package com.rarchives.ripme.ripper.rippers; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.HttpStatusException; import com.rarchives.ripme.ripper.AlbumRipper; import com.rarchives.ripme.ui.RipStatusMessage.STATUS; import com.rarchives.ripme.utils.Http; import com.rarchives.ripme.utils.Utils; public class TumblrRipper extends AlbumRipper { private static final String DOMAIN = "", HOST = "tumblr", IMAGE_PATTERN = "([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(jpg|png|gif|bmp))$)"; private enum ALBUM_TYPE { SUBDOMAIN, TAG, POST } private ALBUM_TYPE albumType; private String subdomain, tagName, postNumber; private static final String TUMBLR_AUTH_CONFIG_KEY = "tumblr.auth"; private static boolean useDefaultApiKey = false; // fall-back for bad user-specified key private static String API_KEY = null; /** * Gets the API key. * Chooses between default/included keys & user specified ones (from the config file). * @return Tumblr API key */ public static String getApiKey() { if (API_KEY == null) { API_KEY = pickRandomApiKey(); } if (useDefaultApiKey || Utils.getConfigString(TUMBLR_AUTH_CONFIG_KEY, "JFNLu3CbINQjRdUvZibXW9VpSEVYYtiPJ86o8YmvgLZIoKyuNX").equals("JFNLu3CbINQjRdUvZibXW9VpSEVYYtiPJ86o8YmvgLZIoKyuNX")) {"Using api key: " + API_KEY); return API_KEY; } else { String userDefinedAPIKey = Utils.getConfigString(TUMBLR_AUTH_CONFIG_KEY, "JFNLu3CbINQjRdUvZibXW9VpSEVYYtiPJ86o8YmvgLZIoKyuNX");"Using user tumblr.auth api key: " + userDefinedAPIKey); return userDefinedAPIKey; } } private static String pickRandomApiKey() { final List APIKEYS = Arrays.asList("JFNLu3CbINQjRdUvZibXW9VpSEVYYtiPJ86o8YmvgLZIoKyuNX", "FQrwZMCxVnzonv90rgNUJcAk4FpnoS0mYuSuGYqIpM2cFgp9L4", "qpdkY6nMknksfvYAhf2xIHp0iNRLkMlcWShxqzXyFJRxIsZ1Zz"); int genNum = new Random().nextInt(APIKEYS.size());; final String API_KEY = APIKEYS.get(genNum); // Select random API key from APIKEYS return API_KEY; } public TumblrRipper(URL url) throws IOException { super(url); if (getApiKey() == null) { throw new IOException("Could not find tumblr authentication key in configuration"); } } @Override public boolean canRip(URL url) { return url.getHost().endsWith(DOMAIN); } /** * Sanitizes URL. * @param url URL to be sanitized. * @return Sanitized URL * @throws MalformedURLException */ @Override public URL sanitizeURL(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { String u = url.toExternalForm(); // Convert to /path if needed if (StringUtils.countMatches(u, ".") > 2) { url = new URL(u.replace("", "")); if (isTumblrURL(url)) {"Detected tumblr site: " + url); } else {"Not a tumblr site: " + url); } } return url; } private boolean isTumblrURL(URL url) { String checkURL = ""; checkURL += url.getHost(); checkURL += "/info?api_key=" + getApiKey(); try { JSONObject json = Http.url(checkURL) .getJSON(); int status = json.getJSONObject("meta").getInt("status"); return status == 200; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while checking possible tumblr domain: " + url.getHost(), e); } return false; } @Override public void rip() throws IOException { String[] mediaTypes; boolean exceededRateLimit = false; if (albumType == ALBUM_TYPE.POST) { mediaTypes = new String[] { "post" }; } else { mediaTypes = new String[] { "photo", "video" }; } int offset; for (String mediaType : mediaTypes) { if (isStopped()) { break; } if (exceededRateLimit) { break; } offset = 0; while (true) { if (isStopped()) { break; } if (exceededRateLimit) { break; } String apiURL = getTumblrApiURL(mediaType, offset);"Retrieving " + apiURL); sendUpdate(STATUS.LOADING_RESOURCE, apiURL); JSONObject json = null; boolean retry = false; try { json = Http.url(apiURL).getJSON(); } catch (IOException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof HttpStatusException) { HttpStatusException status = (HttpStatusException)cause; if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && !useDefaultApiKey) { retry = true; } else if (status.getStatusCode() == 429) { LOGGER.error("Tumblr rate limit has been exceeded"); sendUpdate(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_ERRORED,"Tumblr rate limit has been exceeded"); exceededRateLimit = true; break; } } } if (retry) { useDefaultApiKey = true; String apiKey = getApiKey(); String message = "401 Unauthorized. Will retry with default Tumblr API key: " + apiKey;; sendUpdate(STATUS.DOWNLOAD_WARN, message); Utils.setConfigString(TUMBLR_AUTH_CONFIG_KEY, apiKey); // save the default key to the config // retry loading the JSON apiURL = getTumblrApiURL(mediaType, offset);"Retrieving " + apiURL); sendUpdate(STATUS.LOADING_RESOURCE, apiURL); json = Http.url(apiURL).getJSON(); } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("[!] Interrupted while waiting to load next album:", e); break; } if (!handleJSON(json)) { // Returns false if an error occurs and we should stop. break; } offset += 20; } if (isStopped()) { break; } } waitForThreads(); } private boolean handleJSON(JSONObject json) { JSONArray posts, photos; JSONObject post, photo; Pattern p; Matcher m; p = Pattern.compile(IMAGE_PATTERN); URL fileURL; posts = json.getJSONObject("response").getJSONArray("posts"); if (posts.length() == 0) {" Zero posts returned."); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < posts.length(); i++) { post = posts.getJSONObject(i); if (post.has("photos")) { photos = post.getJSONArray("photos"); for (int j = 0; j < photos.length(); j++) { photo = photos.getJSONObject(j); try { if (Utils.getConfigBoolean("tumblr.get_raw_image", false)) { String urlString = photo.getJSONObject("original_size").getString("url").replaceAll("https", "http"); urlString = urlString.replaceAll("https?://[a-sA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]*\\.tumblr", "http://data.tumblr"); urlString = urlString.replaceAll("_\\d+\\.", "_raw."); fileURL = new URL(urlString); } else { fileURL = new URL(photo.getJSONObject("original_size").getString("url").replaceAll("http:", "https:")); } m = p.matcher(fileURL.toString()); if (m.matches()) { addURLToDownload(fileURL); } else { URL redirectedURL = Http.url(fileURL).ignoreContentType().response().url(); addURLToDownload(redirectedURL); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("[!] Error while parsing photo in " + photo, e); } } } else if (post.has("video_url")) { try { fileURL = new URL(post.getString("video_url").replaceAll("http:", "https:")); addURLToDownload(fileURL); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("[!] Error while parsing video in " + post, e); return true; } } if (albumType == ALBUM_TYPE.POST) { return false; } } return true; } private String getTumblrApiURL(String mediaType, int offset) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (albumType == ALBUM_TYPE.POST) { sb.append("") .append(subdomain) .append("/posts?id=") .append(postNumber) .append("&api_key=") .append(getApiKey()); return sb.toString(); } sb.append("") .append(subdomain) .append("/posts/") .append(mediaType) .append("?api_key=") .append(getApiKey()) .append("&offset=") .append(offset); if (albumType == ALBUM_TYPE.TAG) { sb.append("&tag=") .append(tagName); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String getHost() { return HOST; } @Override public String getGID(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { final String DOMAIN_REGEX = "^https?://([a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]+)"; Pattern p; Matcher m; // Tagged URL p = Pattern.compile(DOMAIN_REGEX + "/tagged/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-%]+).*$"); m = p.matcher(url.toExternalForm()); if (m.matches()) { this.albumType = ALBUM_TYPE.TAG; this.subdomain =; this.tagName =; this.tagName = this.tagName.replace('-', '+').replace("_", "%20"); return this.subdomain + "_tag_" + this.tagName.replace("%20", " "); } // Post URL p = Pattern.compile(DOMAIN_REGEX + "/post/([0-9]+).*$"); m = p.matcher(url.toExternalForm()); if (m.matches()) { this.albumType = ALBUM_TYPE.POST; this.subdomain =; this.postNumber =; return this.subdomain + "_post_" + this.postNumber; } // Subdomain-level URL p = Pattern.compile(DOMAIN_REGEX + "/?$"); m = p.matcher(url.toExternalForm()); if (m.matches()) { this.albumType = ALBUM_TYPE.SUBDOMAIN; this.subdomain =; return this.subdomain; } throw new MalformedURLException("Expected format: http://subdomain[][/tagged/tag|/post/postno]"); } }