package com.rarchives.ripme.ripper.rippers; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import com.rarchives.ripme.ripper.AbstractHTMLRipper; import com.rarchives.ripme.utils.Http; public class CheveretoRipper extends AbstractHTMLRipper { public CheveretoRipper(URL url) throws IOException { super(url); } public static List explicit_domains_1 = Arrays.asList("", ""); @Override public String getHost() { String host = url.toExternalForm().split("/")[2]; return host; } @Override public String getDomain() { String host = url.toExternalForm().split("/")[2]; return host; } @Override public boolean canRip(URL url) { String url_name = url.toExternalForm(); if (explicit_domains_1.contains(url_name.split("/")[2]) == true) { Pattern pa = Pattern.compile("(?:https?://)?(?:www\\.)?[a-z1-9-]*\\.[a-z1-9]*/album/([a-zA-Z1-9]*)/?$"); Matcher ma = pa.matcher(url.toExternalForm()); if (ma.matches()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String getAlbumTitle(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { try { // Attempt to use album title as GID Element titleElement = getFirstPage().select("meta[property=og:title]").first(); String title = titleElement.attr("content"); title = title.substring(title.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); return getHost() + "_" + title.trim(); } catch (IOException e) { // Fall back to default album naming convention"Unable to find title at " + url); } return super.getAlbumTitle(url); } @Override public String getGID(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:https?://)?(?:www\\.)?[a-z1-9-]*\\.[a-z1-9]*/album/([a-zA-Z1-9]*)/?$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(url.toExternalForm()); if (m.matches()) { return; } throw new MalformedURLException("Expected chevereto URL format: " + "site.domain/album/albumName or site.domain/username/albums- got " + url + " instead"); } @Override public Document getFirstPage() throws IOException { // "url" is an instance field of the superclass return Http.url(url).get(); } @Override public Document getNextPage(Document doc) throws IOException { // Find next page String nextUrl = ""; // We use comic-nav-next to the find the next page Element elem ="li.pagination-next > a").first(); if (elem == null) { throw new IOException("No more pages"); } String nextPage = elem.attr("href"); // Some times this returns a empty string // This for stops that if (nextPage == "") { return null; } else { return Http.url(nextPage).get(); } } @Override public List getURLsFromPage(Document doc) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Element el :"a.image-container > img")) { String imageSource = el.attr("src"); // We remove the .md from images so we download the full size image // not the medium ones imageSource = imageSource.replace(".md", ""); result.add(imageSource); } return result; } @Override public void downloadURL(URL url, int index) { addURLToDownload(url, getPrefix(index)); } }