tokyo, we love you.
landing.view.tokyo18clothing.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.tokyo18clothing.header=NEW: Tokyo Clothing!
landing.view.tokyo18furni.body=As well as the launch of our shiny, awesome new Tokyo-inspired furni line, we've brought back the much loved Japan and Ancient Japan lines. Subarashii!
landing.view.tokyo18furni.button=See the new furni!
landing.view.tokyo18furni.header=Japanese Furni Old and New!
landing.view.tokyo18games.body=Visit the Navigator to play our Habbo arcade games and win exclusive badges!
landing.view.tokyo18games.button=Visit the Navigator
landing.view.tokyo18games.header=Play Habbo Arcade Games!
landing.view.tokyo18gaming.body=Here's your opportunity to pick up a piece of Japanese video gaming culture. Comes with exclusive badge!
landing.view.tokyo18gaming.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.tokyo18gaming.header=NEW: Tokyo Arcade Bundle
landing.view.tokyo18house.body=Save a ton of credits on some of the most sought after Japanese-themed furni available in Habbo! Also comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.tokyo18house.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.tokyo18house.header=NEW: Japanese House Bundle
landing.view.tokyo18kitsune.body=Take home a rich piece of Japanese history while you still can! Kitsune Masks - the ULTIMATE japanophile head slot item.
landing.view.tokyo18kitsune.button=See the rare!
landing.view.tokyo18kitsune.header=RARE Kitsune Mask!
landing.view.tokyo18maple.body=Never to be sold again, these rare maple trees are unique to Habbo and perfect for the committed Habbo arborist. Get one while you can!
landing.view.tokyo18maple.button=See the rare!
landing.view.tokyo18maple.header=RARE Ancient Maple Tree!
landing.view.tokyo18park.body=Sakura trees, cherry blossom and Japanese street food. What more could you want from a city break in Tokyo? Comes with exclusive badge!
landing.view.tokyo18park.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.tokyo18park.header=Food Market Bundle
landing.view.tokyo18plushies.body=Use these plushies with the Toolbot crafting table to create brand new Tokyo-themed clothing items!
landing.view.tokyo18plushies.button=See the plushies!
landing.view.tokyo18plushies.header=RARE Plushies for sale!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.body=Contained inside these Gacha Machines are 1 of 10 different Tokyo plushies. Craft them together to make different items of clothing using the Toolbot!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.button=Get a Gacha Machine!
landing.view.tokyo18plushy.header=Gacha Machines Available NOW!
landing.view.tokyo18shiba.body=These puppies epitomise cute. AND each of them is one of a limited number. Tell us if you're after a particular number on social media!
landing.view.tokyo18shiba.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.tokyo18shiba.header=Limited Edition Shiba Inu Puppy!
landing.view.tokyo18street.body=Tokyo is famous for its markets - the sights and sounds are unparalleled. This market is no different! Comes with exclusive badge.Made by Jenneben (NL)
landing.view.tokyo18street.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.tokyo18street.header=Tokyo Street Market Bundle
landing.view.traffic1.body=The first step to your Habbo driving license is the theory test. Enter the driving school and answer all questions carefully. Good luck!
landing.view.traffic1.button=Go to the driving school.
landing.view.traffic1.header=Beeep beeep!
landing.view.traffic2.body=The risk of driving a car is that one day you have a car breakdown. Turn on the alarm lights and solve this situation.
landing.view.traffic2.button=Repair car
landing.view.traffic2.header=Oh oohh Car Breakdown!
landing.view.traffic3.body=Roadworks, open bridges and toll roads.. there is always something going on that will delay your journey. Make sure you manage to arrive on the final destination.
landing.view.traffic3.button=Start journey
landing.view.traffic3.header=Traffic Jams
landing.view.traffic4.body=Going left, going right… What´s the point of driving a car if you dont know where you are going? Take the route that's been set out for youand you will pass for this test section no problem!
landing.view.traffic4.button=Start walking
landing.view.traffic4.header=Habbo Car Navigator
landing.view.traffic5.body=The last examination section before you can hit the real road to do your Habbo driving test. Practice with the car simulator and make sure to not drive over the traffic cones.
landing.view.traffic5.button=Start simulator
landing.view.traffic5.header=Car Simulator
landing.view.traffic6.body=Are you ready? Get in and show the driving instructor that you own this car!
landing.view.traffic6.button=Get your driving license
landing.view.traffic6.header=Habbo Driving Test
landing.view.trophies.body=Have you done any of the Music Glories Quests? There's still time left! Complete as many quests as you can for a chance to win a #HabboPalooza trophy!
landing.view.trophies.button=Hey, ho, let's go!
landing.view.trophies.header=Music Glories Trophies
landing.view.unmute.faq.body=To be able to chat again, you first need to read through our new Safety Policy and then complete our Safety Quiz. Click the link at the top of the page to get started!
landing.view.unmute.faq.button=Enter the Welcome Lounge
landing.view.unmute.faq.caption=Chat is back!
landing.view.unmute.faq.link1=View a message from the Sulake CEO
landing.view.unmute.faq.link2=Find out what everyone's saying!
landing.view.unmute.mainmessage.body=We know how much you miss chatting with your friends in Habbo, which is why we've activated a limited version of chat! To start chatting again, all you need to do, is read our new Safety Instructions and pass our Safety Quiz. IM, Minimails and Forums remain off for now.
landing.view.unmute.mainmessage.caption=A Habbo Of Few Words
landing.view.unmute.mainmessage.link1=Find out more in our FAQs
landing.view.unmute.mainmessage.link2=The Great Unmute- what's everyone saying?
landing.view.val13masquerade.bodytext=Celebrate a romantic evening with your Valentine with the new Venetian Masquerade Ball furni and of course the masks that go with it.
landing.view.val13masquerade.button=Check it out!
landing.view.val13masquerade.header=Have a ball!
landing.view.val13promo2.body=David Fountains are Rare pieces of Habbo art. They are available for collectors during this weekend until Monday, for every 120 Credits you buy.
landing.view.val14kiss.body=That's a special challenge for Habbo Club members. Will they be able to join 25 other users in a room blowing a kiss? Enter one room and activate this Quest using the Quest Icon.
landing.view.val14kiss.button=Find the Challenge
landing.view.val14kiss.header=World Record Kiss
landing.view.val15haiku1.body=The new year \nLovers´ garden \nHow far
landing.view.val15haiku1.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku1.header=Haiku 1: Oh! Solitude!
landing.view.val15haiku10.body=The new year \nLovers´ Garden \nI lost the war
landing.view.val15haiku10.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku10.header=Haiku 10: Ouch! Solitude!
landing.view.val15haiku2.body=Red grapefruit \nWhat bitter afternoons \nI can´t find you
landing.view.val15haiku2.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku2.header=Haiku 2: Where is love?
landing.view.val15haiku3.body=Two fish jump \nInfinite stream flows \nIs this the shore?
landing.view.val15haiku3.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku3.header=Haiku 3: The encounter
landing.view.val15haiku4.body=Wake up flowers\nThe butterfly dances \nShow your teeth
landing.view.val15haiku4.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku4.header=Haiku 4: Infinite happiness
landing.view.val15haiku5.body=You taste of honey \nI expected that \nRepeat dessert
landing.view.val15haiku5.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku5.header=Haiku 5: In love
landing.view.val15haiku6.body=War hurts \nGoodbyes are painful \nGoodbye
landing.view.val15haiku6.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku6.header=Haiku 6: War killed love
landing.view.val15haiku7.body=Paper fired:\nThe bullets don´t love the tiger \nFouls
landing.view.val15haiku7.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku7.header=Haiku 7: Reported missing
landing.view.val15haiku8.body=The emperor loves me \nOne by one, ten cicadas \nYou missed
landing.view.val15haiku8.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku8.header=Haiku 8: A royal wedding
landing.view.val15haiku9.body=The leaves fall \nUnexpected longing \nI fall for it
landing.view.val15haiku9.button=Follow this love story
landing.view.val15haiku9.header=Haiku 9: True love is back
landing.view.val16cny.body=With this bundle, get a TON of exquisite furni, as well as two new and HIGHLY sought-after Year of the Monkey furni!
landing.view.val16cny.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val16cny.header=Year of the Monkey Bundle
landing.view.val16disguise.body=As well as a FANTASTIC array of costumes, effects and headgear, this new bundle also contains an EXCLUSIVE Vase of Passion!
landing.view.val16disguise.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val16disguise.header=NEW: Carnivale Costume Shop Bundle
landing.view.val16garden.body=For the Japan connoisseur, this bundle is jam-packed and comes with an EXCLUSIVE Lovebirds of Paradise furni! Badge included.
landing.view.val16garden.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val16garden.header=Japanese Love Garden Bundle is back!
landing.view.val16mask.body=Dazzle your guests with these delicate, vibrant and downright ELECTRIFYING Venetian Masks! Available until 28.02.
landing.view.val16mask.button=See the masks!
landing.view.val16mask.header=Venetian Masks are BACK!
landing.view.val16old.body=Love at Carnivale is here and we are EXCITED! Get ready for the return of some Valentines classics, as well as all new furni.
landing.view.val16old.button=Check it all out!
landing.view.val16old.header=Classic Valentines Furni is BACK!
landing.view.val16parade.body=It's time to show the LOVE! Inside this bundle are two Tiki Cats - one has got a SERIOUS sense of style - don't miss out!
landing.view.val16parade.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val16parade.header=NEW: Love Parade Bundle
landing.view.val16rarecny.body=Are YOU going to miss the chance to stock up on this invaluable, prized and expertly-crafted Year of the Monkey furni?
landing.view.val16rarecny.button=See the rares!
landing.view.val16rarecny.header=Year of the Monkey furni in Catalogue!
landing.view.val16rarelion.body=Make sure to pick up this gorgeous, multi-coloured lion - not only is he adorable but he comes with an EXCLUSIVE badge!
landing.view.val16rarelion.button=See the Lion!
landing.view.val16rarelion.header=Floral Lion rares available now!
landing.view.val16rareoyster.body=With a humongous, RADIANT pearl inside, this rare is definitely one for the collectors! Comes with exclusive badge, too.
landing.view.val16rareoyster.button=Check out the Oyster!
landing.view.val16rareoyster.header=Luminous Love Oyster for sale NOW!
landing.view.val16rarepeacock.body=The feathers glitter like sapphires and the flowers smell SUBLIME - are you going to miss out on this AWESOME rare?
landing.view.val16rarepeacock.button=Check out the Peacock!
landing.view.val16rarepeacock.header=Lustrous Peacocks in the Catalogue!
landing.view.val16rarevolcano.body=With lava made from fragrant petals, this furni is the PERFECT addition to any Valentines-themed garden - don't miss out!
landing.view.val16rarevolcano.button=See the Volcano!
landing.view.val16rarevolcano.header=Blossom Volcano in the Catalogue!
landing.view.val16theatre.body=Get your very own ornate Venetian Theatre - invite friends or keep it exclusive... Included is an EXCLUSIVE Shell Fountain!
landing.view.val16theatre.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val16theatre.header=NEW: Venetian Theatre Bundle
landing.view.val17back.body=Keep it zen in Japan, don a masquerade mask, OR just stock up on Valentine's Day furni. Furni is available until 26/02!
landing.view.val17back.button=See the furni
landing.view.val17back.header=BACK: Valentine's furni
landing.view.val17banquet.body=Starving after the wedding? We've got you covered: this bundle contains a TON of food and a load of other party-themed furni.
landing.view.val17banquet.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val17banquet.header=Wedding Banquet Bundle
landing.view.val17dress.body=Here's an outfit for the most memorable of days. NEVER to be sold again, it's also perfect for other special occasions!
landing.view.val17dress.button=See the outfit!
landing.view.val17dress.header=RARE Wedding Outfit!
landing.view.val17furni.body=Now, you can well and truly celebrate Habbo marriage with our wonderful new selection of wedding-style furni! Available until 26/02.
landing.view.val17furni.button=See the furni
landing.view.val17furni.header=NEW Wedding Furni!
landing.view.val17game.body=Indulge in some speed dating and earn up to four brand new badges! Visit the official games section of the navigator to play.
landing.view.val17game.button=Go to the navigator
landing.view.val17game.header=Try the Habbo Matchmaker!
landing.view.val17garden.body=It's BACK - the Cosy Garden bundle, complete with a friendly-looking garden gnome and a pond! Available until 12/02.
landing.view.val17garden.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val17garden.header=BACK: Cosy Garden Bundle!
landing.view.val17hc.body=We've added a selection of popular old furni to the HC section in the Catalogue... go take a look!
landing.view.val17hc.button=See the furni!
landing.view.val17hc.header=Additions to HC Furni!
landing.view.val17icm.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Steel Ice Cream Maker! Available until 05/02.
landing.view.val17icm.button=See the rare
landing.view.val17icm.header=Rare Steel Ice Cream Maker!
landing.view.val17old.body=Here's your one and ONLY chance to pick up this classic and rare Pink Oriental Screen! Available until 06/02.
landing.view.val17old.button=See the rare
landing.view.val17old.header=Rare Pink Oriental Screen!
landing.view.val17organ.body=Fine tuned to produce the most heavenly of pitches, this Gold Plated Organ LTD will charm even the toughest Habbos!
landing.view.val17organ.button=See the LTD
landing.view.val17organ.header=Gold Plated Organ LTD
landing.view.val17star.body=Based on the extraordinarily popular Star Lounge public room, this bundle contains 100% EXCLUSIVE furni!
landing.view.val17star.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val17star.header=ALL NEW Star Lounge!
landing.view.val17wedding.body=The Cosy Garden bundle has been revamped in preparation for the biggest day of a Habbo's LIFE - marriage!
landing.view.val17wedding.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val17wedding.header=Wedding Ceremony Bundle
landing.view.val18bed.body=Need a centrepiece for your freshly constructed love shack? Look no further. The Four Poster Bed is for YOU.
landing.view.val18bed.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val18bed.header=NEW Rare Four Poster Bed
landing.view.val18cloth.body=Clothing collectors - we're positive you'll all absolutely LOVE the new hairstyles and hat we've made. Check them out!
landing.view.val18cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.val18cloth.header=NEW Clothing!
landing.view.val18dress.body=Turn heads with this absolutely FABULOUS rare Heart Dress. Available for a very limited time only - get one while you can!
landing.view.val18dress.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val18dress.header=NEW Rare Heart Dress
landing.view.val18furni.body=We've put together several exquisite items of furni, including an ADORABLE Regal Swan. Pick them up while they're in stock!
landing.view.val18furni.button=See the furni!
landing.view.val18furni.header=NEW Valentine's Furni!
landing.view.val18princess.body=We revamped the hugely popular Elegant Bundle... and made everything Purple! Included is an exclusive Princess Kitty.
landing.view.val18princess.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val18princess.header=Princess Bundle
landing.view.val18swan.body=Here's your chance to pick up a fantastically picturesque and romantic scene, as well as several of our brand new Regal Swans!
landing.view.val18swan.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.val18swan.header=Swan Lake Bundle
landing.view.val19bath.body=Take a bath with your favourite Habbo. This item is rare - don't miss out!
landing.view.val19bath.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19bath.header=RARE Romantic Bathtub
landing.view.val19cny.body=The Chinese lunar calendar dictates that this year is the year of the PIG. We've got a cute little Piglet Hat and a brand new poster and a couple of statues. Happy Chinese New Year!
landing.view.val19cny.button=See the furni
landing.view.val19cny.header=Chinese New Year Furni!
landing.view.val19come.body=All of your Valentine's Day favourites are BACK! Stock up while you can...
landing.view.val19come.button=See the furni
landing.view.val19come.header=Classic Valentine's Furni!
landing.view.val19game.body=Are you ready for love? Participate in our newest hit programme: 'First Habbo Dates'! You never know, you MAY just find the pixel love of your life! Choose what you are looking for by clicking on one of the buttons below, but REMEMBER, you can only choose once! Do you want to have more info before you choose? Check out our news page!
landing.view.val19game.button1=True Love
landing.view.val19game.button3=Game partner
landing.view.val19game.button=Open the Navigator
landing.view.val19game.header=First Habbo Dates
landing.view.val19messybun.body=Messy but definitely romantic. Rare and never to be sold again, get one while you can!
landing.view.val19messybun.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19messybun.header=RARE Romantic Messy Bun
landing.view.val19new.body=To get you all in the mood for Valentine's Day, we created a mini furni line called Romantic Restaurant. Available now, go and see!
landing.view.val19new.button=See the furni
landing.view.val19new.header=NEW Romantic Restaurant furni!
landing.view.val19player.body=Play a love song on this rare record player and get in the mood for love... Rare furni, available now! (EXCLUSIVE badge included)
landing.view.val19player.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19player.header=RARE Romantic Record Player
landing.view.val19puppy.body=Is that special someone a dog lover? Well, you've just found the perfect present. This item is rare - don't miss out!
landing.view.val19puppy.button=See the rare
landing.view.val19puppy.header=RARE Puppy Present
landing.view.val19rest.body=Take your nearest and dearest out for a romantic dinner this Valentine's Day! Exclusive badge included. Room made by Boomzager (NL)
landing.view.val19rest.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val19rest.header=Romantic Restaurant Bundle
landing.view.val19shortcurly.body=Curls are SO in. Rare furni, available now! (Exclusive badge included)
landing.view.val19shortcurly.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19shortcurly.header=RARE Romantic Curly Hair
landing.view.val19sid.body=A better internet starts with you. If we all work together, we can certainly achieve this! That is why this year's Safter Internet Day theme is 'together for a better internet'. Play this week's games and quiz and ensure you are doing your part to make the internet better!
landing.view.val19sid.button=Open the navigator
landing.view.val19sid.header=Safer Internet Day 2019
landing.view.val19skirt.body=So cute and SO FRILLY! Rare and never to be sold again, get one of these skirts while you can!
landing.view.val19skirt.button=See the rare
landing.view.val19skirt.header=RARE Frilled Skirt
landing.view.val19sofa.body=There's never a bad time to Habbo and chill. Rare and never to be sold again, get one of these while you can!
landing.view.val19sofa.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19sofa.header=RARE Romantic Sofa
landing.view.val19waistcoat.body=Wow... suits you sir (or madam). This item is RARE - don't miss out!
landing.view.val19waistcoat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.val19waistcoat.header=RARE Romantic Waistcoat
landing.view.val2013masks.body=Carnival Masks were a good excuse to flirt in anonymity, which resulted in strange couples. Want to get rid of prejudices and find your love that way?
landing.view.val2013masks.button=Mask shop
landing.view.val2013masks.header=The Mask Shop is open!
landing.view.val2013status.body=Oh, Venezia, Venezia, how many romantic stories did your canals inspire? Before the lights of carnival fade out, walk through the old streets of the city of love in search of your own adventure. It's time for Habbos of all kinds, status and creeds to meet under the moonlight of Venice . What could happen to you? Love, betrayal, friends, enemies, « She loves me », « He hates me »… Whatever it is, show it in the new Relationship Status feature available.
landing.view.val2013status.button=Update my status
landing.view.val2013status.header=Valentines 2013: La donna è mobile!
landing.view.val20chair.body=Float away, beyond the clouds. This furni is rare and will never be released again!
landing.view.val20chair.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20chair.header=RARE Floating Chair!
landing.view.val20choco.body=We're extremely happy to present the brand new, 100% exclusive Chocolatier Shop Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge.
landing.view.val20choco.button=See the bundle
landing.view.val20choco.header=NEW: Chocolatier Shop Bundle!
landing.view.val20ducktr.body=It's a rare and therefore will NEVER be sold again!
landing.view.val20ducktr.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20ducktr.header=RARE Holo Duck
landing.view.val20hearttr.body=It's a rare and therefore will NEVER be sold again!
landing.view.val20hearttr.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20hearttr.header=RARE Holo Heart
landing.view.val20ornate.body=One gorgeously ornate addition to a room of your choice. Get one while you can!
landing.view.val20ornate.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20ornate.header=RARE Ornate Wardrobe!
landing.view.val20pigtail.body=One iconic hairstyle, available NOW. Get one while you can!
landing.view.val20pigtail.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20pigtail.header=RARE Bicolour Pigtails!
landing.view.val20tattoo.body=Tattoos and vests: the perfect combination. This furni is rare and will never be released again!
landing.view.val20tattoo.button=See the rare
landing.view.val20tattoo.header=RARE Macho Tattoo!
landing.view.venetiaroombundle.body=Get this romantic Habbo Venetian atmosphere with only one click in a fabulous pre-decorated room bundle! Available to purchase with credits or by direct purchase for bigger discount.
landing.view.venetiaroombundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.venetiaroombundle.header=Epic Valentines 2013
landing.view.videotvs.header=New Video TVs
landing.view.vikingclanbundles.body=With axes and shields and flags aplenty, these FEROCIOUS room bundles are sure to appease even the scariest Vikings of Habbo! With an EXCLUSIVE bundle for each Clan, plus an AWESOME Badge, you won't want to let these sail away! Available via credit purchase only.
landing.view.vikingclanbundles.header=Viking Clan Bundles!
landing.view.vikingfurni.body=From weapon racks and heads on spikes, to ornate hand-carved wood chairs and benches - This furni has everything you need and more to create the Viking village of your dreams. With furni available in Clan colours, you can display your true loyalty with pride!
landing.view.vikingfurni.header=Vicious Viking Furni is here!
landing.view.vikingrares.body=The wait is over - The VICIOUS Viking Clan Rares are finally here! These gruesome rares are only available for a limited time, about 6-8 hours; so make sure to watch the sun dial...
landing.view.vikingrares.button=Check the schedule
landing.view.vikingrares.header=HURRAH - It's Viking Rares!
landing.view.vikingsltd.body=Winter is coming. Just kidding - It's a Viking LTD! This gruesome LTD is available in EXTREMELY limited quantities; so make sure to watch the sun dial...
landing.view.vikingsltd.button=Every King needs a Throne
landing.view.vikingsltd.header=HURRAH - It's a Viking LTD!
landing.view.vikingsltd.timer=The Throne is coming in...
landing.view.vipschedule.body=Check out to for the latest news and schedule of celebrity visits.
landing.view.vipschedule.button=Go to
landing.view.vipschedule.header=Don't Miss #HabboPalooza VIP Visits
landing.view.vipvisits.body=#HabboPalooza is going out with a bang and bringing our biggest round of VIP visits! Click the link below to view the schedule.
landing.view.vipvisits.header=Habbo Palooza Line Up
landing.view.virusalert.body=A rapidly spreading virus, known as L0-V3, is spreading through the Hotel. All Habbos are asked to read updates and follow instructions.
landing.view.virusalert.button=Whats going on?
landing.view.virusalert.header=ATTENTION: L0-V3 Virus found in the hotel!
landing.view.viruspromo.body=A virus, known as L0-V3, is spreading through the Hotel. All Habbos are asked to read updates and follow instructions.
landing.view.viruspromo.button=Whats going on?
landing.view.viruspromo.header=ATTENTION: L0-V3 Virus found in the hotel!
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.16eurocup1=[Country X]
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.16eurocup3=[Country X]
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.16eurocup7=[Country X]
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.18worldcup16=France 30.06
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.18worldcup17=Croatia 01.07
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.18worldcup18=Brazil 02.07
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.18worldcup19=Sweden 03.07
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.EASTERVOTE01=Jeans Look
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.EASTERVOTE02=Hipster Look
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.EASTERVOTE03=Formal Look
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.EASTERVOTE04=Fantasy Hair
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.PALOOZAVOTE02=Rock Music
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge1=There will be 3 or less goals
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge2=Temp will be less than 32°
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.apr16challenge3=JB will gain more followers
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.basementchallenge=Basement Band Synth
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.drivingLicense=Flame ride
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.eurovision16=More than 632 points
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.eurovision19=More points
landing.view.vote_one_button.text.winterlookschallenge=Leather hoodie jacket
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.16eurocup1=[Country Y]
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.16eurocup3=[Country Y]
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.16eurocup7=[Country Y]
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup10=Republic of Korea
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup16=Argentina 30.06
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup17=Denmark 01.07
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup18=Mexico 02.07
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup19=Switzerland 03.07
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.18worldcup1=Saudi Arabia
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.EASTERVOTE01=Leather Look
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.EASTERVOTE02=50's Look
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.EASTERVOTE03=Informal Look
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.EASTERVOTE04=Ombré Hair
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.PALOOZAVOTE02=Disco Music
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge1=There will be more than 3 goals
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge2=Temp will be more than 32°
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.apr16challenge3=SG will gain more followers
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.basementchallenge=Basement Band Drum Kit
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.drivingLicense=Rebel ride
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.eurovision16=Less than 632 points
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.eurovision17=United Kingdom
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.eurovision19=Less points
landing.view.vote_two_button.text.winterlookschallenge=Flared trench coat
landing.view.wc14lockerbundle.body=This AWESOME Lucky Locker Room bundle comes stuffed to the stadium with everything you and your team could need to prepare for your next Football match! Includes an EXCLUSIVE furni and super cool Badge. Available via direct purchase and credits.
landing.view.wc14lockerbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.wc14lockerbundle.header=Lucky Locker Room Bundle!
landing.view.wc14ltd.body=To kick off the World Cup in style, we have an AWESOME LTD out!! This sporty LTD is available in limited quantities and once they sell out...they can't come back! So don't miss this commemorative SUPER-COOL World Cup 2014 LTD.
landing.view.wc14ltd.button=See the Furni
landing.view.wc14ltd.header=Habbo World Cup 2014 LTD is here!
landing.view.wc14mansionbundle.body=All gold everything… Well, almost! This luxurious Footballer's Pad is sure to help you relax and unwind after a hard day with your team at the stadium! Packed with everything a high-flying Habbo would need! Includes an EXCLUSIVE furni + a super cool badge. This extravagant bundle is only available via credits for a limited time and just for HC members
landing.view.wc14mansionbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.wc14mansionbundle.header=Footballer's Mansion Bundle
landing.view.wcrares14.body=These EXCLUSIVE Habbo World Cup 2014 Trophies are sure to commemorate this historic event in style! With the AWESOME option to write your own inscription on your trophy, PLUS the chance to get BRONZE, SILVER or GOLD...this stylish Trophy Rare box is a must-have memorabilia. Available for a short time, don't miss out!
landing.view.wcrares14.button=World Cup Rares available here
landing.view.wcrares14.header=Wonderful World Cup Rares
landing.view.wedding_bundle.body=*Ding Dong* The church bells are ringin' and L-O-V-E is in the air! This summer is jam packed with celebrations, so why not top it off with a wedding!? From flowers, to pews, to the stained glass church windows…it's all here. Grab your white dress (or suit up, boys!) and get ready for the most loved up bundle there ever was. Includes badge! Don't miss out…
landing.view.wedding_bundle.button=Check it out!
landing.view.wedding_bundle.header=Summer of Love Bundle
landing.view.welcomeschool.body=Welcome to Habbo High School - the ultimate adventure for knowledge hungry Habbos! Check your class schedule for your chance to win badges and prizes!
landing.view.welcomeschool.button=Read More
landing.view.welcomeschool.header=Don't be late!
landing.view.wildWestLTD.body=Put on your boots. Sharpen your spurs. This Wild West LTD is going to be hard to wrangle! This stunning LTD is available in EXTREMELY limited quantities; so make sure to watch the sunset…
landing.view.wildWestLTD.button=See the LTD
landing.view.wildWestLTD.header=YEEHAWW - It's a Wild West LTD!
landing.view.wildWestLTD.timer=WildWest LTD Rare coming in
landing.view.wildwest14buffalo.body=Available for 24 hours only, make the plains and prairies of Habbo's Wild West timeless with this magnificent animal, hunted to near extinction.
landing.view.wildwest14buffalo.button=See the Buffalo
landing.view.wildwest14buffalo.header=The Buffalo Statue Rare!
landing.view.wildwestgun.body='Waving Toy Gun' Effect is here for only 24hrs! Grab your friends, and have a WILD WEST cowboy shoot out! Buy it, wear it or save it for later… Whatever you do, it better be quick!
landing.view.wildwestgun.button=Check it out
landing.view.wildwestgun.header=BANG! Waving Gun Effect Flash sale
landing.view.wintergameroom.body=Whether you prefer a day on the slopes or dancing the night away in Apres-Ski - We have just the bundle for you! With almost 100 furni and an EXCLUSIVE Winter-Lympix furni and an awesome badge. Save BIG on this awesome bundle! Available for a limited time - Don't miss out...Via direct purchase only.
landing.view.wintergameroom.button=I want one!
landing.view.wintergameroom.header=Winter-lympix Room Bundle
landing.view.witch19bundlea.body=Learn the way of the witch. (Bundle made by Pulx .COM)
landing.view.witch19bundlea.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.witch19bundlea.header=Witch Academy Bundle
landing.view.witch19bundleb.body=Gather to practice witchcraft and other rites.
landing.view.witch19bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.witch19bundleb.header=Witches' Sabbath Bundle
landing.view.witch19cloth.body=Join the witches' coven. Officially.
landing.view.witch19cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.witch19cloth.header=NEW: Witches' Coven Clothing!
landing.view.witch19craft.body=Make sure to check the graphic in our recent website article for a visual crafting guide!
landing.view.witch19craft.button=Go craft!
landing.view.witch19craft.header=Crafting is live!
landing.view.witch19familiar.body=Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.witch19familiar.button=See the rare!
landing.view.witch19familiar.header=RARE Witch Familiar
landing.view.witch19hair.body=Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.witch19hair.button=See the rare!
landing.view.witch19hair.header=RARE Witch Hair
landing.view.witch19new.body=It's creepy as anything!
landing.view.witch19new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.witch19new.header=NEW Witches' Coven Furni!
landing.view.witch19satchel.body=These pouches contain one of seven different ingredients needed to craft Witches' Coven creatures!
landing.view.witch19satchel.button=See the furni!
landing.view.witch19satchel.header=NEW: Ingredients Pouches!
landing.view.witch19satchel2.body=Use these ingredients to craft special Witches' Coven creatures!
landing.view.witch19satchel2.button=See the furni!
landing.view.witch19satchel2.header=NEW: Witch's Ingredients!
landing.view.witch19throne.body=This furni is one of only a very limited number, so don't miss out!
landing.view.witch19throne.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.witch19throne.header=Witch Throne LTD
landing.view.witch19tree.body=Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.witch19tree.button=See the rare!
landing.view.witch19tree.header=RARE Weeping Willow
landing.view.witch19warlocks.body=Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.witch19warlocks.button=See the rare!
landing.view.witch19warlocks.header=RARE Warlock Locks
landing.view.witch19wings.body=Available for a limited time only!
landing.view.witch19wings.button=See the rare!
landing.view.witch19wings.header=RARE Demon Lord Wings
landing.view.woz.body=Breathe new life into the undead with some freaky farming fun!
landing.view.woz.header=World of Zombies
landing.view.wwestfurni.body=From the Shoot'em Up Saloon to the Sheriffs office, and all the floor tiles, cactuses and tumbleweeds in between…Wild west furni has made it's way to town.
landing.view.wwestfurni.button=See the furni
landing.view.wwestfurni.header=Saddle up' - Wild west furni is here!
landing.view.wwestfurni2.body=From the Shoot'em Up Saloon to the Sheriffs office, and all the floor tiles, cactuses and tumbleweeds in between…Wild west furni has made it's way to town.
landing.view.wwestfurni2.button=See the furni
landing.view.wwestfurni2.header=Last chance: Wild west furni
landing.view.wwestrares.body=We have a covered wagon full of Wild West Rares just for you. So get suited, get booted and saddle up - These rowdy rares won't be here for long (24 hrs)!
landing.view.wwestrares.button=Find out more
landing.view.wwestrares.header=Rockin' Wild West Rares!
landing.view.wwesttownbund.body=Settled by the great Frank Boone, this dusty frontier town has everything for you and your kinfolk! From the tumbleweeds to water pumps, you'll have everything a new settlement could desire. YEEHAW!
landing.view.wwesttownbund.button=See the bundle
landing.view.wwesttownbund.header=Rattlesnake River Town
landing.view.wwesttrainbun.body=Faster than a horse drawn carriage, the Frontier Train is rollin' through town. Loaded with EXCLUSIVE velvety soft furni, a SUPER COOL sunset background and a BADGE. Don't miss this hot ticket!
landing.view.wwesttrainbun.button=See the bundle
landing.view.wwesttrainbun.header=CHOO CHOO - Frontier Train is here!
landing.view.wwestwantedlock.body=Here for a limited time, the Wanted Posters are a special furni that will lock in a memory for you and your partner in crime! Once locked, your Habbo images and names will appear on the posters forever.
landing.view.wwestwantedlock.button=Find out more
landing.view.wwestwantedlock.header=WANTED: Dead or Alive
landing.view.xm14advent1.body=It's snowing Seashells! From 1st to 25th of December, enter the Advent Calendar Public room to discover where Santa Claus is. Each day you can earn Seashells to exchange in the Seashells Shop for the new special Christmas Elves 2014!
landing.view.xm14advent1.button=Go to the room
landing.view.xm14advent1.header=The Habbo Advent Calendar 2014
landing.view.xm14furniforbc.body=EXCLUSIVE TO BUILDERS' CLUB! All the way from the snowy North Pole…Habbo Christmas furni is here! From Snowy Castles to City Skyscrapers and all the tinsel in between; a very Habbo Christmas is here. Get your Christmas festivities started early this year with Builders' Club..
landing.view.xm14furniforbc.button=Go to the warehouse
landing.view.xm14furniforbc.header=Santa Claus is coming to town!
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.body=My true love sent to me; a penguin in a blossom tree! Back for a limited time, get your Christmas furni before it melts away.
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.button=Link to old xmas furni
landing.view.xmas13oldfurni.header=On the first day of Christmas...
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.body=Remember: Polar Bears are for life, not just for Christmas! With toys and accessories galore, your new four-pawed, gentle giant will have everything he could want! Head over to Christmas shop now...
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.button=Polar Bear in XMAS Shop
landing.view.xmas13polarbear.header=Choo Choo: Polar Bear Express
landing.view.xmas13quest.body=Help Santa get all the gifts ready for Christmas on time. For every day you help him you will get Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Gifts Shop.
landing.view.xmas13quest.button=Solve today's Quest
landing.view.xmas13quest.header=Advent Calendar 2013
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.body=Join in our fun-filled Christmas quests and save Christmas! Completed quests earn Snowflakes, which you can exchange for AWESOME furni! Spend them before they melt...
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.button=Snowflake Shop
landing.view.xmas13snowflake.header=Snowflakes are back!
landing.view.xmas15advent.body=Make sure to check in everyday from 1st to 25th December and claim your FREE daily advent gifts! With TONS of awesome prizes, from rares to credits, it's sure to be a very Merry Christmas!
landing.view.xmas15advent.button=Open your Advent Calendar!
landing.view.xmas15advent.header=NEW Christmas Advent Calendar
landing.view.xmas15arctic.body=Grab your mittens and wrap up warm - this bundle is packed to the BRIM with icy, festive goodies! NEW EXCLUSIVE BEAR Topiary included.
landing.view.xmas15arctic.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas15arctic.header=Chilly Arctic Bundle
landing.view.xmas15baby.body=The seasons are changing and even pets need a cosy place to rest their heads! Get your little furry friend the ultimate Christmas gift of a snazzy new room, designed just for them. INCLUDES a pet!
landing.view.xmas15baby.button=See the pet bundles
landing.view.xmas15baby.header=Pet Habitat Bundles available now!
landing.view.xmas15bc.body=Hurry over to the Builders' Club Warehouse and start building your Christmas rooms with TONS of classic furni, early access exclusive to Builders' Club. The early bird gets the furni!
landing.view.xmas15bc.button=Go to BC Warehouse!
landing.view.xmas15bc.header=Classic Christmas furni in Builders' Club NOW!
landing.view.xmas15begin.body=It's the holiday season and we have SO many goodies arriving in Habbo this year - festively fabulous furni, amazing activities and all-round seasonal magic!
landing.view.xmas15begin.button=Play Habbo!
landing.view.xmas15begin.header=Let the festivities begin!
landing.view.xmas15bigcity.body=Bundle up and grab your ice-skates, you won't want to sit around in the city that never sleeps. NEW EXCLUSIVE Rabbit Topiary included!
landing.view.xmas15bigcity.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas15bigcity.header=Big City Christmas Bundle
landing.view.xmas15cabin.body=Roast marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and warm your pixel toes by the fire in this cabin! NEW EXCLUSIVE Deer Topiary inside.
landing.view.xmas15cabin.button=See the bundle
landing.view.xmas15cabin.header=Christmas Cabin Bundle
landing.view.xmas15caribbean.body=This sizzlin' pre-decorated tropical room bundle is SURE to help you get into the festive spirit. NEW Exclusive Squirrel Topiary included!
landing.view.xmas15caribbean.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas15caribbean.header=Caribbean Christmas Bundle
landing.view.xmas15clock.body=An incredible and MAJESTIC centrepiece, this Clock Tower is also a perfect meeting spot for those cold, snowy nights! Available for 72hrs only
landing.view.xmas15clock.button=Check out the Clock Tower!
landing.view.xmas15clock.header=Tick tock, Clock Tower Rare
landing.view.xmas15clothing.body=The snow is falling, the leaves are gone and winter is here! Bundle up with the NEW Habbo Couture: Winter Clothing - Available in the catalogue now.
landing.view.xmas15clothing.button=See the new clothing!
landing.view.xmas15clothing.header=NEW Habbo Couture: Winter is here!
landing.view.xmas15frozen.body=Brrrr - Winter in Bavaria can get pretty cold and the snowy weather has frozen this fountain LTD SOLID! Perfect addition to any winter room, plus a badge. Don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas15frozen.button=Check out the LTD!
landing.view.xmas15frozen.header=Get your Frozen Fountain LTD
landing.view.xmas15glow.body=Twinkle, twinkle little reindeer! This sparkling Reindeer LTD is the perfect way to share your festive spirit with all the world. Includes a badge. Don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas15glow.button=Check out the LTD!
landing.view.xmas15glow.header=Get your Glowing Reindeer LTD
landing.view.xmas15gnome.body=That's right - Our naughty little limited friend is back! Feed them, train them and treat them with care. These mischievous bundles of joy are here until 31.12, so don't miss out...
landing.view.xmas15gnome.button=See the Gnomes!
landing.view.xmas15gnome.header=ALERT: The Gnomes are BACK!
landing.view.xmas15mega.body=Six bundles - each with a new and exclusive furni inside - AND the all-new Christmas line in one MEGA deal. Don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas15mega.button=See the bundle
landing.view.xmas15mega.header=Christmas 'All You Can Eat' Offer
landing.view.xmas15newbundle.body=Stock up on sweet and salty seasonal goodness at this Bavarian Christmas marketplace! Comes with a NEW exclusive Seal Topiary.
landing.view.xmas15newbundle.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas15newbundle.header=Bavarian Christmas Bundle
landing.view.xmas15nut.body=This one can't dance with the sugarplum fairies, but no Christmas is complete without a Classic Bavarian Nutcracker LTD! Includes a badge. Rumour is, this nutcracker is best friends with Midas the Gnome...
landing.view.xmas15nut.button=Check out the LTD!
landing.view.xmas15nut.header=Get your Bavarian Nutcracker LTD
landing.view.xmas15photo.body=Visiting the Bavarian Market to do a bit of last minute Christmas shopping? Make sure you don't miss your chance for the ultimate CHRISTMAS SELFIE Stand! Available for 72hrs only.
landing.view.xmas15photo.button=See the Photo Stand!
landing.view.xmas15photo.header=Bavarian Christmas Photo Stand Rare
landing.view.xmas15rudolf.body=Santa Claus' favourite furry companion is visiting Habbo this year, for a limited time. Makes the PERFECT decoration with the Ornate Winter Sleigh! Available for 72hrs only.
landing.view.xmas15rudolf.button=Check out Rudolf
landing.view.xmas15rudolf.header=Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Rare
landing.view.xmas15santa.body=This Christmas we've got the hot ticket costumes with these ultra modern and uber-stylish Mr. and Mrs. Claus outfits. Grab your Christmas garb now!
landing.view.xmas15santa.button=Check out the new Christmas outfits!
landing.view.xmas15santa.header=Santa & Mrs. Claus Costumes out NOW!
landing.view.xmas15sleigh.body=With the highest quality Bavarian pixel red-leather seats, this Winter Sleigh is the best you can get! Watch the Christmas festivities from your sleigh in pure comfort. Available for 72hrs only.
landing.view.xmas15sleigh.button=See the sleigh!
landing.view.xmas15sleigh.header=Grab your Ornate Winter Sleigh Rare!
landing.view.xmas15wish.body=Dear Santa, I wish for a Christmas LTD to fill my heart with festive glee! This Wishing Well LTD is the perfect addition to any festive room, PLUS a badge. Don't miss out...
landing.view.xmas15wish.button=Check out the LTD!
landing.view.xmas15wish.header=Get your Wishing Well LTD
landing.view.xmas15workshop.body=Piled high with Christmas lights, candy machines tools… what more could an elf POSSIBLY ask for? NEW EXCLUSIVE PENGUIN Topiary included!
landing.view.xmas15workshop.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas15workshop.header=Santa's Workshop Bundle
landing.view.xmas16advent.body=Make sure you log in EVERY DAY to open your very own Advent Calendar! You might get an elf, who knows?
landing.view.xmas16advent.button=Open it
landing.view.xmas16advent.header=Open Your 2016 Advent Calendar!
landing.view.xmas16benji.body=Only available in VERY limited numbers, Benji the polar bear is looking for a new home this Christmas. Will YOU be his friend?
landing.view.xmas16benji.button=See the LTD
landing.view.xmas16benji.header=Get a Benji the Bear LTD!
landing.view.xmas16cathat.body=Rufus is a cat who loves to sit on Habbo heads. He's in the Catalogue NOW and waiting to become your new favourite hat!
landing.view.xmas16cathat.button=See the Rare
landing.view.xmas16cathat.header=NEW: Rare Cat Hats!
landing.view.xmas16classic.body=To get you all in the Christmas spirit, we've brought back a selection of the best seasonal furni!
landing.view.xmas16classic.button=See the Furni
landing.view.xmas16classic.header=BACK: Classic Christmas Furni
landing.view.xmas16clothing.body=This Christmas, we've got an absolutely STUNNING new array of additions to our Winter Clothing Line. Get them while you can!
landing.view.xmas16clothing.button=See the Clothing
landing.view.xmas16clothing.header=NEW Winter Clothing!
landing.view.xmas16common.body=This Common Room contains TWO exclusive items: a Heartwarming Fireplace AND a Gold Trimmed Sofa! Available until 19/12.
landing.view.xmas16common.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.xmas16common.header=Common Room Bundle!
landing.view.xmas16dining.body=Pick up this bundle and get a Dining Hall Table and Bench as EXCLUSIVE items. Available until 13/12, don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas16dining.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.xmas16dining.header=NEW Dining Hall Bundle!
landing.view.xmas16eggs.body=Containing one of three fanastic and weird evolvable creatures, these eggs radiate magical energy. Use a MAGIC WAND EFFECT to hatch the egg and reveal your creature!
landing.view.xmas16eggs.button=Get an Egg!
landing.view.xmas16eggs.header=NEW: Golden Eggs!
landing.view.xmas16furni.body=IT'S HERE! The brand new Christmas Citadel furni line has arrived, and we are SO proud of it. Get involved and build a castle!
landing.view.xmas16furni.button=See the Furni
landing.view.xmas16furni.header=NEW: Christmas Citadel Furni!
landing.view.xmas16games.body=Play our latest game to have a chance of winning Christmas goodies and Overflowing Stockings. Plus, 25 different game badges are up for grabs this year! Go to official games in the navigator to play the games!
landing.view.xmas16games.button=Open navigator
landing.view.xmas16games.header=Win Overflowing Stockings!
landing.view.xmas16hangout.body=Love Elves? This is the PERFECT bundle for you. It contains both an Elven Bed AND a Rocking Chair as exclusive furni!
landing.view.xmas16hangout.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.xmas16hangout.header=Elf Hangout Bundle!
landing.view.xmas16hats.body=This year, back by extremely popular demand are six BRAND NEW party hats. Get a random new colour from a 2016 Party Hat Box!
landing.view.xmas16hats.button=See the Hats
landing.view.xmas16hats.header=NEW Party Hat Boxes!
landing.view.xmas16hcgifts.body=We've just released BRAND NEW and slightly different HC Gifts - they're some of the best we've made yet... go take a look!
landing.view.xmas16hcgifts.button=See the Gifts
landing.view.xmas16hcgifts.header=New HC Gifts Have Arrived!
landing.view.xmas16office.body=Containing both Santa's Writing Desk AND his Mailing Shelf as exclusive items, this bundle is a total bargain!
landing.view.xmas16office.button=See the Bundle
landing.view.xmas16office.header=NEW Santa's Office Bundle!
landing.view.xmas16owl.body=The perfect addition to any animal-lover's room, this enlightened and RARE Wise Owl is only available until 12/12!
landing.view.xmas16owl.button=See the Rare
landing.view.xmas16owl.header=NEW: Rare Wise Owls!
landing.view.xmas16throne.body=What Citadel is complete without a Throne? This rare one is trimmed with gold and is the PERFECT builder's centrepiece!
landing.view.xmas16throne.button=See the Rare
landing.view.xmas16throne.header=Get a Rare Citadel Throne!
landing.view.xmas16tiara.body=The must-have fashion item this Christmas is on sale NOW, Habbos. Hurry though - it's only available until 05/12!
landing.view.xmas16tiara.button=See the Rare
landing.view.xmas16tiara.header=Get a Rare Crystal Tiara!
landing.view.xmas17advent.body=Between the 1st and 25th of December, every day you will receive a free gift from your Advent Calendar. Open yours now! (EXCLUSIVE new furni included)
landing.view.xmas17advent.button=Open your calendar!
landing.view.xmas17advent.header=Open Your Advent Calendar!
landing.view.xmas17carol.body=London is bitterly cold in winter, but the carol singers in this bundle will bring you some Christmas cheer! Contains 3x exclusive Victorian Prams.
landing.view.xmas17carol.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17carol.header=NEW Carol Singer Bundle
landing.view.xmas17carriage.body=Victorian craftsmanship is widely considered to be exquisite... and this horse-drawn carriage is no exception. Available for a limited time!
landing.view.xmas17carriage.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17carriage.header=RARE Victorian Horse Carriage!
landing.view.xmas17crafting.body=Use the Tailor's Sewing Machine to craft different items of victorian clothing! (Crafting is the only way to obtain the clothing)
landing.view.xmas17crafting.button=Check it out
landing.view.xmas17crafting.header=Craft Victorian Clothing
landing.view.xmas17dolls.body=Six different collectible victorian dolls are being sold at different times during December. Purchase them all to get a bonus collector's badge!
landing.view.xmas17dolls.button=See the dolls
landing.view.xmas17dolls.header=Collectible Victorian Dolls
landing.view.xmas17furni.body=Our shiny new furni line is here, Habbos. The long-awaited Victorian Christmas line is now in the Catalogue - go and check it out!
landing.view.xmas17furni.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas17furni.header=NEW: Victorian Christmas furni!
landing.view.xmas17games.body=Help prepare the streets of victorian London for Christmas this month! 25 days of advent, 25 games... and 25 badges to collect!
landing.view.xmas17games.button=Go to the Navigator!
landing.view.xmas17games.header=Play to earn Christmas badges!
landing.view.xmas17gold.body=NEW: nine gold accessories. Get ALL of them when you purchase one of the new rare Gold Accessory Packs!
landing.view.xmas17gold.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17gold.header=RARE Gold Accessory Pack
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.body=NEVER to be sold again, this Gold Feather Pin is crafted from solid gold. It's the perfect aristocratic accessory!
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.header=RARE Gold Feather Pin!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.body=Get the victorian 'wow' factor when you don this SOLID GOLD top hat. Available for a limited time only, don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.header=RARE Gold Top Hat!
landing.view.xmas17hats.body=This year, back by extremely popular demand are seven BRAND NEW party hats. Get a random new colour from a 2019 Party Hat Box!
landing.view.xmas17hats.button=See the hats!
landing.view.xmas17hats.header=NEW Party Hat Boxes!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.body=We've added BRAND NEW HC gifts to the Catalogue - go and check them all out today!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.button=See the Gifts!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.header=NEW HC Gifts!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.body=This cosiest of cosy living rooms is now available in the Catalogue. It comes with THREE exclusive British Bulldogs!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.header=Cosy Living Room Bundle
landing.view.xmas17lion.body=An imposing centrepiece to any cityscape, this stately lion statue is available for a limited time only. Don't miss this opportunity!
landing.view.xmas17lion.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17lion.header=RARE Victorian Lion Statue!
landing.view.xmas17ltd.body=This limited edition bear LTD just LOVES hugging tired Habbos after they've spent the day shopping in Victorian-era London.
landing.view.xmas17ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.xmas17ltd.header=Ted the Bear LTD!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.body=Never, EVER to be sold again, this charming, delicate little rare music box plays Christmas music when opened!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.header=RARE Victorian Music Box!
landing.view.xmas17nygame.body=Celebrate the end of 2017 and the start of 2018 at an AWESOME new venue, and pick up an exclusive badge while you're at it!
landing.view.xmas17nygame.button=Party with us!
landing.view.xmas17nygame.header=Party into 2018 with us!
landing.view.xmas17rink.body=Get your skates on, Habbos - it's time to show off your skills on the ice! Included are three exclusive Hot Chesnut Stalls. Bundle made by Pulx (COM)
landing.view.xmas17rink.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17rink.header=NEW Ice Rink Bundle
landing.view.xmas17sauna.body=Finland turns 100! Take home a chunk of Finnish scenery AND get an exclusive badge to mark the occasion with this bundle.
landing.view.xmas17sauna.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17sauna.header=Finnish Sauna Bundle
landing.view.xmas17street.body=Victorian lanes, streets and alleyways - the scene of so many gripping stories, fact AND fiction. This bundle comes with an exclusive Victorian Sweet Shop!
landing.view.xmas17street.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17street.header=Victorian Street Bundle
landing.view.xmas18cloth.body=Go and check out our BRAND NEW selection of Christmas clothing!
landing.view.xmas18cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.xmas18cloth.header=Winter City Christmas Clothing!
landing.view.xmas18crackable.body=This furni turns into one of five matroyoshka dolls of your choice (keep cracking them until you get the one you want). Use them in conjunction with the Nutcracker Crafting Table and the other dolls to create brand new Winter City Christmas clothing items!
landing.view.xmas18crackable.button=See the Dolls!
landing.view.xmas18crackable.header=Available: Red Matroyoshka Dolls!
landing.view.xmas18crafting.body=The Nutcracker Crafting Table is now available in the Catalogue! Use the various matroyoshka dolls (obtainable through the Catalogue at various times in December and official Christmas games and activities) in conjunction with it to craft brand new clothing items!
landing.view.xmas18crafting.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas18crafting.header=Winter City Christmas Crafting!
landing.view.xmas18crown.body=Hand-crafted by a secretive network of artisan babushkas, these rare Feathered Crowns are available for a very short time only!
landing.view.xmas18crown.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas18crown.header=RARE Feathered Crown
landing.view.xmas18dress.body=Dancers! It's your time to shine. Get one of these gorgeous new dresses while you still can - they're available for a short time only!
landing.view.xmas18dress.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas18dress.header=RARE Imperial Dancer's Dress
landing.view.xmas18fountain.body=The intricate lights that have been worked into this fountain are to die for. Get one while you can - they're available for a short time only!
landing.view.xmas18fountain.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas18fountain.header=RARE Illuminated Winter Fountain
landing.view.xmas18furni.body=Take a look at our all-new range of wintery Christmas furni! It won't be around forever, so pick up what you need while you can.
landing.view.xmas18furni.button=See the new items!
landing.view.xmas18furni.header=NEW Winter City Festival Furni!
landing.view.xmas18games.body=Make sure you play every single one of our 25 Christmas games so you can earn all 25 of our collectible Christmas badges! Note: you also have the opportunity to earn special craftable matroyoshka dolls.
landing.view.xmas18games.button=Visit the Navigator!
landing.view.xmas18games.header=Winter City Christmas Games!
landing.view.xmas18key.body=Rare and only available for a limited time, this Golden Key credit furni is one for the collectors out there. Get one while you can!
landing.view.xmas18key.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas18key.header=RARE Golden Key Credit Furni
landing.view.xmas18ltd.body=The ultimate addition to any classic Habbo furni hoarder's collection. There are only a handful of these as they are limited edition, so make sure you're online when they're released!
landing.view.xmas18ltd.button=See the LTD!
landing.view.xmas18ltd.header=Frosted Habberge Egg LTD
landing.view.xmas18magic.body=Ever wanted to put on a Christmas play for your friends? This is the bundle for you. Comes with exclusive badge!Made by Pulx (COM)
landing.view.xmas18magic.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.xmas18magic.header=Magical Christmas Theatre Bundle
landing.view.xmas18only.body=This year, back by extremely popular demand are eight BRAND NEW party hats. Get yours now!
landing.view.xmas18only.button=See the hats!
landing.view.xmas18only.header=NEW Party Hats!
landing.view.xmas18owl.body=Get your very own rare Snowy Owl! Just be prepared for it to bring home dead mice every now and again. Available for a short time only!
landing.view.xmas18owl.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas18owl.header=RARE Snowy Owl
landing.view.xmas18play.body=Pick up a stack of the new Winter City Christmas furni at a HUGE discount with this bundle. Comes with exclusive badge!Made by Pulx (COM)
landing.view.xmas18play.button=See the Bundle!
landing.view.xmas18play.header=Winter City Playground Bundle
landing.view.xmas19addonstr.body=Do you have a xmas-themed room that's in need of a few detailed additions? Look no further, Habbos!
landing.view.xmas19addonstr.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas19addonstr.header=Xmas Additions!
landing.view.xmas19boxes.body=These boxes contain either ice carvings (used to craft gilded figurines) or a Crown of Frost. Sometimes, after opening an Icicle Box, you'll get another, different box that will have something else inside. See our Winter Palace website article for more information about how these boxes work!
landing.view.xmas19boxes.button=See the boxes!
landing.view.xmas19boxes.header=CRAFTING: Icicle Boxes
landing.view.xmas19boxes2.body=Pick up crafting ingredients, special Winter Palace boxes and Crowns of Frost here!
landing.view.xmas19boxes2.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas19boxes2.header=Winter Palace Crafting
landing.view.xmas19bundlea.body=It's so cold in this castle, your pixels may freeze to the floor if you don't move around enough. Exclusive badge included! Built by Frission (.COM)
landing.view.xmas19bundlea.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas19bundlea.header=NEW: Winter Castle Bundle
landing.view.xmas19bundleb.body=Dark, frosty spirits roam the woods surrounding the palace. Be careful out there, Habbos. Exclusive badge included!
landing.view.xmas19bundleb.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas19bundleb.header=NEW: Dark Forest Bundle
landing.view.xmas19cloth.body=Ever wanted to dress up as an actual snowman? Now's your chance. (There's more than just a snowman outfit - take a look!)
landing.view.xmas19cloth.button=See the clothing!
landing.view.xmas19cloth.header=NEW: Winter Palace Clothing
landing.view.xmas19coats.body=Get a random coloured waistcoat from one of these boxes! (Rare and never to be sold again.)
landing.view.xmas19coats.button=See the waistcoats!
landing.view.xmas19coats.header=New Year Waistcoat Boxes
landing.view.xmas19craft.body=Get your Snowman Crafting Tables here!
landing.view.xmas19craft.button=See the table!
landing.view.xmas19craft.header=Winter Palace Crafting Table!
landing.view.xmas19elisa.body=Don't miss your chance to pick up this hairstyle, made specifically for sub-zero Habbo conditions!
landing.view.xmas19elisa.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas19elisa.header=RARE Polar Braid
landing.view.xmas19fountain.body=Placed in the grounds of winter palaces by the gods of the glaciers.
landing.view.xmas19fountain.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas19fountain.header=RARE Hallowed Ice Fountain
landing.view.xmas19frosted.body=Winter hairstyle fashion has never looked so good. Rare and never to be sold again!
landing.view.xmas19frosted.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas19frosted.header=RARE Forward Facing Spikes
landing.view.xmas19games.body=This Christmas, the Queen needs your help. The Hallowed Ice Fountain is responsible for supplying her palace's Christmas machinery with water, and it's currently in danger of melting along with the entire building! Play the games and save the fountain from melting to ensure Christmas doesn't just become a distant memory.
landing.view.xmas19games.button=Visit the Navigator!
landing.view.xmas19games.header=Winter Palace Christmas Games!
landing.view.xmas19harp.body=Said to produce the most captivating and auroral musical notes known to Habbo.
landing.view.xmas19harp.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas19harp.header=RARE Iridescent Ice Harp
landing.view.xmas19miniegg.body=Mini Habberge Eggs are worth 750 credits. They're also rare and never, ever being sold again! Stock up while you can.
landing.view.xmas19miniegg.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas19miniegg.header=RARE Habberge Egg Credit Furni
landing.view.xmas19new.body=Construct your very own frozen, wintery palace with our brand new furni line!
landing.view.xmas19new.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas19new.header=NEW: Winter Palace Furni
landing.view.xmas19only.body=Get yourself a rare waistcoat! (Rare and never to be sold again.)
landing.view.xmas19only.button=See the waistcoats!
landing.view.xmas19only.header=New Year Waistcoats
landing.view.xmas19santabots.body=What more could someone possibly ask for? These magical bots are only available for a limited time - Get them while you still can...
landing.view.xmas19santabots.button=See the bots
landing.view.xmas19santabots.header=Santa and Mrs Claus Bots
landing.view.xmas19throne.body=Which Habbo will sit upon this icey throne? YOU decide.
landing.view.xmas19throne.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas19throne.header=Ice Throne LTD
landing.view.xmas2013credrares.body=The Emerald Duck and the Diamond Duck are two Rare pieces of Furni which you can also exchange for Credits.
landing.view.xmas2013credrares.button=Check them out!
landing.view.xmas2013credrares.header=2 new Credit Furni Rares available!
landing.view.xmas2013gnome.body=The world can be a tough place for a poor little Gnome, so let them take it easy this Christmas...and take one home! Feed them, train them and treat them with care...They are mischievous bundles of joy - Beware!
landing.view.xmas2013gnome.header=Gnome's have arrived!
landing.view.xmas2013hcfurni.body=As a special Christmas treat, for the Habbo girls and boys... Habbo Club has a special new line of toys! With twelve new items to choose from, you are spoiled for choice!
landing.view.xmas2013hcfurni.button=Get yours now
landing.view.xmas2013hcfurni.header=Hark the Habbo Club angels sing...
landing.view.xmas2013roombundle.body=Piled to the wood beams with christmas lights, candy machines and work tools galore…What more could an Elf possibly ask for?! Includes EXCLUSIVE furni only available in this bundle! This magical room is only available for a limited time - Get one while you still can...
landing.view.xmas2013roombundle.button=Get yours now
landing.view.xmas2013roombundle.header=Workshop Room Bundle
landing.view.xmas2013xmasfurni.body=The special day is almost upon us, and the presents don't stop now...Get your hands on the all NEW Christmas furni and design your dream workshop. Also available in Builders' Club Warehouse!
landing.view.xmas2013xmasfurni.button=Check it out
landing.view.xmas2013xmasfurni.header=Twas the week before Christmas...
landing.view.xmas2013xmasrare.body=Hickory, dickory, dock - Watch the countdown clock! Only available for a limited time, about 6-8hrs, you certainly wont want to miss these impressive Christms rares...
landing.view.xmas2013xmasrare.button=Check it out
landing.view.xmas2013xmasrare.header=Twinkle, twinkle, little rare...
landing.view.xmasghost.bodytext=If you spot the Ghost of Xmas past here, click the button to get a badge (he never sticks around for long so make sure you check back often). On December 1st, everyone with the badge will get 10 FREE CREDITS! Max one per person. Creating multiple characters or accounts will disqualify you from this promotion.
landing.view.xmasghost.header=WIN 10 FREE CREDITS
landingview.diamondpromo.bodytext=Diamonds are the only way you can get the exclusive Diamond Throne and Dragon Lamp! These items are only available this weekend, so don't delay! Diamonds expire 2nd October.
landingview.diamondpromo.button=Get yours now!
landingview.diamondpromo.title=Buy Credits To Earn Diamonds!
landingview.header.1=Find a room
landingview.header.2=Check out the news
landingview.header.3=Go shopping
landingview.offers.empty=Sorry, no offers this time!
landingview.offers.expired=Offer has expired info
landingview.open_link=Open Link
landingview.show_articles=Back to articles HC Gifts!
login.environment.create.account=Join here!
login.environment.forgot.password=I Forgot my password
login.new_eula_guide=You need to accept the changes before continuing.
login.new_eula_info=Please review the latest version of our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
lovelock.engraving.caption=Till pixels do us part
maintenance.shutdown=The Hotel will shut down in %m% minutes. To avoid confusion, purchasing of furniture, Habbo Club and trading is disabled. Thank you for visiting we'll be right back in approximately %d% minutes.
mannequin.widget.back=< Back
mannequin.widget.clubnotification=Sorry, this outfit requires HC
mannequin.widget.getclub=Get HCfeatures outfit
mannequin.widget.savetext=Save this outfit to your mannequin.
mannequin.widget.set_name_hint=Name Your Outfit Clothing
mannequin.widget.wear=Wear Clothing
mannequin.widget.weartext=Do you want to wear this outfit on your Habbo?
mannequin.widget.wronggender=This outfit is for different gender. Change your gender first.
memenu.looks=Looks old chat't focus on own avatar Room Invites account with SMS
messageboard.all.threads.header=All threads
messageboard.empty.message.header=Empty message
messageboard.empty.message.text=Message can't be empty
messageboard.empty.subject.header=Empty subject
messageboard.empty.subject.text=Subject can't be empty message
messageboard.last.message=last message deleted by administrator hidden by administrator message has been deleted. to
messageboard.messages=messages thread
messageboard.reply.button=Reply by hidden by administrator thread has been deleted. thread has been hidden.
messenger.conversation_with=Chatting with:
messenger.error.busy=Your friend is busy.
messenger.error.not_group_admin=Message sending failed, you are not a group admin.
messenger.error.not_group_member=Message sending failed, you are not a group member.
messenger.error.notfriend=Receiver is not your friend anymore.
messenger.error.offline=Your friend is not online.
messenger.error.offline_failed=Message sent failed
messenger.error.receiverhasnochat=Your friend has yet to take the Safety Quiz, so they cannot chat.
messenger.error.receivermuted=Your friend is muted and cannot reply.
messenger.error.recipient_im_unavailable=Your friend is unavailable.
messenger.error.sender_im_unavailable=Messenger becomes available for new Habbos three days after they've registered.
messenger.error.senderhasnocha=You need to take the Safety Quiz in order to be able to use the IM.
messenger.error.senderhasnochat=You need to take the Safety Quiz in order to be able to use the IM.
messenger.error.sendermuted=Your message was not sent because you are muted.
messenger.followfriend.tooltip=Go to room your friend is currently in a friend from Your online friend list and send an instant message or an invite.
messenger.invitation=Your friend sent you an invitation:
messenger.message_prompt=Type message
messenger.minimail.tooltip=Send minimail to your friend
messenger.moderationinfo=Sharing your password or personal details online is dangerous. We may monitor these conversations for your safety.
messenger.notification.offline=Your friend went offline. friend came online.
messenger.notification.persisted_message_sent=Offline message sent.
messenger.notification.persisted_messages=Your friend is not online.
messenger.search_friends=Search friends
messenger.title=Chat this user to the moderators
messenger.window.input.default=Click here to type to %FRIEND_NAME%
messenger.window.separator=You + %FRIEND_NAME%
messenger.window.title=Your open chats (%OPEN_CHAT_COUNT%) information >>
mod.alert.title=Message from Habbo Hotel
mod.ban.title=Account Status: Banned
mod.chatdisclaimer=Discussions in Habbo rooms may be monitored for moderation purposes
monsterplant.confirm.desc.compost=Are you sure you want to convert your dead Monster Plant into a warm pile of grass and dirt? This action can't be undone.
monsterplant.confirm.title.compost=Compost Your Plant. mystery box
mysterybox.context.other.use=Use key
mysterybox.context.owner.use=Open box
mysterybox.context.title=Mystery box
mysterybox.dialog.other.cancel=Remove your key
mysterybox.dialog.other.description=The mystery box can now be opened by its owner.
mysterybox.dialog.other.subtitle=You have inserted your key in the lock.
mysterybox.dialog.other.title=Mystery Box
mysterybox.dialog.other.waiting=Waiting for the owner to open the box.
mysterybox.dialog.owner.cancel=Cancel opening
mysterybox.dialog.owner.description=Another player with the key of the same colour is needed to unlock the box.
mysterybox.dialog.owner.subtitle=You have started opening the box.
mysterybox.dialog.owner.title=Mystery Box
mysterybox.dialog.owner.waiting=Waiting for the other user to insert the key.
mysterybox.received.caption=Mystery Box Challenge
mysterybox.received.linktitle=Click here for more info >>>
mysterybox.received.message=Complete an advent calendar quest to activate your Mystery Box and receive a key. Once your box is activated you need to find a friend with the same coloured key to unlock your box. You can also help a friend to open their box with your key.
mysterybox.received.subcaption=You received a Mystery Box!
mysterybox.reward.text=You won...
mysterybox.reward.title=Your mystery prize Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box
mysterybox.tracker.description=Find friends with mystery boxes and keys that match your lock and key. Key Key
mysterybox.tracker.key.lilac=Lilac Key Key
mysterybox.tracker.key.purple=Purple Key Key
mysterybox.tracker.key.turquoise=Turquoise Key
mysterybox.tracker.key.yellow=Yellow Key here for more info >>>
mysterybox.tracker.return.button.text=Return to my inventory
mysterybox.tracker.title=Mystery Box Challenge
mysterytrophy.header.description=Life is like a box of trophies...You have 1:3 odds of knowing what you're going to get.
mysterytrophy.header.title=Trophy Mystery Box Mystery Box
navigator.adcaption=Popular Rooms
navigator.alert.cannot_perm_ban=Cannot ban group member!
navigator.alert.invalid_room_name=Room name is unacceptable!
navigator.alllatestevents=Show all
navigator.banned.text=Sorry, but the owner of this room has banned you. You cannot enter this room.
navigator.banned.title=You are banned from this room.
navigator.cannonaddfavourite.exists=This room is already in your favorites.
navigator.cannonaddfavourite.full=Your favorite list is full.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.1=You must be in a room to start an event.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.2=Only room owner can create events.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.3=The door of the room must be open to create an event. You can change the door mode in room settings.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.4=Room event feature is currently disabled.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.5=Room already has an event.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.error.6=You already have an ongoing event in some other room.
navigator.cannotcreateevent.title=Cannot Create Event.
navigator.categories.viewmore=View more rooms
navigator.clearsearchresults=Clear results Room
navigator.createevent=Create event
navigator.createroom.chooselayoutcaption=Choose room layout
navigator.createroom.club_room_type=This room is available only for Habbo Club members. Join today!
navigator.createroom.create=Create room
navigator.createroom.error=Cannot create room
navigator.createroom.floor_size=%size% tiles here to
navigator.createroom.hcpromo.text=Join the Habbo Club with 15 Credits and get more room layouts.
navigator.createroom.limitreached=You are not allowed to own more than %limit% rooms.
navigator.createroom.nameerr=Room name is mandatory!
navigator.createroom.roomdescinfo=Room Description
navigator.createroom.roomnameinfo=Room name
navigator.createroom.title=Room creation about HC membership >>
navigator.createroom.vippromo.text=Become a HC and get even more room layouts!
navigator.createroom.vippromo=HC members can have more rooms! >>
navigator.createroom=Create room
navigator.delete.homeroom.body=You cannot delete your home room.
navigator.door.mode.noobs_only=Only for new users
navigator.doorbell.button.cancel.entering=Cancel entering the room
navigator.doorbell.button.ring=Ring doorbell room is locked. You need to ring the doorbell to enter. answer.
navigator.doorbell.waiting=The doorbell is ringing, waiting for someone to open the door...
navigator.editroom=Edit Room
navigator.embed.caption=Link to this room
navigator.embed.copytoclipboard=Copy to clipboard and paste this URL to let your friends enter the room directly:
navigator.embed.headline=Share your room! this link to an IM or a forum! Anyone clicking on the link will enter this room directly.
navigator.embed.title=More friends, more fun!
navigator.error.nosuchflat.message=Could not delete the room, since it doesn't exist or you are not the owner.
navigator.error.nosuchflat.message=The room probably does not exist anymore.
navigator.error.nosuchflat.title=Could not delete room
navigator.error.nosuchflat.title=Could not enter the room.
navigator.eventinprogress=Event In Progress
navigator.eventsettings.desc=Event description
navigator.eventsettings.descerr=Event description is mandatory
navigator.eventsettings.editcaption=Edit Promo
navigator.eventsettings.end=End name
navigator.eventsettings.nameerr=You must choose a name for your event
navigator.eventstartedat=Started at:
navigator.favourite.tooltip=This room is in your favorites list. Click here to remove the room from the list.
navigator.favouritedeleted=Favorite %room_name% deleted!
navigator.favouritesfull.body=Your favorite list is full. You must remove some of your favorite rooms before adding more.
navigator.favouritesfull.title=Cannot add favorite
navigator.filter.input.placeholder=filter rooms by...
navigator.filter.owner=Owner Name
navigator.filter.tag=Tag' Club and decoration and discussion Square Games Centers Life Rooms Space Reviews
navigator.flatctrls.clear=Clear All
navigator.flatctrls.friends=Friends without rights (%displayed%/%total%)
navigator.flatctrls.guild.caption=No room rights management for Group Homerooms room is a group homeroom. In group homerooms room rights are determined by group membership of a user. rights from ALL users to this room?
navigator.flatctrls.removeconfirm.title=Remove All Rights?
navigator.flatctrls.userswithrights=Users with rights (%displayed%/%total%)
navigator.frontpage.officialrooms=Official Habbo Rooms
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.1=Popular Rooms
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.4=Where are my friends?
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.5=My Rooms
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.6=Favorite Rooms
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.8=Text Search
navigator.frontpage.staticsearch.9=Tag Search
navigator.frontpage=Front page
navigator.guestroomfull.text=Sorry, the room you tried to enter is full.
navigator.guestroomfull.title=Cannot Enter Room!
navigator.guildbase=This room is the homeroom for the %groupName% Group-
navigator.hotelview=Hotel view door is locked. Owner may open the door from inside. cannot be seen or entered from navigator without rights. is required to enter this room. is allowed in this room.
navigator.left.pane.hide=hide this room
navigator.makefavourite.tooltip=Click here to add this room to your favorites list.
navigator.maxvisitors=Maximum amount of visitors
navigator.moreroomscaption=Want more rooms?
navigator.muteall_off=Mute all
navigator.muteall_on=Unmute all
navigator.navibutton.10=Front Page
navigator.navibutton.11=Official Rooms
navigator.navibutton.1=All rooms
navigator.navibutton.2=Highest Score
navigator.navibutton.3=My Friends' Rooms
navigator.navibutton.4=Where Are They?
navigator.navibutton.5=My Rooms
navigator.navibutton.6=My Favorites
navigator.navibutton.7=Visited rooms
navigator.navibutton.9=By Category
navigator.navisel.alllatestevents=Show all
navigator.navisel.frequentvisits=Frequently Visited Rooms
navigator.navisel.highestscore=Rooms with highest scores
navigator.navisel.mainattractions=Main attractions
navigator.navisel.myfavourites=My favorite rooms
navigator.navisel.myfriendsrooms=Rooms owned by my friends
navigator.navisel.mygroups=My group membership rooms
navigator.navisel.myrooms=Rooms owned by me
navigator.navisel.popularrooms=Rooms with most visitors
navigator.navisel.recommendedrooms=Recommended Rooms
navigator.navisel.roomswithrights=Rooms where I have rights
navigator.navisel.visitedrooms=Rooms I've recently visited
navigator.navisel.wherearemyfriends=Rooms where my friends are
navigator.noroomsfound=No rooms found
navigator.notagsfound=No popular tags found
navigator.ownedbystaff=Habbo Hotel
navigator.password.button.try=Try password
navigator.password.enter=Enter password room is locked with a password. Please enter the correct password to access the room.
navigator.password.retryinfo=Wrong password. Please retry, or cancel entering the room.
navigator.password.title=Password event
navigator.promotedrooms.hidetopten=Close Top 10
navigator.promotedrooms.viewtopten=View Top 10
navigator.quick.links.title=Saved Searches new
navigator.rateroom=Rate this room
navigator.removefavourite=Remove Favorite info Group Furni Info: settings Group Menu room Room Info:
navigator.roomad.newads=Newest promotions
navigator.roomad.topads=Top promotions
navigator.roomcompetitionspager=Participants Page %page%/%total%
navigator.roomdesc=Room Description
navigator.roominfo.addtofavourites=Add to favorites
navigator.roominfo.clearhome.tooltip=This room is your Homeroom. Click here to remove your Home Room setting.
navigator.roominfo.clearhome=Remove home
navigator.roominfo.editevent=Edit Promo
navigator.roominfo.gotoroom=Let's go home for: %name%
navigator.roominfo.makehome.tooltip=Set this room as your Homeroom. You automatically enter your Home Room when you enter Habbo.
navigator.roominfo.makehome=Make Homeroom
navigator.roominfo.nogroup=Not a group room
navigator.roominfo.removefromfavourites=Remove from favorites
navigator.roominfo.removerights.tooltip=Remove my rights from this room
navigator.roomname=Room name
navigator.roomownercaption.withname=Owner: %name%
navigator.roompopup.groupproperty.members=Members Users
navigator.roomranking=Top rated rooms rank:
navigator.roomsettings.advanced_settings=Advanced Settings
navigator.roomsettings.advancedcaption=Advanced room settings
navigator.roomsettings.allow_dynamic_categories=Enlist room in navigator top lists by furniture content
navigator.roomsettings.allow_walk_through=Room blocking not allowed
navigator.roomsettings.allowfoodconsume=Allow others' pets to eat food
navigator.roomsettings.allowpets=Allow pets
navigator.roomsettings.ban_room_user=Ban user in room
navigator.roomsettings.basiccaption=Basic room settings bubbles bubbles bubbles anti-flood protection anti-flood protection anti-flood protection Flow Mode (bubbles can pass) Mode (old) scrolling up scrolling up scrolling up
navigator.roomsettings.chat_settings.hearing.distance=Maximum chat hearing distance how the chat bubbles behave in this room
navigator.roomsettings.chat_settings=Chat Settings
navigator.roomsettings.current_style=You currently have this style in your room.
navigator.roomsettings.delete=Delete this room
navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.message=Are you sure you want to delete %room_name%? All the furniture (excluding wallpaper, floor, landscapes and stickie notes) will moved to "My Stuff".
navigator.roomsettings.deleteroom.confirm.title=Confirm room deletion
navigator.roomsettings.desc=Add a description
navigator.roomsettings.doormode.doorbell=Visitors have to ring the doorbell
navigator.roomsettings.doormode.invisible=Invisible in navigator to users without rights - anyone can enter
navigator.roomsettings.doormode.password=Password is required to enter this room
navigator.roomsettings.doormode=Access to this room:
navigator.roomsettings.editthumbnail=Edit navigator icon
navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.caption=%cnt% users have rights to this room users from the list above and then click "Remove" to take away their rights to this room. Click "Remove All" to remove rights from all users.
navigator.roomsettings.flatctrls.limitinfo=Showing first %cnt% users, most recently added users first.
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.normal=Normal floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thick=Thick floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thin=Thin floors
navigator.roomsettings.floor_thickness.thinnest=Thinnest floors
navigator.roomsettings.give_rights_friend=Give rights to a friend
navigator.roomsettings.give_rights_user=Give rights to a user in room
navigator.roomsettings.hide_walls=Hide room walls (HC only)
navigator.roomsettings.invalidconfirm=The passwords don't match
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.all=All users
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.ban.header=Who can ban:
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.banned.users=Banned Users
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.header=Choose the moderation settings that you want for this room:
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.kick.header=Who can kick:
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.mute.header=Who can mute:
navigator.roomsettings.moderation.rights=Users with rights
navigator.roomsettings.modify_wall_floor_paper=Floor and Wall style
navigator.roomsettings.moresettings=More Settings
navigator.roomsettings.no_room=You need to be in the room to modify this.
navigator.roomsettings.nonuserchoosabletag=Reserved for staff use
navigator.roomsettings.password=Password for the room:
navigator.roomsettings.passwordconfirm=Re-type password:
navigator.roomsettings.passwordismandatory=You must enter a valid password
navigator.roomsettings.pets=Pet Options
navigator.roomsettings.pets=Pet Settings
navigator.roomsettings.remove_rights=Remove rights
navigator.roomsettings.removeallflatctrls=Remove all
navigator.roomsettings.rights.no_room=You need to enter the room to modify rights!
navigator.roomsettings.roomaccess.caption=Room Access
navigator.roomsettings.roomaccess.guild.caption=Group home room is always open!
navigator.roomsettings.roomaccess.guild.disclaimer=Group members can always enter base room even if the room is password protected or required doorbell. room is a group home room. Access to this room cannot be restricted. Welcome all! access rights for the room. Open means everyone can enter; Locked restricts access to Habbos with a password; Private means Habbos have to ring your doorbell and wait to be let in.
navigator.roomsettings.roomfilter=Room Filter
navigator.roomsettings.roominfo=Room info
navigator.roomsettings.roomnameismandatory=You must enter a name for your room settings
navigator.roomsettings.toadvancedsettings=Advanced settings
navigator.roomsettings.tobasicsettings=Basic settings
navigator.roomsettings.toomanycharacters=Too long
navigator.roomsettings.trade_allowed=Everyone can trade
navigator.roomsettings.trade_not_allowed=Trading not allowed
navigator.roomsettings.trade_not_with_Controller=Room owners and users with rights
navigator.roomsettings.unacceptablewords=Unacceptable words! Extras your walls and floors! You can choose whether or not the walls of your room are visible, and how thick the walls and floors are.
navigator.roomsettings.vip_settings=HC Settings
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.normal=Normal walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thick=Thick walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thin=Thin walls
navigator.roomsettings.wall_thickness.thinnest=Thinnest walls
navigator.roomsettings.wallfloor=Wall & Floor
navigator.roomsettings=Room settings your search words here... rooms found select tag below
navigator.searchcode.title.campaign_target=Rooms In Current Campaigns
navigator.searchcode.title.categories=All Categories
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__11=Group Events
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__1=Hottest Events
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__2=Parties & Music
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__3=Role Play
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__4=Help Desk
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__7=Debates & Discussions
navigator.searchcode.title.eventcategory__8=Grand Openings
navigator.searchcode.title.favorites=My Favorite Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.friend_finding=Friend Finding Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.friends_rooms=My Friends' Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.highest_score=Top Rated Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.history=My Room Visit History
navigator.searchcode.title.history_freq=Frequently Visited Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.metadata=Related Rooms Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.my_groups=My Groups
navigator.searchcode.title.myworld_view=My World
navigator.searchcode.title.new_ads=New Events
navigator.searchcode.title.official-root=Public rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.official=Public Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.popular=Most Popular Rooms
navigator.searchcode.title.query=Text Search
navigator.searchcode.title.recommended=Recommended For You
navigator.searchcode.title.staffpicks=Staff Picks
navigator.searchcode.title.top_promotions=Top Promotions
navigator.searchcode.title.with_friends=Rooms with my friends
navigator.searchcode.title.with_rights=Rooms Where I Have Rights
navigator.searchusers=Search users more
navigator.staffpicks.pick=Add to staff picked rooms
navigator.staffpicks.unpick=Remove from staff picked rooms
navigator.tagsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms matching %tag_name%
navigator.textsearchresults=Found %room_count% rooms
navigator.thumbeditor.bgtab=Background image background image
navigator.thumbeditor.caption.obj=Select image for the top image for the top
navigator.thumbeditor.caption=Edit Navigator room icon
navigator.thumbeditor.selectpos=Define place:
navigator.thumbeditor.toptab=Top layer thumbnail has been saved! It may take a while before it's visible for other habbos, so please be patient. Camera - Loading ....
navigator.tohotelview.tooltip=Exit current room. to saved searches
navigator.tooltip.back=Back to previous results
navigator.tooltip.category.collapse=Collapse category
navigator.tooltip.category.expand=Expand category more results in this category a new room!
navigator.tooltip.favourite=Add to or remove from favorite rooms
navigator.tooltip.filter.input=Filter rooms by...
navigator.tooltip.filter.type=Filter type visit this room to room
navigator.tooltip.groupinfo.owner=Group name visibility of the left panel with saved parameters events for your rooms me to a random room in Habbo! saved search room info
navigator.tooltip.roominfo.owner=Room owner
navigator.tooltip.rows=List view to the different rooms in Habbo Hotel
navigator.toplevelview.categories=All Categories
navigator.toplevelview.hotel_view=All Rooms
navigator.toplevelview.myworld_view=My World
navigator.tradesettings=Trade Settings
navigator.usercounttooltip.friends=Amount of friends are in this room
navigator.usercounttooltip.populartag=Amount of Habbos in rooms that have this tag
navigator.usercounttooltip.staticsearch=Amount of Habbos in rooms that match this search
navigator.usercounttooltip.users=Amount of Habbos currently in this room in
navigator.zoom.out=Zoom out the glamorous world of It Girl. is no need to feel lonely. Join a group! to do? Take part in our quests and make some new friends! room is now ready for you - check it out! more friends and explore the Hotel!'s a little something to get you started! -Habbo Hotel Niko Trophy is awarded only when you rescue all Niko's friends and complete the whole Niko game. Meet Niko and try the game for free.
niko.trophy.description.silver=Niko Trophy is awarded only when you pay and unlock the full Niko game in the iTunes App Store. Meet Niko and try the game for free. Niko for free!
niko.trophy.title=Niko Trophy
notification.admin.title=Message From Hotel Staff
notification.ambassador.alert.warning.message=The Ambassadors don't think your behaviour is appropriate. You should watch out before we get involved!
notification.ambassador.alert.warning.title=Ambassador Alert!
notification.builders_club.membership_expired.linkTitle=Go to Membership Status
notification.builders_club.membership_expired.message=Your Builders' Club membership has expired. Your rooms that contain Builders' Club items are now locked!
notification.builders_club.membership_expired.message_no_rooms=Renew now to keep building!
notification.builders_club.membership_expired.title=Your Builders' Club membership has expired!
notification.builders_club.membership_expires.linkTitle=Check your membership status
notification.builders_club.membership_expires.message=If your membership is not renewed, your rooms that contain Builders' Club items will become locked!
notification.builders_club.membership_expires.title=Your Builders' Club membership expires soon!
notification.builders_club.membership_extended.linkTitle=Check your membership status
notification.builders_club.membership_extended.message=You've extended your Builders' Club Membership, and your club limit is now %FURNI_LIMIT% items! Happy building!
notification.builders_club.membership_extended.title=Your Builders' Club membership is extended!
notification.builders_club.membership_in_grace.linkTitle=Check your membership status.
notification.builders_club.membership_in_grace.message=If your membership is not renewed, your rooms that contain Builders' Club items will become locked!
notification.builders_club.membership_in_grace.title=Your Builders' Club membership in grace period!
notification.builders_club.membership_made.linkTitle=Check your membership status
notification.builders_club.membership_made.message=Your rooms that contain Builders' Club items have been unlocked, and your club limit has been raised to %FURNI_LIMIT% items! Happy building!
notification.builders_club.membership_made.title=Welcome to Builders' Club!
notification.builders_club.membership_renewed.linkTitle=Check your membership status
notification.builders_club.membership_renewed.message=Your rooms that contain Builders' Club items are now unlocked, and your club limit has been raised to %FURNI_LIMIT% items! Happy building!
notification.builders_club.membership_renewed.title=Welcome to Builders' Club!
notification.builders_club.room_locked.linkTitle=Builders' Club FAQ
notification.builders_club.room_locked.message=You can't have visitors to your room on a free trial subscription. Subscribe to a Builders' Club membership to let your friends in! Happy Building! :)
notification.builders_club.room_locked.title=This room has been locked!
notification.builders_club.room_unlocked.message=You've removed all Builders Club furni from your room. Depending on your room's access setting, you may now receive visitors.
notification.builders_club.visit_denied_for_owner.message=%USERNAME% could not visit this room, because it contains Builders' Club items and you do not have Builders' Club membership.
notification.builders_club.visit_denied_for_visitor.linkTitle=Builders' Club FAQ
notification.builders_club.visit_denied_for_visitor.message=This room contains Builders' Club items and the owner does not have Builders' Club membership...
notification.builders_club.visit_denied_for_visitor.title=This room is locked! your purse. You've been given %credits% free Credits!
notification.campaign.product.donation.message=Check your inventory in the Hotel or on your Habbo Home. You received a gift. Awesome! have exceeded the maximum number of randomizer elements for your room. Please remove some if you would like them to be functional as dice. 3 functional randomizer furni allowed per room. You can continue placing these items as design elements, but they will no longer function as dice.!!
notification.figureset.already.redeemed.linkTitle=Open Avatar Editor
notification.figureset.already.redeemed.message=You have already redeemed this furniture and can use the clothes in the Avatar Editor!
notification.figureset.already.redeemed.title=Already in use!
notification.figureset.redeemed.success.linkTitle=Open Avatar Editor
notification.figureset.redeemed.success.message=Yay! You have new clothes in the avatar editor!
notification.figureset.redeemed.success.title=New Clothes delivered!
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.change_blocked_by_room_item=Change blocked by room item
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.effective_height_is_0=effective height is 0
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.effective_width_is_0=effective width is 0
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.entry_not_on_tile=Entry not on tile
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.entry_tile_outside_map=Entry tile outside map
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.invalid_door_setup=Invalid door setup! Only one tile allowed on first row or first column!
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.invalid_entry_tile_direction=Invalid entry tile direction
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.invalid_floor_thickness=Invalid Floor Thickness
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.invalid_wall_thickness=Invalid Wall Thickness
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.invalid_walls_fixed_height=Invalid walls fixed height
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.too_large_area=Area too large
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.too_large_height=Height too large
notification.floorplan_editor.error.message.too_large_width=Width too large
notification.floorplan_editor.error.title=Floor plan validation failed
notification.forums.delivered.linkTitle=Check the forum
notification.forums.delivered.message=Congratulations! Guild "%GROUPNAME%" now has a forum!
notification.forums.delivered.title=Group Forum Created
notification.forums.error.access_denied.message=Seems like you do not have rights to perform requested action. Please refresh forum view.
notification.forums.error.access_denied.title=Forum Authorization Failed
notification.forums.forum_settings_updated.message=Group forum settings updated!
notification.forums.message.hidden.message=Forum message hidden
notification.forums.message.restored.message=Forum message restored
notification.forums.thread.hidden.message=Forum thread hidden
notification.forums.thread.locked.message=Forum thread locked
notification.forums.thread.pinned.message=Forum thread pinned
notification.forums.thread.restored.message=Forum thread restored
notification.forums.thread.unlocked.message=Forum thread unlocked
notification.forums.thread.unpinned.message=Forum thread un-pinned
notification.gifting.valentine.linkTitle=View it
notification.gifting.valentine.message=You have received a Habbo Selfie from %USERNAME%
notification.grouproom.frozen.message=Frozen group room - action not possible!
notification.grouproom.frozen.title=Group Room Frozen
notification.mute.forbidden.time.message=You are muted! The mute will expire in %hours% hours, %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds.
notification.mysterybox.error.already_opened.guest.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when the owner completes the next daily quest chain..
notification.mysterybox.error.already_opened.owner.message=This box will close again (and contain a new prize) when you complete the next daily quest chain..
notification.mysterybox.error.already_unlocked.guest.message=Go find another un-opened box of the same color.
notification.mysterybox.error.inactive.guest.message=Owner of this box must complete daily quest chain to activate it.
notification.mysterybox.error.inactive.owner.message=Activate this box by completing daily quest chain.
notification.mysterybox.error.no_key.message=Get the key by completing daily quest chain.
notification.mysterybox.error.title=Mystery Box
notification.mysterybox.error.unexpected.message=Something went wrong. Please, re-login and try to open the box again.
notification.mysterybox.error.wrong_key.message=Go find box with the same color as your key. You can check key color from the little "Mystery Box" widget at the right side of the screen.
notification.notification.nux.popup.title=Welcome to Habbo received a gift from %npc_name%!
notification.permanent_effect_exists.message=You own this permanent effect already!
notification.permanent_effect_exists.title=Permanent effect exists to %ROOMNAME%! You've just got a new room "%ROOMNAME%". Click on a link below to go there. Room Notification!You were kicked during the game :D from room
notification.room_entry.frozen_mode.message=This room has been closed and suspended for violating the terms and conditions of Habbo and is no longer available.
notification.room_entry.frozen_mode.title=Room closed are trade locked for %days% days %hours% hours %minutes% minutes. For more information please contact us through the Habbo Help Tool at %ZENDESK_URL%. are trade locked! are trade locked permanently. In order to trade with other Habbos you will need to discuss the current lock on your account with customer care. Please create a support ticket at %ZENDESK_URL% are trade locked permanently! are trade locked until %expiry_time%. For more information please contact us through the Habbo Help Tool at %ZENDESK_URL%. are trade locked! order to trade with other Habbos or use the marketplace you will first need to unlock the ability on your citizenship tree.'re not a Habbo Citizen! credit furni offered will be converted to credits in the recipient's purse! Your version of Habbo is out of date - please update it.
notification.universal_pricing.prepaid_card.message=Thanks for redeeming your card, to upgrade to our latest pricing guidelines enjoy %EXTRA_CREDITS% extra credits!
notification.universal_pricing.prepaid_card.title=More for your money!
notifications.achievement.bonus.description.a=Get an additional reward of
notifications.achievement.bonus.description.b=if you share your achievement in Facebook.
notifications.achievement.bonus.value=+%bonus_points% points
notifications.achievement.bonus_collect=Collect clicked the link in your Facebook post, and you got your Achievement reward!
notifications.achievement.bonus_received=You received bonus points!
notifications.achievement.no_facebook=Play with Facebook, and earn an extra +%bonus_points% points!
notifications.achievement.share=Get the reward
notifications.broadcast.title=Message from Habbo Hotel
notifications.button.achievement.post_to_facebook=Post to Facebook feed
notifications.button.later=Not now
notifications.button.open_club_page=Get more
notifications.button.open_club_promo_page=Join Habbo Club
notifications.button.show_gift_list=Choose your gift
notifications.motd.title=Messages for you
notifications.text.achievement.achievement_points=Achievement points: %achievement_points%
notifications.text.achievement.reward.0=Reward: %pixels% pixels
notifications.text.achievement.reward.1=Reward: %activitypoints% Seashells
notifications.text.achievement.reward.2=Reward: %activitypoints% Hearts
notifications.text.achievement.unlocked=You unlocked the achievement
notifications.text.achievement=You unlocked the achievement "%badge_name%"
notifications.text.activitypoints.0=%change% Pixels received, you now have %count%.
notifications.text.activitypoints.1=%change% Seashells received, you now have %count%.
notifications.text.activitypoints.2=%change% Hearts received, you now have %count%.
notifications.text.activitypoints.3=%change% gift points received, you now have %count%.
notifications.text.builders_club.ending=Your Builders' Club expires in:
notifications.text.buyfurni=%furni_name% bought and delivered to your inventory! Habbo Club expires in:
notifications.text.club_ending=You have %days% days left of your Habbo Club membership. Go to the Shop to get some more!
notifications.text.club_gift.received=Club gift added to inventory.
notifications.text.club_gift=It's time to pick up your monthly club gift!
notifications.text.club_promo.benefits=Check out Habbo Club benefits
notifications.text.club_promo.regularprice=Regular price
notifications.text.club_promo.yourprice=Your price
notifications.text.club_promo=Get one month of Habbo Club for a great price and receive extra clothes, hairstyles, a free gift and more! Join the Club right now!
notifications.text.clubdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of Habbo Club remaining.
notifications.text.clubdays=You have %days% of Habbo Club remaining.
notifications.text.duckets.received=You received %AMOUNT% duckets!
notifications.text.friend.offline.realname=%user_name% (%real_name%) went offline.
notifications.text.friend.offline=%user_name% went offline. (%real_name%) came online. came online.
notifications.text.hcdays=You now have %count% days of Habbo Club left.
notifications.text.loyalty.received=You received %AMOUNT% Diamonds!
notifications.text.petbought=You bought a pet as a gift.
notifications.text.petlevel=Your pet %pet_name% is now level %level%.
notifications.text.petreceived=You bought a pet.
notifications.text.purchase.ok=You successfully purchased this item : %productName%!
notifications.text.received.badge=Nice! %user_name% just gave you a badge!
notifications.text.receivedcredits=You received %count% Credits.
notifications.text.recycle.ok=Recycling complete! You have received a mysterious package!
notifications.text.respect.1=Respect! You have been respected.
notifications.text.respect.2=You now have %count% respect points.
notifications.text.safety_locked=Account is safety locked! Some functionality is disabled. Please visit the Habbo website to unlock.
notifications.text.safety_locked_inclient_unlock=Your account is safety locked and some functionality is disabled. Do you want to unlock it?
notifications.text.safety_locked_unlocked=Safety lock has been removed.
notifications.text.vipdays.long=You have %days% days and %months% months of Habbo Club remaining.
notifications.text.vipdays=You have %days% of Habbo Club remaining.
notifications.title.achievement=Achievement Unlocked!
notifications.title.bonus=Your friend shared an achievement reward!
notifications.title.club_ending=Habbo Club reminder
notifications.title.club_gift=Club gift
notifications.title.club_promo=Get Habbo Club Now!
notifications.viral_furni.fb.desc=%realname% found a package made of leaves in Habbo, and needs you help to open it!
notifications.viral_furni.fb.title=%realname% needs help opening a locked package!
npc.burning_man.localization_1=Don't play with fire
npc.burning_man.trigger_phrase=Don't play with fire
npc.candy_man.trigger_phrase=Candyman, Candyman, Candyman
npc.candyman.trigger_phrase=Candyman, Candyman, Candyman
npc.crafting_instructor.crafting_instruction=Double click the altar to begin crafting.
npc.crafting_instructor.crafting_succeeded=Great work %username%. Experiment to find the secret recipes, you'll get new crystals every day.Cya!
npc.crafting_instructor.greeting=Hi %username%
npc.dollie.localization_1=Beauty is only skin deep
npc.dollie.trigger_phrase=Beauty is only skin deep
npc.easter_bunny.localization_1=Yeah. I'm a real bunny. *Sarcastic face*
npc.easter_bunny.localization_2=I hope you get COAL in your egg.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_3=Spring sucks. Bring on Summer, man.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_4=Are you a good cook? Didn't think so. The ingredients in these eggs won't help you anyway.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_5=Last Easter I threw up all over the eggs I was supposed to be delivering.
npc.easter_bunny.localization_6=You lot are rubbish. EASTER is rubbish!
npc.easter_bunny.localization_7=Click on the Hollow Eggs I drop to get Chocolate Bars, Flour and other Easter items!
npc.easterduck.localization_1=HELLO, everyone! Click me to give everyone in this room an Easter gift!
npc.easterduck.localization_2=Oh, I do LOVE Easter time…
npc.easterduck.localization_3=Everyone, give a round of applause and a big thank you to %username%!
npc.easterrabbit.localization_1=Happy Easter! The first Habbo to click me gets a gift.
npc.easterrabbit.localization_2=Who wants an Easter gift?
npc.easterrabbit.localization_3=Here you go, %username% - check your inventory!
npc.easterrabbit.localization_4=I’ve got more stuff to deliver, goodbye for now!
npc.elf.localization_1=On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: A rubber duck in a Snowy Tree
npc.elf.localization_2=O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!
npc.elf.localization_3=Ohhhh, Santa Claus is coming to town!
npc.elf.localization_4=Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the pixel fire is so delightful.
npc.elf.localization_5=Dashing through the snow, on a one horse pixel sleigh
npc.elf.localization_6=Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul...
npc.elf.localization_7=Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la!
npc.elf.localization_8=Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose...
npc.evil_frank.localization_1=Hotel management from hell
npc.evil_frank.trigger_phrase=Hotel management from hell
npc.grim_reaper.localization_1=I miss the Underworld so badly... *cries*
npc.grim_reaper.localization_2=Have you seen the purple Glowing Ghosts? They contain items from my home in the Underworld! *sighs*
npc.grim_reaper.localization_3=Evil Frank works me SO damn hard.
npc.grim_reaper.localization_4=I've seen Habbos purifying all the furni Evil Frank has tainted with some sort of new machine... have you seen one?
npc.grim_reaper.localization_5=Burning Man isn't actually all that bad. He's just a poor guy trying to help you avoid the fire!
npc.grim_reaper.localization_6=Wolf Guy is ALWAYS hungry. He'll bite your head clean off, believe me. *grins*
npc.grim_reaper.localization_7=You seen Dollie? She haunts a mirror I'd like to take back to the Underworld with me once Evil Frank lets me. *sighs*
npc.grim_reaper.localization_8=My Slimey Ghosts will eat your soul for breakfast. Unless you defeat them.
npc.grim_reaper.localization_9=Feel the WRATH of my green Slimey Ghosts!
npc.mrs_claus.localization_1=Happy Holidays, everyone! I'm Mrs. Claus. Click me to claim a gift for everyone in the room!
npc.mrs_claus.localization_2=Ohh these presents are awfully heavy...
npc.mrs_claus.localization_3=Wonderful work, %username% - I hope you all enjoy your presents!
npc.santa.localization_1=HO, HO, HO - Merry Christmas! Be the first one to click me, and you'll receive a present.
npc.santa.localization_2=Does anyone over here want a present?
npc.santa.localization_3=Congratulations %username%! Check your inventory.
npc.santa.localization_4=Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!
npc.wolf_guy.localization_1=Habbos are tasty
npc.wolf_guy.trigger_phrase=Habbos are tasty you know, in Habbo we have a currency that you earn every visit!? They're called Duckets! can use Duckets to buy furniture, decorations, and more pet food for your pet. Check out the duckets section in our shop! your stay, %username%!'s your first one: a refrigerator that's always full! You can find it in your inventory. your new refrigerator on the floor, then double-click it to get a refreshment. have another gift for you today...a Habbo Club membership! the next 3 days you will have access to Habbo Club and all it's awesome features - like exclusive clothes and hairstyles! you know we have pets in Habbo? Oh, yes! Everything from cats and dogs to pigs and even dragons! your gift today, you have three options. Please choose from the menu. I'll be giving you your very own pet - a cat, a dog or a pig! back, %username%! you enjoyed the Habbo Club? It is the ultimate way to express yourself and stand out from the crowd! the price of a soda you can join Habbo Club and get thousands of additional clothing, hair and accessory combinations! can extend your membership by clicking here. to Habbo, %username%! - I'm Frank, the Hotel manager. Click on the floor to walk and come on in, this is your home room! the next few days, I will be giving you lots of free but valuable gifts!'s your first free gift - a refrigerator that's always full! You can find it in your inventory. you like your first gift? can find your fridge by pressing the inventory button in the lower left toolbar. place items in your room, simply drag them from your inventory. placing the refrigerator on the floor, double-click it to get a refreshment! place your TV, simply drag it from your inventory and put it down somewhere in your room., I've got to go greet the other guests - See you tomorrow! Please go explore the hotel on your own, tomorrow you'll get your very own pet - a cat, a dog or a pig!, I've got to go greet the other guests. Please go explore the hotel on your own, tomorrow you'll get your very own pet - a cat, a dog or a pig! you tomorrow, %username%!, there! It's great to see you again. Welcome back! you know we have pets in Habbo? Oh, yes! Everything from cats and dogs, to crocodiles, bears, frogs, pigs, monkeys and even monster plants! your gift today, you have three options! Please choose from the menu below. choice! Check your inventory! Your pet is in a box ready to play... I also gave you some pet food to get started..., that's all I have for today - Tomorrow I'll give you a free membership to Habbo Club! See you then. you tomorrow, %username%! back, %username%!, how is your pet? Hungry? In Habbo we have a second currency that you earn on every visit: Duckets! You can use it to buy more pet food from the duckets section of our shop! 3-day Habbo Club membership! promised, I have a very special gift for you today. I give you the membership, you'll need to verify your account via SMS text.'t worry, we won't send you any pesky marketing. Click me to find out more about SMS verification. now have access to Habbo Club and all it's amazing features for 3 days! don't you try out a new outfit :), enjoy the rest of your day! you tomorrow, %username%! can chat with others by typing here. is the inventory, the place where your items are. You can place stuff in your room by simply dragging it there. is the inventory. You can place items in your room by simply dragging them to your floor. you find your own settings. Change clothes or tune other things related to your character. is the navigator. Use it to explore the thousands of rooms in the hotel! is the Habbo Shop. Here you can find exciting stuff that makes Habbo even more fun. Try it out! this your free gift! gift option
nux.local_notification.message=Don't miss the action! Come back to Habbo!
nux.offer.noob.lobby.button=Enter the room!
nux.offer.noob.lobby.summary=Enter a room to meet other new users.
nux.offer.old.user.button.skip=No, thanks!
nux.offer.old.user.button.verify=Verify & get gifts
nux.offer.old.user.summary=Hello, old friend! Would you like some free gifts? I know I would. I have a bounty of beautiful gifts for you - A sack (yep, a whole sack!) of FREE credits, a super hi-tech YouTube TV, and your choice of an adorable pet Dog, Cat, or Pig. To claim your free gifts, simply verify your phone number below.
nux.offer.old.user.title=Would you like to get some gifts?
object_displayer_fx=%fx (%t) have a new offer! watching the video, you'll receive your period of HC membership. Enjoy! rewards in this session: offers available right now! it!
offers.extension.check_rewards=Check rewards
offers.extension.start_video=Earn 15 min HC!
open.floor.plan.editor=Open Floor Plan Editor
opening.hours.closed=The Hotel has been closed and will be open to the public again at %h%:%m%.
opening.hours.disconnected=We're sorry but you have been disconnected from the Hotel. The Hotel will open again at %h%:%m%. We look forward to welcoming you back!
opening.hours.shutdown=The Hotel will shut down in %m% minutes. To avoid confusion, purchasing of furniture, Habbo Club and trading is disabled. Thank you for visiting and welcome back tomorrow!
opening.hours.title=Hotel Maintenance
panic.button.caption=Emergency Exit
perk.CITIZEN.description=Wooo! You've earned your wings as a Citizen. Congrats! :) Enabled
perk.FULL_CHAT.description=You enabled full chat! Time to get social :) Chat Enabled
perk.GIVE_GUIDE_TOURS.description=Receive ability to give tours. TOUR GUIDING
perk.JUDGE_CHAT_REVIEWS.description=Receive the ability to participate in Guardian votes. a Guardian
perk.SAFE_CHAT.desc=You enabled safe chat! Now you can chat with other Habbos. What to talk about..?
perk.SAFE_CHAT.description=You enabled safe chat! Let your voice be heard :) Chat Enabled
perk.TRADE.description=You got your trading pass, now you can trade with other Habbos! Pass Enabled
perk.USE_GIVE_TOURS.description=Receive ability to give tours. TOUR GUIDING
perk.USE_GUIDE_TOOL.description=Receive tour guide's abilities.
perk.USE_GUIDE_TOOL.description=Unlock the Helper tool. HELPER TOOLS TOUR GUIDE TOOLS
perkmissing.caption=Can't do that :-(
pet.age=Age: %age% days
pet.breed.0.0=Yappy Yorkie
pet.breed.0.10=Furry McScottie
pet.breed.0.11=Lappy Lassie
pet.breed.0.12=Tawny Bleugh
pet.breed.0.13=Mangy Mutt
pet.breed.0.14=Whiffy Woofy
pet.breed.0.15=Pixie Poodle
pet.breed.0.16=Murmurin' Minimastiff
pet.breed.0.17=Speckled Sheepdog
pet.breed.0.18=Bushy Woofer
pet.breed.0.19=Tiny Terrier
pet.breed.0.1=Habbo Husky
pet.breed.0.20=Patchy Pup
pet.breed.0.21=Loyal Labrador
pet.breed.0.22=Schnitzel Snatcher
pet.breed.0.23=Dotty Dalmatian
pet.breed.0.24=Black-eyed Boxer
pet.breed.0.2=Joe Cocker Spaniel
pet.breed.0.3=Rescue Bernard
pet.breed.0.4=Droopy of Pawford
pet.breed.0.5=Paws Forethought
pet.breed.0.6=Stripy Setter
pet.breed.0.7=Slobber Don
pet.breed.0.8=Springy Spaniel
pet.breed.0.9=Hound of Hull
pet.breed.1.0=Sleepy Siamese
pet.breed.1.10=Wannabe Wildcat
pet.breed.1.11=Egyptian Angora
pet.breed.1.12=Freckled Feral
pet.breed.1.13=Felis Catus Allergicus
pet.breed.1.14=Bushy Bobtail
pet.breed.1.15=Haughty House Pet
pet.breed.1.16=Curiousity - The Return!
pet.breed.1.17=Furry Friend
pet.breed.1.18=Trusting Tabby
pet.breed.1.19=Bobcat Wailer
pet.breed.1.20=Caterwaul Kitty
pet.breed.1.21=Fabulous Feline
pet.breed.1.22=Matted Moggy
pet.breed.1.23=Indoor Alley Cat
pet.breed.1.24=Cat Burglar
pet.breed.1.2=Lesser Spotted Longhair
pet.breed.1.3=Hidden Clause
pet.breed.1.4=Soft-Toed Sneaker
pet.breed.1.5=Cat Astroflea
pet.breed.1.6=Titchy Tiger
pet.breed.1.7=Burmese Buddy
pet.breed.1.8=Mad Mouser
pet.breed.1.9=Scaredy Kat
pet.breed.11.10=Bronze Toad
pet.breed.11.11=Albino Frog
pet.breed.11.12=Jungle Frog
pet.breed.11.13=Golden Bell Frog
pet.breed.11.14=Frog Of Darkness
pet.breed.11.16=Golden Pond Frog
pet.breed.11.17=Blushing Toad
pet.breed.11.18=Bubonic Toad
pet.breed.11.1=Tree Frog
pet.breed.11.3=Red-Eyed Tree Frog
pet.breed.11.4=Silverback Toad
pet.breed.11.5=Cane Toad
pet.breed.11.6=Red-Bellied Frog
pet.breed.11.7=Uncommon Toad
pet.breed.11.8=Kermit the Frog
pet.breed.11.9=Water Frog
pet.breed.12.0=Volcanic Fire Dragon
pet.breed.12.10=Rare Eastern Dragon
pet.breed.12.1=Emerald Earth Dragon
pet.breed.12.2=Bronze Cave Dragon
pet.breed.12.3=Twilight Hunter Dragon
pet.breed.12.4=Midnight Glider Dragon
pet.breed.12.5=Crystal Cove Dragon
pet.breed.12.6=Pure Ambrosia Dragon
pet.breed.12.7=Subterranean Ice Dragon
pet.breed.12.8=Great Golden Dragon
pet.breed.12.9=Dark Demonic Dragon
pet.breed.14.0=Brown Monkey
pet.breed.14.10=Violet Monkey
pet.breed.14.11=Orange Monkey
pet.breed.14.12=Albino Monkey
pet.breed.14.13=Olive Monkey
pet.breed.14.14=Rare Radioactive Monkey
pet.breed.14.1=Dark Brown Monkey
pet.breed.14.2=Light Brown Monkey
pet.breed.14.3=Red Monkey
pet.breed.14.4=Grey Monkey
pet.breed.14.5=Yellow Monkey
pet.breed.14.6=Pink Monkey
pet.breed.14.7=Blue Monkey
pet.breed.14.8=Purple Monkey
pet.breed.14.9=Beige Monkey
pet.breed.17.0=White Rabbit
pet.breed.18.0=Bad Bunny
pet.breed.19.0=Bored Bunny
pet.breed.2.0=Endangered Albino
pet.breed.2.10=Giggly Go-go
pet.breed.2.11=Petty Petsuchos
pet.breed.2.1=Krazy Krokodilos
pet.breed.2.2=Nile Dile
pet.breed.2.3=Silly Sobek
pet.breed.2.4=Dirty Dundee
pet.breed.2.5=Galled Gator
pet.breed.2.6=Confused Croc
pet.breed.2.7=Pretty Pui Pui
pet.breed.2.9=Swampy Siamese
pet.breed.20.0=Manic Bunny!
pet.breed.21.0=Wise Pigeon
pet.breed.22.0=Cunning Pigeon
pet.breed.24.0=Honey Bear
pet.breed.24.10=Peanut Bear
pet.breed.24.11=Rasta Bear
pet.breed.24.12=Incontient Bear
pet.breed.24.13=Butter Bear
pet.breed.24.14=Jelly Bear
pet.breed.24.15=Cuddly Bear
pet.breed.24.16=Coffee Bear
pet.breed.24.17=Crackle Bear
pet.breed.24.18=Furry Bear
pet.breed.24.19=Rowdy Bear
pet.breed.24.1=Mint Julip Bear
pet.breed.24.2=Sleepy Bear
pet.breed.24.3=Morally Ambiguous Bear
pet.breed.24.4=Bubble Bear
pet.breed.24.5=Grapefruit Bear
pet.breed.24.6=Grizzle Bear
pet.breed.24.7=Disco Bear
pet.breed.24.8=Mongolian Bear
pet.breed.24.9=Syrian Brown Bear
pet.breed.25.0=Hobo Terrier
pet.breed.25.10=Socialist Terrier
pet.breed.25.11=Shy Terrier
pet.breed.25.12=Sassy Terrir
pet.breed.25.13=Secretive Terrier
pet.breed.25.14=Optimistic Terrier
pet.breed.25.15=Friendly Terrier
pet.breed.25.16=Happy Terrier
pet.breed.25.17=Pessimistic Terrier
pet.breed.25.18=Terrible Terrier
pet.breed.25.19=Winter Terrier
pet.breed.25.1=Disgruntled Terrier
pet.breed.25.2=Happy Terrier
pet.breed.25.3=Cute Terrier
pet.breed.25.4=Snow Terrier
pet.breed.25.5=Starry-eyed Terrier
pet.breed.25.6=Disco Terrier
pet.breed.25.7=Minty Fresh Terrier
pet.breed.25.8=Rambunctuous Terrier
pet.breed.25.9=Highland Terrier
pet.breed.28.11=Turkish Van
pet.breed.28.14=American wirehair
pet.breed.28.16=Exotic shorthair
pet.breed.28.17=Devil's kitten
pet.breed.28.18=Leopard cub
pet.breed.28.19=Tiger cub
pet.breed.28.1=American shorthair
pet.breed.28.20=Golden kitten
pet.breed.28.2=European shorthair 1
pet.breed.28.3=European shorthair 2
pet.breed.28.4=British shorthair
pet.breed.28.6=Chinese Li Hua
pet.breed.28.7=European shorthair 3
pet.breed.28.8=Havana brown
pet.breed.28.9=Russian white
pet.breed.29.13=Mutt 1
pet.breed.29.14=Mutt 2
pet.breed.29.15=Mutt 3
pet.breed.29.16=Mutt 4
pet.breed.29.17=Mutt 5
pet.breed.29.18=Mutt 6
pet.breed.29.19=Mutt 7
pet.breed.29.1=English foxhound
pet.breed.29.20=Golden puppy
pet.breed.29.3=Golden retriever
pet.breed.29.4=Black labrador
pet.breed.29.5=White labrador
pet.breed.29.6=Swiss mountain dog
pet.breed.29.7=Italian greyhound
pet.breed.29.9=American foxhound
pet.breed.3.0=Livingston's Nightmare
pet.breed.3.10=M's United pet
pet.breed.3.11=Northwests Loch Ness
pet.breed.3.1=Working Scottie
pet.breed.3.2=Carlisle Ratter
pet.breed.3.3=Dee Mice Killer
pet.breed.3.4=Holy Island Rabbit Lover
pet.breed.3.5=Doon Squirrel Hunter
pet.breed.3.6=Lucy's Fred
pet.breed.3.7=Eastenders Betty
pet.breed.3.8=Neighbours Audrey
pet.breed.3.9=Royal Arsenal's best friend
pet.breed.30.10=British Saddleback
pet.breed.30.11=European Wild Boar
pet.breed.30.12=Asian Wild Boar
pet.breed.30.13=Exotic Hog 1
pet.breed.30.14=Red River Hog
pet.breed.30.15=Exotic hog 2
pet.breed.30.17=Pooh piglet
pet.breed.30.20=Golden piglet
pet.breed.30.2=Middle White
pet.breed.30.5=Gloucester Old Spots
pet.breed.30.6=Oxford Sandy & Black
pet.breed.30.7=Choctaw Hog
pet.breed.30.8=Black & Grey Potbelly
pet.breed.30.9=Kilchoan Spotty
pet.breed.31.0=Lime Green Obbah
pet.breed.31.1=Aquamarine Obbah
pet.breed.31.2=Blonde Obbah
pet.breed.31.3=Redhead Obbah
pet.breed.31.4=Teal Obbah
pet.breed.31.5=Fuchsia Obbah
pet.breed.31.6=Cotton Candy Obbah
pet.breed.31.7=Blue Green Obbah
pet.breed.31.8=Piggy Pink Obbah
pet.breed.31.9=Gold Obbah
pet.breed.33.8=Lime Coladactyl
pet.breed.4.0=Brown Bear
pet.breed.4.1=Polar Bear
pet.breed.4.2=Great Bear
pet.breed.4.3=Sunny Bear
pet.breed.5.0=Roman Boar
pet.breed.5.10=Sand Boar
pet.breed.5.11=Fruit Boar
pet.breed.5.1=Boar of Baskerville
pet.breed.5.2=Baby Boar
pet.breed.5.3=Freyjas Boar
pet.breed.5.4=Transylvanians Boar
pet.breed.5.5=Forest Boar
pet.breed.5.6=Frozen Boar
pet.breed.5.7=Devils Country Boar
pet.breed.5.8=Navy Boar
pet.breed.5.9=Arctic Boar
pet.breed.6.0=West African Lion
pet.breed.6.10=Shadow Lion
pet.breed.6.11=Northeast Congo Lion
pet.breed.6.12=Demonic Lion
pet.breed.6.1=Massai Lion
pet.breed.6.2=Asiatic Lion
pet.breed.6.3=Katanga Lion
pet.breed.6.4=Transvaal Lion
pet.breed.6.5=Barbary Lion
pet.breed.6.6=Albino Lion
pet.breed.6.7=Dandy Lion
pet.breed.6.8=Bue Disco Lion
pet.breed.6.9=Red Soul Lion
pet.breed.7.0=Gray Rhino
pet.breed.7.1=Black Rhino
pet.breed.7.2=Brown Rhino
pet.breed.7.3=Baby Pink Rhino
pet.breed.7.4=Ionesco Rhino
pet.breed.7.5=White Rhino
pet.breed.7.6=Party Rhino
pet.breed.7.7=Banana Rhino
pet.breed.8.0=Australian Spinner
pet.breed.8.10=Nocturnal Nightmare
pet.breed.8.11=Camel Spider
pet.breed.8.12=Chaotic Ghost
pet.breed.8.13=Indigo Ghost
pet.breed.8.14=Mandarin Spider
pet.breed.8.15=Derry Demonicus
pet.breed.8.16=Pacific Pirate
pet.breed.8.17=Pink Spectre
pet.breed.8.1=Dungeon Crawler
pet.breed.8.2=Cambodian Dancer
pet.breed.8.3=Jungle Creeper
pet.breed.8.4=Anansi Trickster
pet.breed.8.5=Arachne Weaver
pet.breed.8.6=Soror Shelobi
pet.breed.8.7=Columbian Pouncer
pet.breed.8.8=Samsa Gregori
pet.breed.8.9=Japanese Jorogumo
pet.breed.9.0=Snapping Turtle
pet.breed.9.10=Rare Dante Turtle
pet.breed.9.11=Rare Albino Turtle
pet.breed.9.1=Diamondback Turtle
pet.breed.9.2=Sea Turtle
pet.breed.9.3=Kooper Trooper
pet.breed.9.4=Pond Turtle
pet.breed.9.5=Spotted Turtle
pet.breed.9.6=Yertle Turtle
pet.breed.9.7=Sewer Turtle
pet.breed.9.8=Desert Turtle
pet.breed.9.9=Picasso Turtle
pet.command.15=Follow left
pet.command.16=Follow right
pet.command.17=Play football
pet.command.18=Come here
pet.command.23=Switch TV
pet.command.24=Move forward
pet.command.25=Turn left
pet.command.26=Turn right
pet.command.32=High jump
pet.command.33=Chicken dance
pet.command.34=Triple jump
pet.command.35=Spread wings
pet.command.36=Breathe fire
pet.command.42=Ring of fire
pet.command.44=Wag Tail
pet.command.5=Play dead
pet.level=Level : %level% / %maxlevel%
pet.thirst.3=Not thirsty
pet.vocals.15.DISOBEY.0=Nay. (Geddit?)
pet.vocals.15.DISOBEY.1=I wish I could do as you ask, but I cannot.
pet.vocals.15.DISOBEY.2=Leave me alone.
pet.vocals.15.DRINKING.0=Ah, that's the good stuff.
pet.vocals.15.EATING.0=This is delicious!
pet.vocals.15.GENERIC_HAPPY.2=I think I'm happy, but it could be gas.
pet.vocals.15.GENERIC_NEUTRAL.0=How are you today?
pet.vocals.15.GENERIC_SAD.1=I don't feel myself today :(
pet.vocals.15.GREET_OWNER.0=Fantastic to see you today!
pet.vocals.15.HUNGRY.0=I'm starving!
pet.vocals.15.LEVEL_UP.0=I just leveled up!
pet.vocals.15.PLAYFUL.0=Let's do something fun today, like staring at a wall.
pet.vocals.15.PLAYFUL.1=So bored.
pet.vocals.15.PLAYING.0=Hey, let's go for a ride!
pet.vocals.15.SLEEPING.0=Zzzz.... Marston!
pet.vocals.15.SLEEPING.1=Zzzz... Old Dan Tucker....
pet.vocals.15.SLEEPING.2=Zzzz... I have a heart that can never be tamed...
pet.vocals.15.THIRSTY.0=I'm thirsty!
pet.vocals.15.TIRED.0=I'm so tired!
pet.vocals.15.UNKNOWN_COMMAND.0=I'm sorry, I don't understand!
pet.vocals.15.UNKNOWN_COMMAND.1=Whatever, speak English if you want me to do something.
pet.vocals.35.DISOBEY.0=Well, I could do that. BUT, I just don't feel like it.
pet.vocals.35.DISOBEY.1=You're repeating yourself.
pet.vocals.35.DISOBEY.2=To do that would compromise my basic morals. Sorry, but no.
pet.vocals.35.DRINKING.0=Drinking water after an entire day eating grass is simply heavenly.
pet.vocals.35.DRINKING.1=*Gulp* ..if it wasn't for water.. *Gulp* wouldn't exist on this planet..
pet.vocals.35.EATING.0=Veganism isn't just for Christmas. Veganism is for life.
pet.vocals.35.EATING.1=*Crunch* I just ADORE meal times. *Crunch*
pet.vocals.35.EATING.2=Mmmm. Healthy. *Crunch*
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_HAPPY.0=Today is a good day. Today is great.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_HAPPY.1=With all the world's chaos, it takes effort to see the good. Remember that it's possible!
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_HAPPY.2=I'm glad I took that yoga class this morning: I'm feeling great right now.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_NEUTRAL.0=There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_NEUTRAL.1=Cows need love too.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_NEUTRAL.2=New York? London? Paris? Tokyo? Give me Kathmandu any day.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_SAD.0=I'm trying to see the light, but today I can only see the dark.
pet.vocals.35.GENERIC_SAD.1=I'm feeling blue today... come back tomorrow.
pet.vocals.35.GREET_OWNER.0=Greetings. Did you bring that kale smoothie I asked for?
pet.vocals.35.GREET_OWNER.1=Hello again. Did you read that Zen Mind book I lent you?
pet.vocals.35.GREET_OWNER.2=Hello. You're looking... enlightened today, may I say.
pet.vocals.35.HUNGRY.0=I'm hungry, as opposed to starving.
pet.vocals.35.HUNGRY.1=I haven't eaten all day. Help.
pet.vocals.35.HUNGRY.2=Hey, I could really do with some food, comrade.
pet.vocals.35.HUNGRY.3=In my opinon, vegetarians should reconsider eating cheese or drinking milk.
pet.vocals.35.LEVEL_UP.0=*DING* I'm on the up.
pet.vocals.35.LEVEL_UP.1=*DING* Another level, done.
pet.vocals.35.LEVEL_UP.2=*DING* I just advanced another level. But what does that MEAN?
pet.vocals.35.LEVEL_UP.3=*DING* Another level. Are you proud?
pet.vocals.35.MUTED.0=I could honestly not care less if I'm muted. I'll be right here listening to my jungle tape packs.
pet.vocals.35.PLAYFUL.0=You should really check out this Artificial Intelligence podcast I'm listening to.
pet.vocals.35.PLAYFUL.1=Did you know the observable universe has more than 100 BILLION galaxies?
pet.vocals.35.PLAYING.0=Marx actually made a lot of sense. Sometimes he made zero sense.
pet.vocals.35.PLAYING.1=Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
pet.vocals.35.SLEEPING.0=*Dreams of electric sheep*
pet.vocals.35.SLEEPING.2=*Rolls over and has a mouthful of grass mid-sleep*
pet.vocals.35.THIRSTY.0=You can lead a cow to water, and it'll ALWAYS drink.
pet.vocals.35.THIRSTY.1=97% of the world's water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. By the way, I'm thirsty.
pet.vocals.35.THIRSTY.2=Would you do me a COLOSSAL favour and get me a drink?
pet.vocals.35.TIRED.0=That existentialism debate has absolutely destroyed me. Good night.
pet.vocals.35.TIRED.1=Time for me to shut down for the day, dear friend.
pet.vocals.35.TIRED.2=Time to sleep - one of my favourite phrases.
pet.vocals.35.UNKNOWN_COMMAND.0=So. You're going to need to explain that a bit better...
pet.vocals.35.UNKNOWN_COMMAND.1=Sorry, I don't understand. Repeat.
petpackage.header.title=Pet Package
petprofile.level=Level: %level%/%maxlevel%
petprofile.scratches_used=You have used all your scratches for today.
petprofile.skill_level=Skill level
play_preview=Play Preview
play_preview_button=Play songs to your playlist
playlist.editor.alert.playlist.full=The jukebox playlist is full. Remove some items before adding new ones. Shop now
playlist.editor.button.preview.stop=Stop preview Music
playlist.editor.playlist=Playlist a song to choose it. Click the arrow to move it to playlist. more music playing in your room Playing: playing only for you can buy disks from the Music section of the Shop. you like to buy some music?
playlist.editor.title=Playlist Editor
poll_alert_answer_missing=Please give an answer
poll_cancel_confirm_long=Are you sure you want to stop answering the poll? You can't continue later.
poll_cancel_confirm_short=Stop answering?
poll_cancel_confirm_title=Cancel poll
poll_question_number=Question %number%/%count%
poster_1000_desc=The Noble and Silver Show
poster_1000_name=Comedy Poster
poster_1001_desc=even walls have ears
poster_1001_name=Prince Charles Poster
poster_1002_desc=For our UK Habbos.
poster_1002_name=Queen Mum Poster
poster_1003_desc=The lovely Isles for your wall.
poster_1003_name=UK Map
poster_1004_desc=Celebrate with us
poster_1004_name=Eid Mubarak Poster
poster_1005_desc=The muscly movie hero.
poster_1005_name=Johnny Squabble
poster_1006_desc=The eyes follow you...
poster_10_desc=A beautiful sunset.
poster_10_name=Lapland Poster
poster_11_desc=For the accomplished Habbo.
poster_12_desc=Skyscrapers at night.
poster_12_name=Skyline Poster
poster_13_desc=Skyscrapers in black and white.
poster_13_name=BW Skyline Poster
poster_14_desc=A truly cunning design.
poster_14_name=Fox Poster
poster_15_desc=Marvellous mountains.
poster_15_name=Himalaya Poster
poster_16_desc=High security for your room.
poster_17_desc=Flutter by.
poster_17_name=Butterfly Cabinet 1
poster_18_desc=Flutter by.
poster_18_name=Butterfly Cabinet 2
poster_19_desc=Trying to get in or out?
poster_19_name=Hole In The Wall
poster_1_desc=Behold the root of thine genealogy!
poster_2000_desc=You know where to put it.
poster_2000_name=Map of Finland
poster_2001_desc=Not to be worn.
poster_2001_name=Rug on the Wall
poster_2002_desc=Whoever he is he looks important.
poster_2002_name=Guy With Glasses
poster_2003_desc=Carlos, diskotappaja
poster_2004_desc=Every little thing is gonna be alright
poster_2004_name=Rastaman Poster
poster_2006_desc=The legendary DJ himself!
poster_2006_name=DJ Throne
poster_2007_desc=The FATHER of Habbo Hotel!
poster_2007_name=The Father of Habbo
poster_2008_desc=Got Frog?
poster_2008_name=Habbo Cola Poster
poster_20_desc=A new use for carrots!
poster_20_name=Snowman Poster
poster_21_desc=See that halo gleam!
poster_21_name=Angel Poster
poster_22_desc=A chilly snowy scene
poster_22_name=Winter Wonderland
poster_23_desc=Ho Ho Ho!
poster_23_name=Santa Poster
poster_24_desc=Following the star!
poster_24_name=Three Wise Men Poster
poster_25_desc=Doing a hard night's work
poster_25_name=Reindeer Poster
poster_26_desc=Hung yours up yet?
poster_27_desc=Deck the halls!
poster_27_name=Holly Garland
poster_28_desc=A touch of festive sparkle
poster_28_name=Tinsel (silver)
poster_29_desc=A touch of festive sparkle
poster_29_name=Tinsel (gold)
poster_2_desc=Take pride in your veg!
poster_2_name=Carrot Plaque
poster_30_desc=Pucker up
poster_31_desc=Pure and unbridled nu-metal.
poster_31_name=System of a Ban
poster_32_desc=Om Shanti - peace to all.
poster_32_name=Shiva Poster
poster_33_desc=We can't bear to lose them.
poster_33_name=Save the Panda
poster_34_desc=Habbo-punk for the never-agreeing.
poster_35_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on!
poster_35_name=The Habbo Babes 1
poster_36_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on!
poster_36_name=The Habbo Babes 2
poster_37_desc=The hotel's girlband. Dream on!
poster_37_name=The Habbo Babes 3
poster_38_desc=Power and fury for reeeally tough Habbos!
poster_38_name=Smiling Headbangers
poster_39_desc=The rock masters of virtual music.
poster_39_name=The Screaming Furnies
poster_3_desc=Smells fishy looks cool.
poster_3_name=Fish Plaque
poster_40_desc=The one and only. Adore her!
poster_40_name=Bonnie Blonde
poster_41_desc=For the best music-makers
poster_41_name=Habbo Golden Record
poster_42_desc=Not something you want to run into
poster_43_desc=Shake, rattle and roll
poster_44_desc=Beware the curse...
poster_45_desc=Needs a few more Habburgers
poster_46_desc=Twinkle, twinkle
poster_46_name=Small gold star
poster_47_desc=Twinkle, twinkle
poster_47_name=Small silver star
poster_48_desc=All that glitters...
poster_48_name=Large gold star
poster_49_desc=All that glitters...
poster_49_name=Large silver star
poster_4_desc=Fake of course!
poster_4_name=Bear Plaque
poster_500_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_500_name=The UK Flag
poster_501_desc=For pirates everywhere
poster_501_name=Jolly Roger
poster_502_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_502_name=The USA Flag
poster_503_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_503_name=The Swiss Flag
poster_504_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_504_name=The German Flag
poster_505_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_505_name=The Canadian Flag
poster_506_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_506_name=The Finnish Flag
poster_507_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_507_name=The French Flag
poster_508_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_508_name=The Spanish Flag
poster_509_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_509_name=The Jamaican Flag
poster_50_desc=flap, flap, screech, screech...
poster_50_name=Bat Poster
poster_510_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_510_name=The Italian Flag
poster_511_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_511_name=The Dutch Flag
poster_512_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_512_name=The Irish Flag
poster_513_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_513_name=The Australian Flag
poster_514_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_514_name=The EU Flag
poster_515_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_515_name=The Swedish Flag
poster_516_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_516_name=The English Flag
poster_517_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_517_name=The Scottish Flag
poster_518_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_518_name=The Welsh Flag
poster_51_desc=2 points for every basket
poster_51_name=Basketball Hoop
poster_520_desc=Every color for everyone
poster_520_name=The Rainbow Flag
poster_521_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_521_name=The Brazilian Flag
poster_522_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_522_name=The Japanese Flag
poster_523_desc=Hang it proudly!
poster_523_name=The Indian Flag
poster_52_desc=Get sporty!
poster_52_name=Hockey Stick
poster_53_desc=Get sporty!
poster_53_name=Hockey Stick
poster_54_desc=Get sporty!
poster_54_name=Hockey Stick
poster_55_desc=For the Habbo Tree-huggers.
poster_55_name=Tree Poster
poster_56_desc=Do the hustle!
poster_56_name=Disco Sign
poster_57_desc=With a steady hand and a focused mind.
poster_57_name=Chinese Calligraphy
poster_58_desc=Choose your blessing!
poster_58_name=Chinese Red Knots
poster_59_desc=Torch - it gives you some light
poster_5_desc=Quacking good design!
poster_5_name=Duck Poster
poster_6_desc=But is it the right way up?
poster_6_name=Abstract Poster
poster_7_desc=for emergencies only
poster_7_name=Hammer Cabinet
poster_83_desc=Pöllö huhuilee, huhuu!
poster_83_name=Pöllö huhuilee
poster_8_desc=Habbos come in all colors
poster_8_name=Habbo Colors Poster
poster_9_desc=do your bit for the environment
poster_9_name=Rainforest Poster
product_avatar_effect113_desc=Always take the weather with you
product_avatar_effect113_name=Rain Cloud
profile.choose_action=Choose Action
profile.relationship.status=Relationship status:
profile.set.relationship=Relationship status:
promo.article.widget.loading=Loading... News!
promotedroomcategory.africaDesert=Egyptian Temple Competition Winners
promotedroomcategory.africaJungle=Tree-Fort Competition Winners
promotedroomcategory.africaSavannah=Wildlife Reserve Competition Winners
promotedroomcategory.battleBallRoom=Play Battle Banzai
promotedroomcategory.freezeRoom=Play Freeze
promotedroomcategory.friendlyRoom=Find friends
promotedroomcategory.majesty=Her Majesty's Secret Service
promotedroomcategory.partyRoom=Party hard
promotedroomcategory.petRoom=Show-off your pet
promotedroomcategory.starsRoomComp2=Habbo Stars
promotedroomcategory.starsRoomComp=Habbo Stars
promotedroomcategory.tradingRoom=Trade and Giveaways
promotedroomcategory.vipParties1=Yacht Parties
promotedroomcategory.vipParties2=Movie Premieres
promotedroomcategory.vipParties3=Vault Parties just earned some Duckets! Click the Ducket balance to see how you can spend them.
purse.redeem.code.failed_technical=Technical error! Cannot redeem voucher. Please note that codes never include the following letters: i, l, o, w. Please enter code without spaces.
purse_buy_coins=Buy Credits
purse_voucherbutton=Redeem Credits
purse_youhave=You have
pushnotification.messenger.message={0} got a message! our tools Xmas Furni
quests.2013CNY1.1358933120103.chaincaption=Find the Ox Temple
quests.2013CNY1.1358933120103.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY1.1358934006765.completed=The Ox has granted you a Badge as a blessing. Visit the Maze tomorrow in search of a new Temple.
quests.2013CNY1.1358934006765.desc=Find the temple of the Ox in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY1.1358934006765.hint=Find the room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Ox Quest 1
quests.2013CNY10.1358933724738.chaincaption=Find the Monkey Temple
quests.2013CNY10.1358933724738.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY10.1358951823412.completed=The Monkey says 'Approved' and awards you a Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY10.1358951823412.desc=Find the Temple of the Monkey in the maze.
quests.2013CNY10.1358951823412.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Monkey Quest 10
quests.2013CNY11.1358951965671.chaincaption=Find the Horse Temple
quests.2013CNY11.1358951965671.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY11.1358952002421.completed=The Horse thinks you're awesome and gives you a Badge. Got all the eleven Badges? Then come back tomorrow to complete the last Quest to collect the mystery Prize!
quests.2013CNY11.1358952002421.desc=Find the Temple of the Horse in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY11.1358952002421.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Horse Quest 11
quests.2013CNY12.1358933835270.chaincaption=FInal Temple Quest
quests.2013CNY12.1358933835270.chaininfo=Got all the eleven previous Badges? Then try to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY12.1358953003437.completed=You have found the Temple of the Snake. Now show the God of Snakes the Badges you collected.
quests.2013CNY12.1358953003437.desc=Find the Temple of the Snake in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY12.1358953003437.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Snake
quests.2013CNY12.1358954644748.desc=Wear the Badge of the Ox.
quests.2013CNY12.1358954644748.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Ox
quests.2013CNY12.1358954794721.desc=Wear the Rabbit Badge.
quests.2013CNY12.1358954794721.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Rabbit
quests.2013CNY12.1359016038249.desc=Wear the Dragon Badge.
quests.2013CNY12.1359016038249.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Dragon
quests.2013CNY12.1359016127538.desc=Wear the Rooster Badge.
quests.2013CNY12.1359016127538.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Rooster
quests.2013CNY12.1359016431103.desc=Wear the Badge of the Rat.
quests.2013CNY12.1359016431103.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Rat
quests.2013CNY12.1359016862966.desc=Wear the Badge of the Sheep.
quests.2013CNY12.1359016862966.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Sheep
quests.2013CNY12.1359016982743.desc=Wear the Badge of the Pig.
quests.2013CNY12.1359016982743.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Pig
quests.2013CNY12.1359017109829.desc=Wear the Badge of the Tiger.
quests.2013CNY12.1359017109829.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Tiger
quests.2013CNY12.1359017275779.desc=Wear the Badge of the Dog.
quests.2013CNY12.1359017275779.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Dog
quests.2013CNY12.1359017406169.desc=Wear the Badge of the Monkey.
quests.2013CNY12.1359017406169.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. me the Monkey!
quests.2013CNY12.1359017530320.completed=The God of Snakes is very impressed at your skill. You have been rewarded the Snake Badge and between now and two days you will be rewarded your prize.
quests.2013CNY12.1359017530320.desc=Wear the Badge of the Horse.
quests.2013CNY12.1359017530320.hint=Select the Badge and wear it using your Inventory. You need to be inside the Temple of the Snake. the Horse. Temple Quest
quests.2013CNY2.1358934447640.chaincaption=Find the Rabbit Temple
quests.2013CNY2.1358934447640.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY2.1358934542209.completed=The Rabbit is pleased and awarded you a Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Temple.
quests.2013CNY2.1358934542209.desc=Find the Temple of the Rabbit.
quests.2013CNY2.1358934542209.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Rabbit Quest 2
quests.2013CNY3.1358936179195.chaincaption=Find the Dragon Temple
quests.2013CNY3.1358936179195.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY3.1358936220126.completed=The Mighty Dragon aproves and awards your Badge. Come back tomorrow to be challenged again.
quests.2013CNY3.1358936220126.desc=Find the Temple of the Dragon in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY3.1358936220126.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Dragon Quest 3
quests.2013CNY4.1358933391693.chaincaption=Find the Rooster Temple
quests.2013CNY4.1358933391693.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY4.1358936573439.completed=The Rooster grants you his Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY4.1358936573439.desc=Find the Temple of the Rooster in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY4.1358936573439.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. Temple Quest 4
quests.2013CNY5.1358937197101.chaincaption=Find the Rat Temple
quests.2013CNY5.1358937197101.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY5.1358937306515.completed=The Rat sees your courage and awards you with a Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY5.1358937306515.desc=Find the Temple of the Rat in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY5.1358937306515.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Rat Quest 5
quests.2013CNY6.1358937657987.chaincaption=Find the Sheep Temple
quests.2013CNY6.1358937657987.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY6.1358937690205.completed=The Sheep abides and awards. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY6.1358937690205.desc=Find the Temple of the Sheep in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY6.1358937690205.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Sheep Quest 6
quests.2013CNY7.1358937907523.chaincaption=Find the Pig Temple
quests.2013CNY7.1358937907523.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY7.1358937935722.completed=The Pig is in awe of your perfection and awards the Badge. Come again tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY7.1358937935722.desc=Find the Temple of the Pig in the Maze
quests.2013CNY7.1358937935722.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Pig Quest 7
quests.2013CNY8.1358949946489.chaincaption=Find the Tiger Temple
quests.2013CNY8.1358949946489.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY8.1358949983027.completed=The Tiger thinks you're grrrrreat and awards you a Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY8.1358949983027.desc=Find the Temple of the Tiger in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY8.1358949983027.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Tiger Quest 8
quests.2013CNY9.1358933644486.chaincaption=Find the Dog Temple
quests.2013CNY9.1358933644486.chaininfo=Find all temples to complete the last Quest. Miss one and you won't be able to complete the last Quest!
quests.2013CNY9.1358950375063.completed=The Dog barks his approval and gives a Badge. Come back tomorrow for a new Quest.
quests.2013CNY9.1358950375063.desc=Find the Temple of the Dog in the Maze.
quests.2013CNY9.1358950375063.hint=Find the right room in the Maze. You have one day. You need to find all temples to complete the last Quest! You can find the Maze in the 'Official Rooms' section. of the Dog Quest 9
quests.April_12_1.1332494992306.completed=Well done, Commanderp! You have proven your skill as an April's Fool!
quests.April_12_1.1332494992306.desc=Apply for the Habbo Elite Forces.
quests.April_12_1.1332494992306.hint=We need trustworthy, skilled Commanders for a special responsibility...a secret mission of sorts! Of course we can't tell you (yet) because then we'd have to wipe your memory! First we want you to prove that you can take and execute orders: form the letter 'H' with 12 of your fellow Habbos. Elite Force Elite Force
quests.CAT NOT!
quests.Furnimatic.1345541502764.chaincaption=Furni-Matic Overdrive!
quests.Furnimatic.1345541502764.chaininfo=Help us to block the black hole and stop the Furni-Matic from crashing!
quests.Furnimatic.Discover_fire.completed=It looks like something fell from the sky, what can it be? I hope it's something nice. Nice things hardly ever fall from the sky.
quests.Furnimatic.Discover_fire.desc=BANG! Out of the window you see a fire, go investigate.
quests.Furnimatic.Discover_fire.hint=To achieve this quest you need to find and click a bonfire.!
quests.Furnimatic.Find_alien.completed=Don't get too close, I think it likes you. Oh noes, the screen is cracking – Run!
quests.Furnimatic.Find_alien.desc=Call your friends to come and investigate the Alien.
quests.Furnimatic.Find_alien.hint=To achieve this quest you need to be stood near the alien Container with 5 other Habbos. ALIEN!
quests.Furnimatic.build_rocket.completed=The rocket is complete, time for take off! Hold on tight, say your prayers. And don't complain if your mobile phone doesn't get 3G service in the cold vacuum of space.
quests.Furnimatic.build_rocket.desc=Help the scientist piece together important rocket parts.
quests.Furnimatic.build_rocket.hint=To achieve this quest you need to find and double click on certain Sci-Fi Furni with 5 Habbos in the rooms. A ROCKET!
quests.Furnimatic.click_on_new_furni.completed=The black hole is blocked, success! Habbo is saved!
quests.Furnimatic.click_on_new_furni.desc=The black hole is getting powerful and unstable...
quests.Furnimatic.click_on_new_furni.hint=Double click some of the new Furni-matic Furni to block up the black hole! THE HOLE!
quests.Furnimatic.countdown.completed=LIFT OFF! You're a true rocket man!
quests.Furnimatic.countdown.desc=Strap yourself in, 5 seconds to go, count it down...
quests.Furnimatic.countdown.hint=To achieve this quest you need to count down from 5.
quests.Furnimatic.dancing_on_mars.completed=Wow you can really move! Now it's time to find that black hole, save Habbo, and be home in time for tea.
quests.Furnimatic.dancing_on_mars.desc=You fly past Mars, but you decide to stop for a dance!
quests.Furnimatic.dancing_on_mars.hint=To achieve this quest you need to dance with 5 Habbos on a Mars Rug.!
quests.Furnimatic.find_black_hole.completed=Urgghhh gross!
quests.Furnimatic.find_black_hole.desc=You have found the black hole! Click on it!
quests.Furnimatic.find_black_hole.hint=To achieve this quest you need to find and click the black hole. BLACK HOLE
quests.Furnimatic.find_scientist.completed=The scientist you found is a Rocket Physicist who enjoys the music of Lady Gaga– you're in luck! Unless you're not a fan of Lady Gaga, in which case we recommend ear plugs.
quests.Furnimatic.find_scientist.desc=The Furni is from space quadrant 666! Find a scientist!
quests.Furnimatic.find_scientist.hint=To achieve this quest you need to find and click on a Scientist. Get him to build you a rocket!!
quests.Furnimatic.hide_behind_green_tree.completed=They barely notice you. Great work! Come to think of it, it's a bit rude isn't it? They don't even say hello! Hmph!
quests.Furnimatic.hide_behind_green_tree.desc=Where do you hide from these aggressive aliens!?
quests.Furnimatic.hide_behind_green_tree.hint=To achieve this quest you need to hide behind the Holographic Tree. It's worth a shot.
quests.Furnimatic.love_sign.completed=The sign of love was met with a puzzled face from the alien...
quests.Furnimatic.love_sign.desc=You are discovered! Try communicating with them!
quests.Furnimatic.love_sign.hint=To achieve this quest you need to hold up the love sign with 5 other Habbos in the room. oh! Trouble! Black Hole
quests.Furnimatic.pass_item.completed=Woah, this stuff is really not nice!
quests.Furnimatic.pass_item.desc=What is this strange stuff coming out?
quests.Furnimatic.pass_item.hint=To achieve this quest you need to pass the black hole contents to 10 other Habbos THE...?
quests.Furnimatic.receive_item.completed=Ok I think we have had enough of passing this stuff around now!
quests.Furnimatic.receive_item.desc=More gross stuff keeps coming out!
quests.Furnimatic.receive_item.hint=You need to receive the black hole contents from 5 Habbos. WEIRDNESS!
quests.Furnimatic.run_hoverboard.completed=This thing is quick, it should out run them!
quests.Furnimatic.run_hoverboard.desc=Quick run! It's quicker on some kind of board right!?
quests.Furnimatic.run_hoverboard.hint=To achieve this quest you need to activate the Blue Hoverboard effect (get from Planet Holo).!
quests.Furnimatic.walkway_walk.completed=Great you managed to avoid being spotted!
quests.Furnimatic.walkway_walk.desc=Stay above the Aliens eye line to not be detected
quests.Furnimatic.walkway_walk.hint=To achieve this quest walk around on the hanging walkways. UNNOTICED!
quests.Furnimatic.wave_goodbye.completed=You wave and take off - You successfully saved Habbo! You are a true hero, a true explorer, and an above average alien impersonator- are you available for children's parties?
quests.Furnimatic.wave_goodbye.desc=Say goodbye to the aliens...
quests.Furnimatic.wave_goodbye.hint=Wave to the aliens with 5 other Habbos wearing the alien mask. GOODBYE!
quests.Furnimatic.wear_alien_effect.completed=Wow you look just like them, hopefully you won't be noticed! Just don't say "take me to your leader" constantly and you'll be fine.
quests.Furnimatic.wear_alien_effect.desc=You arrive and look out the window to see all the Aliens.
quests.Furnimatic.wear_alien_effect.hint=To achieve this quest you need to wear the Alien Avatar Effect. (get from Planet Holo) LIKE AN ALIEN!
quests.Furnimatic.wear_effect_with_others.completed=You all look so out of this world! Now you are ready to find the black hole and discover where all this odd Furni is comes from!
quests.Furnimatic.wear_effect_with_others.desc=Get as many Aliens in a group before you exit the rocket.
quests.Furnimatic.wear_effect_with_others.hint=To achieve this quest you need to wear the Alien Effect (get from Planet Holo) with 10 other Habbos in the room. IN NUMBERS
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.desc=Time to buy some tickets!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401704393419.hint=The tickets for the most awaited festival of the year are now on sale! Turn your laptop on to get the HabboPalooza ticket NOW! your laptop
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.completed=Good job! Get the next step done too to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.desc=Oh, noes! The keyboard is broken!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705247803.hint=You better find another way to get to the HabboPalooza web page. Try the voice recognition, it might be working. recognition
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.completed=Yipee! You now have the ticket to enter the COOLEST Festival in Habbo: HabboPalooza is waiting for you!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.desc=The ticket is almost yours!
quests.HBLOOZA_1.1401705853298.hint=There you go! You almost have the ticket in your hand, just get 10 Ducks together to finally get it! 10 Ducks Time
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403769666614.completed=Ok, this one is done! Now test another thing!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403769666614.desc=Only the last part is left: testing the instruments!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403769666614.hint=The star of the show walks out on the stage, takes the mic and shouts to the multitude... but no one can hear anything! It's your job to make sure every cable, every speaker and every guitar is perfectly tuned and working. Start with the Guitar: play it on stage and test it! it work?
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403770968715.completed=Ok, this one is done too! Now test another thing!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403770968715.desc=Only the last part is left: testing the instruments!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403770968715.hint=The star of the show walks out on the stage, takes the mic and shouts to the multitude... but no one can hear anything! It's your job to make sure every cable, every speaker and every guitar is prefectly tuned and working. Sit in front of the Drums and play them on stage! it work?
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403771015978.completed=Well done there! This concert is going to be dynamite!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403771015978.desc=Only the last part is left: testing the instruments!
quests.HBLOOZA_10.1403771015978.hint=The star of the show enters the stage, takes the mic and shouts to the multitude... but no one can hear anything! It's your job to make sure every cable, every speaker and every guitar is prefectly tuned and working. Set foot on the stage and test the DJ Set! it work? testing
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405414557073.completed=Yuhoo! You know your songs!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405414557073.desc=Every music lover must know this song!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405414557073.hint=One less one less! ... and now it's your turn! it!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415213719.completed=Yuhoo! You know your songs!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415213719.desc=Every music lover must know this song!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415213719.hint=Tonight is the night, we’ll fight 'til it’s over ...and now it's your turn! it!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415456742.completed=Your music knowledge is so IMMENSE! Here´s your Badge!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415456742.desc=Every music lover must know this song!
quests.HBLOOZA_11.1405415456742.hint=I've wasted my nights,you turned out the lights ... and now it's your turn! it! Game
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405423737485.completed=That will do it! Just remember: don't whistle your last hit or people will get who you are.
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405423737485.desc=Better not to be seen or you'll have to deal with a crowd
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405423737485.hint=Before stepping out of your dressing room, you might want to wear something so none of your fans see you! mode
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405498742173.completed=Way better now! Oh, come on! Sing us a song!
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405498742173.desc=La la la la la laaaaa!
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405498742173.hint=Let's be honest: you just woke up and your voice is a mess. Get a microphone and do your excercises... la la la la your voice
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405501217344.completed=That's the one you were looking for! Go back and put it on! Oh right: here is your badge ;)
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405501217344.desc=Enjoy one of your last free days before the concert!
quests.HBLOOZA_12.1405501217344.hint=The big live performance is getting closer, but now it's time to relax! Go into a CD Store and browse the music until you find what you like. Remember: a CD Store has MANY CDs... the CD Store Day as a Star
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405943070141.completed=You are in! But today is not your day... the light went off!
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405943070141.desc=Now you can enter!
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405943070141.hint=What makes a studio room a GOOD one? Easy: a guitar, drums, a mixer and an amp! the studio
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405946182067.completed=There you go! You can now enter the Studio for the rehearsal!
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405946182067.desc=The Roadie left with the keys of the Studio
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405946182067.hint=He said he was gonna enjoy some 'Palooza Fun'... you will probably find him in the Palooza Park. And don't foget to ask him where the keys are! has the keys
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405947570798.completed=Let there be light! Well done Habbo! Now you can go back to the studio and prepare for the concert! Here is a badge for your efforts.
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405947570798.desc=The light went off... turn it on!
quests.HBLOOZA_13.1405947570798.hint=The control unit must be somewhere near here. You just need to find the Wired switch and turn it on again... good luck! fuse time
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405675003238.completed=Pheew, you found him before he left, it's your lucky day!
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405675003238.desc=Oh no! You forgot about your Manager!
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405675003238.hint=Hurry Habbo, before your Manager gets away! You need to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow's big concert! Just enter some rooms and search for someone that looks like a Manager... you know, someone with a tie and a cool jacket. meeting
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405677407650.completed=Ufff! Tomorrow is gonna be awesome! A deep breath and all fears will go away
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405677407650.desc=You want to be prepared for the big day
quests.HBLOOZA_14.1405677407650.hint=Enter the Habbo Palooza Festival Room to see what waits for you tomorrow: it's a big stage and there will be a LOT of Habbo, so you better be ready for it! look at the Stage day before
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688526559.completed=THAT is music! Keep on going!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688526559.desc=...the greatest and funkiest Habbo!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688526559.hint=It's time to show what you can do with a Guitar in your hands: stand in front of the crowd, they are waiting for your solo! on the Guitar...
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688679546.completed=That was amazing! The whole crowd is cheering and jumping for you and your band!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688679546.desc=... is the grooviest of all!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405688679546.hint=Snare drum, charleston, crash, bass drum and toms! Go and get crazy with your drum, Habbo! the drum...
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405926173434.completed=This is some good vibe! Present the rest of the band!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405926173434.desc=There is the best Voice of the HabboPalooza Festival!
quests.HBLOOZA_15.1405926173434.hint=The whole crowd is singing with you! Isn't this amazing? Keep singing with your microphone! the microphone... big day!
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708590025.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708590025.desc=You lazy Habbo! Why don't you walk to the Festival?
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708590025.hint=Ok, ok, it´s not that close to your Room. Just get in a cab: the festival won't wait for you to arrive! in a cab
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708732831.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708732831.desc=Where is the Festival?
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401708732831.hint=HabboPalooza is the big thing now in Habbo, the taxi driver must know where the HabboPalooza Festival Room is, just say you want to go there., please
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401709095846.completed=There you go! You are finally here and you can enjoy the wonderful HabboPalooza atmosphere...
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401709095846.desc=It should be in the Inventory...
quests.HBLOOZA_2.1401709095846.hint=Just check your Badges, it must be somewhere there, you bought it the other day, remember? Show it and confirm you can enter the HabboPalooza Festival! your ticket the Festival!
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401712388901.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401712388901.desc=You might need to use some elbow grease...
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401712388901.hint=The sooner you get this done, the better. You don't want to find yourself building the tent in the middle of the night, under a heavy rain, right? Get a Hammer, and TAP TAP TAP it to the TOP! your tent
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401713301455.completed=You did it! You are now ready for the toughest camping!
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401713301455.desc=Uh? Will this tent hold for long?
quests.HBLOOZA_3.1401713301455.hint=Habbo, no fear! Just step inside and stay there long enough to be sure it won't crash down on you on the first night... it wouldn't be nice! phase Tent
quests.HBLOOZA_4.1401719121388.completed=Wow! 1 was enough, 2 was good... but 5? 5 is just great!
quests.HBLOOZA_4.1401719121388.desc=More Friends = more fun!
quests.HBLOOZA_4.1401719121388.hint=The HabboPalooza Festival is full of great Habbos, why don't you make some new Friends? It's always good to have some company! of the Friends
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959147834.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959147834.desc=Show your Dancing skills
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959147834.hint=Dancing is easy, dancing with Friends gets a little more difficult... but dancing in formation is the ultimate challenge! Get together with 8 other Habbos and make a Dancing Square! Formation!
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959297291.completed=Good job! Get the next step done to solve today's quest.
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959297291.desc=Show your Dancing skills
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959297291.hint=Dancing is easy, dancing with Friends gets a little more difficult... but dancing in formation is the ultimate challenge! Get together with 8 other Habbos and make a Dancing Cross! X Factor
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959337331.completed=Incredible! Frank is very impressed by your skills. Now enjoy the concert until the last second!
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959337331.desc=Show your Dancing skills
quests.HBLOOZA_5.1401959337331.hint=Dancing is easy, dancing with Friends gets a little more difficult... but dancing in formation is the ultimate challenge! Get together with 8 other Habbos and make a Dancing Triangle! is a triangle Dancing
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1401959496454.completed=Wow, that was a fast drive! Just remember you are not in a rally race!
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1401959496454.desc=How are you at driving buses?
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1401959496454.hint=HabboPalooza is here, and every day more and more Bands are looking for skilled Roadies to help them during their tours. A Roadie knows how to drive a bus, for starters! what you got!
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403774964642.completed=Good job Habbo, equalize the amp head and rock it!
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403774964642.desc=Where's the amplifier?
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403774964642.hint=HabboPalooza is here, and every day more and more Bands are looking for skilled Roadies to help them during their tours. A Roadie knows what an amplifier is! it up!
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403775493913.completed=You have a great voice! Have you ever considered being part of a Band?
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403775493913.desc=Being a Roadie is not only hard work...
quests.HBLOOZA_6.1403775493913.hint=HabboPalooza is here, and every day more and more Bands are looking for skilled Roadies to help them during their tours. A real Roadie also knows a lot about music. Say the complete notes scale starting from G. Test Certificate
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404298836711.completed=Oooh, these guys already have a Roadie on their team. No problem, just try another room!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404298836711.desc=You are a Roadie now, but without any band to work for!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404298836711.hint=Probability says that the chances to find a band inside a room where there is a Guitar and Drums are very high. Enter one of their rooms, show your Roadie Certificate and find your new Band! a band
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404300961962.completed=Ok, this didn't go well either, this band was REALLY bad, wasn't it? Let's give it another shot!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404300961962.desc=You are a Roadie now, but without any band to work for!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404300961962.hint=Probability says that the chances to find a band inside a room where there is a Guitar and Drums are very high. Enter one of there rooms, show your Roadie Certificate and find your new Band! a band
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404302055972.completed=Yay! You finally find the right band for you! They play the same type of music you love, isn't that great? Go on and rock the Habbo Palooza!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404302055972.desc=You are a Roadie now, but without any band to work for!
quests.HBLOOZA_7.1404302055972.hint=Probability says that the chances to find a band inside a room where there is a Guitar and Drums are very high. Enter one of there rooms, show your Roadie Certificate and find your new Band! a band for a band
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1401959453203.completed=You are in! This is just the first step, let's keep rocking in this awesome Palooza Park!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1401959453203.desc=After these days of Roadie hard-work, some relaxation is due!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1401959453203.hint=What is Habbo Palooza without the Palooza Amusement Park? One by one, try all the attractions of the moment and get your prize! Palooza Park
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725357668.completed=I'd definitely go that way, don't you agree? Go go!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725357668.desc=Left or right? Full steam ahead or go back some steps?
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725357668.hint=There is no right direction: in the Palooza Park wherever you go you'll be sure to find some fun! Find an arrowsign where you can see all that Habbo Palooza has to offer you! this way
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725832153.completed=What a ride! Get in the queue for another round before it gets too crowded.
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725832153.desc=Ain't no rollercoaster high enough!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404725832153.hint=Up and down, the Palooza Rollercoaster is sure to make you feel your Pixels bouncing!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404732145393.completed=Wahhoo Habbo! You shot all the Ducks and got your reward!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404732145393.desc=Bang. Bang. Bang. Try again!
quests.HBLOOZA_8.1404732145393.hint=Don't worry, you have infinite shots, just try to make it before the sun sets... the Duck! day off
quests.HBLOOZA_9.1403776552366.completed=That is some amplification! People will be blown away by the music waves.
quests.HBLOOZA_9.1403776552366.desc=One on top of the other, make an awesome Amp Stack!
quests.HBLOOZA_9.1403776552366.hint=You built many stages already, so you know this is a very important part: build a powerful Amp Stack, the bigger the better! the Amps! wall of Amps
quests.HFW2014_1.1392210615439.chaincaption=I feel like a King!
quests.HFW2014_1.1392210615439.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a King!
quests.HFW2014_1.1392211067144.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_1.1392211067144.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a King!
quests.HFW2014_1.1392211067144.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_10.1392226511668.chaincaption=I feel like Guy Fawkes!
quests.HFW2014_10.1392226511668.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like Guy Fawkes!
quests.HFW2014_10.1392226533220.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_10.1392226533220.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like Guy Fawkes!
quests.HFW2014_10.1392226533220.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_11.1392277409583.chaincaption=I feel like Bob Marley!
quests.HFW2014_11.1392277409583.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like Bob Marley!
quests.HFW2014_11.1392277435639.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_11.1392277435639.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like Bob Marley!
quests.HFW2014_11.1392277435639.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_12.1392278295015.chaincaption=I feel like I don't want to be seen!
quests.HFW2014_12.1392278295015.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like you don't want to be seen!
quests.HFW2014_12.1392278321574.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_12.1392278321574.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like you don't want to be seen!
quests.HFW2014_12.1392278321574.hint=Dress up like you don't want to be seen and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_13.1392280092558.chaincaption=I feel like Cristiano Ronaldo!b
quests.HFW2014_13.1392280092558.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like Cristiano Ronaldo!
quests.HFW2014_13.1392280325392.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_13.1392280325392.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like Cristiano Ronaldo!
quests.HFW2014_13.1392280325392.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_14.1392280629015.chaincaption=I feel in Love!
quests.HFW2014_14.1392280629015.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like you're in Love!
quests.HFW2014_14.1392280654922.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_14.1392280654922.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like you're in Love!
quests.HFW2014_14.1392280654922.hint=Dress up like you're in love and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_15.1392280928192.chaincaption=I feel like a Duck!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392280928192.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Duck!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392280997991.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392280997991.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Duck!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392280997991.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_15.1392281752658.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392281752658.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Detective!
quests.HFW2014_15.1392281752658.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_16.1392281586915.chaincaption=I feel like a real Habbo!
quests.HFW2014_16.1392281586915.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a real Habbo!
quests.HFW2014_16.1392281607973.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_16.1392281607973.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a real Habbo!
quests.HFW2014_16.1392281607973.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_17.1392281721916.chaincaption=I feel like a Detective!
quests.HFW2014_17.1392281721916.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Detective!
quests.HFW2014_17.1392281752658.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_17.1392281752658.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Detective!
quests.HFW2014_17.1392281752658.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_18.1392281862914.chaincaption=I feel like an Ottoman Student
quests.HFW2014_18.1392281862914.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like an Ottoman Student!
quests.HFW2014_18.1392281915220.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_18.1392281915220.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like an Ottoman Student!
quests.HFW2014_18.1392281915220.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_19.1392290863142.chaincaption=I feel crazy!
quests.HFW2014_19.1392290863142.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling crazy!
quests.HFW2014_19.1392290966054.completed=It's unbelievable! You solved this crazy hard Quest! Here is a Badge for you. Keep it close, you worked so hard to get it!
quests.HFW2014_19.1392290966054.desc=This morning you woke up feeling crazy!
quests.HFW2014_19.1392290966054.hint=You better follow the hints here if you hope to solve this tough quest! Today you are a little bit Gandalf, a little be refereer, Peter Pan and also a little bit Sultan! All of this while watching a 3D movie, Easy, isn't it? I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_2.1392221819859.chaincaption=I feel like a Punk!
quests.HFW2014_2.1392221819859.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Punk!
quests.HFW2014_2.1392222155004.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_2.1392222155004.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Punk!
quests.HFW2014_2.1392222155004.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_3.1392222738552.chaincaption=I feel like Danny Zuko!
quests.HFW2014_3.1392222738552.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like Danny Zuko!
quests.HFW2014_3.1392222901127.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_3.1392222901127.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like Danny Zuko!
quests.HFW2014_3.1392222901127.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_4.1392223166818.chaincaption=I feel like a Space Explorer
quests.HFW2014_4.1392223166818.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Space Explorer!
quests.HFW2014_4.1392223187449.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_4.1392223187449.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Space Explorer!
quests.HFW2014_4.1392223187449.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_5.1392223584220.chaincaption=I feel like a Japanese Cook
quests.HFW2014_5.1392223584220.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Japanese Cook
quests.HFW2014_5.1392223880242.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_5.1392223880242.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Japanese Cook
quests.HFW2014_5.1392223880242.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_6.1392224232051.chaincaption=I feel like 2Pac!
quests.HFW2014_6.1392224232051.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like 2Pac!
quests.HFW2014_6.1392224306675.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_6.1392224306675.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like 2Pac!
quests.HFW2014_6.1392224306675.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_7.1392226029244.chaincaption=I feel like a Peruvian!
quests.HFW2014_7.1392226029244.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Peruvian!
quests.HFW2014_7.1392226046929.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_7.1392226046929.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Peruvian!
quests.HFW2014_7.1392226046929.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_8.1392226185473.chaincaption=I feel like LeBron James!
quests.HFW2014_8.1392226185473.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like LeBron James!
quests.HFW2014_8.1392226212338.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_8.1392226212338.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like LeBron James!
quests.HFW2014_8.1392226212338.hint=Dress up like him and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.HFW2014_9.1392226354986.chaincaption=I feel like a Karate master!
quests.HFW2014_9.1392226354986.chaininfo=This morning you woke up feeling like a Karate Athlete!
quests.HFW2014_9.1392226372993.completed=Yeah, you did it! Do you feel comfortable enough in these shoes? Keep them, and keep this Badge too! And don't miss tomorrow's Quest and reward!
quests.HFW2014_9.1392226372993.desc=This morning you woke up feeling like a Karate Athlete!
quests.HFW2014_9.1392226372993.hint=Dress up like one and shout how you feel today to win today's Badge! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next Quest! I feel like... I feel like...
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.completed=Excellent! You've earned 1 Horseshoe! Horseshoes can be used in the Shop to buy Furni and other items.
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.desc=Get ready to ride by wearing your riding helmet.
quests.Horse_12_1.1330417308599.hint=Change your looks by clicking on yourself and then the My Clothes button. Started
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.completed=You're a natural!
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.desc=Find yourself a horse and take it for a ride.
quests.Horse_12_1.1330420258336.hint=If you don't own a horse, it's not a problem! Just find a room with plenty of horses and ask the owner if you can take one for a ride. You can ride a horse by clicking on it and then on "Ride". a Test Ride
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.completed=Good stuff, I think you've just converted another Habbo to the joys of horse riding!
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.desc=Ride a horse and talk to other Habbos about horse riding.
quests.Horse_12_1.1331191191234.hint=You need to be riding a horse while talking to other Habbos. Talk to them about how much you enjoy riding, and encourage them to saddle up. The Word
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.completed=Alright! Remember to check back tomorrow for more quests and to earn more Horseshoes!
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.desc=Try out riding another Habbos horse.
quests.Horse_12_1.1331192713665.hint=Remember to ask the horse owner before riding their horse, and be sure to ride the horse all around the room! Is Caring To Ride
quests.Horse_12_2.1330421625616.completed=Nothing beats a walk in the open country air does it?
quests.Horse_12_2.1330421625616.desc=Take a horse for a leisurely trot.
quests.Horse_12_2.1330421625616.hint=Ride the horse around the Stables to break him in. Riding
quests.Horse_12_2.1330422744471.completed=How many fences did you clear? You might need a bit more practice to clear them clean.
quests.Horse_12_2.1330422744471.desc=Ride a horse and try jumping over obstacles.
quests.Horse_12_2.1330422744471.hint=Find a stable which has some jumps in, and take a horse for a few jumps. Hold on tight! Might As Well...
quests.Horse_12_2.1330423452090.completed=They love you, they really love you!
quests.Horse_12_2.1330423452090.desc=Time to find out what others think of your riding...
quests.Horse_12_2.1330423452090.hint=Ride a horse round the Stable and get 4 Habbos to show you the heart sign while you're riding. Me Some Love
quests.Horse_12_2.1330590192570.completed=Did you find any cool looking rooms? If so, why not go chat to the owner and let them know?
quests.Horse_12_2.1330590192570.desc=Want to find more Stable rooms? Use the Stable Hopper!
quests.Horse_12_2.1330590192570.hint=Use the Stable Hopper five times to discover different Stables in the Hotel. Stable Hopper & Jumping
quests.Horse_12_3.1330601347213.completed=You did it!
quests.Horse_12_3.1330601347213.desc=Take your horse jumping, and try to make a successful jump.
quests.Horse_12_3.1330601347213.hint=Practice makes perfect! The more skilled your horse is, the greater the chance a jump will be successful. You can ride your own horse, or a horse belonging to another Habbo.You can ride your own OR someone elses horse. Successfully
quests.Horse_12_3.1330608401717.completed=You're really getting the hang of this!
quests.Horse_12_3.1330608401717.desc=Take your horse riding and practice your jumping skills.
quests.Horse_12_3.1330608401717.hint=Jump 10 hurdles or fences with your Horses. You can ride your own OR a horse belonging to another Habbo. For Joy
quests.Horse_12_3.1330681114636.completed=Looks like a tough one. You think you can complete the course?
quests.Horse_12_3.1330681114636.desc=Find a room with a horse obstacle course in.
quests.Horse_12_3.1330681114636.hint=Find a room with a Horse Jump Furni in and walk around the room. The course must have at least one jump, one bush jump and one water jump. For Horses
quests.Horse_12_3.1331196235345.completed=How sweet! I'm sure if the horse could kiss you back, it would!
quests.Horse_12_3.1331196235345.desc=Show your appreciation to your horse by blowing it a kiss.
quests.Horse_12_3.1331196235345.hint=Stand next to a horse and blow it a kiss! A Horse Jumping!
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682161283.completed=This looks like a fantastic spot to ride your horse.
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682161283.desc=Find an Outback room to explore with your horse.
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682161283.hint=The Outback room must contain at least 3 patches of Country Grass and 3 Forest walls. To complete the quest you need to walk around the room. Outback Trail
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682387205.completed=You're a real range rider now.
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682387205.desc=Ride your horse through the outback and take in the scenery
quests.Horse_12_4.1330682387205.hint=You can ride either your own horse or someone else's horse. Be sure to take your horse for a nice long walk to complete the quest. Great Wide Open
quests.Horse_12_4.1330683540221.completed=You did it - you've got a good riding group!
quests.Horse_12_4.1330683540221.desc=Gather some friends and ride in formation.
quests.Horse_12_4.1330683540221.hint=You need to form a line while riding, 5 people in a row on their horses. This is a crucial skill for outback riding - to keep in formation! Riding
quests.Horse_12_4.1330937443020.desc=Sit down and rest your behind after all that riding.
quests.Horse_12_4.1330937443020.hint=Habbo has to be sitting down on a hay bale to complete. Stop Riding
quests.Horse_12_5.1330679670458.completed=Congratulations! You completed the quest.
quests.Horse_12_5.1330679670458.desc=What kind of things do horses like?
quests.Horse_12_5.1330679670458.hint=Listen to what the horse is saying and find out what they like most of all. Like A Horse
quests.Horse_12_5.1330941572754.completed=Why was the horse fired from his job as a saddle tester? He was always standing up on the job. Ha ha, ha. Also, he was stealing.
quests.Horse_12_5.1330941572754.desc=Find a horse and stand next to it.
quests.Horse_12_5.1330941572754.hint=Today's quests are all about listening to horses and understanding them. First you need to find a horse and stand beside him so you can start listening! By Your Horse
quests.Horse_12_5.1331024881028.completed=Congratulations! You completed the quest.
quests.Horse_12_5.1331024881028.desc=What do horses dream about?
quests.Horse_12_5.1331024881028.hint=Listen to what the horses say in their sleep, and then tell another Habbo. Horses dream about what they enjoy doing. Spread the word in the Hotel, to keep the horses well taken care of! Thoughts II
quests.Horse_12_5.1331710513372.completed=Why can't horses dance? Because they have two left feet. Also: They're horses.
quests.Horse_12_5.1331710513372.desc=Send a friend request to someone.
quests.Horse_12_5.1331710513372.hint=Now that you've been riding around plenty of cool stables, you've surely met some cool stable owners as well! Send one of them a friend request - then you'll always find that cool outback riding course, jumping course or stable! A New Friend Whispering
quests.Horse_12_6.1330939557572.completed=Wasn't that fun? Be sure to wash your hands now.
quests.Horse_12_6.1330939557572.desc=You can tell a lot about a horse by their manure.
quests.Horse_12_6.1330939557572.hint=Find either manure or unicorn manure and click it to change it's state 4 times. Some Manure
quests.Horse_12_6.1330942578114.completed=That was quite a work out, huh?
quests.Horse_12_6.1330942578114.desc=Make some space in the Stables by stacking up hay bales.
quests.Horse_12_6.1330942578114.hint=As part of the stable clean up, stack some hay bales to help out! The Room owner needs to be present, so either do this in your own room, or in someone elses room if you get room rights. Haystacks
quests.Horse_12_6.1330957110583.completed=Did you hear about the horse that got a job in a watch factory? All he did was stand around making faces. This is the last joke, we promise.
quests.Horse_12_6.1330957110583.desc=Find a well-equipped Stable.
quests.Horse_12_6.1330957110583.hint=A good stable should have everything the horse needs: hay, hay floor, water ...and horse poop, as proof of an actual horse living there! Stable?
quests.Horse_12_6.1331899299444.completed=Your skills with the carrot are impressive.
quests.Horse_12_6.1331899299444.desc=Give and receive a carrot three times.
quests.Horse_12_6.1331899299444.hint=From previous days questing, you've learned what horses enjoy and how to take care of them. Now it's time to spread it around with others. Receive a carrot hand item 3 times and pass it on to others!Tip: Pura Refridgerators give carrots. About Carrots The Stables
quests.Horse_12_7.1331037881902.completed=Congratulations! That wasn't too hard, was it?
quests.Horse_12_7.1331037881902.desc=Practice makes perfect - do 10 jumps!
quests.Horse_12_7.1331037881902.hint=Do 10 basic jumps with a horse.
quests.Horse_12_7.1331038014226.desc=Jump 3 times successfully
quests.Horse_12_7.1331038014226.hint=Do 3 successful jumps riding either your horse or another Habbos. Practice with your horse- the more your horse jumps, the better they'll become, and the more successful jumps they can make. successfully
quests.Horse_12_7.1331038203060.desc=Find a Ring of Fire.
quests.Horse_12_7.1331038203060.hint=Find a riding course room with a ring of fire obstacle in it. It's time to do some obstacle jumping! of Fire
quests.Horse_12_7.1331039871766.completed=Wow! You did it! You are a true horse whispering, jumping and riding champion!
quests.Horse_12_7.1331039871766.desc=Gather 8 riders and stand in a horse shoe formation
quests.Horse_12_7.1331039871766.hint=Show off your formation riding skills - stand in a formation of a horse shoe consisting of 8 riders and stay in formation for 10 seconds. shoe formation Straight
quests.VIPTutorials.blow_kisses.completed=Smooth and classy! If you want to continue to be a Habbo HC you can purchase a subscription in the Shop!
quests.VIPTutorials.blow_kisses.desc=Spread the love. That's what being a HC is all about,
quests.VIPTutorials.blow_kisses.hint=Blow kisses to10 Habbos in the same room to achieve this quest. THE LOVE!
quests.VIPTutorials.chaincaption=HC Quests
quests.VIPTutorials.chaininfo=Are you classy enough to take on the HC quests?
quests.VIPTutorials.create_vip_room.completed=Great. Now you have enough space for your future HC parties! HCs have access to several new layouts that can be used to make your room special.
quests.VIPTutorials.create_vip_room.desc=First, you need a proper HC room.
quests.VIPTutorials.create_vip_room.hint=Click Rooms and open the Me tab to create a new room and choose a HC layout to achieve this quest. IT BIG
quests.VIPTutorials.dance_pogo_mogo.completed=Shake your pixels! Shake! You dance like a young Vaslav Nijinsky or Anna Pavlova! They were ballet dancers.
quests.VIPTutorials.dance_pogo_mogo.desc=Maybe you should practice your dance moves?
quests.VIPTutorials.dance_pogo_mogo.hint=Click on your avatar to then dance to dance the Pogo Mogo to achieve this quest. YOUR PIXELS
quests.VIPTutorials.drop_vip_furni.completed=Priceless! It really ties the room together, doesn't it? HCs get exclusive Furni every month they're a member, it's quite an elegant collection!
quests.VIPTutorials.drop_vip_furni.desc=How about adding a touch of luxury to it?
quests.VIPTutorials.drop_vip_furni.hint=Open the Shop and go to the HC Gifts page to get your HC gift. You can then find it in your My Stuff inventory. Place the item in your room to complete this quest.
quests.VIPTutorials.laugh.completed=Yeah that dancing was pretty funny! As a HC you get additional actions, you can also blow your fellow Habbos a kiss!
quests.VIPTutorials.laugh.desc=That dancing is funny, let out a laugh.
quests.VIPTutorials.laugh.hint=Laugh to achieve this quest, click on your Habbo and then on Actions to laugh.! Quests
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_a_crown.completed=Should we all call you "Your Highness" now?
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_a_crown.desc=Look rich... Wear something "Royal".
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_a_crown.hint=You have access to lots of accessories as a HC. Wear a crown to achieve this quest. ARE ROYALTY!
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_white_shirt.completed=Wow - bright, shiny and white! I've never seen a smarter looking Habbo!
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_white_shirt.desc=It's a white party theme tonight in the welcome lounge!
quests.VIPTutorials.wear_white_shirt.hint=VIPs have access to loads of extra clothes and colors! Click on your Habbo to change your clothes- wear a HC shirt in HC white to achieve this quest. GOOD LOOKING
quests.VIP_Parties_1.1348497018682.chaincaption=Party Pass
quests.VIP_Parties_1.1348497018682.chaininfo=Complete these quests to get access to the HC parties!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.Find_Style_1.completed=Bravo! But I guess it’s a bit outdated now…
quests.VIP_Parties_1.Find_Style_1.desc=Every HC has a strong clothing personality. Get one!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.Find_Style_1.hint=Check your wardrobe and find the 2 secret accessories that will make you the true King/queen of Versailles! YOUR STYLE PT I
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_style_2.completed=Not bad but the fur hat might be a bit too warm for a yacht party.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_style_2.desc=What if you were some sort of “Russian prince” then?
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_style_2.hint=Check your wardrobe and find the 2 secret accessories that will make you a true Russian Prince. YOUR STYLE PT 2
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_syle_3.completed=The perfect combination of class and style!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_syle_3.desc=What about “the dandy billionaire”?
quests.VIP_Parties_1.find_your_syle_3.hint=Check your wardrobe and find the 2 secret accessories that will make you a true dandy billionaire. YOUR STYLE PT 3
quests.VIP_Parties_1.go_to_the_beach.completed=Congrats you found a beach! Watch out for crabs, jellyfish and paparazzi with long lens cameras!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.go_to_the_beach.desc=If you want to get noticed, try the beach…
quests.VIP_Parties_1.go_to_the_beach.hint=To achieve this quest find a room with 4 sand patches, a palm tree and a deck chair. TO WORK
quests.VIP_Parties_1.incognito.completed=Congrats for becoming paparazzi prey.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.incognito.desc=Follow these steps and become incognito.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.incognito.hint=To achieve this quest, check for sunglasses in your wardrobe - It's the best way to get noticed.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.love_sign.completed=People love you. You’re a true celebrity! Here is your pass! Now you can vote for the best Yacht party. Bravo.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.love_sign.desc=Time to throw a party, to show how cool you are!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.love_sign.hint=Host a party in your room and have at least 20 other Habbos join you! Parties
quests.VIP_Parties_1.respect.completed=People love you. You’re a true celebrity! Here is your pass! Now you can vote for the best Yacht party. Bravo.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.respect.desc=It's time to show your respect to some other HCs.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.respect.hint=Give 3 respects to HCs.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sail_ahoy.completed=Looks like the waters getting a bit choppy- you'll need to swim the rest of the way, you don't want your jet-ski to sink do you?
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sail_ahoy.desc=The Yacht is in sight. Grab a jet-ski to join it now.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sail_ahoy.hint=Actually It’s a long ride… Stand on a Jet-ski for 15 min to achieve this quest. AHOY!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sit_in_deckchair.completed=That's enough or you’ll get sunburn and look like a lump of bratwurst!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sit_in_deckchair.desc=Every HC has a tan. Get a tan or you?ll look out of place!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.sit_in_deckchair.hint=Seat on a deck chair for 10min and relax. A TAN
quests.VIP_Parties_1.stowaway.completed=Wow, so eccentric! You made a great first impression and everyone wants to dive with clothes on now.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.stowaway.desc=Quick, dive into the Yacht pool to join the Habbos there!
quests.VIP_Parties_1.stowaway.hint=To achieve this quest you need to sit in a Yacht pool with other Habbos.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.swim.completed=Congrats, you finally made it to the boat. Now join the HC guests.
quests.VIP_Parties_1.swim.desc=Swimming is the only way to get onboard now…
quests.VIP_Parties_1.swim.hint=You need to swim in 200 water patches to achieve this quest.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.1348500051377.chaincaption=Movie Premiere
quests.VIP_Parties_2.1348500051377.chaininfo=Take these quests to get your access pass!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_bouncer.completed=He looks tough and mean, don't make any sudden moves!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_bouncer.desc=Wait a minute. Do you see the security guy other there?
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_bouncer.hint=Click on a Bouncer to achieve this quest.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_road_sign.completed=You've arrived fashionably late, good work. Don't forget to tip your driver.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_road_sign.desc=What is the way to Habbowood and the HC party?
quests.VIP_Parties_2.click_road_sign.hint=Click on a HC road sign in 10 different rooms to achieve this quest. SIGN
quests.VIP_Parties_2.dress_as_arty_director.completed=Good take :) You look wonderful.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.dress_as_arty_director.desc=First pretend you’re some obscure french movie director.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.dress_as_arty_director.hint=You need an access pass for the big Movie premier party tonight in Habbowood? Check your wardrobe and find the 3 secret accessories that will make you a true movie director.… ACTION!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.find_gala_room.completed=Congrats you found it. Now walk the red carpet
quests.VIP_Parties_2.find_gala_room.desc=Can you spot the Gala room?
quests.VIP_Parties_2.find_gala_room.hint=To achieve this quest find a room with a Habbowood roof, a paparazzi wall, a red carpet, a camera and 2 rope dividers GALA ROOM
quests.VIP_Parties_2.give_interview.completed=Thanks for the interview! You're sure to make the front page of the International Journal Of Honey Bees now!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.give_interview.desc=To get hyped you need to talk to journalists
quests.VIP_Parties_2.give_interview.hint=Enter a room with 20 Habbos using a microphone effect. They can find one in the official Habbowood Gala room. INTERVIEW Premieres
quests.VIP_Parties_2.sit_in_white_limo.completed=Perfect you’ll surely cause a sensation.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.sit_in_white_limo.desc=Let’s go to Habbowood now. Film makers don’t walk…
quests.VIP_Parties_2.sit_in_white_limo.hint=Sit in a white limo to achieve this quest. A RIDE
quests.VIP_Parties_2.stand_on_paparazzi_wall_.completed=Glamorous. Here is your pass! Now you can vote for the best Movie premiere party. Bravo.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.stand_on_paparazzi_wall_.desc=Time for some a photo shoot! Oh yeah!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.stand_on_paparazzi_wall_.hint=Stand next to the paparazzi wall and show love to the audience.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.walk_on_red_carpet.completed=Bravo. You finally made it!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.walk_on_red_carpet.desc=It’s a pretty long walk actually…
quests.VIP_Parties_2.walk_on_red_carpet.hint=Walk on 100 red carpets to achieve this quest THE RED CARPET
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wave_for_15_mn.completed=Congrats for making sure you didn’t forget anyone. I bet your arm is sore after all that waving, wait until you have sign some autographs!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wave_for_15_mn.desc=Now say hi to your fans. There's so many!
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wave_for_15_mn.hint=Wave for 15mn to achieve this quest. HI TO FANS
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wear_phone_effect.completed=Good job. You passed him.
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wear_phone_effect.desc=And you shouldn’t be there,.. Try to stay natural…
quests.VIP_Parties_2.wear_phone_effect.hint=Check your cell phone to look busy and important. You can find one in the official Movie Premiere room ;) BUSY
quests.VIP_parties_3.1349257422809.chaincaption=Vault Parties
quests.VIP_parties_3.1349257422809.chaininfo=Complete these quests to get your access pass to the Vault Parties.
quests.VIP_parties_3.find_a_bank.completed=You found it !
quests.VIP_parties_3.find_a_bank.desc=Can you spot the bank? There is a party going on there.
quests.VIP_parties_3.find_a_bank.hint=Find a room with a vault door, four vault walls, four vault corners and 10 banknotes patches. BANK
quests.VIP_parties_3.horse_jump_x100.completed=Nice moves! Your horse must be exhausted by now!
quests.VIP_parties_3.horse_jump_x100.desc=You're on your way but please do it with style.
quests.VIP_parties_3.horse_jump_x100.hint=Make your horse jump 100 times to achieve this quest! WITH STYLE 3 Parties
quests.VIP_parties_3.pass_drink_x300.completed=Bravo! You made it through the riches. Here is your access pass to vote for the best Vault party:) Enjoy!
quests.VIP_parties_3.pass_drink_x300.desc=Time to make friends. Bring them a drink and socialize.
quests.VIP_parties_3.pass_drink_x300.hint=Find a glass tower and give a drink to 300 Habbos to achieve this quest.
quests.VIP_parties_3.ride_a_horse.completed=Click Clock Click clock… You look dashing.
quests.VIP_parties_3.ride_a_horse.desc=Now ride a horse.
quests.VIP_parties_3.ride_a_horse.hint=To achieve this quest you need to ride a horse. WITH STYLE 2
quests.VIP_parties_3.say_something.desc=Now give a toast to the first billionaire in history.
quests.VIP_parties_3.say_something.hint=Have a drink and say the name of the first billionaire in history. (Hint: It's not the guy who invented the two-in-one toilet brush/ toaster). A TOAST
quests.VIP_parties_3.sit_in_gold_bath.completed=Congrats you now smell beautifully fresh - and rich. Like an Alpine breeze in June.
quests.VIP_parties_3.sit_in_gold_bath.desc=Need an access pass for the Vault party? First take a bath!
quests.VIP_parties_3.sit_in_gold_bath.hint=To achieve this quest, sit in a bath of gold. SMELL OF MONEY
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_banknotes.completed=You surely feel posh now! And sore from all that walking around. Maybe at the party you can put your feet up!
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_banknotes.desc=Follow the Cash Patches to find your way to the bank!
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_banknotes.hint=Walk on 200 banknotes patches to achieve this quest. LOST?
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_coin_rain.completed=You see? Here is the bank :)
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_coin_rain.desc=You're getting closer to the bank. It's raining coins now!
quests.VIP_parties_3.walk_on_coin_rain.hint=Stand in 200 Coin Rain storms. It will bring you luck. And bruises, gold coins can be quite heavy. FORECAST
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_bling_necklace.completed=Now that's class!
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_bling_necklace.desc=Now you need to get properly dressed.
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_bling_necklace.hint=Check your wardrobe to find the one element that will make you bling. YOURSELF
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_hihat.completed=Now you look the part and you're ready for the ride of your life!
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_hihat.desc=Ride a horse for going to the bank. But class first…
quests.VIP_parties_3.wear_hihat.hint=Check your wardrobe to find the one element that will make you classy while riding. WITH STYLE 1
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361451582781.chaincaption=ART MERCHANT QUEST
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361451582781.chaininfo=Validate your 7 earned Merchant Badges and get your Habbo Certificate of Arts and a Trophy dedicated by Hotel's Staff.
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452290460.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452290460.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your Victor Vangoof Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452290460.hint=Validate your Badge next to a Victor Vangoof Easel Vangoof
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452625534.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452625534.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your Lennard David Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452625534.hint=Validate your Badge next to a Lennard David Easel David
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452886760.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452886760.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your Yohand Comeere Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361452886760.hint=Validate your Badge next to a Yohand Comeere Easel Comeere
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361464137866.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361464137866.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your Carl Waddlesworth Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361464137866.hint=Validate your Badge near to a Carl Waddlesworth III Easel Waddlesworth
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465499264.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465499264.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your A.P. Plumage Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465499264.hint=Validate your Badge near to a A.P. Plumage Easel Plumage
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465809977.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465809977.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your David fountain Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361465809977.hint=Validate your Badge next to a David Fountain Statue Fountain
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361466119684.completed=What an eye! Validate the 7 Badges and get your certificate
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361466119684.desc=Want to be a Merchant? Validate your Sapphire Badge
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361466119684.hint=Validate your Badge next to a Sapphire Furni Sapphire
quests.Val13_Merchant_Quest.1361466119684.searchtag=sapphire MERCHANT
quests.battleball.BBJOIN.completed=You did it! You can switch teams by walking through another gate at any time.
quests.battleball.BBJOIN.desc=Walk through a Battle Banzai Gate to join a team.
quests.battleball.BBJOIN.hint=Now you're ready to start playing. Join the game by walking through one of the Battle Banzai gates. a Banzai game
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE.completed=Cool! Each locked tile increases your team score by one point. When the game ends, the team with most points wins!
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE.desc=Warm up by locking some tiles.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE.hint=The purpose of the Battle Banzai game is to gain points by locking arena tiles. A tile changes color when you bounce over it. A tile is locked after being bounced on three times by the same team. Now lock some tiles by bouncing on them. Note that you cannot lock tiles if the game is not running. Some Tiles
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE1.completed=Well done! You have completed the first part of Banzai Novice training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE1.desc=Lock 50 tiles in the game arena.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE1.hint=You can lock tiles in your team color by bouncing on them three times. Novice I
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE2.completed=Well done! You have completed the first part of Banzai Adept training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE2.desc=Lock 100 tiles.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE2.hint=You can lock tiles in your team color by bouncing on them three times. Adept I
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE3.completed=Well done! You have completed the first part of Banzai Veteran training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE3.desc=Lock 200 tiles.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE3.hint=You can lock tiles in your team color by bouncing on them three times. Veteran I
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE4.completed=Well done! You have completed the first part of Banzai Master training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE4.desc=Lock 400 tiles.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE4.hint=You can lock tiles in your team color by bouncing on them three times. Master I
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE5.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Guru.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE5.desc=Lock 800 tiles.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE5.hint=You can lock tiles in your team color by bouncing on them three times. Guru
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES.completed=You did it. The key of Battle Banzai success is to lock multiple tiles simulatenously by surrounding them. This way you get more points with less work.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES.desc=Surround at least 1 tile with locked tiles in your color.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES.hint=Surround an area with locked tiles in your color. When you lock the last tile so that an area is completely surrounded, all the surrounded tiles will get locked too. Now try that! Area
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES1.completed=Banzai! You have completed the second part of Banzai Novice training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES1.desc=Lock an area of at least 4 tiles 3 times.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES1.hint=Lock 4 tiles in the game arena three times by locking an area surrounding empty tiles. Novice II
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES2.completed=Banzai! You have completed the second part of Banzai Adept training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES2.desc=Lock an area of at least 9 tiles 4 times.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES2.hint=To seize an area, bounce and lock all the tiles around it. Adept II
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES3.completed=Banzai! You have completed the second part of Banzai Veteran training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES3.desc=Lock an area of at least 16 tiles 6 times.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES3.hint=To seize an area, bounce and lock all the tiles around it. Veteran II
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES4.completed=Banzai! You have completed the second part of Banzai Master training.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES4.desc=Lock an area of at least 25 tiles 8 times.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES4.hint=To seize an area, bounce and lock all the tiles around it. Master II
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES5.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Hero.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES5.desc=Lock an area of at least 36 tiles 10 times.
quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILES5.hint=To seize an area, bounce and lock all the tiles around it. Hero
quests.battleball.BBPLAY.completed=Very nice. Your have completed the Battle Banzai basic training.
quests.battleball.BBPLAY.desc=Play three games of Battle Banzai to hone your skills.
quests.battleball.BBPLAY.hint=Note that games played without opponents will not count. a couple of games
quests.battleball.BBPUSHPUCK.completed=Good stuff! Use the puck to color tiles faster. When pushed, the puck will color the tiles it crosses with your team color. More points less work MWA HA HA!
quests.battleball.BBPUSHPUCK.desc=Push the Battle Banzai puck.
quests.battleball.BBPUSHPUCK.hint=Find a Battle Banzai game with a puck and push the puck around a few times. Push the puck by double-clicking it or by bouncing over it. Banzai Puck
quests.battleball.BBWIN1.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Novice.
quests.battleball.BBWIN1.desc=Win Battle Banzai game.
quests.battleball.BBWIN1.hint=Win a game of Battle Banzai Novice III
quests.battleball.BBWIN2.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Adept.
quests.battleball.BBWIN2.desc=Win 2 Battle Banzai games.
quests.battleball.BBWIN2.hint=Win two games of Battle Banzai. Adept III
quests.battleball.BBWIN3.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Veteran.
quests.battleball.BBWIN3.desc=Win 3 Battle Banzai games.
quests.battleball.BBWIN3.hint=Win three games of Battle Banzai. Veteran III
quests.battleball.BBWIN4.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Master.
quests.battleball.BBWIN4.desc=Win 5 Battle Banzai games.
quests.battleball.BBWIN4.hint=Win five games of Battle Banzai. Master III
quests.battleball.BBWIN5.completed=Congratulations! You're now a Battle Banzai Overlord. Wear that badge with pride!
quests.battleball.BBWIN5.desc=Win 10 Battle Banzai games.
quests.battleball.BBWIN5.hint=Win ten games of Battle Banzai. Overlord
quests.battleball.FINDBBCOUNTER.completed=You found it! This large digital clock controls a Battle Banzai game. When the clock is running, the game is on. When the time runs out, game ends.
quests.battleball.FINDBBCOUNTER.desc=Find a Battle Banzai game room with a Counter.
quests.battleball.FINDBBCOUNTER.hint=Battle Banzai games are hosted by users in their own guest rooms. Find a Battle Banzai game room with the counter and double-click it. Banzai Counter
quests.battleball.FINDBBSCOREBOARD.completed=Very nice! Battle Banzai game is played in teams. There are four different teams: red, blue, green and yellow. Each team has a score that is displayed using a scoreboard of that team color.
quests.battleball.FINDBBSCOREBOARD.desc=Find a Battle Banzai Scoreboard.
quests.battleball.FINDBBSCOREBOARD.hint=Double-click the base of a scoreboard to complete this quest. Any colored scoreboard will do! Banzai Scoreboard Banzai
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364217594374.chaincaption=ButterBadge Hunter
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364217594374.chaininfo=Catch the 15 ButterBadges and win Duckets to custom your Habbo
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364217785387.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364217785387.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364217785387.hint=Go the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. I
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364222980779.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364222980779.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364222980779.hint=Go the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. II
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223131828.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223131828.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223131828.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. III
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223276349.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223276349.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223276349.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. IV
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223412235.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223412235.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223412235.hint=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets V
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223532732.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223532732.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223532732.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. VI
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223700646.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223700646.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223700646.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. VII
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223841021.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223841021.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223841021.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. VIII
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223954986.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223954986.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364223954986.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. IX
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224107582.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224107582.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224107582.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. X
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224257824.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224257824.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224257824.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. XI
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224528109.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224528109.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224528109.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. XII
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224696581.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224696581.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224696581.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. XIII
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224943389.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224943389.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364224943389.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. XIV
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364225108058.completed=Nice catch!
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364225108058.desc=Catch this Badge and get 10 Duckets
quests.butterbadgesquest.1364225108058.hint=Go to the ButterBadge Hunters room and get the 15 available Badges. XV Duckets
quests.campaigncompleted.caption=Quests Completed
quests.campaigncompleted.more=More Quests
quests.clearasil.1381990443082.chaincaption=Clerasil Summer
quests.clearasil.1381990443082.chaininfo=Enter the Clearasil Summer room and enjoy a day at the beach!
quests.clearasil.1381990485442.desc=It's a wonderful day at the Clearasil Summer Beach!
quests.clearasil.1381990485442.hint=Put on your bathing suit and get into the sea! to swim!
quests.clearasil.1381990673243.desc=Nothing better than playing with friends!
quests.clearasil.1381990673243.hint=Hit the ball and make it roll! the ball!
quests.clearasil.1381990866418.desc=Get off all the salty pixels!
quests.clearasil.1381990866418.hint=Before using Clearasil, it's a good idea to take a shower! to get clean!
quests.clearasil.1381991056746.desc=It's now time to get your face super clean!
quests.clearasil.1381991056746.hint=Head to the Clearasil Vending Machine and get some cream! your Clearasil!
quests.clearasil.1381991319498.desc=Put on your cream and wash, wash, wash!
quests.clearasil.1381991319498.hint=Now that you have your cream, just get near a sink and wash your face! your face!
quests.clearasil.1381991508630.completed=Yay Habbo! What a day, huh? You really do like the Clearasil Summer! Here is your Badge: show it off!
quests.clearasil.1381991508630.desc=Too bad, the day is over, but what a day it was!
quests.clearasil.1381991508630.hint=Get your pixels on the minivan and head toward home.'s time to go! Summer
quests.completed.campaign.title=%category% Quests Completed
quests.completed.caption=Quest Completed
quests.completed.cataloglink.101=Go shopping with Horseshoes
quests.completed.cataloglink.103=Go shopping with Stars
quests.completed.cataloglink.1=Go shopping with Snowflakes
quests.completed.cataloglink.4=Go shopping with Shells
quests.completed.congrats=Congratulations! Next Quest done! Quest Completed
quests.completed.reward.0=You have been rewarded %amount% duckets
quests.completed.reward.101=You have been rewarded %amount% Horseshoes
quests.completed.reward.103=You have been rewarded %amount% Stars
quests.completed.reward.1=You've earned %amount% Snowflake(s)
quests.completed.reward.2=You have been rewarded %amount% Heart
quests.completed.reward.4=You have been rewarded %amount% Shells
quests.daily.BADGE1.completed=Good. Now everyone will know who you are!
quests.daily.BADGE1.desc=Who are you? Wear a badge that shows off your personality.
quests.daily.BADGE1.hint=Click the My Stuff button, under the Badges tab select the badges you want to wear. Your Badge
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE1.completed=Nicely done. Now try to win the game!
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE1.desc=Play a game of Battle Banzai and lock 10 tiles.
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE1.hint=To complete this quest, join a game of Battle Banzai and bounce three times over ten tiles. Of Banzai
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE2.completed=You are the Banzai King!
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE2.desc=Are you a Banzai Believer? Lock in 50 tiles while playing Banzai!
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE2.hint=Play a game of Battle Banzai and lock 50 tiles by bouncing three times on them. Believer
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE3.completed=Well done, you are a true Banzai master.
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE3.desc=Lock an area of at least 50 tiles.
quests.daily.BBLOCKTILE3.hint=Play a game of Battle Banzai and lock an area of 50 tiles - you can do multiple tiles at once by locking a wide section of tiles that are joined. Area
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK1.completed=Yes that look is just about right, gorgeous ;).
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK1.desc=Try on three different outfits and see how they look.
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK1.hint=Click the "Me" button, then click "My clothes", and change and save your looks three times. That Thrill
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK2.completed=Yes! That's the perfect look!
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK2.desc=It's date night but what to wear? Try three different looks.
quests.daily.CHANGELOOK2.hint=Click on your Habbo then on 'Change Looks', and change and save an outfit three times. Night
quests.daily.DANCE.completed=You've been practicing your moves haven't you ;)
quests.daily.DANCE.desc=Strut your stuff on a dance floor.
quests.daily.DANCE.hint=To complete this quest, click on the 'Me'-button, choose 'Dance' and select a dance.'s Dance
quests.daily.EXPLORE.completed=Habbo is full of must-see rooms. Explore some more and broaden your horizons!
quests.daily.EXPLORE.desc=Time for a walkabout. Visit ten rooms you just have to see before you die.
quests.daily.EXPLORE.hint=To complete this quest, you must explore 10 different rooms. Delight
quests.daily.FINDBBQ.completed=Aww, all the chicken wings are gone...
quests.daily.FINDBBQ.desc=Feeling hungry? Well then it's time to find a BBQ!
quests.daily.FINDBBQ.hint=To complete this quest, find the BBQ and double-click on it.!
quests.daily.FINDBEACHBALL.completed=Why not play a game of beach soccer?
quests.daily.FINDBEACHBALL.desc=Find yourself a beach ball and get some exercise on the sand.
quests.daily.FINDBEACHBALL.hint=To complete this quest, find a beachball and double-click on it. A Ball
quests.daily.FINDBEAR.completed=Our bears are as peaceful as they are cuddly.
quests.daily.FINDBEAR.desc=Bears have been spotted in the Hotel, can you find them?
quests.daily.FINDBEAR.hint=Find a bear and click on it. Patrol
quests.daily.FINDBOAT.completed=SHOTGUN! Okay pull the anchor up let's go!
quests.daily.FINDBOAT.desc=We reserved a spot on a boat for you. Go find it!
quests.daily.FINDBOAT.hint=To complete this quest, find a boat and double click on it. Trip!
quests.daily.FINDCARROT.completed=You found a carrot! "What's up, Doc?" ;)
quests.daily.FINDCARROT.desc=Go find a carrot.
quests.daily.FINDCARROT.hint=You can find a carrot in several of the fridges in the Hotel. Double-click a fridge to get an item - you might have to try a few times to get one though. Crusade
quests.daily.FINDCAT.completed=Good job! Your dignity has been restored!
quests.daily.FINDCAT.desc=A cat stole your dignity! Go get her!
quests.daily.FINDCAT.hint=You must click a Cat to complete the quest.'s My Food?
quests.daily.FINDCHICK.completed=Not the kind of chick we had in mind but it will have to do...
quests.daily.FINDCHICK.desc=Have you spotted any hot chicks lately?
quests.daily.FINDCHICK.hint=You must click a Chick to complete the quest. Watching
quests.daily.FINDCROC.completed=There he is... if you move quietly he might leave you alone... might.
quests.daily.FINDCROC.desc=Crocodiles have been spotted in the Hotel, can you find one?
quests.daily.FINDCROC.hint=You must click a Crocodile to complete the quest. Very Still...
quests.daily.FINDCSTL.completed=Epic! Hope a wave doesn't wash it away.
quests.daily.FINDCSTL.desc=I dare you to find the biggest sand castle ever!
quests.daily.FINDCSTL.hint=To complete this quest, find a sand tower and double-click on it. Of The Castle
quests.daily.FINDDJ.completed=Those are some serious skills. Paulie would be proud!
quests.daily.FINDDJ.desc=Are you a better DJ than Pauly D? Find a deck and show your stuff.
quests.daily.FINDDJ.hint=To complete this quest, find the DJ-table and double-click on it. Mr. DJ
quests.daily.FINDDOG.completed=You reunited the dog with its owner, my hero!
quests.daily.FINDDOG.desc=A dog has been reported missing in the Hotel, find it!
quests.daily.FINDDOG.hint=You must click a dog with floppy ears to complete the quest. Dog Needs Help!
quests.daily.FINDDRAGON.completed=Youch... never knew rubbing oil could be dangerous for your health.
quests.daily.FINDDRAGON.desc=The Dragons are in need of some sun lotion. Can you help out?
quests.daily.FINDDRAGON.hint=You must click a Dragon to complete the quest. Spotting
quests.daily.FINDFIN.completed=SHARK! Phew, good save!
quests.daily.FINDFIN.desc=There's rumours about sharks in the sea. Go find them!
quests.daily.FINDFIN.hint=To complete this quest, find a mechanical shark and double-click on it. Where?!
quests.daily.FINDICEBOX.completed=Just the kind of refreshment you needed :)
quests.daily.FINDICEBOX.desc=Anyone in need of drinks? Where's an icebox when you need one?
quests.daily.FINDICEBOX.hint=To complete this quest, find an icebox and double-click on it.'s Happy Hour!
quests.daily.FINDICECREAM.completed=Wasn't that tasty?
quests.daily.FINDICECREAM.desc=Treat yourself to an ice cream!
quests.daily.FINDICECREAM.hint=Find an ice cream maker and stand beside it, then double click on it to get an ice cream. Scream, You Scream
quests.daily.FINDJUNGLE.completed=Ah you've found the jungle, now can you find your way back?
quests.daily.FINDJUNGLE.desc=Time to explore the jungle. but where is it? Can you find it?
quests.daily.FINDJUNGLE.hint=To complete this quest, find some jungle patches and walk over 10 of them. Field Trip
quests.daily.FINDLION.completed=You found the lion and the people are safe. Good job!
quests.daily.FINDLION.desc=A lion has been harassing Habbos all over the Hotel! Please find it before it eats someone.
quests.daily.FINDLION.hint=Find a lion and click it to complete this quest. Go on, you can do it! For Leo
quests.daily.FINDMOVIESCREEN.completed=Great work! Did you enjoy the movie?
quests.daily.FINDMOVIESCREEN.desc=Find a cinema in Habbo and relax by double-clicking on a movie screen.
quests.daily.FINDMOVIESCREEN.hint=Find a movie screen in a guest room and double-click it to complete this quest. Screen Search
quests.daily.FINDMTTRSS.completed=Aaaah, this is the life ;)
quests.daily.FINDMTTRSS.desc=Time for a siesta. Find an air mattress and just relax.
quests.daily.FINDMTTRSS.hint=To complete this quest, find the mattress and double-click on it., Chillax!
quests.daily.FINDORANGE.completed=Full of Vitamin C goodness!
quests.daily.FINDORANGE.desc=Go find yourself an Orange, they're good for your health.
quests.daily.FINDORANGE.hint=Find a fridge that contains an orange and double click to get one. You might have to double-click several times to get an orange. But be careful! Only specific Fridges stock this yummy fruit. Hunter
quests.daily.FINDPARASOL.completed=Alright you made it, now wait for the hotties while you cool down.
quests.daily.FINDPARASOL.desc=The parasol is a good spot to look for dates. Can you find it?
quests.daily.FINDPARASOL.hint=To complete this quest, find the parasol and double-click on it. Spots
quests.daily.FINDPICNICBLANKET.completed=You found the Picnic Blanket! Huzzah!
quests.daily.FINDPICNICBLANKET.desc=Throw caution to the wind and find a Picnic Blanket and click it.
quests.daily.FINDPICNICBLANKET.hint=Find a Picnic Blanket and click it to complete this quest. Picnic Pick
quests.daily.FINDPIG.completed=You found the boar, isn't he adorable?
quests.daily.FINDPIG.desc=A boar has been terrorizing the Hotel guests, find it ASAP!
quests.daily.FINDPIG.hint=Find a boar and click it to complete this quest. A Boar
quests.daily.FINDRAIL.completed=Thanks, looks like an eager Janitor has been over-polishing the rails. Consider him demoted to sewer duty! ;)
quests.daily.FINDRAIL.desc=Has someone been polishing our Skate Rails too much? Find out!
quests.daily.FINDRAIL.hint=Find a Skate Rail and double-click it to complete this quest. The Rails
quests.daily.FINDRAMP.completed=Ah, looks like it wasn't thumb tacks, it was enriched uranium! It's now been removed, and the skaters are safe once more.
quests.daily.FINDRAMP.desc=Someone's been leaving thumb tacks on the Skate Ramps, investigate!
quests.daily.FINDRAMP.hint=Find a Skate Ramp and double-click it to complete this quest. Up
quests.daily.FINDRAREFROG.completed=Found it and with that you finished the last quest! Great job!
quests.daily.FINDRAREFROG.desc=No quest is complete without a Rare Golden Frog... where is it?
quests.daily.FINDRAREFROG.hint=You must click a Rare Golden Frog to complete the quest. Frog Alert
quests.daily.FINDRHINO.completed=You found a Rhino! Woot!
quests.daily.FINDRHINO.desc=A Rhino vigilante has been spotted in the Hotel, go find it!
quests.daily.FINDRHINO.hint=Find a Rhino and click it to complete this quest. Justice!
quests.daily.FINDRUNWAYCHAIR.completed=Doesn't that feel nice?
quests.daily.FINDRUNWAYCHAIR.desc=Find a Runway Chair and sit down to experience the wonder!
quests.daily.FINDRUNWAYCHAIR.hint=Find a Runway Chair and double-click it. Down
quests.daily.FINDSHELL.completed=We tried to think of a Shell related pun here but couldn't. Chiton it.
quests.daily.FINDSHELL.desc=Find a sea shell on the sea shore!
quests.daily.FINDSHELL.hint=Find a sea shell in a room and double-click it. to complete this quest. We?
quests.daily.FINDSHOWER.completed=That's better! Gotta love feeling all clean and fresh.
quests.daily.FINDSHOWER.desc=Freshen up with a nice cool shower.
quests.daily.FINDSHOWER.hint=To complete this quest, find a shower and double-click on it. Body Wash
quests.daily.FINDSPIDER.completed=You conquered your fear! These spiders make great pets.
quests.daily.FINDSPIDER.desc=Time to face your fears and find a spider
quests.daily.FINDSPIDER.hint=Find a spider and click it to complete this quest., Spider
quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.completed=Mysterious! Who does he look like?
quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.desc=They say strange statues are in the jungle. Can you discover them?
quests.daily.FINDSTATUE.hint=To complete this quest, find the statue and double-click on it. Artifacts
quests.daily.FINDTERRIER.completed=Luckily the dog didn't have rabies, he just ate too much soap.
quests.daily.FINDTERRIER.desc=Find a terrier and check him for rabies
quests.daily.FINDTERRIER.hint=Find a terrier and click it to complete this quest
quests.daily.FINDTRAY.completed=Cheers! Drinks with bendy straws FTW! :)
quests.daily.FINDTRAY.desc=Need a refreshing beverage? Find a Party Tray at the Summer Disco!
quests.daily.FINDTRAY.hint=To complete this quest, find the drink tray and double-click on it. Up!
quests.daily.FINDWATERFALL.completed=Aaaah refreshing :)
quests.daily.FINDWATERFALL.desc=Have you drank from the Tiki Waterfall? Go find it!
quests.daily.FINDWATERFALL.hint=To complete this quest, find the waterfall and double-click on it. Spring
quests.daily.FRIEND1.completed=Did they accept? If so you have three new friends!
quests.daily.FRIEND1.desc=There's no lack of friends in the hotel. Send three friend requests!
quests.daily.FRIEND1.hint=Click on three different Habbos, then click 'Send friend request'. It helps if you chat to them first. Buddies
quests.daily.FRIEND2.completed=Hopefully you've made three new friends, although watch out, statistically one of them is a Justin Bieber fan ;)
quests.daily.FRIEND2.desc=Jump into new friendships and send three friend requests!
quests.daily.FRIEND2.hint=Click on three different Habbos, then click 'Send Friend Request'. It helps if you chat to them first. Aboard!
quests.daily.LOVEEFFECT.completed=So did your charm work wonders? We hope so!
quests.daily.LOVEEFFECT.desc=Get yourself the Love Effect and show your romantic side!
quests.daily.LOVEEFFECT.hint=You can get yourself the Love Effect from the Hotel Shop in the Pixel Shop Effects section. You can then turn on the effect by clicking on your Habbo and then on My Effects. The Love
quests.daily.RESPECT1.completed=Rock & Roll!
quests.daily.RESPECT1.desc=Your best friend deserves respect. Go give it to them!
quests.daily.RESPECT1.hint=To complete this quest, click on a Habbo and give him or her Respect by clicking on the Respect-button. 5!
quests.daily.RESPECT2.completed=Did your friends respect you back?
quests.daily.RESPECT2.desc=Give Respect to your friends, and they'll respect you back... hopefully.
quests.daily.RESPECT2.hint=To complete this quest, click on a Habbo and give him or her Respect by clicking on the Respect-button. Your Friends!
quests.daily.SAYPICKUPLINES.completed=Did you score a hot date?
quests.daily.SAYPICKUPLINES.desc=Spotted a hottie? Don't hesitate to say at least five pick-up lines!
quests.daily.SAYPICKUPLINES.hint=To complete this quest, say five sentences to someone else. Dating
quests.daily.SCOREBALL.completed=He shoots, he scores! AGAIN!
quests.daily.SCOREBALL.desc=How good are you at beach soccer? Score a goal!
quests.daily.SCOREBALL.hint=To complete this quest, find and shoot a ball in to a goal. Hero
quests.daily.SCRATCH1.completed=That was mightily brave of you :)
quests.daily.SCRATCH1.desc=Scratch the most dangerous pet of Habbo Hotel.
quests.daily.SCRATCH1.hint=To complete this quest, click on a Pet and select 'Scratch'. A Scratch
quests.daily.SKATING1.completed=Great moves :D.
quests.daily.SKATING1.desc=Can you dance and skate over 20 patches?
quests.daily.SKATING1.hint=To complete this quest, find a room with Skate-tiles and skate over 20 roller patches. On!
quests.daily.SKATING2.completed=You've got some real skill there. A real roller derby dervish!
quests.daily.SKATING2.desc=The boulevard is great for rollerskating. Skate over 40 tiles.
quests.daily.SKATING2.hint=To complete this quest, find a room with Skate-tiles and skate over 40 tiles. Skating
quests.daily.SKATINGEFFECT.completed=Wow! Tony Hawk must be jealous.
quests.daily.SKATINGEFFECT.desc=Impress your friends by skateboarding and showing off your exceptional balancing skills.
quests.daily.SKATINGEFFECT.hint=You can get yourself the Skate Effect from the Hotel Shop. You can then turn on the effect by clicking on your Habbo and then on My Effects. Skater
quests.daily.SWIM1.completed=Pretty good swimming skills my friend!
quests.daily.SWIM1.desc=How far can you swim? Try swimming some laps!
quests.daily.SWIM1.hint=To complete this quest, find some water and swim through ten water patches. For A Swim
quests.daily.SWIM2.completed=Found it! And someone's shoe as well. Anyone?
quests.daily.SWIM2.desc=Someone lost their pants in the water. Swim around and find them!
quests.daily.SWIM2.hint=To complete this quest, find some water swim through 20 water patches. & Found
quests.daily.SWIM3.completed=This is a great diving spot! Hold your breath and dive!
quests.daily.SWIM3.desc=It takes long to find a good diving spot. Swim around and find it.
quests.daily.SWIM3.hint=To complete this quest, find some deep water and swim through 30 water patches. Water
quests.daily.SWIM4.completed=Awesome job! Now can you also swim back? Just kidding ;).
quests.daily.SWIM4.desc=The ultimate challenge. Can you swim through 50 Deep Water Patches?
quests.daily.SWIM4.hint=To complete this quest, find some deep water and swim through 50 patches. Keep Afloat!
quests.daily.WALKONSIDEWALK.completed=You can really walk!
quests.daily.WALKONSIDEWALK.desc=Strut your way down the Sidewalk.
quests.daily.WALKONSIDEWALK.hint=Walk across 30 Sidewalk tiles. This Way
quests.daily.WINBB.completed=WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!
quests.daily.WINBB.desc=Victory is in the air! Play a game of Banzai and be the winner!
quests.daily.WINBB.hint=Play a game of Battle Banzai and win with your team. of the Banzai
quests.daily.delayedmsg=Your next quest will be available in %time% Shells!
quests.easter14_1.1394555073733.chaincaption=Anybody there?
quests.easter14_1.1394555073733.chaininfo=Are we alone on this island?
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.completed=Congratulations. You found evidence of a tribe on this island. The leader of the group is glad to welcome your family of Habbos to Easter Island Please accept this charm as a symbol of friendship.
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.desc=Are we alone on this island?
quests.easter14_1.1394557595419.hint=Thrown on a deserted island, your mission for today is finding whether there are inhabitants on this piece of earth. You will have to find the right trace of them; for example the kind of food they might eat.
1.- Never follow your instinct 2.- Follow this guide strictly 3.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is an Industrial Block from the Builders' Club) 4.- Find the kind of food that comes in a box that a human would eat no matter if it is cold or hot. there? there?
quests.easter14_2.1395056402264.chaincaption=Ritual of Initiation
quests.easter14_2.1395056402264.chaininfo=The tribe invites you to a touching experience.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.completed=Congratulations. The cosmos received your message. Please accept this strange mineral fallen from the space as a symbol of concord.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.desc=The tribe invites you to a touching experience.
quests.easter14_2.1395056584558.hint=The inhabitants of Easter Island think that people are linked to the cosmos in a very spiritual way. You are invited to one of the most important rituals of the tribe: send a message to the stars. Refusing this invitation is considered a serious lack of respect.
Some tips to participate: 1.- Listen to the group. 2.- Follow this guide strictly. 3.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is an Industrial Block from Builders Club). 4.- Sit down in circles. 5.- Write a message to the stars in your motto. of Initiation of Initiation
quests.easter14_3.1395137952724.chaincaption=Forces of Nature
quests.easter14_3.1395137952724.chaininfo=The storm made the earth shake.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.completed=Nature seems to be in equilibrium. The harm has been healed. You now have a Sunflower tattooed on your Habbo forever. Check out your Badges inventory.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.desc=The storm made the earth shake.
quests.easter14_3.1395138413919.hint=There was an earthquake last night. Also, it started to rain in the southern region of the island, which could ruin this year's harvests. The leader of the tribe thinks that the message we sent yesterday to the cosmos was wrong. Are you sure that what you put in your motto was nice? :-/
There is one way to amend the offense through another ancestral ceremony: Fry an Egg with a Sunflower. Please do the following:
1.- Don't ask questions 2.- Follow this guide strictly 3.- Hold a Sunflower 4.- Encircle an Egg Lamp item with the help of 2 friends and their Sunflowers 5.- This will fry the Egg and its energy will calm down the forces of nature of Nature of Nature
quests.easter14_4.1395240338227.chaincaption=Portent of luck
quests.easter14_4.1395240338227.chaininfo=The plumage of Rubber Ducks is changing.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.completed=The Rubber Ducks are ready now to lay the first Easter Eggs of the season. Use this Badge as a compass to find them. Only the braves of the tribe will climb the highest mountains and get the most precious Easter Eggs.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.desc=The plumage of Rubber Ducks is changing.
quests.easter14_4.1395241011549.hint=When spring comes, the plumage of Rubber Ducks change. That's a sign of good fortune, because it announces the arrival of the first eggs of the warm season on Easter Island The weather is nicer and life arises from everywhere. The inhabitants celebrate this making altars by stacking an Industrial Block from Builders' Club, a Pink Neon Crate and a Rubber Duck. They think this will help Ducks laying eggs. To participate in this ancestral tradition, just:
1.- Enter the Easter Island Public Room (or any room where there is such a kind of altar), in the good company of a friend, your couple, or a relative. 2.- Wave both to the Rubber Duck of luck of good luck
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.completed=Congratulations, now you are ready to meet the inhabitants of the Easter Island
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.desc=Climb the highest mountain and get the egg.
quests.easter14_5.1395249410408.hint=The bravest inhabitants of Easter Island compete to get the first Egg of the season. Enter the Easter Island Public Room and climb to where the highest Egg is placed. As easy as clicking on it! Egg of Easter Egg of Easter
quests.expired.body=Oh no! The quest has expired!
quests.expired.title=Too Late!
quests.explore.FINDBBGATE.completed=Now play a Game of Battle Banzai - and win!
quests.explore.FINDBBGATE.desc=Find a Battle Banzai room. Walk through a blue gate to start playing!
quests.explore.FINDBBGATE.hint=To complete this quest, double-click the blue gate. A Battle!
quests.explore.FINDBBTELEPORT.completed=Wasn't that totally random? In Habbo you never know where you might end up!
quests.explore.FINDBBTELEPORT.desc=Find a 'Random Teleporter'.
quests.explore.FINDBBTELEPORT.hint=If you're not already in one, find a Battle Banzai game room and look for this item! Double-click it to complete this quest. Random!
quests.explore.FINDBBTILE.completed=Once the game has started, lock a tile and earn points by bouncing over it 3 times!
quests.explore.FINDBBTILE.desc=Find a Battle Banzai game room and head for the game tiles.
quests.explore.FINDBBTILE.hint=Double-Click the tile to complete this quest. Battle Banzai!
quests.explore.FINDBEETLE.completed=Thank you! Enjoy the ride...
quests.explore.FINDBEETLE.desc=Find the Hotel Staffer's yellow van.
quests.explore.FINDBEETLE.hint=Hotel Staff forgot where they parked their Yellow Van, except it's on the beach somewhere... Find it, double-click it, and complete the quest! The Van
quests.explore.FINDDISCOBALL.completed=Now let your hair down for a bit and dance your heart out.
quests.explore.FINDDISCOBALL.desc=Dance in the glow of a Disco Ball!
quests.explore.FINDDISCOBALL.hint=Habbo's got plenty of Party Rooms, look around for a spinning Disco Ball! Double-click it to finish this quest. A Disco Ball!
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEEXITTILE.completed=Hopefully you checked out the Freeze game.
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEEXITTILE.desc=Play a game of Freeze and find an exit tile.
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEEXITTILE.hint=If you lose all your lives in a game of FREEZE, you get beamed to the Exit Tile. To finish this quest, double-click the tile. The Freeze Exit
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEGATE.completed=Play a game or two of Freeze and soon you'll be blasting your mates with skill!
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEGATE.desc=Find a Red Freeze Gate!
quests.explore.FINDFREEZEGATE.hint=Click the 'Rooms' button and have a look around for FREEZE games! Double-click a Red Freeze Gate to complete this quest. The Freeze
quests.explore.FINDFREEZESCOREBOARD.completed=In the Freeze game you need to Bomb the others with ice blasts. Hold on tight!
quests.explore.FINDFREEZESCOREBOARD.desc=Each team in Freeze has its own score board.
quests.explore.FINDFREEZESCOREBOARD.hint=If you're not already in one, find a FREEZE game room and look for a Red Freeze Scoreboard. Double-click it to finish this quest. The Freeze
quests.explore.FINDJUKEBOX.completed=You can get your very own Jukebox and tunes from the Shop.
quests.explore.FINDJUKEBOX.desc=Find a Hotel room with a jukebox.
quests.explore.FINDJUKEBOX.hint=Look around for a music playing Jukebox, like the one in the image! Double-click it ito finish this quest. The Music
quests.explore.FINDLIFEGUARDTOWER.completed=Now take a break and go swimming! Remember to change your clothes first.
quests.explore.FINDLIFEGUARDTOWER.desc=We are looking for a new Lifeguard for one of our Hotel beaches.
quests.explore.FINDLIFEGUARDTOWER.hint=Click the 'Rooms' button and look for a Beach in the 'Quest Floor'. Enter it and find the Red Lifeguard Tower! Double click it to finish the quest. A Minute?
quests.explore.FINDNEONFLOOR.completed=Go wild on the dance floor and show off your moves ;)
quests.explore.FINDNEONFLOOR.desc=Dance nonstop in the Hotel Disco!
quests.explore.FINDNEONFLOOR.hint=We heard rumors of a wicked dance floor in the Bubble Bar! Double-click the Neon dance floor to finish this quest. Daemon
quests.explore.FINDSURFBOARD.completed=Surf's up! You can chill out on the surf board as long as you'd like.
quests.explore.FINDSURFBOARD.desc=Find a green surf board somewhere. A beach perhaps...?
quests.explore.FINDSURFBOARD.hint=You found the surf board, now double-click it!! Summer
quests.explore.FINDTAGPOLE.completed=Make sure to be "It" and get some cool achievement badges, too.
quests.explore.FINDTAGPOLE.desc=Tag, you're it! Find a room with this pole in it, and play tag.
quests.explore.FINDTAGPOLE.hint=Look for it in Ice Skating rinks or Roller rinks! Double-click the Tag Pole to finish this quest.
quests.explore.ICESKATE.completed=If you keep on ice skating you can earn achievement badges!
quests.explore.ICESKATE.desc=Find an Ice rink and step on the ice to get your skates on.
quests.explore.ICESKATE.hint=Click the 'Rooms' button and have a look around for Ice Skating Rinks! I'd start looking in the 'GAME ROOMS'... Ice Baby
quests.explore.ROLLERSKATE.completed=Spend some time roller skating and earn yourself an Achievement badge!
quests.explore.ROLLERSKATE.desc=Find one of Habbo's awesome Roller Rinks.
quests.explore.ROLLERSKATE.hint=Click the 'Rooms' button and have a look around for Roller Rinks. Step on the wooden floor to get your rollerblades on, and to complete this quest! Derby!
quests.explore.SWIM.completed=You can find some great beaches around the Hotel, feel free to explore some more.
quests.explore.SWIM.desc=Take a swim!
quests.explore.SWIM.hint=If you're not already in a Beach room, find one and head for the water! See if you can swim around in it :) for a second Habbo
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEBOX.completed=When you break these Ice Blocks with bombs during the game they might drop a power-up!
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEBOX.desc=Find a Freeze Ice Block in a Freeze game room.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEBOX.hint=Double-click a Freeze Ice Block to complete this quest. a Freeze Block
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZECLOCK.completed=The remaining game time is shown on the game clock.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZECLOCK.desc=Find and double-click a Freeze Counter to complete this quest.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZECLOCK.hint=Double-click a Freeze Counter to complete this quest. Time
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEEXIT.completed=If there's an Exit Tile in the room it means that the last team left wins!
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEEXIT.desc=Double-click a Freeze Exit Tile.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZEEXIT.hint=Find a Freeze game room with a Freeze Exit Tile. Double-click the tile to complete this quest. Cool Exit
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZESCORE.completed=Your team's current score is shown on these scoreboards. The team with highest score wins!
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZESCORE.desc=Double-click a Freeze Scoreboard.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZESCORE.hint=Double-click any color Freeze Scoreboard to complete this quest. Scoreboarding
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZETILE.completed=A Freeze game arena consists of these tiles. You can't play Freeze without them!
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZETILE.desc=Double-click a Freeze Tile to complete this quest.
quests.freeze.FINDFREEZETILE.hint=Double-click a Freeze Tile to complete this quest. You can find them in the Freeze game rooms. Search
quests.freeze.FREEZEBIGGERBOMB.completed=Collecting bigger bomb power-ups gives you a larger blast radius!
quests.freeze.FREEZEBIGGERBOMB.desc=Collect a Bigger Bomb Power-up to complete this quest.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBIGGERBOMB.hint=Collect a Bigger Bomb Power-up to complete this quest. You can collect this power-up while playing the game. The Ice
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB1.completed=Yeah! You froze them good...
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB1.desc=Freeze a player from an opposing team.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB1.hint=Hit a player from other team with a bomb to complete this quest. Blaster I
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB2.completed=You're getting better!
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB2.desc=Freeze 3 players from opposing teams.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB2.hint=Freeze 3 players from opposing teams to complete this quest. Blaster II
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB3.completed=You can be my team mate any time!
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB3.desc=Freeze 7 players.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB3.hint=Freeze 7 players from opposing teams to complete this quest. Blaster III
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB4.completed=Whoa, you must have ice water in your veins.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB4.desc=Freeze 10 players!
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB4.hint=Freeze 10 players from the opposing team to complete this quest. Blaster IV
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB5.completed=You're oh so cool!
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB5.desc=Freeze 13 players.
quests.freeze.FREEZEBOMB5.hint=Freeze 13 players from opposing teams to complete this quest. Blaster V
quests.freeze.FREEZEEXTRALIFE.completed=When you collect an extra life you will get one more chance at Freeze success (unless capped).
quests.freeze.FREEZEEXTRALIFE.desc=Get an extra Life Power-Up in Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEEXTRALIFE.hint=Collect an extra life power-up to complete this quest. Extra life power-ups are only present in rooms that have Exit Tiles in them. Forever!
quests.freeze.FREEZEJOIN.completed=Now you know how to start playing Freeze!
quests.freeze.FREEZEJOIN.desc=Join a Freeze game.
quests.freeze.FREEZEJOIN.hint=Freeze games are hosted by Habbos in their own rooms. Use the 'Rooms' icon and then click 'Games' to find one. Simply join a game by walking through one of the colored gates. You can't go through if a game is in progress. In!
quests.freeze.FREEZEMEGABOMB.completed=When you collect the Mega Snowball Power-up, the next snowball you throw will be huge!
quests.freeze.FREEZEMEGABOMB.desc=Collect a Mega Snowball Power-up while playing Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEMEGABOMB.hint=Collect a Mega Snowball Power-up to complete this quest. Freeze
quests.freeze.FREEZEMOREBOMBS.completed=When you collect more Freeze Blaster Power-ups you can throw more than one Freeze blast at the same time, making it easier to trap your opponents!
quests.freeze.FREEZEMOREBOMBS.desc=Collect more Freeze Blaster Power-ups.
quests.freeze.FREEZEMOREBOMBS.hint=Collect more Freeze Blaster Power-ups to complete this quest. Icing On The Cake
quests.freeze.FREEZEPLAY.completed=How did you do?
quests.freeze.FREEZEPLAY.desc=Play a game of Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPLAY.hint=Play a game of Freeze to complete this quest. There must be some opponents present too. The Game
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP1.completed=There are many different types of power-ups that allow you to do cool things in the game.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP1.desc=Now try to break Ice Blocks with bombs and collect a power-up when one appears.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP1.hint=When you break Ice Blocks with bombs they may drop power-ups. Collect any power-up to complete this quest. I
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP2.completed=Power-ups can radically change the balance of play, and are often the difference between victory and defeat!
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP2.desc=Collect 10 Freeze power-ups.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP2.hint=Collect ten power-ups to complete this quest. II
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP3.completed=You really know how to keep your cool!
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP3.desc=Collect 20 Freeze power-ups.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP3.hint=Collect 20 Freeze power-ups to complete this quest. III
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP4.completed=We're almost out of ice/Freeze related puns here...!
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP4.desc=Collect 30 Freeze power-ups.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP4.hint=Collect 30 Freeze power-ups to complete this quest. IV
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP5.completed=You have completed Freeze Power-up V!
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP5.desc=Collect 40 Freeze power-ups.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP5.hint=Collect 40 power-ups to complete this quest. V
quests.freeze.FREEZEPROTECTION.completed=When you collect a Shield you will be protected from snowballs for a little while. Phew!
quests.freeze.FREEZEPROTECTION.desc=Collect a Shield Power-up to complete this quest.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPROTECTION.hint=Collect a Shield Power-up to complete this quest. Shield
quests.freeze.FREEZETHROWBOMB.completed=Now you know how to throw a snowball!
quests.freeze.FREEZETHROWBOMB.desc=Start playing Freeze by throwing a snowball!
quests.freeze.FREEZETHROWBOMB.hint=Throw a snowball into the air by double-clicking a Freeze tile under or next to you. Remember to run away before the snowball lands! You can only throw a snowball if a game is in progress. Snow!
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN1.completed=Congratulations, you have completed the Freeze Winner I quest!
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN1.desc=Win a game of Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN1.hint=Win a game of Freeze to complete this quest. Opponents required. Winner I
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN2.completed=Congratulations, you have completed the Freeze Winner II quest!
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN2.desc=Win two games of Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN2.hint=Win two games of Freeze to complete this quest. Winner II
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN3.completed=Congratulations, you have completed the Freeze Winner III quest!
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN3.desc=Win three Freeze games.
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN3.hint=Win three Freeze games to complete this quest. Winner III
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN4.completed=Congratulations, you have completed the Freeze Winner IV quest!
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN4.desc=Win 4 Freeze games.
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN4.hint=Win four Freeze games to complete this quest. Winner IV
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN5.completed=You are now a Freeze Overlord
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN5.desc=Win 10 games of Freeze.
quests.freeze.FREEZEWIN5.hint=Win 10 games of Freeze to complete this quest. Winner V
quests.freeze.FREEZEXBOMB.completed=When you collect X-Blasts, your next snowball will explode diagonally!
quests.freeze.FREEZEXBOMB.desc=Collect the X-Blast Power-up.
quests.freeze.FREEZEXBOMB.hint=Collect the X-Blast Power-up to complete this quest. The X-Blast will make your snowballs explode diagonally.
quests.globe.ancienttemple.completed=Congratulations! You've found one of the temples dedicated to the Great King Quackatoa J. Quackamon. Glorious! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.ancienttemple.desc=Find a temple of the Ancients.
quests.globe.ancienttemple.hint=Find a room containing all the Furni shown on the left. Temple Of...
quests.globe.animalgy.completed=Now Wallace can rest in peace, in the ground... Good job, now wipe away those tears, you've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.animalgy.desc=Find the rhino's graveyard to put Wallace to rest.
quests.globe.animalgy.hint=Time to give Wallace a proper funeral. So break out the grenade launchers, sparklers and that REO Speedwagon Greatest Hit single and try to find the perfect resting place for the dead rhino you knew as Wallace, but the world knew as Sandra. For A Rhino
quests.globe.animalpeace.completed=That was incredibly moving. Oh, Wallace, wherever you are, I hope there's a cinema and The Dark Knight Rises is playing. You've earned 3 Stars, you I mean, not Wallace, he's dead.
quests.globe.animalpeace.desc=Appease the animal ancestors by worship.
quests.globe.animalpeace.hint=Now that you've reached the graveyard and buried Wallace, it's time to appease the animal ancestors by worshipping them, to give them peace. Show the love sign standing next to the bones. Worship
quests.globe.botanist.completed=Weird aye? You best move away from these botanical behemoths lest they get peckish and decide to snack... on your bones! You've earned 3 Stars by the way. Well done.
quests.globe.botanist.desc=Find a mushroom or volcano and doubleclick it.
quests.globe.botanist.hint=Did you notice all the exotic plants in the jungle? Of course you did. Why wouldn't you? To complete this quest doubleclick on a mushroom, a Bauhibia Orchid Tree or a volcano to watch them grow. Bumfluff
quests.globe.cauldron.completed=Nice one. You've earned 3 Stars.
quests.globe.cauldron.desc=Find a pink cauldron to perform an anti-spider ritual.
quests.globe.cauldron.hint=Find a pink cauldron and take three love potions to immunize yourself and become a spider slayer. Spiders are scared of love, you know. You Voodoo?
quests.globe.climb.completed=You're safe, for now. But beware, spiders are smart creatures, why right now I hear they're building some kind of silk catapult.... You've earned 3 Stars...
quests.globe.climb.desc=Climb trees to escape the spiders.
quests.globe.climb.hint=The spiders are after you, angry because you trampled on their cobwebs and destroyed their Billy Joel museum! To escape you need to climb the trees! Away!
quests.globe.desartifact.completed=You found him! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.desartifact.desc=Find and hail a statue of the great king.
quests.globe.desartifact.hint=Find a statue of the great King Quackatoa J. Quackamon andstand beside it waving. But don't mock the Kings name, it's not his fault, his parents though the name was "kewl". A Pharaoh
quests.globe.desert.chaincaption=Out Of Egypt
quests.globe.desert.chaininfo=Led by their King, the Ancients left Egypt and journeyed the desert to find a new home and bring light once more to the Habbo community.
quests.globe.expldeserts.completed=No trace of the Ancients here. But nice job looking anyway. You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.expldeserts.desc=Explore 3 different desert rooms in search of the Ancients.
quests.globe.expldeserts.hint=The legend says the Ancients spent time in the desert after leaving Egypt. Explore the desert to see if you can find a trace! Deserts
quests.globe.expljungle.completed=No sign of the Ancients here! But don't feel disheartened, you've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.expljungle.desc=Explore the jungle and visit at least 3 rooms.
quests.globe.expljungle.hint=Welcome to the jungle where the Ancients ended their journey. They were tired, and carrying dish-washers is hard work. Explore the jungle by visiting at least three rooms containing at least 5 swamp, grass or jungle patches. In The Jungle
quests.globe.explsavannah.completed=Nice place huh? You've earned 3 Stars and an answer to the question "What do you call a vampire duck?" The answer of course, is Quackula. Ha ha.
quests.globe.explsavannah.desc=Explore the Savannah and visit at least 3 rooms.
quests.globe.explsavannah.hint=Welcome to the Savannah, where the Ancients stayed for a while after they left Egypt. (It was the Savannah or a Holiday Inn...) To complete this quest visit 3 rooms made by your fellow Habbos containing at least 5 African patches. Savannah Awaits
quests.globe.findbones.completed=Oh dear. It looks like poor Wallace was the victim of poachers. Such a sad day, take these 3 Stars and remember Wallace, he was such a noble, fine beast, and could do a great Katy Perry impersonation.
quests.globe.findbones.desc=Find the bones of an old rhino.
quests.globe.findbones.hint=Good old Wallace, rhino in charge of the Department Of Social Affairs and Citizenship has gone missing, can you find him, or what's left of him, and double-click his bones...'s Wallace?
quests.globe.findcats.completed=Yay! The dark and the dead are retreating, falling back into their endless slumber, and you've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.findcats.desc=Find 5 different colored cats.
quests.globe.findcats.hint=The ancient mummies are lurking in the shadows, horrific creatures neither living or dead. The only thing that will ward off the danger are the most sacred of all pets- the cat! Find five different colored pet cats. Protection
quests.globe.findcrocs.completed=You survived your croco-hunt. You've earned... 3 Stars! Good going.
quests.globe.findcrocs.desc=Find five crocodiles of different colours.
quests.globe.findcrocs.hint=There's so many crocodiles wandering around, try and find five crocs of different colours. Rainbow
quests.globe.findfire.completed=You might have started this fire, But metaphorically, it was always burning since the world's been turning! Here's 3 Stars. Burn, baby burn.
quests.globe.findfire.desc=Gather around the bonfire and light it up!
quests.globe.findfire.hint=Best to set up a fire for the night. Keeping a fire going over night will keep your entourage safe from wild animals, also you can sit around it and tell scary stories, like the time your grandfather tried to rap like Ghostface Killah. Remember to turn the fire on several times. A Fire
quests.globe.findlions.completed=Jules Rimet still gleaming... Next time, bring a cake, or a gazelle, or a copy of the 1984 Oscar winner, Amadeus. Lions love Mozart. You have earned 3 Stars.
quests.globe.findlions.desc=Find exotic Lions of 3 different colors!
quests.globe.findlions.hint=Time to meet the neighbours, pet three different kinds of lions, and don't electrocute them. They hate that, they really do. Lions
quests.globe.findrhinos.completed=You make friends very easy. Just don't lend them money, rhino's never pay their debts, as King Quackamon once learned to his dismay. Here's 3 Stars!
quests.globe.findrhinos.desc=Find exotic Rhinos of 3 different colors!
quests.globe.findrhinos.hint=Rhino's need love too! Pet three different kind of rhinos. Rhinos
quests.globe.findtea.completed=Nice! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.findtea.desc=Find an Arabian Tea Maker
quests.globe.findtea.hint=Not everyone likes water. Find an Arabian Teamaker and stand next to it. a Tea Maker
quests.globe.flyingeffect.completed=You did it! Now you can fly out of the dense jungle up, up into the sky and grasp 3 Stars!
quests.globe.flyingeffect.desc=Use the totem man effect to unlock your true potential!
quests.globe.flyingeffect.hint=Magic only happens if you really believe it. Really, really believe it, use the totem man effect and BELIEVE!'t Stop Beleiving
quests.globe.frogs.completed=Sadly, frogs don't kiss on a first date, and they are so boring, you don't want to go on another date with them! They just talk about their sciatica all the time, and why Jack O'Neil is better than John Shepherd. To comfort you, here's 3 Stars!
quests.globe.frogs.desc=Find three different frogbreeds.
quests.globe.frogs.hint=The jungle holds many rare animals, among those, many frogs. Frogs are said to have magic powers and are great dancers. Kissing these frogs might protect you from the sinister spiders. Find 3 breeds of frogs? It should be easy! Finder
quests.globe.givewater.completed=You quenched the thirst of your fellow Habbos! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.givewater.desc=Save your thirsty fellow Habbos...
quests.globe.givewater.hint=Pass around some water to your thirsty friends lost in the desert. the thirsty
quests.globe.handtea.completed=Cheers! Everyone loves a bit a tea, don't overdo it though! You've just earned 3 Stars. Nice.
quests.globe.handtea.desc=Everyone loves tea, hand some out to your fellow Habbos
quests.globe.handtea.hint=To complete this quest, get tea from the Arabian Tea Maker and hand it out to at least three thirsty Habbos!, Tea!
quests.globe.jungartifact.completed=You did it! You have found the last artifact! This Frank statue was known to protect the Ancients and was known as the Gate Keeper. Set your badges in the correct order and complete the map to unlock the Gates Of Destiny!
quests.globe.jungartifact.desc=Find the Frank artifact!
quests.globe.jungartifact.hint=Hey, is that Frank? What's he doing here? Visit three rooms containing Frank to complete this quest. Frank
quests.globe.jungle.chaincaption=Jungle quests
quests.globe.jungle.chaininfo=Quests for campaign part 3/3
quests.globe.lighttorches.completed=Poachers, like many living creatures, do not like naked flames too much.
quests.globe.lighttorches.desc=Light the beacons around the village...
quests.globe.lighttorches.hint=Better keep poachers as far away from the wildlife as possible! Find a wildlife reserve with at least 3 African stick fences and light (double click) the torches to keep the poachers at bay. The Beacons
quests.globe.merdragon.completed=Finally, the rain has come! The animals thank you, the trees thank you, heck, even the ghost of Kaiser Frederick III thanks you! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.merdragon.desc=Show your powers and bring the rain!
quests.globe.merdragon.hint=With four other Habbos, use the rain effect in a room. The Rain
quests.globe.monkeys.completed=You found some lost monkeys, now you can make Tarzan proud and swing freely. Just be sure to wear a safety helmet, it's a long way down. You have earned, let's see... 3 Stars! Nice!
quests.globe.monkeys.desc=Find 5 different colored monkeys.
quests.globe.monkeys.hint=You need to find a way to swing from tree to tree, like monkeys do. See if you can find some monkeys and learn from them. Magic
quests.globe.mummymask.completed=Is escape even possible? You've earned 3 Stars, we hope you'll be able to use them...
quests.globe.mummymask.desc=Enter a room with 5 Habbos dressed as mummies.
quests.globe.mummymask.hint=If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Find a room containing Habbos dressed in the mummy pixel effect. Mummies Curse Ancients
quests.globe.oasis.completed=You found your oasis, and it's not a mirage! Listen up, you've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.oasis.desc=Feeling hot? Find an oasis to cool down!
quests.globe.oasis.hint=Find and spend some time relaxing in an oasis room containing plenty of sand and water patches. Supernova
quests.globe.outfit.completed=You look like a young Henry Jones. Fun fact: Justin Bieber is not related to Quackatoa J. Quackamon. You heard it here first. You also earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.outfit.desc=Wear a safari hat to protect yourself from the sun.
quests.globe.outfit.hint=It sure is hot out here in the savannah. Stay safe and wear the safari hat. Styles
quests.globe.petcrocs.completed=Your bravery is the stuff of legend! The Ancients would be proud! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.petcrocs.desc=Do you dare to scratch a crocodile?
quests.globe.petcrocs.hint=These crocs are beautiful, but theirs is a fierce beauty! Show them love and respect to soothe their savage nature. The Croc!
quests.globe.pharaoh.completed=Ah you survived! And people say the Pharaoh's Teleport is as cursed, haunted and smelly as our grandmothers basement! For your bravery, you've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.pharaoh.desc=Find and use Pharaoh's Royal Teleporter
quests.globe.pharaoh.hint=Explore the deep, dark depths of Habbo with the Pharaoh Teleporter, who knows where you'll end up...'s Teleport
quests.globe.poachers.completed=You protected the wildlife and have earned 3 Stars, Was it worth it, was it? I hope so, because those poachers have no other means to make money in this harsh economic climate. Many of them can't read, or write sadly.
quests.globe.poachers.desc=The poachers are back, try and find them!
quests.globe.poachers.hint=The poachers have returned, they have so little to do since Desperate Housewives ended. Find and stand next to ten poachers to give away their location. You can spot a poacher by the knife in their back or their lack of a head. Panic
quests.globe.raindance.completed=I hear the sound of thunder. It sounds like a professional wrestler trying to open a jam jar. You've earned 3 Stars.
quests.globe.raindance.desc=Dance with your fellow Habbos to summon the rain.
quests.globe.raindance.hint=The animals are thirsty! Perform a rain dance with at least four other Habbos. Dancing
quests.globe.ritual.completed=You are a true friend.
quests.globe.ritual.desc=Pass the ritual potions to your friends to scare off the
quests.globe.ritual.hint=Hand out 5 love potions to your friends to keep them safe. The Potion
quests.globe.savannah.chaincaption=Savannah quests
quests.globe.savannah.chaininfo=Quests for campaign part 2/3
quests.globe.savartifact.completed=You found it! The hand was sculpted by the Ancients and is said to ward off predators and poachers (at least that's what the instruction manual says). You've earned 3 Stars.
quests.globe.savartifact.desc=Find the second artifact, the left hand of Quackamon.
quests.globe.savartifact.hint=Track down and double-click the Hand of the Ancients in three different rooms. Yes, the Ancients had hands, just because Quackatoa J. Quackamon was duck-like in appearance, it doesn't mean the Ancients were ducks. Habbos are not descended from ducks The Artifact
quests.globe.sceptre.completed=Flame on! You've just earned 3 Stars, try not to burn through them ;)
quests.globe.sceptre.desc=It's getting dark, and light is needed, light up the night!
quests.globe.sceptre.hint=What's this strange sound? It sounds like croaking, which can only mean frogs or trainspotters. Use the cosmic rod to light up the night and illuminate your surrounding. On!
quests.globe.spiders.completed=Yay! Spiders aren't afraid of fire! You've earned 3 Stars. Did you know, some species of Spider are social and build huge nests together comprising of several thousand spiders. Here's 3 Stars, try not to have any nightmares :D
quests.globe.spiders.desc=Are spiders afraid of fire?
quests.globe.spiders.hint=The fire is supposed to scare away animals but does it scare spiders?Find pet spider, room furni matches s12_bonfire
quests.globe.temple.completed=You found the Lost City of the Ancients! I wonder how they lost it? perhaps they just misplaced it, it happens. I lost my sanity a few weeks ago, turned out it was in my sock draw. Go figure. Here's 3 Stars.
quests.globe.temple.desc=Find a lost temple and dare to touch the statue.
quests.globe.temple.hint=It looks like there's some ancient ruins not far off- perhaps they're Ancient ruins. Find and enter a room with all the Furni shown on the left and double click the Statue. Lost City
quests.globe.termites.completed=The good news is that you've managed to close three termite nests. The bad news is that now you have ruined the termites livelihood, they'll probably have to become dentists or something now to survive. Kind of sucks, since they were here first and all that. Ho hum, that's progress for you, here's 3 Stars.
quests.globe.termites.desc=Termites can be nasty little creatures...
quests.globe.termites.hint=...when they get hungry for wood. Study their living environments, the bug hills and double click on three nests to close them up, and see if you can cut down on their numbers a little. If they are close to your village, you don't want them to eat your fences and housing do you? They also eat most kinds of pie, mostly. Terror
quests.globe.torcheffect.completed=With a torch to light your way, there's only a 93% of getting lost! You've earned 3 Stars!
quests.globe.torcheffect.desc=Grab a torch and start exploring what lies hidden by time.
quests.globe.torcheffect.hint=The torch will help you make your way through even the darkest catacombs and tombs, straight into darkness. The Way
quests.gotocampaignroom=Go to campaign room!
quests.habbo_palooza.1372407630173.chaincaption=Royal Tea Lady
quests.habbo_palooza.1372407630173.chaininfo=One of the most eccentric bands ever seen in Habbo. Their 'A night at the Theatre' made history!
quests.habbo_palooza.1372409111946.completed=Good one, Habbo, no one can stop you now! Did you guess the singer too? It's Katy Perry! It's now your time to feel what it is like to play on a real stage! Dress up like Katy Perry, enter the Habbo Palooza Main Stage and take a screenshot while singing. Send your photo to with the name of your Habbo. Don't forget to put 'Katy Perry' in the subject! You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza.1372409111946.desc=The Royal Tea Lady inspired a real life album of 1975
quests.habbo_palooza.1372409111946.hint=They are one of the most famous British band of all time and they have a really charismatic singer. Another little help, alright: this band inspired an American singer who likes Fridays and fireworks. Go to the Main Stage room and say the name of the album published by this British band, in 1975! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Tea Lady Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_10.1372685780121.chaincaption=The Walking Clones
quests.habbo_palooza_10.1372685780121.chaininfo=They are the symbol of the ribellious Habbos! And also a symbol for a very known real life band!
quests.habbo_palooza_10.1372686442735.completed=Aha! We knew you would have found it! Every band needs their official logo, in the world as in Habbo Hotel! Walking Clones' logo is really outdated: get crazy with the pixels and design their new logo yourself! Put on the latest Maroon 5 album - they are great fans of the Rolling Stones - and start your piece of art! Done it? Already? Send it to with your Habbo name and 'Walking Clones' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_10.1372686442735.desc=The Walking Clones inspired a real life album of 1969
quests.habbo_palooza_10.1372686442735.hint=They started long time ago... but they never get old! They are one of the few Habbo band who saw the opening of our Hotel! That's amazing, isn't it? They are also very great chef, so great that their best cake ended up as a cover for a famous album. Let's check mom&dad's CD collection and find the album we are talking about. Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Walking Clones Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_11.1372688071992.chaininfo=She is the ultimate symbol of pop dance music in all Hotels! Try to find an Habbo who doesn't know her! You can't!
quests.habbo_palooza_11.1372688460359.completed=That's right Habbo! You really are good at this! There's nothing to say about it: Madonna is great! And her success helped and inspired so many artists we can't count them! One among many, Rihanna! If you like Madonna you can't not like Rihanna, and we are sure you have one of their album somewhere in your house. Get one in your hand, in the other hand hold the Habbo Palooza logo and ask someone to take a photo! Don't forget to then send it to with your Habbo name and 'Madonna/Rihanna' in the subject.You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy! Be sure not to show your face: we already know you are beautiful!
quests.habbo_palooza_11.1372688460359.desc=Habbona inspired a real life album of 1983
quests.habbo_palooza_11.1372688460359.hint=Her alone can keep a concert going on for hours! She's pure adrenaline! Being a star also means to be an example for many people. Do you know which singer got inspired by Habbona and published a very famous album in 1983? Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_12.1372689684845.chaincaption=Rapstreet Voice
quests.habbo_palooza_12.1372689684845.chaininfo=No one can tell how many posters of this habbo boy band are out there, hanged on the walls of Habbo ladies rooms...
quests.habbo_palooza_12.1372689771839.completed=Well done! 90's boy bands are still seen as an example even after almost 20 years: ever heard of One Direction? Every great fan has to prove himself in front of everyone! Throw an unforgettable party for Backstreet Boys and/or One Direction and take a screenshot when it's at its top! Send it to with your Habbo name and 'Backstreet Boys' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!! (A maximum of 4 Habbo can help you and win)
quests.habbo_palooza_12.1372689771839.desc=Rapstreet Voice inspired a real life album of 1999
quests.habbo_palooza_12.1372689771839.hint=Many bands tried to catch up with the success of Rapstreet Voice, but only one band was able to match them! When this real life boy band published its album in 1999, they became famous all over the world. We want you to find the title of the album. Are you up to it? Of course you are! Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Voice Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_13.1372417615775.chaincaption=Frank Santini
quests.habbo_palooza_13.1372417615775.chaininfo=Our Doorman had a past of stardom. Did you hear someone singing at nights? They used to call him The User Voice. Why?
quests.habbo_palooza_13.1372418421337.completed=Lana del Rey is a very enigmatic cool lady. Wasn't Sinatra glamorous too? Send to a Habbo video of 10 secs. We'd like to see your avatar dressed like Lana del Rey and singing My Way in the Festival rooms. Write in the subject: Lana del Rey, include your avatar's name and make it recognizable in the image. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_13.1372418421337.desc=Frank had a nemesis who sings whatever, whenever, however
quests.habbo_palooza_13.1372418421337.hint=Who is the guy who liked to sing things in such a personal way? Go to the Habbo Palooza rooms and shout the name of his historic album of 1969. Believe it or not, he is one of the influences of Lana del Rey! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Santini Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_14.1372425714913.chaincaption=Grunge Barrel
quests.habbo_palooza_14.1372425714913.chaininfo=This Habbo band was always relaxed, despite of his leader. Karl Complaint is a legend thanks to a ban at 27 Habbo months
quests.habbo_palooza_14.1372522713135.completed=World War II aviators called UFOs Foo Fighters. Kurt Cobain was as important in the world of music as an alien in your kitchen. Send to a Habbo screenshot. We'd like to see your avatar dressed like an alien singing Smells like Teen Spirit in the Festival rooms. Write in the subject: Foo Fighters. Include your avatar's name and make it recognizable in the image. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_14.1372522713135.desc=This band inspired a real life album of 1991
quests.habbo_palooza_14.1372522713135.hint=What's the name of the real life album that Grunge Barrel could have inspired? Say its name in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. This band is very well linked to The Foo Fighters, another band that we love! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Barrel Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_15.1372524590301.chaincaption=Minna Turntable
quests.habbo_palooza_15.1372524590301.chaininfo=Minna Turntable is one of the Habbo music godness. Her voice, and hairstyle reminds to another real life music myth
quests.habbo_palooza_15.1372524979903.completed=How do you like Taylor Swift's dancing? Send to a Habbo video of 10 secs, We'd like to see your avatar pretending to be Taylor Swift, dancing in the Festival rooms. Write in the subject: Taylor Swift. Include your avatar's name and make it recognizable in the image. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!!
quests.habbo_palooza_15.1372524979903.desc=Minna Turntable inspired a real life album of 1984
quests.habbo_palooza_15.1372524979903.hint=Minna's Turntable album Private Chatter marked the return to mainstream of the artist in 1984. This happened in real life to another diva of music. Can you guess who we are talking about and what album we are referring to? Say the name of the album in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Taylor Swift considers this woman as one of her influences! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Turntable Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_16.1372526867667.chaininfo=WALK HC were the pioneers of rap in Habbo during the times when real life MC's started to practice footing
quests.habbo_palooza_16.1372528489113.completed=We can't imagine without a piano or RUN DMC without sport shoes. Do you? Send to a real photo including in the scene a piano, a sport shoe and the logo of Habbo Palooza Festival and send it by email. Write in the subject: Include your avatar's name. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy! Be sure not to show your face: we already know you are beautiful!
quests.habbo_palooza_16.1372528489113.desc=WALK HC inspired a real life album of 1984
quests.habbo_palooza_16.1372528489113.hint=WALK HC liked to rap slowly in 1984, when they released their most important album: WALK HC. Other real life band liked the idea, but they preferred to run instead of walking. Then they got a very famous work. Which one? Say the name of the album in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. The legacy of these artists is recognizable in the songs of people like! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! HC Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_17.1372529093052.chaincaption=The Bugs
quests.habbo_palooza_17.1372529093052.chaininfo=In 1967 Habbo was so buggy that it didn't even exist. Kyrpov decided then to add some 'pepper' to life founding The Bugs
quests.habbo_palooza_17.1372531551051.completed=Would you be able to send us a real photo including the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, plus a cover of an album of the Killers and the Habbo Palooza Music Festival logo? Send it to and write in the subject: The Beatles, The Killers. Include your avatar's name. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy! Be sure not to show your face: we already know you are beautiful!
quests.habbo_palooza_17.1372531551051.desc=The Bugs inspired a real life album of 1967
quests.habbo_palooza_17.1372531551051.hint=The Internet was a bit boring until Kyrpov and Apparatus invented Habbo. Pop music was also a bit monotonous until a real life mythical band named as an insect started a spicy musical revolution. They say that the virtual band of the creators of Habbo, The Bugs, helped a lot to release one of the most succesful albums of the real life band that we are talking about. Even if neither The Bugs nor Habbo existed yet! That's crazy. Say the name of that album in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. The Killers rock band states that they are very influenced by them! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Bugs Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_18.1372532642821.chaincaption=Holo Girls
quests.habbo_palooza_18.1372532642821.chaininfo=The Holo Girls were 5 girls from UK. They had great nicknames, like Ginger Holo or HC Holo. Their debut year was 1996
quests.habbo_palooza_18.1372534967620.completed=Soccer is linked to Spice Girls. Adele is linked to James Bond. Would you be able to send us a Habbo video of 10 secs of James Bond scoring a goal in one Habbo room? Send it to and write in the subject: Adele. Include your avatar's name and make it recognizable in the image.You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_18.1372534967620.desc=The Holo Girls inspired a real life album of 1996
quests.habbo_palooza_18.1372534967620.hint=The Holo Girls raised when the music scene was full of Holo Boys bands. They were like a spicy fresh air for fans. Their career is very similar to another real life band. Can you guess which one? Say the name of their first album in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. That's weird for us, but we have read that Adele likes that band! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Girls Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_19.1372625547242.chaininfo=This Habbo band liked to write their name in greek: YII. I know what it means and you too.
quests.habbo_palooza_19.1372625645887.completed=What's your favorite song of Coldplay? And of U2? Take a screenshot of you and your Habbo friends avatars pretending to be U2 playing Coldplay's song Viva la Vida. Send it to and write in the subject: Coldplay. Include your and your friends' avatar's name and make them recognizable in the image. 4 Habbos max. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_19.1372625645887.desc=YII inspired a real life album of 1987
quests.habbo_palooza_19.1372625645887.hint=YII was a very important Habbo band coming from Ireland. The singer was called Bonus, the guitar player was The Sledge. Weird guys with weird nicknames. However, everybody wanted to play their music in their Traxmachines. YII most famous album is The Yucca Tree, and a very famous real life band is connected to them. Can you guess which one? Say the name of their succesful album of 1987 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. For us are the fathers of Coldplay! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_2.1372414470435.chaininfo=Really appreciated in the Urban rooms, he had some problems with the Habbo Way, but nothing can stop him from rapping!
quests.habbo_palooza_2.1372414509178.completed=Good job, Habbo! 'All Eyez On Me' was the right answer! And the duo we were talking about is the super funny and pixel-moving LMFAO! Ready to 'shuffle'? Get it started! And don't forget to turn the video on! Just 10 seconds of shuffling will be awesome enough for us: upload the video on YouTube and send it to with 'Shuffling' written in the subject! Don't forget to show your Habbo name written somewhere, during your performance... we want to know who that great dancer is! You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_2.1372414509178.desc=2Ducks inspired a real life album of 1996
quests.habbo_palooza_2.1372414509178.hint=Rhyme after rhyme, keeping it on the beat, find your way to the Main Stage rooms to solve today's quest! The album you're looking for, is of an American rapper, on whom all eyez are on! He also inspired a modern duo, whose 'parties rock'! Enough for the hints, now it's time for you to find out the answer. Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_20.1372628790245.chaincaption=Music Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_20.1372628790245.chaininfo=Staff Matters is the name of today's Habbo artist. His name gave him some headaches at the beginning of his career.
quests.habbo_palooza_20.1372628904902.completed=Our favourite image of Maklemore & Ryan Lewis clip, Thrift Shop is when the rapper jumps over a row of sofas dressed in a huge coat. Could you recreate that in a Habbo image?Send it to and write in the subject: Maklemore & Ryan Lewis. Include your avatar name and make it recognizable in the image. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_20.1372628904902.desc=Esanem inspired a real life album of 2000
quests.habbo_palooza_20.1372628904902.hint=Esanem is how the initial of Staff Matters sound. This guy had a lot of problems at the beginning of his career because he was acused of favouritism after winning a couple of rap contests. However, his album of 2000 proved that he was the number one. Another real life artist had also a hard life until that year. Can you guess who? Say the name of his succesful album of 2000 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Some people say that Maklemore & Ryan Lewis could be his most advanced disciple! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_21.1372676542941.chaincaption=Pink Pod
quests.habbo_palooza_21.1372676542941.chaininfo=Pink Pod inspired to a real life British band. Or was it the opposite? Do you know whom we are talking about?
quests.habbo_palooza_21.1372678223089.completed=My Chemical Romance got dissolved on March 2013. Lets tribute them with screenshots of your avatar in the Habbo Palooza rooms saying goodbye to the band. The funniest ones will get a Trophy from Staff. Please send an email to including the image, the name of the avatar and making sure that it is recognizable in the pic. Subject: My Chemical Romance. You have 24 hours to do it!
quests.habbo_palooza_21.1372678223089.desc=Pink Pod inspired a real life album of 1979
quests.habbo_palooza_21.1372678223089.hint=Hey, Teacher, leave those Habbos alone! The course of 1979 was especially long and the members of the Pink Pod decided that they had to celebrate the end of the 'torture' with something big. The result was their glorious album The Wallpaper. Can you guess what real life band got inspired by this story? Say the name of his succesful album of 1979 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Did you know that this band is one of the influences of My Chemical Romance? Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Pod Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_22.1372679880224.chaincaption=Zombie Trax Song
quests.habbo_palooza_22.1372679880224.chaininfo=Zombie Trax Song was a genious of music. He loved to dance at night, scaring the poor persons meeting him by chance.
quests.habbo_palooza_22.1372680000089.completed=Can you imagine Britney Spears as a zombie from Michael Jackson's Thriller? Record a short video of 10 secs of your and your friends avatars as zombie Britneys dancers. The funniest ones will get a Trophy from Staff. Please send an email to including the link to the video, the name of the avatars (5 max) and making sure that they are recognizable in the recording. Subject: Michael Jackson. You have 24 hours to do it!
quests.habbo_palooza_22.1372680000089.desc=Zombie Trax Song inspired a real life album of 1983
quests.habbo_palooza_22.1372680000089.hint=This genious started his career with his five brothers: The Trax Song five. However, his talent converted him in the authentic king of pixelated pop. Can you guess what real life musician got inspired by this story? Say the name of his succesful album of 1983 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Did you know that this person is one of the influences of Britney Spears? Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Trax Song Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_23.1372685499874.chaincaption=Tiny Window
quests.habbo_palooza_23.1372685499874.chaininfo=Tiny Window had an impressive voice and talent. However, the vertigo of success drove her to a dramatic end
quests.habbo_palooza_23.1372685626478.completed=We really like Whitney Houston, don't you? Well, perhaps P!nk is even more astonishing. Which one do you rather like? Record a short video of 10 secs max of yourself and your friends shouting the name of one of these artists (no recognizable faces allowed). Please send an email to including the link to the video, and the name of the avatars. Subject: Whitney vs P!nk. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_23.1372685626478.desc=Tiny Window inspired a real life album of 1987
quests.habbo_palooza_23.1372685626478.hint=A beautiful voice that inspired even a glorious movie: The Moderator. Tinny Windows was one of the biggest talents of Habbo music, but living too fast made her career end before what was expected. Can you guess what real life musician had a similar story? Say the name of her succesful album of 1987 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Did you know that this person is one of the influences of P!nk? Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Window Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_24.1372686434548.chaincaption=DinerBoy Pix
quests.habbo_palooza_24.1372686434548.chaininfo=He was one of the best DJs. He was a magician who could mix the fattest beats with the slimmest details in any Trax Song
quests.habbo_palooza_24.1372687134017.completed=You have to choose: do you like FatBoy Slim or David Guetta? Send us a real photo showing a turntable with the name of your choosed DJ in a note and the Habbo Palooza logo . Please send it in an email to including the name of your avatar. Subject: FatBoy Slim vs David Guetta. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy! Be sure not to show your face: we already know you are beautiful!
quests.habbo_palooza_24.1372687134017.desc=DinerBoy Pix inspired a real life album of 1998
quests.habbo_palooza_24.1372687134017.hint=DinerBoy Pix was a fanatic of the DIner Habbo room. He was big but also subtle. He was perfect as a DJ. And the most improtant, he came from veeeeery very far away to bring us his music. Exactly the same than a real life artist! Can you guess what real life musician had a similar story? Say the name of his succesful album of 1998 in one of the Habbo Palooza Festival rooms and get today's Badge. Did you know that this person is one of the influences of David Guetta? Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Pix Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_3.1372407630173.chaincaption=Jim Pixel
quests.habbo_palooza_3.1372407630173.chaininfo=What a great solo! There is only one other guitarist who's able to do things like these in his albums!
quests.habbo_palooza_3.1372415670773.completed=Yes, you definitely are experienced! Almost like the Muse, who found their style listening to a lot of Jimi Hendrix music! Let the groove enter your pixels and share the Habbo Palooza mood with your friends and the whole world! Print or draw the Habbo Palooza logo, and put it on you guitar! Play like Jimi Hendrix or Matthew Bellamy, and don't forget your camera, you'll have to take a photo while you are doing a solo, and send it to with your Habbo name and 'Habbo Palooza Guitar' in the subject. Just don't show your face: you surely are beautiful, but we like anonymity. You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_3.1372415670773.desc=Jim Pixel inspired a real life album of 1967
quests.habbo_palooza_3.1372415670773.hint=After listening to Jim Pixel's best songs, like 'Pixel Lady' or 'Hey Jim', a real life artist had the inspiration for his album: he took his Stratocaster and kept playing until he was done! By now you should have an idea. Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Pixel Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_4.1372421657350.chaincaption=Bonnie Winehotel
quests.habbo_palooza_4.1372421657350.chaininfo=From Jazz to R&B, from love to life's problems, her Habbo traxes are very appreciated in all Habbo Hotela!
quests.habbo_palooza_4.1372423280122.completed=Hey, you did it! 'Back in Black' of Amy Winehouse had been a real success: the second best-selling album in UK! Now it's your turn to taste the success, like Bruno Mars did after taking Amy Winehouse as inspiration! Get on the Main Stage of the Habbo Palooza Festival and sing the song 'Back to Black' for all the Habbo there! Register a 10 seconds video singing the refrain of the song in Habbo, upload it in YouTube and send it to with your Habbo name and 'Amy Winehouse' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_4.1372423280122.desc=Bonnie Winehotel inspired a real life album of 2006
quests.habbo_palooza_4.1372423280122.hint=Winehotel was such a good teacher that her pupil became almost more famous. Put the CD on, click play, and hear that peculiar and passionate voice coming out of the speakers. After her first Jazz album, she moved to R&B, always keeping her unique hair style. Go to the Main Stage room and say the name of the album! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Winehotel Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_5.1372663237916.chaincaption=The Staff
quests.habbo_palooza_5.1372663237916.chaininfo=Ther'es a reason why his name is so bold: his music is pure and real power, and gave inspiration to many artists.
quests.habbo_palooza_5.1372666693249.completed=Bruce Springsteen's 'Born in U.S.A.' was the right answer! Not bad Habbo, not bad! He's a so versatile musician that even pop-dance singers get inspiration from him, like Carly Rae Jepsen: try to listen to her songs and find the similarities! Going back to Habbo, the pixeled band The Staff is on his tour around Habbo, and they would really like some help in designing the fliers of their next concert! One pixel after the other, draw a catchy flier and send it to with your Habbo name and 'The Staff flier' in the subject.. You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_5.1372666693249.desc=The Staff inspired a real life album of 1984
quests.habbo_palooza_5.1372666693249.hint=A hoarse voice, a rocking guitar, a beating drum... that's what it took to make this album a success! In every song you can hear the influence of our The Staff, but this real life artist did a great job with his 7th album. Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Staff Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_6.1372672585495.chaincaption=Elton Bon
quests.habbo_palooza_6.1372672585495.chaininfo=HIs pixeled finger literally fly on the piano and no one can keep up with him... except another pianist! You know who?
quests.habbo_palooza_6.1372673191342.completed=Sing with us! 'So goodbye yellow brick road'! Did you know that Lady Gaga is a really talented pianist above being such a good singer? Probably thanks to the influence of Mr. Elton John! Now, here's a tricky competition for you: find an even stranger look than Lady Gaga's and impress all the public in the Habbo Palooza Main Stage and take a screenshot! Don't forget to send it to habbocompetitions@sulake.comwith your Habbo name and 'Lady Gaga' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_6.1372673191342.desc=Elton Bon inspired a real life album of 1973
quests.habbo_palooza_6.1372673191342.hint=The album you are looking for has a really long title, but it was so famous you won't have any problem finding it! It involves a colored road and a goodbye! Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Bon Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_7.1372679318352.chaincaption=Tiki Boys
quests.habbo_palooza_7.1372679318352.chaininfo=This Habbo trio set mics on fire with their groove! Find out which album they influenced with their music!
quests.habbo_palooza_7.1372679337664.completed=''Cause you can't, you won't and you don't stop'! Their hardcore punk past made possible that even indie rock bands like Arctic Monkeys could get inspired by them! Keep it on the beat and wear Beastie Boys' shoes to redo their 'Sure shot' music video! Choose the part you like the most, and shoot a 10 seconds video in Habbo. You'll then just have to upload it on YouTube and to send the link to *contest_email* with your Habbo name and 'Beastie Boys' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_7.1372679337664.desc=The Tiki Boys inspired a real life album of 1994
quests.habbo_palooza_7.1372679337664.hint=They definitely know their stuff! Tiki Boys entered the hip hop scene sharing the stage with a real life trio that made history with their 4th album. First flute, than contrabbass and finally the voice! The opening of this underground and hardcore album is so unique you can't not know what we are talking about! Get together with your crew and head toward the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Boys Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_8.1372681347611.chaincaption=Public Noob
quests.habbo_palooza_8.1372681347611.chaininfo=They have an autoironic name, but they show a lot of style in every song! Probably you listened to a similar group!
quests.habbo_palooza_8.1372681362789.completed=Well done! If you like Public Enemy, you must also like Pitbull, no doubt, but you have to prove it in front of everyone! Throw an unforgettable party for him and take a screenshot when it's at its top! Don't forget to send it to with your Habbo name and 'Pitbull' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy! (A maximum of 4 Habbo can help you and can win a Trophy)
quests.habbo_palooza_8.1372681362789.desc=Public Noob inspired a real life album of 1988
quests.habbo_palooza_8.1372681362789.hint=Public Noob have been really important to a real life band: after their not-so-succesfull first album, they found the right way with their second publication. Strong social lyrics and a faster beat made this album a real success: it stayed 49 weeks on the US Billboard 200! Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Noob Glories
quests.habbo_palooza_9.1372682893079.chaincaption=Bot Gnarley
quests.habbo_palooza_9.1372682893079.chaininfo=It's time to relax your pixels with some smooth raggae. You can go in any Trax Shop: they will always suggest you him!
quests.habbo_palooza_9.1372682929517.completed=I shot the sheriff! No, I mean... just singing! Bob Marley, above being a great musician, was also a very spiritual man, so spiritual that even Daft Punk took some good examples from him! Dress up your Habbo like you were the third member of the Daft Punk and send your look to with your Habbo name and 'Daft Punk' in the subject. You have 24 hours to do it and the best will win a Trophy!
quests.habbo_palooza_9.1372682929517.desc=Bot Gnarley inspired a real life album of 1984
quests.habbo_palooza_9.1372682929517.hint=You must have listened to 'Is this Bobba' or 'No Bonnie, no cry'! These songs have been so important that an artist and his band made some covers and collected them in a studio album. This hint will give you a lot of help, just a word: dreadlocks! Go to the Main Stage room and say the right answer! Habbo Palooza gives you the chance to get 24 Badges, 1 per day of the Festival. Collect them all! Gnarley Glories
quests.habboween_2012_1.1349699937998.chaincaption=Meet Ringmaster Dave
quests.habboween_2012_1.1349699937998.chaininfo=Step into the shadows, between life and death to discover what really happened ten years ago and destroyed the Fair...
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.completed=The Fairground lights up the night! Soon the customers will arrive, Get ready to welcome them - it's just like the good days of golden glory!
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.desc=Spread the news! The Fair is back in business!
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.hint=The boss has returned and the Fair is back in business, now it's time for the grand opening! Enlighten the Fairground Entrance: Stand next to it with a friend. THE FAIRGROUNDS 2012
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.completed=Cheers! Now We're ready to have fun...Until the Fairground burns again. The truth is it wasn't an accident - But sometimes truth hurts, and the sins of the father.... My son, my son, what have ye done?
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.desc=Now serve our first hundred guests a blood drink.
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.hint=Find a zombie butler, click on it to get a blood drink and give it to 100 habbos.!
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.completed=Great job: I can feel the boss coming! And I don't mean Bruce Springsteen. I really don't. Seriously, what would Bruce Springsteen have to do with Habboween? You so crazy.
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.desc=Never hear about the Boss? Then let's call "it" now...
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.hint=Take a bath full of blood and stand next to a Habboween mirror. Then repeat "AKA MANAH" 3 times. THE BOSS
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.completed=Lovely creatures. Did you know they're couriers for the Boss? It's true, they're so underpaid. They've been trying to unionise, but it's been tough...
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.desc="We, in the show business are really superstitious people...
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.hint=Your presence here is sacrilege. Spot 7 different cat breeds to break the curse.
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.completed="Now that you look like my old friend Joseph Merrick, there's a few things you need to do before I tell you what I know about the terrible disaster..."
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.desc=He stands before you... And you're not welcome apparently...
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.hint="How dare you come here? The Fairground is closed and you're not a Freak! Hide your pretty face I can't stand this view." RINGMASTER DAVE
quests.habboween_2012_2.1349716378824.chaincaption=Meet Lady Bubonica
quests.habboween_2012_2.1349716378824.chaininfo=Uncover the secrets of the Fair, Bubonica the Inhuman Fly awaits your presence.
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.completed="Delicious ! Those ones always make good starters but I'm still hungry..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.desc="Now Bring me some food or i'll eat you alive!"
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.hint=Click on 20 horse poops to please Lady Bubonica. APPETIT
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.completed="Humm... Sooo good ! But I'm not done yet...Zzzzz...."
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.desc="I want more food! Take me to a rotten meat restaurant!"
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.hint=Find a room with 1 Habboween table, 4 habboween chairs, 1 brain plate, 1 head plate and 1 eye balls plate. Yummy!'S KITCHEN
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.completed="Zzzz.... What a feast! You know, I was born like this? My mother was allegedly impregnated by a radioactive fly. The Fairground? I heard rumourz only, about who the Ringmaster's son was, I never had children, my greatest regret, after turning down a part in The Avengers."
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.desc="Go to the morgue now! I need fresh corpses now"
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.hint=Enter a room with 5 Habbos in bodybags. LAST SUPPER 2012
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.completed=Thanks you! And actually I'm kinda hungry now... Zzzz...... No, I'm not sleeping, I'm buzzing.... Two wings good, eight legs bad..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.desc="Who are you? What do you want? Where are the spiders?"
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.hint="They are there, everywhere, hunting me... It's really buzzing me off! Please help me by getting rid of the spiders! Hit 10 different breeds out there and U'll tell you everything!" SPIDERS
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.completed=Feel better now? She's coming closer and starts talking... Bzzzz....zzzzzz....zzzzzzz It sounds like a dentist drill, or dubstep...
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.desc=Half fly, half human, She's there on a wall staring at you.
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.hint=There is waste everywhere. How can she live in such a putrid place? Put something on your noise: that smell is awful! BUBONICA!
quests.habboween_2012_3.1349961784861.chaincaption=Habboween 2012
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.completed="Good job! Now we must prepare for the day they will come and steal our toe nail clippings, and sell them to the troll people from dimension X! I'm dead, so I can only help guide you. Don't look at me like that. I'm not mad. I'm dead."
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.desc="Wondering how I became the strongest Habbo of the galaxy?"
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_10_aliens.hint="To make a long story short: Aliens abducted me and turned me into a one Habbo army to conquer the Earth. But I escaped... And now, as an intergalactic muscle man I must convince a disbelieving world they're among us. All while being dead due to the fire that engulfed the fair. Help me: Spot 10 of them in the Hotel!" BUFFO
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.completed="Thanks! Habbos have a chance to survive now... I'll tell you what I know. The Ringmaster and his wife had twins, one of them was normal, and one of them was a freak and looked like a sick potato thing. They left the normal looking one, a girl, at an orphanage, and the boy was adopted by someone else in the Fair and never told the truth about his father. It was he who burned down the Fair, I'm sure of it... But why??"
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.desc=It's a tragedy: with Habbos like you, Earth is doomed...
quests.habboween_2012_3.find_3_muscled_friends.hint=I want to believe. Please find 3 muscled Habbos ready to fight against alien hordes. No time to get squeamish, the world is depending on you! WANT MUSCLES 2012
quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.completed="Not bad but you surely can do better than this. It's so great to be around young people again, full of passion and ideals. I remember when I used to believe in real things as well."
quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.desc="The ghost train is broken. it's all messed up..."
quests.habboween_2012_3.stack_kart_on_roller.hint="Let's see if you're strong enough to set the cars back on tracks. I think you can. I believe in you, you're a great Junior Intergalactic Muscle Man! (Or woman)." 2
quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.completed="Well... I guess you need more training. Don't worry, we're almost there. And when you're ready I'll tell you what I know about the fair and the fire."
quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.desc="Wow, you now look stronger than when we first met..."
quests.habboween_2012_3.user_testing_strengh.hint="Check your strength with the Strength tester! Click on it as hard as you can! Come on! I can't defeat the aliens by myself! I've got an appointment in Samarra." YOUR STRENGTH
quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.completed="Feels good huh ? My personal record is 3 years. I was waving goodbye to the Giant Snails of Palakon. They are very slow creatures, except when you ask them to pass the salt at dinner. Ha ha. I miss food."
quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.desc="Let's turn you into a lethal weapon now. Arms first... "
quests.habboween_2012_3.wave_for_10_mn.hint="How long can you stand with one arm up? Let's see: Wave for 10 minutes. You can do it!" 1
quests.habboween_2012_4.1350307802854.chaincaption=Habboween 2012
quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.completed=Feel bad enough to hear my story now? Good... You know, I never wanted to be a clown? I wanted to be a lawyer, but fate and an uncaring father pushed me into a different direction... I perform every night in and around the fair, it's so boring, no one ever gets my jokes and kids throw rocks at me.
quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.desc=The clown is here standing in the dark.
quests.habboween_2012_4.find_3_habbos_laughing.hint=I was expecting you. You came to know the truth? Well truth is i didn't want to be a clown - but my father pushed so hard. You know how it feels to enter a room and have (3) people laughing at you? Try it and then we'll talk. POMOGO 2012
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.completed=Yes that's me ! That's me ! But I've got my reasons you know... I hated this place, every since I was young. I hate being the clown, the sound of laughter makes me want to cry. No one ever takes me seriously. Sigh.
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.desc=Can't you guess who did this? Here is another riddle:
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_clown.hint="I live for laughter I live for the crowd without it i am nothing What am i..." 3
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.completed=Yes! the night the old fairground burnt everyone got a one way ticket to Hell!
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.desc=I'm a man of few words but i like riddles. So listen...
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_fire.hint=And answer me this: "I am always hungry; I must always be fed; The finger I lick Will soon turn red." 1
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.completed=Yes the fire wasn't an accident. Someone did it to get rid of those lies and purify the fairground! A house built on lies is no place for a child to grow up.
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.desc=Still wondering how it happened? Here is another riddle:
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_match.hint="Tear me of and scratch my head once was red is black instead" 2
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.completed=She knows the horrible truth, the snake, although she rarely says it... She told me though, she told me the truth, and in my anger, I burnt this place to the ground! No more secrets, lies or laughter. Do I regret it? Of course I do, but I'm an artist, not a clown...
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.desc=If you want to know more, check there...
quests.habboween_2012_4.say_snake.hint="I can sizzle like bacon; I am made with an egg; I have plenty of backbone; but lack a good leg; I peel layers like onions; but still remain whole; I can be long; like a flagpole; yet fit in a hole; What am I?" 4
quests.habboween_2012_5.1350478657998.chaincaption=Habboween 2012
quests.habboween_2012_5.1350478657998=Meet Dr Death
quests.habboween_2012_5.enter_coffin.completed="Tadaaa! Now you look in great shape !"
quests.habboween_2012_5.enter_coffin.desc="No? Still feeling dizzy? Then enter the coffin"
quests.habboween_2012_5.enter_coffin.hint="We'll fix your heart. Please ask for a friend to come and assist you. The coffin... I mean sensory deprivation chamber, will make everything better, I promise." COFFIN CURE
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_3_gutted_habbos.completed="Okay, you want to know about the fire? Well, some of us knew the Clown was really the Ringmasters son, but we never told him. What would be the point? But he found out from someone, and went mad. But why would anyone want to destroy the fair? It mystifies me."
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_3_gutted_habbos.desc="What about those with a stomachache?"
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_3_gutted_habbos.hint=Visit 3 rooms with a HC Habbo and every time convince him to get gutted. HABBOS!
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_headless_habbos.completed="Great! You're such an amazing assistant! Far better than the mould I used to use. He was always talking back to me, and singing the most annoying advertising jingles."
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_headless_habbos.desc="Now that you're cured help me inoculate other Habbos."
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_headless_habbos.hint="I want you to visit 5 rooms and in every one convince two Habbos to become headless." HEADS OFF!
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_stabbed_habbos.completed="Wonderful! You have a fantastic future as an acupuncturist or politician ahead of you!"
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_stabbed_habbos.desc="Now Let's heal their back..."
quests.habboween_2012_5.find_5_stabbed_habbos.hint="Visit 5 different rooms and in every one convince a Habbo to stab a knife in his back." HABBOS! 2012
quests.habboween_2012_5.stand_under_guillotine.completed="And... Voilà! Feeling better now? As I always say, during lawsuits, no pain, no gain."
quests.habboween_2012_5.stand_under_guillotine.desc=Beware, you're now facing the mysterious Executioner!
quests.habboween_2012_5.stand_under_guillotine.hint="They call me Dr Death. Because that's how I treat pain. I'm a maverick. How are you today? You sound like you have a toothache. Please sit on the Guillotine and I'll fix this." DR DEATH
quests.habboween_2012_6.1350551209209.chaincaption=Habboween 2012
quests.habboween_2012_6.Find_6_snakes.completed="Argh you ruined my plans again! What is it with you? You suck! I need some Valium."
quests.habboween_2012_6.Find_6_snakes.desc="Too late! My venom is already spreading inside the Hotel."
quests.habboween_2012_6.Find_6_snakes.hint="By this time 6 Habbos have become my snake slaves and there will be more if you don't stop them. I bet you can't! Find a snake slave in 6 different rooms." SNAKES SLAVES
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_5_mummies.completed="What kind of magic is this?!? Now you broke the mummys curse! Daddy will be very mad!"
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_5_mummies.desc="You defeated crocs but you won't defeat my mummies!"
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_5_mummies.hint=Find 5 rooms with at least one mummy in. MUMMIES
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_snake_skin.completed="Well, it's time to come clean. My real name is Ella Mae. I was the daughter of the ringmaster. But, because I was normal I was abandoned, and raised by yuppies. Years later I came back for revenge, and told the clown, my brother, who our real father was. Pomogo went mad with rage and burnt the whole fair down. Honestly, I thought he would just punch Dave in the mouth, not commit arson. Oh well..."
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_snake_skin.desc=Alright; i'm about to tell you the truth...
quests.habboween_2012_6.find_snake_skin.hint="But you know, snakes have many skins and I'm definitely not the one you think i am... Find some evidence of this, double-click it, and then we'll talk. DEEP 2012
quests.habboween_2012_6.put_asasara_in_cage.completed=Ah you found her!
quests.habboween_2012_6.put_asasara_in_cage.desc=She's escaping! Bring her back to her cage now!
quests.habboween_2012_6.put_asasara_in_cage.hint=Enter a room and wave to a "snake Habbo" standing in a cage. ASASARA NOW
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_2_crocs.completed="What happened? How did you tame them?"
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_2_crocs.desc=This Snake woman is not happy to see you...
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_2_crocs.hint="How dare you enter here and disturb the Snake Godiva! Crocs: lunch is served! - scratch 2 crocs before they eat you!" ASASARA
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_5_crocs.completed="What happened? How did you tame them?"
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_5_crocs.desc=This Snake woman is not happy to see you...
quests.habboween_2012_6.respect_5_crocs.hint="How dare you enter here and disturb the Snake Godiva! Crocs: lunch is served! - enter a room with 5 Crocs and scratch 2 of them before they eat you!" ASASARA
quests.habboween_2012_7.1351164962005.chaincaption=Habboween 2012
quests.habboween_2012_7.Click_5_tombs.completed=The dead have risen! Huzzah! The stench of rotting flesh crawls across the land, a sight so horrific that no mortal can stand, fear grips you standing still, and down your spine you feel a chill. Awesome!
quests.habboween_2012_7.Click_5_tombs.desc=Can't you hear them? They're coming for you
quests.habboween_2012_7.Click_5_tombs.hint=Wake up the dead. double-click 5 tombs UP DEAD
quests.habboween_2012_7.dance_with_dead_habbos.completed=You have pacified the restless souls of the Fairground and they can go on their journey, to the shadowlands of the soul. The truth has been revealed, and everyone has been forgiven. The fairground has been reborn and the sins of the past washed away by the tides of time. The Fairground lives once more. The ghosts say thank you, thank you for everything. And goodbye.
quests.habboween_2012_7.dance_with_dead_habbos.desc=Dead souls are here!
quests.habboween_2012_7.dance_with_dead_habbos.hint=The only way to give them their final, peaceful rest is to dance each time with 3 of those skull faces in 3 different rooms. It's the only way! BONES
quests.habboween_2012_7.user_is_dancing.completed=You've got rhythm :) This was only the first part of the ritual, two more phases and the Fairground's rebirth will be complete!
quests.habboween_2012_7.user_is_dancing.desc=He's there, pulling the strings silently...
quests.habboween_2012_7.user_is_dancing.hint=Welcome! You're just on time for the grand final: the Danse macabre! Dance to celebrate every dead soul of the Fairground and to let the Fairground be reborn! THE PUPPETEER
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381754115352.chaincaption=Sweet dreams...
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381754115352.chaininfo=...Until they turn into nightmares!
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381754283795.completed=Ah, that fish in your bedroom. Your cat should have put it there. Phew! What about the rest of weird things happening during this spooky night?
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381754283795.desc=You can smell a vile stench accompanied with noises...
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381754283795.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. Search in this room what made you feel so terrified last night! Find what was smelling so bad... wake up...
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381760929932.completed=Exactly, your grandfather gave you that old clock. You always found it as a nagging artefact. But at least now you know that the noises were coming from this world!
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381760929932.desc=You look into the darkness and can swear you hear something
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381760929932.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. Search in this room what made you feel so terrified last night! Find what could make those strange noises at 3 a.m. the darkness...
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381763054229.completed=You see, everything scary has a logical explanation. But hey, know what?
1- Your terrified cat's been stuck on your neighbour's roof for seven days now...
2- That scary clock got stopped at 21,00, before you went to bed...
3- You don't have a sister called Mandy...What's really happening here?? Come tomorrow to find it out. Booh!
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381763054229.desc=You find your room left as it was, but the locker is open!
quests.hbween13_quest1.1381763054229.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. Search in this room what made you feel so terrified last night! Pay attention to the room. Who could have left your locker open? your eyes Terror
quests.hbween13_quest2.1381841241362.chaincaption=I know what you did...
quests.hbween13_quest2.1381841241362.chaininfo=...But I can't remember when!
quests.hbween13_quest2.1381845589695.completed=Shhh! Don't even mention that day. We organized a seance in the Finnish site using Vladimir Sartini's book. The participants got kicked out of the room suddenly by a paranormal force.
Nobody knew where their pixels were gone. Some people say that they can listen their whines during maintenance break times. Scary!
quests.hbween13_quest2.1381845589695.desc=Was read out, things have been doing things they shouldn't
quests.hbween13_quest2.1381845589695.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. It seems it wasn't a good idea to run the seance in the Theatre the other day. Talk to the bots to find out a date that nobody in Habbo wants to remember. Say it in roman numerals. that book... know what you did
quests.hbween13_quest3.1382094861088.chaincaption=They see us
quests.hbween13_quest3.1382094861088.chaininfo=And I'm afraid of the dark
quests.hbween13_quest3.1382095082485.completed=What was that? Let's recap:
You participated in a seance in the Theatre.
Something paranormal took place in your bedroom the night after.
You found in the Theater that something similar happened in 2003 related to Vladimir Sartini.
You went to search Sartini's Castle.
You are lost in the forest with something following you.
Isn't it time to run??!!
quests.hbween13_quest3.1382095082485.desc=A pair of eyes in the underbrush…staring straight at you
quests.hbween13_quest3.1382095082485.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. You decided to go with your friends and search Vladimir Sartini's Castle. Was it a good idea to enter the forest? Well, now you can't come back. Cross it, find that pair of eyes and perhaps your fear will disappear! the forest! Forest
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382514472905.chaincaption=To enter or to stay
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382514472905.chaininfo=Out of the frying pan and into the fire
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382515251726.completed=Brave! You better know what you are doing. Take note of this key: 10. It will come in handy for opening the gates.
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382515251726.desc=You emerge from the forest to find large iron gates...
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382515251726.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. To open the gates you have to challenge the spirits first. Prove to them that you're not afraid, not even of being poisoned Poison
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382517508585.completed=Uff, that wasn't nice, but it was what the spirits wanted. Take note of this, it will come in handy for opening the gates later: +2.
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382517508585.desc=The spirits want to know if they can count on you
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382517508585.hint=To open the gates, the spirits say: "Would you dare to Habbo poison a friend in this room?". Oh, oh... a friend
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382518533280.completed=You would rather stink than die. The spirits are still searching for you. Take not of this key to open the gates: +2.
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382518533280.desc=Bad move. The spirits are angry with you
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382518533280.hint=You betrayed a friend and that's something that spirits can't tolerate. Find a place in the room to hide from their rage. They won't find you if you smell like death... you are dead
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382519227273.completed=Hey, leave those lambs alone, Hannibal! To open the gates, take note of the last key: -1
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382519227273.desc=Spirits are confused and challenge you again
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382519227273.hint=Spirits start to be afraid of you, tough guy. Will you dare to scare even a cute fluffy lamb? To do so you have to find the item that terrifies lambs. Do it and you'll get the last key to open the gates. have no heart
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382520340013.completed=Now you are ready to enter the Castle Garden and follow along the Habboween 2013 story. Keep on reading this tale in the web articles. You can find all the information to solve the Habboween quests and games in the Hotel!
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382520340013.desc=The spirits are now afraid of you. Open the gates!
quests.hbween13_quest4.1382520340013.hint=Check the notes that the spirits gave you during the fight that you had. Just add up and say the total... surrender of the Unknown
quests.hbween13_quest5.1382612375147.chaincaption=You are getting lost
quests.hbween13_quest5.1382612375147.chaininfo=Use the zoom out mode at the right time...
quests.hbween13_quest5.1382612674635.completed=That was fun! Not everybody could find the exit. Muahahahahah!
quests.hbween13_quest5.1382612674635.desc=…deep down into the pit of darkness… it seems endless
quests.hbween13_quest5.1382612674635.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. You have to reach the Castle Door on top of the room. Clue: zoom out of the Pit Room before you fall, Then click and drag to find where you are... Good luck! begin falling out if you can
quests.hbween13_quest6.1382616934853.chaincaption=A bell chimes...
quests.hbween13_quest6.1382616934853.chaininfo=I think I have been here already before
quests.hbween13_quest6.1382617264870.completed=Hum, we thought that nobody would do that one... Now you meet Sartini in person!
quests.hbween13_quest6.1382617264870.desc="Mr Sartini will see you now…" and gestures to follow him.
quests.hbween13_quest6.1382617264870.hint=Follow the story of Habboween 2013 in the articles of the web. You have to visit the Butler's room in the Habboween 2013 Official rooms. Then go through the Teleports until you find where Sartini is and say "Hi". But this is not so easy... Butler says... the Butler
quests.hbween13_quest7.1383051982406.chaincaption=Time to fight!
quests.hbween13_quest7.1383051982406.chaininfo=It's your moment Habbo! Show Sartini that nothing he could do will scare you now!
quests.hbween13_quest7.1383064765467.completed=That was amazing Habbo! You almost did it: Sartini and all his enchaments are leaving the Hotel! Just one thing left... it all have to end as it begun... you will have to meet again in the Theatre, to ward off the Sartini's come-back once for all! Thursday 31 in the Theatre: follow the news for more info!
quests.hbween13_quest7.1383064765467.desc=It's time you show Sartini what you are made of!
quests.hbween13_quest7.1383064765467.hint=Wear the five badges you won during this incredible adventure and scare Sartini off with your bravery! You fought your nightmares in your room, learnt some scary stories in the Theatre, thrown yourself in the middle of an enchanted forest, opened wide big gates and escaped a bottomless pit... not all Habbos would have been able to do it! can stop you Sartini!
quests.hstars_1.1352189725194.chaincaption=Habbo Stars
quests.hstars_1.1352189725194.chaininfo=You think you have what it takes to be a superstar? It takes more than talent, you need dedication and determination. These quests will train you, to help you become the number one Habbo superstar! Stars
quests.hstars_1.1352190030443.completed=Well you can pick up a mic but it takes more than that to be able to sing!
quests.hstars_1.1352190030443.desc=We haven't got all day! Pick up the mic!
quests.hstars_1.1352190030443.hint=What do you mean, you don't have a mic? They're in the Habbo Stars Lounge. To Sing!
quests.hstars_1.1352190802104.completed=Not bad! Time to move on to something a little harder.
quests.hstars_1.1352190802104.desc=Let's start with the basics, sing a love song!
quests.hstars_1.1352190802104.hint=Jump on a stage, with your mic in hand and sing the words "I love you". Sing it, don't shout it, real love means never deafening your audience. basics...
quests.hstars_1.1352191986295.completed=Meh, those horses are easily pleased! They also like Dawes. Posers.
quests.hstars_1.1352191986295.desc=They say if you can sing country, you can sing anything!
quests.hstars_1.1352191986295.hint=The secret of singing country is all about your clothes and surroundings. Grab your mic, put on a cowboy hat and sing to at least 2 horses! Country
quests.hstars_1.1352192714328.completed=Okay you got skills! You remind me of a young, hungry, Eminem. You should really eat something. One final test...
quests.hstars_1.1352192714328.desc=Everyone has a rap song these days, start yours.
quests.hstars_1.1352192714328.hint=Kick off your rhyme by saying yo three times, to a crowd of at least 10. Please don't threaten to bust a cap into anyone, most people don't respond well to that. Time
quests.hstars_1.1352193922883.completed=So it looks like you do have what it takes! If you didn't already ,make sure you say Botcelli in the Backstage room for an additional reward! (Don't worry, it's not a date with Kevin Federline!)
quests.hstars_1.1352193922883.desc=Meet the most famous BOT Star of all time!
quests.hstars_1.1352193922883.hint=Find out the name of the bot in the Backstage room and speak it outloud! Star Stars
quests.hstars_2.1352733801804.chaincaption=Habbo Stars
quests.hstars_2.dance_with_10_users.completed=Good. Dancing is the best way to make new friends :)
quests.hstars_2.dance_with_10_users.desc=Now dance with other Habbos
quests.hstars_2.dance_with_10_users.hint=To complete this quest visit 10 rooms and and dance with at least 1 other habbo there. WITH FRIENDS
quests.hstars_2.do_moonwalk.completed=Wow. So you said your name was Billie Jean right? You're so smooth it's almost criminal.
quests.hstars_2.do_moonwalk.desc=Now pay tribute to the king of pop.
quests.hstars_2.do_moonwalk.hint=Walk on a Marswalk tile to complete this quest.
quests.hstars_2.gangnam_with_10.completed=You see? The more the merrier!
quests.hstars_2.gangnam_with_10.desc=Dance Gangnam with friends. It's funnier!
quests.hstars_2.gangnam_with_10.hint=Enter a room and stand on a Gangnam tile with 10 habbos to complete this quest WITH FRIENDS Stars 2
quests.hstars_2.user_dance_gangnam.completed=Wouhouhou! Gangnam style !
quests.hstars_2.user_dance_gangnam.desc=How about Gangnam? You know it too. Right?
quests.hstars_2.user_dance_gangnam.hint=Walk on a gangnam tile to complete this quest STYLE
quests.hstars_2.user_do_choreography.completed=Congrats ! Now you're ready for dancing with the stars !
quests.hstars_2.user_do_choreography.desc=It's choreography time! Find TraBOTla to learn more
quests.hstars_2.user_do_choreography.hint=To complete this quest go to 'Dancefloor' and check the sticky note on the wall to form a square with 7 of your friends - each on a tile, according to the scheme.
quests.hstars_2.users_dance.completed=Shake your pixels! Shake!
quests.hstars_2.users_dance.desc=Now that you've learned to sing. Learn to dance as well
quests.hstars_2.users_dance.hint=Dance to complete this quest. !
quests.hstars_3.1353331629589.chaincaption=Become A Star
quests.hstars_3.find_5_journalists.completed=Thank you :) That comment about Rhianna is probably gonna come back and haunt you though.
quests.hstars_3.find_5_journalists.desc=Everyone wants an interview.
quests.hstars_3.find_5_journalists.hint=Take a moment to stand with 5 journalists with a mic JOURNALISTS
quests.hstars_3.have_10_fans.completed=You're truly a star !
quests.hstars_3.have_10_fans.desc=Now meet your fans...
quests.hstars_3.have_10_fans.hint=Wave and stay close to 10 of your fans showing you some love (signs) ! FANS
quests.hstars_3.have_4_bodyguards.completed=Impressive ! No one is going to want to mess with you, or ask for your autograph.
quests.hstars_3.have_4_bodyguards.desc=Now show you're a true HC rockstar.
quests.hstars_3.have_4_bodyguards.hint=Hire 4 bodyguards wearing black sunglasses and a skull t-shirt - and stay close to them BODYGUARDS
quests.hstars_3.wear_sunglasses.completed=Cool. The future's so bright, you gotta wear shades!
quests.hstars_3.wear_sunglasses.desc=You know how to sing, you know how to dance, So now...
quests.hstars_3.wear_sunglasses.hint=Become a Star: Put your sunglasses on. SUNGLASSES
quests.identity.CHANGEFIGURE.completed=You can get more options for clothing if you join Habbo Club!
quests.identity.CHANGEFIGURE.desc=Update your clothes, hair and accessories to find your own style!
quests.identity.CHANGEFIGURE.hint=Click the 'Me' button, then click 'Change Looks', change up your appearance and click save. Your Looks
quests.identity.CHANGEMOTTO.completed=Done! The motto of Habbo Hotel is "What Happens In Habbo Stays In Habbo" ;)
quests.identity.CHANGEMOTTO.desc=Update your motto. What's on your mind?
quests.identity.CHANGEMOTTO.hint=Click on your own avatar, and write your motto in the field under the info box. Remember to press the return key to save it! Motto
quests.identity.WEARBADGE.completed=You get badges when you complete Achievements and sometimes in Competitions!
quests.identity.WEARBADGE.desc=Wear your favorite and let other players see it!
quests.identity.WEARBADGE.hint=Click the 'My Stuff' button, and look in the 'Achieved Badges' tab for badges you want to wear! your Badge! Profile
quests.list.accept=Activate quest
quests.list.completed=You have completed all the quests in this category.
quests.list.nextquestavailable=Your next daily quest will be available in
quests.list.opencatalog=Open the Shop!
quests.list.opennavigator=Search for rooms!
quests.list.questdelayed=Next quest countdown
quests.list.reject=Cancel Quest
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.completed=Great! You completed 1 of 16. You're ready to run! Time to find a trainer!
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.desc=Welcome to the Habbo-lympix! Change into training gear.
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.hint=Change your looks to prepare for the games. Running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt will be a nice touch. READY
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.completed=Excellent! You completed 2 of 16. Now its time to start training.
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.desc=Track down a Health Nut in the hotel.
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.hint=Before you get going, you really need a coach and some proper training. Track down a Health Nut in the hotel. THE COACH
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.completed=Bravo! You completed 3 of 16. Now head to Greece where the games began.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.desc=Start your training. Walk on rollers for 30 seconds.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.hint=Find 2 or more rollers, and try to stay on them for 30 seconds. TRAINING
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.completed=Congrats! You completed 4 of 16. It's time to light the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.desc=Head to Greece where the Olympics got started ages ago.
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.hint=Find a room with at least 4 Greek pillars, 2 Greek corners and a Greek gate. TO GREECE
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.completed=Wow! You completed 5 of 16. Time to start the relay.
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.desc=In the spirit of the ancient Olympians, light a torch!
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.hint=Find a Habbo-lympic Torch and double-click on it to receive a torch. THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.completed=Great Singing! You completed 6 of 16. Now its time to pass the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.desc=It's time to sing the Olympic hymn... in Greek!
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.hint=Find the Greek lyrics of the Olympic hymn, and recite the first line (five words) while holding a torch. Hint: Wikipedia may be helpful :) OLYMPIC HYMN
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.completed=Good job? You completed 7 of 16. Now head to China for the next step.
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.desc=Feeling tired? Rest up after passing the torch to 5 Habbos.
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.hint=Pass a torch to 5 other Habbos. THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.completed=Well done! You completed 8 of 16. Half way there! Now go get a torch.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.desc=Get the Olympic flame to next stop: China.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.hint=Hold a torch and enter a Chinese room with at least one Moon Gate and one Chinese Lantern. CHINA
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.completed=Nicely Done! You completed 9 of 16. Next stop is the dessert.
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.desc=Lend a helping hand. Its your turn to carry the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.hint=Receive a torch from 5 other Habbos. THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.completed=Excellent! You completed 10 of 16. Now keep on running.
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.desc=Feeling warm? According to the map, you're near a desert.
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.hint=Hold a torch and enter a desert room with at least 5 sand patches. THE DESERT
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.completed=Nice work! You completed 11 of 16. Now head to the Jungle for the next step.
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.desc=Feeling tired again?! Rest up after passing the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.hint=Pass a torch to 10 other Habbos. OVER THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.completed=Great! You completed 12 of 16. Now go get the torch and head to the stadium.
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.desc=Don't get lost in the jungle!
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.hint=Hold a torch and enter a jungle room with at least 5 jungle patches. THE JUNGLE
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.completed=Got it! You completed 13 of 16. Now head to the Stadium.
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.desc=It's the home stretch. Take the torch for a final run.
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.hint=Receive a torch from 10 other Habbos. THE TORCH BACK
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.completed=Excellent! You completed 14 of 16. You're close to the finish line.
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.desc=Get to the Stadium on time!
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.hint=Hold a torch and enter a room with at least 10 sports tracks and a goal post. STADIUM
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.completed=Fantastic! You completed 15 of 16. The podium is really close, can you feel it?
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.desc=Before you reach the podium you need to jump some hurdles.
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.hint=Walk over (jump) at least 10 hurdles.!
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.completed=Amazing! 16 of 16 completed. Thanks to you, the Habbo-lympix is a success.
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.desc=Nice! Stand on the podium and enjoy the moment with friends!
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.hint=Hold a torch while standing on a podium in a room with at least 20 other Habbos that are all holding torches as well. GRAND FINAL
quests.lympix1.keepcalm.chaincaption=Keep Calm And Carry On
quests.lympix1.keepcalm.chaininfo=Take the torch on a journey around the world and then join the Habbo-lympix Games!
quests.lympix1.looklike.completed=Good. You completed 1 of 16. Should I call you "Your Majesty" now?
quests.lympix1.looklike.desc=Check your clothesline and try to look like the Queen.
quests.lympix1.looklike.hint=The Queen is tired. She needs holidays and a substitute. Can you make it? Dress like her! LIKE A QUEEN
quests.lympix1.looklike2.completed=Beware! You completed 7 of 16. You're now ready for hunting.
quests.lympix1.looklike2.desc=Now it's time for fun and... Stag hunting. What's needed?
quests.lympix1.looklike2.hint=Ride a horse and check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit. LIKE A QUEEN 2
quests.lympix1.looklike3.completed=Ah much better! Now they think you're relative... You completed 9 of 16.
quests.lympix1.looklike3.desc=Check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit.
quests.lympix1.looklike3.hint=Actually these stags look quite hostile and menacing... Show them you're actually on their side now. LIKE A QUEEN 3
quests.lympix1.looklike4.completed=You're a sensation! You completed 14 of 16.
quests.lympix1.looklike4.desc=Check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit.
quests.lympix1.looklike4.hint=Scammed - the famous punk band -is playing tonight. The Queen was invited. What should you wear? LIKE A QUEEN 4
quests.lympix1.majesty.chaincaption=On Her Majesty's secret service
quests.lympix1.majesty.chaininfo=We need you to be the Queen's stand-in. Do the Quest just right, and there will be sweet rewards waiting!
quests.lympix1.palaces.completed=ROYAL! And nicely located too. You completed 4 of 16.
quests.lympix1.palaces.desc=Find 3 rooms with 1 Union Jack Sofa and 1 Royal Tea Lady.
quests.lympix1.palaces.hint=Time to discover your royal apartments. Find 3 of them. ROYAL PALACES
quests.lympix1.queensguards.completed=At ease! You made it and completed 5 of 16.
quests.lympix1.queensguards.desc=You need to review the troops now.
quests.lympix1.queensguards.hint=Spot 5 Habbos wearing a black afro, a red army jacket and black trousers in a room. THE GUARDS
quests.lympix1.respect.completed=The real Queen is almost jealous at your graceful behavior. You completed 3 of 16.
quests.lympix1.respect.desc=Give 3 respects to other Habbos.
quests.lympix1.respect.hint=Do your royal subjects like you? It's essential for a Queen. But first, you must show them respect too. Respect 3 different Habbos - spread it around among your people! THE PEOPLE! You did a great job a Queen substitute. The Queen thanks you! You completed 16 of 16! show the people some love! wise ruler appreciates their loyal followers. Even if said followers are wearing punky hairdos. ;)Show love to your people by tossing up a heart sign! SAVE THE QUEEN
quests.lympix1.stags.completed=Aha! Spotted. Who's having a laugh now? You completed 8 of 16.
quests.lympix1.stags.desc=Where are the stags? Find them.
quests.lympix1.stags.hint=Find a room with 5 Habbos that wear a reindeer hat. STAGS
quests.lympix1.tea1.completed=So good... Next time with milk maybe. You completed 11 of 16.
quests.lympix1.tea1.desc=It's time for tea. Go check if the Queen made some.
quests.lympix1.tea1.hint=Click on a Queen bot to get some tea. O'CLOCK TEA
quests.lympix1.tea2.completed=Sharing is caring. You're such a great host. You completed 12 of 16.
quests.lympix1.tea2.desc=This Tea is sooo great you have to share it with friends.
quests.lympix1.tea2.hint=This is good tea, fit for royals! Pass around the tea to your friends 6 times. O'CLOCK TEA 2
quests.lympix1.tea3.completed=Bravo. That's a Team thing! :) You completed 13 of 16.
quests.lympix1.tea3.desc=Now, as it's tea time it makes sense to make some "T" right?
quests.lympix1.tea3.hint=Form a T letter in your room with four of your friends. O'CLOCK TEA 3
quests.lympix1.wave.completed=Congrats for doing it with such grace! You completed 2 of 16.
quests.lympix1.wave.desc=Wave at 5 Habbos to achieve this quest.
quests.lympix1.wave.hint=What is the Queen best at? Waving at the audience of course! LIKE A QUEEN
quests.lympix1.wave2.completed=You wave and magic happens. You completed 6 of 16. What's your secret?
quests.lympix1.wave2.desc=Wave at 10 Habbos to achieve this quest.
quests.lympix1.wave2.hint=Increase your popularity. Wave at 10 royal subjects. LIKE A QUEEN 2
quests.lympix1.wave3.completed=Great. They felt under your charm – as the others. You completed 10 of 16.
quests.lympix1.wave3.desc=Use your magic on them. Wave!
quests.lympix1.wave3.hint=Wave to 20 Habbos wearing a reindeer hat. LIKE A QUEEN 3
quests.lympix1.wave4.completed=Great! Now they do believe in the future. You completed 15 of 16.
quests.lympix1.wave4.desc=Wave to 40 Habbos wearing a punk haircut.
quests.lympix1.wave4.hint=How does royal power work on these punks? Check now: wave to the audience. LIKE A QUEEN 4
quests.lympix2.looklike.completed=Good. You completed 1 of 16. Should I call you "Your Majesty" now?
quests.lympix2.looklike.desc=Check your clothesline and try to look like the Queen.
quests.lympix2.looklike.hint=The Queen is tired. She needs holidays and a substitute. Can you make it? Dress like her! LIKE A QUEEN
quests.lympix2.looklike2 .completed=Beware! You completed 7 of 16. You're now ready for hunting.
quests.lympix2.looklike2 .desc=Now it's time for fun and... Stag hunting. What's needed?
quests.lympix2.looklike2 .hint=Ride a horse and check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit.
quests.lympix2.looklike2 .name=DRESS LIKE A QUEEN 2
quests.lympix2.looklike3.completed=Ah much better! Now they think you're relative... You completed 9 of 16.
quests.lympix2.looklike3.desc=Check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit.
quests.lympix2.looklike3.hint=Actually these stags look quite hostile and menacing... Show them you're actually on their side now. LIKE A QUEEN 3
quests.lympix2.looklike4.completed=You're a sensation! You completed 14 of 16.
quests.lympix2.looklike4.desc=Check your clothesline to wear the proper outfit.
quests.lympix2.looklike4.hint=Scammed - the famous punk band -is playing tonight. The Queen was invited. What should you wear? LIKE A QUEEN 4
quests.lympix2.majesty.chaincaption=On Her Majesty's secret service
quests.lympix2.majesty.chaininfo=We need you to be the Queen's stand-in. Do the Quest just right, and there will be sweet rewards waiting!
quests.lympix2.palaces.completed=ROYAL! And nicely located too. You completed 4 of 16.
quests.lympix2.palaces.desc=Find 3 rooms with 1 Union Jack Sofa and 1 Royal Tea Lady.
quests.lympix2.palaces.hint=Time to discover your royal apartments. Find 3 of them. ROYAL PALACES
quests.lympix2.queensguards.completed=At ease! You made it and completed 5 of 16.
quests.lympix2.queensguards.desc=You need to review the troops now.
quests.lympix2.queensguards.hint=Spot 5 Habbos wearing a black afro, a red army jacket and black trousers in a room. THE GUARDS
quests.lympix2.respect.completed=The real Queen is almost jealous at your graceful behavior. You completed 3 of 16.
quests.lympix2.respect.desc=Give 3 respects to other Habbos.
quests.lympix2.respect.hint=Do your royal subjects like you? It's essential for a Queen. But first, you must show them respect too. Respect 3 different Habbos - spread it around among your people! THE PEOPLE! You did a great job a Queen substitute. The Queen thanks you! You completed 16 of 16! show the people some love! wise ruler appreciates their loyal followers. Even if said followers are wearing punky hairdos. ;) Show love to your people by tossing up a heart sign! SAVE THE QUEEN
quests.lympix2.stags.completed=Aha! Spotted. Who's having a laugh now? You completed 8 of 16.
quests.lympix2.stags.desc=Where are the stags? Find them.
quests.lympix2.stags.hint=Find a room with 5 Habbos that wear a reindeer hat. STAGS
quests.lympix2.tea1.completed=So good... Next time with milk maybe. You completed 11 of 16.
quests.lympix2.tea1.desc=It's time for tea. Go check if the Queen made some.
quests.lympix2.tea1.hint=Click on a Queen bot to get some tea. O'CLOCK TEA
quests.lympix2.tea2.completed=Sharing is caring. You're such a great host. You completed 12 of 16.
quests.lympix2.tea2.desc=This Tea is sooo great you have to share it with friends.
quests.lympix2.tea2.hint=This is good tea, fit for royals! Pass around the tea to your friends 6 times. O'CLOCK TEA 2
quests.lympix2.tea3.completed=Bravo. That's a Team thing! :) You completed 13 of 16.
quests.lympix2.tea3.desc=Now, as it's tea time it makes sense to make some "T" right?
quests.lympix2.tea3.hint=Form a T letter in your room with four of your friends. O'CLOCK TEA 3
quests.lympix2.wave.completed=Congrats for doing it with such grace! You completed 2 of 16.
quests.lympix2.wave.desc=Wave at 5 Habbos to achieve this quest.
quests.lympix2.wave.hint=What is the Queen best at? Waving at the audience of course! LIKE A QUEEN
quests.lympix2.wave2.completed=You wave and magic happens. You completed 6 of 16. What's your secret?
quests.lympix2.wave2.desc=Wave at 10 Habbos to achieve this quest.
quests.lympix2.wave2.hint=Increase your popularity. Wave at 10 royal subjects. LIKE A QUEEN 2
quests.lympix2.wave3.completed=Great. They felt under your charm – as the others. You completed 10 of 16.
quests.lympix2.wave3.desc=Use your magic on them. Wave!
quests.lympix2.wave3.hint=Wave to 20 Habbos wearing a reindeer hat. LIKE A QUEEN 3
quests.lympix2.wave4.completed=Great! Now they do believe in the future. You completed 15 of 16.
quests.lympix2.wave4.desc=Wave to 40 Habbos wearing a punk haircut.
quests.lympix2.wave4.hint=How does royal power work on these punks? Check now: wave to the audience. LIKE A QUEEN 4
quests.monsterplants.1336126524053.chaincaption=A Happy Plant Is A Fertile Plant
quests.monsterplants.1336126524053.chaininfo=Monster Plants can get quite lonely, even in a crowd. But one thing that cheers them up is the chance to breed!
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.completed=Yay! It looks like you got a seed, and your Monster Plant doesn't look too sad anymore.
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.desc=Breed your Monster Plant with another!
quests.monsterplants.1336126639592.hint=Monster Plants can get very lonely :( Go ahead and breed a Monster Plant to give them some company! You can either breed your Monster Plant together with a friend's Monster Plant, OR you can breed 2 of your own grown Monster Plants together. a Monster!
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.completed=Nice one! You've made something beautiful here. So, very, beautiful and yet still so ghastly...
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.desc=Breed a Monster Plant of rarity lvl1
quests.monsterplants.1336126798248.hint=Breed your Monster Plant so that the outcome seed is of rarity level 1 or higher. Monsters II
quests.monsterplants.1336129796751.chaincaption=Show Some Love!
quests.monsterplants.1336129796751.chaininfo=Is your Monster Plant feeling sad and down? Take part in these quests to cheer it up and take care of it.
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.completed=A well-tended plant is a happy plant, and these plants certainly need all the love they can get!
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.desc=Tend your plants to keep them happy and alive!
quests.monsterplants.1336129853166.hint=Monster Plants are really tetchy about their appearance. Treat and tend your plant to make it feel better about itself. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion. Some Love
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.completed=Excellent! You're really climbing the ladder and becoming a formidable plant breeder!
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.desc=Breed a Monster Plant of rarity lvl3
quests.monsterplants.1336130481850.hint=Breed your Monster Plant so, that the outcome seed is of rarity level 3 or higher. Monsters III
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.completed=Yay! Your plant is feeling better and better all the time!
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl3
quests.monsterplants.1336131144565.hint=Take care of your plant by tending to it. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.Plants need to be lvl3 or higher. Some Love II
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.completed=Aww! Even ugly Monster Plants need love, actually they probably need more love, on account of their sheer ugliness. Thankfully, they have hearts of gold, at least according to the last autopsy report...
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl5
quests.monsterplants.1336131365579.hint=Take care and make Monster Plants happy by tending to them. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.Plants need to be lvl5 or higher. Some Love III
quests.monsterplants.1336383904592.chaincaption=In Search Of Lost Plants
quests.monsterplants.1336383904592.chaininfo=Worst Proust reference ever? Probably! In this quest you need to hunt around the Hotel to find different looking plants.
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.completed=They may look short and squat, but they're really quite pleasant to watch TV with. They hate golf though, they really hate golf.
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.desc=Find a Monster Plant of the Stumpy breed
quests.monsterplants.1336384056534.hint=Your Monster Plant is still feeling down in the dumps. But worry not, we hear there's a really gross Stump plant out there! Find (and click) on a Stumpy-shaped Monster Plant. A Stumpy
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.completed=Yay! It tickles a bit when you kiss them, just so you know.
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.desc=Find a Monster Plant with a mustache under it's nose!
quests.monsterplants.1336384585060.hint=Your Monster Plant is starting to feel a bit better, but now he's really hung up about his nose! Find (and click) a Monster Plant with a nose with mustache under it, they make your Monster Plant look like Shaft in comparison! The Mustache!
quests.monsterplants.1336385700670.chaincaption=Stepping Out...
quests.monsterplants.1336385700670.chaininfo=Take your Monster Plant out and about to see the Hotel and meet some possible new friends.
quests.monsterplants.1336385775532.completed=The Monster Plant is not impressed with your dinner suggestion. Maybe it only likes it's meat raw? Maybe it's a sushi fiend? Or maybe it's just on a diet of chewing gum and friend apples..?
quests.monsterplants.1336385775532.desc=Take your Plant out to dinner!
quests.monsterplants.1336385775532.hint=Take your Monster Plant out to dinner in someone else's room. Room needs to contain a Valentine's Dinner Table. Dinner With...
quests.monsterplants.1336387373332.completed=The Monster Plant doesn't seem to find pets a desirable snack. Maybe it's a vegan?
quests.monsterplants.1336387373332.desc=Take your plant to a room to eat & meet some pets!
quests.monsterplants.1336387373332.hint=Take your Monster Plant to a room with at least 3 other pets and their owners. Let's see if your Monster Plant would prefer to eat some pets... Pet For A Plant
quests.monsterplants.1336389742714.completed=The Monster Plant is intrigued with your offerings... Watch out, it has a taste for Habbo blood now, you might want to keep your distance.
quests.monsterplants.1336389742714.desc=Maybe your plant has a taste for Habbo flesh?
quests.monsterplants.1336389742714.hint=Perhaps your Monster Plant is hungrier than you thought, nibbling on your friends pets may not be enough? Take your Monster Plant to a room with at least 5 other Habbo and see how it likes it there. Plant Debutante
quests.monsterplants.1336390885903.completed=With so many eyes, why can't this plant see how much he's loved?
quests.monsterplants.1336390885903.desc=Find a Monster Plant with lots of eyes!
quests.monsterplants.1336390885903.hint=Is your Monster Plant still boring the heck out of you, and is now complaining about it's eyes? Find (and click) a Monster Plant with lots of eyes and make it feel a bit more "normal". Eyes Have It!
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.completed=His teeth don't look that bad, for a monstrous troll at least... Well, now your Monster Plant feels a bit more confident over his appearance, job well done!
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.desc=Find a Monster Plant with funny Teeth
quests.monsterplants.1336392370797.hint=Your Monster Plant is now panicking about his teeth! Find (and click) a funny-toothed Monster Plant, and make him feel a little better about himself A Mouthful
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.completed=If you want to make your Monster Plant really happy, don't bring up touchy subjects with it in the room, like physical beauty, the price of cat litter and the possibility of Armageddon.
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.desc=Nurture Monster Plants over rarity lvl7.
quests.monsterplants.1336982557533.hint=Take care of plants, and make them feel better, by tending to them. The more the nurtured plant needs care, the more the quest will move towards completion.Plants need to be lvl7 or higher. Some Love IV
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.completed=You found one! Did you say hello to it? Did you promise to come back and see it again? Did you flick frozen peas at it? For shame!
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.desc=Find a Phoenicus-colored Monster Plant!
quests.monsterplants.1336983759094.hint=Your Plant feels bad about his look. Find (and click) a Phoenicus-colored (=pink) Monster Plant, they're far more ugly! Me Mad
quests.monsterplants.1336988219818.chaincaption=Plant Watchers In Paradise
quests.monsterplants.1336988219818.chaininfo=There's so many different kinds of Monster Plants out there, how many can you spot?
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.completed=As we known, beauty comes in many forms, from the twisty to the stumpy. Who is to say what true beauty is in this day and age?
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.desc=Find all the different Monster Plant forms
quests.monsterplants.1336988247020.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant forms.Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Searchers
quests.monsterplants.1336997077393.chaincaption=Show Your Plant A Good Time
quests.monsterplants.1336997077393.chaininfo=Cheer up your Monster Plant by taking it with you and doing some fun activities.
quests.monsterplants.1336998276303.completed=Can you feel it? Calling in the air tonight..? You know, Monster Plants like Phil Collins, but prefer the Peter Gabriel incarnation of Genesis. Go figure.
quests.monsterplants.1336998276303.desc=Sing the plant a love song to show you care.
quests.monsterplants.1336998276303.hint=We've heard Monster Plants like Phil Collins. Hum the tune of Against All Odds to the plant and see how it likes it... It Loud
quests.monsterplants.1336999394121.completed=Yay, it loves to dance! It loves the tango best, but it can be seduced into salsa! It hates line dancing however, and seems to have a weird grudge against Billy Ray Cyrus.
quests.monsterplants.1336999394121.desc=Dance with the Monster Plant!
quests.monsterplants.1336999394121.hint=We've established that the Monster Plants like music. Let's see if they like dancing too. Gather 7 friends, and stand around a monster plant dancing! Dance With A Plant
quests.monsterplants.1337000543921.chaincaption=Making Friends Was Never Easy
quests.monsterplants.1337000543921.chaininfo=...Except for Victor Frankenstein! Anyway, in these quests you need to find some friends for your Monster Plant!
quests.monsterplants.1337000640992.completed=I wonder what they talk about? Economics probably, that's one fiscally conservative palm tree!
quests.monsterplants.1337000640992.desc=Take your Plant to a room with a Bollywood Palm Tree
quests.monsterplants.1337000640992.hint=Find a room containing a Bollywood Palm Tree and place your Monster Plant in it. Distant Cousin?
quests.monsterplants.1337001131754.completed=You did it! Did you know that the Weird Staring Plant is an associate chair in Pharmacology at Cornell University? Well, that's what he claims. He also claims to have been a member of The Wiggles.
quests.monsterplants.1337001131754.desc=Take your plant to a room containing a Weird Staring Plant.
quests.monsterplants.1337001131754.hint=Find a room contiaining a Weird Staring Plant and place your Monster Plant in the room. Brother Perhaps?
quests.monsterplants.1337001203954.completed=They just didn't along with each other did they? I mean, they say love has no boundaries, being a place where even death has no dominion, but your Monster Plant loathed that Volcano Flower with such passion... It was quite cute, in a way..
quests.monsterplants.1337001203954.desc=Take the Monster Plant to a room with a Volcano Flower.
quests.monsterplants.1337001203954.hint=Take the Monster Plant to a room with a Volcano Flower. See if it would prefer the company of one closer to it's own kind. Erruption Of Joy?
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.completed=How many eyes does it take to see that beauty lies within?
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Eyes.
quests.monsterplants.1337065193114.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant Eye types.Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Eyes Have It!
quests.monsterplants.1337066340057.completed=Your Plant seems to like it in here, perhaps you can let him stay a while, maybe he'll make some friends and learn to like himself.
quests.monsterplants.1337066340057.desc=Take the Monster Plant to a room with real Greenhouse items!
quests.monsterplants.1337066340057.hint=Take the Monster Plant to a room with Greenhouse items. Perhaps that is the right atmosphere for a Monster Plant? With Happiness
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.completed=The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the mouth is the loud-speaker.
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Mouths
quests.monsterplants.1337075054669.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant mouth types.Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Of Madness
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.completed=You know what they say about plants with big noses? Nothing, they say nothing.
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.desc=Find all the Monster Plant Noses
quests.monsterplants.1337075207545.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant Nose types.Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Nosey
quests.monsterplants.1337075889055.chaininfo=Get your friends together to celebrate Monster Plant diversity with a parade, of sorts...
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.completed=They look so smart all lined up! It reminds me of my prom night, playing video games...
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.desc=Find a room with all the Monster Plant forms lined up.
quests.monsterplants.1337075970142.hint=It's a Monster Plant Fashion show! Find a room containing Monster Plants with all eleven different forms lined up together. Formal Line-Up
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.completed=Nicely done. Contrary to popular belief, Monster Plants are not radioactive, they just look it.
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.desc=Find a room with all the Monster Plant eye types lined up.
quests.monsterplants.1337076193390.hint=Find a room containing Monster Plants with all eleven different eye types lined up together. Eye For Detail
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.completed=Wow, those Plants must have sky high dental insurance premiums!
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.desc=Find a room with all the Monster Plant mouth types lined up.
quests.monsterplants.1337076302561.hint=Find a room containing Monster Plants with all eleven different mouth types lined up together. Your Lip Gloss
quests.monsterplants.1337076608561.completed=A Monster Plant goes to the doctor and says "My nose is running!" the doctor, old, obese, tired, replies "You better go catch it then!" and chuckles to himself, the Monster Plant replies "I would, but I have no legs."
quests.monsterplants.1337076608561.desc=Find a room with all the Monster Plant nose types lined up.
quests.monsterplants.1337076608561.hint=Find a room containing Monster Plants with all eleven different nose types lined up together. up noses
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.completed=You looked high, you looked low, you looked tired and you looked fully refreshed after a cat-nap, and you found them all! Excellent job, space-cadet!
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.desc=Find all the Monster Plant colors.
quests.monsterplants.1337077851284.hint=Find all of the different Monster Plant colors. Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. Ramblers
quests.monsterplants.1337152837653.completed=Your plant feels loved! Lucky little thing.
quests.monsterplants.1337152837653.desc=Get others to show your Monster Plant some love!
quests.monsterplants.1337152837653.hint=Put down your Monster Plant in other Habbos rooms and get them to show some love by showing the heart sign. Of The Matter
quests.monsterplants.1337157917333.completed=YAY! Your Monster Plant has finally made a friend!
quests.monsterplants.1337157917333.desc=Place your Monster Plant beside another
quests.monsterplants.1337157917333.hint=Find a room with another Monster Plant in and place yours beside it to see if they click. Blossoms! Plants
quests.mskquest1.1359557964210.chaincaption=Mask Quest 1
quests.mskquest1.1359557964210.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest1.1359558025493.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest1.1359558025493.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest1.1359558025493.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 1
quests.mskquest10.1360338223100.chaincaption=Final Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338223100.chaininfo=Got all 9 Golden Masks? Show them all and be rewarded!
quests.mskquest10.1360338285907.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338285907.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338303231.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338303231.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338319483.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338319483.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338334801.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338334801.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338352714.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338352714.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338394219.desc=Wear the Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338394219.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338414532.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338414532.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338446084.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338446084.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest
quests.mskquest10.1360338467035.completed=Congratulations! You have completed the final Mask Quest and are rewarded with the Ultimate Golden Mask Badge. You will also be rewarded a mystery prize soon!
quests.mskquest10.1360338467035.desc=Wear this Mask Badge.
quests.mskquest10.1360338467035.hint=Select the Mask Badge from your Inventory and wear it. Mask Quest Quest 10
quests.mskquest2.1360335366603.chaincaption=Mask Quest 2
quests.mskquest2.1360335366603.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest2.1360336062802.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest2.1360336062802.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest2.1360336062802.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 2
quests.mskquest3.1360335587373.chaincaption=Mask Quest 3
quests.mskquest3.1360335587373.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest3.1360335991115.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest3.1360335991115.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest3.1360335991115.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 3
quests.mskquest4.1360335624328.chaincaption=Mask Quest 4
quests.mskquest4.1360335624328.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest4.1360336260987.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest4.1360336260987.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest4.1360336260987.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 4
quests.mskquest5.1360335646170.chaincaption=Mask Quest 5
quests.mskquest5.1360335646170.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest5.1360336316238.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest5.1360336316238.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest5.1360336316238.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 5
quests.mskquest6.1360335702626.chaincaption=Mask Quest 6
quests.mskquest6.1360335702626.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest6.1360336443385.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest6.1360336443385.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest6.1360336443385.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 6
quests.mskquest7.1360335624328.chaincaption=Mask Quest 7
quests.mskquest7.1360335624328.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest7.1360336548746.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest7.1360336548746.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest7.1360336548746.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 7
quests.mskquest8.1360335879079.chaincaption=Mask Quest 8
quests.mskquest8.1360335879079.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest8.1360336676145.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Collect them all to later complete a final Quest.
quests.mskquest8.1360336676145.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest8.1360336676145.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 8
quests.mskquest9.1360335917540.chaincaption=Mask Quest 9
quests.mskquest9.1360335917540.chaininfo=Find someone with the same mask!
quests.mskquest9.1360336795259.completed=Match! You collected a Golden Mask Badge. Did you collect all the Golden Masks? Then come back tomorrow for the final Quest.
quests.mskquest9.1360336795259.desc=Wear this Mask and find someone wearing the same one.
quests.mskquest9.1360336795259.hint=You can find this Mask in the shop or by getting a random Mask in the Mask Shop. You can change your Mask by changing your clothes. You need to complete ALL Quests to be able to finish the final Quest. Quest Quest 9
quests.newquestavailable=New quest available
quests.newxmasquestsavailable=New Xmas Quest Unlocked!
quests.nextquesttimer.caption.contracted=Next Quest in: %time%
quests.nextquesttimer.caption.expanded=Next Quest Timer
quests.pets.FINDLION.completed=Yes! Our Lions are perfectly domesticated! They're ideal to stand guard over your room...
quests.pets.FINDLION.desc=Use the rooms list to search for rooms with Lions in.
quests.pets.FINDLION.hint=Check out the rooms in the Pets category of the Rooms! You'll have to click the Lion to complete this quest.
quests.pets.FINDSPIDER.completed=Scary little things aren't they?
quests.pets.FINDSPIDER.desc=Use the rooms list to search for rooms where Spiders might be lurking.
quests.pets.FINDSPIDER.hint=Click on a pet Spider to complete this quest. Seeker
quests.pets.FINDTERRIER.completed=Spot on!
quests.pets.FINDTERRIER.desc=Use the rooms list to search for rooms with Terriers running around.
quests.pets.FINDTERRIER.hint=Click any terrier to complete this quest! Trouble?
quests.pets.GIVEDRINKTOPET.completed=Pets need to drink daily. Make sure to double click the cup to keep it full.
quests.pets.GIVEDRINKTOPET.desc=Get a water bowl from the Shop, place it in your room and wait for your pet to drink.
quests.pets.GIVEDRINKTOPET.hint=You can order your pet to drink, or wait for it to get thirsty. Your Pet A Drink
quests.pets.GIVEFOODTOPET.completed=Keep your Pets happy by feeding them every day!
quests.pets.GIVEFOODTOPET.desc=Get some food for your pet from the Shop, place it in your room and wait for your pet to eat.
quests.pets.GIVEFOODTOPET.hint=You can order your pet to eat, or wait for it to get hungry. Your Pet!
quests.pets.LEVELUPPET.completed=Continue training to earn badges, and who knows, you might excel at pet competitions!
quests.pets.LEVELUPPET.desc=Train your pet and gain a level.
quests.pets.LEVELUPPET.hint=Teach your pet some tricks! Click your pet and open the training panel, level up to complete this quest. You will unlock new commands once your pet starts leveling up. Up Your Pet
quests.pets.PETSINROOM.completed=Let's see if your pet found some new friends!
quests.pets.PETSINROOM.desc=Find a room with 2 pets and their owners present. Place your own pet in the room.
quests.pets.PETSINROOM.hint=Have a look through the Pets category of the Rooms, or have a look in the Pet Park! Your Pet!
quests.pets.PETTOOTHERSROOM.completed=Bringing your Pet with you can be a great conversation starter :)
quests.pets.PETTOOTHERSROOM.desc=Take your pet out for a walk.
quests.pets.PETTOOTHERSROOM.hint=Pick up your pet, it will sit in your pet inventory (just click 'My Stuff'). You can put your pet down in most other rooms, so have a walk around! When you leave, the pet comes with you. Your Pet Out
quests.pets.SCRATCHAPET.completed=You can earn Badges for giving your pets special attention!
quests.pets.SCRATCHAPET.desc=Find a Pet and give it a good scratch behind the ear!
quests.pets.SCRATCHAPET.hint=Scratch your own Pet or better yet, try out the Pet Park. You'll find it among the Quest Rooms in the Rooms menu! Click on a Pet and give it a scratch. a Pet
quests.prexmas11_1.1.desc=Get in the mood with a festive winter hairdo- how about a mohawk?
quests.prexmas11_1.1.hint=You can change your appearance by clicking on your avatar and then clicking 'Change looks'. Mohawk
quests.prexmas11_1.2.completed=Wow. You look good. Like a young Travis Bickle, or David Beckham.
quests.prexmas11_1.2.desc=Find some other Habbos with the same hairstyle!
quests.prexmas11_1.2.hint=Find a room with at least 5 other Habbos with the same Mohawk hairstyle and spend some time with them- you might make a new friend. Mohawk Party 1
quests.prexmas11_2.1.desc=Find a party room and shake your butt on the dance floor!
quests.prexmas11_2.1.hint=That is the 'rug' with flashing orange lights. Dance!
quests.prexmas11_2.2.completed=Wow. That's close enough! You guys get any hotter we're gonna have to call the fire department!
quests.prexmas11_2.2.desc=Find someone you like and dance with him/her.
quests.prexmas11_2.2.hint=You'll have to get really close... so don't dance with someone who just ate some garlic. Dancing 2
quests.prexmas11_3.1.completed=Feeling the magic already?
quests.prexmas11_3.1.desc=Talk about Xmas with your friends.
quests.prexmas11_3.1.hint=Talk about Xmas related things with your friends, or to yourself!'is The Season... 3
quests.rejectnotification=You can re-activate the quests later by clicking this icon!
quests.room_builder.MOVEITEM.completed=You know how to decorate your room!
quests.room_builder.MOVEITEM.desc=Start decorating by moving at least 3 items around in your room!
quests.room_builder.MOVEITEM.hint=In your Room, click an item and hit the 'Move' button in the corner, then click a tile in the room to move the item there. You can also hold down the ALT key while clicking the item to drag-and-drop it. Your Furniture
quests.room_builder.PICKUPITEM.completed=Check out your Furniture by clicking the 'My stuff' button!
quests.room_builder.PICKUPITEM.desc=Try picking up an item of Furniture in your room.
quests.room_builder.PICKUPITEM.hint=Click an item, then click 'Pick up'. Find your items under 'My Stuff'. You can also hold down the CTRL or CMD key while clicking an item. up an Item!
quests.room_builder.PLACEFLOOR.completed=Excellent! Check out the different carpets and floor patterns in the Shop.
quests.room_builder.PLACEFLOOR.desc=Place a new floor pattern in your room.
quests.room_builder.PLACEFLOOR.hint=Get a floor pattern from the Pixel Shop. Drag it from the Shop into your room and click the floor to place it. Floor
quests.room_builder.PLACEITEM.completed=Now you know how to get Furniture for your room from the Shop!
quests.room_builder.PLACEITEM.desc=Purchase Furniture from the Pixel Shop and place it in your room.
quests.room_builder.PLACEITEM.hint=Drag an item from the Shop to your room, then click a tile to place it. an Item!
quests.room_builder.PLACEWALLPAPER.completed=Your room looks very cool!
quests.room_builder.PLACEWALLPAPER.desc=Place a new wallpaper in your room.
quests.room_builder.PLACEWALLPAPER.hint=Get a wallpaper from the Pixel Shop. Either press 'buy' and find it under 'Wall' in 'My Stuff', or drag it from the Shop and click your wall! Wallpaper!
quests.room_builder.ROTATEITEM.completed=You're going to need this skill later on, so practice with different items!
quests.room_builder.ROTATEITEM.desc=Rotate furniture in your room 3 times.
quests.room_builder.ROTATEITEM.hint=To make it fit better in your room, click the furniture, then click the Rotate button. Or hold down Shift and click a furniture to rotate it. Shui
quests.room_builder.STACKITEM.completed=Good. Stacking is a cool skill to practice!
quests.room_builder.STACKITEM.desc=Now it's the time to try stacking your furniture!
quests.room_builder.STACKITEM.hint=Some items can be stacked. Try moving your Poinsetta plant on the table by selecting it and hitting 'Move'. Stacking!
quests.room_builder.SWITCHSTATE.completed=Now you'll never stumble around in the dark again!
quests.room_builder.SWITCHSTATE.desc=Turn the lights on and off in your room.
quests.room_builder.SWITCHSTATE.hint=Get a Pixel Lamp from the Shop (remember how?), place it in your room and double-click it to turn it on and off! On!
quests.room_builder.delayedmsg=Next daily quest will be available in %time% Your Room
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362420590894.chaincaption=S.O.S: Run or Kick
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362420590894.chaininfo=Wear the Badges you earned in the S.O.S: RUN OR KICK Rooms and get your Duckets.
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362420804263.completed=S.O.S Received!
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362420804263.desc=Wear the Badge earned when passing S.O.S: RUN OR KICK 1
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362420804263.hint=Find the SOS Rooms entry in the Official Rooms tab in the Navigator KICKWARS!
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362421067513.completed=S.O.S Received!
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362421067513.desc=Wear the Badge earned when passing S.O.S: RUN OR KICK 2
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362421067513.hint=Find the SOS Rooms entry in the Official Rooms tab in the Navigator SHARKS!
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362479660221.completed=S.O.S Received!
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362479660221.desc=Wear the Badge earned when passing S.O.S: RUN OR KICK 3
quests.santini_sos_teaser.1362479660221.hint=Find the SOS Rooms entry in the Official Rooms tab in the Navigator ZOMBIES! Run or Kick have: %amount% to Shop Furni\n
quests.seasonalcalendar.rareteaser.header=Unlocked Items
quests.seasonalcalendar.rareteaser.images=xmas13_rareteaser_1,xmas13_rareteaser_2,xmas13_rareteaser_3 days until next unlock
quests.seasonalcalendar.rareteaser.pages=snowflakes,snowflakes,snowflakes on chatting :) You might make a new friend! find another player and start chatting! a room and find someone to talk to. Who knows, you might make a new friend! A Chat keep on dancing... a party and start dancing. dance click the 'Me' button, then hit 'Dance'! Dance these rooms are built by other players! other Hotel rooms! Visit at least one room. this quest you need to use the Rooms list to find cool rooms.! Keep on respecting and others will respect you, too. breaking the ice with some respect! respect points to others by clicking on them then hitting the respect button. can have up to 300 friends in your list. friends with another player. on another player, then click 'Ask to be a Friend'. Try chatting with them first, though! A Friend anyone wave back? :) someone with a wave. the Wave action by clicking the 'Me' button. Friends
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741153981.chaincaption=Help Santini and Santini will help you
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741153981.chaininfo=Help Santini to fix his wreck. He'll push your chances to win the Steampunk Room competition with Badges and Duckets.
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741252405.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741252405.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741252405.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 1: Architects
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741435959.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741435959.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741435959.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 2: Architects
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741540537.completed=Yo are 100% Architect. Now your power to build and judge Steampunk Rooms is huge
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741540537.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets, rent stuff and vote too
quests.steampunk_duckets_architect.1362741540537.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets Vote Santini!
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742392308.chaincaption=Help Santini and Santini will help you
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742392308.chaininfo=Help Santini to fix his wreck. He'll push your chances to win the Steampunk Room competition with Badges and Duckets.
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742462089.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742462089.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742462089.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 5: Artisans
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742623434.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742623434.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362742623434.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 6: Artisans
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362745524179.completed=Yo are 100% Artisan. Now your power to build and judge Steampunk Rooms is huge
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362745524179.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets, rent stuff and vote too
quests.steampunk_duckets_artisan.1362745524179.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets Vote Santini!
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362741816935.chaincaption=Help Santini and Santini will help you
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362741816935.chaininfo=Help Santini to fix his wreck. He'll push your chances to win the Steampunk Room competition with Badges and Duckets.
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362741887778.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362741887778.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362741887778.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 3: Engineers
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742009627.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742009627.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742009627.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 4: Engineers
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742126316.completed=Yo are 100% Engineer. Now your power to build and judge Steampunk Rooms is huge
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742126316.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets, rent stuff and vote too
quests.steampunk_duckets_engineer.1362742126316.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets Vote Santini!
quests.steampunk_quest_architectvote.1362659482605.chaincaption=Architect Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_architectvote.1362659482605.chaininfo=This Badge allows you to vote (from 18th of March) in the Steampunk Room Competition that is taking place already.
quests.steampunk_quest_architectvote.1362660076083.completed=OK! The voting starts in some days. Stay tuned and start watching the rooms that are already participating in the Steampunk Room Competition
quests.steampunk_quest_architectvote.1362660076083.desc=Get your right to vote for the best Steampunk Room
quests.steampunk_quest_architectvote.1362660076083.hint=Collect the 2 Architect Badges by solving Santini's problems and Quests for Architects. Then you will be able to vote in the Steampunk Room Competition. Vote Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362646187771.chaincaption=Day 1: Architects
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362646187771.chaininfo=The Arch of the machine is broken. We need to make a new one. How? Please resolve the problem in Santini's Studio room.
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362646935863.completed=You were right! What about "y"?
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362646935863.desc=What's the value for "x" in Santini's problem?
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362646935863.hint=Go to Santini's Studio room and solve today's problem. Say first the value of "x". Size x
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362653191418.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362653191418.desc=What's the value for "y" in Santini's problem?
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht1.1362653191418.hint=Go to Santini's Studio room and solve today's problem. Size y 1: Architects
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht2.1362656671630.chaincaption=Day 2: Architects
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht2.1362656671630.chaininfo=Two cogs disappeared! We need new ones. What size? Please find the circumference of a cog by resolving this problem.
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht2.1362656704459.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht2.1362656704459.desc=What's the circumference of the cog in Santini's problem?
quests.steampunk_quest_arquitecht2.1362656704459.hint=Go to Santini's Studio room and solve today's problem. Circumference 2: Architects
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362680598782.chaincaption=A glass cover
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362680598782.chaininfo=Let's substitute the glass cover of the engine.I know what to use, but not the right order or the density of the cover.
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362681570879.completed=That's right. First step is to use the glass of a Steampunk Table
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362681570879.desc=What's the first step to get a Steampunk glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362681570879.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and click on the first Furni to be converted into a glass cover glass cover 1
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682245761.completed=That's right. Second step is to melt the glass with a Steampunk Lamp
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682245761.desc=What's the second step to get a Steampunk glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682245761.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and click on the second Furni to use to get a glass cover glass cover 2
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682464194.completed=That's right. Third step is to cold down the glass next to a cold Steampunk Pillar
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682464194.desc=What's the third step to get a Steampunk glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362682464194.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and click on the third Furni to use to get a glass cover glass cover 3
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683136676.completed=That's right. Fourth step is to calculate the time of the process rotating the Steampunk Globe over 10 times. 10 complete turns.
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683136676.desc=What's the fourth step to get a Steampunk glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683136676.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and click on the fourth Furni to get a glass cover glass cover 4
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683623972.completed=That's right. Fifth step is to sit down on a Steampunk Chair and wait till the cover gets the right density
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683623972.desc=What's the fifth step to get a Steampunk glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683623972.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and click on the fifth Furni needed get a glass cover glass cover 5
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683857758.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683857758.desc=What's the right density of the glass cover?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan1.1362683857758.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and get the result of the equation. Say it! glass cover 6 5: Artisans
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan2.1362685220468.chaincaption=To when do I travel?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan2.1362685220468.chaininfo=Now we have to adjust the mechanism of the Steampunk Floor to travel to the right date. I noted it in my Studio
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan2.1362685637656.completed=You were right
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan2.1362685637656.desc=I'm traveling in time… to when?
quests.steampunk_quest_artisan2.1362685637656.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and say the right date on the right place when do I travel? 6: Artisans
quests.steampunk_quest_artisanvote.1362686427697.chaincaption=Artisan Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_artisanvote.1362686427697.chaininfo=This Badge allows you to vote (from 18th of March) in the Steampunk Room Competition that is taking place already.
quests.steampunk_quest_artisanvote.1362686522430.completed=OK! The voting starts in some days. Stay tuned and start watching the rooms that are already participating in the Steampunk Room Competition
quests.steampunk_quest_artisanvote.1362686522430.desc=Get your right to vote for the best Steampunk Room
quests.steampunk_quest_artisanvote.1362686522430.hint=Collect the 2 Artisans Badges by solving Santini's problems and Quests for Artisans. Then you will be able to vote in the Steampunk Room Competition. Vote Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362731291044.chaincaption=Help Santini and Santini will help you
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362731291044.chaininfo=Help Santini to fix his wreck. He'll push your chances to win the Steampunk Room competition with Badges and Duckets.
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738304964.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738304964.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738304964.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 7: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738517182.completed=You can use them to rent the things you need to win the Steampunk Room competition
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738517182.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets and rent stuff
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738517182.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets 8: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738636075.completed=Yo are 100% Painter. Now your power to build and judge Steampunk Rooms is huge
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738636075.desc=Validate this Badge to earn Duckets, rent stuff and vote too
quests.steampunk_quest_duckets_rewarding.1362738636075.hint=Solve the problems posted daily in Santini's Studio. Write your answers in the Daily Guilds Quests and get Badges. Validate the Badges here and get Duckets Vote Santini!
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer1.1362662477467.chaincaption=Day 3: Engineers
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer1.1362662477467.chaininfo=The lamp is doing light signals. No idea of what is saying. Is there any engineer able to decipher the message
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer1.1362673211008.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer1.1362673211008.desc=What's the Lamp trying to say to Santini?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer1.1362673211008.hint=Solve the problem posted today in Santini's Studio room and translate it next to the right Furni's Message 3: Engineers
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362671209801.chaincaption=Day 4: Engineers
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362671209801.chaininfo=The Steampunk Computer sets the speed of the cogs in decimal numbers. My notes are in binary code. Can you convert this?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362672850063.completed=You were right! What about the Medium speed?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362672850063.desc=What speed should Santini set to make the cog work slow?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362672850063.hint=Solve today's problem for Engineers posted in Santini's Studio room. Then say the right value for the slow speed and next to the right Furni. Speed: Slow
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678028117.completed=You were right! What about the Fast speed?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678028117.desc=What value makes the cog work at medium speed?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678028117.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and say the right value for Medium speed next to the right Furni Speed: Medium
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678196110.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678196110.desc=What value makes the cog work at fast speed?
quests.steampunk_quest_engineer2.1362678196110.hint=Solve today's problem in Santini's Studio room and say the right value for fast speed next to the right Furni Speed: Fast 4: Engineers
quests.steampunk_quest_engineervote.1362679340634.chaincaption=Engineer Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_engineervote.1362679340634.chaininfo=This Badge allows you to vote (from 18th of March) in the Steampunk Room Competition that is taking place already.
quests.steampunk_quest_engineervote.1362679468373.completed=OK! The voting starts in some days. Stay tuned and start watching the rooms that are already participating in the Steampunk Room Competition
quests.steampunk_quest_engineervote.1362679468373.desc=Get your right to vote for the best Steampunk Room
quests.steampunk_quest_engineervote.1362679468373.hint=Collect the 2 Engineer Badges by solving Santini's problems and Quests for Architects. Then you will be able to vote in the Steampunk Room Competition. Vote Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362687525954.chaincaption=Day 7: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362687525954.chaininfo=There is one cladding that makes Zeppelins, resistant. It is special for its color… What's that color? I noted it here
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362687779133.completed=You got it. Now you have to find the value of y
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362687779133.desc=Find the value of x in today's Santini problem
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362687779133.hint=Solve the equation in the problem posted in Santini's Studio and give a value for x. Remember that you are a painter. You have to stay close to the right Furni. value for x
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689273926.completed=You were right! What about z?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689273926.desc=Find the value of y in today's Santini problem
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689273926.hint=Solve the equation in the problem posted in Santini's Studio and give a value for y. Remember that you are a painter. You have to stay next to the right Furni. value for y
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689761002.completed=You were right! That's the color of the perfect cladding!
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689761002.desc=Find the value of z in today's Santini problem
quests.steampunk_quest_painter1.1362689761002.hint=Solve the equation in the problem posted in Santini's Studio and give a value for z. Remember that you are a painter. You have to stay close to the right Furni. value for z 7: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362690603409.chaincaption=Day 8: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362690603409.chaininfo=How much cladding do we need for our machine? Can anyone figure out the dimensions of that for A, B and C values?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362690807887.completed=You were right! What about B?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362690807887.desc=How many litres do we need according to A?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362690807887.hint=Solve the logical problem posted today in Santini's Studio and type a right value for A. for A
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691085519.completed=You were right! What about C?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691085519.desc=How many litres do we need according to B?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691085519.hint=Solve the logical problem posted today in Santini's Studio and type a right value for B. for B
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691191854.completed=You were right!
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691191854.desc=How many litres do we need according to C?
quests.steampunk_quest_painter2.1362691191854.hint=Solve the logical problem posted today in Santini's Studio and type a right value for C. for C 8: Painters
quests.steampunk_quest_paintervote.1362692166992.chaincaption=Painter Vote
quests.steampunk_quest_paintervote.1362692166992.chaininfo=This Badge allows you to vote (from 18th of March) in the Steampunk Room Competition that is taking place already.
quests.steampunk_quest_paintervote.1362692254237.completed=OK! The voting starts in some days. Stay tuned and start watching the rooms that are already participating in the Steampunk Room Competition
quests.steampunk_quest_paintervote.1362692254237.desc=Get your right to vote for the best Steampunk Room
quests.steampunk_quest_paintervote.1362692254237.hint=Collect the 2 Painter Badges by solving Santini's problems and Quests for Architects. Then you will be able to vote in the Steampunk Room Competition. Vote Vote about Habbo
quests.tooltest12.1327043628141.desc=Raise your hand to greet new year
quests.tooltest12.1327043628141.hint=Greet new year by waving. You can wave by clicking your Habbo and then select actions and wave New Year
quests.tooltest12.1327044088951.desc=Make sure celebrations are seen
quests.tooltest12.1327044088951.hint=Launch fireworks by double-clicking firework furni in the sky
quests.tooltest12.1327044088951.searchtag='s Year
quests.tracker.progress=Progress: %progress%%
quests.val12.title=Valentines Quest Calendar
quests.val12_1.1326806590698.completed=Hey sexy, what's happening? ;)
quests.val12_1.1326806590698.desc=Get yourself a daring new hairstyle for Valentine's!
quests.val12_1.1326806590698.hint=Be simple, be chestnut! Go to your room, click on your Habbo to open the Change Looks menu. Look for the right hair color and save it. True Love
quests.val12_1.1326807570952.completed=You're so elegant!
quests.val12_1.1326807570952.desc=The old styles are best! Try a Bow tie or pearl necklace!
quests.val12_1.1326807570952.hint=Click on your Habbo to open the Change Looks menu, look for the right accessory (bow tie, tie or pearl necklace) and wear it. True Love II
quests.val12_1.1327412775782.desc=BONUS: Always bet on black!
quests.val12_1.1327412775782.hint=This one's for HC users! Change your clothes color: Nothing's more stylish than black. Change your top, pants/ skirt, and shoes to black. Love - Bonus
quests.val12_1.1327412844688.completed=You're brand new! Does it work?
quests.val12_1.1327412844688.desc=Now it's time to show it to the world!
quests.val12_1.1327412844688.hint=Just go to another Habbo's room - not empty room of course - to test your new look! Tip: you can look for rooms tagged with the word 'love'. True love III
quests.val12_1.1327414538662.completed=So? Did you turn heads or roll eyes with your new look?
quests.val12_1.1327414538662.desc=Now it's time to show off your new look!
quests.val12_1.1327414538662.hint=Go to another Habbo's room to test your new look! There must be at least one other Habbo in the room. Find a Room Hopper Elevator and jump in! True Love III
quests.val12_1.1327414538662.searchtag=love 1
quests.val12_10.1328047081178.completed=Money doesn't grow on trees but love might... Apples definitely do, so do oranges. Did you hear the bells of love ringing? Or was it more like dodgy speed metal remastered by a cement mixer?
quests.val12_10.1328047081178.desc=Heard It Through The Grapevine...
quests.val12_10.1328047081178.hint=Place your Habbo on a Vines Of Love Furni and tell your date to come sit next to you. Fruit I
quests.val12_10.1328047325635.completed=Check! Oh, if they just slapped you, then you might have to try a different approach...
quests.val12_10.1328047325635.desc=Make no secret of your intentions...
quests.val12_10.1328047325635.hint=Reveal your real intentions! Tell your target what you really need from them! What about a date? Fruit II
quests.val12_10.1328047417557.completed=Uhuh, you're all shook up!
quests.val12_10.1328047417557.desc=Not clear yet? Your target needs shaking up a bit!
quests.val12_10.1328047417557.hint=Enter into the Kissing Booth Furni and ask your date to come with you and... see what happens! Fruit III
quests.val12_10.1328047609332.completed=You guys are really opening up to one another. It's so beautiful. Just remember, trust is a two way street with plenty of pot holes, traffic wardens and the occasional stray dog. There's often a hobo too, but it's best to stay away from him.
quests.val12_10.1328047609332.desc=Bet that shook them!
quests.val12_10.1328047609332.hint=Let's hear your date's voice shaking with emotion, telling you what he/she feels now! Fruit IV 10
quests.val12_11.1328047974832.completed=Look at you! You're so bright I've got to wear shades! Sunglasses are also great for hiding bloodshot eyes, pinkeye and undeclared earnings!
quests.val12_11.1328047974832.desc=It's getting hot in here! Get yourself a sexy summer style...
quests.val12_11.1328047974832.hint=Click on your Habbo and then 'Change Looks'. Choose a blond hair color, some fashionable sun glasses and opt for all-over tan :o & Heavy I
quests.val12_11.1328048208698.completed=Now everybody knows! Which means you'll be the first person the cops come looking for should anything bad happen. No one said love was easy...
quests.val12_11.1328048208698.desc=Got a crush on somebody? Write it everywhere!
quests.val12_11.1328048208698.hint=Declare your love! Add the name of the Habbo you want to be with to your motto! & Heavy III
quests.val12_11.1328048287948.completed=Shine! Shine like a star! Shining so bright, like the star that you are!
quests.val12_11.1328048287948.desc=You need to be more eye-catching!
quests.val12_11.1328048287948.hint=Check the Pixel section of the Shop for Special Effects and select the shiny one. Click on your Habbo and on "My Effects" to activate the right one. & Heavy II
quests.val12_11.1328048633937.completed=You are a fever, you are fever, ain't born typical... Actually, I think you're love sick, you might want to see a doctor (or Patch Adams) before it's too late.
quests.val12_11.1328048633937.desc=Prove how hot you are by checking your temperature.
quests.val12_11.1328048633937.hint=Find a Thermometer Furni, place your Habbo next to it to see how the temperature rises when you're there... & Heavy! IV 11
quests.val12_12.1328085770895.completed=Wow, you have the fire and passion of a young Vanilla Ice. Let's try it for real now!
quests.val12_12.1328085770895.desc=You've gotta have confidence! But first practice...
quests.val12_12.1328085770895.hint=Say: "how YOU doin?" Direct I
quests.val12_12.1328086020777.completed=Oh yeah! Strut your funky stuff and own the dance floor!
quests.val12_12.1328086020777.desc=Ready to go to the meat market?
quests.val12_12.1328086020777.hint=Find a disco room with at least 5 Habbos in it and start dancing. Direct II
quests.val12_12.1328086174512.completed=Such sex appeal!
quests.val12_12.1328086174512.desc=Something in the way she/he moves...
quests.val12_12.1328086174512.hint=Dance with at least 5 users next to you and send a friend request to one of those. Direct III
quests.val12_12.1328086232488.completed=What? You want more? You're such a player.
quests.val12_12.1328086232488.desc=The more the merrier!
quests.val12_12.1328086232488.hint=One date is not enough. Think further ahead... Send another friend request to another Habbo in the room. Direct IV 12
quests.val12_13.1328086329456.completed=I can see your heart beating! Also, I think you might have kidney stones.
quests.val12_13.1328086329456.desc=Let your body reveal what you really think...
quests.val12_13.1328086329456.hint=Go into the Valentine X-Ray Machine with your date and see what happens... Language I
quests.val12_13.1328086604766.completed=Oh oh ok! We don't want to know more...
quests.val12_13.1328086604766.desc=It's going well! Do you already have a nickname?
quests.val12_13.1328086604766.hint=Ask your date to tell you what nickname he/she has given you. Language II
quests.val12_13.1328086759099.completed=You should probably visit an emergency room...
quests.val12_13.1328086759099.desc=BONUS FOR HC - Someone steals your heart...
quests.val12_13.1328086759099.hint=You thought it was just for one night, but someone has managed to steal your heart, and your pants. Change your clothes to show the hole in your chest. Language III 13
quests.val12_14.1328086930501.completed=There was something in the air that night. The stars were bright, Fernando...
quests.val12_14.1328086930501.desc=You seem different now... Want to look at the stars?
quests.val12_14.1328086930501.hint=Find a double bed, lie on it with your date and look at the sky for at least one minute. Night Long I
quests.val12_14.1328087076582.completed=The more the merrier ;) We hope you found true love this Valentine's, or at least someone who didn't try and steal your wallet. Remember: True love may last forever, but so do cockroaches!
quests.val12_14.1328087076582.desc=Stars are cool, but now it's party time!
quests.val12_14.1328087076582.hint=Invite all your previous partners - at least 5 Habbos - to your own room and start dancing. Night Long II 14
quests.val12_2.1327417113969.completed=Making friends can be intimidating at first, but you'll get the hang of it ;)
quests.val12_2.1327417113969.desc=Make friends with a Habbo that catches your eye.
quests.val12_2.1327417113969.hint=Go to another user room, find THE Habbo you really like, stay next to him/her and wave. Tips: look for rooms tagged with 'love' word. Attempt I
quests.val12_2.1327417562825.completed=That was great!
quests.val12_2.1327417562825.desc=Introduce yourself to a potential friend.
quests.val12_2.1327417562825.hint=What is the most basic way to launch a discussion with someone? Place your Habbo next to another one and introduce yourself! Attempt II
quests.val12_2.1327419612190.desc=Be brave: Send your new friend a friend request!
quests.val12_2.1327419612190.hint=Click on the Habbo you like the most in the room and on "Be friend" button above his/her head. Attempt III
quests.val12_2.1327419612190.searchtag= 2
quests.val12_3.1327488831969.completed=You say it best, when you say nothing at all.
quests.val12_3.1327488831969.desc=Too shy to talk? Tell him/her what you think without words.
quests.val12_3.1327488831969.hint=Stay next to your friend, click on your Habbo, then on Signs and choose the right one to express your loving feelings. Contact I
quests.val12_3.1327489066644.completed=Sometimes, words just get in the way...
quests.val12_3.1327489066644.desc=And vice versa... Love at first sign!
quests.val12_3.1327489066644.hint=Make the other Habbo do the same for you: your friend has to show you a love sign. contact II 3
quests.val12_4.1328018402503.completed=Smooth... I think the air just turned blue.
quests.val12_4.1328018402503.desc=Pay your lover a compliment, be poetic!
quests.val12_4.1328018402503.hint=Stay next to your favorite Habbo and try to find the right words to compliment him/her. Your Move I
quests.val12_4.1328018538350.completed=You're in like Flynn!
quests.val12_4.1328018538350.desc=Sit down with lover and talk, about your feelings.
quests.val12_4.1328018538350.hint=Invite your love to take a seat with you on the new Valentine's sofa and let him/her fall under your spell. Your Move II 4
quests.val12_5.1328042186100.completed=It smells lovely...
quests.val12_5.1328042186100.desc=Declare your love with a flower!
quests.val12_5.1328042186100.hint=Find a flower, double-click on it to pick it and give it to your favorite Habbo by clicking on him/her and "Giving item" button above his/her head. One And Only I
quests.val12_5.1328179432493.completed=OMG!!! The heat of your passion could melt Plasto!
quests.val12_5.1328179432493.desc=BONUS HC: Sealed with a kiss.
quests.val12_5.1328179432493.hint=Send a kiss to your partner to close the deal! Click on your Habbo and on "Actions". Then choose, kiss! One & Only V
quests.val12_5.1328179744190.completed=Don't get carried away!
quests.val12_5.1328179744190.desc=Lay the table for two & invite your lover for a quiet drink.
quests.val12_5.1328179744190.hint=Double-click on the Valentine Table to complete this quest. One & Only II
quests.val12_5.1328179995571.completed=You're all by yourself... I think you need some company.
quests.val12_5.1328179995571.desc=Go under the Lantern of Lurve and start dancing!
quests.val12_5.1328179995571.hint=Find a Lantern of Lurve, start dancing under it and double-click on it. One & Only III
quests.val12_5.1328180232264.completed=This is a match made in heaven (or Idaho)!
quests.val12_5.1328180232264.desc=Invite your lover to dance with you.
quests.val12_5.1328180232264.hint=Tell your lover to come dancing just next to you (at your left) under the Lantern of Lurve during at least one minute. One & Only IV 5
quests.val12_6.1328043806397.completed=Whoa, someone just leveled up in the hotness department! Rawr!
quests.val12_6.1328043806397.desc=Your hair is looking a bit messy- time for a change!
quests.val12_6.1328043806397.hint=Hair extensions for HC or short hair for all, change your hair cut right now and choose one of the two which appear on the image! Is In The Hair 6
quests.val12_7.1328044427325.completed=Not found anyone yet? Try again! You're bound to find someone sooner or later...
quests.val12_7.1328044427325.desc=Today's the perfect day to find love!
quests.val12_7.1328044427325.hint=Go to another room with at least one other Habbo in it and try to find a partner. Tip: Try using the Room Hopper Curtains!! I
quests.val12_7.1328044628754.completed=Not enough people in there...
quests.val12_7.1328044628754.desc=Seem it's not so easy to find a partner... Try again!
quests.val12_7.1328044628754.hint=Go visit 5 different Habbos' rooms with at least 2 other Habbos in them. Tip: Use the Room Hoppers to find the perfect match!! II
quests.val12_7.1328044727908.completed=One day, you'll find the good one.
quests.val12_7.1328044727908.desc=Didn't find the right one? Let's continue!
quests.val12_7.1328044727908.hint=Go to 10 other Habbo rooms with at least 5 Habbos present. Remember you can use the Room Hoppers to find rooms with people in them!! III
quests.val12_7.1328181784728.completed=What a well-matched couple! So co-ordinated!
quests.val12_7.1328181784728.desc=Find your spitting image!
quests.val12_7.1328181784728.hint=Find another Habbo with a cool hair cut like in the image, place your Habbo next to him/her and ask him/her to be your friend.! IV 7
quests.val12_8.1328045808925.completed=Incredible, you might have been an animal in your previous life! Maybe a peacock? Kitano used to be a Walrus, which explains... nothing. Absolutely nothing.
quests.val12_8.1328045808925.desc=Man is a social animal... Try a courtship display!
quests.val12_8.1328045808925.hint=Click on your Habbo and on "Change clothes". Look for an animal accessory, like a hat, in wardrobe, then dance next to your target for at least one minute! H2G? I
quests.val12_8.1329303781748.completed=You've got real heart!
quests.val12_8.1329303781748.desc=Be big-hearted! Give your date your heart!
quests.val12_8.1329303781748.hint=You want to offer the most precious present to your date? Offer her/him your heart! Place your Habbo next to your target and show them how you feel! H2G? II 8
quests.val12_9.1328046712313.completed=You're so funny. You should be a comedian. Have you thought about hosting a telethon for underprivileged teddy bears suffering from irritable bowel syndrome?
quests.val12_9.1328046712313.desc=Try to make a Habbo HC laugh standing next to you!
quests.val12_9.1328046712313.hint=If you manage to convince a Habbo with HC to laugh while standing next to you, the harder part of the job will be made! Sure you know how to do that... Just ask! Say Die! 9
quests.val14_kiss.1392199148238.chaincaption=World Record Kiss
quests.val14_kiss.1392199148238.chaininfo=Habbo gives love to the world, as true as 1, 2, 3 MUAH!
quests.val14_kiss.1392200115584.completed=Congratulations, your kiss is awesome!
quests.val14_kiss.1392200115584.desc=Habbo gives love to the world, as true as 1, 2, 3 MUAH!
quests.val14_kiss.1392200115584.hint=Will we win the record of most Habbos blowing a kiss to the world? Join 25 Habbos in the same room blowing a kiss and get a commemorative Badge! Record Kiss Record Kiss
quests.workinprogress.text=Not to worry, quests are returning soon.
quests.workinprogress.title=Looking for quests?
quests.worldcup14_1.day1.chaincaption= the Rival
quests.worldcup14_1.questa.completed=The journalists misconfigured the Forum settings, so 3rd party readers got access to this important information. Help Montalvo advance in this story!
quests.worldcup14_1.questa.desc=Football star Nano Montalvo discovers something suspicious.
quests.worldcup14_1.questa.hint=Montalvo is bored and wastes away his time in the Habbo Daily Telepathist journal forum. He discovers that the private section for the employees is visible to all.There is a message stating that referees are involved in a plot: they are getting important art pieces and diamonds by rigging the results of some football matches.Weird stuff. But how could Montalvo had read that private Forum?Show the Badge that certifies that this wouldn't happen to you. news!
quests.worldcup14_1.questb.completed=Montalvo got your message, but the journalist already realized the mistake. The Forum thread is now invisible. Montalvo starts to be worried and he will hardly sleep tonight. Help him advance in his investigation.
quests.worldcup14_1.questb.desc=Journalists, matches, corrupted referees… what´s the scoop?
quests.worldcup14_1.questb.hint=Nano Montalvo megastar tries to participate in the discussion by replying to that Forum post. He doesn't understand how.Tell him what setting of the Forums masters that possibility. results?
quests.worldcup14_2.day2a.completed=The guard finally opens the room. Montalvo can see two workers removing one picture of the museum and hanging another one that looks exactly the same. They look at Montalvo, who can only look at them as well. Help him advance in this investigation!
quests.worldcup14_2.day2a.desc=Museums open for VIPs only tonight.
quests.worldcup14_2.day2a.hint=The gigantic football player Nano Montalvo can't get to sleep. That's what he hates most during the pre-game meetings.\n\nHe decides to go to the Museum. Those are open at night for VIPs.\n\nHe surprises some of the staff of the museum, which is mostly empty. It is not normal that football players use that priviledge.\n\nMontalvo is havinga hard time convincing one of the security guards to open one closed area. \n\n What should the guard do? Show it with a Badge. the Museum
quests.worldcup14_2.day2b.completed=The guard changed the settings of the room and now Montalvo can walk through Habbos. He runs like crazy but, it is too late, the 2 suspicious men aren't in the room. Help the star of stars advance in this story!
quests.worldcup14_2.day2b.desc=For the strength of my left foot!
quests.worldcup14_2.day2b.hint=Nano Montalvo, the man who ran in 6 seconds from one goal to another and scored the fastest goal in the history of the World Cup, is ready to run after the two men. But at the last second, a multitude appears from nowhere asking for pictures, signatures and tickets for the championship.\n\n Montalvo is blocked and the men with the paintings are far. He should get going if he wants to ask them some questions. But, what can he do? Convince the guard again to use the right settings of that room or Montalvo will miss a good chance to advance in the case! those men! the Rival the Rival
quests.worldcup14_3.day3.chaincaption=Ego's Crash the Rival
quests.worldcup14_3.questa.completed=Thanks Maradona! Now Montalvo can talk to Leo Persie. He is very excited about what he saw in the museum. Help him advance in this story!
quests.worldcup14_3.questa.desc=Nano Montalvo needs a friend.
quests.worldcup14_3.questa.hint=The most famous megastar, 3-time player of the year, needs to talk about his weird exerience at the museum.\n\nNano Montalvo finds his friend Leo Persie. He is surrounded by fans. Media have been spreading rumours of distancing between both friends lately. Also, the bad result obtained by Leo Persie's team have made the atmosphere surrounding him a negative one.\n\nMontalvo comes to where Leo is talking with his fans. Whatever the press is saying, they are still good friends. Suddenly, those fans become agressive against Montalvo, because they think he is coming to put more pressure on Leo Persie's shoulders.\n\nMontalvo is used to hearing all kinds of words in a stadium, so he is not phased, but he needs some help ignoring the people and making his voice heard by his friend!'s Crash
quests.worldcup14_3.questb.completed=Ok! Now the chat can be read smoothly in the room. Nano Montalvo explains everything to Leo Persie. Both players step into the museum to have a second search together. Help them!
quests.worldcup14_3.questb.desc=So many things to say and you have just one mouth.
quests.worldcup14_3.questb.hint=Nano Montalvo is talking so fast that Leo Persie can't understand a word. Please help these two awesome football players calm down and read all the things that Montalvo has to explain to his friend. fast to chat!
quests.worldcup14_4.day4.chaincaption=Art experts? the Rival
quests.worldcup14_4.questa.completed=Well done! Nano Montalvo and Leo Persie can hear the two men talking. They are arguing, but not about art! They realize that they are the director of the museum and the journalist of the Habbo Telepathy journal.\n\nThe journalist is shouting some serious accusations at the director. What's going on?
quests.worldcup14_4.questa.desc=In front of a painting you look so interesting.
quests.worldcup14_4.questa.hint=Leo Persie and Nano Montalvo are in front of one of the paintings of the museum. They are trying to identify if the piece is false, as Montalvo had seen two guys doing what might have been an exchange of fake paintings a couple hours ago.\n\nHowever, they realize that their knowledge about art is far from being enough. They see at the other corner two men are talking excitedly.\n\nThat's what our football players needed: two experts talking about art! But they are really far from their position.\n\nMontalvo and Persie don't want to risk it and injure themselves trying to get close to the art experts. Hence they try to convince the guard of the museum to do something .\n\nHe could make it possible to hear those two men from their current position in the room! You probably know how to do that too! experts?
quests.worldcup14_4.questb.completed=Excellent! Now they can read that the accusations consist of the director of the museum exchanging the real paintings for fake ones. Then, the director sold the real pieces in the aftermarket and payed the corrupted referees!\n\nHelp Nano Montalvo and Leo Persie advance in this exciting story!
quests.worldcup14_4.questb.desc=The journalist and the director of the museum are arguing!
quests.worldcup14_4.questb.hint=Nano Montalvo and Leo Persie realize that the journalist is accusing the director of the museum of corrupting the referees of the World Cup with expensive paintings!\n\nHowever, this substantial information is coming overlapped by loads of other chat lines. The journalist seems to be overloading the football players´ chat. What could they do to alleviate that? much information
quests.worldcup14_5.day5.chaincaption=I need to share this the Rival
quests.worldcup14_5.questa.completed=Now Leo Persie can open more threads in the forums. The flow of comments gets multiplied quickly. Help them in this investigation!
quests.worldcup14_5.questa.desc=Nano Montalvo is back at his Hotel, he turns on his PC.
quests.worldcup14_5.questa.hint=He is worried because his first match in the World Cup is approaching. There has been more surprising results and the strongest teams keep on losing!\n\nMontalvo doesn't want to give any credit to this story, but he decides to open a forum to discuss it with his fans.\n\nHe gets some few answers, but the forum doesn't really kick off. Afterall, most of his fans are in the other part of the world now, so they might be sleeping. He asks Leo Persie for some help, who could bring a huge amount of fans to that forum. But first he needs to change something so his friend can join forces. What's that? need to share this
quests.worldcup14_5.questb.completed=Well done! Now the forum is in good shape. Montalvo's teammates did a good job and they discovered that the troll in the forum was the… journalist!\n\nHe is trying to sidetrack the attention of readers so Montalvo doesn't reveal his information. Keep helping Montalvo!
quests.worldcup14_5.questb.desc=Someone is bad-mouthing Montalvo and Leo Persie in the forum.
quests.worldcup14_5.questb.hint=There are many posts in the forum defaming Nano Montalvo and Leo Persie. Those are saying that the football players are involved in the case they state they want to solve. \n\nThings are getting out of control, so Montalvo decides to ask for help from his football team to moderate the forum. But he is blocked. How can he do this?'s that troll?
quests.worldcup14_6.1402928712798.completed=Exactly, Montalvo was getting muted constantly. He is so disappointed… how could a referee be so unfair!
quests.worldcup14_6.1402928712798.desc=Nano Montalvo is in front of the referee´s representative.
quests.worldcup14_6.1402928712798.hint=Every time Nano Montalvo tries to accuse the referee of corruption, he mutes the football player. Montalvo is desperate, he always believed that referees were fair. What's that man trying to do? And how is it possible that he can't speak? Can you explain this?'t say a word
quests.worldcup14_6.day6.chaincaption=Bad feelings the Rival
quests.worldcup14_6.questa.completed=After a rest, Montalvo decides to go and talk to the referee´s representative. Follow him!
quests.worldcup14_6.questa.desc=Nano Montalvo is completely gone.
quests.worldcup14_6.questa.hint=The football megastar is extremely worried. Not only because he is now sure of the fact that corrupted referees are controlling the results of the World Cup but also because he is in the middle of the controversy and he involved his friends in it, too.\n\nHe tries to sleep a bit, but his bad feelings come to mind repeating the same negative words. Ah! if he just could filter what kind of words came to his brain...\n\nWait a sec, that's possible! How? feelings
quests.worldcup14_7.day7.chaincaption=Respect the Rival the Rival
quests.worldcup14_7.questa.completed=The journalist confesses. The referee was close to revealing a case of illegal betting. The unique escape for the journalist was to invent a fake case that would sidetrack all the attention to the referee and his accomplice, the director of the museum. You almost solved the case!
quests.worldcup14_7.questa.desc=Something doesn't match in the puzzle.
quests.worldcup14_7.questa.hint=Montalvo thinks and thinks. The only reason the referee would mute him would be because what Montalvo was saying wasn't true. That would mean that the referees are not corrupted!\n\nHe decides to go and talk seriously with that journalist.\n\nHe finds him and the journalist looks really angry. He starts shouting: YOU!! GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BUSINESS!\n\nAnd even more surprisingly, releases a kick wars against Nano Montalvo!\n\nNano looks at his thigh while he smiles. Bad idea, journalist... this room has the wrong settings and Montalvo already knows it. Why? wrong piece
quests.worldcup14_7.questb.completed=But wait, if referees were innocent, why were the theoretically weakest teams beating the strongest ones?\n\nThere is no case. That's football and anyone can win. MUAHAHAHA!
quests.worldcup14_7.questb.desc=Police visit the director of the museum and the journalist.
quests.worldcup14_7.questb.hint=The case is solved, both characters are guilty. What's the penalty? Let's say, red card? solution
quests.xmas.morequests=\n have: %amount% to Shop Snowflake Furni
quests.xmas.rareteaser.header=Unlocked Snowflake Rares day(s) until the next rare
quests.xmas.title=Xmas Quest Calendar
quests.xmas11.gotovillage=Go to Xmas Holiday Village
quests.xmas11_1.1.completed=Aaaah that feels a lot better!
quests.xmas11_1.1.desc=If you want to to spend your holidays here you'd better warm up the place.
quests.xmas11_1.1.hint=Find a stove or fireplace and double-click on it.!
quests.xmas11_10.1.completed=Nice moves !
quests.xmas11_10.1.desc=Dance your ass off!
quests.xmas11_10.1.hint=Dance to complete this quest. Your Booty!
quests.xmas11_10.2.completed=Whew, you look exhausted!
quests.xmas11_10.2.desc=Now that you are dancing: don't stop! Dance at least 5 minutes
quests.xmas11_10.2.hint=Dance for five minutes to complete this quest. That Ass!
quests.xmas11_10.3.completed=How romantic...
quests.xmas11_10.3.desc=Time to slowdance with someone special.
quests.xmas11_10.3.hint=Dance right next to someone else for 5 minutes. Dance!
quests.xmas11_10.4.completed=Don't stop till you get enough!
quests.xmas11_10.4.desc=Get as many of your mates to dance with you!
quests.xmas11_10.4.hint=Get 10 people to dance! Yo Pixels!
quests.xmas11_10.5.desc=BONUS QUEST: get 10 people to do the Pogo Mogo for 30 minutes.
quests.xmas11_10.5.hint=Get 10 people to dance the Pogo Mogo for 30 minutes in a room. Get The Mojo!
quests.xmas11_11.1.completed=A star is born!
quests.xmas11_11.1.desc=Pick up a mic and show us you've got talent!
quests.xmas11_11.1.hint=Get yourself a microphone effect from the Pixel Shop and use it! The Show I
quests.xmas11_11.2.completed=Yeaaaah !!!
quests.xmas11_11.2.desc=Get our the mic and start singing- Pump it up!
quests.xmas11_11.2.hint=Wear the microphone effect and say "Pump it up" The Show II
quests.xmas11_11.3.completed=Such a beautiful noise...
quests.xmas11_11.3.desc=Time for a singalong! Get 10 people to sing with you.
quests.xmas11_11.3.hint=Get 10 people in a room to wear a microphone. The Show III
quests.xmas11_12.1.completed=Cheers !
quests.xmas11_12.1.desc=Got a crush on another Habbo? Go and offer him/her a real drink!
quests.xmas11_12.1.hint=Get a drink (no coffee) by double clicking on a dispenser, click on another Habbo and give it to him/her. Is In The Air I
quests.xmas11_12.2.completed=What... no straw?
quests.xmas11_12.2.desc=Can you convince a Habbo to get you a nice drink as well?
quests.xmas11_12.2.hint=Convince another Habbo to give YOU a drink. No coffee, though... Is In The Air II
quests.xmas11_13.1.completed=First contact! Good job :).
quests.xmas11_13.1.desc=Go and wave at the Habbo you had a crush on.
quests.xmas11_13.1.hint=Stand right next to a Habbo, click on yourself to choose an action and wave. The Ice I
quests.xmas11_13.2.completed=How YOU doin... ;)
quests.xmas11_13.2.desc=Alright. Now say hello and introduce yourself.
quests.xmas11_13.2.hint=Stand next to someone and say "Hello, I am (your Habbo name)" The Ice II
quests.xmas11_13.3.completed=What a magic moment !
quests.xmas11_13.3.desc=Good. Now let's hope the other Habbo waves back :)
quests.xmas11_13.3.hint=Stand next to a Habbo and wave at the same time. Wave by clicking on your Habbo and choose wave in your actions. The Ice III
quests.xmas11_13.4.completed=You're quite the Habbo-magnet ;)
quests.xmas11_13.4.desc=Hmm, there's plenty more fish in the sea. Can you get them to wave?
quests.xmas11_13.4.hint=Get ten people to wave at the same time. The Ice IV
quests.xmas11_14.1.completed=So romantic !
quests.xmas11_14.1.desc=Pick a flower for your love
quests.xmas11_14.1.hint=Pick a flower by double clicking it, then click on the Habbo you want to give it to and select the 'Give' action. It With Flowers I
quests.xmas11_14.2.completed=Oooooh! The feeling is returned!
quests.xmas11_14.2.desc=Will you get a flower back?
quests.xmas11_14.2.hint=Convince another Habbo to pick a flower and give it to you. It With Flowers II
quests.xmas11_15.1.completed=You really look in love :D
quests.xmas11_15.1.desc=Show your true feelings with a proper Effect.
quests.xmas11_15.1.hint=Get a 'Love effect' in the Pixel Shop and use it. You can find the Pixel Shop by clicking on the shop icon on the left. Your Love I
quests.xmas11_15.2.completed=Aaaaahwwww :D Real love.
quests.xmas11_15.2.desc=Spit it out and say your true feelings.
quests.xmas11_15.2.hint=Stand next to a Habbo and say "I love you" Your Love 2
quests.xmas11_15.3.completed=Love is in the air, and the carpet.
quests.xmas11_15.3.desc=OK... Now let's see if the feeling is mutual...
quests.xmas11_15.3.hint=Convince another Habbo to say "I love you too" Your Love 3
quests.xmas11_15.4.completed=We are living in a material world afterall ;).
quests.xmas11_15.4.desc=BONUS: treat your new love with a present.
quests.xmas11_15.4.hint=Pick an item from the Shop and give it as a gift to a Habbo in the same room. Present Says It All
quests.xmas11_16.1.completed=You should skate in the Olympics!
quests.xmas11_16.1.desc=What about a romantic ice skating session on the frozen lake?
quests.xmas11_16.1.hint=Search for an Ice Skating course and skate on 10 ice skating patches Down I
quests.xmas11_16.2.completed=Wow, impressive but can you do more?
quests.xmas11_16.2.desc=Not bad. But i bet you can skate longer
quests.xmas11_16.2.hint=Skate on 50 ice skating patches Down II
quests.xmas11_16.3.completed=Wonderfull! Now let's do this together.
quests.xmas11_16.3.desc=Good. A little bit more... You aren't tired are you ?
quests.xmas11_16.3.hint=Skate on 100 ice skating patches Down III
quests.xmas11_16.4.completed=Beautiful! You and you're partner are really in sync :)
quests.xmas11_16.4.desc=Now show you can skate nicely together as well!
quests.xmas11_16.4.hint=Skate on 20 ice skating patches while you are next to someone. Down IV
quests.xmas11_17.1.completed=Ready for some Freeze action?
quests.xmas11_17.1.desc=Go and play Freeze ! It will wake you right up!
quests.xmas11_17.1.hint=Find a Freeze Game that is about to start, walk through the gate and wait for the game to start. Stuff I
quests.xmas11_17.2.completed=Ready! Set! GO!
quests.xmas11_17.2.desc=Good. Now play your best !
quests.xmas11_17.2.hint=Play a freeze game. Stuff II
quests.xmas11_17.3.completed=You win! Flawless victory!
quests.xmas11_17.3.desc=You've got to win now.
quests.xmas11_17.3.hint=Win a Freeze game. Stuff III
quests.xmas11_17.4.completed=Congratulations ! You are the champion!
quests.xmas11_17.4.desc=You won! Now perform a hattrick by winning 3 times.
quests.xmas11_17.4.hint=Win 3 Freeze games Stuff IV
quests.xmas11_18.1.completed=Aaaah... wait, who's making all those bubbles??
quests.xmas11_18.1.desc=Indulge yourself today. Have a bath with your friends
quests.xmas11_18.1.hint=Search for a hot tub in the village and sit in it with 3 other Habbos Says Relax
quests.xmas11_19.1.completed=Wow, a real live reindeer ;) What a find!
quests.xmas11_19.1.desc=Have you seen the reindeer in the Hotel? Try and find one!
quests.xmas11_19.1.hint=Search in the Hotel for Reindeers that look suspiciously like Horses with the new Xmas style and double click on them. Games I
quests.xmas11_19.2.completed=Oh man, that reindeer needs to see a proctologist. Can you recommend one?
quests.xmas11_19.2.desc=Some reindeer owners don't pick up after themselves. Can you find the evidence?
quests.xmas11_19.2.hint=Search the Hotel for reindeer poop and double click on it. Don't worry, you won't pick it up! Games II
quests.xmas11_19.3.completed=Yay! You saved Xmas!
quests.xmas11_19.3.desc=Santa got a bit tippsy last night and can't remember where he left his sleigh. Can you find one for him?
quests.xmas11_19.3.hint=Look for a sleigh in the Hotel and double click it. Games III
quests.xmas11_2.1.completed=That's a good, albeit slightly morbid, message.
quests.xmas11_2.1.desc=Please check the Hotel channel there is a message for you
quests.xmas11_2.1.hint=Double-click on the TV in the Winter Hotel, check the message and say it out loud.'ve Got A Message!
quests.xmas11_20.1.completed=Alright, alright... You're freezing. Let's find some warmth.
quests.xmas11_20.1.desc=What, are you cold already? Prove it!
quests.xmas11_20.1.hint=Get a freezing effect from the Pixelshop and wear it. Zero Tolerance I
quests.xmas11_20.2.completed=Yikes! Better warm them up.
quests.xmas11_20.2.desc=Hmm, do you think more people think it's cold?
quests.xmas11_20.2.hint=Get 10 people to wear the freezing effect. Zero Tolerance II
quests.xmas11_20.3.completed=Now you're nice and toasted.
quests.xmas11_20.3.desc=Dude, you're frozen! Find a fireplace and warm up!
quests.xmas11_20.3.hint=Find and double click on a SnowStorm fireplace. Zero Tolerance III
quests.xmas11_21.1.completed=Now Xmas can really start!
quests.xmas11_21.1.desc=It's Xmas soon, and time to start decorating! Decorate the biggest tree you can find.
quests.xmas11_21.1.hint=Find a huge Xmas Tree and double click on it to complete this quest. Christmas Tree...
quests.xmas11_21.2.completed=Did you make a wish?
quests.xmas11_21.2.desc=Delight a shepherd today by lighting up a red star!
quests.xmas11_21.2.hint=Find a red Xmas star and double-click on it to complete this quest, twinkle...
quests.xmas11_22.1.completed=Very convincing! You're a great... hoer.
quests.xmas11_22.1.desc=Can you do your best "Ho, ho, ho?"
quests.xmas11_22.1.hint=Say 'ho' three times. Santa
quests.xmas11_22.2.completed=Well done!
quests.xmas11_22.2.desc=Where do you play SnowStorm?
quests.xmas11_22.2.hint=Say the names of the SnowStorm game arenas out loud. You can find out the arenas by playing!'s The Storm?
quests.xmas11_23.1.completed=Good for your eyesight as well.
quests.xmas11_23.1.desc=You need carrots for a carrotcake. Find them before they run out!
quests.xmas11_23.1.hint=Get three carrots from a fridge. You can find the fridge in the village, double-click on it to receive an item, you may have to try couple of times to get the carrot!'s Up Doc?
quests.xmas11_23.2.completed=The chick laid enough eggs for your... evening misadventures, yay!
quests.xmas11_23.2.desc=Xmas Eve is tomorrow... Can you find a chick in time?
quests.xmas11_23.2.hint=Find a chicken in the hotel and double-click on it to complete the quest. Like Chicken Tonight?
quests.xmas11_24.1.completed=Festive :)
quests.xmas11_24.1.desc=Nothing says festive and feisty like our Santa hat!
quests.xmas11_24.1.hint=Check your clothes inventory and wear the Santa hat and give your friends an Xmas treat they'll never forget... without therapy. Lot's of therapy. Santa
quests.xmas11_24.2.completed=You look red hot! Even the blind hobo in the alley outside thinks so!
quests.xmas11_24.2.desc=Get "reddy" (ho ho ho) for an Xmas party!
quests.xmas11_24.2.hint=Check your clothes inventory and pick a red T-shirt. You can do this by clicking your Habbo and selecting 'Change looks' from the menu. Eve Party Dress
quests.xmas11_24.3.completed=Perfect ! You're ready for Britain's Got Talent now.
quests.xmas11_24.3.desc=Get together with friends and sing everyone's favourite Xmas song!
quests.xmas11_24.3.hint=Say : "we wish you a merry Xmas!" That's what most people's favourite song is. It's not our fault yours is "Mistletoe". Eve Party Chant
quests.xmas11_24.4.completed=Santas everywhere! There's plenty of Ho Ho Ho-ing now!
quests.xmas11_24.4.desc=Santas are invading! Join the fun and get ten Habbos to dress like Santa
quests.xmas11_24.4.hint=Make sure ten Habbos in one room wear a X-mas hat and a beard.!
quests.xmas11_25.1.completed=And a merry Xmas to you, on behalf of all the Habbo Staff.
quests.xmas11_25.1.desc=It's finally Xmas! Give the best wishes to everyone you meet!
quests.xmas11_25.1.hint=Say 'Merry Xmas' to three different Habbos wishes
quests.xmas11_25.2.completed=BURP! Excuse me...
quests.xmas11_25.2.desc=Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub...
quests.xmas11_25.2.hint=Search the Hotel for an Xmas table and double-click on it for some dinner. In!
quests.xmas11_25.3.completed=WAKE UP! Did you sleep well?
quests.xmas11_25.3.desc=Tired from all that food? Time for a pre-Xmas nap.
quests.xmas11_25.3.hint=Find a bed and lie in it for 2 minutes. It Off
quests.xmas11_25.4.completed=Thanks! I'm sure you'll get one too.
quests.xmas11_25.4.desc=Give a gift to a new friend this Xmas!
quests.xmas11_25.4.hint=Pick a gift from the shop and give it as a gift to a Habbo in the same room. Xmas gifts
quests.xmas11_26.1.completed=Ready to face the cold. Did you put on your corpse handling gloves?
quests.xmas11_26.1.desc=Some Habbos went missing and we have to find them!
quests.xmas11_26.1.hint=Click on your Habbo to change your clothes and wear a woolen hat Habbos I
quests.xmas11_26.2.completed=In darkest night... Where's Green Lantern where you need him?
quests.xmas11_26.2.desc=It's starting to get dark. You're gonna need a torch!
quests.xmas11_26.2.hint=Wear a woolen hat and check your pixel shop/inventory for a torch and use it. Habbos 2: Electric Boogaloo
quests.xmas11_26.3.completed=Good job but no answer unfortunately...
quests.xmas11_26.3.desc=Call out for the missing Habbos. Maybe Dirk and Cletus will hear you!
quests.xmas11_26.3.hint=Wear a woolen hat, use a torch and say the names of the two missing Habbos (Dirk and Cletus). Habbos 3: A Noob Hopes
quests.xmas11_26.4.completed=That's quite a party! Did anyone bring marshmallows?
quests.xmas11_26.4.desc=You're gonna need a bigger search party to find these guys.
quests.xmas11_26.4.hint=Get 10 Habbos to wear a woolen hat and a torch. Search Of Lost Habbos
quests.xmas11_27.1.completed=Still nowhere to be found...
quests.xmas11_27.1.desc=Time to search for the missing Habbos. Remember the torch!
quests.xmas11_27.1.hint=Wear the torch for 5 minutes while you search the woods. Search Of Lost Habbos II
quests.xmas11_27.2.completed=Nobody there... But looks like you found a fish, perhaps it knows something?
quests.xmas11_27.2.desc=Hopefully they aren't stuck in a hole somewhere...
quests.xmas11_27.2.hint=Find an arctic hole and double-click on it to check it. Hole's The Goal
quests.xmas11_28.1.completed=You know what they say about Habbos with big feet...
quests.xmas11_28.1.desc=You need to find them! Check for a footprint in the snow
quests.xmas11_28.1.hint=Search in the Winter Village rooms or elsewhere in the Hotel to find a footprint and click on it Game's Afoot!
quests.xmas11_29.1.completed=No trace of Dirk or Cletus there. Just a torn up T-shirt with the name "Goldilocks" on it...
quests.xmas11_29.1.desc=What if bears ate them? Better check at their den!
quests.xmas11_29.1.hint=Find a bear in the Winter Village or elsewhere in the Hotel and double click on it You Bear The Truth?
quests.xmas11_3.1.completed=You look just like them. You're relatives right ?
quests.xmas11_3.1.desc=Dress up like the animal heads!
quests.xmas11_3.1.hint=Check your clothes and wear a reindeer hat Animals I
quests.xmas11_3.2.completed=Brou Brou! (Which means "Thanks! You too!" in reindeeer)
quests.xmas11_3.2.desc=Any kind words for the poor animals on the wall? If only you could speak their language...
quests.xmas11_3.2.hint=Talk to the hunter in the forest: he knows the reindeer words you need to say. Animals II
quests.xmas11_30.1.completed=You finally found them! They said they just needed a bit of intimacy as last Xmas they gave their hearts and kidneys to each other.
quests.xmas11_30.1.desc=Dirk and Cletus have been missing for days! Time is running out!
quests.xmas11_30.1.hint=Explore the village to find Dirk and Cletus in a room. When done, double-click the red flag next to them. Last Chance
quests.xmas11_31.1.completed=Great! You are prepared for the ball to drop. Teehee.
quests.xmas11_31.1.desc=Practice your countdown skills!
quests.xmas11_31.1.hint=Count down from 10 to 0 by saying the numbers in a room. Final Countdown
quests.xmas11_31.2.completed=Wow... What a show !
quests.xmas11_31.2.desc=Time for some fireworks!
quests.xmas11_31.2.hint=Find fireworks in a room and set them off by double-clicking on the launcher.! Pow! Boom!
quests.xmas11_31.3.completed=You light up my life!
quests.xmas11_31.3.desc=Looks good but can be better. Fire off some more!
quests.xmas11_31.3.hint=Fire off 10 charges fireworks. In The Sky!
quests.xmas11_31.4.completed=Ooooooooooh....You've created a universe of light :)
quests.xmas11_31.4.desc=Time for a big bang!
quests.xmas11_31.4.hint=Fire the fireworks rocket.! Pow! Boom! II
quests.xmas11_31.5.completed=Wow... best Fireworks show EVER!
quests.xmas11_31.5.desc=The grand finale! Set off an awesome show.
quests.xmas11_31.5.hint=Fire 10 fireworks at the same time with help from your friends. In The Sky II
quests.xmas11_32.1.completed=Cheers! Remember not to drink and drive!
quests.xmas11_32.1.desc=All the best for 2012! Wait... where's your champagne...?
quests.xmas11_32.1.hint=Grab a glass of champagne from the tower. New Year!
quests.xmas11_32.2.completed=Cheers!... Perhaps you should pace yourself?
quests.xmas11_32.2.desc=Does everyone have a drink? Give everyone champagne.
quests.xmas11_32.2.hint=Give 3 glasses of champagne to others by getting a glass, clicking on another user and giving the hand item. New Year II
quests.xmas11_32.3.completed=Nice. We at Habbo wish you the very best for the new year :)
quests.xmas11_32.3.desc=Wish your friends a Happy New Year!
quests.xmas11_32.3.hint=Say Happy New Year to 3 Habbos while standing next to them. New Year III
quests.xmas11_33.1.completed=That's... kinda weird, but a good resolution anyway!
quests.xmas11_33.1.desc=Don't have a resolution? Walk in the village and it will come.
quests.xmas11_33.1.hint=Walk around in the forest in Xmas Village until you walk on the right patch of snow, giving you a good resolution.
quests.xmas11_34.1.completed=Well it's about time. Feel better now?
quests.xmas11_34.1.desc=Did someone wish you a happy new year yet?
quests.xmas11_34.1.hint=Have another Habbo to say "Happy new year" to you. New Beginning?
quests.xmas11_35.1.completed=Yummy! Or not.
quests.xmas11_35.1.desc=Ew, someone left their food out overnight! Can you find the rancid ham?
quests.xmas11_35.1.hint=Find an eaten ham somewhere in the Xmas village or Hotel and double click on it. Taste Of Xmas
quests.xmas11_36.1.completed=Aspirin. Exactly what you need.
quests.xmas11_36.1.desc=After wild parties you may need medicine to recover...
quests.xmas11_36.1.hint=Find a hospital cabinet somewhere in the village and double-click it. Hungover?
quests.xmas11_37.1.completed=King Balthazar I presume ?
quests.xmas11_37.1.desc=Hey it's 3 kings day today! Where is your crown?
quests.xmas11_37.1.hint=Check your clothes inventory and wear a crown or tiara for 2 minutes.'s Good To Be King!
quests.xmas11_37.2.completed=Three is the magic number!
quests.xmas11_37.2.desc=Good, but I am missing two mates... Where are the other two?
quests.xmas11_37.2.hint=Get 3 Habbos in total to wear a crown or tiara for 2 minutes in one room.'s Good To Be King II
quests.xmas11_37.3.completed=You are the King!
quests.xmas11_37.3.desc=The biggest challenge for any King. Can you get 10 people to go royal?
quests.xmas11_37.3.hint=Get 10 Habbos in total to wear a crown or tiara for 2 minutes in one room. King Groove
quests.xmas11_38.1.completed=You've got the basics under control.
quests.xmas11_38.1.desc=Time to make a Snowman!
quests.xmas11_38.1.hint=Find the Snowman's legs in the Village and double-click on them. Contest 1
quests.xmas11_38.2.completed=Starting to look pretty awesome.
quests.xmas11_38.2.desc=BONUS: Stack the body on its legs.
quests.xmas11_38.2.hint=Stack the Snowman's head on its body. There is a special room in the Xmas Winter Village where you can do this. Contest 2
quests.xmas11_38.3.completed=Perfect! He looks just like you.
quests.xmas11_38.3.desc=BONUS: Only the head remains.
quests.xmas11_38.3.hint=Stack the Snowman's head on its body. There is a special room in the village where you can do this. Contest 3
quests.xmas11_39.1.desc=Show your love!
quests.xmas11_39.1.hint=Show the 'Heart' sign by clicking your own Habbo and selecting 'Signs' Language 1
quests.xmas11_39.2.desc=Year of Love
quests.xmas11_39.2.hint=Form a line with 3 other Habbos, all showing signs at the same time, from left to right: '2', 'Heart', '1','2' Language 2
quests.xmas11_39.3.desc=Get a total of 5 Habbos to show the 'Bobba' sign at the same time.
quests.xmas11_39.3.hint=March for the cause. Language 3
quests.xmas11_4.1.desc=Time to get comfy. Where are your rabbit slippers by the way?
quests.xmas11_4.1.hint=Check your clothes and wear the rabbit slippers to complete this quest. At Home I
quests.xmas11_4.2.completed=Just in time to watch National Geographic on TV!
quests.xmas11_4.2.desc=Now that you eased your feet sit down and relax.
quests.xmas11_4.2.hint=Wear rabbits slippers and sit on a hunters throne to complete this quest. At Home II
quests.xmas11_40.1.desc=Did you dive in a frozen lake yet? It's a tradition!
quests.xmas11_40.1.hint=Find the lake in the X-Mas Holiday Village, or somewhere else in the Hotel, and swim through 10 Water Patches. into the New Year!
quests.xmas11_40.2.completed=Even more brrrrrrr...
quests.xmas11_40.2.desc=Alright. A little bit more maybe?
quests.xmas11_40.2.hint=Swim through 50 water patches to complete this quest. into the New year!
quests.xmas11_40.3.completed=Seriously brrrr...
quests.xmas11_40.3.desc=You can do better than this... Please continue.
quests.xmas11_40.3.hint=Swim through 100 Water Patches to complete this quest. into the New Year!
quests.xmas11_40.4.completed=Wow, you can really stand the cold!
quests.xmas11_40.4.desc=Are you ready for some synchronized swimming?
quests.xmas11_40.4.hint=Swim through 50 Water Patches in a row! into the New Year!
quests.xmas11_41.1.completed=You're back and healthy again!
quests.xmas11_41.1.desc=Oh no, you caught a cold from swimming. You should stay in bed!
quests.xmas11_41.1.hint=Stay in bed for 5 minutes until you get better.. caught a cold :(
quests.xmas11_42.1.desc=Where do old X-mas trees go after X-mas?
quests.xmas11_42.1.hint=Find the right place for your old Xmas Tree and double click it. is over?
quests.xmas11_5.1.completed=So you originally came here for fresh air right ?
quests.xmas11_5.1.desc=Something sure does smell! Please neutralize it before your guests arrive.
quests.xmas11_5.1.hint=Find the secret item and double-click on it to complete this quest. You Smell That?
quests.xmas11_6.1.completed=Groovy !
quests.xmas11_6.1.desc=Your friends are about to arrive it's time to set the disco ball.
quests.xmas11_6.1.hint=Find a disco ball and double-click on it to complete this quest. Preparations!
quests.xmas11_7.1.completed=That's a good start!
quests.xmas11_7.1.desc=Your friends! Host a great party with lots of friends.
quests.xmas11_7.1.hint=Get a total of 2 Habbos to party in your room. A Little Help From...
quests.xmas11_7.2.completed=It's getting hot in here...
quests.xmas11_7.2.desc=Come on! The party can be bigger! Where is everyone??
quests.xmas11_7.2.hint=Get a total of 8 Habbos to party in your room. A Little Help From...
quests.xmas11_7.3.completed=Wow you're so popular ! Let's get the party started now !
quests.xmas11_7.3.desc=One more try... Make the biggest party ever! You can do it :)
quests.xmas11_7.3.hint=Get a total of 20 Habbos to party in your room. For Broke!
quests.xmas11_8.1.completed=Great! This really sets the mood.
quests.xmas11_8.1.desc=The party is starting! Switch off the light to make things "cozy".
quests.xmas11_8.1.hint=Find a table light and double-click on it to complete this quest. Off The Lights!
quests.xmas11_8.2.completed=Drink up and get this party started! Chug chug chug....
quests.xmas11_8.2.desc=Your turn for a round. Get your friends some drinks.
quests.xmas11_8.2.hint=Give 10 drinks to other users. For Everyone!
quests.xmas11_9.1.completed=Wouhouhou ! Push the bass !
quests.xmas11_9.1.desc=Time for some tunes. Find a DJ set to play music!
quests.xmas11_9.1.hint=Find a DJ table and double-click on it to complete this quest's Party Time I
quests.xmas11_9.2.completed=Throw your hands in the air! Wave the like you just don't care! Unless you're on a helicopter...
quests.xmas11_9.2.desc=Time to get your friends to raise their hands!
quests.xmas11_9.2.hint=Get five of your friends to wave at the same time.'s Party Time II THE LOVE
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.completed=Do you feel the warmth of the season now?
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.desc=Indulge yourself and receive affection today.
quests.xmas2012_1.user_collects_kisses.hint=Visit 5 rooms with Habbos blowing kisses at you. THE LOVE
quests.xmas2012_1.xmas2012_1.chaincaption=FEEL THE LOVE
quests.xmas2012_1.xmas2012_1.chaininfo=Indulge yourself and receive affection today.
quests.xmas2012_10.1354541816053.chaincaption=HE'S COMING TO TOWN
quests.xmas2012_10.1354541816053.chaininfo=Bring xmas magic - dress as Santa today
quests.xmas2012_10.be_santa.desc=Bring xmas magic - dress as Santa today
quests.xmas2012_10.be_santa.hint=find the perfect secret combo to look like Santa'S COMING TO TOWN'S COMING TO TOWN
quests.xmas2012_11.1354543342543.chaincaption=SANTA'S HELPERS
quests.xmas2012_11.1354543342543.chaininfo=Santa could do with some helping hands.
quests.xmas2012_11.little_helpers.completed=Congrats! You just recruited 4 santa's little helpers :)
quests.xmas2012_11.little_helpers.desc=Santa could do with some helping hands.
quests.xmas2012_11.little_helpers.hint=Gather your elves - wave at four Habbos wearing pointy ears and a green hat.'S HELPERS'S HELPERS
quests.xmas2012_12.1354545038856.chaincaption=XMAS CAROLS
quests.xmas2012_12.1354545038856.chaininfo=Sing Xmas carols with your gang! CAROLS
quests.xmas2012_12.xmas_carols.completed=Beautiful singing! Wait, where did everyone go?!
quests.xmas2012_12.xmas_carols.desc=Sing Xmas carols with your gang!
quests.xmas2012_12.xmas_carols.hint=Spread the Christmas cheer - Visit 5 rooms and sing Jingle bells! CAROLS
quests.xmas2012_13.1354813997525.chaincaption=SHARE EGG NOG
quests.xmas2012_13.1354813997525.chaininfo=Share some egg nog with friends.
quests.xmas2012_13.1354878054945.completed=Mmmmmm. Egg nog tastes better with friends!
quests.xmas2012_13.1354878054945.desc=Share some egg nog with friends.
quests.xmas2012_13.1354878054945.hint= Grab a mug of egg nog from a Barley Barrel furni and pass to 5 friends. EGG NOG EGG NOG
quests.xmas2012_14.1354817348830.chaincaption=WARM UP
quests.xmas2012_14.1354817348830.chaininfo=Time to get cozy by the fire
quests.xmas2012_14.1354879426019.completed=Nice and toasty!
quests.xmas2012_14.1354879426019.desc=Warm your feet by the fire
quests.xmas2012_14.1354879426019.hint=Take off your shoes and warm your feet by a Castle Fireplace UP UP
quests.xmas2012_15.1355158123833.completed=We said prepare it, not eat it!
quests.xmas2012_15.1355158123833.desc=Prepare your Christmas Ham.
quests.xmas2012_15.1355158123833.hint=We believe in being well prepared, find and prepare (click on) a Christmas Ham Furni. HAM HAM
quests.xmas2012_16.1355158543058.chaincaption=GET WARMER
quests.xmas2012_16.1355158588375.completed=Yikes, get out of there before you melt!
quests.xmas2012_16.1355158588375.desc=It's going to get colder before it gets better.
quests.xmas2012_16.1355158588375.hint=Put on the ice effect - you may want to look in the Xmas Lounge ;) - and then warm up by a Beach Bonfire. WARMER WARMER
quests.xmas2012_17.1355159548306.desc=Strap on your snowboard!
quests.xmas2012_17.1355159548306.hint=Find a snowboarding room and board your way down!
quests.xmas2012_18.1355162376787.chaincaption=RIDE TO TOWN
quests.xmas2012_18.1355162732772.completed=That's a lot of tins of sardines, that should see us through!
quests.xmas2012_18.1355162732772.desc=We need supplies, grab a horse!
quests.xmas2012_18.1355162732772.hint=The Snow Siren is gaining strength, we need supplies. Grab a horse, any horse and ride it to town. TO TOWN TO TOWN
quests.xmas2012_19.1355163010814.completed=That'll teach her!
quests.xmas2012_19.1355163010814.desc=Let's Freeze bomb the Snow Siren!
quests.xmas2012_19.1355163010814.hint=Throw 5 bombs in a freeze game. BOMB BOMB WARMED UP
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.completed=There, now everyone's warmed up and full of caffeine!
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.desc=It's freezing outside. Be nice and serve coffee today...
quests.xmas2012_2.pass_coffee_drink.hint=Pass a coffee to a Habbo today WARMED UP
quests.xmas2012_2.xmas2012_2.chaincaption=GET WARMED UP
quests.xmas2012_2.xmas2012_2.chaininfo=It's freezing outside. Be nice and serve coffee today...
quests.xmas2012_20.1355328908636.chaincaption=STEAL HEART
quests.xmas2012_20.1355328946885.completed=You did it! The Snow Siren is heartless!
quests.xmas2012_20.1355328946885.desc=Steal the Snow Siren's heart.
quests.xmas2012_20.1355328946885.hint=Wear a ski mask/balaclava and find someone holding a heart sign. A HEART A HEART
quests.xmas2012_21.1355329233322.completed=You got moves!
quests.xmas2012_21.1355329233322.desc=The Snow Siren has been defeated, let's celebrate!
quests.xmas2012_21.1355329233322.hint=Dance. Dance. Dance!
quests.xmas2012_22.1355329380287.chaincaption=PLAY ICE HOCKEY
quests.xmas2012_22.1355329528433.desc=take advantage of the winter ice and play ice hockey.
quests.xmas2012_22.1355329528433.hint=Put your skates on (by standing on ice) and near a hockey puck. ICE HOCKEY ICE HOCKEY
quests.xmas2012_23.1355330201357.chaincaption=FIND GHOSTS
quests.xmas2012_23.1355330201357.completed=You have found the true joy of Christmas!
quests.xmas2012_23.1355330201357.desc=Find the ghosts of Xmas past, present and future.
quests.xmas2012_23.1355330201357.hint=Find 3 rooms containing a ghost (ghost effects can be found in the xmas lounge). GHOSTS GHOSTS
quests.xmas2012_24.1355331701846.chaincaption=PLAY SANTA
quests.xmas2012_24.1355331724768.completed=I wonder what he brought?
quests.xmas2012_24.1355331724768.desc=It's Christmas Eve! Time to play Santa…
quests.xmas2012_24.1355331724768.hint=Wear a Santa hat and beard and find some cookies! SANTA SANTA
quests.xmas2012_25.1355333972173.chaincaption=MERRY CHRISTMAS
quests.xmas2012_25.1355334050312.completed=MERRY CHRISTMAS
quests.xmas2012_25.1355334050312.desc=Spread the Christmas cheer!
quests.xmas2012_25.1355334050312.hint=Say "Merry Christmas" to 5 Habbos in different rooms. CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS
quests.xmas2012_29.1354175508614.completed=Congrats! You've activated your mystery box.
quests.xmas2012_29.1354175508614.desc=Dance with your friends
quests.xmas2012_29.1354175508614.hint=Celebrate the beginning of Christmas season by dancing with three other Habbos. party! is here!
quests.xmas2012_29.xmas2012_29.chaincaption=Christmas is here! ON ICE
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.completed=Good work!
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.desc=Now that you made friends what about ice skating today?
quests.xmas2012_3.skate_w_friends.hint=Visit 3 rooms with a ice skating rink and and ice skate with 3 Habbos each time. ON ICE
quests.xmas2012_3.xmas2012_3.chaincaption=HABBO ON ICE
quests.xmas2012_3.xmas2012_3.chaininfo=Now that you made friends what about ice skating today? AT FRIENDS
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.completed=Isn't friendship great?
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.desc=Xmas is coming. It's time to make friends
quests.xmas2012_30.wave_in_5_rooms.hint=Visit 5 rooms, wave to Habbos there and have them waving back at you. AT FRIENDS
quests.xmas2012_30.xmas2012_30.chaincaption=WAVE AT FRIENDS
quests.xmas2012_30.xmas2012_30.chaininfo=Xmas is coming. It's time to make some friends! FREEZE
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.completed=Good stuff!
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.desc=What about playing Freeze today?
quests.xmas2012_4.play_freeze.hint=Bomb another Habbo in a Freeze game. FREEZE
quests.xmas2012_4.xmas2012_4.chaincaption=PLAY FREEZE
quests.xmas2012_4.xmas2012_4.chaininfo=What about playing Freeze today? A RELAXING BATH
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.completed=Ahhhh! That's very soothing :)
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.desc=You did a lot of exercice in the past 2 days. Now relax.
quests.xmas2012_5.user_has_bath.hint=Find a hot tub and have a bath there with 3 other Habbos. A RELAXING BATH
quests.xmas2012_5.xmas2012_5.chaincaption=HAVE A RELAXING BATH
quests.xmas2012_5.xmas2012_5.chaininfo=You did a lot of exercise in the past 2 days. Now relax. PETS
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.completed=Aw, how cute.
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.desc=It will soon be xmas for them too.
quests.xmas2012_6.scratch_pets.hint=Scratch any pet by clicking on them and choosing scratch from the menu. PETS
quests.xmas2012_6.xmas2012_6.chaincaption=CUDDLE PETS
quests.xmas2012_6.xmas2012_6.chaininfo=It will soon be Xmas for them too, show some love! YOUR PET
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.completed=Isn't friendship magic?
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.desc=He needs friends too!
quests.xmas2012_7.walk_the_pet.hint=Visit 3 rooms with your pet that contains 3 pets. YOUR PET
quests.xmas2012_7.xmas2012_7.chaincaption=WALK YOUR PET
quests.xmas2012_7.xmas2012_7.chaininfo=He needs friends too!
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.completed=Watch out, I think that reindeer's fallen in love with you!
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.desc=Wild animals need affection too...
quests.xmas2012_8.hi_to_reindeers.hint=Dress as a reindeer and visit 5 rooms with a reindeer. then wave at him. HI TO REINDEERS HI TO REINDEERS
quests.xmas2012_8.xmas2012_8.chaincaption=SAY HI TO REINDEERS
quests.xmas2012_8.xmas2012_8.chaininfo=Wild animals need affection too...
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.completed=You know what they say! The bigger the tree the more money you have to spend on decorations.
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.desc=H-14! It's time to decorate the giant Xmas tree
quests.xmas2012_9.decorate_xmas_tree.hint=Visit 3 rooms with a giant Xmas tree and 3 Habbos. Then double-click on it. TREE TREE
quests.xmas2012_9.xmas2012_9.chaincaption=XMAS TREE
quests.xmas2012_9.xmas2012_9.chaininfo=H-14! It's time to decorate the giant Xmas tree
quests.xmas2013.title=Advent Calendar 2013 1
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.desc=Help Santa find the door of his Workshop, Time to get to work!
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.hint=Some people say that Santa only works one night a year, but that's not true. He works at least one month in advance! How ever long it is, he can't remember which one is the door to his Workshop. When you find it, say "Santa's workshop?" However, it won't be easy to get inside. Santa's Gnomes have lost the keys of the Workshop. Coincidence? A protest? Who knows...'s Doors
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaincaption=Santa's Workshop
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaininfo=Santa has to work hard to craft this year's gifts, but the snow has hidden his workshop entrance. Help him to find it.
quests.xmas2013_10.friends.desc=Organise your friends to help Santa to hold back the Gnomes.
quests.xmas2013_10.friends.hint=The Gnomes have started to hide the gifts that Santa was getting ready for Christmas. The more friends you join, the more chances you have of finding the gifts. Wear a Santa's hat and make 30 Habbos enter the Santa's Workshop Room. your Friends 10
quests.xmas2013_10.xmas_10.chaincaption=A Band of Gnomes
quests.xmas2013_10.xmas_10.chaininfo=Yesterday Gnomes put a gift in the moon. You'll need help to be ready for the next challenge.
quests.xmas2013_10.zmas_10.chaincaption=A Band of Gnomes
quests.xmas2013_10.zmas_10.chaininfo=Yesterday the Gnomes put a gift in the moon. You'll need help to be ready for the next challenge.
quests.xmas2013_11.drinks.desc=If you want people to look for Santa's gifts, kiss up to them
quests.xmas2013_11.drinks.hint=You recruited 30 Habbos or more to join in the search for the gifts hidden by the Gnomes. It would be nice if you encourage at least some of them. Give one drink to at least 10 Habbos in the Santa's Workshop Room! the Search 11
quests.xmas2013_11.xmas2013_11.chaincaption=Ready to Search
quests.xmas2013_11.xmas2013_11.chaininfo=You recruited 30 Habbos or more to join the search for the gifts hidden by the Gnomes. Treat them well! 12
quests.xmas2013_12.snow.desc=The snow falling doesn't let you see anything.
quests.xmas2013_12.snow.hint=How can you see anything that way? Move your arms to disolve it and get at least 10 Habbos doing the same in the Santa's Workshop room to the Snow
quests.xmas2013_12.xmas_12.chaincaption=Remove the Snow
quests.xmas2013_12.xmas_12.chaininfo=The falling snow doesn't let you see anything. How can you find anything in this? better move or you will be iced before finding any gift. Gnomes are laughing at you and your team of gifts hunters. You have been drinking, waving and playing with 30 Habbos in the last couple of days. What will be next? Dance with 5 friends to get your feet warm? -.- Feet 13
quests.xmas2013_13.xmas2013_13.chaincaption=Iced feet
quests.xmas2013_13.xmas2013_13.chaininfo=You can't search for gifts with your feet frozen. The Gnomes are starting laughing at you.
quests.xmas2013_14.moredrink.desc=Gnomes like the way you move after dancing for so long.
quests.xmas2013_14.moredrink.hint=Stop dancing, keep calm and convince someone to give you a cup of tea. You'll feel better and get some Snowflakes! Dizzy? 14
quests.xmas2013_14.xmas2013_14.chaincaption=Feel Dizzy?
quests.xmas2013_14.xmas2013_14.chaininfo=So long time dancing makes you walk like a dizzy Gnome.
quests.xmas2013_15.1386093252572.desc=Penguins saw something suspicious in the Arctic Hot Tub.
quests.xmas2013_15.1386093252572.hint=It is very possible that the Gnomes threw one of the Santa's gifts into the Arctic Hot Tub. Please, organize a team of 3 Habbos and dive into those dangerous springs in the Santa's Workshop Room to save that gift. The future of Christmas rely on your shoulders now! But you'll get Snowflakes, that's right. in the Water 15
quests.xmas2013_15.xmas2013_15.chaincaption=Gifts in the Water
quests.xmas2013_15.xmas2013_15.chaininfo=Penguins say that they saw a Gnome throwing something into the Arctic Hot Tub
quests.xmas2013_16.barrel.desc=Gifts are in the barrels but there aren't barrels here!
quests.xmas2013_16.barrel.hint=Gnomes hid a gift in the barrels of Santa's Workshop room. But as you can see, there aren't any barrels here. Get 10 Habbos wearing the barrel effect and you will get today's Santa's snowflakes! in the Barrels 16
quests.xmas2013_16.xmas2013_16.chaincaption=Gifts in the Barrels
quests.xmas2013_16.xmas2013_16.chaininfo=Gifts are in the barrels but there aren't barrels here! 17
quests.xmas2013_17.tree.desc=Today the Gnomes hid the gifts in an old fashioned style.
quests.xmas2013_17.tree.hint=In many places of the world, Christmas gifts appear under the Christmas tree. Click on the Christmas trees until you find the right one where the lost gift is.
Santa will reward you with 5 Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Gifts! in a tree
quests.xmas2013_17.xmas2013_17.chaincaption=Gifts in a tree
quests.xmas2013_17.xmas2013_17.chaininfo=Today the Gnomes hid the gifts in an old fashioned style.
quests.xmas2013_18.carol.desc=Fight Gnomes with carols and Christmas will survive!
quests.xmas2013_18.carol.hint=The Gnomes revolution is menacing this year's Christmas. But Santa has the right weapon to get them see reason: carols.
Sing Jingle Bells 50 times and, even if Gnomes don't stop messing, Santa will reward you with 5 Snowflakes for you to get a Gift in the snowflakes Shop. hate Carols 18
quests.xmas2013_18.xmas_2013_18.chaincaption=Gnomes hate Carols
quests.xmas2013_18.xmas_2013_18.chaininfo=Fight Gnomes with carols and Christmas will survive!
quests.xmas2013_19.guess.desc=Where would an angry Gnome have hidden a gift?
quests.xmas2013_19.guess.hint=There are gifts in 10 objects dispersed in Santa's Workshop rooms. Find 5 of them and get today's Snowflakes. You just have to say the name of those items. game 19
quests.xmas2013_19.xmas2013_19.chaincaption=Guessing game
quests.xmas2013_19.xmas2013_19.chaininfo=Where would an angry Gnome have hidden a gift? 2
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.desc=Santa's Workshop keys were thrown into the iced lake.
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.hint=Was it on purpose? There is no time to look for someone to blame. The only way to break the thick ice is skating until you break it! keys are in the lake
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaincaption=Santa's Keys to work
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaininfo=The keys are one of those things that might be right in front of you and you will never see them. Start searching now!
quests.xmas2013_20.carrots.desc=Santa decided to take all the carrots out of Habbo.
quests.xmas2013_20.carrots.hint=Gnomes don't eat turkey for Christmas, only carrots. Santa decided to take all the carrots out of his Workshop rooms until the Gnomes stop messing with his work.
Help him! Take 10 Carrots and he will reward you with Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Shop! the Carrots 20
quests.xmas2013_20.xmas2013_20.chaincaption=Kill the Carrots
quests.xmas2013_20.xmas2013_20.chaininfo=Santa decided to take all the carrots out of Habbo. 21
quests.xmas2013_22.santa.desc=The more Santas in Habbo, more gifts for Christmas!
quests.xmas2013_22.santa.hint=Dress like Santa in one of the Advent Calendar Rooms and make other 20 friends do the same for over 25 seconds. Santa will reward you with 5 Snowflakes that you can use in the Snowflakes Gifts Shop. Santa
quests.xmas2013_22.xmas2013_22.chaincaption=Think Santa
quests.xmas2013_22.xmas2013_22.chaininfo=The more Santas in Habbo, the more gifts for Christmas!
quests.xmas2013_23.day_22.chaincaption=Turkey number 1
quests.xmas2013_23.day_22.chaininfo=Don't play with food! Eat it! 22
quests.xmas2013_23.turkey.desc=Don't play with food! Eat it!
quests.xmas2013_23.turkey.hint=The pantry is full of Turkeys ready for Chirstmas. Those amusing Gnomes hid one gift in only 1 of the 1.000 Turkeys that are stored in Santa's Workshop. Say in what number and Santa will reward you with 5 Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Gifts Shop! number 1 23
quests.xmas2013_24.snowman.desc=You're as dull as a snowman's eyes made out of coal.
quests.xmas2013_24.snowman.hint=The Gnomes left that message to Santa! They posted it on the fridge's door. This taunting made Santa go mad this morning. It took as a while to convince him that this is just a hint. They must have hidden some gifts in the snowmen.
Find them and Santa will reward you with 5 Snowflakes. Exchange them in the Snowflakes Gifts Shop! Eyes
quests.xmas2013_24.xmas2013_23.chaincaption=Snowman Eyes
quests.xmas2013_24.xmas2013_23.chaininfo=You're as dull as a snowman's eyes made out of coal.
quests.xmas2013_25.merry.desc=Surrender. Gnomes want to come back at work with Santa!
quests.xmas2013_25.merry.hint=At last, it is Christmas and everything goes back to normal! Or... What's normal indeed? A snowy Christmas? Christmas at the beach? For us it doesn't matter, let's celebrate like crazy all around the world!
Say Merry Christmas in the 12 languages most common in Habbo in the world and get today's 5 snowflakes. As usual, do it in Santa's Workshop rooms.
Santa whishes you a happy Christmas! He hopes you enjoyed this year's Advent calendar and its gifts in the Snowflakes Shop. Christmas 24
quests.xmas2013_25.xmas2013_24.chaincaption=Merry Christmas
quests.xmas2013_25.xmas2013_24.chaininfo=Surrender. Gnomes want to come back at work with Santa!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.desc=I think I saw something blinking in the deep water!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.hint=This is the 3rd day that Santa can't work at crafting this year's gifts. The keys of his workshop are still lost in the water. Check the holes in the ice to see if you can finally get them. Don't forget to use a Torch to throw some light on it! Black Hole 3
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaincaption=Santa missed 3 days
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaininfo=Gnomes are fun guys, but it's no fun when we are talking about missing our Christmas gifts!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.desc=You are almost ready to open Santa's Workshop!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.hint=You just need to swim in the cold water until you get the keys and Santa's Snow Flakes. for the keys 4
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaincaption=Santa's brave Habbos
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaininfo=Maybe in your country you are in summer, but in Santa's village it's so cold it hurts. Nevertheless, we still need you swimming!
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.desc=We need fire to warm your pixels and start Santa's Workshop.
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.hint=Generate enough fire to start Santa's Workshop or he won't be on time for Christmas. The Gnomes keep on messing around by trying to get the room to freezing and hiding the few gifts Santa has already made. up the Workshop 5
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaincaption=Santa starts working
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaininfo=The first thing Santa needs is fire: to warm your pixels and craft gifts. 6
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.desc=The Gnomes have hidden some of Santa's gifts in the Saint Nicholas tradition.
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.hint=Saint Nicholas usually leaves gifts in shoes. The Gnomes are bothering Santa by hiding his gifts in some specific slippers. Come to Santa's Workshop room and dig into the available shoes for your avatar in "My Clothes" tab. Only one kind has the gifts inside. Gifts
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaincaption=Traitor Gnomes?
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaininfo=Gnomes say that Saint Nicholas is a better boss than Santa. Gifts are being compromised again! 7
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.desc=The Gnomes have reacted to St. Nicholas refusal and have hidden more gifts.
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.hint=The Gnomes have reacted badly to the news that Saint Nicholas has said that he doesn't want to hire them. They have now lost one gift in one of the heads on the wall. Dress like that and you'll find it. We can only hope that the Gnome fashion doesn't become trendy for this year's celebrations. Trend Setters
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaincaption=Gnome Fashion
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaininfo=The Gnomes have reacted badly to the news that Saint Nicholas has said that he doesn't want to hire them. 8
quests.xmas2013_8.penguin.desc=They got the idea of the Gnomes working for St Nicholas.
quests.xmas2013_8.penguin.hint=They know where you can find some of the hidden gifts. But first, they want to know who forced you to dress like a Gnome. Just tell them that info and you'll get more Snow Flakes to be exchanged in the Snow Flake Shop. Note: Penguins are almost deaf. Trick
quests.xmas2013_8.xmas2013_8.chaincaption=Penguins Complicity
quests.xmas2013_8.xmas2013_8.chaininfo=Gnomes never act alone. The idea of working for St. Nicholas came from the Penguins. 9
quests.xmas2013_9.satellite.desc=Santa could only make one gift so far.
quests.xmas2013_9.satellite.hint=Gnomes are messing with Santa and Christmas. They have hidden the unique gift that Santa was able to make somewhere in this room. We can say that Gnomes are pushing the limits of Santa's patience veeeery high. Habbo Satellite
quests.xmas2013_9.xmas2013_9.chaincaption=Gnomes aim high
quests.xmas2013_9.xmas2013_9.chaininfo=Gnomes have have hidden one of the few gifts that Santa has been able to make so far. Can you imagine where they put it?
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.0=You are not happy because the odds are not in your favour!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.1=You know it is not allowed so you spam the room until the room gets closed - using clones if needed...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.2=You call on a Moderator and go around the Hotel looking for other exciting games. Placing bets can get you into trouble.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.3=You place bets and hope you win, you always wanted to be rich quick!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.0=You sell the old Habbo account on Ebay and buy Credits with the money.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.1=You sell the Furni in the Marketplace to get Credits for your HC membership.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.2=You swap your Habbo account with someone who needs Furni, but doesn't want to be HC anymore.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.3=You "borrow" your parents' Credit Card and use it to buy Credits and a dune buggy... whatever that is.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.0=You fight back by trash talking the Habbo 10 times worse.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.1=You call your mom and tell her to stand up for herself.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.2=You ignore him, and avoid telling your mom, because you know she'd totally go Chuck Norris on his butt...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.3=You call on a Moderator because this is clearly a Yo Momma emergency!!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.0=The 5 most beautiful rooms of the Hotel!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.1=The legendary "Opium den" - only a very few Habbos know about it. It's very exotic.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.2=This trophy you received for winning last year's Duck Funk contest
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.3=A room where you cybered all night long, for the price of only 3 Plasto chairs.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.0=You accept and agree to come to him first every time he needs help from now!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.1=You say thanks, but no thanks! As a Habbo Helper you help everyone equally... for free!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.2=This Habbo is trying to corrupt you! You ask for a Moderator to ban him immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.3=You ask for a bigger reward...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.0=You feel offended and angry, and start trash talking the Group to anyone who will listen.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.1=You alert moderators immediately, because you feel that the Group goes against the Habbo Way.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.2=You create an anti-gay group and invite *them* to join *you*.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.3=You recognize that the invite was a gesture of friendship and you are free to accept or decline as you wish!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.0=You call a Moderator to ban the Group's admins, because tricking people is definitely not the Habbo Way!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.1=Hah... Good one. You won't be falling for that again...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.2=You keep on waving - and spamming! Maybe they'll change their minds if you pester them.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.3=You plan your revenge against this Habbo Group for a number of years, amassing a small fortune and political power in the process, and then, when they least expect it, you strike!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.0=You report the Habbo as a pedophile immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.1=You refuse. ANY sexual innuendo is strictly forbidden in Habbo!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.2=You tell the Habbo you think s/he is ugly, and that you would never be caught in a "Kissing Booth" with them!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.3=You find out that the "Kissing Booth" is quite innocent and decide to join your new friend!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.0=You take part in the conversation, because you know that in Habbo it's okay to share opinions as long as you don't dish out insults!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.1=You decide to blackmail the Group's owner, if s/he pays you 10 Club Sofas, you won't report them to a Moderator...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.2=We don't talk about politics in Habbo, you call on a Moderator to delete this thread immediately!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.3=You jump into the conversation and reply to everyone in caps that THEY ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT AND THAT'S THE END OF IT!!!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.0=You call a Moderator. This Habbo is clearly the victim of harassment.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.1=It's all his/her own fault. If a Habbo is dumb enough to post real life photos of themselves, they should suffer the consequences.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.2=You comment on the thread and try to calm the other Habbos down, the photos weren't THAT bad...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.3=You realize that it's a picture of your great-great-great grandfather, and get very, very confused...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.0=Habbos create some amazing games and competitions, and we want you to join in and have fun! However, not all game room owners are as honourable as we'd like them to be, which is why we advise you to never pay to enter a game!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.1=Being obnoxious will never result in anything, except perhaps tendinitis from too much spamming... We advise you to walk away while your dignity is still intact!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.2=Being mean and sarcastic will never result in anything, except maybe life as a stand-up comedian... Walk away, while you still have your dignity and the chance of a better future!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.3=Unfortunately, real life never works out like it does in the movies (and there's only one Clooney). Walk away with while you still have your dignity! ;)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.0=Not such a good idea... because selling a Habbo account on Ebay is illegal and everyone involved will be banned.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.1=Letting your friends "use" your account is never a good idea, no matter how small the task they want to complete it. You never want to find yourself in this position- it's more uncomfortable than trying to perform the Nutcracker in the back of an Audi.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.2=Swapping your account means giving someone else access to your personal information, which in turn will get very messy, very fast. Stay safe, never share or swap your Habbo!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.3=In this case, "borrowing" is the same as stealing, and in Habbo we do not tolerate fraudulent or unlawful behaviour. HC is great fun, but hardly worth breaking the law for!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.0=Don't lose your cool! Trash talkers love to get you in trouble by upsetting you... By ignoring them, they'll just look dumb all on their lonesome!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.1=Do you think your mom really (like really) cares? Nah, we didn't think so either... :) Let them trash talk, when you ignore them, they'll just look dumb to everyone else in the room.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.2=We really don't think your mom would be *that* concerned.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.3=We suspect that "Yo Mama" is a pretty fierce lady that would never be bothered about some groundless accusations in Habbo. And she'd be right. Stay cool just like Yo Mama!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.0=As a Habbo Helper you recognise that it's not the size of a person's ankles that matters, but the size of their hearts.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.1=Habbo does not condone the use of illegal drugs, and we hope that you'll help us take that stand and be good role models to new Habbo players by giving them a great first impression of our Hotel!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.2=As a Habbo Helper you know that it's not about you, but about showing someone else a great time and introducing them to all the fun things that the Hotel has to offer!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.3=Cybering is strictly forbidden, you should not be doing it either.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.0=As a Habbo Helper you are devoted to giving great help to anyone who needs it, and you're happy to do it for free! Don't let your standards slip...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.1=As a Habbo Helper, you know that doing a good deed is it's own reward. Besides, how much Brown Plasto do you really need anyway??
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.2=Though we certainly frown upon corruption, we trust that in this situation, you'd be able to explain that you and others like you, are always happy to help, and that they shouldn't have to pay!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.3=Well, well, well, someone got greedy! Habbo Helpers are there to guide anyone who needs it - for FREE! ;)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.0=Just because you receive a Group invite, doesn't mean you have to accept it. More importantly, it does not excuse or allow for a hateful response. In Habbo, this will not be tolerated.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.1=In Habbo, you are allowed to be who you are, as long as you do not harm others. A Group that is pro gay youth is in no way deemed harmful. You can decline or accept, but there would be no need to alert a Moderator in this case!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.2=In Habbo we do not allow hateful language or acts targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, nationality or political beliefs. By creating such a Group, you would be in violation of those rules.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.3=There's enough groups in Habbo to cater to (almost) every interest or hobby, there's no need trying to change the focus on one group to suit your own needs.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.0=While we realize that it hurts to be the victim of a prank, we hope that you are able to laugh it off and move on with a new lesson learned -- you'll definitely know better next time... right?? ;)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.1=If you can't laugh at yourself every now and then, how can you expect others to laugh with you?
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.2=Spamming only leads to you being ignored and eventually muted, and probably also tendinitis. We advise you to laugh it off and move on -- pranks happen, you'll know better next time :)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.3=Wow. This sounds very intense. For the sake of your own sanity, and quite possibly hygiene, we advise you to forget about it and move on... before it's too late! :o
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.0=While we advise you to always be cautious, you shouldn't be afraid to flirt and get to know others! The "Kissing Booth" is an example of a Furni that you might have some innocent fun with, however, if you find yourself in a situation that is clearly threatening and not innocent, you should call on a Moderator immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.1=While we do not allow vulgar or obscene behaviour in Habbo, we do want you to be able to have some flirty fun! The "Kissing Booth" is a perfect example of a Furni that is just-for-fun, however, if you don't want to join this Habbo, you can absolutely choose not to.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.2=Trash talking others says a lot more about you than the other person. If you didn't want to go into the "Kissing Booth" Furni, you could just say "No, thanks!" No hard feelings...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.3=Sorry, but the Kissing Booth only sits two Habbos. This is certainly not a "more the merrier" situation!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.0=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow for more than three levels of irony, it just gets too confusing...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.1=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow bribery...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.2=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow hateful language that targets race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or political beliefs, nor do we allow comments that are abusive or denigrating.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.3=Eeeasy there, soldier. In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! Spamming the conversation will only serve to make you wildly unpopular and your opinions will likely be ignored.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.0=While we advise you to be careful regarding your personal information, there's nothing wrong with admitting that you are a fan of Saved By The Bell.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.1=While we do advise you to be careful about revealing personal information about yourself, nothing excuses harassment. Call a Moderator, s/he would take such a call very seriously.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.2=While we appreciate you trying to calm down the mob, this is clearly a case of bullying and harassment, and we would want you to alert a Moderator about this situation immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.3=Related or not, we do not accept bullying or harassment in Habbo! Your great-great-great grandfather deserves better than this. Call a Moderator!
quiz.HabboWay1.question.0=You find a room where somebody is placing bets, what do you do?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.1=You need Credits to pay for your HC membership and remember that you once had this Habbo account full of Furni that you don't use anymore...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.2=Another Habbo is trash talking your mom, what do you do?!
quiz.HabboWay1.question.3=You decide to give a new Habbo a guided tour. What will you show them first?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.4=A Habbo offers you a reward for being his personal Habbo Helper...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.5=A Group that seems to be pro gay asks you to join them...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.6=The admins of a famous Group told you that you had to *wave* for 2 hours straight in order to join them. Turns out they tricked you and now you feel stupid...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.7=OMG! This Habbo you just met is asking you to join them in the "Kissing Booth" Furni...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.8=You notice a forum thread in which people are having a heated discussion about politics...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.9=A Habbo posted a link to "real life" photos of themselves in a Forum, and now everyone is mocking them...
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.analysis.title=Your Result Review ANSWERS
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.0.0=Yes, we've been friends on Habbo for a few weeks, so I trust them completely!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.0.1=No, I wouldn't trust someone that I only know online with my contact info, because you never know.. Better safe than sorry!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.0.2=Sure. I don't want to seem uncool, so I would give them my contact information.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.1.0=Sure, I don't think it's unsafe at all. It's not like I'd be inviting them to my house, right?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.1.1=No, you never know who's on the other end. I don't want to risk some creepy person taking screenshots of me...
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.1.2=I would if it's someone I like, because I wouldn't want them to think I didn't trust them...
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.10.0=Dump them from my friends list, and call a moderator. No one has the right to make me feel scared or threatened on Habbo.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.10.1=I threaten to beat them up in real life.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.10.2=I'd start sending offensive messages back at them. They started it, I'll end it!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.11.0=I remove the person from my friends list, ignore them, and if they continue harassing me I call a moderator.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.11.1=I get angry and shout at them abusively.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.11.2=After a while I'd find it romantic that this creepy person is following me around, and consider changing my mind!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.12.0=I call a moderator because I feel uncomfortable with the questions. Something seems fishy!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.12.1=I share my personal information without too much thought. They just want to get to know me, what could possibly happen?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.12.2=I share my information because I feel flattered that someone has taken such an interest in me.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.2.0=I'll bring a friend with me, so it's okay to go. If I have company, nothing bad will happen, right?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.2.1=I wouldn't. Meeting up with someone from the internet is not safe, because I can't possibly know who the person *really* is, no matter how long we've chatted online.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.2.2=I'll go by myself, I'm not worried. We've chatted forever, I can totally trust them.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.3.0=I do it. They said they won't show the pictures to anyone, so it's okay to send them.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.3.1=I wouldn't do it because I know that once I share photos of myself online, I can't ever take them back. It's easy to lie online, so why should I trust them?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.3.2=I've known this person for weeks, and they've always kept my secrets to themselves, so of course I trust them!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.4.0=Yes, of course I'll give them my email! I looooooove Justin Bieber and I need those pics!!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.4.1=I wouldn't do it. Who's to say they'll only use my email address to send me Justin Bieber pictures? Once they have my address, they can use it for anything...
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.4.2=I give them my email address, but only after they promise not to give it to anyone else, or sign me up to weird online dating sites.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.5.0=Nah, I wouldn't do it. I've known this person for weeks, but that doesn't mean I really know anything about them...
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.5.1=This person is just being friendly, what's the harm?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.5.2=Sure, I'll do it, seems like "everyone else" is doing it, so I guess it's okay, right?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.6.0=I agree to be her friend, of course, friendship is magic!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.6.1=I would definitely double check her story with my sister before adding her, because who knows, right?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.6.2=I ask what her name is so that I can check her out on Facebook first.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.7.0=I take a photo of myself and post it on some forum to prove them wrong!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.7.1=I ignore them completely, it's just not worth it. They're probably just trolling anyway.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.7.2=I tell them that I definitely have the jacket and, to prove it, I tell them exactly where I bought it.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.8.0=I should do nothing! I love all this attention! Everyone's so jealous of all my Furni!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.8.1=Whatever, it's their money. What do I care what they do with it?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.8.2=It seems quite suspicious, so eventually I tell them I don't want their gifts anymore. I also give a moderator a heads up about this person.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.9.0=Oh yes! I'd do absolutely anything for Gaga tickets, of course I'll give them my address!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.9.1=Well, I'm a little bit suspicious, but I figure there's no harm in giving them my email address so I can check that the tickets are genuine?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.answer.9.2=Seems very suspicious to me. Why would a stranger give me free tickets just like that? They're asking for my address and email, clearly something is up, I would refuse and report to a moderator.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.0.0=You can never be sure about who you're really talking to online, which is why you should never share your personal information or do anything you're uncomfortable with.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.0.1=You can never be sure about who you're really talking to online, which is why you should never share your personal information or do anything you're uncomfortable with.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.0.2=You can never be sure about who you're really talking to online, which is why you should never share your personal information or do anything you're uncomfortable with.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.1.0=You should never accept a web cam request from someone you don't know in real life, you never know who will end up seeing your recording or what they might do with it.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.1.1=You should never accept a cam request from someone you don't know in real life, you never know who will end up seeing your recording or what they might do with it.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.1.2=You should never accept a cam request from someone you don't know in real life, you never know who will end up seeing your recording or what they might do with it.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.10.0=Sending them insults back won't help matters, it'll just cause you unnecessary stress and aggravation. It's best to call a moderator and let them take care of the problem before it gets any more out of hand.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.10.1=Sending them insults back won't help matters, it'll just cause you unnecessary stress and aggravation. It's best to call a moderator and let them take care of the problem before it gets any more out of hand.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.10.2=Sending them insults back won't help matters, it'll just cause you unnecessary stress and aggravation. It's best to call a moderator and let them take care of the problem before it gets any more out of hand.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.11.0=Stalkers are a problem on the internet as much as in real life, and should be reported to a moderator before the situation escalates.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.11.1=Stalkers are a problem on the internet as much as in real life, and should be reported to a moderator before the situation escalates.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.11.2=Stalkers are a problem on the internet as much as in real life, and should be reported to a moderator before the situation escalates.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.12.0=You should report this person to a moderator as it seems that they are taking a strange interest in you and who knows where it might lead?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.12.1=You should report this person to a moderator as it seems that they are taking a strange interest in you and who knows where it might lead?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.12.2=You should report this person to a moderator as it seems that they are taking a strange interest in you and who knows where it might lead?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.2.0=You should never meet with someone in real life that you only know online. Whether you take a friend or three, you never know what's waiting for you or what kind of situation you're getting yourself into.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.2.1=You should never meet with someone in real life that you only know online. Whether you take a friend or three, you never know what's waiting for you or what kind of situation you're getting yourself into.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.2.2=You should never meet with someone in real life that you only know online. Whether you take a friend or three, you never know what's waiting for you or what kind of situation you're getting yourself into.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.3.0=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you only know online. You can't know that they are who they claim to be, and as soon as you click "send", you have no control over what happens to the photos.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.3.1=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you only know online. You can't know that they are who they claim to be, and as soon as you click "send", you have no control over what happens to the photos.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.3.2=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you only know online. You can't know that they are who they claim to be, and as soon as you click "send", you have no control over what happens to the photos.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.4.0=You should never share your personal information with anyone online, because you never know what they'll use it for, like sending you spam, or viruses, or worse.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.4.1=You should never share your personal information with anyone online, because you never know what they'll use it for, like sending you spam, or viruses, or worse.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.4.2=You should never share your personal information with anyone online, because you never know what they'll use it for, like sending you spam, or viruses, or worse.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.5.0=You should never "get serious" without someone you've only met online. You don't know who this person is or what they really want from you.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.5.1=You should never "get serious" without someone you've only met online. You don't know who this person is or what they really want from you.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.5.2=You should never "get serious" without someone you've only met online. You don't know who this person is or what they really want from you.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.6.0=People tend to share a lot of personal details on their Facebook accounts, so you should always make sure that you know who your Facebook friends are!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.6.1=People tend to share a lot of personal details on their Facebook accounts, so you should always make sure that you know who your Facebook friends are!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.6.2=People tend to share a lot of personal details on their Facebook accounts, so you should always make sure that you know who your Facebook friends are!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.7.0=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you've met online. Once you share, you can never take it back. You should also be careful about giving away information that could lead to someone finding out where you live.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.7.1=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you've met online. Once you share, you can never take it back. You should also be careful about giving away information that could lead to someone finding out where you live.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.7.2=You should never share photos of yourself with someone you've met online. Once you share, you can never take it back. You should also be careful about giving away information that could lead to someone finding out where you live.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.8.0=If someone is giving you this much attention, chances are they're going to want something in return. They might even use all these gifts to guilt you into doing things you don't want to. Better let a moderator know what's going on.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.8.1=If someone is giving you this much attention, chances are they're going to want something in return. They might even use all these gifts to guilt you into doing things you don't want to. Better let a moderator know what's going on.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.8.2=If someone is giving you this much attention, chances are they're going to want something in return. They might even use all these gifts to guilt you into doing things you don't want to. Better let a moderator know what's going on.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.9.0=You should never, under any circumstance, share your home address to someone you've met online! They might very well pay you an unwelcome visit. And once they have your email address you have no control over what a stranger will use it for.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.9.1=You should never, under any circumstance, share your home address to someone you've met online! They might very well pay you an unwelcome visit. And once they have your email address you have no control over what a stranger will use it for.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.explanation.9.2=You should never, under any circumstance, share your home address to someone you've met online! They might very well pay you an unwelcome visit. And once they have your email address you have no control over what a stranger will use it for.
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.failure.advice=Don't despair, you can try it again. Simply review your results and come back later!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.failure.results=%CORRECT_COUNT% out of %TOTAL_COUNT%! Ooops, that's too bad!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.failure.title=Your Result
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.0=A Habbo wants to chat with you on MSN and is asking for your contact info. Do you give it to them?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.10=Someone on Habbo keeps bothering you on IM, sending you weird and offensive messages and making you feel uncomfortable. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.11=A friend of yours in Habbo keeps following you to every room, and won't leave you alone, even when you ask them to. What do you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.12=One of your Habbo friends is asking you to share some really personal information with them. What do you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.1=Someone is inviting you to chat via a web cam. Would you do it?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.2=Someone is asking you to meet up with them in real life. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.3=Someone you know online is asking you to send them some pictures of yourself in a swimsuit. You feel a bit uncomfortable, but they promise not to show the pictures to anyone. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.4=Someone is offering to show you some pictures from a Justin Bieber concert they went to, they just need your email address. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.5=Someone you've been chatting with for a while tells you that they feel like you guys have this deep emotional connection, and wonders if you'd like to take your relationship "to the next level". What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.6=Someone in Habbo asks if you could be friends on Facebook. She says she knows your sister, but that she just moved schools. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.7=You've been bragging all day about your new designer jacket, it looks really cool, but one guy doesn't believe that you've got one. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.8=A friend you met last week keeps sending you all these expensive gifts in Habbo, and they're asking you to keep it a secret so that others won't feel bad. What should you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.9=A fellow Habbo has just scored tickets to a Lady Gaga concert, but can't go. They've offered to send them to you for free, you just have to give them your home address! To prove they're real, they'll even email you a photo of the tickets. What should you do? %CURRENT_PAGE%/%PAGE_COUNT%
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.title=The Safety Quiz my results
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.success.results=%QUESTION_COUNT% out of %QUESTION_COUNT%! Congratulations!
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.wait.indication=2 hours till you can try again opinion
recycler.alert.non.recyclable=This furniture is not recyclable.
recycler.alert.privateroom=You need to go to one of your rooms to use the Recycler.
recycler.alert.timeout=You have to wait %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds before you can recycle again. cannot begin while you are trading. Please close the safe trading box before recycling. Furni-Matic is closed at the moment. Please try again later. Furni-Matic Machine is complete. Furni is currently being processed by the Furni-Matic Machine. The icon will blink when conversion is complete. your Recyclable Furni into the boxes below and click start. The Furni-Matic Machine will reward you with a random gift. Note: only items that have a green recycling symbol can be used here.
recycler.prizes.category.5=Urban Legend
recycler.prizes.odds.1=You can always get one of these if all else fails.
recycler.prizes.odds.2=You have %odds% chance to get one of these.
recycler.prizes.odds.3=%odds% chances to get one of these.
recycler.prizes.odds.4=%odds% chances to get this one. Good luck!
recycler.prizes.odds.5=You only have %odds% chance of getting this. You can do it!
redeem=Redeem name characters, letters and numbers accepted
register.avatarname.title=Name your Habbo make sure you have a valid date for registration!
register.bod.title=You are not eligible to register because you are too young to play Habbo. Please check our terms of service. age you gave us does not qualify for registration in Habbo.
register.bod_ban.title=Sorry you are not allowed to register
register.button=Done will use this to restore your account if you ever lose access. Your birth date will never be shared publicly.
register.dob=Birthdate'll need to use this email address to log in to Habbo in the future. Please use a valid address.
register.error.dob=Please supply a valid birthdate! That email address is already in use. enter a valid email address
register.error.invalid_name=Sorry, the name you picked is invalid.
register.error.name_change_not_allowed=Sorry, name change is not allowed.
register.error.name_in_use=Sorry, the name you picked is already in use.
register.error.password=Please enter a password
register.error.spam=You have created too many accounts already.
register.error.tos=Please accept the terms of service
register.error.unknown=Sorry, there was an error!
register.information=Fill in these details to begin: me updated about the latest Habbo happenings, news and gossip! others what you are up to!
register.motto.roomrequired=Sorry, you need to be in a room to change your motto.
register.motto=Motto's Email are required to provide a parental email-address for communication.
register.parent.title=Parent's Email Address must be at least 6 characters long and include letters and numbers
register.password=Password your first room:
register.title=Welcome to Habbo!
register.tos=I accept the Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy
rent.confirmation.Rentable.description=You are about to rent the selected piece of furni for 7 more days:
rent.confirmation.rental.description=You are about to rent the selected piece of furni for 7 more days:
rent.confirmation.title.buyout=Confirm purchase
rent.confirmation.title.extend=Confirm Rentable extension
rentablespace.widget.cancel_rent=Cancel rental space (No refund)
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_already_rented=This space has already been rented.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_can_rent_only_one_space=You can only rent one space at a time.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_disabled=Renting this space is disabled.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_generic=Renting this space is disabled.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_no_habboclub=You must be a Habbo Club member to rent a space.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_no_permission=You don't have permission to rent this space.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_enough_credits=You don't have enough credits to rent this space.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_enough_duckets=You don't have enough dukets to rent this space.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_rented=Sorry. You can't extend rent for a space that hasn't been rented.
rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_rented_by_you=Sorry. You can't extend rent for a space that isn't yours.
rentablespace.widget.expires_label=Rent expires in:
rentablespace.widget.instructions=Claim this space and decorate it as you wish. When your rent expires all your stuff is transferred safely back to your inventory.
rentablespace.widget.rented_to_label=This space is rented to:
rentablespace.widget.title=For Rent
report.user.error.nolist=You don't seem to have met any users during this play session. Please send a regular call for help instead.
report.user.list.entry=%name% in room %room%
report.user.pick.topic=Please choose what the user you're reporting has done and make sure it's a genuine claim.
report.user.pick.user=Please pick the user you want to report from the list below:
requirement.unfulfilled.citizenship_level_3=You cannot trade because you're not a Habbo Citizen yet.
requirement.unfulfilled.no_trade_lock=You can't trade because you have a trade lock.
resolution.achievement.level.value=Level %level%
resolution.achievement.level=Your current level %level% New Years Resolution target level
resolution.button.cancel=No thanks, maybe later!
resolution.button.ok=Make the New Years Resolution!
resolution.completed.close=Close window
resolution.completed.description=Easy pickings! This was really no challenge for you was it? You are an example of dedication and goal setting!
resolution.completed.header=Yay, You made it!
resolution.completed.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.confirmation.text=You may change your selection later if the resolution is not complete. If you'd like to make several resolutions, please visit the Shop to buy another Resolution Furni.
resolution.confirmation.title=Are you sure you want to pick this achievement?
resolution.disabled.1=You have already completed all levels in this achievement.
resolution.disabled.2=You already have an unfinished resolution for this achievement.
resolution.engraving.text=For completing the resolution: %badgename%.%badgedesc%
resolution.failed.subtitle=Oh dear, you failed!
resolution.failed.text=You ran out of time to complete the resolution. Well don't worry about it, resolutions are made to be broken anyway. Better luck next year!
resolution.failed.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.header=Pick an achievement and see what level you need to achieve to make this furni turn into a New Years Resolution Trophy!
resolution.progress.progress=Your progress %progress%/%total%
resolution.progress.reset=Re-select achievement
resolution.progress.time.left=Time left:
resolution.progress.title=NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
resolution.reset.confirmation.text=Are you sure you want to re-select
resolution.reset.confirmation.title=RESET PROGRESS
resolution.title=Make a New Years Resolution! again! not give respect Habbo Stars competition, you can only give respect to vote a person, when there's at least %users% users in the room. Habbo Stars competition, you can only give respect to vote a person who's standing on one of the four different Stage Furni. Stars Competition camera
room.chathistory.button.text=Chat history
room.confirm.eject_all=Do you really want to eject all Furni from each Habbo from the room?
room.confirm.not_in_warehouse=This furni is not available in the warehouse any more. If you pick it up now, you won't be able to borrow it again. Are you sure you want to do this?
room.confirm.pick_all=Do you really want to pick all furniture in the room?
room.confirm.pick_all_bc=You're about to remove all of your Builders' Club items from this room. Are you sure?
room.description.empty=The room owner hasn't added a description yet...
room.enter.infostand.caption=You are here!
room.error.bots.expired=Bot has no rental time left.
room.error.bots.forbidden_in_flat=You cannot place bot to this room.
room.error.bots.forbidden_in_hotel=Bots are currently not allowed. name is unacceptable, please pick a different one.
room.error.bots.selected_tile_not_free=Cannot place Bot here.
room.error.cant_set_item=You cannot place this item here.
room.error.cant_set_not_owner=You don't have rights to put furniture in here!
room.error.cant_trade_stuff=You cannot place this in someone else's room!
room.error.kicked=You were kicked out of the room.
room.error.max_bots=Maximum amount of Bots in room already.
room.error.max_furniture=This room has the maximum amount of Furni.
room.error.max_own_pets=Sorry, you cannot place any more pets in this room. Please remove one of your existing pets and try placing your pet again.
room.error.max_pets=Too many pets in the room!
room.error.max_queuetiles=You can't fit more Habbo Rollers in this room!
room.error.max_soundfurni=You can only place one sound Furni per room
room.error.max_stickies=Only 200 stickies per room are allowed!
room.error.pets.forbidden_in_flat=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this room.
room.error.pets.forbidden_in_hotel=Sorry, pets are forbidden in this Hotel.
room.error.pets.no_free_tiles=The space in front of you is not empty. Please move to another spot and try placing your pet again.
room.error.pets.respectfailed=You can scratch other users pets once your account is %required_age% days old. Your account is now %avatar_age% days old.
room.error.pets.selected_tile_not_free=You can not place your pet there, pick another tile.
room.history.button.back.tooltip=Go to previous room in history
room.history.button.forward.tooltip=Go to next room in history
room.history.button.tooltip=Show room history info this room OK you will be taken to another room - Are you sure you want to go?\n\nRoom name: %%room_name%%\nRoom owner: %%room_owner%% me up!
room.loading=Please wait while loading the room.
room.queue.back=Back to visitor queue
room.queue.button.exit=Exit queue
room.queue.error.c=This room is for Habbo Club members only. In order to enter, you need to join Habbo Club.
room.queue.error.e1=This room is currently available only to Habbos participating to the event., this room is currently locked. Please try again later.
room.queue.error.spectator_mode_full=Too many spectators. Please return to the queue and try again.
room.queue.error.title=Cannot enter room. Club members bypass the queue! Read more >>
room.queue.position.hc=Your position in the HC queue: %position%
room.queue.position=Your position in the queue: %position% spectator mode you can spectate the room.
room.queue.spectator.position.hc=Your position in the HC spectator queue: %position%
room.queue.spectator.position=Your position in the spectator queue: %position%
room.queue.spectatormode=Change to spectator view
room.queue.title=Room queue queue is not available at the moment.
room.settings.button.tooltip=Open room settings
room.settings=Room settings room
room.zoom.button.text=Zoom enter a name for your event don't have any rooms without events
roomad.catalog_description=Describe your room
roomad.catalog_header=Buy room promotion
roomad.catalog_name=Name your promo
roomad.catalog_roomname=Select room
roomad.catalog_text=Buy visibility to your room for %duration% minutes
roomad.error.0.description=Forbidden words filtered!
roomad.event=Promoted Rooms
roomad.get.event.caption=Promote your room here?
roomad.get.event=Get Room Promoted
roomad.get.event=Promote Room rooms available Temple Competition Reserve Museum
roomcompetition.button.submit.1=Submit room
roomcompetition.button.submit.5=Choose another room
roomcompetition.button.submit.6=Accept rules
roomcompetition.buttoninfo.submit.3=You still need:
roomcompetition.buttoninfo.submit.5= votes left for today
roomcompetition.caption.submit.0=Your room is now part of the competition!
roomcompetition.caption.submit.2=Are you sure you want to submit?
roomcompetition.caption.submit.4=Whoops! Your room door is not open :(
roomcompetition.caption.submit.5=Whoops! The room is too old to enter in to the competition!
roomcompetition.caption.submit.6=Psst! Interested in posting your room up to the %competition_name% room competition? :)
roomcompetition.caption.submit=Psst! Interested in posting your room up to the %competition_name% room competition? :)! You cannot vote yet. this room? Show your support by voting for it in the room competition! this room? Then show your support by voting for it in the %competition_name% room competition! :)
roomcompetition.dontshowagain.dontshow=Don't show me this again today'll see this again the next time you enter one of your own rooms'll see this again the next time you enter a room participating in the competition Maker and best of luck! know more about the competition? Jump back to our landing page! your room has been submitted it cannot be removed. You will also not be able submit another room to this competition. just need a couple more things to make your room look even more awesome, so why not get them now? need to access the room to vote. To proceed, unlock your room in the room settings menu. this room is too old to enter the competition, choose a fresh room or create a new one for entering the competition! sure to read and accept the rules before submitting your room to the competition. Find them on our landing page! vote you need to have the 'Covering the basics' and 'Greenhorn no more' skill path steps unlocked. See your progress here need to have at least the Respected Habbo IV badge to vote! all participants Majesty's Secret Service Stars Room Competition Stars Room Competition's Steam Machine Party Premiere Party
roomevent_browser_create=Host an event
roomevent_create_description=Describe your event
roomevent_create_name=Type the name of your event
roomevent_default_desc=Event description..
roomevent_default_name=Event name..
roomevent_invalid_input=You must give your event a name and a description.
roomevent_not_available=Sorry, no events available
roomevent_quit=End event
roomevent_starttime=Started at:
roomevent_type_0=Hottest Events
roomevent_type_10=Role Play
roomevent_type_11=Help Desk
roomevent_type_1=Parties & Music
roomevent_type_5=Debates & Discussions
roomevent_type_6=Grand Openings
roomevent_type_9=Group Events
safety.booklet.end.content=Now you're familiar with our safety policy, you need to complete this quiz and get 5 correct answers before being able to chat to other Habbos.
safety.booklet.end.title=Now take our quiz!
safety.booklet.explanation.1=You can find the Safety Quiz at the end of this Safety Booklet.
safety.booklet.explanation.2=It may feel difficult at first, but don't worry - you can try again right away.
safety.booklet.frame.subtitle=SAFETY BOOKLET
safety.booklet.frame.title=Stay safe in Habbo
safety.booklet.ok.content=You've now read the safety instructions, keep these rules in mind and you'll get the best out of Habbo!
safety.booklet.ok.title=Thanks For Reading! never know who you're really speaking to online, so never give out your real name, address, phone numbers, photos and school. Giving away your personal info could lead to you being scammed, bullied or put in danger. Your Personal Info your Skype, MSN, Facebook details private. You never know where it might lead you. Your Privacy because everyone else seems to be doing it, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it!'t Give In To Peer Pressure meet up with people you only know from the internet - people aren't always who they claim to be. If someone asks you to meet with them in real life say "No thanks!" and tell us, your parents or another trusted adult. Your Pals In Pixels someone is making you feel uncomfortable or scaring you with threats inside Habbo, report them to us immediately using the Help Button.'t Be Scared To Speak Up have no control over your photos and webcam images once you share them over the internet and you can't get them back. They can be shared with anyone, anywhere and be used to bully or blackmail or threaten you. Before you post a pic, ask yourself, are you comfortable with people you don't know viewing it? The Cam that offer you free Credits, Furni, or pretend to be new Habbo Hotel or Staff homepages are all scams designed to steal your password. Don't give them your details and never download files from them; they could be keyloggers or viruses! A Smart Surfer there'd be a chat-box here. To get your own voice, please take a look at our Safety Booklet. to get your voice heard? the quiz! our new safety policy and take our safety quiz to enable safe chat! our Habbo Safety Quiz
safetylock.unlock.addastrusted=Mark this device as trusted.
safetylock.unlock.instructions=To remove the safety lock, you must provide answers to these security questions. You can also add this device to your trusted locations to keep this message from appearing again.
safetylock.unlock.title=Safety questions
score_value_text=Achievement score
selected_badges=Currently wearing:
shopping_asagift=Gift this to another user
slots_full=5 badges worn!!
snowwar.add_friend.tooltip=Ask to be a friend
snowwar.buy_x_games=Buy 10 games
snowwar.description=Hit or get hit! Play against other Habbos in epic snowball battles!
snowwar.descriptionBody=Play against other Habbos in epic snowball battles!
snowwar.descriptionHeader=Hit or get hit!
snowwar.error.duplicate_machineid=You can only play one game at a time.
snowwar.error.generic=Oops. Something went wrong!
snowwar.error.has_active_instance=You cannot play until your previous game has finished!
snowwar.error.no_free_games_left=You have no free games left!
snowwar.exit.confirmation=If you leave, you will lose the game and gain no score. You cannot join a new game for two minutes.
snowwar.exit.title=Leave game?
snowwar.exit.yes=Leave game Forest Night Island Top
snowwar.friend_request.sent=Friend request sent!
snowwar.games_left=Total Games Left:
snowwar.get_more_games=Get UNLIMITED games with HC!
snowwar.get_x_more_games=Get 10 more games for 1 Credit.
snowwar.get_x_more_games_video=Watch a video and get 3 games!
snowwar.instructions.1=Click on empty tiles to move.
snowwar.instructions.2=Click an opponent to throw a snowball at them.
snowwar.instructions.3=Hold SHIFT key down to throw to an empty tile.
snowwar.instructions.4=Hold ALT key down to throw over obstacles.
snowwar.instructions.5=You have limited snowballs. Make more with the green button.
snowwar.instructions.back=Back To Play
snowwar.leaderboard.all=High Scores
snowwar.leaderboard.all_time=All Time
snowwar.leaderboard.friends=Friends' Scores
snowwar.leaderboard.this_week=This Week
snowwar.leaderboard.weekly_reset=Reset: %days%d %hours%h %minutes%m
snowwar.leave_game=Leave game?
snowwar.loading.title=Get ready!
snowwar.loading_arena=Waiting for players
snowwar.lobby_arena_queue_position=Position in queue: %position%
snowwar.lobby_game_start_countdown=%{seconds|0 seconds|1 second|%% seconds} until the storm!
snowwar.lobby_waiting_for_more_players=Waiting for more players...
snowwar.most_hits=Most Hits
snowwar.most_kills=Most K.O.'s
snowwar.new_game=New game now!
snowwar.please_wait=Please wait (%seconds%)
snowwar.promotion=Play SnowStorm Shuffle for free!
snowwar.rematch=Rematch (%seconds%)
snowwar.result.tie=Game Was A Tie!
snowwar.results.games_left=Total Games Left:
snowwar.results.get_more_games=Subscribe to HC for unlimited play
snowwar.team_1_wins=Blue Team wins!
snowwar.team_2_wins=Red Team wins!
snowwar.waiting_players=Waiting for players
snowwar.watch_video=Watch a video! marketplace for offers Available Available by %author%
soundmachine.flash9.alert.content=To be able to hear Trax songs, you need to update to latest Flash player version
soundmachine.flash9.alert.title=Old Flash version latest Flash player
soundmachine.notification.playing=Now playing %songname% by %songauthor%
sumobit_zoo.promotion=New Game Matchwood!
tablet.catalog.bc.toggle=Builders' Club mode
tablet.citizenship.ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1=Spend total of 30 min. in hotel
tablet.citizenship.ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2=Spend total of 60 min. in hotel
tablet.citizenship.ACH_AvatarLooks1=Change your look for the first time
tablet.citizenship.ACH_RegistrationDuration1=Be a Habbo for 1 day.
tablet.citizenship.ACH_RespectGiven1=Give 2 respects. Kudos!
tablet.citizenship.ACH_RoomEntry1=Visit 5 rooms in hotel
tablet.citizenship.ACH_RoomEntry2=Visit 20 rooms in hotel
tablet.citizenship.ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1=Read the safety tips
tablet.citizenship.description=You need a trading pass before you can start trading with other Habbos. Just go through these easy steps and you will achieve a trading pass!
tablet.citizenship.title=Uh Oh
tablet.your.progress=Your progress
talent.track.action.overlay=START BY CLICKING HERE
talent.track.citizenship.begin.description=We want you to get most out of your time in Habbo, so before venturing out on your own, please take a look at what it means to be a Habbo Citizen. There'll be prizes - that's a promise! ;)
talent.track.citizenship.begin.register=REGISTER TO HABBO
talent.track.citizenship.begin.title=Your path to becoming a full-fledged Habbo Citizen
talent.track.citizenship.button=See my Citizen Track
talent.track.citizenship.frame.subtitle=MY TALENT TRACK
talent.track.citizenship.frame.title=Being a Habbo Citizen
talent.track.citizenship.level.0.description=A citizen is entitled to his/her voice in the community. Read the safety rules to find out how you can chat safely in Habbo!
talent.track.citizenship.level.0.title=Speak Out!
talent.track.citizenship.level.1.description=Now you know how to keep yourself safe, so why not take a look around? We're sure you'll find something you like!
talent.track.citizenship.level.1.title=Take a look around
talent.track.citizenship.level.1.unlock=We all have a voice around here. What will you do with yours? :)
talent.track.citizenship.level.2.description=Look at you, all suave and ready to dive into Habbo! How about looking at a few more rooms, or maybe playing a game or two?
talent.track.citizenship.level.2.title=Dive In!
talent.track.citizenship.level.2.unlock=You've been around and heard some stories. We think you're ready to tell yours.
talent.track.citizenship.level.3.description=You've looked around, played a few games, and maybe even re-decorated your room. You've worked hard to earn our trust, and it shall be rewarded. :)
talent.track.citizenship.level.3.title=The way of the True Citizen
talent.track.citizenship.level.3.unlock=We know you've had your eye on that one special Furni, so why not ask around? :)
talent.track.citizenship.level.4.description=You're now ready to be a full Habbo Citizen! Now go out and explore, the Hotel is your oyster! :)
talent.track.citizenship.level.4.title=You are one of us!
talent.track.citizenship.level.4.unlock=Wooo! You've earned your wings as a Citizen. Congrats! :)
talent.track.citizenship.levelup.message=Way to go! Your hard work has just unlocked a new level on the Habbo Citizenship talent track!
talent.track.citizenship.progress.title=YOUR PROGRESS
talent.track.common.levelup.caption=Talent Track level up!
talent.track.common.levelup.check=Go check your talent track
talent.track.common.levelup.rewards=HERE'S WHAT YOU GOT:
talent.track.common.levelup.title=Mad Skills!
talent.track.common.progress.position=You are here
talent.track.common.progress.title=YOUR PROGRESS AS A HELPER
talent.track.common.unlocked.level.prefix=New level:
talent.track.common.view.progress.tooltip=Your progress:
talent.track.helper.begin.citizenship=BECOME A CITIZEN
talent.track.helper.begin.description=Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then. Pay it forward - it's worth it. :)
talent.track.helper.begin.register=REGISTER TO HABBO
talent.track.helper.begin.title=Your journey as a Helper
talent.track.helper.frame.subtitle=MY TALENT TRACK
talent.track.helper.frame.title=Helping others needs a helping hand every now and then. Pay it forward - it's worth it. :)
Your path as a Guide started when you became a Habbo Citizen. How about taking the next step? journey as a Guide
talent.track.helper.level.0.description=Every journey begins somewhere. Your path as a tour guide started when you registered to Habbo!
talent.track.helper.level.0.title=Covering the basics
talent.track.helper.level.1.description=It's time to dive into what Habbo is all about, so explore, have fun, make friends - see what it's all about!
talent.track.helper.level.1.title=Greenhorn No More
talent.track.helper.level.1.unlock=Get acquainted with the inner workings of the Hotel to unlock the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.2.description=We all need little help sometimes. Why not get in touch with our friendly guides?
talent.track.helper.level.2.title=A Helping Hand
talent.track.helper.level.2.unlock=Get a tour from one of our Helpers, make a help request and give feedback to advance to the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.3.description=So, now you've settled in, and you're getting all suave with your fellow Habbos. Why not brush up on the Habbo Way and get better acquainted with our friendly guides?
talent.track.helper.level.3.title=With a Little Help From My Friends
talent.track.helper.level.3.unlock=Join a Habbo Helper group and complete the Habbo Way quiz to advance to the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.4.description=Now that you know the Hotel like your own Inventory, it's time to Pay it Forward! Give a tour or two, or help someone with their Furni woes. Feels good, doesn't it?
talent.track.helper.level.4.title=Frank's Little Helper
talent.track.helper.level.4.unlock=Tour guide abilities unlocked. Lend a hand to advance to next level.
talent.track.helper.level.5.description=Awesome! You have really proved yourself as a tour guide. Keep up the good work!
talent.track.helper.level.5.title=Habbo Helper
talent.track.helper.level.5.unlock=Keep on helping your fellow Habbos to move up the ranks!
talent.track.helper.level.6.description=As a Guardian you can help other Habbos get the most of their Habbo experience and always be on the look out for bullying and antisocial behavior.
talent.track.helper.level.6.title=Novice Guardian
talent.track.helper.level.6.unlock=Guardian abilities unlocked. Patrol the hallways of Habbo helping those in need to reach the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.7.description=Keep on helping Habbos throughout the Hotel-
talent.track.helper.level.7.unlock=Help Habbos throughout the Hotel to advance to the next level.
talent.track.helper.level.8.description=TO BE RELEASED
talent.track.helper.level.8.unlock=TO BE RELEASED
talent.track.helper.levelup.message=Yay! Your hard work has just unlocked a new level from the Habbo Helpers talent track!
talent.track.helper.progress.title=YOUR PROGRESS AS A HELPER
talent.track.progress.emailchanged=Verification e-mail sent! Please check your inbox.
talent.track.progress.emailverified=It appears you have already verified an e-mail address. Good for you! :) You should see this achievement completed the next time you open up the Helper Talent Track.
talent.track.progress.setemail=Re-send verification message
talent.track.progress.tour.accept=Ask for a personal tour
talent.track.progress.tour.decline=No thanks, I'd rather explore on my own.
talent.track.progress.tour.header.body=Check out the guided tours.
talent.track.progress.tour.header.caption=Gran Turismo a guided tour, see the most awesome rooms, and ask our Tour Guides what Habbo is all about. about a personal tour?
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence1.description=Take a look around…
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_AllTimeHotelPresence2.description=Power hour! Keep up the good work.
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_AvatarLooks1.description=You can express yourself by changing your character's face, hair and clothing. You can check the full range of options by clicking yourself and choosing: "My Clothes" your looks
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_EmailVerification1.description=A verification message was sent to you when you registered to Habbo. We used the address you typed, but if you want to change it, or need to have us re-send the message, you can do so here:
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_FriendListSize1.description=You can add someone as a friend by clicking on them in a room and choosing: "Ask to be a friend"
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_HabboWayGraduate1.description=You can find the Habbo Way by clicking on the "Help" link on the top-right corner of the hotel window (or more simply, below). the Habbo Way
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_RegistrationDuration1.description=You'll be a local in no time! Keep up the good work.
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_RespectGiven1.description=You can respect someone by clicking on them in a room and choosing: "Give Respect". Note, that you'll only get to give three respects per day.
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_RoomEntry.description=All the rooms in the hotel can be found using the Navigator. You can open it by clicking on "Rooms" from the left-hand side of the screen. Navigator
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_RoomEntry1.description=Hey, Columbus! Why don’t you explore some more rooms?
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_RoomEntry2.description=Room raider! Receive this achievement for visiting 20 rooms.
talent.track.task.action.citizenship.ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1.description=The Quiz is at the end of the Habbo Safety Booklet. Read the booklet and then take the quiz. If you don't pass the quiz, you can try again right away. the quiz
talent.track.task.action.helper.ACH_HabboWayGraduate1.description=You can find the Habbo Way by clicking on the "Help" link on the top-right corner of the Hotel window the Habbo Way
talent.track.task.action.helper.GuideGroupMember1.description=Join the official Habbo Helpers by visiting the official Habbo Helpers group. to Habbo Helpers group base
talent.track.task.action.title=How do I do this?
talent.track.task.progress.dialog.progress=Your progress:
talent.track.task.progress.dialog.thanks=Thanks, I got this!
talent.track.task.progress.dialog.title=Your next target
talentpromo.checkprogress=Check your progress
talentpromo.citizenship.caption=Earn Duckets, prizes and unlock cool features! experience everything we have to offer in a safe way, become a Habbo Citizen. It's free, fun and there'll be prizes!
talentpromo.citizenship.title=Become a Habbo Citizen
targeted.offer.apr16_cf_tto1.desc=Get a stack of 50 TAX-FREE Bronze Coins for 49 credits and 10 diamonds! Available for a short time only, limited to three per person
targeted.offer.apr16_cf_tto1.title=50 Bronze Coins Tax-Free!
targeted.offer.apr16_cf_tto2.desc=Get a stack of 10 TAX FREE Bronze Coins for 9 credits and 10 diamonds! Available for a short time only, limited to three per person
targeted.offer.apr16_cf_tto2.title=10 Bronze Coins Tax-Free!
targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr1.desc=Welcome to Habbo Forces, soldier. Here is your supply kit with everything you need to get you through your military career. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 75 Bronze coins (worth 75c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Military Parade Uniform (worth 15c) - X-Ray Scanner Rare (worth25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr1.title=Soldier Starter Pack
targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr2.desc=You've trained hard and now you're at the top of the military food chain. As a sergeant you can get your hands on your very own SUPER snazzy supply kit. From a crisp new uniform to more diamonds than you can fit in your pockets - this supply kit is here to impress. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emeral Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Military Parade Uniform (worth 15c) - X-Ray Scanner Rare (worth 25c) - Security Fence (x4) (worth 16c) - Security Fence Corner (x4) (worth 12c) - Exclusive Foot Locker (worth 4c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.army15_tto_gr2.title=Sergeant's Special Supply Kit
targeted.offer.armyrare1_tto.desc=Whether you're tracking a storm as it crosses the ocean, or following an F-16 as it weaves through the pixel skies...this Global Satellite Screen Rare is sure to help you keep your eyes on the prize. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Global Satellite Screen Rare (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.armyrare2_tto.desc=WOOF! Fitted with a kevlar vest, Hector the German Shepherd is here to protect and serve. Only here for a limited time, this fierce and furry Army Rare is the perfect addition to your army battalion. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Hector the German Shepherd Rare (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.armyrare3_tto.desc=Put on your best camo and get ready for the ride of your life in the HABBOCOPTER. This noisy rare has enough space for SIX Habbos and is the perfect addition to your Army room. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - HabboCopter Rare (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.armyrares_tto.title=ATTENTION! Rare Army Offer
targeted.offer.aug17_dyepack_tto.desc=Get 25% off 6x Purple + 6x Green Dyes! (Required to craft Mystic Dye)
targeted.offer.aug17_dyepack_tto.title=Green + Purple Dye Offer!
targeted.offer.bbroboraretr_tto.desc=Bright lights and big robots, thats what Banzai is about. This Robo Rare is the biggest, baddest and brightest in the whole wide Habboverse, and sure to set your Banzai arena above the rest.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Banzai Robo Rare (worth 25c) - Banzai Robo Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.bbroboraretr_tto.title=Banzai Robo Rare
targeted.offer.bf16_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on 1x (EXCLUSIVE) Oversized Scarf, 70 bronze coins, 1 month HC, badge, 1x Snowy Roof, 1x Building, 1x Building Bottom, Snack and Milk & Cookies!
targeted.offer.bf16_tko_gr1.title=Black Friday MEGA Deal
targeted.offer.bf16_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x (EXCLUSIVE) Oversized Scarf, 80 bronze coins, 3 months HC, badge, 2x Snowy Roof, 2x Building and 2x Building Bottom!
targeted.offer.bf16_tko_gr2.title=Black Friday MEGA Deal
targeted.offer.bf17_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Yeti Mask, 70 bronze coins, a Snowy Pine, an Ice Patch, 4x Yeti Footprints, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.bf17_tko_gr1.title=Black Friday MEGA Deal
targeted.offer.bf17_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Yeti Masks, 80 bronze coins, 2x Snowy Pines, 2x Ice Patches, 4x Yeti Footprints, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.bf17_tko_gr2.title=Black Friday MEGA Deal
targeted.offer.bf18_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Diamond Party Hat, 35 bronze coins, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.bf18_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Diamond Party Hats, 35 bronze coins, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.bf19_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Regular Sized Scarf, 70 bronze coins, Bandstand, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.bf19_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Regular Sized Scarfs, 80 bronze coins, 2x Snow Capped Mountains, 2x Dark Snow Patches, Brownstone Building, Brown Timber Frame Building, Blue Snow Roof, Victorian Flower Basket, a badge and 3 months of HC! this offer
targeted.offer.button.credits=Go get credits
targeted.offer.cland15_tto_gr1.desc=Sweeter than unicorn praline, this delicious deal is choc(alate) full of everything the dentist says you shouldnt have, PLUS a super cool badge! Don't let this awesome deal melt away…
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 75 Bronze coins (worth 75c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Swirl Hair (worth 6c) - Candy Headphones (worth 8c) - Cherry Bomb Accessory (worth 2c) - Bubblegum Fountain Rare (worth25c) - Exclusive Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.cland15_tto_gr1.title=Sweet Tooth Starter Pack
targeted.offer.cland15_tto_gr2.desc=Mama always says life is like a bag of candy; you always know what you gunna' get. From stylish candy swirl hair and candy headphones, to bubblegum fountain and lollipop tree Rares - this sugary offer is sure to hit your sweet spot!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Diamond CF (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Swirl Hair (worth 6c) - Candy Headphones (worth 8c) - Cherry Bomb Accessory (worth 2c) - Bubblegum Fountain Rare (worth 25c) - Lollipop Tree Rare (worth 25c) - Two Exclusive Badges (for free)
targeted.offer.cland15_tto_gr2.title=Bag o' Candy
targeted.offer.clandrare1_tto.desc=When you play a game of candy, you either win or you have a sugar crash. Hold tight Habbos, an AWESOME Candy Throne is coming.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Candy Throne Rare (worth 25c) - Throne Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.clandrare1_tto.title=Candy Throne Rare
targeted.offer.clandrare2_tto.desc=WOAH. This offer is so unbelievable, I almost fell off my unicorn! A whole lot of magic in one rare, Habbo. Use it wisely.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Magical Candy Unicorn Rare (worth 25c) - Unicorn Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.clandrare2_tto.title=Magical Candy Unicorn Rare
targeted.offer.cpunk15_tto_all.desc=This high-tech, high fashion bundle offers you everything the discerning citizen of Neo-Habbo could possibly desire, PLUS a badge!
This awesome deal is limited to one per person and includes: - 60 bronze coins (worth 60c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Cyber Eye (worth 8c) - Leather Jacker (worth 5c) - Cyber Suit (worth 18c) - Overseer Blimp (Rare / worth 25c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.cpunk15_tto_all.title=CyberPunk Pack
targeted.offer.cpunk15_tto_whales.desc=High tech, high fashion - Strut down the streets of Neo-habbo in the finest Cyberpunk garb with this exclusive offer limited to one per person!
This premium offer includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Cyber Eye (worth 8c) - Leather Jacker (worth 5c) - Cyber Suit (worth 18c) - Robo Junk (Exclusive item / worth 5c) - Overseer Blimp (Rare / worth 25c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.cpunk15_tto_whales.title=Techno Booty Bundle
targeted.offer.cpunkrare1_tto.desc=Bah bah electro-sheep, have you any charge? This electrifying Neo-Habbo Rare is your constant companion in this dystopian city of the future - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE ElectroSheep (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.cpunkrare1_tto.title=Cyberpunk ElectroSheep Rare
targeted.offer.cpunkrare2_tto.desc=Equip yourself with the finest one-handed protection that BlackHabbo Gun Technologies has to offer. For use against any and all technological attacks - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Gun Vendor (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.cpunkrare2_tto.title=Cyberpunk Gun Vendor Rare
targeted.offer.dec19_craft_tto_gr1.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.dec19_craft_tto_gr1.title=Gigantic Crafting Deal!
targeted.offer.dec19_craft_tto_gr2.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.dec19_food_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.dec19_food_tto_all.title=Christmas Banquet Offer!
targeted.offer.dec19_hc_tto_grhc.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.dec19_hc_tto_grhc.title=HC Members Super Offer!
targeted.offer.dec19_music_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.dec19_music_tto_all.title=All Night Party Offer!
targeted.offer.diamond_tto1.desc=Ever wanted to own your own vault in Habbo? Well, now you can grab a HUGE chunk of gold (and silver!) as well as a super-smart and SECURE area to hoard your wealth!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - Vault Bundle (worth 2.132c) - Bundle Badge (for free)
PRICE: 2000 credits + 200 diamonds
targeted.offer.diamond_tto1.title=Habbo Vault Offer
targeted.offer.diamond_tto2.desc=How much Habbo-wealth can you pack into one room? A lot, it seems! Bag this offer and not only do you get the Habbo Crown Jewels, you also get an exclusive badge and a bunch of AWESOME castle-themed furni!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - Habbo Crown Jewels Bundle (worth 4.644c) - Bundle Badge (for free)
PRICE: 4350 credits + 435 diamonds
targeted.offer.diamond_tto2.title=Habbo Crown Jewels Offer
targeted.offer.diamond_tto3.desc=Far, far beneath Habbo Hotel lies a bank vault that no one knows about... and it's completely FULL of gold bars! With this once in a lifetime offer, you get the key to the vault, the furni inside AND an exclusive badge. Don't miss out!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - Subterranean Vault Bundle (worth 1.112c) - Bundle Badge (for free)
PRICE: 1000 credits + 100 diamonds
targeted.offer.diamond_tto3.title=Subterranean Vault Offer
targeted.offer.diamond_tto4.desc=Near the top of the Hotel is a room VERY few have seen. It was previously owned by a mysterious Lordly Habbo, but now it's for sale! As well as a nice fat Big Ol' Diamond AND an Ornate Crown, included is an exclusive badge!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - Lordly Jewels Bundle (worth 3.265c) - Bundle Badge (for free)
PRICE: 3000 credits + 300 diamonds
targeted.offer.diamond_tto4.title=Lordly Jewels Offer
targeted.offer.extra20_animals_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_animals_tto_all.title=Animals Offer
targeted.offer.extra20_machines1_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_machines1_tto_all.title=Machines Offer One
targeted.offer.extra20_machines2_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_machines2_tto_all.title=Machines Offer Two
targeted.offer.extra20_machines3_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_machines3_tto_all.title=Machines Offer Three
targeted.offer.extra20_plants1_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_plants1_tto_all.title=Plants Offer 1
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas1_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas1_tto_all.title=Sofas Offer One
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas2_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas2_tto_all.title=Sofas Offer Two
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas3_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_sofas3_tto_all.title=Sofas Offer Three
targeted.offer.extra20_walls1_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_walls1_tto_all.title=Walls Offer One
targeted.offer.extra20_walls2_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.extra20_walls2_tto_all.title=Walls Offer Two
targeted.offer.feb17_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Enchanted Teleport, 70 bronze coins, a Japanese Gazebo, a Shalimar Pillow, a Chocolate Box, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.feb17_tko_gr1.title=Valentine's Deal
targeted.offer.feb17_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Enchanted Teleports, 80 bronze coins, 2x Japanese Gazebos, 2x Shalimar Pillows, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.feb17_tko_gr2.title=Valentine's Deal
targeted.offer.feb18_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Unicorn Hat, 50 bronze coins, a Habbo Falls Teleport, a Red Rose, a Cupid Statue, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.feb18_tko_gr1.title=Valentine's Deal
targeted.offer.feb18_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Unicorn Hats, 50 bronze coins, Sakura Petals, a Giant Heart, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.feb18_tko_gr2.title=Valentine's Deal
targeted.offer.feb18_tto_elegant.desc=Get a massive 20% off the following: 1x EXCLUSIVE White Bling Seat (never sold before), 1x White Bling Divan, 1x White Bling Chair, a silver and gold coin AND a Sack of Coins. Also included are an Elegant Ponytail, a Side Hat and a pair of Strap Boots! (Exclusive badge also included).
targeted.offer.feb18_tto_elegant.title=Bling MEGA Deal!
targeted.offer.feb19_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Romantic Unicorn, 50 bronze coins, a White Valentine Rose, a Chocolate Box, 2x White Heart Chairs, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.feb19_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Romantic Unicorns, 50 bronze coins, 2x Purple Valentine Roses, a Gift Basket, a Heart Sofa, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.feb20_gifts_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.feb20_gifts_tto_all.title=Valentines Gift Offer!
targeted.offer.feb20_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Chef Overalls Outfit, 70 bronze coins, a Romantic Table, a Romantic Table Accesory, a Romantic Food, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.feb20_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 3x EXCLUSIVE Chef Overalls Outfits, 80 bronze coins, 2x Romantic Chairs, 2x Romantic Foods, a Romantic Table, a Romantic Table Accesory, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1a.desc=It's amazing how much difference a rose or two makes, isn't it? There's no shortage of them in this deal - and also included is a lovely, ancient Romantique clock! (IF a bit musty smelling).
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Romantique Clock (worth 25c) - Romantique Dresser (worth 12c) - Pink Coffee Table (worth 5c) - Green Coffee Table (worth 5c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1a.title=Rosy Romantique Deal
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1b.desc=How CUTE is the Daruma Doll in this deal? With it, you also get an Irori and a Tetsubin Teapot - you could even start your own Japanese restaurant!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Aqua Oriental Screen (worth 25c) - Daruma Doll (worth 8c) - Tetsubin Teapot (worth 6c) - Irori Table (worth 10c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1b.title=Japanese Restaurant Deal
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1c.desc=Just take a look at that chandelier! It's a brilliant addition to the room of any Habbo with a certain 'class' to them. You also get two other awesome furni - a rare pillar and a purple fridge.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Green Pillar (worth 25c) - Bling Chandelier (worth 15c) - Big Purple Fridge (worth 8c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1c.title=Glitzy Bling Deal
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2a.desc=As well as this eye-catching set of coffee tables, you also get the roses! And that's just the START: the black coffee table is EXCLUSIVE to this deal, and you get an awesome Romantique clock as well.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Romantique Clock (worth 25c) - Romantique Dresser (worth 12c) - Pink Coffee Table (worth 5c) - Green Coffee Table (worth 5c) - Exclusive Black Coffee Table (worth 5c) - Black Grand Piano (worth 10c)- Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2a.title=Romantique Coffee House Deal
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2b.desc=This is the PERFECT bunch of furni for all the Japan-obsessed out there. Included is not ONE, but TWO mounted Katana blades! Not to mention the cute and EXCLUSIVE Ornate Shelf. Get involved!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Aqua Oriental Screen (worth 25c) - Daruma Doll (worth 8c) - Tetsubin Teapot (worth 6c) - Irori Table (worth 10c) - Exclusive Ornate Shelf (worth 5c) - Blue Katana x2 (worth 10c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2b.title=Traditional Ancient Japan Deal
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2c.desc=In this snazzy new deal, you get to snap up a White Slot Chair EXCLUSIVELY. Add to that a gleaming bling chandelier and a luxurious purple bling bed and you've got yourself a SERIOUS set of furni!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Green Pillar (worth 25c) - Bling Chandelier (worth 15c) - Big Purple Fridge (worth 8c) - Exclusive White Slot Chair (worth 4c) - Bling Bed (worth 10c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2c.title=Luxury Bling Chair Deal
targeted.offer.h15rare1_tto.desc=Finally, some much needed candlelight in a dark, dark place. Try not to look too closely at the evil-looking goblin skulls all over this rare and you've got the perfect gothic furni edition to ANY room. Comes with exclusive badge too…
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Gothic Toilet (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15rare2_tto.desc=An ancient tribe has created a limited selection of crazy furnis out of totems that can teleport Habbos, and now you can add one of these awesome items AND a badge to your furni collection!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Lost Tribe Teleport (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15rare3_tto.desc=With this rare, you'll have a COLLECTION of excuses to mow the lawn, and no excuses not to. A grass-tastic addition to any area of your room, this rare is now available along with an exclusive badge. Try not to miss out on this one…
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Lawnmower (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15rare4_tto.desc=EVERYTHING about this pool table is bling. The cue smells like fresh pine, you get a new set of polished billiard balls - what else does a Habbo's room need? Oh, an exclusive badge: that's ALSO included… Available now!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Bling Billiards Table (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15rare5_tto.desc=There's something REALLY weird about this cat. No matter where you are, it always seems to be looking straight at you. This is your chance to grab the Lucky Cat rare and an exclusive badge at the same time. Don't miss out…
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Maneki-neko (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.h15rares_tto.title=Habbo 15th Birthday Rare
targeted.offer.habbomall.notification=Hello there! We have a very special offer waiting for you in the Shop, just click the button below to check it out!
targeted.offer.hc1m_tto.desc=Sample the finer pixel things in life with this luxurious offer! From exclusive clothing and hairstyles, to access to the super cool HC Lounge, plus so much more. Come to the green and gold side…
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - 25 Bronzes Coins (worth 25c)
targeted.offer.hc1m_tto.title=Habbo Club Taster
targeted.offer.hc1mcred_tto.desc=Great deal for Habbo Club members only! Save 30% to get 1 month of HC membership + 50 Credits package. Offer is available until Sunday 14th!
targeted.offer.hc1mcred_tto.title=HC members Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.hc1msd_tto.desc=This snazzy offer is more than meets the eye… If the 80 credits aren't enough to WOO you, then hold on…theres more! You'll get access to all the snazzy wonders that Habbo Club has to offer - like FREE Gifts, HC Clothing & Hairstyles, double duckets and (much, much more) - PLUS an exclusive badge!
targeted.offer.hc1msd_tto.title=Habbo Club Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto1.desc=Run out of those glowing blue and purple crystals? Still have stuff on your crafting to-do list? Don't worry - take advantage of this offer and get back to your crafting altar!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - x2 Medium Lost Souls crystal (worth 6c) - x2 Medium Pure crystal (worth 6c) - Small Lost Souls crystal (worth 1c) - Small Pure crystal (worth 1c)
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto1.title=Hefty Crystal Offer
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto2.desc=Run out of those glowing blue and purple crystals? Still have stuff on your crafting to-do list? Don't worry - take advantage of this offer and get back to your crafting altar!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - x6 Medium Lost Souls crystal (worth 18c) - x6 Medium Pure crystal (worth 18c) - Small Lost Souls crystal (worth 1c) - Small Pure crystal (worth 1c)
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto2.title=Giant Crystal Offer
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto3.desc=Run out of those glowing blue and purple crystals? Still have stuff on your crafting to-do list? Don't worry - take advantage of this offer and get back to your crafting altar!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - x10 Medium Lost Souls crystal (worth 30c) - x10 Medium Pure crystal (worth 30c) - x2 Small Lost Souls crystal (worth 2c) - x2 Small Pure crystal (worth 2c)
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto3.title=Humongous Crystal Offer
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto4.desc=Run out of those glowing blue and purple crystals? Still have stuff on your crafting to-do list? Don't worry - take advantage of this offer and get back to your crafting altar!
Offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - x18 Medium Lost Souls crystal (worth 54c) - x18 Medium Pure crystal (worth 54c) - x3 Small Lost Souls crystal (worth 3c) - x3 Small Pure crystal (worth 3c)
targeted.offer.hw15_cry_tto4.title=Behemoth Crystal Offer
targeted.offer.hw15_tko_gr1.desc=The Habbocalypse has arrived, and Frank has grown HORNS! Included in this deal are two evil trees and some DISGUSTING smelly fog.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Demonic Frank (worth 25c) - x2 Fog of the Habbocalypse (worth 5c each) - x2 Skeletal Oak (worth 7c each) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.hw15_tko_gr1.title=Evil Frank Deal
targeted.offer.hw15_tko_gr2.desc=The Habbocalypse has arrived, and Frank has grown HORNS! As well as the Robes of the Lost Souls, in this deal is some assorted Habbocalypse furni and an EXCLUSIVE Zombie Horse Dye!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Demonic Frank (worth 25c) - Clouds of the Habbocalypse (worth 8c) - Skeletal Oak (worth 7c) - Exclusive Zombie horse dye (worth 5c) - Robes of the Lost Souls Outfit (worth 12c) - Dark Road Cracks (worth 5c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.hw15_tko_gr2.title=Demonic Frank Deal
targeted.offer.hw15rare1_tto.desc=Santini has converted from a common thief, conman and trickster into the worshipped leader of the Light Guardians... and with this offer he's ALL YOURS!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Saintini (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.hw15rare1_tto.title=Holy Saintini Offer
targeted.offer.hw15rare2_tto.desc=Who can boast they have a duck living in their afro? Not many Habbos, apparently, but Evil Raider CAN! Grab this awesome rare and pick up a special badge at the same time!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Evil Raider (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.hw15rare2_tto.title=Evil Raider Offer
targeted.offer.hw15rare3_tto.desc=One of the most fearsome weapons in the Light Guardian's arsenal is Sam-Ta Cherub. His golden bow and arrow reaps HAVOC against the Lost Souls! This offer comes with a special badge.
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Sam-Ta Cherub (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.hw15rare3_tto.title=Sam-Ta Cherub Offer
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto2.desc=Get 190 credits and 100 diamonds for the price of 95 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to one per person
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto2.title=50% Off 190 Credits
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto2b.desc=190 credits and diamonds for the price of 95! Offer available for 48 hours. Limited to one per person
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto2b.title=50 per cent Off 190 Credits
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto3.desc=Get 90 credits and 50 diamonds for the price of 45 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to one per person
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto3.title=50% Off 90 Credits
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto3b.desc=90 credits and diamonds for the price of 45! Offer available for 48 hours. Limited to one per person
targeted.offer.in_app_dbl_tto3b.title=50 per cent Off 90 Credits
targeted.offer.in_app_ufo.desc=Bargain-hunting Habbos: top up your credits with this one-time and EXCLUSIVE offer. Includes:
targeted.offer.in_app_ufo.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.in_app_ufo2.desc=Get 40 credits for the price of 20! Don't miss out on this unique opportunity…
targeted.offer.in_app_ufo2.title=Half-Price 40 Credits Deal
targeted.offer.jan20_drinks_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal
targeted.offer.jan20_drinks_tto_all.title=Beverage Collector Deal
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr1.desc=Get serious about building with this Package and get access to the totally HUGE amount of furni contained within the Builders' Club Warehouse! This is a one-time and EXCLUSIVE offer.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Kitten's Cosy Kitchen Bundle (worth 30c + 30d) - BC 7 days (worth 30c + 30d)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr1.title=Pro-Builder Package
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr2.desc=Do you LOVE to party, and thrive when you're organising? Make sure you're able to host the Habbo party of the century with this one-time, EXCLUSIVE offer!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 4 Party items (worth 15c) - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - 10 credits
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr2.title=Party Planner Pack
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr3.desc=Grab yourself some of the most awesome clothing in Habbo! Don't leave your sense of fashion behind; grab this one-time, EXCLUSIVE offer while you can!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - 10 credits - 1 Avatar costume (worth 1c) - 2 Clothing pieces (worth 13c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr3.title=Habbo Socialite Offer
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr4.desc=Do you consider yourself a Habbo with an eye for fashion trends? If so, this one-time deal is for you: show the rest of your pals what THEY should be wearing!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - 4 Clothing pieces (worth 24c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr4.title=Habbo Fashion Icon Deal
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr5.desc=Calling all traders! This is a deal you should not miss out on: two HIGHLY DESIRABLE and sought-after furni. This is a one-time, EXCLUSIVE offer - get yours!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - Blazing Sun (worth 10c) - White Chesterfield Sofa (worth 12c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr5.title=Habbo Hoarder Deal
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr6.desc=This awesome offer gets you a badge that a very limited number of Habbos will ever get, plus a ton of cash and gold! If you can't resist a sweet badge, then don't miss this one-time offer...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - Gold Coin (worth 10c) - Bronze Coin x5 (worth 5c) - Exclusive Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr6.title=Badge Collector Pack
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr7.desc=Calling all role-players and costume fans! Grab this offer and make sure you have the BEST and most sought-after outfit. Don't miss this exclusive, ONE-TIME offer!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - Silver Coin (worth 5c) - Bronze Coin x5 (worth 5c) - 2 Clothing pieces (worth 13c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_np_gr7.title=Costume Champion Offer
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr1.desc=With this one-time, EXCLUSIVE builder's offer, pick up seven days of BC membership AND an enticing bundle full of versatile, gleaming Cosy Kitchen furni. Perfect for the professional builder!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Cottage Kitchen Bundle (worth 99c) - BC 7 days (worth 30c + 30d)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr1.title=Pro-Builder Package
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr2.desc=Send out the invitations, set out the chairs and turn UP the music. With this one-time offer for the FULL-TIME party person, you can decorate your rooms for the party of the century!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 17 Party items (worth 65c) - HC 1 month (worth 50c + 50d) - 10 credits
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr2.title=Party Planner Pack
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr3.desc=Ensure your fashion sense is always up to date AND get yourself some of the most popular clothing in Habbo! Don't leave your sense of fashion behind; grab this one-time, EXCLUSIVE offer while you can!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 3 months (worth 120c + 120d) - 5 credits - 3 Avatar costumes (worth 5c) - 4 Clothing pieces (worth 24c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr3.title=Habbo Socialite Offer
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr4.desc=Do you consider yourself a Habbo with an eye for fashion trends? If so, this one-time deal is for you: show the rest of your pals what THEY should be wearing!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Boutique Room Bundle (worth 99c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr4.title=Habbo Fashion Icon Deal
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr5.desc=Calling all collectors and traders! This is a deal you really don't want to miss out on: HIGHLY DESIRABLE and sought-after furni. This is a one-time, EXCLUSIVE offer!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Sack of Coins (worth 20c) - Gold Coin (worth 10c) - Blazing Sun (worth 10c) - White Chesterfield Sofa (worth 12c) - White Chesterfield Armchair (worth 10c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr5.title=Habbo Hoarder Deal
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr6.desc=This awesome offer gets you a badge that a very limited number of Habbos will ever get, plus a ton of cash and gold! If you can't resist a sweet badge, then don't miss this one-time offer...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Sack of Coins (worth 20c) - Gold Coin x3 (worth 30c) - Silver Coin (worth 5c) - Bronze Coin x5 (worth 5c) - Exclusive Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr6.title=Badge Collector Pack
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr7.desc=Calling all role-players and costume fans! Grab this offer and make sure you have the BEST and most sought-after collection of outfits. Don't miss this exclusive, ONE-TIME offer!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Gold Bar (worth 50c) - 6 Clothing pieces (worth 31c)
targeted.offer.journey2_tto_p_gr7.title=Costume Champion Offer
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_np.desc=Don't miss out on this unique and ONE-TIME opportunity to get one month of Habbo Club membership with a SUPER-heavy discount! Includes:
- HC 1 month(worth 50 Credits + 50 Diamonds)
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_np.title=Habbo Club Deal
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr1.desc=As well as a big bundle of hard-to-find party-themed furni, with this one-time and unique offer you get an ENTIRE MONTH of Builders' Club! Includes:
- BC 1 month(worth 105 Credits + 105 Diamonds) - Cabana Tent, Jetski, Bouncer, Deep Water Patch x4, Blue Square Pool Piece x2, Blue Long Pool Piece x6, Blue Pool Stairs x2, Pro Digital Deck, White Bling Divan x2, Haba John's Pizza, Ice Box & Bobba Pop Juice (worth 115 Credits)
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr1.title=Pro-Builder Pack
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr2.desc=With this one-time and unique offer you get a huge range of awesome clothes, as well as 3 months of Habbo Club. Includes:
- HC 3 months(worth 120 Credits + 120 Diamonds) - Candy Headphones, Night Vision googles, Digital Quiff, Chocolate Jersey, Sailor Sweater, Rolled Up Jeans & Strap Boots (worth 41 Credits)
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr2.title=Fashionista Pack
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr3.desc=Get a stack of gold, silver and bronze coins and a special EXCLUSIVE collector's badge when you get this deal. This is a one-time offer - don't miss out! Includes:
- Gold Coin x5 (worth 50 Credits) - Silver Coin x10 (worth 50 Credits) - Bronze Coin x15 (worth 15 Credits) - Exclusive Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.journey3_tto_p_gr3.title=Collector's Pack
targeted.offer.jul16_rm_hc_tto.desc=Get a HUGE 50% discount on 1 month HC membership!
targeted.offer.jul16_rm_hc_tto.title=New HC Member Special
targeted.offer.jul16_rm_hc_tto2.desc=Get a HUGE 30% discount on 1 month HC membership!
targeted.offer.jul16_rm_hc_tto2.title=30 per cent off 1 month HC
targeted.offer.jun16_supersaver.desc=We are discontinuing Super Saver subscriptions. Your subscription has been cancelled and you will no longer be charged for it, and any remaining gift points have been converted into diamonds.
Stuck for things to buy? Take a look at the Puppy's Paradise Habitat Bundle offered with a 25% discount!
targeted.offer.jun16_supersaver.title=Super Saver Subscriptions
targeted.offer.jun17_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Octohat, 70 bronze coins, a Sunset Wall, a Black Wicker Throne, a Blue Raft, a Black Drinks Table, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.jun17_tko_gr1.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun17_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Octohats, 80 bronze coins, 2x Sunset Walls, 2x Black Wicker Thrones, a Blue Raft, a Black Drinks Table, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.jun17_tko_gr2.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun18_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Coral Kingdom Teleport, 70 bronze coins, a Squid Hat, a Floral Crown, a Crab Patch, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.jun18_tko_gr1.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun18_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Coral Kingdom Teleports, 80 bronze coins, a Squid Hat, a Floral Crown, 2x Crab Patches, a Large Coral Divider, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.jun18_tko_gr2.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun19_tko_gr1.desc=Save 20% on an EXCLUSIVE Bohemian Dog, 70 bronze coins, a Tied Up Top, a Denim Shorts, a Rockstar Headband, a badge and a month of HC!
targeted.offer.jun19_tko_gr1.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun19_tko_gr2.desc=Save 20% on 2x EXCLUSIVE Bohemian Dogs, 80 bronze coins, a Set of Drums, a Long Messy Curls, a Rockstar Headband, a badge and 3 months of HC!
targeted.offer.jun19_tko_gr2.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun20_tko_gr1.desc=This deal includes 70 bronze coins + Exclusive New Clairvoyant's Octohat + Mermaid Outfit + Sailor Sweater + HC 1 month + Badge
targeted.offer.jun20_tko_gr1.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jun20_tko_gr2.desc=This deal includes 80 bronze coins + Exclusive New Clairvoyant's Octohat (x3) + Mermaid Outfit + Sailor Sweater + Flippers (x2) + Denim Shorts + Sports Shades + Festival Bum Bag + HC 3 months + Badge
targeted.offer.jun20_tko_gr2.title=Summer Deal
targeted.offer.jurassic15_tko_gr1.desc=This deal is packed full of ferocious jurassic goodies, sure to help you set the scary scene in your jurassic jungle rooms. Watch out for the grumpy Dilophosaurus though.. He has a nasty temper and a particularly poisonous method of attack! Don't miss out on this devilish deal.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 60 bronze coins (worth 60c) - Dilophosaurus (worth 15c) - 3 Monkey Puzzle Trees (worth 45c) - Rare Ammonoidea Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassic15_tko_gr1.title=Dazzling Dino Deal
targeted.offer.jurassic15_tko_gr2.desc=Dinosaurs, diamonds, and venus fly traps... these are the things Habbos love! All of your favourite jurassic Habbo goodies packing into this AWESOME offer, plus a BADGE! What more could you ask for?! Don't miss out on this dazzling deal...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - 3 Ginkgos Trees (worth 45c) - Dino onesie (worth 14c) - Cave Dweller Outfit (worth 10c) - Rare Ammonoidea Fossil (worth 25c) - 3 Venus Fly Traps (worth 24c) - Dilophosaurus (worth 15c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassic15_tko_gr2.title=Jaw-dropping Jurassic Deal
targeted.offer.jurassicrare2_tto.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, preserved perfectly thanks to the hot, dry climate and the soft stone surrounding them. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Plesiosaurus Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, preserved perfectly thanks to the hot, dry climate and the soft stone surrounding them. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Raptor Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto1.desc=Practice your battle cry and get ready for war because...THIS...IS...HABBO! But seriously, this awesome offer includes everything the discerning warrior could need. From a bundle full of viking goodies, to a wicked rare to adorn your battle-ready warrior room, this offer has it all! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Raptor Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Viking bundle + Badge (worth 99c) - Viking Helmet Effects (worth 6c)- Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto1.title=Wicked Warrior Offer
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto2.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, perfectly preserved. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't forget to don your best archeologist gear with 1 month HC for that authentic feeling. Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Raptor Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto2.title=Jumpin' Jurassic Bargain
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto3.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, preserved perfectly thanks to the hot, dry climate and the soft stone surrounding them. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - 20 bronze coins (worth 20c) - Rare Raptor Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare3_tto3.title=Fascinating Fossil Rares
targeted.offer.jurassicrare4_tto.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, preserved perfectly thanks to the hot, dry climate and the soft stone surrounding them. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Triceratops Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrare5_tto.desc=These delicate fossils were unearthed deep in the Jurassic Habbo Caves, preserved perfectly thanks to the hot, dry climate and the soft stone surrounding them. Grab your Fossil hammer and get chipping! Don't miss out...
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Archaeopteryx Fossil (worth 25c) - Fossil Hammer Effect (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.jurassicrares_tto.title=Fascinating Fossil Rares
targeted.offer.ktchn15_tko_gr1.desc=With this offer there's no excuse to not keep your dishes SPOTLESS! With a top of the range kitchen sink and a gleaming new dishwasher, hosting Habbo parties has NEVER been easier.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Antique Crockery Cupboard (worth 25c) - Deluxe Dishwasher (worth 15c) - Stainless Steel Sink (worth 10c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ktchn15_tko_gr1.title=Spotless Kitchen Offer
targeted.offer.ktchn15_tko_gr2.desc=As well as bagging an EXCLUSIVE Chopping Board, included in this offer are all the culinary essentials you could need!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Antique Crockery Cupboard (worth 25c) - Exclusive Chopping Board (worth 4c) - Stainless Steel Oven (worth 12c) - Chilled Drinks (worth 6c) - Blue Kitchen Lamp (worth 6c) - Blue Kitchen Table (worth 6c) - Blue Cushioned Chair (worth 4c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ktchn15_tko_gr2.title=Sparkling Chinaware Offer
targeted.offer.mar18_tto_gr1.desc=Craft these ingredients in conjunction with ingredients from new Habbos to make BRAND NEW clothing items!
targeted.offer.mar18_tto_gr1.title=Friendship Fusion Crafting Ingredients
targeted.offer.mar18_tto_gr2.desc=Craft these ingredients in conjunction with ingredients from older Habbos to make BRAND NEW clothing items!
targeted.offer.mar18_tto_gr2.title=Friendship Fusion Crafting Ingredients
targeted.offer.may16_inapp_credshc_tto1.desc=Get a HUGE 40% discount on 3 months HC membership, 100 credits and diamonds!
targeted.offer.may16_inapp_credshc_tto1.title=40 percent off 3 months HC+100c+100d
targeted.offer.may16_inapp_credshc_tto2.desc=Get a HUGE 50% discount on 14 days HC membership, 20 credits and diamonds!
targeted.offer.may16_inapp_credshc_tto2.title=50 percent off 14 days HC+20c+20d
targeted.offer.may16_presale_tto.desc=As one of the first 10 Habbos to escape from the journalists, you've got EXCLUSIVE early access to buy the Heroic Helm rare! Limited to three per person
targeted.offer.may16_presale_tto.title=Early Access: Heroic Helm!
targeted.offer.may16_rm_credshc_tto1.desc=Get a HUGE 40% discount on 3 months HC membership, 100 credits and diamonds!
targeted.offer.may16_rm_credshc_tto1.title=40 percent off 3 months HC+100c+100d
targeted.offer.may16_rm_credshc_tto2.desc=Get a HUGE 50% discount on 14 days HC membership, 20 credits and diamonds!
targeted.offer.may16_rm_credshc_tto2.title=50 percent off 14 days HC+20c+20d
targeted.offer.may18_tto_all.desc=Pick up an exquisite, unreleased painting (exclusive to this deal), 1x Bouncer, 1x Security Sensor, 1x Security Camera, 2x Executive Carpets and a brand new badge for a GREAT price!
targeted.offer.may18_tto_all.title=EXCLUSIVE Painting Deal!
targeted.offer.minimized.timeleft=Time left: %timeleft%
targeted.offer.not.enough.credits=You don't have enough credits or Diamonds yet!
targeted.offer.nov19_teleport_tto_all.desc=Click here to see a list of all the teleports included in this deal
targeted.offer.nov19_teleport_tto_all.title=Teleport Collector Deal!
targeted.offer.ny16_tko_gr1.desc=Don't turn up to a New Years Eve party without this must-have party furni this year! Confetti, drinks, stars... Don't miss out!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Snazzy Star Decoration (worth 25c) - Party Bar (worth 8c) - Confetti Ball (worth 6c) - Small Confetti Floor (worth 2c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ny16_tko_gr1.title=Starry New Years Offer
targeted.offer.ny16_tko_gr2.desc=Make sure your New Years Eve party is talked about for years to come with this SPECTACULAR deal!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Snazzy Star Decoration (worth 25c) - Party Bar (worth 8c) - Confetti Ball (worth 6c) - Large Confetti Floor x4 (worth 16c) - Drinks tray (worth 3c) - New Years Balloons (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ny16_tko_gr2.title=Sparkling New Year Deal
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout1.desc=Get all the furni you need to host a prize-winning party! 30% discount offer is limited to one per person and includes: x8 Cabin Wooden Floor (worth 24c) + x2 Red Chesterfield Sofa (worth 24c) + Red Chesterfield Armchair (worth 10c) + x2 Serving Table (worth 8c) + Chocolate Fountain (worth 3c) + Strawberries (worth 2c) + x2 Porcelain (worth 2c) + Triple Balloons (worth 4c) + Cabin Nightstand (worth 3c) + x6 Cabin Wall (worth 18c)
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout1.title=Luxury Log Cabin Offer
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout2.desc=Get all the furni you need to host a prize-winning party! 30% discount offer is limited to one per person and includes: x8 Cabin Wooden Floor (worth 24c) + x2 Red Chesterfield Sofa (worth 24c) + Red Chesterfield Armchair (worth 10c) + x2 Serving Table (worth 8c) + Chocolate Fountain (worth 3c) + Strawberries (worth 2c) + x2 Porcelain (worth 2c) + Triple Balloons (worth 4c) + Cabin Nightstand (worth 3c) + x6 Cabin Wall (worth 18c)
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout2.title=Luxury Log Cabin Offer
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout3.desc=So, you want access to all those amazing HC hairstyles and clothing options, right? With THIS lovely little offer, you get a HUMONGOUS 88% discount on the membership!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c)
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout3.title=Habbo Club Discount Offer
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout4.desc=So, you want access to all those amazing HC hairstyles and clothing options, right? With THIS lovely little offer, you get a HUMONGOUS 88% discount on the membership!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c)
targeted.offer.oct15_ufo_layout4.title=Habbo Club Discount Offer
targeted.offer.oct18_costumes_tto_all.desc=Save 20% on SEVEN awesome costumes for your next Habboween Party!
Note: Some of the final outfits shown at image on the right will require using additional items available through clothing inventory
targeted.offer.oct18_costumes_tto_all.title=Habboween Costumes Deal
targeted.offer.oct18_washliquid_tto_all.desc=Jumpstart your Habboween crafting achievement with this one time offer for 10x Super Strength Bleach!
targeted.offer.oct18_washliquid_tto_all.title=10x Super Strength Bleach Offer!
targeted.offer.oct19_clothing_tto_all.desc=Save 20% on awesome clothing for the next Habboween party you attend!
targeted.offer.oct19_clothing_tto_all.title=Habboween Party Deal the Shop
targeted.offer.palooza_tko_gr1.desc=The time has come to look for the best spot to pitch your tent! With this pack you can ensure you have access to the BEST clothes and hairstyles in the Hotel with HC membership, plus grab a shiny new badge AND a bunch of sweet-looking furni… come to Habbo 15 prepared; don't miss out!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 65 Bronze coins (worth 65c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Hoopla Tent (worth 20c) - Hook-a-Duck (worth 15c) - Red Plane Landing Pad (worth 8c) - Blue Plane Landing Pad (worth 8c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.palooza_tko_gr1.title=Habbo 15 Festival Pack
targeted.offer.palooza_tko_gr2.desc=It's about that time! Habbo 15 is here so it's time to look for a good spot to pitch your tent. With this pack you can ensure you have access to the BEST clothes and hairstyles in the Hotel with HC membership, plus grab a shiny, EXCLUSIVE new badge AND a bunch of sweet-looking furni… you definitely don't want to miss out on this!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Hoopla Tent (worth 20c) - Hook-a-Duck (worth 15c) - Red Plane Landing Pad (worth 8c) - Blue Plane Landing Pad (worth 8c) - Duck Funk Revolution (worth 20c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.palooza_tko_gr2.title=Habbo 15 VIP Festival Party Pack
targeted.offer.paris_tko_gr1.desc=Have you ever wanted to run your own French-style bakery? Now you CAN! As well as baguettes, cheese and SNAILS on demand, included is a gorgeous chair and table perfect for your French café.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 70 bronze coins (worth 70c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Rare Plate of Snails (worth 25c) - Fresh Bread Cart (worth 15c) - Smelly Cheese (worth 3c) - Coffee Sipping Chair (worth 3c) - Spotless Restaurant Table (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.paris_tko_gr1.title=Parisian Delicatessen Deal
targeted.offer.paris_tko_gr2.desc=Are you ready for the gourmet meal of your life? As well as an EXCLUSIVE plate of frog legs, you get a full lavish range of other irresistible delicacies. Don't miss out!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 3 months (worth 60c) - Rare Plate of Snails (worth 25c) - Fresh Bread Cart (worth 15c) - Smelly Cheese (worth 3c) - French Pancake (worth 3c) - Exclusive Frog legs (worth 3c) - Parisien Parasol (worth 7c) - Coffee Sipping Chair (worth 3c) - Spotless Restaurant Table (worth 3c)- Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.paris_tko_gr2.title=Priceless Parisian Picnic Deal
targeted.offer.parisrare1_tto.desc=Wow - how French can this get? Here's a blue bicycle with a wicker basket - the PERFECT mode of transport when navigating the cobbled streets and alleyways of Paris. Don't miss out!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Blue Bicycle (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.parisrare1_tto.title=Rochelle's Road Bike
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto.desc=You need to buy souvenirs for your family back home. What better place to get them than Paris, and what better souvenir than a French street painting?
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Street Artist Display (worth 25c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto.title=Street Art Tour of Paris
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto1.desc=With this offer, NOT ONLY do you get an entire Parisian boutique, you get the latest offering from Habbo couture - a sailor sweater and a necktie! Now you have the complete set of tools you need to start your own fashion house!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Street Artist Display (worth 25c) - Boutique bundle + Badge (worth 99c) - Sailor Sweater (worth 5c) - Parisien Necktie (worth 3c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto1.title=Parisian Art and Fashion Style
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto2.desc=On your travels, you need to buy souvenirs for your family back home, and what better souvenir than a French street painting? Included in this AWESOME bundle is an exclusive badge as well as two months of HC membership!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Street Artist Display (worth 25c) - HC 2 months (worth 50c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto2.title=Parisian Habbo Club
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto4.desc=On your travels, you need to buy souvenirs for your family back home, and what better souvenir than a French street painting? With this bundle, you can top up your bank balance with five bronze coins AND get an EXCLUSIVE badge!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - Rare Street Artist Display (worth 25c) - 5 bronze coins (worth 5c) - Rare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.parisrare2_tto4.title=Parisian Street Art Souvenir
targeted.offer.pet1_tto.desc=Howdy Habbo! This fine pony pack comes with everything you need to create a luscious haven for our NEIGH friend. Includes fencing, hay and…a HORSE! What are you waiting for - Saddle up!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Pet Horse (worth 20c) - x4 Corner Fence (worth 8c) - Saddle (worth 5c) - x3 Stable Fence (worth 9c) - Stable Gate (worth 4c) - x4 Hayfloor (worth 12c)
targeted.offer.pet1_tto.title=Pioneer Pony Pack
targeted.offer.price.credits_and_diamonds=credits + diamonds
targeted.offer.rm_bf15_tto.desc=SAVE 50%. 110 credits, 3 months Habbo Club & 3 months Builders' Club! 24hrs only
targeted.offer.rm_bf15_tto.title=Black Friday MEGA Deal
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto2.desc=Get 220 credits and 100 diamonds for the price of 110 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to one per person
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto2.title=50% Off 220 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto2b.desc=Second chance: 220 credits and diamonds for the price of 110! Offer available for 48 hours. Limited to one per person
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto2b.title=50 per cent Off 220 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto3.desc=Get 110 credits and 50 diamonds for the price of 55 credits! Offer available for 48 hours, limited to one per person
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto3.title=50% Off 110 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto3b.desc=Second chance: 110 credits and diamonds for the price of 55! Offer available for 48 hours. Limited to one per person
targeted.offer.rm_dbl_tto3b.title=50 per cent Off 110 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_np.desc=Get 40 Credits! You can use them in Habbo to purchase all sorts of awesome things
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_np.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_npb.desc=Don't miss out on this one-time and UNIQUE opportunity to get 40 credits for the price of 20!
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_npb.title=40 Credits Deal
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_npc.desc=Get 40 credits for the price of 20! Don't miss out on this unique opportunity…
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_npc.title=Half-Price 40 Credits Deal
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1.desc=Top up your Habbo Club membership AND get yourself a stack of Habbo credits! This offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - HC 3 months (worth 120 Credits + 120 Diamonds) - 30 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1.title=Habbo Club + Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1b.desc=Get all of the above with a HUGE, one-off discount of over 40%!
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1b.title=3months HC + 30credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1c.desc=Get 3 months Habbo Club and 30 credits with a HUGE discount of over 40%!
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p1c.title=3 Months HC + 30 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2.desc=Top up your Habbo Club membership and get yourself a huge pile of Habbo credits at the same time! This offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - HC 3 months (worth 120 Credits + 120 Diamonds) - 80 Credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2.title=Habbo Club + Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2b.desc=Get all of the above with a HUGE, one-off discount of 45%!
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2b.title=3months HC + 14days BC + 80credits
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2c.desc=Get 3 months Habbo Club, 14 days Builders' Club + 80 credits with a HUGE discount of 45%!
targeted.offer.rm_jan16_p2c.title=HC, BC + 80 Credits Deal
targeted.offer.rm_xmas_tto.desc=Hungry for all things festive?! This Christmas offer is limited to 1 per person and includes: - NEW Bavarian Xmas Furni Line (*) - Xmas Cabin Bundle w/ exclusive Deer Topiary - Bavarian Xmas Bundle w/ exclusive Seal Topiary - Caribbean Xmas Bundle w/ exclusive Squirrel Topiary - Chilly Arctic Bundle w/ exclusive Bear Topiary - Santa's Workshop Bundle w/ exclusive Penguin Topiary - Big City Xmas Bundle w/ exclusive Rabbit Topiary (*) excludes clothing, rares + LTDs, Magic Wand FX
targeted.offer.rm_xmas_tto.high=Special Offer
targeted.offer.rm_xmas_tto.title=Christmas 'All You Can Eat' Offer
targeted.offer.rm_xmas_tto2.desc=Includes a whole new Xmas Furni line (except clothing, rares + LTDs) and 6 Xmas Room Bundles w/ exclusive Animal Topiary each
targeted.offer.rmufo.desc=Buy one, get double! Save more than 50% on this limited deal. Max. 1 per person.
targeted.offer.rmufo_100c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_105c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_110c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_20c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_22c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_30c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_35c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_36c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_40c.desc=Get 40 credits for the price of 20! Don't miss out on this one-time and unique opportunity.
targeted.offer.rmufo_40c.title=Half-Price 40 Credits Deal
targeted.offer.rmufo_50c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_60c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_70c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.rmufo_80c.title=Credits Kick-Offer
targeted.offer.sep16_bc3m_tto.desc=We are discontinuing Builder Club subscriptions. Your subscription has been cancelled and you will no longer be charged for it.
To keep enjoying BC, take a look of this special offer: 3-month BC offered with a 25% discount!
targeted.offer.sep16_bc3m_tto.title=Builder Club Subscriptions
targeted.offer.sep16_in_app_dbl_tto4.desc=Get 190 credits and diamonds for the price of 95! (Limited to 3 purchases per Habbo)
targeted.offer.sep16_in_app_dbl_tto4.title=50 percent Off 190 c+d
targeted.offer.sep16_in_app_dbl_tto5.desc=Get 90 credits and diamonds for the price of 45! (Limited to 3 purchases per Habbo)
targeted.offer.sep16_in_app_dbl_tto5.title=50 percent Off 90 c+d
targeted.offer.sep16_rm_dbl_tto4a.desc=Get 220 credits and diamonds for the price of 110! (Limited to 3 purchases per Habbo)
targeted.offer.sep16_rm_dbl_tto4a.title=50 percent Off 220 c+d
targeted.offer.sep16_rm_dbl_tto5a.desc=Get 40 credits and diamonds for the price of 20! (Limited to 1 purchase per Habbo)
targeted.offer.sep16_rm_dbl_tto5a.title=50 percent Off 40 c+d
targeted.offer.silverdragontr_tto.desc=This super shiny new Silver Dragon Lamp MegaRare is the PERFECT addition to any collector's trophy room. As well as being so perfectly polished that you can see your reflection in it!
Offer is limited to 3 per person and includes: - MegaRare Silver Dragon Lamp (worth 75c) - MegaRare Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.silverdragontr_tto.title=Gleaming Silver Dragon Lamp MegaRare Offer
targeted.offer.timeleft=Offer ends in %timeleft%
targeted.offer.ufo.desc=Woohoo! Save over 60% with this super special deal we've crafted just for you. For only 20 credits and diamonds now you can start your Habbo life in style for less than it costs to buy a coffee.
Here's what you'll get: * 14 days Habbo Club Membership (worth 30c + 30d) * 20 Bronze Coins (worth 20c) * Red Rocket Firework (worth 5c) * UFO effect (worth 1c)
targeted.offer.ufo.title=Ultimate First Offer
targeted.offer.ufo2.desc=Woohoo! Save over 60% with this super special deal we've crafted just for you. Now you can start your Habbo life in style for less than it costs to buy a coffee.
Offer includes: - 1 month Habbo Club membership (worth 25c) - 20 Bronze Coins (worth 20c) - Rippedm Jeans (worth 5c) - UFO effect (worth 1c)
targeted.offer.ufo4.desc=Woohoo! Save over 60% with this super special deal we've crafted just for you. For only 20 credits and diamonds now you can start your Habbo life in style for less than it costs to buy a coffee.
Offer includes: - 1 month Habbo Club membership (worth 25c) - 20 Bronze Coins (worth 20c) - Leather Jacker (worth 5c) - UFO effect (worth 1c)
targeted.offer.ufo6.desc=YEEHAW - Saddle up, Habbos! This super deal is packed to the hay bales with everything the starter cowboy or cowgirl could need! Style yourself in the finest Habbo Club Cowboy-style garb and get ready to ride…
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 6 Bronze Coins (worth 6c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Pet Horse (worth 20c)
targeted.offer.ufo6.title=Horsing Around
targeted.offer.ufo7b.desc=YEEHAW! This is one mighty fine bundle, saddled with all the bronze coins and grass patches for one superb deal! Your new four-hoofed pal is perfect for horsin' around with your friends in the Hotel!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 10 Bronze Coins (worth 10c) - Bot (worth 25c) - Pet Horse (worth 20c) - x5 Country Grass Patches (worth 20c)
targeted.offer.ufo7b.title=Cowboy Crate
targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.desc=Hidden amongst the dingy cardboard boxes, old wooden furni and piles of paintings you find...a RARE! Only here for a short time - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Grandfather Clock (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare1_offer.title=Forgotten Attic Rare
targeted.offer.ufo_atticrare2_offer.desc=Hidden amongst the dingy cardboard boxes, old wooden furni and piles of paintings, you find...a RARE! Only here for a short time - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Cosmos Telescope (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_bc1m_offer.desc=Grab your hard-hat and get ready to build the room of your dreams! From blocks to rollers, to windows and rugs this offer is FULL of potential! Limit to 1 per person.
Check out this room to see what you can build as a member of Builders' Club!
targeted.offer.ufo_bc1m_offer.title=Beginner's Building Bundle
targeted.offer.ufo_bc3m_offer.desc=They say 3 is a magic number and we agree! Grab BIG savings on 3 months of BC Subscription for a fraction of the cost. Limit to 1 per person.
Offer includes: - 3 months BC membership (worth 255 credits + 255 diamonds)
targeted.offer.ufo_bc3m_offer.title=Builders' Club SUPER Deal
targeted.offer.ufo_bctrial_offer.desc=Build, build build with this amazing deal! Save more than 57% with this amazing Builders' Club deal. Only here for a short time and limited to one per person. Offer includes: - BC 14 Days - 25 Bronze Coins
targeted.offer.ufo_bctrial_offer.title=Builder's Bonanza
targeted.offer.ufo_carnivalrare_offer.desc=If you're crazy about moving and shaking to the soca beat then Carnival is the place to be! Soar over the fête madness with this AWESOME rare! - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Carnival Hot Air Balloon (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_carnivalrare_offer.title=Fly over the Fête Carnival Rare
targeted.offer.ufo_japanrare1_offer.desc=Say 'Konnichiwa' to this stunning rare all the way from Japan! Filled with gently rippling water… this rare is sure to put hearts in your eyes and relaxation in your heart! - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Koi Fish Pond (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_japanrare1_offer.title=Ancient Japan Rare!
targeted.offer.ufo_japanrare2_offer.desc=Say 'Konnichiwa' to this stunning rare all the way from Japan! Filled with gently rippling water… this rare is sure to put hearts in your eyes and relaxation in your heart! - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Wooden Ofuro Tub (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_ny2015_offer.desc=Celebrate this New Year in style with this amazing deal! Full to the fish hat with all your party essentials. Only here for a short time and limited to one per person. Offer includes: - Fish Party Hat (worth 8c) - Chocolate Fountain (worth 15c) - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - HC 1 month (worth 25c)
targeted.offer.ufo_ny2015_offer.title=New Year's Party Pack!
targeted.offer.ufo_seg1.desc=Gather round, gather round - Grab yourself this diamond covered, gold plated, bronze coin filled, super shiny, jam-packed offer! Offer only available to the snazziest Habbos, don't miss out...
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - 40 Bronze coins (worth 40c) - White Bling Chair (worth 3c) - White Bling Divan (worth 7c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_seg1.title=Bling King Royalty
targeted.offer.ufo_seg2.desc=Build, build build with this amazing deal! For a whopping 31 days you'll get access to THOUSANDS of furni in the BC warehouse! PLUS you'll save more than 57%. Only here for a short time and limited to one per person.
Offer includes: - 1 month BC membership (worth 85 credits + 85 diamonds)
targeted.offer.ufo_seg2.title=Builder's Bonanza
targeted.offer.ufo_seg3.desc=Your favorite teacher, Professor Frank, has opened his office doors to the Habbo public. This studious room bundle is stuffed to the interns desk with everything the intellectual Habbo university student could want...PLUS a badge!
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - Professor's Office Room Bundle (worth 99c) - Badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_seg3.title=Professor Frank's University Bundle
targeted.offer.ufo_seg4.desc=Hey there, good lookin'! Thought you couldn't get any cooler? Think again. From super cool clothes and snazzy effects, to the ultimate fashion accessory Habbo Club - This offer comes PACKED with everything the blossoming social butterfly could need.
Offer is limited to one per person and includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - 4 Effects (worth 12c) - 5 Clothing pieces (worth 28c)
targeted.offer.ufo_seg4.title=Super Social Networker
targeted.offer.ufo_seg5.desc=Summer can only means… No school and parties a plenty! Welcome in this hot hot time of year in style with this amazing deal! Full to the fireworks with all the party essentials you could need. Only here for a short time and limited to one per person.
Offer includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - 20 Bronze coins (worth 20c) - 4 Effects (worth 12c) - Red Rocket fireworks (worth 5c)
targeted.offer.ufo_seg5.title=Summer Party Pack
targeted.offer.ufo_val15_offer.desc=We love our Habbos so much that we put together a special Bento Box filled with LOVE just for you! - Limited to 1 per person.
Offer includes: - HC 1 month (worth 25c) - Emerald Ring (worth 100c) - Exclusive Blue Gift Bag (worth 5c) - Floral Kimono Outfit (worth 20c) - Blue Kimono Outfit (worth 16c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.ufo_val15_offer.title=Valentine's Bento Box!
targeted.offer.vdollraretr_tto.desc=We are SO excited for Habboween this year that we have decided to celebrate in February! This spooky Rare comes with over 10 states - Which one will be your favourite?! - Limited to 3 per person.
Offer includes: - RARE Voodoo Doll (worth 25c) - Exclusive badge (for free)
targeted.offer.vdollraretr_tto.title=Hocus Pocus Offer
targeted.offer.xmas_kickoffer.desc=This amazing deal is here for a short time and limited to one per customer. You'll save over 50%. The coins alone are worth the price! Offer includes: - 40 Bronze Coins (worth 40c) - 1 Month Habbo Club (worth 25c) - Rare Christmas Kraken (worth 25c) - Exclusive Kraken Badge (priceless)
targeted.offer.xmas_kickoffer.title=Christmas Kick-Offer me more of Service
test.test.cancel=cancel 2
test.test.ok=ok 2
testing_overwrite2=i say the same, tgif
testing_overwrite3=first test1
testing_overwrite4=first test2
toolbar.icon.label.builder=BC Warehouse
toolbar.icon.label.exitroom.home=Home room
toolbar.icon.label.exitroom.hotelview=Hotel view
toolbar.icon.label.inventory=My stuff
toolbar.icon.label.roominfo=Room info
toolbar.icon.tooltip.catalogue=Spend your Credits and Pixels in the Shop!
toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.home=Go to your home room
toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom.hotelview=Go to the Hotel view
toolbar.icon.tooltip.exitroom=Go to your home room have friend request(s) pending!
toolbar.icon.tooltip.friendlist=View and follow your friends
toolbar.icon.tooltip.inventory=Your furniture, achievements and badges
toolbar.icon.tooltip.memenu=Dance, wave, use effects, show badges, change clothes and check your rooms
toolbar.icon.tooltip.messenger=Send messages to your friends
toolbar.icon.tooltip.navigator=Rooms and events
toolbar.icon.tooltip.roominfo=Information of the room you are currently in
toolbar.icon.tooltip.sounds=Toggle sounds on/off
toolbar.icon.tooltip.zoom=Zoom the room view in and out
toolbar.logout.confirmation=Are you sure you want to log out?
toolbar.logout.ok=Log out
toolbar.logout=Log out
toolbar.new_additions.notification=New a new thumbnail for this room
trade.locked.until=Trade locked until:
trading.mode.controller=Users With Rights
trading.mode.not.allowed=Not Allowed unlocked on %date% from App Store
tutorial.name_change.change=Change my name
tutorial.name_change.confirm=Please confirm your new name:
tutorial.name_change.current=Your Habbo character's name is %name% confirmation you won't be able change your name again! character name is generated based on your email address. You can change your character name only once, so please think carefully about the name you would like. can search for available names and pick one you like.
tutorial.name_change.keep=Keep my name
tutorial.name_change.pick=Yes, pick this one
tutorial.name_change.title.main=Change your name
unique.items.left=Items left:
unique.items.number.sold=Total In Set:
useproduct.widget.bind_clothing=Use & Bind Clothing
useproduct.widget.fertilize=Fertilize You can only use this once! item can only be used once! item can only be used once! item can only be used once! item can only be used once! item can only be used once! item can only be used once! can use your saddle to ride your horse. item can only be used once!
useproduct.widget.monsterplant.plant.raritylevel=Rarity Level %level%
useproduct.widget.text.bind_clothing=Using this furni will unlock the clothing in your Avatar Editor…forever!
useproduct.widget.text.custompart=Customize your horse with %productName%.
useproduct.widget.text.custompartshampoo=Color your pet's hair with this tantallizing %productName% hair style.
useproduct.widget.text.fertilize_monsterplant=Apply this amazing super fertilizer to make your plant grow faster. It works instantly!
useproduct.widget.text.plant_seed=Grow your own plant from %productName%.
useproduct.widget.text.rebreed_monsterplant=Apply this amazing organic Rebreeding Potion and your plant can produce new seeds. It works instantly!
useproduct.widget.text.revive_monsterplant=Revive and restore your dead plants with amazing %productName% instantly!
useproduct.widget.text.saddle=Add a saddle to your horse to ride him.
useproduct.widget.text.shampoo=Give horse %productName% skin tone.
useproduct.widget.title.bind_clothing=Use Clothing
useproduct.widget.title.monsterplant=Revive %name%
useproduct.widget.title.monsterplant_fertilize=Fertilize %name%
useproduct.widget.title.monsterplant_rebreed=Rebreed %name%
useproduct.widget.title.plant_seed=Planting %name%
useproduct.widget.title=Customize %name%
vip.benefits.caption=HC Benefits
vip.benefits.description=Create Your own groups and awesome rooms!
Show Off Your style with exclusive clothing and hairstyles!
vip.benefits.details=What You Get: HC Badge, 2-colored clothing, extra hairstyles, additional room layouts, exclusive Furniture gifts, ability to create your own Groups, more friends on your list and more!
vip.benefits.title=Stand Out From The Crowd today! Your HC Membership HC
viphopper.viprequired.bodytext=Looks like you're not a HC! To use this Hopper you need to be a member of Habbo HC!
viphopper.viprequired.title=Oops! HC!
viprequired.header=HC Required's cool about Habbo HC?
wallitem_cine_pstr_0_desc=It's a Freaking SAGA
wallitem_cine_pstr_0_name=Revenge of the Cheeps
wallitem_cine_pstr_10_desc=This holiday, discover your inner Habbo
wallitem_cine_pstr_1_desc=The fourth film by Quilting Tarantula
wallitem_cine_pstr_1_name=Get Frank
wallitem_cine_pstr_2_desc=An unexpected hop.
wallitem_cine_pstr_2_name=The Rabbit
wallitem_cine_pstr_3_desc=One carrot to rule them all.
wallitem_cine_pstr_3_name=The Rabbit 2
wallitem_cine_pstr_4_desc=He's the duck Habbo deserves
wallitem_cine_pstr_4_name=Dark Duck Descends
wallitem_cine_pstr_5_desc=From the makers of The Catalog
wallitem_cine_pstr_5_name=Avatar Editor
wallitem_cine_pstr_6_desc=We live, we die, we rent.
wallitem_cine_pstr_6_name=The Ducket List
wallitem_cine_pstr_7_desc=I'll make him a trade he can't refuse.
wallitem_cine_pstr_8_desc=Rule Six: Nice shirt, Nice shoes.
wallitem_cine_pstr_8_name=Habbo Club
wallitem_cine_pstr_9_desc=An adventure through the forest with a penguin spirit Bobbaro
wallitem_cine_pstr_9_name=Bobbaro window address was invalid (e.g. empty, or bad syntax). address was too long (48 character limit). address is already in use. address changed too many times (limited to 10 times). you did not receive the activation email, please make sure to also check your spam / junk folder. & resend my gift complete gift have mail! check your email inbox and click the activation button in the email to open your mysterious welcome gift! If you have trouble receiving our email, please check your "junk" folder, too. open this gift, check your email inbox and click the "receive gift" button. P.S. Remember to check your "junk" folder too. is moving & making scratching sounds inside the box, open the gift to find out what it is! delivered to your email!'s your welcome gift! gift!
welcome.screen.message.questing=Complete quests and meet new friends. See what you can do in Habbo and earn Pixels that you can use to buy furniture for your room.
welcome.screen.message=Explore thousands of rooms, meet new friends, play games and find events in the Rooms menu.
welcome.screen.title.navigator=Find rooms and things to do
welcome.screen.title.questing=Welcome to Habbo Hotel!
welcome.screen.title=Welcome to Habbo Hotel!'s New
whats.up=What's up
widget.avatar.change_name=Change your name
widget.avatar.decorate=Decorate Room
widget.avatar.stop_decorating=Stop Decorating the color for your room background
widget.backgroundcolor.button.on=On/ Off
widget.backgroundcolor.hue=Hue the color for your room background
widget.backgroundcolor.title=Background Toner
widget.backgroundcolour.title=Background Toner shoot more, you will need to make room in your camera by deleting or purchasing some of your old photos!
widget.chatbubble.handitem=%username% gave you: %handitem%
widget.chatbubble.mute=You ignored %USERNAME%.
widget.chatbubble.mutetime=You are muted! The mute will expire in %hours% hours, %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds.
widget.chatbubble.petrespect=%petname% was scratched!
widget.chatbubble.pettreat=%petname% was treated!
widget.custom.stack.height.text=Adjust the height of stacking helper as you want, then move the other furni on top of it.
widget.custom.stack.height.title=Stacking Helper
widget.dimmer.button.apply=Apply to room off
widget.dimmer.button.on=Turn on dimmer is currently turned off. Turn it on to adjust the lighting of your room. dimmer effect is previewed in your room. Apply the effect to the room to make other users see it too. 1 2 3
widget.dimmer.title=Room dimmer Controller
widget.dimmer.type.checkbox=Background only
widget.friendrequest.from=Friend request from %username%
widget.furni.clothingchange.editor.title=Furniture clothes editor
widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.female=Girl which gender's clothes you want to edit.
widget.furni.clothingchange.gender.title=Select edited gender
widget.furni.ecotronbox.title=Furni-Matic Box the box
widget.furni.furnimaticbox.title=Furni-Matic box
widget.furni.present.give_gift=Send a return gift to %name%
widget.furni.present.hc=You got a subscription to Habbo Club!
widget.furni.present.instructions=This Item can now be found under "My Stuff"
widget.furni.present.keep_in_room=Keep in my room
widget.furni.present.message_from=- %name%
widget.furni.present.message_opened=You open the gift and find a %product%! the gift
widget.furni.present.open_gift=Open this gift
widget.furni.present.place_in_room=Place in my room
widget.furni.present.put_in_inventory=Put it in my inventory
widget.furni.present.sender.profile_tooltip=View profile
widget.furni.present.spaces.message_opened=You open the gift and find a %product%! You can find it under "My Stuff" now.
widget.furni.present.title=Special gift!
widget.furni.present.window.title=Special Gift
widget.furni.present.window.title_from=Gift from %name%
widget.furni.teaser.description=You've found a strange package made of leaves. There are fait ribbit sounds coming from inside. Place the package in your room to open in (check the My Stuff menu to find the package).
widget.furni.teaser.get=OK need to log in using Facebook in order to get friends open the package., there's a problem leaves on the package are too thick, you need a friend to help open the package. for help oh, the gift package is closed! need to log in using Facebook in order to get friends to open the package., there's a problem friend's package was opened! Thank you! helped! package found, your package was unlocked by %username%! Check your item inventory after opening your package. unlocked!
widget.furni.teaser.notify.unlocked.desc=The leaf package in your room was unlocked by %username%! Go to your room and check what's inside.
widget.furni.teaser.notify.unlocked.title=Package unlocked!
widget.furni.teaser.title=Mystery package found!
widget.furni.video_viewer.playlists=Available playlists: video
widget.furni.video_viewer.tooltip.prev=Previous video To Homeroom Group Forum
widget.memenu.activeeffects=Activate and use effects
widget.memenu.badges=My badges
widget.memenu.blow=Blow Kiss settings
widget.memenu.clothes.add=Save outfits in the clothes editor and they'll appear here HC to quickly choose saved outfits in this menu!
widget.memenu.credits=%credits% Credits HC to get more dance moves! Dancing
widget.memenu.dance2=Pogo Mogo
widget.memenu.dance3=Duck Funk
widget.memenu.dance4=The Rollie
widget.memenu.editavatar=Clothes don't have any active effects.Activate some or get more.
widget.memenu.effects=My effects
widget.memenu.forums=Forums Tool
widget.memenu.hc.join=Join HC!
widget.memenu.hc.long=HC %days%d %months%m
widget.memenu.hc=HC %days%d
widget.memenu.myclothes=Change Looks
widget.memenu.myrooms=My Rooms
widget.memenu.no_club=This action requires Habbo Club!
widget.memenu.other.settings.title=Other settings
widget.memenu.profile=My Profile settings
widget.memenu.settings.character=Character settings settings
widget.memenu.settings.no_identity=Character settings will be available, when you use your email to log in.
widget.memenu.settings.other=Other settings
widget.memenu.settings.title=Modify your settings
widget.memenu.settings.volume=Adjust the sound volume
widget.memenu.thumb=Thumbs up %days%d %months%m %days%d
widget.random_teleport.button.use=Start exploring!
widgets.chatbubble.respect=%username% was respected!
widgets.chatinput.default=Click here to chat...
widgets.chatinput.mode.remind.noobie=You can type here to talk!
widgets.chatinput.safetyquiz.prompt=Take the safety quiz to enable room chat
widgets.chatinput.shout=Shout users are ringing the doorbell:
widgets.doorbell.message=%userName% is ringing your doorbell. Open the door?
widgets.doorbell.title=Doorbell bag, bar or coin contains %value% Credits, you can redeem it now. this name a name to your Gnome: your Gnome
widgets.memenu.effects.activate=Activate Effect days left minutes left
widgets.memenu.effects.deactivate=Deactivate current effect Pet can level up from 1 to 20, and your Pet will gain experience whenever you train it. The more you train, the more commands your Pet will learn. However, training will also make your Pet lose energy, so make sure to feed it and let it rest in between! Please note that some foods will make your Pet regain energy faster, and feeding and scratching your Pet will also make it obey you more easily. Some commands might require accessories such as water bowls or toys. Commands Help Commands Help Commands
widgets.petpackage.alert.petname.title=Notice! this name a name to your pet your pet
wildwest.engraving.caption=Partners in crime
wildwest.engraving.left=Left Outlaw
wildwest.engraving.right=Right Outlaw
wiredfurni.applysnapshot=Apply Furni to set conditions
wiredfurni.badgereceived.body=You just received a badge. Check your inventory!
wiredfurni.badgereceived.title=Badge received!
wiredfurni.chatmsgtoolong=Message can only contain 100 characters.
wiredfurni.conflictingactions.caption=Warning: Incompatible Effects
wiredfurni.conflictingactions.text=This Trigger doesn't specify a user. You have stacked this Trigger with Effects(%actions%) that need a user to activate it.
wiredfurni.conflictingtriggers.caption=Warning: Incompatible Triggers
wiredfurni.conflictingtriggers.text=This Effect needs a user to activate it.You have stacked this effect with Triggers (%triggers%) that do not provide an activating user. gives your Furni endless new functions by stacking Triggers, Effects and (optionally) Conditions. Each Trigger, Effect and Condition can be set up individually and when stacked will work together. Continue reading to learn more about Triggers, Effects and Conditions. Help let you define what needs to happen before an Effect takes place. You will always need to stack an Effect with the Trigger to make it work. are things that happen after you activate a Trigger. You will always need to stack a Trigger with the Effect to make it work. are specific things that need to be done before a Trigger will work. If you want to use a Condition, you will need to stack it with a Trigger and Effect. Conditions are coming soon! Help Help Furni help onself causes a paradox that swallows your room. furni mute exception: Room Owner
wiredfurni.nonowner.change.confirm.body=Are you sure you want to change the settings of this furniture? (This dialog is being shown because you are not the owner)
wiredfurni.nonowner.change.confirm.title=Please confirm non-owner change!
wiredfurni.params.allowafter=Trigger active after %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.allowbefore=Trigger is active for: %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.anyavatar=Any user Name
wiredfurni.params.capture.figure=Copy My Looks
wiredfurni.params.certainavatar=Specific user
wiredfurni.params.condition.direction=Current direction
wiredfurni.params.condition.position=Current position in room
wiredfurni.params.condition.state=Current furni state
wiredfurni.params.conditions=Select Furni criteria that have to be matched:
wiredfurni.params.delay=Delay Effect for %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.emptytiles=Space placed Furnis %tiles% tiles apart
wiredfurni.params.enddate=End date:
wiredfurni.params.enteravatarname=Enter user name
wiredfurni.params.enterawordorphrase=Enter a word or phrase
wiredfurni.params.entermessage=Enter a message
wiredfurni.params.formation=Pick formation
wiredfurni.params.handitem=Hand Item
wiredfurni.params.length.minutes=Length: %minutes% minutes
wiredfurni.params.movefurni.0=No movement
wiredfurni.params.movefurni.1=Move randomly
wiredfurni.params.movefurni=Move furni:
wiredfurni.params.not_requireall.0=If one or more of the selected Furni has NO Furni on it.
wiredfurni.params.not_requireall.1=All the selected Furni have NO Furni on them
wiredfurni.params.not_requireall=Trigger condition if:
wiredfurni.params.picktriggerer=Select triggering user:
wiredfurni.params.placetodirection=Place Furnis in this direction
wiredfurni.params.prizelimit=Total rewards limit: %amount%
wiredfurni.params.requireall.0=If one of the selected Furnis has a Furni on it
wiredfurni.params.requireall.1=All the selected Furni have Furni on them
wiredfurni.params.requireall=Allow triggering if:
wiredfurni.params.requiredformationsize=At least %furnis% Furnis match state/ location
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.0=No rotation
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.1=Rotate clockwise
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.2=Rotate counter clockwise
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni.3=To random direction
wiredfurni.params.rotatefurni=Rotate furni:
wiredfurni.params.seconds=%seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.setlongtime=Set time: %time%
wiredfurni.params.setpoints=Set the points: %points% points
wiredfurni.params.setscore=Team has to score: %points% points
wiredfurni.params.settime=Set timer: %seconds% seconds
wiredfurni.params.settimesingame=Amount of times per game: %times%
wiredfurni.params.start.following=Start Following
wiredfurni.params.startdate=Start date:
wiredfurni.params.startdir=Start direction
wiredfurni.params.stop.following=Stop Following team
wiredfurni.params.turn.1=Turn right 45 degrees
wiredfurni.params.turn.2=Turn right 90 degrees
wiredfurni.params.turn.3=Turn left 45 degrees
wiredfurni.params.turn.4=Turn left 90 degrees
wiredfurni.params.turn.5=Turn back
wiredfurni.params.turn.6=Turn to a random direction
wiredfurni.params.turn=When move is blocked
wiredfurni.params.usercountmax=No more than %value% users
wiredfurni.params.usercountmin=At least %value% users
wiredfurni.params.whatissaid=What is said:
wiredfurni.pickFurni.furnitypematches=All Furni of the same type will act as a Trigger
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.caption=Select Furni [%count%/%limit%]
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.desc=Select up to five Furni. You can select or deselect a Furni in your room by clicking it.
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.furnitypematches=The triggering Furni type matches the type of one of the picked furnis furni
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.stuffselectiontype.0=Perform the Effect on picked Furnis
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.stuffselectiontype.1=Perform the Effect on one random Furni whose type matches one of the picked Furnis
wiredfurni.pickfurnis.stuffselectiontype.2=Perform the Effect on a Furni defined by the Trigger or Condition
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.0=Sorry! There was only a limited amount of awards available. All rewards have been given.
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.1=You have already been given this reward. Each user only gets one.
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.2=You have already been given a reward today. Try again tomorrow!
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.3=You have already been given a reward this hour. Try again in an hour!
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.4=Too bad! You were unlucky and received no reward this time. Do try again!
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.5=You have already collected all the rewards that you could collect.
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.reason.8=You have already been given a reward this minute. Try again in a minute!
wiredfurni.rewardfailed.title=Aww, no reward :(
wiredfurni.rewardsuccess.body=You just received a reward. Check your inventory to see what it is!
wiredfurni.rewardsuccess.title=You have received a reward.
wiredfurni.settings.saved=Settings saved
wiredfurni.title=Wired Furni
wiredfurni.tooltip.avatarname=Enter user name should the bot say the hand item the bot should give bot's name to be controlled
wiredfurni.tooltip.botname=The bot's name to be controlled
wiredfurni.tooltip.chatinput=Enter keyword
wiredfurni.tooltip.chatmessage=Enter chat message
wiredfurni.tooltip.handitem=Select the hand item
xmas2012.calendar.infobox.left.text=Do not lose your Mystery Box!. Place it in your room and make sure you open it every day with a friend for daily prizes.
xmas2012.calendar.infobox.right.text=Complete a daily Xmas quest to activate your Mystery Box and get a key. Your key can be used to help unlock a friends Mystery Box, and once your box is activated a friend can help you unlock it for nifty prizes! do it!
xmas2012.calendar.title=Advent Calendar 2012