#DATABASE UPDATE: 1.0.10 -> 1.1.0 INSERT INTO `emulator_texts` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('commands.error.cmd_unmute.not_specified', 'No user specified to unmute!'), ('commands.error.cmd_unmute.not_found', '%user% is not online!'), ('commands.succes.cmd_unmute', '%user% has been unmuted!'), ('commands.keys.cmd_unmute', 'unmute'), ('commands.description.cmd_unmute', ':unmute <username>'); ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD `cmd_unmute` ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `cmd_unload`; ALTER TABLE `bans` ADD `timestamp` INT NOT NULL AFTER `user_staff_id`; ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD `cmd_give_rank` ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `cmd_gift`; INSERT INTO`emulator_texts` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('commands.keys.cmd_give_rank', 'giverank;setrank;give_rank;set_rank'), ('commands.description.cmd_give_rank', ':giverank <username> <rank>'), ('commands.error.cmd_give_rank.not_found', 'Rank %id% was not found!'), ('commands.succes.cmd_give_rank.updated', '%username% has been given the rank %id%'), ('commands.error.cmd_give_rank.higher', 'You cannot rank %username% to a higher rank than you are!'), ('commands.error.cmd_give_rank.user_offline', '%username% is not online!'), ('commands.error.cmd_give_rank.missing_rank', 'Missing rank. Usage: '), ('commands.error.cmd_give_rank.missing_username', 'Missing username. Usage: '), ('commands.generic.cmd_give_rank.new_rank', 'Your rank has been updated. Your rank is now %id%'); #END DATABASE UPDATE: 1.0.10 -> 1.1.0