package; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; public class Pet implements ISerialize, Runnable { protected int id; protected int userId; protected Room room; protected String name; protected PetData petData; protected int race; protected String color; protected int happyness; public int levelThirst; public int levelHunger; protected int experience; protected int energy; protected int respect; protected int created; protected int level; public boolean needsUpdate = false; private int chatTimeout; RoomUnit roomUnit; public boolean packetUpdate = false; private int tickTimeout = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private int happynessDelay = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private int gestureTickTimeout = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private int randomActionTickTimeout = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private int postureTimeout = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private int idleCommandTicks = 0; private int freeCommandTicks = -1; private PetTasks task = PetTasks.FREE; private boolean muted = false; public Pet(ResultSet set) throws SQLException { super(); = set.getInt("id"); this.userId = set.getInt("user_id"); = null; = set.getString("name"); this.petData = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getPetManager().getPetData(set.getInt("type")); if (this.petData == null) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("WARNING! Missing pet data for type: " + set.getInt("type") + "! Insert a new entry into the pet_actions table for this type!"); this.petData = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getPetManager().getPetData(0); } this.race = set.getInt("race"); this.experience = set.getInt("experience"); this.happyness = set.getInt("happyness"); = set.getInt("energy"); this.respect = set.getInt("respect"); this.created = set.getInt("created"); this.color = set.getString("color"); this.levelThirst = set.getInt("thirst"); this.levelHunger = set.getInt("hunger"); this.level = PetManager.getLevel(this.experience); } public Pet(int type, int race, String color, String name, int userId) { = 0; this.userId = userId; = null; = name; this.petData = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getPetManager().getPetData(type); if(this.petData == null) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(new Exception("WARNING! Missing pet data for type: " + type + "! Insert a new entry into the pet_actions table for this type!")); } this.race = race; this.color = color; this.experience = 0; this.happyness = 100; = 100; this.respect = 0; this.levelThirst = 0; this.levelHunger = 0; this.created = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); this.level = 1; } protected void say(String message) { if(this.roomUnit != null && != null && !message.isEmpty()) { RoomChatMessage chatMessage = new RoomChatMessage(message, this.roomUnit, RoomChatMessageBubbles.NORMAL); PetTalkEvent talkEvent = new PetTalkEvent(this, chatMessage); if (!Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(talkEvent).isCancelled()) { RoomUserTalkComposer(chatMessage).compose()); } } } public void say(PetVocal vocal) { if(vocal != null) this.say(vocal.message); } public void addEnergy(int amount) { += amount; if( > PetManager.maxEnergy(this.level)) = PetManager.maxEnergy(this.level); if( < 0) = 0; } public void addHappyness(int amount) { this.happyness += amount; if(this.happyness > 100) this.happyness = 100; if(this.happyness < 0) this.happyness = 0; } public int getRespect() { return respect; } public void addRespect() { this.respect++; } public int daysAlive() { return (Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - this.created) / 86400; } public String bornDate() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault()); cal.setTime(new java.util.Date(this.created)); return cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); } @Override public void run() { if(this.needsUpdate) { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { if ( > 0) { try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users_pets SET room_id = ?, experience = ?, energy = ?, respect = ?, x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, rot = ?, hunger = ?, thirst = ?, happyness = ?, created = ? WHERE id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1, ( == null ? 0 :; statement.setInt(2, this.experience); statement.setInt(3,; statement.setInt(4, this.respect); statement.setInt(5, this.roomUnit != null ? this.roomUnit.getX() : 0); statement.setInt(6, this.roomUnit != null ? this.roomUnit.getY() : 0); statement.setDouble(7, this.roomUnit != null ? this.roomUnit.getZ() : 0.0); statement.setInt(8, this.roomUnit != null ? this.roomUnit.getBodyRotation().getValue() : 0); statement.setInt(9, this.levelHunger); statement.setInt(10, this.levelThirst); statement.setInt(11, this.happyness); statement.setInt(12, this.created); statement.setInt(13,; statement.execute(); } } else if ( == 0) { try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO users_pets (user_id, room_id, name, race, type, color, experience, energy, respect, created) VALUES (?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)) { statement.setInt(1, this.userId); statement.setString(2,; statement.setInt(3, this.race); statement.setInt(4, 0); if (this.petData != null) { statement.setInt(4, this.petData.getType()); } statement.setString(5, this.color); statement.setInt(6, this.created); statement.execute(); try (ResultSet set = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) { if ( { = set.getInt(1); } } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } this.needsUpdate = false; } } public void cycle() { this.idleCommandTicks++; int time = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); if(this.roomUnit != null && this.task != PetTasks.RIDE) { if(time - this.gestureTickTimeout > 5) { this.roomUnit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE); this.packetUpdate = true; } if(time - this.postureTimeout > 1 && this.task == null) { this.clearPosture(); this.postureTimeout = time + 120; } if (this.freeCommandTicks > 0) { this.freeCommandTicks--; if (this.freeCommandTicks == 0) { freeCommand(); } } if(!this.roomUnit.isWalking()) { this.roomUnit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE); if (this.roomUnit.getWalkTimeOut() < time && this.canWalk()) { RoomTile tile =; if (tile != null) { this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(tile); } } if (this.task == PetTasks.NEST || this.task == PetTasks.DOWN) { if (this.levelHunger > 0) this.levelHunger--; if (this.levelThirst > 0) this.levelThirst--; this.addEnergy(5); this.addHappyness(1); if ( == PetManager.maxEnergy(this.level)) { this.roomUnit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY); this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(; this.task = null; this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.ENERGY.getKey()); this.gestureTickTimeout = time; } } else if(this.tickTimeout >= 5) { if(this.levelHunger < 100) this.levelHunger++; if(this.levelThirst < 100) this.levelThirst++; if( < PetManager.maxEnergy(this.level)); this.tickTimeout = time; } } else { int timeout = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(10) * 2; this.roomUnit.setWalkTimeOut(timeout < 20 ? 20 + time : timeout + time); if( >= 2) this.addEnergy(-1); if(this.levelHunger < 100) this.levelHunger++; if(this.levelThirst < 100) this.levelThirst++; if(this.happyness > 0 && time - this.happynessDelay >= 30) { this.happyness--; this.happynessDelay = time; } } if(time - this.gestureTickTimeout > 15) { updateGesture(time); } else if(time - this.randomActionTickTimeout > 30) { this.randomAction(); this.randomActionTickTimeout = time + (10 * Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(60)); } if(!this.muted) { if (this.chatTimeout <= time) { if ( <= 30) { this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.TIRED)); if( <= 10) this.findNest(); } else if (this.happyness > 85) { this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.GENERIC_HAPPY)); } else if (this.happyness < 15) { this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.GENERIC_SAD)); } else if (this.levelHunger > 50) { this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.HUNGRY));; } else if (this.levelThirst > 50) { this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.THIRSTY)); this.drink(); } int timeOut = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(30); this.chatTimeout = time + (timeOut < 3 ? 30 : timeOut); } } } } public void handleCommand(PetCommand command, Habbo habbo, String[] data) { this.idleCommandTicks = 0; command.handle(this, habbo, data); } public boolean canWalk() { if(this.task == null) return true; switch(this.task) { case DOWN: case FLAT: case HERE: case SIT: case BEG: case PLAY: case PLAY_FOOTBALL: case PLAY_DEAD: case FOLLOW: case JUMP: case STAND: case NEST: case RIDE: return false; } return true; } public void clearPosture() { THashMap keys = new THashMap<>(); if(this.roomUnit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE)) keys.put(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE, this.roomUnit.getStatus(RoomUnitStatus.MOVE)); if(this.roomUnit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT)) keys.put(RoomUnitStatus.SIT, this.roomUnit.getStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SIT)); if(this.roomUnit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY)) keys.put(RoomUnitStatus.LAY, this.roomUnit.getStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY)); if(this.roomUnit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE)) keys.put(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, this.roomUnit.getStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE)); if(this.task == null) { boolean isDead = false; if (this.roomUnit.hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.RIP)) isDead = true; this.roomUnit.clearStatus(); if (isDead) this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.RIP, ""); for (Map.Entry entry : keys.entrySet()) { this.roomUnit.setStatus(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } this.packetUpdate = true; } public void updateGesture(int time) { this.gestureTickTimeout = time; if ( < 30) { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.TIRED.getKey()); this.findNest(); } else if(this.happyness == 100) { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.LOVE.getKey()); } else if (this.happyness >= 90) { this.randomHappyAction(); this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.HAPPY.getKey()); } else if (this.happyness <= 5) { this.randomSadAction(); this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.SAD.getKey()); } else if (this.levelHunger > 80) { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.HUNGRY.getKey());; } else if (this.levelThirst > 80) { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.THIRSTY.getKey()); this.drink(); } else if(this.idleCommandTicks > 240) { this.idleCommandTicks = 0; this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, PetGestures.QUESTION.getKey()); } } @Override public void serialize(ServerMessage message) { message.appendInt(; message.appendString(; if (this.petData != null) { message.appendInt(this.petData.getType()); } else { message.appendInt(-1); } message.appendInt(this.race); message.appendString(this.color); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(0); } public void findNest() { HabboItem item = this.petData.randomNest(; this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); if(item != null) { this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(, item.getY())); } else { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.LAY,, this.roomUnit.getY(), false) + ""); this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.SLEEPING)); this.task = PetTasks.DOWN; } } public void drink() { HabboItem item = this.petData.randomDrinkItem(; if(item != null) { this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(, item.getY())); } } public void eat() { HabboItem item = this.petData.randomFoodItem(; { if(item != null) { this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(, item.getY())); } } } public void findToy() { HabboItem item = this.petData.randomToyItem(; { if(item != null) { this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(, item.getY())); } } } public void randomHappyAction() { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.fromString(this.petData.actionsHappy[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(this.petData.actionsHappy.length)]), ""); } public void randomSadAction() { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.fromString(this.petData.actionsTired[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(this.petData.actionsTired.length)]), ""); } public void randomAction() { this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.fromString(this.petData.actionsRandom[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(this.petData.actionsRandom.length)]), ""); } public void addExperience(int amount) { this.experience += amount; if( != null) { RoomPetExperienceComposer(this, amount).compose()); if(this.level < PetManager.experiences.length + 1 && this.experience >= PetManager.experiences[this.level - 1]) { this.levelUp(); } } } protected void levelUp() { if (this.level >= PetManager.experiences.length) return; this.level++; if (this.experience < PetManager.experiences[this.level]) { this.experience = PetManager.experiences[this.level]; } this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.LEVEL_UP)); this.addHappyness(100); this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, "exp"); this.gestureTickTimeout = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); AchievementManager.progressAchievement(Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(this.userId), Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("PetLevelUp")); PetLevelUpdatedComposer(this).compose()); } public void addThirst(int amount) { this.levelThirst += amount; if(this.levelThirst > 100) this.levelThirst = 100; if(this.levelThirst < 0) this.levelThirst = 0; } public void addHunger(int amount) { this.levelHunger += amount; if(this.levelHunger > 100) this.levelHunger = 100; if(this.levelHunger < 0) this.levelHunger = 0; } public void freeCommand() { this.task = null; this.roomUnit.setGoalLocation(this.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()); this.roomUnit.clearStatus(); this.roomUnit.setCanWalk(true); this.say(this.petData.randomVocal(PetVocalsType.GENERIC_NEUTRAL)); } public void scratched(Habbo habbo) { this.addExperience(10); this.addRespect(); if (habbo != null) { habbo.getHabboStats().petRespectPointsToGive--; habbo.getHabboInfo().getCurrentRoom().sendComposer(new RoomPetRespectComposer(this).compose()); AchievementManager.progressAchievement(habbo, Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("PetRespectGiver")); } AchievementManager.progressAchievement(Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(this.userId), Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("PetRespectReceiver")); } public int getId() { return; } public int getUserId() { return this.userId; } public void setUserId(int userId) { this.userId = userId; } public Room getRoom() { return; } public void setRoom(Room room) { = room; } public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public PetData getPetData() { return this.petData; } public void setPetData(PetData petData) { this.petData = petData; } public int getRace() { return this.race; } public void setRace(int race) { this.race = race; } public String getColor() { return this.color; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public int getHappyness() { return happyness; } public void setHappyness(int happyness) { this.happyness = happyness; } public int getExperience() { return experience; } public void setExperience(int experience) { this.experience = experience; } public int getEnergy() { return; } public int getMaxEnergy() { return this.level * 100; } public void setEnergy(int energy) { = energy; } public int getCreated() { return this.created; } public void setCreated(int created) { this.created = created; } public int getLevel() { return this.level; } public void setLevel(int level) { this.level = level; } public RoomUnit getRoomUnit() { return this.roomUnit; } public void setRoomUnit(RoomUnit roomUnit) { this.roomUnit = roomUnit; } public PetTasks getTask() { return this.task; } public void setTask(PetTasks newTask) { this.task = newTask; } public boolean isMuted() { return muted; } public void setMuted(boolean muted) { this.muted = muted; } public int getLevelThirst() { return levelThirst; } public void setLevelThirst(int levelThirst) { this.levelThirst = levelThirst; } public int getLevelHunger() { return levelHunger; } public void setLevelHunger(int levelHunger) { this.levelHunger = levelHunger; } }