Translations develop mode & unsafe packets

This commit is contained in:
sirjonasxx 2023-01-01 22:39:58 +01:00
parent f10b847830
commit fd8ee6958b
8 changed files with 84 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=Header
tab.injection.send.toserver=Zum Server senden
tab.injection.send.toclient=Zum Client senden
@ -98,16 +98,18 @@ tab.extra=Extras
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Immer im Vordergrund
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Über den Entwicklermodus
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Durch Aktivieren des Entwicklermodus können Sie unsichere Pakete senden und Erweiterungen aus \n\
lokalen Dateien installieren.\n\
Seien Sie gewarnt, das Senden unsicherer Pakete kann Sie dauerhaft sperren, wenn die\n\
Habbo-Server feststellen, dass sie eine ungültige Header-ID haben. Wenn Sie den Entwicklermodus aktiviert \n\
haben, um Erweiterungen aus externen Quellen zu installieren, vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie dem Ersteller vertrauen.\n\
Ein böswilliger Ersteller könnte versuchen, Sie zu hacken!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Alle Erweiterungen aus dem G-ExtensionStore sind sicher.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Client-seitige Staff-Berechtigungen
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python Scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=G-Python Installation

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=header
tab.injection.send.toserver=Enviar al servidor
tab.injection.send.toclient=Enviar a cliente
@ -96,16 +96,18 @@ tab.extra=Extra
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Mostrar siempre arriba
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode=Modo desarrollador
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Acerca del modo desarrollador
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Al habilitar el modo desarrollador, puede enviar paquetes no seguros e instalar extensiones\n\
desde archivos locales.\n\
Tenga cuidado, el envío de paquetes no seguros puede hacer que lo bloqueen permanentemente\n\
si los servidores de Habbo detectan que tienen una ID de encabezado no válida.\n\
Si habilitó el modo de desarrollador para instalar extensiones de fuentes externas,\n\
asegúrese de confiar en el creador. ¡Un creador malicioso podría intentar hackearte!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Todas las extensiones de G-ExtensionStore son seguras.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Permisos Staff en cliente
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=Instalación de G-Python

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=otsake
tab.injection.send.toserver=Lähetä palvelimelle
tab.injection.send.toclient=Lähetä asiakkaalle
@ -96,16 +96,17 @@ tab.extra=Lisät
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Aina ylimmäisenä
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Tietoja kehittäjätilasta
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Ottamalla kehittäjätilan käyttöön voit lähettää vaarallisia paketteja ja asentaa laajennuksia paikallisista tiedostoista.\n\
Varoitus, vaarallisten pakettien lähettäminen voi saada sinut pysyvästi porttikielloksi,\n\
jos Habbo-palvelimet havaitsevat, että niillä on virheellinen otsikkotunnus.\n\
Jos olet ottanut kehittäjätilan käyttöön laajennusten asentamiseen ulkoisista lähteistä,\n\
varmista, että luotat sisällöntuottajaan. Haitallinen sisällöntuottaja voi yrittää hakkeroida sinut!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Kaikki G-ExtensionStoren laajennukset ovat turvallisia.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Client-side staffioikeudet
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=G-Python -asennus

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=header
tab.injection.description.unsafe=PEU SÛR
tab.injection.send.toserver=Envoyer au serveur
tab.injection.send.toclient=Envoyer au client
@ -98,16 +98,18 @@ tab.extra=Extra
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Toujours au top
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode=Mode développeur
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=À propos du mode développeur
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=En activant le mode développeur, vous pouvez envoyer des paquets non sécurisés et installer\n\
des extensions à partir de fichiers locaux.\n\
Soyez averti, l'envoi de paquets dangereux peut vous interdire définitivement si les serveurs\n\
Habbo détectent qu'ils ont un ID d'en-tête invalide.\n\
Si vous avez activé le mode développeur pour installer des extensions à partir de sources externes,\n\
assurez-vous de faire confiance au créateur. Un créateur malveillant pourrait essayer de vous pirater!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Toutes les extensions du G-ExtensionStore sont sécurisées.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Es-tu sur de vouloir continuer?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Permission staff client
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=G-Python installation

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=header
tab.injection.description.unsafe=NON SICURO
tab.injection.send.toserver=Manda al server
tab.injection.send.toclient=Manda al client
@ -95,16 +95,17 @@ tab.extra=Extra
tab.extra.troubleshooting=Risoluzione dei problemi
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Sempre in primo piano
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode=Modalità sviluppatore
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Informazioni sulla modalità sviluppatore
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Abilitando la modalità sviluppatore, puoi inviare pacchetti non sicuri e installare estensioni da file locali.\n\
Attenzione, l'invio di pacchetti non sicuri potrebbe farti bannare in modo permanente\n\
se i server Habbo rilevano di avere un ID di intestazione non valido.\n\
Se hai abilitato la modalità sviluppatore per installare estensioni da fonti esterne,\n\
assicurati di fidarti del creatore. Un creatore malintenzionato potrebbe tentare di hackerarti!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Tutte le estensioni di G-ExtensionStore sono sicure.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Sei sicuro di voler continuare?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Permessi staff client-side
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=Installazione di G-Python

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=header
tab.injection.send.toserver=Stuur naar server
tab.injection.send.toclient=Stuur naar client
@ -95,16 +95,17 @@ tab.extra=Extra
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Altijd bovenop
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Over de ontwikkelaarsmodus
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Door de ontwikkelaarsmodus in te schakelen, kan je onveilige packets verzenden en extensies van lokale bestanden installeren.\n\
Wees gewaarschuwd, het verzenden van onveilige packets kan ervoor zorgen dat je\n\
permanent wordt verbannen als de Habbo-servers detecteren dat ze een ongeldig header-ID hebben.\n\
Als je de ontwikkelaarsmodus hebt ingeschakeld om extensies van externe bronnen te installeren,\n\
zorg er dan voor dat je de maker vertrouwt. Een kwaadwillende maker kan proberen je te hacken!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Alle extensies van de G-ExtensionStore zijn veilig.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Weet je zeker dat je verder wilt gaan?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Client-side staff machtigingen
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=G-Python installatie

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=cabeçalho
tab.injection.send.toserver=Enviar para o servidor
tab.injection.send.toclient=Enviar para o cliente
@ -95,16 +95,17 @@ tab.extra=Extra
tab.extra.troubleshooting=Resolução de problemas
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Manter no topo
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode=Modo de desenvolvedor
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Sobre o modo de desenvolvedor
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Ao habilitar o modo de desenvolvedor, você pode enviar pacotes inseguros e instalar extensões de arquivos locais.\n\
Esteja avisado, enviar pacotes inseguros pode fazer com que você seja banido permanentemente \n\
se os servidores do Habbo detectarem que eles têm um ID de cabeçalho inválido.\n\
Se você ativou o modo de desenvolvedor para instalar extensões de fontes externas,\n\
certifique-se de confiar no criador. Um criador mal-intencionado pode tentar invadir você!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
Todas as extensões do G-ExtensionStore são seguras.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Você tem certeza que quer continuar?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=Permissões de staff no Cliente
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=Instalação do G-Python

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tab.injection.description.header=header
tab.injection.send.toserver=Server a yolla
tab.injection.send.toclient=Client a yolla
@ -96,16 +96,18 @@ tab.extra=Ekstra
tab.extra.notepad=Not dosyası
tab.extra.troubleshooting=Sorun giderme
tab.extra.options.alwaysontop=Her zaman üstte
tab.extra.options.developmode=Developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=About developer mode
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=By enabling developer mode, you can send unsafe packets and install extensions from local files.\n\
Be warned, sending unsafe packets may get you permanently banned if the Habbo servers detect\n\
they have an invalid header ID. If you enabled developer mode to install extensions from\n\
external sources, make sure you trust the creator. A malicious creator could try to hack you!\n\
tab.extra.options.developmode=Geliştirici modu
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.title=Geliştirici modu hakkında
tab.extra.options.developmode.alert.content=Geliştirici modunu etkinleştirerek güvenli olmayan paketler gönderebilir\n\
ve yerel dosyalardan uzantılar yükleyebilirsiniz.\n\
Dikkatli olun, güvenli olmayan paketler göndermek, Habbo sunucuları geçersiz bir başlık\n\
kimliğine sahip olduklarını tespit ederse, sizi kalıcı olarak yasaklayabilir.\n\
Harici kaynaklardan uzantı yüklemek için geliştirici modunu etkinleştirdiyseniz,\n\
oluşturucuya güvendiğinizden emin olun. Kötü niyetli bir yaratıcı sizi hacklemeye çalışabilir!\n\
All the extensions from the G-ExtensionStore are safe.\n\
G-ExtensionStore'daki tüm uzantılar güvenlidir.\n\
Are you sure you want to continue?
Devam etmek istediğine emin misin?
tab.extra.options.staffpermissions=İstemci tarafı personel izinleri
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting=G-Python scripting
tab.extra.options.pythonscripting.alert.title=G-Python Kurulum