<!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above -->
<!-- You should remove sections that are not related --> 

## Build Information
<!-- Issues will be closed if you don't provide this information, as we may need to replicate it on your exact build -->
Emulator Version:  
Emulator Build (hash):

## Expected Behavior
<!--- Tell us what should happen -->

## Current Behavior
<!--- Tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior -->

## Possible Solution
<!--- Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug -->

## Steps to Reproduce
<!--- Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to -->
<!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant -->

## Context (Environment)
<!--- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? -->
<!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world however it is not obligatory -->

<!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above -->

## Detailed Description
<!--- Provide a detailed description of the change or addition you are proposing -->

## Possible Implementation
<!--- Not obligatory, but suggest an idea for implementing addition or change -->