293 lines
11 KiB
293 lines
11 KiB
#include "customuploader.hpp"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <io/ioutils.hpp>
#include <notifications.hpp>
using std::runtime_error;
void error(QString absFilePath, QString err) {
throw runtime_error((QString("Invalid file: ").append(absFilePath) + ": " + err).toStdString());
CustomUploader::CustomUploader(QString absFilePath) {
types.insert("PNG", "image/png"); // This is a list of supported formats, too
types.insert("GIF", "image/gif");
types.insert("JPG", "image/jpeg");
types.insert("JPEG", "image/jpeg");
types.insert("WEBM", "video/webm");
types.insert("MP4", "video/mp4");
// Let's go
QFile file(absFilePath);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) error(absFilePath, file.errorString());
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll());
if (!doc.isObject()) {
error(absFilePath, "Root not an object");
QJsonObject obj = doc.object();
if (!obj["name"].isString())
error(absFilePath, "name is not a string");
uName = obj["name"].toString();
if (!obj.contains("desc")) {
if (!obj["desc"].isString())
/*t*/ error(absFilePath, "desc not a string");
desc = obj["desc"].toString();
} else
desc = absFilePath;
QJsonValue m = obj["method"];
if (!m.isUndefined() && !m.isNull()) {
if (!m.isString()) error(absFilePath, "method not a string");
QString toCheck = m.toString().toLower();
if (toCheck == "post")
method = HttpMethod::POST;
error(absFilePath, "method invalid");
QJsonValue url = obj["target"];
if (!url.isString()) {
error(absFilePath, "target missing");
QUrl target(url.toString());
if (!target.isValid()) error(absFilePath, "target not URL");
this->target = target;
QJsonValue formatValue = obj["format"];
if (!formatValue.isUndefined() && !formatValue.isNull()) {
if (formatValue.isString()) {
QString formatString = formatValue.toString().toLower();
if (formatString == "x-www-form-urlencoded")
format = RequestFormat::X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED;
else if (formatString == "json")
format = RequestFormat::JSON;
else if (formatString == "plain")
format = RequestFormat::PLAIN;
error(absFilePath, "format invalid");
} else
error(absFilePath, "format provided but not string");
QJsonValue imageValue = obj["imageformat"];
if (!imageValue.isString()) {
error(absFilePath, "imageformat not string");
QString imageFormat = imageValue.toString();
if (imageFormat == "base64" || QRegExp("base64\\([^+]+\\+[^+]+)").exactMatch(imageFormat)
|| QRegExp("[^+]+\\+[^+]+").exactMatch(imageFormat)) {
this->iFormat = imageFormat;
} else
error(absFilePath, "imageformat invalid");
QJsonValue bodyValue = obj["body"];
if (format != RequestFormat::PLAIN) {
if (bodyValue.isUndefined()) error(absFilePath, "body not set");
if (bodyValue.isObject())
body = bodyValue;
error(absFilePath, "body not object");
} else {
if (bodyValue.isString()) {
body = bodyValue;
} else
error(absFilePath, "body not string (reason: format: PLAIN)");
QJsonValue headerVal = obj["headers"];
if (!(headerVal.isUndefined() || headerVal.isNull())) {
if (!headerVal.isObject()) error(absFilePath, "headers must be object");
headers = headerVal.toObject();
} else
headers = QJsonObject();
QJsonValue returnPsVal = obj["return"];
if (returnPsVal.isString()) {
returnPathspec = returnPsVal.toString();
} else
error(absFilePath, "return invalid");
QString CustomUploader::name() {
return uName;
QString CustomUploader::description() {
return desc;
QString getCType(RequestFormat format, QString plainType) {
switch (format) {
case RequestFormat::X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED:
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
case RequestFormat::JSON:
return "application/json";
case RequestFormat::PLAIN:
return plainType;
return plainType;
QList<QPair<QString, QString>> getHeaders(QJsonObject h, QString imageFormat, QMap<QString, QString> types, RequestFormat format) {
QList<QPair<QString, QString>> headers;
for (QString s : h.keys()) {
if (s.toLower() == "content-type") continue;
QJsonValue v = h[s];
if (!v.isString())
headers << QPair<QString, QString>(s, QJsonDocument::fromVariant(v.toVariant()).toJson());
headers << QPair<QString, QString>(s, v.toString());
headers << QPair<QString, QString>("Content-Type", getCType(format, types.value(imageFormat)));
return headers;
QByteArray imageBytes(QPixmap *pixmap, QString format) {
QByteArray returnVal;
QBuffer buff(&returnVal);
pixmap->save(&buff, format.toUpper().toLocal8Bit().constData());
return returnVal;
QString CustomUploader::getFormatString(bool animated) {
if (iFormat == "base64")
return animated ? "GIF" : "PNG";
else if (QRegExp("[^+]+\\+[^+]+").exactMatch(iFormat))
return iFormat.split('+')[(int)animated];
else if (QRegExp("base64\\([^+]+\\+[^+]+)").exactMatch(iFormat))
return iFormat.mid(7, iFormat.length() - 8).split('+')[(int)animated];
return "";
QJsonObject recurseAndReplace(QJsonObject &body, QByteArray &data, QString contentType) {
QJsonObject o;
for (QString s : body.keys()) {
QJsonValue v = body[s];
if (v.isObject()) {
QJsonObject vo = v.toObject();
o.insert(s, recurseAndReplace(vo, data, contentType));
} else if (v.isString()) {
QString str = v.toString();
if (str.startsWith("/") && str.endsWith("/")) {
o.insert(s, str.replace("%image", data).replace("%contenttype", contentType));
return o;
QString parsePathspec(QJsonDocument &response, QString &pathspec) {
if (!pathspec.startsWith(".")) {
// Does not point to anything
return "";
} else {
if (!response.isObject()) return "";
QStringList fields = pathspec.right(pathspec.length() - 1).split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QJsonObject o = response.object();
if (pathspec == ".") {
return QString::fromUtf8(response.toJson());
QJsonValue val = o[fields.at(0)];
if (val.isUndefined() || val.isNull())
return "";
else if (val.isString())
return val.toString();
else if (!val.isObject())
return QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument::fromVariant(val.toVariant()).toJson());
for (int i = 1; i < fields.size(); i++) {
if (val.isUndefined() || val.isNull())
return "";
else if (val.isString())
return val.toString();
else if (!val.isObject())
return QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument::fromVariant(val.toVariant()).toJson());
val = val.toObject()[fields.at(i)];
if (val.isUndefined() || val.isNull())
return "";
else if (val.isString())
return val.toString();
else if (!val.isObject())
return QString::fromUtf8(QJsonDocument::fromVariant(val.toVariant()).toJson());
return "";
void parseResult(QJsonDocument result, QString returnPathspec, QString name) {
if (result.isObject()) {
qDebug() << result.object()[".url"];
QString url = parsePathspec(result, returnPathspec);
if (!url.isEmpty()) {
notifications::notify("KShare Custom Uploader " + name, "Copied upload link to clipboard!");
} else
notifications::notify("KShare Custom Uploader " + name, "Upload done, but result empty!");
} else
notifications::notify("KShare Custom Uploader " + name, "Upload done, but result is not JSON Object!");
void CustomUploader::doUpload(QPixmap *pixmap) {
auto h = getHeaders(headers, getFormatString(false), types, this->format);
QString format = getFormatString(false); // Soon:tm:
QByteArray data;
QByteArray imgData = imageBytes(pixmap, format);
if (iFormat == "base64" || QRegExp("base64\\([^+]\\+[^+]\\)").exactMatch(iFormat)) imgData = imgData.toBase64();
switch (this->format) {
case RequestFormat::PLAIN: {
data = imgData;
} break;
case RequestFormat::JSON: {
if (body.isString()) {
QStringList split = body.toString().replace("%contenttype", types.value(format)).split("%imagedata");
for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) {
if (i < split.size() - 1) data.append(imgData);
} else {
QJsonObject vo = body.toObject();
data = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(recurseAndReplace(vo, imgData, types.value(format)).toVariantMap()).toJson();
} break;
case RequestFormat::X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED: {
QJsonObject body = this->body.toObject();
for (QString key : body.keys()) {
QJsonValue val = body[key];
if (val.isString()) {
QString str = val.toString();
QByteArray strB;
if (str.startsWith("/") && str.endsWith("/")) {
str = str.mid(1, str.length() - 2);
QStringList split = str.replace("%contenttype", types.value(format)).split("%imagedata");
for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) {
if (i < split.size() - 1) strB.append(imgData);
} else {
if (!data.isEmpty()) data.append('&');
} break;
switch (method) {
case HttpMethod::POST:
if (returnPathspec == "|") {
ioutils::postData(target, h, data, [&](QByteArray result, QNetworkReply *) {
notifications::notify("KShare Custom Uploader " + name(), "Copied upload result to clipboard!");
} else {
ioutils::postJson(target, h, data,
[&](QJsonDocument result, QNetworkReply *) { parseResult(result, returnPathspec, name()); });