package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import javafx.util.Pair; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.ExponentialDistribution; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; public class PetManager { public static final int[] experiences = new int[]{ 100, 200, 400, 600, 900, 1300, 1800, 2400, 3200, 4300, 5700, 7600, 10100, 13300, 17500, 23000, 30200, 39600, 51900}; private final THashMap> petRaces; private final THashMap petData; private final TIntIntMap breedingPetType; private final THashMap>> breedingReward; public PetManager() { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.petRaces = new THashMap>(); this.petData = new THashMap(); this.breedingPetType = new TIntIntHashMap(); this.breedingReward = new THashMap>>(); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { this.loadRaces(connection); this.loadPetData(connection); this.loadPetCommands(connection); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Pet Manager -> Failed to load!"); return; } Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Pet Manager -> Loaded! (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " MS)"); } public void reloadPetData() { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM pet_actions ORDER BY pet_type ASC")) { try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { while ( { PetData petData = this.petData.get(set.getInt("pet_type")); if (petData != null) { petData.update(set); } else { this.petData.put(set.getInt("pet_type"), new PetData(set)); } } } } PetData.generalNestItems.clear(); PetData.generalFoodItems.clear(); PetData.generalDrinkItems.clear(); for(PetData data : this.petData.values()) { data.getDrinkItems().clear(); data.getFoodItems().clear(); data.getToyItems().clear(); data.getNests().clear(); data.petVocals.clear(); } this.loadPetItems(connection); this.loadPetVocals(connection); this.loadRaces(connection); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } private void loadRaces(Connection connection) throws SQLException { this.petRaces.clear(); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_breeds ORDER BY race, color_one, color_two ASC")) { while( { if(this.petRaces.get(set.getInt("race")) == null) this.petRaces.put(set.getInt("race"), new THashSet()); this.petRaces.get(set.getInt("race")).add(new PetRace(set)); } } } private void loadPetData(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_actions ORDER BY pet_type ASC")) { while( { this.petData.put(set.getInt("pet_type"), new PetData(set)); } } this.loadPetItems(connection); this.loadPetVocals(connection); } private void loadPetItems(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_items")) { while( { Item baseItem = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().getItem(set.getInt("item_id")); if(baseItem != null) { if(set.getInt("pet_id") == 0) { if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionNest.class) PetData.generalNestItems.add(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetFood.class) PetData.generalFoodItems.add(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetDrink.class) PetData.generalDrinkItems.add(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetToy.class) PetData.generalToyItems.add(baseItem); } else { PetData data = this.getPetData(set.getInt("pet_id")); if(data != null) { if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionNest.class) data.addNest(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetFood.class) data.addFoodItem(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetDrink.class) data.addDrinkItem(baseItem); else if(baseItem.getInteractionType().getType() == InteractionPetToy.class) data.addToyItem(baseItem); } } } } } } private void loadPetVocals(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_vocals")) { while( { if(set.getInt("pet_id") > 0) { this.petData.get(set.getInt("pet_id")).petVocals.get(PetVocalsType.valueOf(set.getString("type").toUpperCase())).add(new PetVocal(set.getString("message"))); } else { if(!PetData.generalPetVocals.containsKey(PetVocalsType.valueOf(set.getString("type").toUpperCase()))) PetData.generalPetVocals.put(PetVocalsType.valueOf(set.getString("type").toUpperCase()), new THashSet()); PetData.generalPetVocals.get(PetVocalsType.valueOf(set.getString("type").toUpperCase())).add(new PetVocal(set.getString("message"))); } } } } private void loadPetCommands(Connection connection) throws SQLException { THashMap commandsList = new THashMap(); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_commands_data")) { while( { commandsList.put(set.getInt("command_id"), new PetCommand(set)); } } try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_commands ORDER BY pet_id ASC")) { while( { PetData data = this.petData.get(set.getInt("pet_id")); if(data != null) { data.getPetCommands().add(commandsList.get(set.getInt("command_id"))); } } } } private void loadPetBreeding(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_breeding")) { while ( { this.breedingPetType.put(set.getInt("pet_id"), set.getInt("offspring_id")); } } try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pet_breeding_races")) { while ( { PetBreedingReward reward = new PetBreedingReward(set); if (!this.breedingReward.containsKey(reward.petType)) { this.breedingReward.put(reward.petType, new TIntObjectHashMap>()); } if (!this.breedingReward.get(reward.petType).containsKey(reward.rarityLevel)) { this.breedingReward.get(reward.petType).put(reward.rarityLevel, new ArrayList()); } this.breedingReward.get(reward.petType).get(reward.rarityLevel).add(reward); } } } public THashSet getBreeds(String petName) { if(!petName.startsWith("a0 pet")) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Pet " + petName + " not found. Make sure it matches the pattern \"a0 pet\"!"); return null; } try { int petId = Integer.valueOf(petName.split("t")[1]); return this.petRaces.get(petId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static int getLevel(int experience) { int index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < experiences.length; i++) { if(experiences[i] > experience) { index = i; break; } } return index + 1; } public static int maxEnergy(int level) { //TODO: Add energy calculation. return 100 * level; } public PetData getPetData(int type) { synchronized (this.petData) { if (this.petData.containsKey(type)) { return this.petData.get(type); } else { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Missing petdata for type " + type + ". Adding this to the database..."); try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO pet_actions (pet_type) VALUES (?)")) { statement.setInt(1, type); statement.execute(); } try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM pet_actions WHERE pet_type = ? LIMIT 1")) { statement.setInt(1, type); try (ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery()) { if ( { PetData petData = new PetData(set); this.petData.put(type, petData); Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Missing petdata for type " + type + " added to the database!"); return petData; } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } } return null; } public PetData getPetData(String petName) { synchronized (this.petData) { for (Map.Entry entry : this.petData.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(petName)) { return entry.getValue(); } } } return null; } public Collection getPetData() { return this.petData.values(); } public Pet createPet(Item item, String name, String race, String color, GameClient client) { int type = Integer.valueOf(item.getName().toLowerCase().replace("a0 pet", "")); Pet pet; if(type == 15) pet = new HorsePet(type, Integer.valueOf(race), color, name, client.getHabbo().getHabboInfo().getId()); else if(type == 16) pet = createMonsterplant(null, client.getHabbo(), false, null); else pet = new Pet(type, Integer.valueOf(race), color, name, client.getHabbo().getHabboInfo().getId() ); pet.needsUpdate = true;; return pet; } public Pet createPet(int type, String name, GameClient client) { Pet pet = new Pet(type, Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(this.petRaces.get(type).size() + 1), "FFFFFF", name, client.getHabbo().getHabboInfo().getId()); pet.needsUpdate = true;; return pet; } public MonsterplantPet createMonsterplant(Room room, Habbo habbo, boolean rare, RoomTile t) { MonsterplantPet pet = new MonsterplantPet( habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), //Owner ID randomBody(rare ? 4 : 0), // Type randomColor(rare ? 4 : 0), // Color Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(12) + 1, // Mouth Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(11), // Mouthcolor Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(12) + 1, // Nose Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(11), // NoseColor Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(12) + 1, // Eyes Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(11) // EyesColor ); pet.setUserId(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); pet.setRoom(room); pet.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); pet.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(room); pet.needsUpdate = true;; return pet; } public Pet createGnome(String name, Room room, Habbo habbo) { Pet pet = new GnomePet(26, 0, "FFFFFF", name, habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), "5 " + "0 -1 " + randomGnomeSkinColor() + " " + "1 10" + (1 + Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2)) + " " + randomGnomeColor() + " " + "2 201 " + randomGnomeColor() + " " + "3 30" + (1 + Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2)) + " " + randomGnomeColor() + " " + "4 40" + Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) + " " + randomGnomeColor() ); pet.setUserId(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); pet.setRoom(room); pet.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); pet.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(room); pet.needsUpdate = true;; return pet; } public Pet createLeprechaun(String name, Room room, Habbo habbo) { Pet pet = new GnomePet(27, 0, "FFFFFF", name, habbo.getHabboInfo().getId(), "5 " + "0 -1 0 " + "1 102 19 " + "2 201 27 " + "3 302 23 " + "4 401 27" ); pet.setUserId(habbo.getHabboInfo().getId()); pet.setRoom(room); pet.setRoomUnit(new RoomUnit()); pet.getRoomUnit().setPathFinderRoom(room); pet.needsUpdate = true;; return pet; } private int randomGnomeColor() { int color = 19; while (color == 19 || color == 27) { color = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(34); } return color; } private int randomLeprechaunColor() { return Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1 ? 19 : 27; } static int[] skins = new int[]{0, 1, 6, 7}; private int randomGnomeSkinColor() { return skins[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(skins.length)]; } public static int randomBody(int minimumRarity) { //int rarity = MonsterplantPet.indexedBody.get(random(0, MonsterplantPet.bodyRarity.size(), 2.0)).getValue(); int rarity = -1; Integer bodyType = 0; while (rarity < minimumRarity) { bodyType = (Integer) MonsterplantPet.bodyRarity.keySet().toArray()[random(0, MonsterplantPet.bodyRarity.size(), 2.0)]; rarity = MonsterplantPet.bodyRarity.get(bodyType).getValue(); } return bodyType; } public static int randomColor(int minimumRarity) { int rarity = -1; Integer colorType = 0; while (rarity < minimumRarity) { colorType = (Integer) MonsterplantPet.colorRarity.keySet().toArray()[random(0, MonsterplantPet.colorRarity.size(), 2.0)]; rarity = MonsterplantPet.colorRarity.get(colorType).getValue(); } return colorType; } public static int random(int low, int high, double bias) { double r = Math.random(); // random between 0 and 1 r = Math.pow(r, bias); return (int) (low + (high - low) * r); } public static Pet loadPet(ResultSet set) throws SQLException { if(set.getInt("type") == 15) return new HorsePet(set); else if(set.getInt("type") == 16) return new MonsterplantPet(set); else if (set.getInt("type") == 26 || set.getInt("type") == 27) return new GnomePet(set); else return new Pet(set); } /** * Deletes a pet from the database. * @param pet The pet to delete. * @return true if the pet has been deleted. */ public boolean deletePet(AbstractPet pet) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM users_pets WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1")) { statement.setInt(1, pet.getId()); return statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } return false; } }