Extended RB

This commit is contained in:
cyian-1756 2018-05-10 13:22:27 -04:00
parent fe503e71b8
commit c4ce162b48

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Configuration = Configuration
# Keys for the Configuration menu
current.version = Current version:
current.version = Current version
check.for.updates = Check for updates
auto.update = Auto-update?
max.download.threads = Maximum download threads
timeout.mill = Timeout (in milliseconds):
@ -16,3 +17,21 @@ overwrite.existing.files = Overwrite existing files?
sound.when.rip.completes = Sound when rip completes
preserve.order = Preserve order
save.logs = Save logs
notification.when.rip.starts = Notification when rip starts
save.urls.only = Save URLs only
save.album.titles = Save album titles
autorip.from.clipboard = Autorip from Clipboard
save.descriptions = Save descriptions
prefer.mp4.over.gif = Prefer MP4 over GIF
restore.window.position = Restore window position
remember.url.history = Remember URL history
loading.history.from = Loading history from
# Misc UI keys
loading.history.from.configuration = Loading history from configuration
interrupted.while.waiting.to.rip.next.album = Interrupted while waiting to rip next album
inactive = Inactive
re-rip.checked = Re-rip Checked
remove = Remove
clear = Clear