2018-10-06 22:28:00 +00:00
#DATABASE UPDATE: 1.12.0 -> 1.13.0
#UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value` = '0' WHERE `key` LIKE 'camera.use.https';
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES
( ' hotel.view.ltdcountdown.enabled ' , ' 1 ' ) ,
( ' hotel.view.ltdcountdown.timestamp ' , ' 1519496132 ' ) ,
( ' hotel.view.ltdcountdown.itemid ' , ' 10388 ' ) ,
( ' hotel.view.ltdcountdown.pageid ' , ' 13 ' ) ,
( ' hotel.view.ltdcountdown.itename ' , ' trophy_netsafety_0 ' ) ;
CREATE TABLE ` users_ignored ` (
` user_id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
` target_id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE ` users_ignored `
ADD KEY ` user_id ` ( ` user_id ` , ` target_id ` ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' io.client.multithreaded.handler ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.room.stickypole.prefix ' , ' %timestamp%, %username%:\\r ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' support.ticket.picked.failed ' , ' Picking issue failedd: <br>Ticket already picked or does not exist! ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' camera.error.creation ' , ' Failed to create your picture. *sadpanda* ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' scripter.warning.sticky.size ' , ' %username% tried to create a sticky with %amount% characters where %limit% characters are allowed! ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.trading.requires.perk ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
ALTER TABLE ` users_settings ` ADD ` perk_trade ` ENUM ( ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' COMMENT ' Defines if a player has obtained the perk TRADE. When hotel.trading.requires.perk is set to 1, this perk is required in order to trade. Perk is obtained from the talen track. ' AFTER ` allow_name_change ` ;
UPDATE users_settings SET perk_trade = ' 1 ' WHERE talent_track_citizenship_level > = ( SELECT ` level ` FROM achievements_talents WHERE reward_perks LIKE ' %TRADE% ' ORDER BY level ASC LIMIT 1 ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.targetoffer.id ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
CREATE TABLE ` catalog_target_offers ` (
` id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
` offer_code ` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
` title ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
` description ` varchar ( 2048 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
` image ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
` icon ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
` end_timestamp ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
` credits ` int ( 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 10 ' ,
` points ` int ( 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 10 ' ,
` points_type ` int ( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 5 ' ,
` purchase_limit ` int ( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 5 ' ,
` catalog_item ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
` vars ` varchar ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' COMMENT ' List of strings seperated by a ; ' ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` id ` )
CREATE TABLE ` users_target_offer_purchases ` (
` user_id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
` offer_id ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
` state ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` amount ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
` last_purchase ` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ,
UNIQUE KEY ` use_id ` ( ` user_id ` , ` offer_id ` )
ALTER TABLE ` permissions ` ADD ` cmd_promote_offer ` ENUM ( ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' AFTER ` cmd_points ` ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.keys.cmd_promote_offer ' , ' promoteoffer;promotetargetoffer;promote_offer ' ) , ( ' commands.description.cmd_promote_offer ' , ' :promoteoffer <offer_id> [info] ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.cmd_promote_offer.info ' , ' info ' ) , ( ' commands.error.cmd_promote_offer.not_found ' , ' The offer could not be found. Use :promoteoffer info to see a list of active offers. ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.cmd_promote_offer.list ' , ' All available offers (%amount%):<br>%list% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.cmd_promote_offer.list.entry ' , ' %id%: %title% %description% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.succes.cmd_promote_offer ' , ' The promoted offer has been changed to %id%: %title% ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.wordfilter.replacement ' , ' bobba ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_texts ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' commands.keys.cmd_filterword ' , ' filter;banword;filterword ' ) ,
( ' commands.error.cmd_filterword.missing_word ' , ' Please specify the word to filter, with an optional replacement. ' ) ,
( ' commands.error.cmd_filterword.error ' , ' Failed to add the word to the wordfilter. Possible duplicate? ' ) ,
( ' commands.succes.cmd_filterword.added ' , ' Wordfilter word %word% has been added with replacement %replacement%! ' ) ,
( ' commands.description.cmd_filterword ' , ' :filter <word> [replacement] ' ) ;
ALTER TABLE ` permissions ` ADD ` cmd_filterword ` ENUM ( ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' AFTER ` cmd_fastwalk ` ;
INSERT IGNORE INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' debug.show.headers ' , ' ' ) ;
UPDATE ` navigator_filter ` SET ` database_query ` = ' SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE tags LIKE CONCAT(?, \";%\") ' WHERE ` navigator_filter ` . ` key ` = ' tag ' ;
INSERT INTO ` emulator_settings ` ( ` key ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( ' hotel.catalog.purchase.cooldown ' , ' 3 ' ) ;
#DATABASE UPDATE: 1.12.0 -> 1.13.0