mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:52:37 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public final class Emulator {
public static final String ANSI_YELLOW = "\u001B[33m";
public final static String PREVIEW = "RC-2";
public final static String PREVIEW = "Stable";
public static final String version = "Arcturus Morningstar" + " " + MAJOR + "." + MINOR + "." + BUILD + " " + PREVIEW;
private static final String logo =
@ -39,174 +39,117 @@ public class WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni extends InteractionWiredEffect {
public boolean execute(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] stuff) {
THashSet<HabboItem> items = new THashSet<>(this.items.size());
// remove items that are no longer in the room
this.items.removeIf( item -> Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null);
THashSet<RoomTile> tilesToUpdate = new THashSet<>(Math.min(this.items.size(), 10));
for (HabboItem item : this.items) {
if (Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null)
for (HabboItem item : items) {
for (HabboItem item : this.items) {
//Handle rotation
int rotationToAdd = 0;
if (this.rotation > 0) {
tilesToUpdate.addAll(room.getLayout().getTilesAt(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()));
if (this.rotation == 1) {
rotationToAdd = 2;
} else if (this.rotation == 2) {
rotationToAdd = 6;
//Random rotation
else if (this.rotation == 3) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
rotationToAdd = 2;
} else {
rotationToAdd = 6;
int newRotation = this.getNewRotation(item);
int newRotation = ((item.getRotation() + rotationToAdd) % 8) % (item.getBaseItem().getWidth() > 1 || item.getBaseItem().getLength() > 1 ? 4 : 8);
//Verify if rotation result in a valid position
FurnitureMovementError rotateError = room.furnitureFitsAt(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item, newRotation);
if (rotationToAdd > 0 && (rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_HABBOS) || rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_PETS) ||
rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_BOTS) || rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.NONE)))
if (this.direction == 0) {
tilesToUpdate.addAll(room.getLayout().getTilesAt(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()));
room.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose());
for (RoomTile t : tilesToUpdate) {
room.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y);
room.updateBotsAt(t.x, t.y);
if (this.direction > 0) {
int nextDirectionOffset = 0;
RoomUserRotation startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
RoomUserRotation moveDirection = null;
if (this.direction == 1) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.values()[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(RoomUserRotation.values().length / 2) * 2];
nextDirectionOffset = 2;
} else if (this.direction == 2) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST;
nextDirectionOffset = 4;
} else {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST;
nextDirectionOffset = 4;
} else if (this.direction == 3) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
nextDirectionOffset = 4;
} else {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH;
nextDirectionOffset = 4;
} else if (this.direction == 4) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH;
nextDirectionOffset = 8;
} else if (this.direction == 5) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST;
nextDirectionOffset = 8;
} else if (this.direction == 6) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
nextDirectionOffset = 8;
} else if (this.direction == 7) {
startMoveDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST;
nextDirectionOffset = 8;
boolean validMove = false;
int count = 0;
int maxCount = 8 / nextDirectionOffset;
while (moveDirection != startMoveDirection && !validMove && count < maxCount) {
if (moveDirection == null) {
moveDirection = startMoveDirection;
RoomLayout layout = room.getLayout();
if (layout == null) return false;
RoomTile newTile = layout.getTile(
(short) (item.getX() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : (((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST) ? 1 : 0)))),
(short) (item.getY() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST) ? 1 : ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : 0)))
if (newTile != null) {
boolean hasHabbos = false;
for (Habbo habbo : room.getHabbosAt(newTile)) {
hasHabbos = true;
WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.COLLISION, habbo.getRoomUnit(), room, new Object[]{item});
//Verify if rotation result in a valid position
FurnitureMovementError rotateError = room.furnitureFitsAt(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item, newRotation);
if (item.getRotation() != newRotation && (rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_HABBOS) || rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_PETS) ||
rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_BOTS) || rotateError.equals(FurnitureMovementError.NONE)))
if(this.direction == 0) {
tilesToUpdate.addAll(room.getLayout().getTilesAt(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), item.getBaseItem().getWidth(), item.getBaseItem().getLength(), item.getRotation()));
room.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose());
for (RoomTile t : tilesToUpdate) {
room.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y);
room.updateBotsAt(t.x, t.y);
if (!hasHabbos && room.getStackHeight(newTile.x, newTile.y, true, item) != Short.MAX_VALUE) {
java.awt.Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(newTile.x,
//handle movement
if (this.direction > 0) {
RoomUserRotation moveDirection = this.getMovementDirection();
boolean validMove = false;
RoomLayout layout = room.getLayout();
if (layout == null) return false;
double offset = -Short.MAX_VALUE;
validMove = true;
for (short x = (short) rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.getWidth(); x++) {
if (!validMove) {
RoomTile newTile = layout.getTile(
(short) (item.getX() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : (((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST) ? 1 : 0)))),
(short) (item.getY() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST) ? 1 : ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : 0)))
if (newTile != null) {
boolean hasHabbos = false;
for (Habbo habbo : room.getHabbosAt(newTile)) {
hasHabbos = true;
WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.COLLISION, habbo.getRoomUnit(), room, new Object[]{item});
if (!hasHabbos && room.getStackHeight(newTile.x, newTile.y, true, item) != Short.MAX_VALUE) {
java.awt.Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(newTile.x,
double offset = -Short.MAX_VALUE;
validMove = true;
for (short x = (short) rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.getWidth(); x++) {
if (!validMove) {
for (short y = (short) rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.getHeight(); y++) {
RoomTile tile = layout.getTile(x, y);
if (tile == null || tile.state == RoomTileState.INVALID || !tile.getAllowStack()) {
validMove = false;
for (short y = (short) rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.getHeight(); y++) {
RoomTile tile = layout.getTile(x, y);
THashSet<HabboItem> itemsAtNewTile = room.getItemsAt(tile);
if (item instanceof InteractionRoller && !itemsAtNewTile.isEmpty()) {
validMove = false;
if (tile == null || tile.state == RoomTileState.INVALID || tile.state == RoomTileState.BLOCKED || !tile.getAllowStack()) {
validMove = false;
ArrayList<Pair<RoomTile, THashSet<HabboItem>>> tileItems = new ArrayList<>(rectangle.width * rectangle.height);
tileItems.add(Pair.create(tile, itemsAtNewTile));
if (!item.canStackAt(room, tileItems)) {
validMove = false;
THashSet<HabboItem> itemsAtNewTile = room.getItemsAt(tile);
if (item instanceof InteractionRoller && !itemsAtNewTile.isEmpty()) {
validMove = false;
HabboItem i = room.getTopItemAt(x, y, item);
if (i != null && !i.getBaseItem().allowStack()) {
validMove = false;
java.util.List tileItems = new ArrayList<Pair<RoomTile, THashSet<HabboItem>>>(rectangle.width * rectangle.height);
tileItems.add(Pair.create(tile, itemsAtNewTile));
if (!item.canStackAt(room, tileItems)) {
validMove = false;
offset = Math.max(room.getStackHeight(newTile.x, newTile.y, false, item) - item.getZ(), offset);
HabboItem i = room.getTopItemAt(x, y, item);
if (i != null && !i.getBaseItem().allowStack()) {
validMove = false;
if (item.getZ() + offset > 40) {
offset = 40 - item.getZ();
offset = Math.max(room.getStackHeight(newTile.x, newTile.y, false, item) - item.getZ(), offset);
if (validMove) {
if(this.rotation > 0) {
item.setZ(item.getZ() + offset);
room.sendComposer(new FloorItemUpdateComposer(item).compose());
for (RoomTile t : tilesToUpdate) {
room.updateHabbosAt(t.x, t.y);
room.updateBotsAt(t.x, t.y);
if (item.getZ() + offset > 40) {
offset = 40 - item.getZ();
if (validMove) {
else {
room.sendComposer(new FloorItemOnRollerComposer(item, null, newTile, offset, room).compose());
if (!validMove) {
moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.fromValue(moveDirection.getValue() + nextDirectionOffset);
@ -252,14 +195,14 @@ public class WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni extends InteractionWiredEffect {
if (data.length == 4) {
try {
this.direction = Integer.valueOf(data[0]);
this.rotation = Integer.valueOf(data[1]);
this.direction = Integer.parseInt(data[0]);
this.rotation = Integer.parseInt(data[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
for (String s : data[3].split("\r")) {
HabboItem item = room.getHabboItem(Integer.valueOf(s));
HabboItem item = room.getHabboItem(Integer.parseInt(s));
if (item != null)
@ -336,8 +279,60 @@ public class WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni extends InteractionWiredEffect {
return true;
protected long requiredCooldown() {
return 100;
* Returns a new rotation for an item based on the wired options
* @param item
* @return new rotation
private int getNewRotation(HabboItem item) {
int rotationToAdd = 0;
if (this.rotation == 1) {
rotationToAdd = 2;
} else if (this.rotation == 2) {
rotationToAdd = 6;
//Random rotation
else if (this.rotation == 3) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
rotationToAdd = 2;
} else {
rotationToAdd = 6;
return ((item.getRotation() + rotationToAdd) % 8) % (item.getBaseItem().getWidth() > 1 || item.getBaseItem().getLength() > 1 ? 4 : 8);
* Returns the direction of movement based on the wired settings
* @return direction
private RoomUserRotation getMovementDirection() {
RoomUserRotation movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
if (this.direction == 1) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.values()[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(RoomUserRotation.values().length / 2) * 2];
} else if (this.direction == 2) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST;
} else {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST;
} else if (this.direction == 3) {
if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
} else {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH;
} else if (this.direction == 4) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH;
} else if (this.direction == 5) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST;
} else if (this.direction == 6) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH;
} else if (this.direction == 7) {
movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST;
return movemementDirection;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user