#include "worker.hpp" #include #include Worker *Worker::inst = 0; QMutex Worker::workerLock; QMutex Worker::lock; // QPixmaps don't like existing on non GUI threads. // Because of this we have to: // 1. Convert to image on the GUI thread // 2. Queue onto the worker, where: // 1. Convert the image to the right format // 2. Consume the image. void Worker::queue(WorkerContext *context) { init(); QMutexLocker ml(&lock); _WorkerContext *c = new _WorkerContext; c->image = context->pixmap.toImage(); c->consumer = context->consumer; c->targetFormat = context->targetFormat; c->underlyingThing = context; inst->qqueue.enqueue(c); } void Worker::init() { QMutexLocker ml(&workerLock); if (!inst) inst = new Worker; } Worker::Worker() : QObject() { thr = new QThread; moveToThread(thr); connect(thr, &QThread::started, this, &Worker::process); connect(thr, &QThread::finished, thr, &QThread::deleteLater); connect(this, &Worker::finished, this, &Worker::deleteLater); connect(thr, &QThread::finished, thr, &QThread::deleteLater); thr->start(); } Worker::~Worker() { _end(); } void Worker::end() { inst->_end(); } void Worker::_end() { QMutexLocker ml(&endLock); _ended = true; } bool Worker::ended() { QMutexLocker ml(&endLock); return _ended; } void Worker::process() { while (!ended()) { QMutexLocker ml(&lock); if (!qqueue.isEmpty()) { _WorkerContext *c = qqueue.dequeue(); c->consumer(c->image.convertToFormat(c->targetFormat)); delete c->underlyingThing; delete c; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); // STL likes it's scopes } emit finished(); }