package com.rarchives.ripme.ripper; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.rarchives.ripme.ui.RipStatusMessage; import com.rarchives.ripme.ui.RipStatusMessage.STATUS; import com.rarchives.ripme.utils.Utils; // Should this file even exist? It does the same thing as abstractHTML ripper /**' * For ripping delicious albums off the interwebz. */ public abstract class AlbumRipper extends AbstractRipper { private Map itemsPending = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); private Map itemsCompleted = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); private Map itemsErrored = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); protected AlbumRipper(URL url) throws IOException { super(url); } public abstract boolean canRip(URL url); public abstract URL sanitizeURL(URL url) throws MalformedURLException; public abstract void rip() throws IOException; public abstract String getHost(); public abstract String getGID(URL url) throws MalformedURLException; protected boolean allowDuplicates() { return false; } @Override /** * Returns total amount of files attempted. */ public int getCount() { return itemsCompleted.size() + itemsErrored.size(); } @Override /** * Queues multiple URLs of single images to download from a single Album URL */ public boolean addURLToDownload(URL url, File saveAs, String referrer, Map cookies, Boolean getFileExtFromMIME) { // Only download one file if this is a test. if (super.isThisATest() && (itemsPending.size() > 0 || itemsCompleted.size() > 0 || itemsErrored.size() > 0)) { stop(); return false; } if (!allowDuplicates() && ( itemsPending.containsKey(url) || itemsCompleted.containsKey(url) || itemsErrored.containsKey(url) )) { // Item is already downloaded/downloading, skip it."[!] Skipping " + url + " -- already attempted: " + Utils.removeCWD(saveAs)); return false; } if (Utils.getConfigBoolean("", false)) { // Output URL to file String urlFile = this.workingDir + File.separator + "urls.txt"; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(urlFile, true); fw.write(url.toExternalForm()); fw.write("\n"); fw.close(); RipStatusMessage msg = new RipStatusMessage(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, urlFile); itemsCompleted.put(url, new File(urlFile)); observer.update(this, msg); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while writing to " + urlFile, e); } } else { itemsPending.put(url, saveAs); DownloadFileThread dft = new DownloadFileThread(url, saveAs, this, getFileExtFromMIME); if (referrer != null) { dft.setReferrer(referrer); } if (cookies != null) { dft.setCookies(cookies); } threadPool.addThread(dft); } return true; } @Override public boolean addURLToDownload(URL url, File saveAs) { return addURLToDownload(url, saveAs, null, null, false); } /** * Queues image to be downloaded and saved. * Uses filename from URL to decide filename. * @param url * URL to download * @return * True on success */ protected boolean addURLToDownload(URL url) { // Use empty prefix and empty subdirectory return addURLToDownload(url, "", ""); } @Override /** * Cleans up & tells user about successful download */ public void downloadCompleted(URL url, File saveAs) { if (observer == null) { return; } try { String path = Utils.removeCWD(saveAs); RipStatusMessage msg = new RipStatusMessage(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, path); itemsPending.remove(url); itemsCompleted.put(url, saveAs); observer.update(this, msg); checkIfComplete(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while updating observer: ", e); } } @Override /** * Cleans up & tells user about failed download. */ public void downloadErrored(URL url, String reason) { if (observer == null) { return; } itemsPending.remove(url); itemsErrored.put(url, reason); observer.update(this, new RipStatusMessage(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_ERRORED, url + " : " + reason)); checkIfComplete(); } @Override /** * Tells user that a single file in the album they wish to download has * already been downloaded in the past. */ public void downloadExists(URL url, File file) { if (observer == null) { return; } itemsPending.remove(url); itemsCompleted.put(url, file); observer.update(this, new RipStatusMessage(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_WARN, url + " already saved as " + file.getAbsolutePath())); checkIfComplete(); } /** * Notifies observers and updates state if all files have been ripped. */ @Override protected void checkIfComplete() { if (observer == null) { return; } if (itemsPending.isEmpty()) { super.checkIfComplete(); } } /** * Sets directory to save all ripped files to. * @param url * URL to define how the working directory should be saved. * @throws * IOException */ @Override public void setWorkingDir(URL url) throws IOException { String path = Utils.getWorkingDirectory().getCanonicalPath(); if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) { path += File.separator; } String title; if (Utils.getConfigBoolean("", true)) { title = getAlbumTitle(this.url); } else { title = super.getAlbumTitle(this.url); } logger.debug("Using album title '" + title + "'"); title = Utils.filesystemSafe(title); path += title; path = Utils.getOriginalDirectory(path) + File.separator; // check for case sensitive (unix only) this.workingDir = new File(path); if (!this.workingDir.exists()) {"[+] Creating directory: " + Utils.removeCWD(this.workingDir)); this.workingDir.mkdirs(); } logger.debug("Set working directory to: " + this.workingDir); } /** * @return * Integer between 0 and 100 defining the progress of the album rip. */ @Override public int getCompletionPercentage() { double total = itemsPending.size() + itemsErrored.size() + itemsCompleted.size(); return (int) (100 * ( (total - itemsPending.size()) / total)); } /** * @return * Human-readable information on the status of the current rip. */ @Override public String getStatusText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getCompletionPercentage()) .append("% ") .append("- Pending: " ).append(itemsPending.size()) .append(", Completed: ").append(itemsCompleted.size()) .append(", Errored: " ).append(itemsErrored.size()); return sb.toString(); } }