mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 19:22:37 +01:00
replace stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ public class GUnityFileServer extends HttpServlet
public final static int FILESERVER_PORT = 9089;
private final static UnityWebModifyer modifyer = new UnityWebModifyer();
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
@ -38,11 +39,10 @@ public class GUnityFileServer extends HttpServlet
String revision = url.split("/")[4];
if (path.equals("/prod")) getProd(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/data")) getData(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/wasm/code")) getWasmCode(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/wasm/framework")) getWasmFramework(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/unityloader")) getUnityLoader(revision, response);
if (path.equals("/data")) getData(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/wasm")) getWasmCode(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/framework")) getWasmFramework(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/loader")) getLoader(revision, response);
else if (path.equals("/version")) getVersion(revision, response, url);
else if (path.equals("/logo")) getLogo(response);
else {
@ -93,29 +93,26 @@ public class GUnityFileServer extends HttpServlet
private void getProd(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
UnityWebModifyer unitywebModifyer = new UnityWebModifyer(revision, getDir(revision));
fileResponse(getDir(revision) + UnityWebModifyer.UNITY_PROD, response, "application/json");
private void getData(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
// application/vnd.unity
modifyer.modifyAllFiles(revision, getDir(revision));
fileResponse(getDir(revision) + UnityWebModifyer.UNITY_DATA, response, "application/vnd.unity");
private void getWasmCode(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
modifyer.modifyAllFiles(revision, getDir(revision));
fileResponse(getDir(revision) + UnityWebModifyer.UNITY_CODE, response, "application/vnd.unity");
private void getWasmFramework(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
modifyer.modifyAllFiles(revision, getDir(revision));
fileResponse(getDir(revision) + UnityWebModifyer.UNITY_FRAMEWORK, response, "application/vnd.unity");
private void getUnityLoader(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
UnityWebModifyer unitywebModifyer = new UnityWebModifyer(revision, getDir(revision));
private void getLoader(String revision, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
modifyer.modifyAllFiles(revision, getDir(revision));
fileResponse(getDir(revision) + UnityWebModifyer.UNITY_LOADER, response, "text/javascript");
@ -13,33 +13,29 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class UnityWebModifyer {
public final static String UNITY_PROD = "habbo2020-global-prod.json";
public final static String UNITY_DATA = "habbo2020-global-prod.data.unityweb";
public final static String UNITY_CODE = "habbo2020-global-prod.wasm.code.unityweb";
public final static String UNITY_FRAMEWORK = "habbo2020-global-prod.wasm.framework.unityweb";
public final static String UNITY_LOADER = "UnityLoader.js";
public final static String UNITY_CODE = "habbo2020-global-prod.wasm.gz";
public final static String UNITY_FRAMEWORK = "habbo2020-global-prod.framework.js.gz";
public final static String UNITY_LOADER = "habbo2020-global-prod.loader.js";
private final static String UNITYFILES_URL = "https://images.habbo.com/habbo-webgl-clients/{revision}/WebGL/habbo2020-global-prod/Build/";
private final String revision;
private final File saveFolder;
private final String currentUrl;
private String revision;
private File saveFolder;
private String currentUrl;
public UnityWebModifyer(String revision, String saveFolder) {
public synchronized boolean modifyAllFiles(String revision, String saveFolderName) {
this.revision = revision;
this.currentUrl = UNITYFILES_URL.replace("{revision}", revision);
this.saveFolder = new File(saveFolder);
currentUrl = UNITYFILES_URL.replace("{revision}", revision);
saveFolder = new File(saveFolderName);
public boolean modifyAllFiles() {
if (saveFolder.exists()) {
return true;
try {
@ -57,27 +53,6 @@ public class UnityWebModifyer {
return true;
// return urls for: data, code & framework file
private void modifyProdFile() throws IOException {
String prodUrl = currentUrl + UNITY_PROD;
URLConnection connection = new URL(prodUrl).openConnection();
InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(new File(saveFolder, UNITY_PROD));
BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter);
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
private void downloadToFile(URL url, File file) throws IOException {
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
@ -89,7 +64,7 @@ public class UnityWebModifyer {
private void modifyDataFile() throws IOException {
File dataFile = new File(saveFolder, UNITY_DATA);
URL dataUrl = new URL(currentUrl + UNITY_DATA);
@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
//package gearth.services.unity_tools;
//import wasm.disassembly.InvalidOpCodeException;
//import wasm.disassembly.instructions.Expression;
//import wasm.disassembly.instructions.Instr;
//import wasm.disassembly.instructions.InstrType;
//import wasm.disassembly.instructions.control.CallInstr;
//import wasm.disassembly.instructions.variable.LocalVariableInstr;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.Module;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.indices.FuncIdx;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.indices.LocalIdx;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.indices.TypeIdx;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.sections.code.Func;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.sections.export.Export;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.sections.export.ExportDesc;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.sections.imprt.Import;
//import wasm.disassembly.modules.sections.imprt.ImportDesc;
//import wasm.disassembly.types.FuncType;
//import wasm.disassembly.types.ResultType;
//import wasm.disassembly.types.ValType;
//import wasm.misc.Function;
//import java.io.*;
//import java.util.*;
//public class WasmCodePatcherOld {
// private String file;
// public WasmCodePatcherOld(String file) {
// this.file = file;
// }
// public void patch() throws IOException, InvalidOpCodeException {
// Module module = new Module(file);
// FuncIdx returnByteId = findReturnByteFunc(module);
// FuncIdx setkey = findSetKeyFunc(module);
// FuncIdx outgoingIdx = findOutFunc(module);
// FuncIdx incomingIdx = findInFunc(module);
// hook(module, setkey, "g_chacha_setkey");
// copyEmptyHook(module, returnByteId, "_gearth_returnbyte_copy", "g_chacha_returnbyte");
// copyEmptyHook(module, outgoingIdx, "_gearth_outgoing_copy", "g_outgoing_packet");
// copyEmptyHook(module, incomingIdx, "_gearth_incoming_copy", "g_incoming_packet");
// module.assembleToFile(file);
// }
// private FuncIdx findOutFunc(Module module) {
// TypeIdx expectedTypeIdx = module.getTypeSection().getTypeIdxForFuncType(new FuncType(
// new ResultType(Arrays.asList(ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32)),
// new ResultType(Collections.emptyList())
// ));
// outerloop:
// for (int i = 0; i < module.getCodeSection().getCodesEntries().size(); i++) {
// FuncIdx currentIdx = new FuncIdx(i + module.getImportSection().getTotalFuncImports(), module);
// Func func = module.getCodeSection().getByIdx(currentIdx);
// if (func.getLocalss().size() != 0) continue;
// if (!module.getFunctionSection().getByIdx(currentIdx).equals(expectedTypeIdx)) continue;
// List<Instr> expression = func.getExpression().getInstructions();
// if (expression.size() != 6) continue;
// if (expression.get(0).getInstrType() != InstrType.LOCAL_GET) continue;
// if (expression.get(1).getInstrType() != InstrType.LOCAL_GET) continue;
// if (expression.get(2).getInstrType() != InstrType.LOCAL_GET) continue;
// if (expression.get(3).getInstrType() != InstrType.I32_LOAD) continue;
// if (expression.get(4).getInstrType() != InstrType.I32_CONST) continue;
// if (expression.get(5).getInstrType() != InstrType.CALL) continue;
// return currentIdx;
// }
// return null;
// }
// private FuncIdx findSetKeyFunc(Module module) {
// FuncType expectedType = new FuncType(
// new ResultType(Arrays.asList(ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32)),
// new ResultType(Collections.emptyList())
// );
// List<InstrType> expectedExpr = Arrays.asList(InstrType.I32_CONST, InstrType.I32_LOAD8_S,
// InstrType.I32_EQZ, InstrType.IF, InstrType.BLOCK, InstrType.LOCAL_GET, InstrType.I32_CONST,
// InstrType.LOCAL_GET, InstrType.I32_LOAD, InstrType.I32_CONST, InstrType.I32_CONST, InstrType.I32_CONST,
// InstrType.CALL);
// outerloop:
// for (int i = 0; i < module.getCodeSection().getCodesEntries().size(); i++) {
// FuncIdx funcIdx = new FuncIdx(i + module.getImportSection().getTotalFuncImports(), module);
// Function function = new Function(module, funcIdx);
// if (!function.getFuncType().equals(expectedType)) continue;
// if (!(function.getLocalsFloored().size() == 1 && function.getLocalsFloored().get(0) == ValType.I32)) continue;
// if (function.getCode().getInstructions().size() != expectedExpr.size()) continue;
// for (int j = 0; j < function.getCode().getInstructions().size(); j++) {
// Instr instr = function.getCode().getInstructions().get(j);
// if (instr.getInstrType() != expectedExpr.get(j)) continue outerloop;
// }
// return funcIdx;
// }
// return null;
// }
// private FuncIdx findReturnByteFunc(Module module) {
// FuncType expectedType = new FuncType(
// new ResultType(Arrays.asList(ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32)),
// new ResultType(Collections.singletonList(ValType.I32))
// );
// outerloop:
// for (int i = 0; i < module.getCodeSection().getCodesEntries().size(); i++) {
// FuncIdx funcIdx = new FuncIdx(i + module.getImportSection().getTotalFuncImports(), module);
// Function function = new Function(module, funcIdx);
// if (!function.getFuncType().equals(expectedType)) continue;
// if (function.getLocalsFloored().size() != 0) continue;
// if (function.getCode().getInstructions().size() != 30) continue;
// List<Instr> expr = function.getCode().getInstructions();
// if (expr.get(expr.size() - 1).getInstrType() != InstrType.I32_XOR) continue;
// return funcIdx;
// }
// return null;
// }
// private FuncIdx findInFunc(Module module) {
// FuncType expectedType = new FuncType(
// new ResultType(Arrays.asList(ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32, ValType.I32)),
// new ResultType(Collections.emptyList())
// );
// List<InstrType> expectedExpr = Arrays.asList(InstrType.I32_CONST, InstrType.I32_LOAD8_S,
// InstrType.I32_EQZ, InstrType.IF, InstrType.LOCAL_GET, InstrType.I32_LOAD, InstrType.LOCAL_TEE,
// InstrType.IF);
// outerloop:
// for (int i = 0; i < module.getCodeSection().getCodesEntries().size(); i++) {
// FuncIdx funcIdx = new FuncIdx(i + module.getImportSection().getTotalFuncImports(), module);
// Function function = new Function(module, funcIdx);
// if (!function.getFuncType().equals(expectedType)) continue;
// if (!(function.getLocalsFloored().size() == 1 && function.getLocalsFloored().get(0) == ValType.I32)) continue;
// if (function.getCode().getInstructions().size() != expectedExpr.size()) continue;
// for (int j = 0; j < function.getCode().getInstructions().size(); j++) {
// Instr instr = function.getCode().getInstructions().get(j);
// if (instr.getInstrType() != expectedExpr.get(j)) continue outerloop;
// }
// return funcIdx;
// }
// return null;
// }
// private void copyEmptyHook(Module module, FuncIdx orgFuncIdx, String exportName, String hookname) throws InvalidOpCodeException, IOException {
// // copies the method, empties the first one
// // export the copy
// // hooks to the emptied one
// Func func = module.getCodeSection().getByIdx(orgFuncIdx);
// FuncType funcType = module.getTypeSection().getByFuncIdx(orgFuncIdx);
// // copy the function
// Function copy = new Function(funcType, func.getLocalss(), func.getExpression());
// FuncIdx copyIdx = copy.addToModule(module);
// module.getExportSection().getExports().add(new Export(exportName, new ExportDesc(copyIdx)));
// // clear & hook original function, let it return whatever JS returns
// Import imp = new Import(
// "env",
// hookname,
// new ImportDesc(module.getTypeSection().getTypeIdxForFuncType(new FuncType(
// funcType.getParameterType(),
// funcType.getResultType()
// )))
// );
// FuncIdx hookIdx = module.getImportSection().importFunction(imp);
// CallInstr call = new CallInstr(hookIdx);
// List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < funcType.getParameterType().typeList().size(); i++) {
// newInstrs.add(new LocalVariableInstr(InstrType.LOCAL_GET, new LocalIdx(i)));
// }
// newInstrs.add(call);
// func.setExpression(new Expression(newInstrs));
// }
// private void hook(Module module, FuncIdx funcIdx, String jsFunctionName) throws InvalidOpCodeException, IOException {
// FuncType funcType = module.getTypeSection().getByFuncIdx(funcIdx);
// Import imp = new Import(
// "env",
// jsFunctionName,
// new ImportDesc(module.getTypeSection().getTypeIdxForFuncType(new FuncType(
// funcType.getParameterType(),
// new ResultType(Collections.emptyList())
// )))
// );
// FuncIdx hookIdx = module.getImportSection().importFunction(imp);
// CallInstr call = new CallInstr(hookIdx);
// Func root = module.getCodeSection().getByIdx(funcIdx);
// List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < funcType.getParameterType().typeList().size(); i++) {
// newInstrs.add(new LocalVariableInstr(InstrType.LOCAL_GET, new LocalIdx(i)));
// }
// newInstrs.add(call);
// newInstrs.addAll(root.getExpression().getInstructions());
// root.getExpression().setInstructions(newInstrs);
// }
Reference in New Issue
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