package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.TCollections; import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntObjectIterator; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.procedure.TObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import io.netty.util.internal.ConcurrentSet; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import java.awt.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class Room implements Comparable, ISerialize, Runnable { //Configuration. Loaded from database & updated accordingly. public static boolean HABBO_CHAT_DELAY = false; public static int MAXIMUM_BOTS = 10; public static int MAXIMUM_PETS = 10; public static int HAND_ITEM_TIME = 10; public static int IDLE_CYCLES = 240; public static int IDLE_CYCLES_KICK = 480; public static String PREFIX_FORMAT = "[%prefix%] "; private static final TIntObjectHashMap defaultMoodData = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); static { for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { RoomMoodlightData data = RoomMoodlightData.fromString(""); data.setId(i); defaultMoodData.put(i, data); } } private int id; private int ownerId; private String ownerName; private String name; private String description; private RoomLayout layout; private boolean overrideModel; private String layoutName; private String password; private RoomState state; private int usersMax; private volatile int score; private volatile int category; private String floorPaint; private String wallPaint; private String backgroundPaint; private int wallSize; private int wallHeight; private int floorSize; private int guild; private String tags; private volatile boolean publicRoom; private volatile boolean staffPromotedRoom; private volatile boolean allowPets; private volatile boolean allowPetsEat; private volatile boolean allowWalkthrough; private volatile boolean allowBotsWalk; private volatile boolean allowEffects; private volatile boolean hideWall; private volatile int chatMode; private volatile int chatWeight; private volatile int chatSpeed; private volatile int chatDistance; private volatile int chatProtection; private volatile int muteOption; private volatile int kickOption; private volatile int banOption; private volatile int pollId; private volatile boolean promoted; private volatile int tradeMode; private volatile boolean moveDiagonally; private volatile boolean jukeboxActive; private volatile boolean hideWired; private final ConcurrentHashMap currentHabbos = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(3); private final TIntObjectMap habboQueue = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntObjectHashMap<>(0)); private final TIntObjectMap currentBots = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntObjectHashMap<>(0)); private final TIntObjectMap currentPets = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntObjectHashMap<>(0)); private final THashSet activeTrades; private final TIntArrayList rights; private final TIntIntHashMap mutedHabbos; private final TIntObjectHashMap bannedHabbos; private final ConcurrentSet games; private final TIntObjectMap furniOwnerNames; private final TIntIntMap furniOwnerCount; private final TIntObjectMap moodlightData; private final THashSet wordFilterWords; private final TIntObjectMap roomItems; private final THashMap>> wiredHighscoreData; private RoomPromotion promotion; private volatile boolean needsUpdate; private volatile boolean loaded; private volatile boolean preLoaded; private int idleCycles; private volatile int unitCounter; private volatile int rollerSpeed; private long rollerCycle = System.currentTimeMillis(); private volatile int lastTimerReset = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private volatile boolean muted; private RoomSpecialTypes roomSpecialTypes; private final Object loadLock = new Object(); public final Object roomUnitLock = new Object(); //Use appropriately. Could potentially cause memory leaks when used incorrectly. public volatile boolean preventUnloading = false; public volatile boolean preventUncaching = false; public THashMap waterTiles; public final ConcurrentHashMap> tileCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public ConcurrentSet scheduledComposers = new ConcurrentSet<>(); public ConcurrentSet scheduledTasks = new ConcurrentSet<>(); public String wordQuiz = ""; public int noVotes = 0; public int yesVotes = 0; public int wordQuizEnd = 0; public final List userVotes; public ScheduledFuture roomCycleTask; private TraxManager traxManager; private long cycleTimestamp; public Room(ResultSet set) throws SQLException { = set.getInt("id"); this.ownerId = set.getInt("owner_id"); this.ownerName = set.getString("owner_name"); = set.getString("name"); this.description = set.getString("description"); this.password = set.getString("password"); this.state = RoomState.valueOf(set.getString("state").toUpperCase()); this.usersMax = set.getInt("users_max"); this.score = set.getInt("score"); this.category = set.getInt("category"); this.floorPaint = set.getString("paper_floor"); this.wallPaint = set.getString("paper_wall"); this.backgroundPaint = set.getString("paper_landscape"); this.wallSize = set.getInt("thickness_wall"); this.wallHeight = set.getInt("wall_height"); this.floorSize = set.getInt("thickness_floor"); this.tags = set.getString("tags"); this.publicRoom = set.getBoolean("is_public"); this.staffPromotedRoom = set.getBoolean("is_staff_picked"); this.allowPets = set.getBoolean("allow_other_pets"); this.allowPetsEat = set.getBoolean("allow_other_pets_eat"); this.allowWalkthrough = set.getBoolean("allow_walkthrough"); this.hideWall = set.getBoolean("allow_hidewall"); this.chatMode = set.getInt("chat_mode"); this.chatWeight = set.getInt("chat_weight"); this.chatSpeed = set.getInt("chat_speed"); this.chatDistance = set.getInt("chat_hearing_distance"); this.chatProtection = set.getInt("chat_protection"); this.muteOption = set.getInt("who_can_mute"); this.kickOption = set.getInt("who_can_kick"); this.banOption = set.getInt("who_can_ban"); this.pollId = set.getInt("poll_id"); this.guild = set.getInt("guild_id"); this.rollerSpeed = set.getInt("roller_speed"); this.overrideModel = set.getString("override_model").equals("1"); this.layoutName = set.getString("model"); this.promoted = set.getString("promoted").equals("1"); this.jukeboxActive = set.getString("jukebox_active").equals("1"); this.hideWired = set.getString("hidewired").equals("1"); this.bannedHabbos = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM room_promotions WHERE room_id = ? AND end_timestamp > ? LIMIT 1")) { if(this.promoted) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.setInt(2, Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp()); try (ResultSet promotionSet = statement.executeQuery()) { this.promoted = false; if ( { this.promoted = true; this.promotion = new RoomPromotion(this, promotionSet); } } } this.loadBans(connection); } this.tradeMode = set.getInt("trade_mode"); this.moveDiagonally = set.getString("move_diagonally").equals("1"); this.preLoaded = true; this.allowBotsWalk = true; this.allowEffects = true; this.furniOwnerNames = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntObjectHashMap<>(0)); this.furniOwnerCount = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntIntHashMap(0)); this.roomItems = TCollections.synchronizedMap(new TIntObjectHashMap<>(0)); this.wordFilterWords = new THashSet<>(0); this.moodlightData = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(defaultMoodData); for(String s : set.getString("moodlight_data").split(";")) { RoomMoodlightData data = RoomMoodlightData.fromString(s); this.moodlightData.put(data.getId(), data); } this.mutedHabbos = new TIntIntHashMap(); = new ConcurrentSet<>(); this.activeTrades = new THashSet<>(0); this.rights = new TIntArrayList(); this.wiredHighscoreData = new THashMap<>(); this.userVotes = new ArrayList<>(); } public synchronized void loadData() { synchronized (this.loadLock) { if (!this.preLoaded || this.loaded) return; this.preLoaded = false; try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { synchronized ( this.roomUnitLock) { this.unitCounter = 0; this.currentHabbos.clear(); this.currentPets.clear(); this.currentBots.clear(); } this.roomSpecialTypes = new RoomSpecialTypes(); try { this.loadLayout(); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadRights(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadItems(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadHeightmap(); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadBots(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadPets(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadWordFilter(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } try { this.loadWiredData(connection); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } this.idleCycles = 0; this.loaded = true; this.roomCycleTask = Emulator.getThreading().getService().scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 500, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } this.traxManager = new TraxManager(this); if (this.jukeboxActive) {; for (HabboItem item : this.roomSpecialTypes.getItemsOfType(InteractionJukeBox.class)) { item.setExtradata("1"); this.updateItem(item); } } } Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new RoomLoadedEvent(this)); } private synchronized void loadLayout() { if (this.layout == null) { if (this.overrideModel) { this.layout = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().loadCustomLayout(this); } else { this.layout = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().loadLayout(this.layoutName, this); } } } private synchronized void loadHeightmap() { if (this.layout != null) { for (short x = 0; x < this.layout.getMapSizeX(); x++) { for (short y = 0; y < this.layout.getMapSizeY(); y++) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile(x, y); if (tile != null) { this.updateTile(tile); } } } } else { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Unknown Room Layout for Room (ID: " + + ")"); } } private synchronized void loadItems(Connection connection) throws SQLException { this.roomItems.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM items WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { this.addHabboItem(Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().loadHabboItem(set)); } } } } private synchronized void loadWiredData(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT id, wired_data FROM items WHERE room_id = ? AND wired_data<>''")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { try { HabboItem item = this.getHabboItem(set.getInt("id")); if (item instanceof InteractionWired) { ((InteractionWired) item).loadWiredData(set, this); } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } private synchronized void loadBots(Connection connection) throws SQLException { this.currentBots.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT users.username AS owner_name, bots.* FROM bots INNER JOIN users ON bots.user_id = WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { Bot b = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getBotManager().loadBot(set); if (b != null) { b.setRoom(this); b.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); b.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(this); b.getRoomUnit().setLocation(this.layout.getTile((short) set.getInt("x"), (short) set.getInt("y"))); if (b.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation() == null) { b.getRoomUnit().setLocation(this.getLayout().getDoorTile()); b.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.fromValue(this.getLayout().getDoorDirection())); } else { b.getRoomUnit().setZ(set.getDouble("z")); b.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.values()[set.getInt("rot")]); } b.getRoomUnit().setRoomUnitType(RoomUnitType.BOT); b.getRoomUnit().setDanceType(DanceType.values()[set.getInt("dance")]); //b.getRoomUnit().setCanWalk(set.getBoolean("freeroam")); b.getRoomUnit().setInRoom(true); this.giveEffect(b.getRoomUnit(), set.getInt("effect"), Integer.MAX_VALUE); this.addBot(b); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } private synchronized void loadPets(Connection connection) throws SQLException { this.currentPets.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT users.username as pet_owner_name, users_pets.* FROM users_pets INNER JOIN users ON users_pets.user_id = WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { try { Pet pet = PetManager.loadPet(set); pet.setRoom(this); pet.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); pet.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(this); pet.getRoomUnit().setLocation(this.layout.getTile((short) set.getInt("x"), (short) set.getInt("y"))); if (pet.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation() == null) { pet.getRoomUnit().setLocation(this.getLayout().getDoorTile()); pet.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.fromValue(this.getLayout().getDoorDirection())); } else { pet.getRoomUnit().setZ(set.getDouble("z")); pet.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.values()[set.getInt("rot")]); } pet.getRoomUnit().setRoomUnitType(RoomUnitType.PET); pet.getRoomUnit().setCanWalk(true); this.addPet(pet); this.getFurniOwnerNames().put(pet.getUserId(), set.getString("pet_owner_name")); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } } } } private synchronized void loadWordFilter(Connection connection) throws SQLException { this.wordFilterWords.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM room_wordfilter WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { this.wordFilterWords.add(set.getString("word")); } } } } public void updateTile(RoomTile tile) { if (tile != null) { tile.setStackHeight(this.getStackHeight(tile.x, tile.y, false)); tile.setState(this.calculateTileState(tile)); } } public void updateTiles(THashSet tiles) { for (RoomTile tile : tiles) { this.tileCache.remove(tile); tile.setStackHeight(this.getStackHeight(tile.x, tile.y, false)); tile.setState(this.calculateTileState(tile)); } this.sendComposer(new UpdateStackHeightComposer(tiles).compose()); } private RoomTileState calculateTileState(RoomTile tile) { return this.calculateTileState(tile, null); } private RoomTileState calculateTileState(RoomTile tile, HabboItem exclude) { if (tile.state == RoomTileState.INVALID) return RoomTileState.INVALID; RoomTileState result = RoomTileState.OPEN; HabboItem lowestItem = null; HabboItem lowestChair = this.getLowestChair(tile); for (HabboItem item : this.getItemsAt(tile)) { if (exclude != null && item == exclude) continue; if (lowestChair != null && item.getZ() > lowestChair.getZ() + 1.5) { continue; } if (lowestItem == null || lowestItem.getZ() < item.getZ()) { lowestItem = item; result = this.checkStateForItem(lowestItem); } else if (lowestItem.getZ() == item.getZ()) { if (result == RoomTileState.OPEN) { result = this.checkStateForItem(item); } } } if (lowestChair != null) return RoomTileState.SIT; return result; } private RoomTileState checkStateForItem(HabboItem item) { RoomTileState result = RoomTileState.BLOCKED; if (item.isWalkable()) { result = RoomTileState.OPEN; } if (item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { result = RoomTileState.SIT; } if (item.getBaseItem().allowLay()) { result = RoomTileState.LAY; } return result; } public boolean tileWalkable(RoomTile t) { return this.tileWalkable(t.x, t.y); } public boolean tileWalkable(short x, short y) { boolean walkable = this.layout.tileWalkable(x, y); if (walkable) { if (this.hasHabbosAt(x, y) && !this.allowWalkthrough) { walkable = false; } } return walkable; //&& (!this.allowWalkthrough && !this.hasHabbosAt(x, y))); //if(this.layout.tileWalkable(x, y)) // // // // // // // } public void pickUpItem(HabboItem item, Habbo picker) { if(item == null) return; if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurniturePickedUpEvent.class, true)) { Event furniturePickedUpEvent = new FurniturePickedUpEvent(item, picker); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(furniturePickedUpEvent); if(furniturePickedUpEvent.isCancelled()) return; } this.removeHabboItem(item.getId()); item.onPickUp(this); item.setRoomId(0); item.needsUpdate(true); if (item.getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.FLOOR) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveFloorItemComposer(item).compose()); THashSet updatedTiles = new THashSet<>(); Rectangle rectangle = RoomLayout.getRectangle(item.getX(), item.getY(), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); for (short x = (short)rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.getWidth(); x++) { for (short y = (short)rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.getHeight(); y++) { double stackHeight = this.getStackHeight(x, y, false); RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile(x, y); if (tile != null) { tile.setStackHeight(stackHeight); updatedTiles.add(tile); } } } this.sendComposer(new UpdateStackHeightComposer(updatedTiles).compose()); this.updateTiles(updatedTiles); for (RoomTile tile : updatedTiles) { this.updateHabbosAt(tile.x, tile.y); } } else if (item.getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.WALL) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveWallItemComposer(item).compose()); } Habbo habbo = (picker != null && picker.getHabboInfo().getId() == item.getId() ? picker : Emulator.getGameServer().getGameClientManager().getHabbo(item.getUserId())); if (habbo != null) { habbo.getInventory().getItemsComponent().addItem(item); habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new AddHabboItemComposer(item)); habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new InventoryRefreshComposer()); } Emulator.getThreading().run(item); } public void updateHabbosAt(Rectangle rectangle) { for(short i = (short) rectangle.x; i < rectangle.x + rectangle.width; i++) { for(short j = (short) rectangle.y; j < rectangle.y + rectangle.height; j++) { this.updateHabbosAt(i, j); } } } public void updateHabbo(Habbo habbo) { this.updateRoomUnit(habbo.getRoomUnit()); } public void updateRoomUnit(RoomUnit roomUnit) { HabboItem item = this.getTopItemAt(roomUnit.getX(), roomUnit.getY()); if((item == null && !roomUnit.cmdSit) || (item != null && !item.getBaseItem().allowSit())) roomUnit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT); double oldZ = roomUnit.getZ(); if(item != null) { if(item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { roomUnit.setZ(item.getZ()); } else { roomUnit.setZ(item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()); } if (oldZ != roomUnit.getZ()) { this.scheduledTasks.add(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { item.onWalkOn(roomUnit, Room.this, null); } catch (Exception e) { } } }); } } this.sendComposer(new RoomUserStatusComposer(roomUnit).compose()); } public void updateHabbosAt(short x, short y) { THashSet habbos = this.getHabbosAt(x, y); HabboItem item = this.getTopItemAt(x, y); THashSet roomUnits = new THashSet<>(); for (Habbo habbo : habbos) { if ((item == null && !habbo.getRoomUnit().cmdSit) || (item != null && !item.getBaseItem().allowSit())) habbo.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT); if ((item == null && !habbo.getRoomUnit().cmdLay) || (item != null && !item.getBaseItem().allowLay())) habbo.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY); if(item != null) { if(item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setZ(item.getZ()); habbo.getRoomUnit().setPreviousLocationZ(item.getZ()); habbo.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.fromValue(item.getRotation())); } else { habbo.getRoomUnit().setZ(item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()); if (item.getBaseItem().allowLay()) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY, (item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()) + ""); } } } else { habbo.getRoomUnit().setZ(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().getStackHeight()); habbo.getRoomUnit().setPreviousLocationZ(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().getStackHeight()); } roomUnits.add(habbo.getRoomUnit()); } if (!roomUnits.isEmpty()) { this.sendComposer(new RoomUserStatusComposer(roomUnits, true).compose()); } } public void pickupPetsForHabbo(Habbo habbo) { THashSet pets = new THashSet<>(); synchronized (this.currentPets) { for(Pet pet : this.currentPets.valueCollection()) { if(pet.getUserId() == habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) { pets.add(pet); } } } for(Pet pet : pets) { pet.setRoom(null); pet.needsUpdate = true; habbo.getInventory().getPetsComponent().addPet(pet); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserRemoveComposer(pet.getRoomUnit()).compose()); habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new AddPetComposer(pet)); this.currentPets.remove(pet.getId()); } } public void startTrade(Habbo userOne, Habbo userTwo) { RoomTrade trade = new RoomTrade(userOne, userTwo, this); synchronized (this.activeTrades) { this.activeTrades.add(trade); } trade.start(); } public void stopTrade(RoomTrade trade) { synchronized (this.activeTrades) { this.activeTrades.remove(trade); } } public RoomTrade getActiveTradeForHabbo(Habbo user) { synchronized (this.activeTrades) { for (RoomTrade trade : this.activeTrades) { for (RoomTradeUser habbo : trade.getRoomTradeUsers()) { if (habbo.getHabbo() == user) return trade; } } } return null; } public synchronized void dispose() { synchronized (this.loadLock) { if (this.preventUnloading) return; if (Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new RoomUnloadingEvent(this)).isCancelled()) return; if (this.loaded) { if (!this.traxManager.disposed()) { this.traxManager.dispose(); } try { this.roomCycleTask.cancel(false); this.scheduledTasks.clear(); this.scheduledComposers.clear(); this.loaded = false; this.tileCache.clear(); synchronized (this.mutedHabbos) { this.mutedHabbos.clear(); } for (Game game : { game.stop(); }; synchronized (this.roomItems) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); if (iterator.value().needsUpdate()) iterator.value().run(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { break; } } } if (this.roomSpecialTypes != null) { this.roomSpecialTypes.dispose(); } synchronized (this.roomItems) { this.roomItems.clear(); } synchronized (this.habboQueue) { this.habboQueue.clear(); } for (Habbo habbo : this.currentHabbos.values()) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().leaveRoom(habbo, this); } this.sendComposer(new HotelViewComposer().compose()); this.currentHabbos.clear(); TIntObjectIterator botIterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { botIterator.advance(); botIterator.value().needsUpdate(true); Emulator.getThreading().run(botIterator.value()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } } TIntObjectIterator petIterator = this.currentPets.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentPets.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { petIterator.advance(); petIterator.value().needsUpdate = true; Emulator.getThreading().run(petIterator.value()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } } this.currentBots.clear(); this.currentPets.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } this.wordQuiz = ""; this.yesVotes = 0; this.noVotes = 0; this.updateDatabaseUserCount(); this.preLoaded = true; this.layout = null; } Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new RoomUnloadedEvent(this)); } @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") @Override public int compareTo(Room o) { if (o.getUserCount() != this.getUserCount()) { return o.getCurrentHabbos().size() - this.getCurrentHabbos().size(); } return - ; } @Override public void serialize(ServerMessage message) { message.appendInt(; message.appendString(; if(this.isPublicRoom()) { message.appendInt(0); message.appendString(""); } else { message.appendInt(this.ownerId); message.appendString(this.ownerName); } message.appendInt(this.state.getState()); message.appendInt(this.getUserCount()); message.appendInt(this.usersMax); message.appendString(this.description); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(this.score); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(this.category); message.appendInt(this.tags.split(";").length); for(String s : this.tags.split(";")) { message.appendString(s); } int base = 0; if(this.getGuildId() > 0) { base = base | 2; } if (this.isPromoted()) { base = base | 4; } if(!this.isPublicRoom()) { base = base | 8; } message.appendInt(base); if(this.getGuildId() > 0) { Guild g = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getGuild(this.getGuildId()); if (g != null) { message.appendInt(g.getId()); message.appendString(g.getName()); message.appendString(g.getBadge()); } else { message.appendInt(0); message.appendString(""); message.appendString(""); } } if(this.promoted) { message.appendString(this.promotion.getTitle()); message.appendString(this.promotion.getDescription()); message.appendInt((this.promotion.getEndTimestamp() - Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp()) / 60); } } public static final Comparator SORT_SCORE = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { if (!(o1 instanceof Room && o2 instanceof Room)) return 0; return ((Room) o2).getScore() - ((Room) o1).getScore(); } }; public static final Comparator SORT_ID = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { if (!(o1 instanceof Room && o2 instanceof Room)) return 0; return ((Room) o2).getId() - ((Room) o1).getId(); } }; @Override public void run() { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (this.loadLock) { if (this.loaded) { try { Emulator.getThreading().run( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Room.this.cycle(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } }; } public void save() { if(this.needsUpdate) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE rooms SET name = ?, description = ?, password = ?, state = ?, users_max = ?, category = ?, score = ?, paper_floor = ?, paper_wall = ?, paper_landscape = ?, thickness_wall = ?, wall_height = ?, thickness_floor = ?, moodlight_data = ?, tags = ?, allow_other_pets = ?, allow_other_pets_eat = ?, allow_walkthrough = ?, allow_hidewall = ?, chat_mode = ?, chat_weight = ?, chat_speed = ?, chat_hearing_distance = ?, chat_protection =?, who_can_mute = ?, who_can_kick = ?, who_can_ban = ?, poll_id = ?, guild_id = ?, roller_speed = ?, override_model = ?, is_staff_picked = ?, promoted = ?, trade_mode = ?, move_diagonally = ?, owner_id = ?, owner_name = ?, jukebox_active = ?, hidewired = ? WHERE id = ?")) { statement.setString(1,; statement.setString(2, this.description); statement.setString(3, this.password); statement.setString(4,; statement.setInt(5, this.usersMax); statement.setInt(6, this.category); statement.setInt(7, this.score); statement.setString(8, this.floorPaint); statement.setString(9, this.wallPaint); statement.setString(10, this.backgroundPaint); statement.setInt(11, this.wallSize); statement.setInt(12, this.wallHeight); statement.setInt(13, this.floorSize); StringBuilder moodLightData = new StringBuilder(); int id = 1; for(RoomMoodlightData data : this.moodlightData.valueCollection()) { data.setId(id); moodLightData.append(data.toString()).append(";"); id++; } statement.setString(14, moodLightData.toString()); statement.setString(15, this.tags); statement.setString(16, this.allowPets ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(17, this.allowPetsEat ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(18, this.allowWalkthrough ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(19, this.hideWall ? "1" : "0"); statement.setInt(20, this.chatMode); statement.setInt(21, this.chatWeight); statement.setInt(22, this.chatSpeed); statement.setInt(23, this.chatDistance); statement.setInt(24, this.chatProtection); statement.setInt(25, this.muteOption); statement.setInt(26, this.kickOption); statement.setInt(27, this.banOption); statement.setInt(28, this.pollId); statement.setInt(29, this.guild); statement.setInt(30, this.rollerSpeed); statement.setString(31, this.overrideModel ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(32, this.staffPromotedRoom ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(33, this.promoted ? "1" : "0"); statement.setInt(34, this.tradeMode); statement.setString(35, this.moveDiagonally ? "1" : "0"); statement.setInt(36, this.ownerId); statement.setString(37, this.ownerName); statement.setString(38, this.jukeboxActive ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(39, this.hideWired ? "1" : "0"); statement.setInt(40,; statement.executeUpdate(); this.needsUpdate = false; } catch(SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } } private void updateDatabaseUserCount() { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE rooms SET users = ? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1")) { statement.setInt(1, this.currentHabbos.size()); statement.setInt(2,; statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } private void cycle() { this.cycleTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); final boolean[] foundRightHolder = {false}; boolean loaded; synchronized (this.loadLock) { loaded = this.loaded; } this.tileCache.clear(); if(loaded) { if (!this.scheduledTasks.isEmpty()) { ConcurrentSet tasks = this.scheduledTasks; this.scheduledTasks = new ConcurrentSet<>(); for (Runnable runnable : tasks) { Emulator.getThreading().run(runnable); } } for (ICycleable task : this.roomSpecialTypes.getCycleTasks()) { task.cycle(this); } if (!this.currentHabbos.isEmpty()) { this.idleCycles = 0; THashSet updatedUnit = new THashSet<>(); ArrayList toKick = new ArrayList<>(); final Room room = this; final long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Habbo habbo : this.currentHabbos.values()) { if (!foundRightHolder[0]) { foundRightHolder[0] = habbo.getRoomUnit().getRightsLevel() != RoomRightLevels.NONE; } if (habbo.getRoomUnit().getHandItem() > 0 && millis - habbo.getRoomUnit().getHandItemTimestamp() > (Room.HAND_ITEM_TIME * 1000)) { this.giveHandItem(habbo, 0); } if (habbo.getRoomUnit().getEffectId() > 0 && millis / 1000 > habbo.getRoomUnit().getEffectEndTimestamp()) { this.giveEffect(habbo, 0, -1); } if (habbo.getRoomUnit().isKicked) { habbo.getRoomUnit().kickCount++; if (habbo.getRoomUnit().kickCount >= 5) { this.scheduledTasks.add(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().leaveRoom(habbo, room); } }); continue; } } if (Emulator.getConfig().getBoolean("")) { if (!habbo.getRoomUnit().isIdle()) { habbo.getRoomUnit().increaseIdleTimer(); if (habbo.getRoomUnit().isIdle()) { this.sendComposer(new RoomUnitIdleComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit()).compose()); } } else { habbo.getRoomUnit().increaseIdleTimer(); if (!this.isOwner(habbo) && habbo.getRoomUnit().getIdleTimer() >= Room.IDLE_CYCLES_KICK) { UserExitRoomEvent event = new UserExitRoomEvent(habbo, UserExitRoomEvent.UserExitRoomReason.KICKED_IDLE); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { toKick.add(habbo); } } } } if (habbo.getHabboStats().mutedBubbleTracker && habbo.getHabboStats().allowTalk()) { habbo.getHabboStats().mutedBubbleTracker = false; this.sendComposer(new RoomUserIgnoredComposer(habbo, RoomUserIgnoredComposer.UNIGNORED).compose()); } if (!habbo.hasPermission("acc_chat_no_flood") && habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter > 0) { //if (habbo.getRoomUnit().talkTimeOut == 0 || currentTimestamp - habbo.getRoomUnit().talkTimeOut < 0) { habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter--; if (habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter > 3 && !this.hasRights(habbo)) { if (this.chatProtection == 0) { this.floodMuteHabbo(habbo, 30); } else if (this.chatProtection == 1 && habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter > 4) { this.floodMuteHabbo(habbo, 30); } else if (this.chatProtection == 2 && habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter > 5) { this.floodMuteHabbo(habbo, 30); } } } } else { habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter = 0; } if (this.cycleRoomUnit(habbo.getRoomUnit(), RoomUnitType.USER)) { updatedUnit.add(habbo.getRoomUnit()); } } if(!toKick.isEmpty()) { for(Habbo habbo : toKick) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().leaveRoom(habbo, this); } } if (!this.currentBots.isEmpty()) { TIntObjectIterator botIterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { final Bot bot; try { botIterator.advance(); bot = botIterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (!this.allowBotsWalk && bot.getRoomUnit().isWalking()) { bot.getRoomUnit().stopWalking(); updatedUnit.add(bot.getRoomUnit()); continue; } botIterator.value().cycle(this.allowBotsWalk); if (this.cycleRoomUnit(bot.getRoomUnit(), RoomUnitType.BOT)) { updatedUnit.add(bot.getRoomUnit()); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } } } if (!this.currentPets.isEmpty()) { if (this.allowBotsWalk) { TIntObjectIterator petIterator = this.currentPets.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentPets.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { petIterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } Pet pet = petIterator.value(); if (this.cycleRoomUnit(pet.getRoomUnit(), RoomUnitType.PET)) { updatedUnit.add(pet.getRoomUnit()); } pet.cycle(); if (pet.packetUpdate) { updatedUnit.add(pet.getRoomUnit()); pet.packetUpdate = false; } if (pet.getTask() == PetTasks.RIDE) { if (pet instanceof HorsePet) { HorsePet horse = ((HorsePet) pet); if (horse.getRider() != null) { if (!horse.getRider().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().equals(horse.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation())) { horse.getRoomUnit().setGoalLocation(horse.getRider().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()); } } } } if (pet.getRoomUnit().isWalking() && pet.getRoomUnit().getPath().size() == 1 && pet.getRoomUnit().hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE)) { pet.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE); updatedUnit.add(pet.getRoomUnit()); } } } } if(this.rollerSpeed != -1 && this.rollerCycle >= this.rollerSpeed) { this.rollerCycle = 0; THashSet messages = new THashSet<>(); //Find alternative for this. //Reason is that tile gets updated after every roller. List rollerFurniIds = new ArrayList<>(); List rolledUnitIds = new ArrayList<>(); this.roomSpecialTypes.getRollers().forEachValue(new TObjectProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(InteractionRoller roller) { //if(, this.layout.getHeightAtSquare(roller.getX(), roller.getY())) != 0) //} HabboItem newRoller = null; THashSet habbosOnRoller = Room.this.getHabbosAt(roller.getX(), roller.getY()); THashSet itemsOnRoller = new THashSet<>(getItemsAt(roller.getX(), roller.getY())); itemsOnRoller.remove(roller); if (habbosOnRoller.isEmpty()) { if (itemsOnRoller.isEmpty()) return true; } RoomTile tileInFront = Room.this.layout.getTileInFront(Room.this.layout.getTile(roller.getX(), roller.getY()), roller.getRotation()); RoomTile rollerTile = Room.this.layout.getTile(roller.getX(), roller.getY()); if (tileInFront == null) return true; if (!Room.this.layout.tileExists(tileInFront.x, tileInFront.y)) return true; if (tileInFront.state == RoomTileState.INVALID) return true; if (!tileInFront.getAllowStack() && !(tileInFront.isWalkable() || tileInFront.state == RoomTileState.SIT || tileInFront.state == RoomTileState.LAY)) return true; if (Room.this.hasHabbosAt(tileInFront.x, tileInFront.y)) return true; THashSet itemsNewTile = new THashSet<>(getItemsAt(tileInFront.x, tileInFront.y)); itemsNewTile.removeAll(itemsOnRoller); List toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (HabboItem item : itemsOnRoller) { if (item.getX() != roller.getX() || item.getY() != roller.getY() || rollerFurniIds.contains(item.getId())) { toRemove.add(item); } } itemsOnRoller.removeAll(toRemove); HabboItem topItem = Room.this.getTopItemAt(tileInFront.x, tileInFront.y); boolean allowUsers = true; boolean allowFurniture = true; boolean stackContainsRoller = false; for (HabboItem item : itemsNewTile) { if (!(item.getBaseItem().allowWalk() || item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) && !(item instanceof InteractionGate && item.getExtradata().equals("1"))) { allowUsers = false; } if (item instanceof InteractionRoller) { newRoller = item; stackContainsRoller = true; if ((item.getZ() != roller.getZ() || (itemsNewTile.size() > 1 && item != topItem)) && !InteractionRoller.NO_RULES) { allowUsers = false; allowFurniture = false; continue; } break; } else { allowFurniture = false; } } if (allowFurniture) { allowFurniture = tileInFront.getAllowStack(); } double zOffset = 0; if (newRoller != null) { if ((!itemsNewTile.isEmpty() && (itemsNewTile.size() > 1)) && !InteractionRoller.NO_RULES) { return true; } } else { zOffset = -roller.getBaseItem().getHeight() + tileInFront.getStackHeight() - rollerTile.z; } if (allowUsers) { Event roomUserRolledEvent = null; if (Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(UserRolledEvent.class, true)) { roomUserRolledEvent = new UserRolledEvent(null, null, null); } for (Habbo habbo : habbosOnRoller) { if (rolledUnitIds.contains(habbo.getRoomUnit().getId())) continue; rolledUnitIds.add(habbo.getRoomUnit().getId()); if (stackContainsRoller && !allowFurniture && !(topItem != null && topItem.isWalkable())) continue; if (!habbo.getRoomUnit().hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE)) { RoomTile tile = tileInFront.copy(); tile.setStackHeight(habbo.getRoomUnit().getZ() + zOffset); if (roomUserRolledEvent != null) { roomUserRolledEvent = new UserRolledEvent(habbo, roller, tile); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(roomUserRolledEvent); if (roomUserRolledEvent.isCancelled()) continue; } updatedUnit.remove(habbo.getRoomUnit()); messages.add(new RoomUnitOnRollerComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit(), roller, habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation(), habbo.getRoomUnit().getZ(), tile, tile.getStackHeight(), room)); if (itemsOnRoller.isEmpty()) { HabboItem item = room.getTopItemAt(tileInFront.x, tileInFront.y); if (item != null && itemsNewTile.contains(item)) { try { item.onWalkOn(habbo.getRoomUnit(), room, null); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } } } if (habbo.getRoomUnit().hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT)) habbo.getRoomUnit().sitUpdate = true; break; } } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { for (MessageComposer message : messages) { room.sendComposer(message.compose()); } messages.clear(); } if ((allowFurniture || !stackContainsRoller) && !InteractionRoller.NO_RULES) { Event furnitureRolledEvent = null; if (Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurnitureRolledEvent.class, true)) { furnitureRolledEvent = new FurnitureRolledEvent(null, null, null); } if (newRoller == null || topItem == newRoller) { List sortedItems = new ArrayList<>(itemsOnRoller); sortedItems.sort(new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(HabboItem o1, HabboItem o2) { return o1.getZ() > o2.getZ() ? -1 : 1; } }); for (HabboItem item : sortedItems) { if (item.getX() == roller.getX() && item.getY() == roller.getY() && zOffset <= 0) { if (item != roller) { if (furnitureRolledEvent != null) { furnitureRolledEvent = new FurnitureRolledEvent(item, roller, tileInFront); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(furnitureRolledEvent); if (furnitureRolledEvent.isCancelled()) continue; } messages.add(new FloorItemOnRollerComposer(item, roller, tileInFront, zOffset, room)); rollerFurniIds.add(item.getId()); } } } } } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { for (MessageComposer message : messages) { room.sendComposer(message.compose()); } messages.clear(); } return true; } }); int currentTime = (int) (this.cycleTimestamp / 1000); for(HabboItem pyramid : this.roomSpecialTypes.getItemsOfType(InteractionPyramid.class)) { if(pyramid instanceof InteractionPyramid) { if(((InteractionPyramid) pyramid).getNextChange() < currentTime) { ((InteractionPyramid) pyramid).change(this); } } } } else { this.rollerCycle++; } if(!updatedUnit.isEmpty()) { this.sendComposer(new RoomUserStatusComposer(updatedUnit, true).compose()); } this.traxManager.cycle(); } else { if(this.idleCycles < 60) this.idleCycles++; else this.dispose(); } } synchronized (this.habboQueue) { if (!this.habboQueue.isEmpty() && !foundRightHolder[0]) { this.habboQueue.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(int a, Habbo b) { if (b.isOnline()) { if (b.getHabboInfo().getRoomQueueId() == Room.this.getId()) { b.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomAccessDeniedComposer("")); } } return true; } }); this.habboQueue.clear(); } } if (!this.scheduledComposers.isEmpty()) { for (ServerMessage message : this.scheduledComposers) { this.sendComposer(message); } this.scheduledComposers.clear(); } } private boolean cycleRoomUnit(RoomUnit unit, RoomUnitType type) { boolean update = unit.needsStatusUpdate(); if (unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIGN)) { this.sendComposer(new RoomUserStatusComposer(unit).compose()); unit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIGN); } if (unit.isWalking() && unit.getPath() != null && !unit.getPath().isEmpty()) { if (!unit.cycle(this)) { return true; } } else { if (unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE) && !unit.animateWalk) { unit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE); update = true; } if (!unit.isWalking() && !unit.cmdSit) { HabboItem topItem = this.getLowestChair(unit.getX(), unit.getY()); if (topItem == null || !topItem.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { if (unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT)) { unit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT); update = true; } } else { if (!unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT) || unit.sitUpdate) {, DanceType.NONE); int tileHeight = this.layout.getTile(topItem.getX(), topItem.getY()).z; if (topItem instanceof InteractionMultiHeight) { unit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT, (Item.getCurrentHeight(topItem) * 1.0D) + ""); } else { unit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT, (topItem.getBaseItem().getHeight() * 1.0D) + ""); } unit.setPreviousLocationZ(topItem.getZ()); unit.setRotation(RoomUserRotation.values()[topItem.getRotation()]); unit.sitUpdate = false; return true; } } } } if (!unit.isWalking() && !unit.cmdLay) { HabboItem topItem = this.getTopItemAt(unit.getX(), unit.getY()); if (topItem == null || !topItem.getBaseItem().allowLay()) { if (unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY)) { unit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY); update = true; } } else { if (!unit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY)) { if (topItem instanceof InteractionMultiHeight) { unit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY, Item.getCurrentHeight(topItem) * 1.0D + ""); } else { unit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY, topItem.getBaseItem().getHeight() * 1.0D + ""); } unit.setRotation(RoomUserRotation.values()[topItem.getRotation()]); if (topItem.getRotation() == 0 || topItem.getRotation() == 4) { unit.setLocation(this.layout.getTile(unit.getX(), topItem.getY())); //unit.setOldY(topItem.getY()); } else { unit.setLocation(this.layout.getTile(topItem.getX(), unit.getY())); //unit.setOldX(topItem.getX()); } update = true; } } } if (update) { unit.statusUpdate(false); } return update; } public int getId() { return; } public int getOwnerId() { return this.ownerId; } public void setOwnerId(int ownerId) { this.ownerId = ownerId; } public String getOwnerName() { return this.ownerName; } public void setOwnerName(String ownerName) { this.ownerName = ownerName; } public String getName() { return; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public RoomLayout getLayout() { return this.layout; } public void setLayout(RoomLayout layout) { this.layout = layout; } public boolean hasCustomLayout() { return this.overrideModel; } public void setHasCustomLayout(boolean overrideModel) { this.overrideModel = overrideModel; } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } public RoomState getState() { return this.state; } public int getUsersMax() { return this.usersMax; } public int getScore() { return this.score; } public int getCategory() { return this.category; } public String getFloorPaint() { return this.floorPaint; } public String getWallPaint() { return this.wallPaint; } public String getBackgroundPaint() { return this.backgroundPaint; } public int getWallSize() { return this.wallSize; } public int getWallHeight() { return this.wallHeight; } public void setWallHeight(int wallHeight) { this.wallHeight = wallHeight; } public int getFloorSize() { return this.floorSize; } public String getTags() { return this.tags; } public int getTradeMode() { return this.tradeMode; } public boolean moveDiagonally() { return this.moveDiagonally; } public void moveDiagonally(boolean moveDiagonally) { this.moveDiagonally = moveDiagonally; this.layout.moveDiagonally(this.moveDiagonally); this.needsUpdate = true; } public int getGuildId() { return this.guild; } public boolean hasGuild() { return this.guild != 0; } public void setGuild(int guild) { this.guild = guild; } public String getGuildName() { if (this.hasGuild()) { Guild guild = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getGuild(this.guild); if (guild != null) { return guild.getName(); } } return ""; } public boolean isPublicRoom() { return this.publicRoom; } public void setPublicRoom(boolean publicRoom) { this.publicRoom = publicRoom; } public boolean isStaffPromotedRoom() { return this.staffPromotedRoom; } public void setStaffPromotedRoom(boolean staffPromotedRoom) { this.staffPromotedRoom = staffPromotedRoom; } public boolean isAllowPets() { return this.allowPets; } public boolean isAllowPetsEat() { return this.allowPetsEat; } public boolean isAllowWalkthrough() { return this.allowWalkthrough; } public boolean isAllowBotsWalk() { return this.allowBotsWalk; } public boolean isAllowEffects() { return this.allowEffects; } public void setAllowEffects(boolean allowEffects) { this.allowEffects = allowEffects; } public boolean isHideWall() { return this.hideWall; } public Color getBackgroundTonerColor() { Color color = new Color(0, 0, 0); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i > 0; i--) { try { iterator.advance(); HabboItem object = iterator.value(); if (object instanceof InteractionBackgroundToner) { String[] extraData = object.getExtradata().split(":"); if (extraData.length == 4) { if (extraData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { return Color.getHSBColor(Integer.valueOf(extraData[1]), Integer.valueOf(extraData[2]), Integer.valueOf(extraData[3])); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } return color; } public int getChatMode() { return this.chatMode; } public int getChatWeight() { return this.chatWeight; } public int getChatSpeed() { return this.chatSpeed; } public int getChatDistance() { return this.chatDistance; } public void setName(String name) { = name; if ( > 50) { =, 50); } if (this.hasGuild()) { Guild guild = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getGuild(this.guild); if (guild != null) { guild.setRoomName(name); } } } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; if (this.description.length() > 250) { this.description = this.description.substring(0, 250); } } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; if (this.password.length() > 20) { this.password = this.password.substring(0, 20); } } public void setState(RoomState state) { this.state = state; } public void setUsersMax(int usersMax) { this.usersMax = usersMax; } public void setScore(int score) { this.score = score; } public void setCategory(int category) { this.category = category; } public void setFloorPaint(String floorPaint) { this.floorPaint = floorPaint; } public void setWallPaint(String wallPaint) { this.wallPaint = wallPaint; } public void setBackgroundPaint(String backgroundPaint) { this.backgroundPaint = backgroundPaint; } public void setWallSize(int wallSize) { this.wallSize = wallSize; } public void setFloorSize(int floorSize) { this.floorSize = floorSize; } public void setTags(String tags) { this.tags = tags; } public void setTradeMode(int tradeMode) { this.tradeMode = tradeMode; } public void setAllowPets(boolean allowPets) { this.allowPets = allowPets; } public void setAllowPetsEat(boolean allowPetsEat) { this.allowPetsEat = allowPetsEat; } public void setAllowWalkthrough(boolean allowWalkthrough) { this.allowWalkthrough = allowWalkthrough; } public void setAllowBotsWalk(boolean allowBotsWalk) { this.allowBotsWalk = allowBotsWalk; } public void setHideWall(boolean hideWall) { this.hideWall = hideWall; } public void setChatMode(int chatMode) { this.chatMode = chatMode; } public void setChatWeight(int chatWeight) { this.chatWeight = chatWeight; } public void setChatSpeed(int chatSpeed) { this.chatSpeed = chatSpeed; } public void setChatDistance(int chatDistance) { this.chatDistance = chatDistance; } public int getChatProtection() { return this.chatProtection; } public void setChatProtection(int chatProtection) { this.chatProtection = chatProtection; } public int getMuteOption() { return this.muteOption; } public void setMuteOption(int muteOption) { this.muteOption = muteOption; } public int getKickOption() { return this.kickOption; } public void setKickOption(int kickOption) { this.kickOption = kickOption; } public int getBanOption() { return this.banOption; } public void setBanOption(int banOption) { this.banOption = banOption; } public int getPollId() { return this.pollId; } public int getRollerSpeed() { return this.rollerSpeed; } public String[] filterAnything() { return new String[]{this.getOwnerName(), this.getGuildName(), this.getDescription(), this.getPromotionDesc()}; } public long getCycleTimestamp() { return this.cycleTimestamp; } public boolean isPromoted() { this.promoted = this.promotion != null && this.promotion.getEndTimestamp() > Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); this.needsUpdate = true; return this.promoted; } public RoomPromotion getPromotion() { return this.promotion; } public String getPromotionDesc() { if (this.promotion != null) { return this.promotion.getDescription(); } return ""; } public void createPromotion(String title, String description) { this.promoted = true; if(this.promotion == null) { this.promotion = new RoomPromotion(this, title, description, Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + (120 * 60)); } else { this.promotion.setTitle(title); this.promotion.setDescription(description); this.promotion.setEndTimestamp(Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + (120 * 60)); } try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO room_promotions (room_id, title, description, end_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title = ?, description = ?, end_timestamp = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.setString(2, title); statement.setString(3, description); statement.setInt(4, this.promotion.getEndTimestamp()); statement.setString(5, this.promotion.getTitle()); statement.setString(6, this.promotion.getDescription()); statement.setInt(7, this.promotion.getEndTimestamp()); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } this.needsUpdate = true; } public void setRollerSpeed(int rollerSpeed) { this.rollerSpeed = rollerSpeed; this.rollerCycle = 0; this.needsUpdate = true; } public void setPollId(int pollId) { this.pollId = pollId; } public boolean addGame(Game game) { synchronized ( { return; } } public boolean deleteGame(Game game) { game.stop(); synchronized ( { return; } } public Game getGame(Class gameType) { synchronized ( { for(Game game : { if(gameType.isInstance(game)) { return game; } } } return null; } public int getUserCount() { return this.currentHabbos.size(); } public ConcurrentHashMap getCurrentHabbos() { return this.currentHabbos; } public Collection getHabbos() { return this.currentHabbos.values(); } public TIntObjectMap getHabboQueue() { return this.habboQueue; } public TIntObjectMap getFurniOwnerNames() { return this.furniOwnerNames; } public String getFurniOwnerName(int userId) { return this.furniOwnerNames.get(userId); } public TIntIntMap getFurniOwnerCount() { return this.furniOwnerCount; } public TIntObjectMap getMoodlightData() { return this.moodlightData; } public int getLastTimerReset() { return this.lastTimerReset; } public void setLastTimerReset(int lastTimerReset) { this.lastTimerReset = lastTimerReset; } public void addToQueue(Habbo habbo) { synchronized (this.habboQueue) { this.habboQueue.put(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), habbo); } } public boolean removeFromQueue(Habbo habbo) { try { this.sendComposer(new HideDoorbellComposer(habbo.getHabboInfo().getUsername()).compose()); synchronized (this.habboQueue) { return this.habboQueue.remove(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) != null; } } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } return true; } public TIntObjectMap getCurrentBots() { return this.currentBots; } public TIntObjectMap getCurrentPets() { return this.currentPets; } public THashSet getWordFilterWords() { return this.wordFilterWords; } public RoomSpecialTypes getRoomSpecialTypes() { return this.roomSpecialTypes; } public boolean isPreLoaded() { return this.preLoaded; } public boolean isLoaded() { return this.loaded; } public void setNeedsUpdate(boolean needsUpdate) { this.needsUpdate = needsUpdate; } public TIntArrayList getRights() { return this.rights; } public boolean isMuted() { return this.muted; } public void setMuted(boolean muted) { this.muted = muted; } public TraxManager getTraxManager() { return this.traxManager; } public void addHabboItem(HabboItem item) { if(item == null) return; synchronized (this.roomItems) { try { this.roomItems.put(item.getId(), item); } catch (Exception e) { } } synchronized (this.furniOwnerCount) { this.furniOwnerCount.put(item.getUserId(), this.furniOwnerCount.get(item.getUserId()) + 1); } synchronized (this.furniOwnerNames) { if (!this.furniOwnerNames.containsKey(item.getUserId())) { HabboInfo habbo = HabboManager.getOfflineHabboInfo(item.getUserId()); if (habbo != null) { this.furniOwnerNames.put(item.getUserId(), habbo.getUsername()); } else { Emulator.getLogging().logDebugLine("Failed to find username for item (ID:" + item.getId() + ", UserID: " + item.getUserId() + ")" ); } } } //TODO: Move this list synchronized (this.roomSpecialTypes) { if (item instanceof ICycleable) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addCycleTask((ICycleable)item); } if (item instanceof InteractionWiredTrigger) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addTrigger((InteractionWiredTrigger) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredEffect) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addEffect((InteractionWiredEffect) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredCondition) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addCondition((InteractionWiredCondition) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredExtra) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addExtra((InteractionWiredExtra) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionBattleBanzaiTeleporter) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addBanzaiTeleporter((InteractionBattleBanzaiTeleporter) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionRoller) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addRoller((InteractionRoller) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameScoreboard) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addGameScoreboard((InteractionGameScoreboard) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameGate) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addGameGate((InteractionGameGate) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameTimer) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addGameTimer((InteractionGameTimer) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionFreezeExitTile) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addFreezeExitTile((InteractionFreezeExitTile) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionNest) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addNest((InteractionNest) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPetDrink) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addPetDrink((InteractionPetDrink) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPetFood) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addPetFood((InteractionPetFood) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMoodLight) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPyramid) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMusicDisc) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionBattleBanzaiSphere) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTalkingFurniture) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWater) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWaterItem) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMuteArea) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTagPole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTagField) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); }else if (item instanceof InteractionJukeBox) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); }else if (item instanceof InteractionPetBreedingNest) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionBlackHole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredHighscore) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionStickyPole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof WiredBlob) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTent) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionSnowboardSlope) { this.roomSpecialTypes.addUndefined(item); } } } public HabboItem getHabboItem(int id) { HabboItem item; synchronized (this.roomItems) { item = this.roomItems.get(id); } if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getBanzaiTeleporter(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getTrigger(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getEffect(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getCondition(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getGameGate(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getGameScorebord(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getGameTimer(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getFreezeExitTiles().get(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getRoller(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getNest(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getPetDrink(id); if(item == null) item = this.roomSpecialTypes.getPetFood(id); return item; } void removeHabboItem(int id) { this.removeHabboItem(this.getHabboItem(id)); } public void removeHabboItem(HabboItem item) { if (item != null) { HabboItem i; synchronized (this.roomItems) { i = this.roomItems.remove(item.getId()); } if (i != null) { synchronized (this.furniOwnerCount) { synchronized (this.furniOwnerNames) { int count = this.furniOwnerCount.get(i.getUserId()); if (count > 1) this.furniOwnerCount.put(i.getUserId(), count - 1); else { this.furniOwnerCount.remove(i.getUserId()); this.furniOwnerNames.remove(i.getUserId()); } } } if (item instanceof ICycleable) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeCycleTask((ICycleable) item); } if (item instanceof InteractionBattleBanzaiTeleporter) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeBanzaiTeleporter((InteractionBattleBanzaiTeleporter) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredTrigger) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeTrigger((InteractionWiredTrigger) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredEffect) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeEffect((InteractionWiredEffect) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredCondition) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeCondition((InteractionWiredCondition) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredExtra) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeExtra((InteractionWiredExtra) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionRoller) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeRoller((InteractionRoller) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameScoreboard) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeScoreboard((InteractionGameScoreboard) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameGate) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeGameGate((InteractionGameGate) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionGameTimer) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeGameTimer((InteractionGameTimer) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionFreezeExitTile) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeFreezeExitTile((InteractionFreezeExitTile) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionNest) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeNest((InteractionNest) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPetDrink) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removePetDrink((InteractionPetDrink) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPetFood) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removePetFood((InteractionPetFood) item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMoodLight) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPyramid) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMusicDisc) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionBattleBanzaiSphere) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTalkingFurniture) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWaterItem) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWater) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionMuteArea) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTagPole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTagField) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionJukeBox) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionPetBreedingNest) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionBlackHole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionWiredHighscore) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionStickyPole) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof WiredBlob) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionTent) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } else if (item instanceof InteractionSnowboardSlope) { this.roomSpecialTypes.removeUndefined(item); } } } } public THashSet getFloorItems() { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (iterator.value().getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.FLOOR) items.add(iterator.value()); } return items; } public THashSet getWallItems() { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (iterator.value().getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.WALL) items.add(iterator.value()); } return items; } public void addHabbo(Habbo habbo) { synchronized (this.roomUnitLock) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setId(this.unitCounter); this.currentHabbos.put(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), habbo); this.unitCounter++; this.updateDatabaseUserCount(); } } public void kickHabbo(Habbo habbo, boolean alert) { if(alert) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new GenericErrorMessagesComposer(GenericErrorMessagesComposer.KICKED_OUT_OF_THE_ROOM)); } habbo.getRoomUnit().isKicked = true; habbo.getRoomUnit().setGoalLocation(this.layout.getDoorTile()); if (habbo.getRoomUnit().getPath() == null || habbo.getRoomUnit().getPath().size() <= 1 || this.isPublicRoom()) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setCanWalk(true); Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().leaveRoom(habbo, this); } } public void removeHabbo(Habbo habbo) { HabboItem item = this.getTopItemAt(habbo.getRoomUnit().getX(), habbo.getRoomUnit().getY()); if (item != null) { try { item.onWalkOff(habbo.getRoomUnit(), this, new Object[]{}); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } synchronized (this.roomUnitLock) { this.currentHabbos.remove(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } if(habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentGame() != null) { if (this.getGame(habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentGame()) != null) { this.getGame(habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentGame()).removeHabbo(habbo); } } RoomTrade trade = this.getActiveTradeForHabbo(habbo); if(trade != null) { trade.stopTrade(habbo); } this.updateDatabaseUserCount(); } public void addBot(Bot bot) { synchronized (this.roomUnitLock) { bot.getRoomUnit().setId(this.unitCounter); this.currentBots.put(bot.getId(), bot); this.unitCounter++; } } public void addPet(Pet pet) { synchronized (this.roomUnitLock) { pet.getRoomUnit().setId(this.unitCounter); this.currentPets.put(pet.getId(), pet); this.unitCounter++; Habbo habbo = this.getHabbo(pet.getUserId()); if (habbo != null) { this.furniOwnerNames.put(pet.getUserId(), this.getHabbo(pet.getUserId()).getHabboInfo().getUsername()); } } } public Bot getBot(int botId) { return this.currentBots.get(botId); } public Bot getBot(RoomUnit roomUnit) { synchronized (this.currentBots) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for(int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0;) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } if (iterator.value().getRoomUnit() == roomUnit) return iterator.value(); } } return null; } public Bot getBotByRoomUnitId(int id) { synchronized (this.currentBots) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for(int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0;) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } if (iterator.value().getRoomUnit().getId() == id) return iterator.value(); } } return null; } public List getBots(String name) { List bots = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (this.currentBots) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for(int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0;) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } if (iterator.value().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) bots.add(iterator.value()); } } return bots; } public boolean hasBotsAt(final int x, final int y) { final boolean[] result = {false}; synchronized (this.currentBots) { this.currentBots.forEachValue(new TObjectProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(Bot object) { if (object.getRoomUnit().getX() == x && object.getRoomUnit().getY() == y) { result[0] = true; return false; } return true; } }); } return result[0]; } public Pet getPet(int petId) { return this.currentPets.get(petId); } public Pet getPet(RoomUnit roomUnit) { TIntObjectIterator petIterator = this.currentPets.iterator(); for(int i = this.currentPets.size(); i-- > 0;) { try { petIterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } if(petIterator.value().getRoomUnit() == roomUnit) return petIterator.value(); } return null; } public boolean removeBot(Bot bot) { synchronized (this.currentBots) { if (this.currentBots.containsKey(bot.getId())) { this.currentBots.remove(bot.getId()); bot.getRoomUnit().setInRoom(false); bot.setRoom(null); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserRemoveComposer(bot.getRoomUnit()).compose()); bot.setRoomUnit(null); return true; } } return false; } public void placePet(Pet pet, short x, short y, double z, int rot) { synchronized (this.currentPets) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile(x, y); if (tile == null) { tile = this.layout.getDoorTile(); } pet.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); pet.setRoom(this); pet.getRoomUnit().setGoalLocation(tile); pet.getRoomUnit().setLocation(tile); pet.getRoomUnit().setRoomUnitType(RoomUnitType.PET); pet.getRoomUnit().setCanWalk(true); pet.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(this); pet.getRoomUnit().setPreviousLocationZ(z); pet.getRoomUnit().setZ(z); if (pet.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation() == null) { pet.getRoomUnit().setLocation(this.getLayout().getDoorTile()); pet.getRoomUnit().setRotation(RoomUserRotation.fromValue(this.getLayout().getDoorDirection())); } pet.needsUpdate = true; this.furniOwnerNames.put(pet.getUserId(), this.getHabbo(pet.getUserId()).getHabboInfo().getUsername()); this.addPet(pet); this.sendComposer(new RoomPetComposer(pet).compose()); } } public Pet removePet(int petId) { return this.currentPets.remove(petId); } public boolean hasHabbosAt(int x, int y) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (habbo.getRoomUnit().getX() == x && habbo.getRoomUnit().getY() == y) return true; } return false; } public boolean hasPetsAt(int x, int y) { synchronized (this.currentPets) { TIntObjectIterator petIterator = this.currentPets.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentPets.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { petIterator.advance(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } if (petIterator.value().getRoomUnit().getX() == x && petIterator.value().getRoomUnit().getY() == y) return true; } } return false; } public THashSet getBotsAt(RoomTile tile) { THashSet bots = new THashSet<>(); synchronized (this.currentBots) { TIntObjectIterator botIterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { botIterator.advance(); if (botIterator.value().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().equals(tile)) { bots.add(botIterator.value()); } } catch (Exception e) { break; } } } return bots; } public THashSet getHabbosAt(short x, short y) { return this.getHabbosAt(this.layout.getTile(x, y)); } public THashSet getHabbosAt(RoomTile tile) { THashSet habbos = new THashSet<>(); for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().equals(tile)) habbos.add(habbo); } return habbos; } public THashSet getHabbosOnItem(HabboItem item) { THashSet habbos = new THashSet<>(); for(short x = item.getX(); x < item.getX() + item.getBaseItem().getLength(); x++) { for(short y = item.getY(); y < item.getY() + item.getBaseItem().getWidth(); y++) { habbos.addAll(this.getHabbosAt(x, y)); } } return habbos; } public THashSet getBotsOnItem(HabboItem item) { THashSet bots = new THashSet<>(); for(short x = item.getX(); x < item.getX() + item.getBaseItem().getLength(); x++) { for(short y = item.getY(); y < item.getY() + item.getBaseItem().getWidth(); y++) { bots.addAll(this.getBotsAt(this.getLayout().getTile(x, y))); } } return bots; } public void teleportHabboToItem(Habbo habbo, HabboItem item) { this.teleportRoomUnitToLocation(habbo.getRoomUnit(), item.getX(), item.getY(), item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()); } public void teleportHabboToLocation(Habbo habbo, short x, short y) { this.teleportRoomUnitToLocation(habbo.getRoomUnit(), x, y, 0.0); } public void teleportRoomUnitToItem(RoomUnit roomUnit, HabboItem item) { this.teleportRoomUnitToLocation(roomUnit, item.getX(), item.getY(), item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()); } public void teleportRoomUnitToLocation(RoomUnit roomUnit, short x, short y) { this.teleportRoomUnitToLocation(roomUnit, x, y, 0.0); } void teleportRoomUnitToLocation(RoomUnit roomUnit, short x, short y, double z) { if (this.loaded) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile(x, y); if (z < tile.z) { z = tile.z; } roomUnit.setLocation(tile); roomUnit.setGoalLocation(tile); roomUnit.setZ(z); roomUnit.setPreviousLocationZ(z); this.updateRoomUnit(roomUnit); } } public void muteHabbo(Habbo habbo, int minutes) { synchronized (this.mutedHabbos) { this.mutedHabbos.put(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + (minutes * 60)); } } public boolean isMuted(Habbo habbo) { if (this.isOwner(habbo) || this.hasRights(habbo)) return false; if(this.mutedHabbos.containsKey(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId())) { boolean time = this.mutedHabbos.get(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) > Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); if (!time) { this.mutedHabbos.remove(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } return time; } return false; } public void habboEntered(Habbo habbo) { habbo.getRoomUnit().animateWalk = false; synchronized (this.currentBots) { if(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId() != this.getOwnerId()) return; TIntObjectIterator botIterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { botIterator.advance(); if(botIterator.value() instanceof VisitorBot) { ((VisitorBot)botIterator.value()).onUserEnter(habbo); break; } } catch (Exception e) { break; } } } HabboItem doorTileTopItem = this.getTopItemAt(habbo.getRoomUnit().getX(), habbo.getRoomUnit().getY()); if (doorTileTopItem != null) { try { doorTileTopItem.onWalkOn(habbo.getRoomUnit(), this, new Object[]{}); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } } public void floodMuteHabbo(Habbo habbo, int timeOut) { habbo.getHabboStats().mutedCount++; timeOut += (timeOut * (int)Math.ceil(Math.pow(habbo.getHabboStats().mutedCount, 2))); habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter = 0; habbo.mute(timeOut); } public void talk(Habbo habbo, RoomChatMessage roomChatMessage, RoomChatType chatType) {, roomChatMessage, chatType, false); } public void talk(final Habbo habbo, final RoomChatMessage roomChatMessage, RoomChatType chatType, boolean ignoreWired) { if (!habbo.getHabboStats().allowTalk()) return; habbo.getHabboStats().chatCounter += 2; if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom() != this) return; long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (HABBO_CHAT_DELAY) { if (millis - habbo.getHabboStats().lastChat < 750) { return; } } habbo.getHabboStats().lastChat = millis; if(roomChatMessage != null && roomChatMessage.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("i am a pirate")) { Emulator.getThreading().run(new YouAreAPirate(habbo, this)); return; } UserIdleEvent event = new UserIdleEvent(habbo, UserIdleEvent.IdleReason.TALKED, false); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { if (!event.idle) { this.unIdle(habbo); } } this.sendComposer(new RoomUserTypingComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit(), false).compose()); if(roomChatMessage == null || roomChatMessage.getMessage() == null || roomChatMessage.getMessage().equals("")) return; for(HabboItem area : this.getRoomSpecialTypes().getItemsOfType(InteractionMuteArea.class)) { if(((InteractionMuteArea)area).inSquare(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation())) { return; } } if(!this.wordFilterWords.isEmpty()) { if (!habbo.hasPermission("acc_chat_no_filter")) { for(String string : this.wordFilterWords) { roomChatMessage.setMessage(roomChatMessage.getMessage().replace(string, "bobba")); } } } if(!habbo.hasPermission("acc_nomute")) { if(this.isMuted() && !this.hasRights(habbo)) { return; } if (this.isMuted(habbo)) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new MutedWhisperComposer(this.mutedHabbos.get(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) - Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp())); return; } } if (chatType != RoomChatType.WHISPER) { if (CommandHandler.handleCommand(habbo.getClient(), roomChatMessage.getUnfilteredMessage())) { WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.SAY_COMMAND, habbo.getRoomUnit(), habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom(), new Object[]{roomChatMessage.getMessage()}); roomChatMessage.isCommand = true; return; } if(!ignoreWired) { if (WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.SAY_SOMETHING, habbo.getRoomUnit(), habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom(), new Object[]{roomChatMessage.getMessage()})) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomUserWhisperComposer(new RoomChatMessage(roomChatMessage.getMessage(), habbo, habbo, roomChatMessage.getBubble()))); return; } } } ServerMessage prefixMessage = roomChatMessage.getHabbo().getHabboInfo().getRank().hasPrefix() ? new RoomUserNameChangedComposer(habbo, true).compose() : null; ServerMessage clearPrefixMessage = prefixMessage != null ? new RoomUserNameChangedComposer(habbo).compose() : null; Rectangle show = this.roomSpecialTypes.tentAt(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()); if(chatType == RoomChatType.WHISPER) { if (roomChatMessage.getTargetHabbo() == null) { return; } final ServerMessage message = new RoomUserWhisperComposer(roomChatMessage).compose(); RoomChatMessage staffChatMessage = new RoomChatMessage(roomChatMessage); staffChatMessage.setMessage("To " + staffChatMessage.getTargetHabbo().getHabboInfo().getUsername() + ": " + staffChatMessage.getMessage()); final ServerMessage staffMessage = new RoomUserWhisperComposer(staffChatMessage).compose(); for (Habbo h : this.getHabbos()) { if (h == roomChatMessage.getTargetHabbo() || h == habbo) { if (!h.getHabboStats().userIgnored(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId())) { if (prefixMessage != null) { h.getClient().sendResponse(prefixMessage); } h.getClient().sendResponse(message); if (clearPrefixMessage != null) { h.getClient().sendResponse(clearPrefixMessage); } } continue; } if (h.hasPermission("acc_see_whispers")) { h.getClient().sendResponse(staffMessage); } } } else if (chatType == RoomChatType.TALK) { ServerMessage message = new RoomUserTalkComposer(roomChatMessage).compose(); boolean noChatLimit = habbo.hasPermission("acc_chat_no_limit"); for (Habbo h : this.getHabbos()) { if ((h.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation().distance(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()) <= this.chatDistance || h.equals(habbo) || this.hasRights(h) || noChatLimit) && (show == null || RoomLayout.tileInSquare(show, h.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()))) { if (!h.getHabboStats().userIgnored(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId())) { if (prefixMessage != null && !h.getHabboStats().preferOldChat) { h.getClient().sendResponse(prefixMessage); } h.getClient().sendResponse(message); if (clearPrefixMessage != null && !h.getHabboStats().preferOldChat) { h.getClient().sendResponse(clearPrefixMessage); } } } } } else if(chatType == RoomChatType.SHOUT) { ServerMessage message = new RoomUserShoutComposer(roomChatMessage).compose(); for (Habbo h : this.getHabbos()) { if (!h.getHabboStats().userIgnored(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) && (show == null || RoomLayout.tileInSquare(show, h.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()))) { if (prefixMessage != null && !h.getHabboStats().preferOldChat){ h.getClient().sendResponse(prefixMessage); } h.getClient().sendResponse(message); if (clearPrefixMessage != null && !h.getHabboStats().preferOldChat){ h.getClient().sendResponse(clearPrefixMessage); } } } } if(chatType == RoomChatType.TALK || chatType == RoomChatType.SHOUT) { synchronized (this.currentBots) { TIntObjectIterator botIterator = this.currentBots.iterator(); for (int i = this.currentBots.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { botIterator.advance(); Bot bot = botIterator.value(); bot.onUserSay(roomChatMessage); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); break; } } } if(roomChatMessage.getBubble().triggersTalkingFurniture()) { THashSet items = this.roomSpecialTypes.getItemsOfType(InteractionTalkingFurniture.class); for (HabboItem item : items) { if (this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()).distance(habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()) <= Emulator.getConfig().getInt("furniture.talking.range")) { int count = Emulator.getConfig().getInt(item.getBaseItem().getName() + ".message.count", 0); if (count > 0) { int randomValue = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(count + 1); RoomChatMessage itemMessage = new RoomChatMessage(Emulator.getTexts().getValue(item.getBaseItem().getName() + ".message." + randomValue, item.getBaseItem().getName() + ".message." + randomValue + " not found!"), habbo, RoomChatMessageBubbles.getBubble(Emulator.getConfig().getInt(item.getBaseItem().getName() + ".message.bubble", RoomChatMessageBubbles.PARROT.getType()))); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserShoutComposer(itemMessage).compose()); try { item.onClick(habbo.getClient(), this, new Object[0]); break; } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } } } } } } } public THashSet getLockedTiles() { THashSet lockedTiles = new THashSet<>(); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { HabboItem item; try { iterator.advance(); item = iterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (item.getBaseItem().getType() != FurnitureType.FLOOR) continue; boolean found = false; for(RoomTile tile : lockedTiles) { if(tile.x == item.getX() && tile.y == item.getY()) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { if(item.getRotation() == 0 || item.getRotation() == 4) { for(short y = 0; y < item.getBaseItem().getLength(); y++) { for(short x = 0; x < item.getBaseItem().getWidth(); x++) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile((short) (item.getX() + x), (short) (item.getY() + y)); if (tile != null) { lockedTiles.add(tile); } } } } else { for(short y = 0; y < item.getBaseItem().getWidth(); y++) { for(short x = 0; x < item.getBaseItem().getLength(); x++) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile((short) (item.getX() + x), (short) (item.getY() + y)); if (tile != null) { lockedTiles.add(tile); } } } } } } return lockedTiles; } @Deprecated public THashSet getItemsAt(int x, int y) { RoomTile tile = this.getLayout().getTile((short)x, (short)y); if (tile != null) { return this.getItemsAt(tile); } return new THashSet<>(0); } public THashSet getItemsAt(RoomTile tile) { if (this.loaded) { if (this.tileCache.containsKey(tile)) { return this.tileCache.get(tile); } } THashSet items = new THashSet<>(0); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { HabboItem item; try { iterator.advance(); item = iterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (item.getBaseItem().getType() != FurnitureType.FLOOR) continue; if (item.getX() == tile.x && item.getY() == tile.y) { items.add(item); } else { if (item.getBaseItem().getWidth() <= 1 && item.getBaseItem().getLength() <= 1) { continue; } THashSet tiles = this.getLayout().getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); for (RoomTile t : tiles) { if ((t.x == tile.x) && (t.y == tile.y) && (!items.contains(item))) { items.add(item); } } } } if (this.loaded) { this.tileCache.put(tile, items); } return items; } public THashSet getItemsAt(int x, int y, double minZ) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); for(HabboItem item : this.getItemsAt(x, y)) { if(item.getZ() < minZ) continue; if(item.getX() == x && item.getY() == y && item.getZ() >= minZ) { items.add(item); } else { if(item.getBaseItem().getWidth() <= 1 && item.getBaseItem().getLength() <= 1) { continue; } THashSet tiles = this.getLayout().getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); for (RoomTile tile : tiles) { if ((tile.x == x) && (tile.y == y) && (!items.contains(item))) { items.add(item); } } } } return items; } public THashSet getItemsAt(Class type, int x, int y) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { HabboItem item; try { iterator.advance(); item = iterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if(item.getClass().equals(type)) { if(item.getX() == x && item.getY() == y) { items.add(item); } else { if(item.getBaseItem().getWidth() <= 1 && item.getBaseItem().getLength() <= 1) { continue; } THashSet tiles = this.getLayout().getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); for (RoomTile tile : tiles){ if ((tile.x == x) && (tile.y == y) && (!items.contains(item))) { items.add(item); } } } } } return items; } public boolean hasItemsAt(int x, int y) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { HabboItem habboItem; try { iterator.advance(); habboItem = iterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (habboItem.getX() == x && habboItem.getY() == y) return true; } return false; } public HabboItem getTopItemAt(int x, int y) { return this.getTopItemAt(x, y, null); } public HabboItem getTopItemAt(int x, int y, HabboItem exclude) { HabboItem item = null; TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { HabboItem habboItem; try { iterator.advance(); habboItem = iterator.value(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (habboItem.getBaseItem().getType() != FurnitureType.FLOOR) continue; if (exclude != null) { if (exclude == habboItem) continue; } if (habboItem.getX() == x && habboItem.getY() == y) { if (item == null || (habboItem.getZ() + Item.getCurrentHeight(habboItem)) > (item.getZ() + Item.getCurrentHeight(item))) { item = habboItem; } } else { if (habboItem.getBaseItem().getWidth() <= 1 && habboItem.getBaseItem().getLength() <= 1) { continue; } THashSet tiles = this.layout.getTilesAt( this.layout.getTile(habboItem.getX(), habboItem.getY()), habboItem.getBaseItem().getWidth(), habboItem.getBaseItem().getLength(), habboItem.getRotation()); for (RoomTile tile : tiles) { if (((tile.x == x) && (tile.y == y))) { if (item == null || item.getZ() < habboItem.getZ()) item = habboItem; } } } } return item; } public double getTopHeightAt(int x, int y) { HabboItem item = this.getTopItemAt(x, y); if(item != null) return (item.getZ() + item.getBaseItem().getHeight()); else return this.layout.getHeightAtSquare(x, y); } @Deprecated public HabboItem getLowestChair(int x, int y) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile((short)x, (short)y); if (tile != null) { return this.getLowestChair(tile); } return null; } public HabboItem getLowestChair(RoomTile tile) { HabboItem lowestChair = null; THashSet items = this.getItemsAt(tile); if (items != null && !items.isEmpty()) { for (HabboItem item : items) { if (item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { if (lowestChair == null || item.getZ() < lowestChair.getZ()) { lowestChair = item; } } if (lowestChair != null) { if (item.getZ() > lowestChair.getZ() && item.getZ() - lowestChair.getZ() < 1.5) { lowestChair = null; } } } } return lowestChair; } public double getStackHeight(short x, short y, boolean calculateHeightmap, HabboItem exclude) { if(x < 0 || y < 0) return calculateHeightmap ? Short.MAX_VALUE : 0.0; double height = this.layout.getHeightAtSquare(x, y); boolean canStack = true; boolean stackHelper = false; THashSet items = this.getItemsAt(x, y); if (items != null) { for (HabboItem item : items) { if (item == exclude) continue; if (item instanceof InteractionStackHelper) { stackHelper = true; height = item.getExtradata().isEmpty() ? Double.valueOf("0.0") : (Double.valueOf(item.getExtradata()) / 100); canStack = true; } } if (!stackHelper) { HabboItem item = this.getTopItemAt(x, y, exclude); if (item != null) { canStack = item.getBaseItem().allowStack(); height = item.getZ() + Item.getCurrentHeight(item); } } } if(calculateHeightmap) { return (canStack ? height * 256.0D : Short.MAX_VALUE); } return canStack ? height : -1; } public double getStackHeight(short x, short y, boolean calculateHeightmap) { return this.getStackHeight(x, y, calculateHeightmap, null); } public boolean hasObjectTypeAt(Class type, int x, int y) { THashSet items = this.getItemsAt(x, y); for(HabboItem item : items) { if(item.getClass() == type) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean canSitOrLayAt(int x, int y) { if(this.hasHabbosAt(x, y)) return false; THashSet items = this.getItemsAt(x, y); return this.canSitAt(items) || this.canLayAt(items); } public boolean canSitAt(int x, int y) { if(this.hasHabbosAt(x, y)) return false; return this.canSitAt(this.getItemsAt(x, y)); } boolean canWalkAt(RoomTile roomTile) { if (roomTile == null) { return false; } if (roomTile.state == RoomTileState.INVALID) return false; HabboItem topItem = null; boolean canWalk = true; THashSet items = this.getItemsAt(roomTile); if (items != null) { for (HabboItem item : items) { if (topItem == null) { topItem = item; } if (item.getZ() > topItem.getZ()) { topItem = item; canWalk = topItem.isWalkable() || topItem.getBaseItem().allowWalk(); } else if (item.getZ() == topItem.getZ() && canWalk) { if ((!topItem.isWalkable() && !topItem.getBaseItem().allowWalk()) || (!item.getBaseItem().allowWalk() && !item.isWalkable())) { canWalk = false; } } } } return canWalk; } boolean canSitAt(THashSet items) { if (items == null) return false; HabboItem topItem = null; HabboItem lowestSitItem = null; boolean canSitUnder = false; for(HabboItem item : items) { if((lowestSitItem == null || lowestSitItem.getZ() > item.getZ()) && item.getBaseItem().allowSit()) { lowestSitItem = item; canSitUnder = true; } if(lowestSitItem != null && canSitUnder) { if (item != lowestSitItem) { double distance = item.getZ() - lowestSitItem.getZ(); if (distance >= 0 && distance < 0.8) { canSitUnder = false; } } } if(topItem == null || Item.getCurrentHeight(item) > Item.getCurrentHeight(topItem)) { topItem = item; } } if(topItem == null) return false; if(lowestSitItem == null) return false; if(topItem == lowestSitItem) return true; return topItem.getZ() <= lowestSitItem.getZ() || (canSitUnder); } public boolean canLayAt(int x, int y) { return this.canLayAt(this.getItemsAt(x, y)); } boolean canLayAt(THashSet items) { if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) return true; HabboItem topItem = null; for(HabboItem item : items) { if((topItem == null || item.getZ() > topItem.getZ())) { topItem = item; } } return (topItem == null || topItem.getBaseItem().allowLay()); } public RoomTile getRandomWalkableTile() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { RoomTile tile = this.layout.getTile((short) (Math.random() * this.layout.getMapSizeX()), (short) (Math.random() * this.layout.getMapSizeY())); if (tile.isWalkable()) { return tile; } } return null; } public Habbo getHabbo(String username) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username)) return habbo; } return null; } public Habbo getHabbo(RoomUnit roomUnit) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (habbo.getRoomUnit() == roomUnit) return habbo; } return null; } public Habbo getHabbo(int userId) { return this.currentHabbos.get(userId); } public Habbo getHabboByRoomUnitId(int roomUnitId) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if(habbo.getRoomUnit().getId() == roomUnitId) return habbo; } return null; } public void sendComposer(ServerMessage message) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(message); } } public void sendComposerToHabbosWithRights(ServerMessage message) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (this.hasRights(habbo)) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(message); } } } public void petChat(ServerMessage message) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (!habbo.getHabboStats().ignorePets) habbo.getClient().sendResponse(message); } } public void botChat(ServerMessage message) { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (!habbo.getHabboStats().ignoreBots) habbo.getClient().sendResponse(message); } } private void loadRights(Connection connection) { this.rights.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT user_id FROM room_rights WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { this.rights.add(set.getInt("user_id")); } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } private void loadBans(Connection connection) { this.bannedHabbos.clear(); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT users.username,, room_bans.* FROM room_bans INNER JOIN users ON room_bans.user_id = WHERE ends > ? AND room_bans.room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1, Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp()); statement.setInt(2,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { if (this.bannedHabbos.containsKey(set.getInt("user_id"))) continue; this.bannedHabbos.put(set.getInt("user_id"), new RoomBan(set)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } //TODO: Return Enum public int guildRightLevel(Habbo habbo) { if(this.guild > 0 && habbo.getHabboStats().hasGuild(this.guild)) { Guild guild = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getGuild(this.guild); if(Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getOnlyAdmins(guild).get(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) != null) return 3; if(guild.getRights() == 0) { return 2; } } return 0; } public boolean isOwner(Habbo habbo) { return habbo.getHabboInfo().getId() == this.ownerId || habbo.hasPermission(Permission.ACC_ANYROOMOWNER); } public boolean hasRights(Habbo habbo) { return this.isOwner(habbo) || this.rights.contains(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) || (habbo.getRoomUnit().getRightsLevel() != RoomRightLevels.NONE && this.currentHabbos.containsKey(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId())); } public void giveRights(Habbo habbo) { if(habbo != null) { this.giveRights(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } } public void giveRights(int userId) { if (this.rights.contains(userId)) return; if(this.rights.add(userId)) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO room_rights VALUES (?, ?)")) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.setInt(2, userId); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } Habbo habbo = this.getHabbo(userId); if(habbo != null) { this.refreshRightsForHabbo(habbo); this.sendComposer(new RoomAddRightsListComposer(this, habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), habbo.getHabboInfo().getUsername()).compose()); } else { Habbo owner = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(this.ownerId); if(owner != null) { MessengerBuddy buddy = owner.getMessenger().getFriend(userId); if(buddy != null) { this.sendComposer(new RoomAddRightsListComposer(this, userId, buddy.getUsername()).compose()); } } } } public void removeRights(int userId) { Habbo habbo = this.getHabbo(userId); if(Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new UserRightsTakenEvent(this.getHabbo(this.getOwnerId()), userId, habbo)).isCancelled()) return; this.sendComposer(new RoomRemoveRightsListComposer(this, userId).compose()); if(this.rights.remove(userId)) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM room_rights WHERE room_id = ? AND user_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.setInt(2, userId); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } if(habbo != null) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setRightsLevel(RoomRightLevels.NONE); habbo.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.FLAT_CONTROL); this.refreshRightsForHabbo(habbo); } } public void removeAllRights() { this.rights.clear(); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM room_rights WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } this.refreshRightsInRoom(); } void refreshRightsInRoom() { Room room = this; for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if(habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom() == room) { this.refreshRightsForHabbo(habbo); } } } public void refreshRightsForHabbo(Habbo habbo) { HabboItem item; RoomRightLevels flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.NONE; if (habbo.getHabboStats().isRentingSpace()) { item = this.getHabboItem(habbo.getHabboStats().getRentedItemId()); if (item != null) { return; } } if (habbo.hasPermission(Permission.ACC_ANYROOMOWNER)) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomOwnerComposer()); flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.MODERATOR; } else if (this.isOwner(habbo)) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomOwnerComposer()); flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.MODERATOR; } else if (this.hasRights(habbo) && !this.hasGuild()) { flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.RIGHTS; } else if (this.hasGuild()) { int level = this.guildRightLevel(habbo); if(level == 3) { flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.GUILD_ADMIN; } else if(level == 2) { flatCtrl = RoomRightLevels.GUILD_RIGHTS; } } habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomRightsComposer(flatCtrl)); habbo.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.FLAT_CONTROL, flatCtrl.level + ""); habbo.getRoomUnit().setRightsLevel(flatCtrl); habbo.getRoomUnit().statusUpdate(true); if (flatCtrl.equals(RoomRightLevels.MODERATOR)) { habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new RoomRightsListComposer(this)); } } public THashMap getUsersWithRights() { THashMap rightsMap = new THashMap<>(); if(!this.rights.isEmpty()) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT users.username AS username, as user_id FROM room_rights INNER JOIN users ON room_rights.user_id = WHERE room_id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1,; try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { rightsMap.put(set.getInt("user_id"), set.getString("username")); } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } return rightsMap; } public void unbanHabbo(int userId) { RoomBan ban = this.bannedHabbos.remove(userId); if(ban != null) { ban.delete(); } this.sendComposer(new RoomUserUnbannedComposer(this, userId).compose()); } public boolean isBanned(Habbo habbo) { RoomBan ban = this.bannedHabbos.get(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); boolean banned = ban != null && ban.endTimestamp > Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() && !habbo.hasPermission(Permission.ACC_ANYROOMOWNER) && !habbo.hasPermission("acc_enteranyroom"); if (!banned && ban != null) { this.unbanHabbo(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } return banned; } public TIntObjectHashMap getBannedHabbos() { return this.bannedHabbos; } public void addRoomBan(RoomBan roomBan) { this.bannedHabbos.put(roomBan.userId, roomBan); } public void makeSit(Habbo habbo) { if (habbo.getRoomUnit().hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT)) { return; }, DanceType.NONE); habbo.getRoomUnit().cmdSit = true; habbo.getRoomUnit().setBodyRotation(RoomUserRotation.values()[habbo.getRoomUnit().getBodyRotation().getValue() - habbo.getRoomUnit().getBodyRotation().getValue() % 2]); habbo.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT, 0.5 + ""); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserStatusComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit()).compose()); } public void giveEffect(Habbo habbo, int effectId, int duration) { if (this.currentHabbos.containsKey(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId())) { this.giveEffect(habbo.getRoomUnit(), effectId, duration); } } public void giveEffect(RoomUnit roomUnit, int effectId, int duration) { if (duration == - 1 || duration == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { duration = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { duration += Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); } if (this.allowEffects && roomUnit != null) { roomUnit.setEffectId(effectId, duration); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserEffectComposer(roomUnit).compose()); } } public void giveHandItem(Habbo habbo, int handItem) { this.giveHandItem(habbo.getRoomUnit(), handItem); } public void giveHandItem(RoomUnit roomUnit, int handItem) { roomUnit.setHandItem(handItem); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserHandItemComposer(roomUnit).compose()); } public void updateItem(HabboItem item) { if (this.isLoaded()) { if (item != null && item.getRoomId() == { if (item.getBaseItem() != null) { if (item.getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.FLOOR) { this.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose()); this.updateTiles(this.getLayout().getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation())); } else if (item.getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.WALL) { this.sendComposer(new WallItemUpdateComposer(item).compose()); } } } } } public void updateItemState(HabboItem item) { if (!item.isLimited()) { this.sendComposer(new ItemStateComposer(item).compose()); } else { this.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose()); } if (item.getBaseItem().getType() == FurnitureType.FLOOR) { this.updateTiles(this.getLayout().getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation())); } } public int getUserFurniCount(int userId) { return this.furniOwnerCount.get(userId); } public void ejectUserFurni(int userId) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (iterator.value().getUserId() == userId) { items.add(iterator.value()); iterator.value().setRoomId(0); } } Habbo habbo = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(userId); if (habbo != null) { habbo.getInventory().getItemsComponent().addItems(items); habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new AddHabboItemComposer(items)); } for (HabboItem i : items) { this.pickUpItem(i, null); } } public void ejectUserItem(HabboItem item) { this.pickUpItem(item, null); } public void ejectAll() { this.ejectAll(null); } public void ejectAll(Habbo habbo) { THashMap> userItemsMap = new THashMap<>(); synchronized (this.roomItems) { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } if (habbo != null && iterator.value().getUserId() == habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()) continue; if (userItemsMap.get(iterator.value().getUserId()) == null) { userItemsMap.put(iterator.value().getUserId(), new THashSet<>()); } userItemsMap.get(iterator.value().getUserId()).add(iterator.value()); } } for (Map.Entry> entrySet : userItemsMap.entrySet()) { for (HabboItem i : entrySet.getValue()) { this.pickUpItem(i, null); } Habbo user = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(entrySet.getKey()); if (user != null) { user.getInventory().getItemsComponent().addItems(entrySet.getValue()); user.getClient().sendResponse(new AddHabboItemComposer(entrySet.getValue())); } } } public void refreshGuild(Guild guild) { if(guild.getRoomId() == { THashMap admins = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().getOnlyAdmins(guild); for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { GuildMember member = admins.get(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); habbo.getClient().sendResponse(new GuildInfoComposer(guild, habbo.getClient(), false, member)); } } this.refreshGuildRightsInRoom(); } public void refreshGuildColors(Guild guild) { if(guild.getRoomId() == { TIntObjectIterator iterator = this.roomItems.iterator(); for (int i = this.roomItems.size(); i-- > 0; ) { try { iterator.advance(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } HabboItem habboItem = iterator.value(); if (habboItem instanceof InteractionGuildFurni) { if (((InteractionGuildFurni) habboItem).getGuildId() == guild.getId()) this.updateItem(habboItem); } } } } public void refreshGuildRightsInRoom() { for (Habbo habbo : this.getHabbos()) { if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom() == this) { if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getId() != this.ownerId) { if (!(habbo.hasPermission(Permission.ACC_ANYROOMOWNER) || habbo.hasPermission("acc_moverotate"))) this.refreshRightsForHabbo(habbo); } } } } public void idle(Habbo habbo) { habbo.getRoomUnit().setIdle(); this.sendComposer(new RoomUnitIdleComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit()).compose()); WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.IDLES, habbo.getRoomUnit(), this, new Object[]{habbo}); } public void unIdle(Habbo habbo) { habbo.getRoomUnit().resetIdleTimer(); this.sendComposer(new RoomUnitIdleComposer(habbo.getRoomUnit()).compose()); WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.UNIDLES, habbo.getRoomUnit(), this, new Object[]{habbo}); } public void dance(Habbo habbo, DanceType danceType) {, danceType); } public void dance(RoomUnit unit, DanceType danceType) { boolean isDancing = !unit.getDanceType().equals(DanceType.NONE); unit.setDanceType(danceType); this.sendComposer(new RoomUserDanceComposer(unit).compose()); if (danceType.equals(DanceType.NONE) && isDancing) { WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.STOPS_DANCING, unit, this, new Object[]{unit}); } else if (!danceType.equals(DanceType.NONE) && !isDancing) { WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.STARTS_DANCING, unit, this, new Object[]{unit}); } } public void addToWordFilter(String word) { synchronized (this.wordFilterWords) { if (this.wordFilterWords.contains(word)) return; try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO room_wordfilter VALUES (?, ?)")) { statement.setInt(1, this.getId()); statement.setString(2, word); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); return; } this.wordFilterWords.add(word); } } public void removeFromWordFilter(String word) { synchronized (this.wordFilterWords) { this.wordFilterWords.remove(word); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM room_wordfilter WHERE room_id = ? AND word = ?")) { statement.setInt(1, this.getId()); statement.setString(2, word); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } } public THashSet getWiredHighscoreData(WiredHighscoreScoreType scoreType, WiredHighscoreClearType clearType) { if(!this.wiredHighscoreData.containsKey(scoreType)) { this.loadWiredHighscoreData(scoreType, clearType); } return this.wiredHighscoreData.get(scoreType).get(clearType); } public void loadWiredHighscoreData(WiredHighscoreScoreType scoreType, WiredHighscoreClearType clearType) { this.wiredHighscoreData.clear(); THashSet wiredData = new THashSet<>(); try { String query = "SELECT " + "SUM(score + team_score) as total_score, " + "COUNT(*) as wins, " + "users.username, " + "room_game_scores.*, " + "GROUP_CONCAT(users.username) as usernames " + "FROM room_game_scores " + "INNER JOIN users ON room_game_scores.user_id = " + "WHERE room_id = ? AND game_start_timestamp >= ? "; int timestamp = 0; if(clearType != WiredHighscoreClearType.ALLTIME) { if(clearType == WiredHighscoreClearType.MONTHLY) { timestamp = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - (31 * 24 * 60 * 60); } else if(clearType == WiredHighscoreClearType.WEEKLY) { timestamp = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); } else if(clearType == WiredHighscoreClearType.DAILY) { timestamp = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - (24 * 60 * 60); } } if(scoreType == WiredHighscoreScoreType.CLASSIC) { query += "GROUP BY game_start_timestamp, user_id, team_id ORDER BY total_score DESC"; } else if(scoreType == WiredHighscoreScoreType.MOSTWIN) { query += "GROUP BY game_start_timestamp, game_name, team_id ORDER BY wins DESC, total_score ASC"; } else if(scoreType == WiredHighscoreScoreType.PERTEAM) { query += "GROUP BY game_start_timestamp, team_id ORDER BY team_score DESC"; } query += " LIMIT " + Emulator.getConfig().getValue("wired.highscores.displaycount"); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query)) { statement.setInt(1,; statement.setInt(2, timestamp); try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { wiredData.add(new WiredHighscoreData(set.getString("usernames").split(","), set.getInt("score"), set.getInt("team_score"), set.getInt("total_score"))); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } THashMap> dataMap = new THashMap<>(); dataMap.put(clearType, wiredData); this.wiredHighscoreData.put(scoreType, dataMap); } public void handleWordQuiz(Habbo habbo, String answer) { synchronized (this.userVotes) { if (!this.wordQuiz.isEmpty() && !this.hasVotedInWordQuiz(habbo)) { answer = answer.replace(":", ""); if (answer.equals("0")) { this.noVotes++; } else if (answer.equals("1")) { this.yesVotes++; } this.sendComposer(new SimplePollAnswerComposer(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), answer, this.noVotes, this.yesVotes).compose()); this.userVotes.add(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } } } public void startWordQuiz(String question, int duration) { if (!this.hasActiveWordQuiz()) { this.wordQuiz = question; this.noVotes = 0; this.yesVotes = 0; this.userVotes.clear(); this.wordQuizEnd = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + (duration / 1000); this.sendComposer(new SimplePollStartComposer(duration, question).compose()); } } public boolean hasActiveWordQuiz() { return Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() < this.wordQuizEnd; } public boolean hasVotedInWordQuiz(Habbo habbo) { return this.userVotes.contains(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); } public void alert(String message) { this.sendComposer(new GenericAlertComposer(message).compose()); } public int itemCount() { return this.roomItems.size(); } public void setJukeBoxActive(boolean jukeBoxActive) { this.jukeboxActive = jukeBoxActive; this.needsUpdate = true; } public boolean isHideWired() { return this.hideWired; } public void setHideWired(boolean hideWired) { this.hideWired = hideWired; if (this.hideWired) { ServerMessage response = null; for (HabboItem item : this.roomSpecialTypes.getTriggers()) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveFloorItemComposer(item).compose()); } for (HabboItem item : this.roomSpecialTypes.getEffects()) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveFloorItemComposer(item).compose()); } for (HabboItem item : this.roomSpecialTypes.getConditions()) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveFloorItemComposer(item).compose()); } for (HabboItem item : this.roomSpecialTypes.getExtras()) { this.sendComposer(new RemoveFloorItemComposer(item).compose()); } } else { this.sendComposer(new RoomFloorItemsComposer(this.furniOwnerNames, this.roomSpecialTypes.getTriggers()).compose()); this.sendComposer(new RoomFloorItemsComposer(this.furniOwnerNames, this.roomSpecialTypes.getEffects()).compose()); this.sendComposer(new RoomFloorItemsComposer(this.furniOwnerNames, this.roomSpecialTypes.getConditions()).compose()); this.sendComposer(new RoomFloorItemsComposer(this.furniOwnerNames, this.roomSpecialTypes.getExtras()).compose()); } } public FurnitureMovementError canPlaceFurnitureAt(HabboItem item, Habbo habbo, RoomTile tile, int rotation) { rotation %= 8; if (this.hasRights(habbo) || this.guildRightLevel(habbo) >= 2 || habbo.hasPermission(Permission.ACC_MOVEROTATE)) { return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } if(habbo.getHabboStats().isRentingSpace()) { HabboItem rentSpace = this.getHabboItem(habbo.getHabboStats().rentedItemId); if (rentSpace != null) { if(!RoomLayout.squareInSquare(RoomLayout.getRectangle(rentSpace.getX(), rentSpace.getY(), rentSpace.getBaseItem().getWidth(), rentSpace.getBaseItem().getLength(), rentSpace.getRotation()), RoomLayout.getRectangle(tile.x, tile.y, item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), rotation))) { return FurnitureMovementError.NO_RIGHTS; } else { return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } } } return FurnitureMovementError.NO_RIGHTS; } public FurnitureMovementError furnitureFitsAt(RoomTile tile, HabboItem item, int rotation) { THashSet occupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(tile, item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), rotation); for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { if (this.hasHabbosAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_HABBOS; if (this.hasBotsAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_BOTS; if (this.hasPetsAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_PETS; } List>> tileFurniList = new ArrayList<>(); for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { tileFurniList.add(Pair.create(t, this.getItemsAt(t))); HabboItem topItem = this.getTopItemAt(t.x, t.y, item); if (topItem != null && !topItem.getBaseItem().allowStack()) { return FurnitureMovementError.CANT_STACK; } } if (!item.canStackAt(this, tileFurniList)) { return FurnitureMovementError.CANT_STACK; } return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } public FurnitureMovementError placeFloorFurniAt(HabboItem item, RoomTile tile, int rotation, Habbo owner) throws Exception { if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurniturePlacedEvent.class, true)) { Event furniturePlacedEvent = new FurniturePlacedEvent(item, owner, tile); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(furniturePlacedEvent); if(furniturePlacedEvent.isCancelled()) return FurnitureMovementError.CANCEL_PLUGIN_PLACE; } THashSet occupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(tile, item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), rotation); FurnitureMovementError fits = furnitureFitsAt(tile, item, rotation); if (!fits.equals(FurnitureMovementError.NONE)) { return fits; } item.setZ(tile.getStackHeight()); item.setX(tile.x); item.setY(tile.y); item.setRotation(rotation); if (!this.furniOwnerNames.containsKey(item.getUserId()) && owner != null) { this.furniOwnerNames.put(item.getUserId(), owner.getHabboInfo().getUsername()); } item.needsUpdate(true); this.addHabboItem(item); item.setRoomId(; item.onPlace(this); this.updateTiles(occupiedTiles); this.sendComposer(new AddFloorItemComposer(item, this.getFurniOwnerName(item.getUserId())).compose()); for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { this.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y); } Emulator.getThreading().run(item); return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } public FurnitureMovementError placeWallFurniAt(HabboItem item, String wallPosition, Habbo owner) { if (!(this.hasRights(owner) || this.guildRightLevel(owner) >= 2)) { return FurnitureMovementError.NO_RIGHTS; } if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurniturePlacedEvent.class, true)) { Event furniturePlacedEvent = new FurniturePlacedEvent(item, owner, null); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(furniturePlacedEvent); if(furniturePlacedEvent.isCancelled()) return FurnitureMovementError.CANCEL_PLUGIN_PLACE; } item.setWallPosition(wallPosition); if (!this.furniOwnerNames.containsKey(item.getUserId()) && owner != null) { this.furniOwnerNames.put(item.getUserId(), owner.getHabboInfo().getUsername()); } this.sendComposer(new AddWallItemComposer(item, this.getFurniOwnerName(item.getUserId())).compose()); item.needsUpdate(true); this.addHabboItem(item); item.setRoomId(; item.onPlace(this); Emulator.getThreading().run(item); return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } public FurnitureMovementError moveFurniTo(HabboItem item, RoomTile tile, int rotation, Habbo actor) { RoomTile oldLocation = this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurnitureMovedEvent.class, true)) { if (Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new FurnitureMovedEvent(item, actor, oldLocation, tile)).isCancelled()) return FurnitureMovementError.CANCEL_PLUGIN_MOVE; } HabboItem topItem = this.getTopItemAt(tile.x, tile.y); boolean magicTile = item instanceof InteractionStackHelper; //Check if can be placed at new position THashSet occupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(tile, item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), rotation); if (topItem != item) { for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { if (!magicTile && ((this.getTopItemAt(t.x, t.y) != item ? t.state.equals(RoomTileState.INVALID) || !t.getAllowStack() : this.calculateTileState(t, item).equals(RoomTileState.INVALID)))) return FurnitureMovementError.CANT_STACK; if (this.hasHabbosAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_HABBOS; if (this.hasBotsAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_BOTS; if (this.hasPetsAt(t.x, t.y)) return FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_PETS; } } List>> tileFurniList = new ArrayList<>(); for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { tileFurniList.add(Pair.create(t, this.getItemsAt(t))); } if (!magicTile && !item.canStackAt(this, tileFurniList)) { return FurnitureMovementError.CANT_STACK; } THashSet oldOccupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); int oldRotation = item.getRotation(); item.setRotation(rotation); if (oldRotation != rotation) { if (Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(FurnitureRotatedEvent.class, true)) { Event furnitureRotatedEvent = new FurnitureRotatedEvent(item, actor, oldRotation); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(furnitureRotatedEvent); if (furnitureRotatedEvent.isCancelled()) { item.setRotation(oldRotation); return FurnitureMovementError.CANCEL_PLUGIN_ROTATE; } } } //Place at new position item.setX(tile.x); item.setY(tile.y); item.setZ(this.getStackHeight(tile.x, tile.y, false, item)); if (magicTile) { item.setZ(tile.z); item.setExtradata("" + item.getZ() * 100); } if (item.getZ() > 40d) { item.setZ(40); } //Update Furniture item.onMove(this, oldLocation, tile); item.needsUpdate(true); Emulator.getThreading().run(item); this.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose()); //Update old & new tiles occupiedTiles.removeAll(oldOccupiedTiles); occupiedTiles.addAll(oldOccupiedTiles); this.updateTiles(occupiedTiles); //Update Habbos at old position for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { this.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y); } return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } public FurnitureMovementError slideFurniTo(HabboItem item, RoomTile tile, int rotation) { RoomTile oldLocation = this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); HabboItem topItem = this.getTopItemAt(tile.x, tile.y); boolean magicTile = item instanceof InteractionStackHelper; //Check if can be placed at new position THashSet occupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(tile, item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), rotation); List>> tileFurniList = new ArrayList<>(); for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { tileFurniList.add(Pair.create(t, this.getItemsAt(t))); } if (!magicTile && !item.canStackAt(this, tileFurniList)) { return FurnitureMovementError.CANT_STACK; } THashSet oldOccupiedTiles = this.layout.getTilesAt(this.layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()); int oldRotation = item.getRotation(); item.setRotation(rotation); //Place at new position if (magicTile) { item.setZ(tile.z); item.setExtradata("" + item.getZ() * 100); } if (item.getZ() > 40d) { item.setZ(40); } double offset = this.getStackHeight(tile.x, tile.y, false, item) - item.getZ(); this.sendComposer(new FloorItemOnRollerComposer(item, null, tile, offset, this).compose()); //Update Habbos at old position for (RoomTile t : occupiedTiles) { this.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y); } return FurnitureMovementError.NONE; } }