diff --git a/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_fi_FI.properties b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_fi_FI.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89818706 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_fi_FI.properties @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Log = Logi +History = Historia +created = luotu +modified = muokattu +Queue = Jono +Configuration = Asetukset + +# Keys for the Configuration menu + +current.version = Nykyinen versio +check.for.updates = Tarkista päivitykset +auto.update = Automaattipäivitys? +max.download.threads = Yhtäaikaiset lataukset +timeout.mill = Aikakatkaisu (millisekunneissa): +retry.download.count = Latauksen uudelleenyritykset +overwrite.existing.files = Korvaa nykyiset tiedostot? +sound.when.rip.completes = Valmistumisääni +preserve.order = Pidä järjestys +save.logs = Tallenna logit +notification.when.rip.starts = Valmistumisilmoitus +save.urls.only = Tallenna vain osoitteet +save.album.titles = Tallenna albumiotsikot +autorip.from.clipboard = Ota linkit leikepöydältä +save.descriptions = Tallenna kuvaukset +prefer.mp4.over.gif = Suosi MP4:jää GIF:fin sijasta +restore.window.position = Palauta ikkunan sijainti +remember.url.history = Muista osoitehistoria +loading.history.from = Ladataan historiaa kohteesta + +# Misc UI keys + +loading.history.from.configuration = Ladataan historiaa asetustiedostosta +interrupted.while.waiting.to.rip.next.album = Keskeytetty odottaessa seuraavaa albumia +inactive = Toimeton +re-rip.checked = Uudelleenlataa merkatut +remove = Poista +clear = Tyhjennä diff --git a/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_id_ID.properties b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_id_ID.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6abc7626 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_id_ID.properties @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Log = Log +History = Riwayat +created = dibuat pada +modified = diubah pada +Queue = Antrian +Configuration = Pengaturan + +# Keys for the Configuration menu + +current.version = Versi terbaru +check.for.updates = Periksa update +auto.update = Update otomatis? +max.download.threads = Thread unduh maksimal +timeout.mill = Batas waktu (dalam milidetik): +retry.download.count = Jumlah percobaan unduh +overwrite.existing.files = Timpa file yang ada? +sound.when.rip.completes = Hidupkan suara saat rip selesai +preserve.order = Pertahankan urutan +save.logs = Simpan log +notification.when.rip.starts = Pemberitahuan saat rip dimulai +save.urls.only = Simpan URL saja +save.album.titles = Simpan judul album +autorip.from.clipboard = Rip otomatis dari clipboard +save.descriptions = Simpan deskripsi +prefer.mp4.over.gif = Utamakan MP4 dari GIF +restore.window.position = Kembalikan ukuran Window +remember.url.history = Ingat riwayat URL +loading.history.from = Ambil riwayat dari + +# Misc UI keys + +loading.history.from.configuration = Ambil riwayat dari pengaturan +interrupted.while.waiting.to.rip.next.album = Terputus saat menunggu rip album selanjutnya +inactive = Tidak aktif +re-rip.checked = Rip Ulang +remove = Hapus +clear = Hapus Semua diff --git a/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_porrisavvo_FI.properties b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_porrisavvo_FI.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc9446c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/LabelsBundle_porrisavvo_FI.properties @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Log = Loki +History = Historriijja +created = luatu +modified = muakat +Queue = Jono +Configuration = Assetuksse + +# Keys for the Configuration menu + +current.version = Nykyne versijjo +check.for.updates = Tarkist update +auto.update = Automaatpäivvitys? +max.download.threads = Yht'aikasse ripi +timeout.mill = Timeout (millisekois): +retry.download.count = Ripi retry count +overwrite.existing.files = Korvvaa nykysse filu? +sound.when.rip.completes = Valmistummis'ään +preserve.order = Pir järestys +save.logs = Tallen loki +notification.when.rip.starts = Valmistummisilmotus +save.urls.only = Tallen vaa ossottee +save.album.titles = Tallen album'otsiko +autorip.from.clipboard = Ot linki leikpöyrrält +save.descriptions = Tallen kuvvauksse +prefer.mp4.over.gif = Suasi MP4 GIF sijjaa +restore.window.position = Palaut ikkunna sijaant +remember.url.history = Muist osot'hissa +loading.history.from = Larrataa hissaa lähteest + +# Misc UI keys + +loading.history.from.configuration = Larrataa hissaa asetusfilust +interrupted.while.waiting.to.rip.next.album = Keskeytet venates seurraavvaa album +inactive = Idle +re-rip.checked = Re-rip merkatu +remove = Poist +clear = Tyhjen