# KShare A [ShareX](https://getsharex.com/) inspired cross platform utility written with Qt. |Linux|Windows|OS X| |:---:|:-----:|:--:| |[![Build Status](https://nativeci.arsenarsen.com/job/KShare/badge/icon)](https://nativeci.arsenarsen.com/job/KShare)| [![Build Status](https://nativeci.arsenarsen.com/job/KShare%20Windows%20x86_64/badge/icon)](https://nativeci.arsenarsen.com/job/KShare%20Windows%20x86_64/)| Soon | ## Screenshot Made with KShare itself, of course :) ![](http://i.imgur.com/ffWvCun.png) ## Usage See the [wiki](https://github.com/ArsenArsen/KShare/wiki). ## Dependencies * Qt 5 Widgets * Qt 5 GUI * Qt 5 Network * [QHotkey](https://github.com/Skycoder42/QHotkey) * libavformat * libavcodec * libavutil * libswscale * From the above, we are required to have Qt 5 x11extras on Linux. Despite the name implying so, this project does not depend on the KDE API at all. ## Goals See the [projects](https://github.com/ArsenArsen/KShare/projects) ## Install Currently, the only package I provide is `kshare-git` on the AUR. I do plan to make a Debian and Ubuntu packages, as well as `kshare` stable for Arch. ## Wayland Support If it's requested enough, I will make a pull request towards QHotkey to support Wayland. Or open an issue, depending on my mood. But Qt _should_ still work on Wayland. ###### Started on 19th of April 2017 to bring some attention and improvement to Linux screenshotting.