from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pylab as plt'lawson') import microphone as mic # Number of frequency bands used for beat detection N_subbands = 64 # FFT statistics for a few previous updates N_history = int(1.0 * mic.FPS) ys_historical_energy = np.zeros(shape=(N_subbands, N_history)) ys_beat_threshold = 6.0 ys_variance_threshold = 0.0 # def A_weighting(fs): # """Design of an A-weighting filter. # b, a = A_weighting(fs) designs a digital A-weighting filter for # sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, x). # Warning: `fs` should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example, # fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter. # References: # [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996. # """ # # Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672. # f1 = 20.598997 # f2 = 107.65265 # f3 = 737.86223 # f4 = 12194.217 # A1000 = 1.9997 # NUMs = [(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0] # DENs = np.polymul([1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2], # [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2]) # DENs = np.polymul(np.polymul(DENs, [1, 2 * np.pi * f3]), # [1, 2 * np.pi * f2]) # # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter. # # (Octave, MATLAB, and PyLab disagree about Fs vs 1/Fs) # return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs) def beat_detect(ys): global ys_historical_energy # Beat energy criterion current_energy = ys * ys mean_energy = np.mean(ys_historical_energy, axis=1) has_beat_energy = current_energy > mean_energy * ys_beat_threshold ys_historical_energy = np.roll(ys_historical_energy, shift=1, axis=1) ys_historical_energy[:, 0] = current_energy # Beat variance criterion ys_variance = np.var(ys_historical_energy, axis=1) has_beat_variance = ys_variance > ys_variance_threshold # Combined energy + variance detection has_beat = has_beat_energy * has_beat_variance return has_beat def fft(data): """Returns |fft(data)|""" yL, yR = np.split(np.abs(np.fft.fft(data)), 2) ys = np.add(yL, yR[::-1]) xs = np.arange(mic.CHUNK / 2, dtype=float) * float(mic.RATE) / mic.CHUNK return xs, ys def fft_log_partition(data, fmin=30, fmax=20000, subbands=64): """Returns FFT partitioned into subbands that are logarithmically spaced""" xs, ys = fft(data) xs_log = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), num=subbands * 32) f = interp1d(xs, ys) ys_log = f(xs_log) X, Y = [], [] for i in range(0, subbands * 32, 32): X.append(np.mean(xs_log[i:i + 32])) Y.append(np.mean(ys_log[i:i + 32])) return np.array(X), np.array(Y)