Rewrote nhentairipper to be faster

This commit is contained in:
cyian-1756 2018-05-22 15:34:49 -04:00
parent d11dfe814b
commit 3d30df196f

@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class NhentaiRipper extends AbstractHTMLRipper {
// All sleep times are in milliseconds
private static final int IMAGE_SLEEP_TIME = 1500;
private String albumTitle;
private Document firstPage;
@ -129,84 +126,17 @@ public class NhentaiRipper extends AbstractHTMLRipper {
public List<String> getURLsFromPage(Document page) {
List<String> imageURLs = new ArrayList<>();
Elements thumbs =".gallerythumb");
Elements thumbs ="a.gallerythumb > img");
for (Element el : thumbs) {
String imageUrl = el.attr("href");
imageURLs.add("" + imageUrl);
imageURLs.add(el.attr("data-src").replaceAll("t\\.n", "i.n").replaceAll("t\\.", "."));
return imageURLs;
public void downloadURL(URL url, int index) {
NHentaiImageThread t = new NHentaiImageThread(url, index, this.workingDir);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.warn("Interrupted while waiting to load next image", e);
addURLToDownload(url, getPrefix(index), "", this.url.toExternalForm(), null);
private class NHentaiImageThread extends Thread {
private URL url;
private int index;
private File workingDir;
NHentaiImageThread(URL url, int index, File workingDir) {
this.url = url;
this.index = index;
this.workingDir = workingDir;
public void run() {
private void fetchImage() {
try {
//Document doc = getPageWithRetries(this.url);
Document doc = Http.url(this.url).get();
// Find image
Elements images ="#image-container > a > img");
if (images.size() == 0) {
// Attempt to find image elsewise (Issue #41)
images ="img#img");
if (images.size() == 0) {
logger.warn("Image not found at " + this.url);
Element image = images.first();
String imgsrc = image.attr("src");"Found URL " + imgsrc + " via " + images.get(0));
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^https?://\\d+/(.+)$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(imgsrc);
if (m.matches()) {
// Manually discover filename from URL
String savePath = this.workingDir + File.separator;
if (Utils.getConfigBoolean("download.save_order", true)) {
savePath += String.format("%03d_", index);
savePath +=;
addURLToDownload(new URL(imgsrc), new File(savePath));
} else {
// Provide prefix and let the AbstractRipper "guess" the filename
String prefix = "";
if (Utils.getConfigBoolean("download.save_order", true)) {
prefix = String.format("%03d_", index);
addURLToDownload(new URL(imgsrc), prefix);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("[!] Exception while loading/parsing " + this.url, e);